1 Introduction

Berge’s lemma [3] states that a matching M (a set of edges without common vertices) of a graph G is maximum (contains the largest number of edges) if and only if there is no augmenting path (a path that starts and ends on free (unmatched) vertices, and alternates between edges in and not in the matching) with M. Edmonds [11] used this idea to develop Blossom Algorithm for this problem. This idea was used first for the Maximum Independent Set problem, i.e. the problem asks for a largest number of vertices set without edges among them, by Sbihi [33] and Minty [28]. Clearly, a matching in a graph G corresponds to an independent set in the line graph of G. Hence, we can use Edmonds’ algorithm to find Maximum Independent Set for line graphs. Sbihi and Minty extended this idea for a more general graph class, say claw-free graph, by showing that an independent set S of a graph G is maximum if and only if there is no augmenting path (a path that starts and ends on vertices not lies in the independent set and alternates between vertices in and not in the independent set) with S. This technique was extended for more general graph classes by using the augmenting graph concept as described as follows.

Definition 1 ([17])

Given a graph G and an independent set S, an induced bipartite subgraph H = (W, B, E) of G is called an augmenting graph for S if (i) W ⊆ S, B ⊆ V (G)∖S, (ii) N(B) ∩ (SW) = ∅, and (iii) |B| > |W|.

An augmenting graph H is called minimal if it does not contain any augmenting graph as a proper induced subgraph.

Theorem 1 ([17])

An independent set S in a graph G is maximum if and only if there is no augmenting graph for S.

This theorem suggests the following general approach to find a maximum independent set in a graph G. Begin with any independent set S (may be empty) in G and as long as S admits an augmenting graph H, exchange white and black vertices of H. Clearly, the problem of consecutively finding augmenting graphs and of applying these augmentations is generally NP-hard, as the MIS problem is NP-hard. Moreover, we can restrict ourselves in minimal augmenting graph only. Hence, for a polynomial time solution to some graph class, one has to solve the two following problems:

(P1) :

Find a complete list of (minimal) augmenting graphs.

(P2) :

Develop polynomial time algorithms for detecting (minimal) augmenting graphs.

So far, characterizations of (minimal) augmenting graphs mainly followed the two following directions. In the first approach, augmenting graphs in (S 1,2,k,banner)-free graphs are characterized based on the observation that a banner-free bipartite graph is either C 4-free or complete. The most general result follows this direction described by Lozin and Milanič [23] for (S 1,2,5,banner)-free graphs.

In the second approach, augmenting graphs of subclasses of P 5-free graphs are characterized based on the observation showed indepedently by many researchers (e.g., [29]) that every connected P 5-free bipartite graph is a bipartite-chain graph, i.e. the vertices of each part can be ordered under inclusion of their neighborhood. Based on this property, polynomial solutions were obtained for some subclasses of P 5-free graphs [4, 16, 25, 29, 30]. It is also worth to notice that the MIS problem is shown polynomially solvable in P 5-free graphs [22].

In this paper, we try to combine the two above approaches to a subclass of (banner2,domino)-free graphs (see Figure 1). In particular, we obtain the following theorem.

Fig. 1
figure 1

S i,j,k, domino, bannerk, and applel

Theorem 2

Given integers m, l, the MIS problem is polynomially solvable in (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino,M m, K m,m − e, \(R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},\) \(R^{3}_{l}\) )-free graphs. (See Figure 4 .)

Obviously, banner and domino are two natural generalizations of P 5 and banner (banner1), \(R^{1}_{l}\), \(R^{2}_{l}\), \(R^{3}_{l}\) are generalizations of S 1,2,5. Hence, our result is a generalization of some previous known results for (S 1,2,5, banner)-free graphs [23], (P 5, K 3,3 − e)-free graphs [16, 25] for (P 5, K 2,m − e)-free graphs, and some subclasses of S 1,2,2-free graphs [20].

The organization of the paper is as follows. Augmenting graphs for some subclasses of S 2,2,l-free graphs are characterized in Section 2, i.e. to solve Problem P1. Methods for finding such augmenting graphs are described in Section 3, i.e. to solve Problem V2. In Section 4, we summarize some results in using technique for other combinatorial and graph-theoretical problem. Section 5 is a discussion about the issue. Many of long proofs are put in the Appendix part.

