1 Background

Patrol problems are encountered in many real-world situations. Generally speaking, a patrol is the movement of a guard force through a designated area of interest (AOI) for the purpose of observation or security. Patrols are often conducted by authorized and specially trained individuals or groups, and are common in military and law-enforcement settings. The use of patrols, instead of fixed, continuous surveillance, is often necessary because of real-world limitations on time and resources. Patrollers must operate with the intent of maximizing the likelihood of detection of adversaries, infiltration, or attacks. The objective in solving patrol problems is to determine the actions or policies that will maximize this likelihood. In most patrol problems, consideration must be made for the time required for a patroller to travel between specific locations within an AOI, and the time required to conduct an inspection in order to detect illicit activities at a particular location.

There are several military and non-military applications of patrol problems. Military applications include the routing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on a surveillance mission or the conduct of ground patrols to interdict the placement of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Non-military applications include the movement of security guards through museums or art galleries; police forces patrolling streets in a city; security officials protecting airport terminals; and conductors checking passenger tickets on trains in order to detect fare evaders.

This work is motivated by the need to provide for effective security, usually with limited resources, and often against very sophisticated and capable enemies. Not only does the solution to a patrol problem need to be mathematically sound, it also needs to be executable. Additionally, it is often important to ensure that the solution to a patrol problem incorporates sufficient randomization, and thus be unpredictable to potential adversaries.

1.1 Problem Description

We consider a problem where multiple locations within an AOI are subject to attack. A patroller (defender) is assigned to the area in order to detect attacks before they can be completed. An attack is considered to be any activity that the patroller wants to interdict or prevent, such as planting or detonating an explosive device, stealing a valuable asset, or breaching a perimeter. The patroller moves between locations and conducts inspections at those locations in order to detect any illicit activity. A specified travel time is required for movements between locations. It then takes the patroller an additional specified amount of time to inspect a new location after he arrives. At the end of the time required to complete an inspection, the patroller can move to any other location in the area.

We explicitly model the patrol problem on a graph, where potential attack locations are represented by vertices. We consider the inclusion of inspection times at each vertex and travel times for the patroller to move along edges between vertices in the graph. We consider this problem in continuous time and structure the patrol model on a complete graph, where the edge length represents the travel time between each pair of vertices.

The time at which an attacker arrives at a location to conduct an attack is random, and occurs according to a Poisson process. When an attacker arrives at a location he begins an attack immediately. The time required to complete an attack is random, with a probability distribution that is known to the attacker and the patroller. The patroller detects any ongoing attacks at a location at the end of his inspection. We consider an attacker to be detected if both the patroller and attacker occupy the same location at the end of the patroller’s inspection. The amount of time it takes to complete an attack, as well as the amount of damage that an undetected attack will cause, is specific to each location.

The patroller’s objective is to determine a path of locations to visit and inspect that will minimize the long-run cost incurred due to undetected attacks. For instance, where the cost of an attack is the same at all locations, this objective is equivalent to maximizing the probability of detecting an attack.

We consider two patrol models that are closely related:

  1. 1.

    A single patroller against random attackers: In the random-attacker case, an attacker will choose a location to attack according to a probability distribution that is known to the patroller. This situation may occur when there is intelligence available regarding potential enemy attack locations. It may be possible from this intelligence to assign a likelihood of attack to specific locations.

  2. 2.

    A single patroller against strategic attackers: In the strategic-attacker case, an attacker will actively choose a location to attack in order to inflict the maximum expected damage. Conversely, the patroller seeks to conduct his patrol so as to sustain the least expected damage. This situation may occur with a more capable or better-resourced enemy, who can analyze the expected damage among several attack locations.

In each of these cases, we assume that the attacker cannot observe the real-time location of the patroller. In other words, once an attacker initiates an attack, he will carry on with the attack until either completing the attack or getting detected. An attacker cannot time his attack, nor can he abandon an attack, based on real-time information about the patroller’s location.

In the case of a single patroller against random attackers, we present a linear program to determine an optimal patrol policy. This linear program is constructed as a minimum cost-to-time ratio cycle problem on a directed graph. We also present two heuristic methods based on the graph structure that utilize aggregate index values to determine a heuristic patrol policy.

In the case of a single patroller against strategic attackers, we present a linear program to determine an optimal patrol policy. This linear program is a modification of the minimum cost-to-time ratio cycle linear program used for a random attacker that minimizes the largest expected cost among all locations and provides a direct mapping to a mixed strategy. We also present two heuristic methods for this case. The first is a combinatorial method based on the shortest Hamiltonian cycle in the graph. The second is an iterative method based on fictitious play. We also present a linear program that provides a lower bound to an optimal solution, which helps evaluate our heuristic policy when an optimal solution is not available.