Here, we want to collect most of the terminology and notations used in the paper. For those not given here, they will be defined when needed. For those not given, we refer the readers to [5]. Given a graph G = (V, E), for a vertex u, we denote by N(u) := {v ∈ V : uv ∈ E} the neighborhood of u in G. For a subset U ⊂ V (G), we denote by \(N(U) := (\bigcup \limits _{u \in U} {N(u)}) \backslash U\) the neighborhood of U. If W, U are two vertex subsets of G, then N U(W) := N(W) ∩ U. Also, N U(v) := N(v) ∩ U for a vertex v. Given a graph G = (V, E) and a vertex subset U, we denote by G − U the graph obtained from G by deleting all vertices (together with adjacent edges) in U. For two vertices u, v ∈ V , we write u ∼ v if uv ∈ E. For a vertex u, we denote by d(u) := |N(u)|, the degree of u in G. We also denote by G[U] := G − (V (G)∖U), the subgraph of G induced by U.

2 Augmenting Graphs in Subclasses of (S 2,2,l,bannerl)-Free Graphs

Hertz and Lozin [17] obtained the following observation about minimal augmenting graphs.

Lemma 1 ([17])

If H = (B, W, E) is a minimal augmenting graph for an independent set S of a graph G, then

  1. 1.

    H is connected;

  2. 2.

    |W| = |B|− 1;

  3. 3.

    for every subset U  W, |U| < |N B(U)|.

2.1 Redundant Sets and Reduction Sets

Let us report from Section 3 of [23] a general observation on the problem of finding augmenting graphs and let us slightly extend it according to the Remark of Section 3 of [23]. Given an augmenting graph class \(\mathcal {A}\), a graph G, and an independent set S, let Problem Augmentation (\(\mathcal {A}\)) denote the problem of finding augmenting graphs if S admits an augmenting graph in \(\mathcal {A}\). Lozin and Milanič [23] showed that in (S 1,2,5,banner)-free graphs, the problem can be reduced to finding augmenting graphs of the form tree1,…,tree6 (see Figure 2) by using redundant set concept. We extend this concept as follows.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Augmenting trees

Definition 2

In an augmenting graph H = (W, B, E), a vertex subset U is called redundant if

  1. 1.

    |U ∩ W| = |U ∩ B| and

  2. 2.

    for every vertex b ∈ BU, N WU(U ∩ B) ⊆ N WU(b).

Theorem 3

Let \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_{2}\) be two classes of augmenting graphs. If there exists a constant k such that, for every augmenting graph \(H = (W,B,E) \in \mathcal {A}_{2}\) , there exists a redundant subset U of size at most k such that \(H - U \in \mathcal {A}_{1}\) , then Problem Augmentation( \(\mathcal {A}_{2}\) ) is polynomially reducible to the problem Augmentation( \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) ).


Assume that Algorithm Augment 1(G, S) outputs a subset V⊆ V (G) such that G[V] is augmenting for S whenever S admits an augmenting graph from \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) (and perhaps even if this is not the case). The procedure also returns ∅ if no augmenting graph is found.

Assume that S admits an augmenting graph \(H = (B,W,E) \in \mathcal {A}_{2}\). Then by the theorem’s assumption, H contains a redundant set U of size at most k such that \(H - U \in \mathcal {A}_{1}\). It is obvious that the graph H − U is augmenting for SU. Moreover, since U is redundant, G″ contains every vertex of H − U, i.e. Steps 1 and 2 have not removed any vertex of H − U. Therefore, Algorithm Augment 1 must output a non-empty set T. Consequently, Algorithm Augment 2 also outputs a non-empty set U ∪ T.

We show that G[U ∪ T] is augmenting for S. Indeed, by Step 1, G[U ∪ T] is a bipartite graph. Since T is augmenting for SU in G″, |T ∩ SU| < |T ∩ V (G″)|. Moreover, since |U ∩ S| = |U ∩ V (G)∖S|, |(T ∪ U) ∩ S| < |(T ∪ U) ∩ V (G)∖S|. By Step 2, N S(US) ⊆ T ∩ S, i.e. N S((T ∪ U)∖S) ⊆ (T ∪ U) ∩ S. Hence, the graph G[U ∪ T] is augmenting for S, even if G[T] does not coincide with H − U. Therefore, whenever S admits an augmenting graph in \(\mathcal {A}_{2}\), Algorithm Augment 2 finds an augmenting graph.

To this end, the procedure inspects polynomially many subsets of vertices of the input graph, which results in polynomially many calls of Algorithm Augment 1. The construction of the graph G″ also is performed in polynomial time. Hence, Problem Augmentation(\(\mathcal {A}_{2}\)) is polynomially reducible to Problem Augmentation (\(\mathcal {A}_{1}\)).

Algorithm 1 Augment 2(G, S) (Version 1)

Note that Problem Augmentation(\(\mathcal {A}_{1}\)) becomes Problem (P2) when \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) is the class of all (possible) augmenting graphs.

Moreover, we can also extend the redundant set concept further as follows. If Algorithm Augment 1 starts with some initialization process (see Algorithm 2), which computes some finite vertex set C such that N SU(US) ⊆ N S(CS), then we can process this initialization procedure in Augment 2 as in Version 2 and remove the condition that every neighbor in SU of black vertices in BU covers the neighbor of U in SU (see Algorithm 3). More precisely, we have the following definition.

Definition 3

Let \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_{2}\) be the two augmenting graph classes. Given an integer k. Assume that there exists a polynomial time procedure finding an augmenting graph in \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) (or deciding such augmenting graph does not exist) and such a procedure has a form as in Algorithm 2, i.e. starts by generating some candidates and from each candidate C, builds up augmenting graphs (Generate 1(C, G, S)). In an augmenting graph \(H = (B,W,E) \in \mathcal {A}_{2}\), a vertex subset U is called a reduction set associated with some key set B ⊆ B ∩ C if |U ∩ B| = |U ∩ W| and N WU(U ∩ B) ⊆ N WU((B U) ∩ B).

And by the above arguments, we have the following observation.

Theorem 4

Let \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_{2}\) be the two augmenting graph classes. Then Problem Augmentation( \(\mathcal {A}_{2}\) ) is polynomially reducible to Problem Augmentation( \(\mathcal {A}_{1}\) ) if there are two integers k 1, k 2 such that for every augmenting graph \(H = (B,W,E) \in \mathcal {A}_{2}\) , there is a reduction set U of size at most k 1 associated with a key set B of size at most k 2 such that \(H - U \in \mathcal {A}_{1}\).

Algorithm 2 Augment 1(G, S)

Algorithm 3 Augment 2(G, S) (Version 2)

2.2 Augmenting Graphs in Subclasses of S 2,k,l-Free Graphs

The following corollary is a consequence of Lemma 1 and was obtained in [23].

Corollary 1 ([23])

Let H = (B, W, E) be a minimal augmenting graph for an independent set S of a graph G. Then for every vertex b  M, there exists a perfect matching between B∖{b} and W in H, i.e. a matching consists of every vertex of B∖{b} and W .

Remark 1

By the above corollary, from now on, given a minimal augmenting graph H = (B, W) and a black vertex b ∈ B, we denote by M such a perfect matching and for every vertex u of H different from b and by μ(u) the matched vertex of u in M. For a subset U ⊆ V (H), we also denote μ(U) := {μ(u) : u ∈ U}.

Corollary 2

Let H = (B, W) be a minimal augmenting graph. Then every white vertex of H is of degree at least two.

We say that G is an (k, m)-extended-chain if G is a tree and contains two vertices a, b such that there exists an induced path P ⊂ G connecting a, b, every vertex of G − P is of distance at most k − 1 from either a or b, and every vertex of G − P has no neighbor in P except possibly a or b and every vertex of G is of degree at most m − 1. The following observation is an extension of Theorem 8 of [17]. The result was announced in [21] without full proof.

Lemma 2 ([21])

For any three integers k, l, and m such that 4 ≤ 2k  l and m ≥ 3, in (S 2,2k,l ,apple \(^{l}_{4}\) , apple \(^{l}_{6}\) ,,apple \(^{l}_{2k + 2}\) ,K 1,m )-free graphs, there are only finitely many minimal augmenting graphs different from augmenting (2k, m)-extended-chains and not of the form apple 2p . Moreover, if H is of the form augmenting (2k, m)-extended-chain, then every white vertex is of degree two.

Note that in an augmenting graph of the form apple2p (or augmenting apple for short), the vertex of degree three is white. However, given an augmenting apple H = (B, W, E(H)), where b is the black vertex of degree one and w is the white vertex of degree three. Then U := {b, w} is a redundant set such that H − U is an augmenting chain, a special case of augmenting (k, m)-extended-chain.