1.2 Literature Review

A patrol problem can be considered more generally as a type of search problem. Many types of search and patrol problems have been studied in diverse literatures. Early work on search theory focused on two general categories: one-sided search and search games. One-sided search refers to the assumption that a target does not respond to, or is even necessarily aware of, the searcher’s actions. In this type of problem, the objective is often to maximize the probability of detection before a deadline, or to minimize the expected time or cost of a search [9].

The two-sided search problem, more commonly referred to as a search game, involves a searcher and a target who knows that he is being pursued. These type of search problems are generally formulated as game-theoretic problems. The information that the target has concerning the searcher will vary anywhere from complete information on the searcher’s strategy to a complete lack of information [9]. In these scenarios, a searcher and target can be working in competition, whereby the target wishes to evade detection. Alternatively, a searcher and a target can be working in cooperation, such as a search and rescue scenario, where the objective for both is to minimize the time (or cost) of the search.

Patrol problems are a specific type of search problem. In a patrol problem, a searcher utilizes a patrol strategy to cover an area where an attacker or target may or may not be present [5]. There are several types of game-theoretic patrol problems that relate to our work. An accumulation game is a type of patrol problem where a patroller visits several locations to collect materials hidden by an attacker. If the patroller finds a certain amount of the materials, he wins; otherwise, he loses [4], [14]. An infiltration game is a type of patrol problem where an intruder attempts to penetrate an area without being intercepted by a patroller [2, 7, 10, 21, 23]. An inspection game is a type of patrol problem where the patroller attempts to interdict an attacker during an attack [8, 24]. The infiltration and inspection game categories are most similar to the models that we examine.

There are several examples in search-game literature where the search area is modeled as a graph or network. Kikuta and Ruckle [13] study initial point searches on weighted trees. Kikuta [12] studies search games with traveling costs on a tree. Alpern [3] examines search games on trees with asymmetric travel times.

The works most closely related to this problem are those by McGrath and Lin [16], Lin et al. [15], and Alpern et al. [6]. Alpern et al. examine optimized random patrols where a facility to be patrolled is modeled on a graph with interconnected vertices representing individual locations within the facility. This work focuses on the case of strategic attackers, where an attacker actively chooses a location to attack, and assumes that the time to complete an attack is deterministic and is the same for all locations. Lin et al. examine a patrol problem on a graph with both random and strategic attackers. They use an exact linear program to compute an optimal solution. Since this method quickly becomes computationally intractable as a problem size increases, they introduce index heuristics based on Gittins et al. [11] to determine a patrol policy. They use an aggregate index, where index values are accumulated as a patroller looks ahead into the future, to produce effective patrol policies in a game-theoretic setting. Both of these works use discrete-time models, require the same inspection time at all locations, and prescribe an adjacency structure for their graphs—which puts constraints on how a patroller can move between locations.

2 Single Patroller Against Random Attackers

We consider the case of a single patroller against random attackers. In this patrol problem, the patroller’s objective is to determine a patrol policy that minimizes the long-run average cost due to undetected attacks. Section 2.1 introduces a patrol model on a graph, where an attacker chooses to attack a specific location based on a probability distribution that is known to the patroller. In Section 2.2, we present a linear program that determines an optimal solution to the patrol problem. Since the linear program quickly becomes computationally intractable as the size of the problem grows, we also present two heuristic methods for determining a solution in Section 2.3. We conduct extensive numerical experiments for several scenarios and present the results in Section 2.4. We make recommendations on how to best utilize the heuristic methods based on the experimental results.

2.1 Patrol Model

We consider a problem where multiple heterogeneous locations dispersed throughout an area of interest (AOI) are subject to attack. A patroller (defender) is assigned to patrol the area and inspect locations in order to detect attacks before they can be completed. An attack is considered to be any type of activity that the patroller wants to interdict and prevent, such as planting an explosive device, stealing a valuable asset, or breaching a perimeter. The patroller moves between locations and conducts inspections at those locations in order to detect illicit activity. We consider an attacker to be detected and his attack defeated if both the patroller and attacker occupy the same location at the end of an inspection.