2.3 Augmenting Graphs in Subclasses of S 2,2,5-Free Graphs

Now, we try to omit K 1,m from the list of forbidden induced subgraphs by considering (S 2,2,5,banner2,domino)-free augmenting graphs. We extend the consideration of Section 4 in [23]

Lemma 3

Given a graph G and an (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino)-free minimal augmenting graph H = (B, W, E) for an independent set S, at least one of the following statements is true:

  1. 1.

    H belongs to some finite set of augmenting graphs;

  2. 2.

    H is an augmenting chain or an augmenting apple (see Figure 1);

  3. 3.

    H is an augmenting graph of the form tree 1 , tree 2 , …, tree 7 (see Figure 2) or can be reduced by a redundant set containing at most 32 vertices to an augmenting graph of the form tree 1 , tree 2 , …, tree 7 ;

  4. 4.

    there is a vertex b  B such that b is adjacent to all vertices of W.

Such b of Case 4 is called the augmenting vertex of S, as in [29, 30]. We also call augmenting graphs of the form tree1, tree2, …, tree7 as augmenting trees. For Case 4 of Lemma 3, we show that under some restrictions, these augmenting graphs have structural properties similar to P 5-free augmenting graphs, i.e. being a bipartite-chain by the following observation.

Lemma 4

Given a (domino,banner 2 )-free graph G, an integer m ≥ 3, and an M m -free (see Figure 3) minimal augmenting graph H = (B, W, E) for an independent set S such that there exists some black vertex b  B adjacent to every white vertex of W, and |W|≥ 2m + 1, at least one of the following statements is true.

Fig. 3
figure 3

M m and Q p

  1. 1.

    H is of the form tree 1 or there exists a reduction set U of size at most 2m − 2 associated with a key set of size one such that H  U is of the form tree 1.

  2. 2.

    H is a bipartite-chain or there exists a redundant set U of size at most 2m − 2 such that H  U is a bipartite-chain.


We refer to Lemma 10 for the procedure finding tree1 and note that such a procedure starts by finding a candidate containing b, i.e. b is adjacent to every white vertex in the augmenting tree1 and we have the key set B  := {b}.

Let B = {b, b 1, …, b q}, b be the vertex b in Corollary 1, p be the integer p in Lemma 8 such that N W(b i) ⊇ N W(b j) for every 1 ≤ i ≤ p, i < j ≤ q and |N W(b i)| = 1 for every i ≥ p + 1.

If p ≤ m − 1, then U = {b 1, …, b p, μ(b 1), …, μ(b p)} is a reduction set of size at most 2m − 2 associated with B such that H − U is of the form tree1.

If p ≥ q − m + 1, then U = {b p+1, …, b q, μ(b p+1), …, μ(b q)} is a redundant set of size at most 2m − 2 such that H − U is a bipartite-chain.

If m ≤ p ≤ q − m, then {b, b 1, …, b k−1, b qk+1, …, b q, μ(b qk+1), …, μ(b q)} induces an M m, a contradiction.

The following observation is a generalization of Lemma 10 in [4] and Theorem 1 in [16] about augmenting graphs in (P 5, K 2,m − e)-free graphs and (P 5, K 3,3, − e)-free graphs, respectively.

Lemma 5

Given a graph G, an independent set S of G, an integer m, and a (K m,m − e)-free minimal augmenting bipartite-chain H = (B, W, E), either

  1. 1.

    H has at most 2m − 2 white vertices; or

  2. 2.

    H is of the form K l,l+1 or there is a redundant set of size at most 2m − 4 such that H  U is of the form K l,l+1 , for some l.


Assume that |W| = p ≥ 2m − 1. Let W = {w 1, w 2, …, w p} and B = {b 1, b 2, …, b p, b p+1}. Assume that N W(b i) ⊆ N W(b j) for i < j. Moreover, by Corollary 1, there exists a perfect matching between B∖{b p+1} and W. Without loss of generality, assume that b i ∼ w i for 1 ≤ i ≤ p. Then we have |N W(b i)|≥ i for i = 1, 2, ….

Now, b i ∼ w j for every b i ∈ B and w j ∈ W such that p − m + 4 ≥ i ≥ m − 1 and p − m + 3 ≥ j ≥ i + 1, otherwise {b, b p, …, b pm+3, b i, w j, w m−1, …, w 1} induces a K m,m − e, a contradiction.

Hence, {b, b p, …, b m−1, w pm+1, …, w 1} induces a K pm+3,pm+2 and U := {b m−2, …, b 1, w p, …, w pm+2} is a redundant of size 2m − 4 such that H − U is a K pm+3,pm+2.

Note that if an augmenting graph contains at most 2m − 2 white vertices, it contains at most 4m − 3 vertices.

3 Finding Augmenting Graphs

Now, we consider Problem (P2), i.e. the problem of finding augmenting graphs characterized in Section 2. Remind that we can enumerate all augmenting graphs of bounded size in polynomial time. Moreover, Hertz and Lozin [17] described a method of finding augmenting graphs of the form K m,m+1 in banner2-free graphs. Besides, it is obvious that augmenting apples can be reduced to augmenting chains by a redundant set of size two. Hence, we have to find augmenting extended-chains and augmenting trees.

3.1 Augmenting Extended-Chain and Augmenting Trees

The method for finding augmenting chains in (S 1,2,j,banner)-free graphs has been described by Hertz, Lozin, and Schindl [18]. We have extended this method and obtain the following result, which was published in [21] without proof.

Lemma 6 ([21])

Given integers l and m, where l is even, an (S 2,l,l ,banner l , \(R^{1}_{l}\) , \(R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},\) \(R^{4}_{l},\) \(R^{5}_{l}\) )-free graph G, and an independent set S in G, one can determine whether S admits an augmenting (l, m)-extended-chain in polynomial time (Figure 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

\(R^{1}_{l}\),\(R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},R^{4}_{l}\), and \(R^{5}_{l}\)

By extending the techniques presented in [23] (finding augmenting trees of the form tree1, …, tree6 in (S 1,2,5, banner)-free graphs), we obtain the following result.

Lemma 7

An augmenting graph of the form tree 1 , tree 2 , …, tree 7 can be found in (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 )-free graphs in polynomial time.

Together with the method of Lozin and Hertz [17] for finding augmenting graphs of the form K p,p+1 in banner2-free graphs, it leads us to the following result.

Corollary 3

Given an integer m, the MIS problem is polynomially solvable in (S 1,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino,M m, K m,m − e)-free graphs.

Theorem 42 (as well as Corollary 3) is a generalization of the results of Lozin and Milanič for (S 1,2,5, banner)-free graphs [23], of Lozin and Mosca for (P 5, K 3,3 − e)-free graphs [25], of Gerber et al. [16] for (P 5, K 2,m − e)-free graphs, and some subclasses of S 1,2,2-free graphs [20]. Note that we used redundant set and reduction set to reduce “near” augmenting complete bipartite graphs to augmenting complete bipartite graphs. This technique is a generalization of method for augmenting \(K^{+}_{m,m}\)’s in [25].

3.2 The Maximum Independent Set Problem in Further Subclasses of S 2,2,5-Free Graphs

So far, for (S 2,2,5,banner2,domino,\(R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},M_{m}\))-free graphs, we can find every (minimal) augmenting graph in polynomial time except for augmenting bipartite-chains. Mosca in [29] and then in [30] (see also [14, 16]) developed augmenting vertex technique for this issue, which we describe next.

Let S be an independent set of a graph G = (V, E) and v ∈ V ∖S. We denote as in [29], H(v, S) := {w ∈ V ∖(S ∪{v}∪ N(v)) : N S(w) ⊂ N S(v)}. Given a graph G = (V, E), an independent set S, and a vertex v ∈ V ∖S, Mosca [29] defined that v is augmenting for S (and that S admits an augmenting vertex), if G[H(v, S)] contains an independent set S v such that |S v|≥|N S(v)|. This implies that H′ := (S v ∪{v}, N S(v), E(H′)) is an augmenting graph. Then by Theorem 1 and Lemma 3, we restrict ourselves in the following problem.

Here we use some notations in [30]. Let K be a graph, we denote as K (h) the graph obtained from K by adding h + 1 new vertices v, s 1, …, s h such that {s 1, s 2, …, s h} induce an independent set, s i’s dominate K, while v is adjacent only to s i’s.

By considering the problem of finding augmenting bipartite chains, we obtain the following result as an extension of a similar result in [30] for P 5-free graphs.