We model this problem as a graph with n vertices, where each vertex represents a location that is subject to attack. We define a set of vertices N = {1, …, n} to represent potential attack locations. A random attacker will choose to attack vertex i with probability p i ≥ 0, for i ∈ N, and \(\sum _{i=1}^n p_i =1\). The time required for an attacker to complete an attack at vertex i is a random variable, which follows a distribution function F i(⋅), for i ∈ N, that is known to the attacker and the patroller.

The patroller detects any ongoing attacks at a vertex at the end of an inspection. We assume that there are no false negatives; that is, the attacker will successfully detect all ongoing attacks at a vertex at the end of his inspection. An attack is considered to be unsuccessful if it is detected by the patroller. An attack is successful if it is completed before it is detected.

We assume that an attacker arrives at a location in the AOI to commence an attack according to a Poisson process with rate Λ. The Poisson process has stationary and independent increments, which implies that attacks are equally likely to occur at any time and that prior attacks do not help the patroller predict future attacks. Attackers arrive at a specific vertex i to begin an attack at a rate of λ i = p i Λ, for i ∈ N. These attacker arrivals at specific vertices constitute independent Poisson processes.

In most situations, the attacker arrival rate Λ is very small. In the formulation of our problem, the value of Λ is inconsequential because we ignore interruptions from attacks. In other words, several attackers can operate simultaneously on the graph, or even at the same vertex, with each acting independently. By minimizing the long-run cost rate, we also minimize the average cost from each attack with Λ acting as a scaling constant. Thus, an optimal solution does not depend on the value of Λ.

It takes a specified amount of time to travel between vertices and conduct inspections. These times are fixed in our problem. The time required for a patroller to travel between vertices is denoted by an n × n distance matrix D = [d ij], for i, j ∈ N, where d ij ≥ 0 for all pairs of vertices i ≠ j and d ii = 0. The time required for a patroller to complete an inspection at a vertex is denoted by (v 1, …, v n). From these values, we construct an n × n transit time matrix denoted by T = [t ij], where t ij = d ij + v j, to indicate the time required for a patroller to travel from vertex i to vertex j and complete an inspection at vertex j. The damage inflicted due to an undetected attack at a vertex is denoted by (c 1, …, c n). An attack inflicts no damage if it is detected before it is completed.

The patroller travels between vertices in the graph and conducts inspections in order to detect attacks. A patrol policy consists of a sequence of vertices that the patroller will visit and inspect. We seek to determine an optimal patrol policy that minimizes the long-run cost rate incurred due to undetected attacks.

Fundamentally, the patroller is making a series of sequential decisions under uncertainty in order to determine a patrol policy. Decisions are made at decision epochs, which occur at a specific point in time (in this case at the end of an inspection). At each decision epoch, the patroller observes the state of the system as the amount of time elapsed since he last completed an inspection at each vertex. Based on this information, he chooses an action. The choice of action is which vertex to visit next. The action incurs a cost and causes the system to transition to a new state at a subsequent point in time. The cost incurred is the expected cost due to attacks that will be completed during the time it takes for the patroller to travel to and inspect the next vertex. At the end of the inspection time at the chosen vertex, the system will transition to a new state. At this point, the patroller reaches another decision epoch and the process repeats.

In our problem, we wish to determine an optimal choice of action for the patroller at each decision epoch. The essential elements of this sequential decision model are [18]

  1. 1.

    A set of system states.

  2. 2.

    A set of available actions.

  3. 3.

    A set of state-dependent and action-dependent costs.

  4. 4.

    A set of state-dependent and action-dependent transition times and transition probabilities.

We incorporate all of these elements into a sequential decision model in order to determine an optimal patrol policy.

2.2 Optimal Policy

In order to find an optimal solution to our patrol problem, we must determine a patrol policy that minimizes the long-run cost rate. To do so, we define a state space Ω that consists of all feasible states of the system. The state of the system at any given time can be delineated by

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathbf{s} = (s_1,s_2,{\ldots},s_n), \end{aligned} $$

where s i denotes the time elapsed since the patroller last completed an inspection at vertex i, for i ∈ N. Based on the assumption that a patroller detects all ongoing attacks at a vertex at the end of an inspection, the state of a vertex returns to 0 immediately upon completion of an inspection. Since we consider this problem in continuous time, the state of a vertex can assume any non-negative value. We write the state space of the system as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \varOmega = \{(s_1,{\ldots},s_n):s_i \geq 0, \forall {i\ \in\ N} \}.\end{aligned} $$

At the end of each inspection, the patroller reaches a decision epoch and will decide to stay at his current vertex to conduct an additional inspection or proceed to another vertex. The action space can be defined as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} A = \{j : j \in N\}. {}\end{aligned} $$