Theorem 5

Given three integers h, l, m and a graph K, if the MIS problem in the (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino, \(M_{m},R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},K\) )-free graph class is polynomially solvable, then so it is in the (S 2,2,5 , banner 2 ,domino, \(M_{m},R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},K^{(h)}\) )-free graph class.

Corollary 4

Given two integers h, m and a graph K, if the MIS problem is polynomially solvable in (S 1,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino,M m, K)-free graph class, then so it is the (S 1,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino,M m ,K (h) )-free graph class.

Especially, Theorem 5 leads to some interesting polynomially solvable graph classes of the MIS problem. Remind that the MIS problem was proved to be polynomially solvable in P 5-free graphs [22], (P 2 + claw)-free graphs [24], 2P 3-free graphs [26], and pK 2-free graphs [1], we have the following consequence.

Corollary 5

Given four integers h, l, m, p, the MIS problem is polynomially solvable in the following graph classes (see Figure 5):

Fig. 5
figure 5

Special graphs in Corollary 5

  1. 1.

    (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino, \(M_{m},R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},P_{5}^{(h)}\) )-free graphs,

  2. 2.

    (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino, \(M_{m},R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},(P_{2} + \mathit{\mbox{claw}})^{(2)}\) )-free graphs,

  3. 3.

    (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino, \(M_{m},R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},(2P_{3})^{(2)}\) )-free graphs, and

  4. 4.

    (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino, \(M_{m},R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},(pK_{2})^{(h)}\) ).

Let treer be the graph of the form tree1 with parameter r (Figure 2). Let G = (V, E) be a graph, U be a subset of V  and u be a vertex of G outside U. We say that u distinguishes U if u has both a neighbor and a non-neighbor in U. A subset U ⊆ V (G) is called a module in G if it is indistinguishable for any vertex outside U. A module U is trivial if U is a single vertex or V  itself, otherwise it is non-trivial. A graph whose each module is trivial is called prime . It has been shown (for example in [27]) that if the problem is polynomially solvable for every prime graph of a graph class \(\mathcal {X}\), then it is also polynomial solvable in \(\mathcal {X}\). Using the modular decomposition technique described in [6] for P 5-free graphs we can extend Case 4., the case h = 2 of the above corollary, as follows.

Corollary 6

Given four integers l, m, p, and r, the MIS problem is polynomially solvable in (S 2,2,5 ,banner 2 ,domino,M m , tree r , \(R^{1}_{l},R^{2}_{l},R^{3}_{l},Q_{p}\) )-free graph class (see Figure 3).


We show that a prime (Q p,treer)-free graph is ((2p + r − 2)K 2)(2)-free. Indeed, let G be a prime (Q p,treer)-free graph, and suppose that G contains an induced subgraph Q′ isomorphic to ((2p + r − 2)K 2)(2).

Let T ⊆ V (G) be the subset of vertices of G adjacent to every vertex of the (2p + r − 2)K 2 of Q′. Since T contains at least two non-adjacent vertices, \(\bar {G}[T]\), the complement subgraph of G induced by T, contains a non-trivial component C. Since G is prime, C is not a module. Hence, there exists a vertex v ∈ V (G)∖C distinguishing C, i.e. v ∼ c 1 and \(v \nsim c_{2}\) for some vertices c 1, c 2 in C. Moreover, since \(\bar {G}[C]\) is connected, we can substitute c 1, c 2 by two vertices of the path connecting them and can assume that \(c_{1} \nsim c_{2}\) in G.

If v is adjacent to every vertex of the (2p + r − 2)K 2 of Q′, then v ∈ T and since \(v \nsim c_{2}\), v ∈ C, a contradiction. Hence, there exists a vertex c′ of the (2p + r − 2)K 2 of Q′ such that \(c' \nsim v\).

Since G is treer-free, v distinguishes at most r − 1 edges of the (2p + r − 2)K 2 of Q′. Then we have the two following cases.

Case 1 v is adjacent to both end-vertices of at least p edges of the (2p + r − 2)K 2 of Q′. Then {v, c′, c 2} together with these p edges induce a Q p, a contradiction.

Case 2 v is non-adjacent to both end-vertices of at least p edges of the (2p + r − 2)K 2 of Q′. Then {v, c 1, c 2} together with these p edges induce a Q p, a contradiction (Figure 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Q p

4 Augmenting Graphs in Other Problems

In [19], we have extended the augmenting graph approach for a more more general combinatorial and graph-theoretical problem, say Maximum Π-set Problem. Given a graph G, the problem asks for a maximum vertex subset such that the induced subgraph satisfies some give properties Π. Here are some examples for the property Π and related problems.

  • Maximum k -Independent Set. [13] Π: Every vertex is of degree at most k − 1. Note that the Maximum Independent Set is the case k = 1.

  • Maximum k -Path Free Set. Π: The graph contains no path (not necessarily induced) of k vertices (k ≥ 2), also called k-path free. This problem is a dual version of the Minimum Vertex k-Path Cover problem [7].

  • Maximum Forest. Π: The graph contains no cycle. This problem is a dual version of the Minimum Feedback Vertex Cover problem [12].

  • Maximum Induced Bipartite Subgraph. Π: The graph contains no cycle of odd length.

  • Maximum k -Acyclic Set. Π: The graph contains no cycle of length at most k.

  • Maximum k -Chordal Set. Π: The graph contains no cycle of length larger than k.

  • Maximum k -Cycle Free Set. Π: The graph contains no cycle of length k (k ≥ 3), also called k-cycle free. This problem is a dual version of the Minimum Vertex k-Cycle Cover problem.

  • Maximum Induced Matching. [8] Π: Every vertex is of degree one.

  • Maximum k -Regular Induced Subgraph. [9] Π: Every vertex is of degree k.

  • Maximum k -Regular Induced Bipartite Subgraph. [9] Π: The graph is bipartite and every vertex is of degree k.

  • Maximum Induced k -Cliques. Π: Every connected component is a k-clique. This problem is a generalization of Maximum Induced Matching problem (k = 2).

We have considered two special cases of the problem. First, the property Π is hereditary (i.e., if a graph G satisfies Π, then every induced subgraph of G satisfies Π) and additive (i.e., a graph G satisfies Π if and only if every connected component of G satisfies Π). Second, Π is of the form \(\mathcal {F}\)-induced subgraph, i.e. every connected component of G belongs to some graph set \(\mathcal {F}\). In both cases, we have defined the augmenting graphs and the key theorem, says the Π-set is maximum if and only if there exists no augmenting graph. We also have considered a simple case, says the (S 1,2,l,bannerl,K 1,m)-free minimal augmenting graph either belongs to a finite set or is augmenting extended-chain. By showing that we can find augmenting extended-chain in polynomial time for the above problem, we obtained polynomial algorithms for these non-trivial problems in (S 1,2,l,bannerl,K 1,m)-free graphs.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have combined the methods applied for P 5-free graphs and (S 1,2,5,banner)-free graphs to generalize some known results. By extending the method of Lozin and Milanič [23] for (S 1,2,5,banner)-free graphs, we show that the problem can be restricted to finding augmenting chains and augmenting bipartite-chains in (S 2,2,5,banner2,domino, M m)-free graphs by using concepts of redundant sets (in the extended senses). It leads us to some generalizations of results about (P 5, K 2,m − e)-free graphs [4], (P 5, K 3,3 − e)-free graphs [16], and augmenting vertex in P 5-free graphs [14, 16, 29, 30]. It also leads to some interesting results in (S 2,2,5,banner2,domino,M m)-free graphs, e.g. Corollaries 5 and 6.

Note that S 1,1,2 (fork) and S 0,1,3 (P 5) are the largest single known forbidden subgraphs, for which the MIS problem is polynomially solvable. For S i,j,k such that i + j + k ≥ 5, even for subclasses, to the best of our knowledge, there are still not many known results except in some subclasses of P 6-free graphs, graphs of bounded maximum degree, planar graphs, (S 1,2,5,banner)-free graphs [23], (S 1,1,3, K p,p)-free graphs [10], and (S 1,2,l,bannerl,K 1,m)-free graphs [19]. Combining different techniques is a potential approach helping us extend these results to tackling the general question about complexity of the MIS problem in S i,j,k-free graphs.

Besides, by applying a technique, which has been used for P 5-free graphs, for a larger graph class, e.g. S 2,2,5-free graphs, we believe that it is possible to apply other techniques, which were used in P 5-free graphs, in S 2,2,l-free graphs.

The augmenting graph technique is also very potential in many other non-trivial combinatorial and graph-theoretical problems.