A deterministic, stationary patrol policy can be specified by a map π from the state space to the action space:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \pi : \varOmega \rightarrow A. \end{aligned} $$

This patrol policy is deterministic because, for any state of the system, a specific action is prescribed with certainty. It is stationary, or time-homogeneous, because the decision rules associated with a particular patrol policy do not change over time. For any given state of the system, the future of the process is independent of its past. The resulting state depends only on the action chosen by the patroller. If the patroller just inspected vertex k and next wants to inspect vertex j, that action will take time d kj + v j; and the system that started in state s will transition to state

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tilde{\mathbf{s}} = (\tilde{s}_1, \tilde{s}_2, {\ldots}, \tilde{s}_n), \tilde{s}_j=0; \tilde{s}_i = s_i + d_{kj} + v_j, \forall {i\ \neq\ j}. \end{aligned} $$

In order to identify the vertex where a patroller has just finished an inspection and is currently located at a decision epoch, we define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned}\omega(\mathbf{s}) = \arg \min_i s_i,\end{aligned} $$

since the state of the vertex where an inspection has just been completed will be 0 and the state of all other vertices will be greater than 0.

In our model, the times between decision epochs and state transitions are deterministic. They depend on previous system states and actions only through the current state of the system. We define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tau (\mathbf{s},j) = d_{\omega(\mathbf{s}),j} + v_j,\end{aligned} $$

as the time between decision epochs and the time between state transitions, if the patroller decides to visit vertex j, when the system is in state s. At a decision epoch, the patroller will decide his action based only on the current state of the system. For these reasons, our model falls in the category of a semi-Markov decision process (SMDP).

The cost function for this SMDP can be calculated based on the distribution of time required to complete an attack F i(⋅) and the cost c i incurred due to a successful attack at vertex i. To illustrate how expected costs are incurred, suppose that the patroller has just finished an inspection at vertex k and the current state of the system is s, where ω(s) = k. The patroller can then elect to travel to another vertex or remain at vertex k and conduct an additional inspection. There will be an expected cost incurred for each vertex in the graph based on the cost of a successful attack and the number of attacks expected to be completed at that vertex during the transition time between state s and state \(\tilde {\mathbf {s}}\).

To determine the expected number of attacks that are completed at a particular vertex in a time interval, recall from Section 2.1 that the arrival of attackers at a vertex constitutes a Poisson process. Consider an attacker arriving to a vertex at time y after the last inspection was completed, and suppose that the patroller completes his next inspection at that vertex at time s. The attacker will complete his attack if the attack time is no greater than s − y. Using Poisson sampling (see Proposition 5.3 in Ross [20]), the number of successful attacks at vertex i will follow a Poisson distribution with expected value

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \lambda_i \int_0^s P(X_i \leq s-y)\ {dy} = \lambda_i \int_0^s P(X_i \leq t)\ {dt}, {}\end{aligned} $$

where X i denotes the time required to complete an attack at vertex i, for i ∈ N.

If we know the expected number of attacks that will be completed at vertex i in a time interval, then we can determine the expected cost incurred at vertex i by multiplying (8) by c i. Thus, the expected cost incurred at vertex i when the system is in state s and the patroller elects to transit to vertex j is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} C_i(\mathbf{s},j) = c_i \lambda_i \left(\int_0^{s_i + \tau (\mathbf{s},j)} P(X_i \leq t) \ {dt} - \int_0^{s_i} P(X_i \leq t) \ {dt} \right). {}\end{aligned} $$

The cost at each vertex can be summed across all n vertices in the graph in order to determine the total expected cost when the system starts in state s and the patroller transits to vertex j. The overall cost function for this SMDP is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} C(\mathbf{s},j) = \sum_{i=1}^n C_i(\mathbf{s},j).{}\end{aligned} $$

As currently defined, the state space has an infinite number of states; however, in order to be able to compute an optimal policy, we need a finite state space. To do so, we assume that there is an upper limit on the attack time distribution at each vertex. Specifically, let B i denote the maximum time required to complete an attack at vertex i. For the case where s i = S ≥ B i, (9) becomes

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} C_i(\mathbf{s},j) = c_i \lambda_i \left(\int_{S}^{S + \tau (\mathbf{s},j)} P(X_i \leq t) \ {dt}\right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} = c_i \lambda_i (S + \tau (\mathbf{s},j) - S) = c_i \lambda_i\tau (\mathbf{s},j), {} \end{aligned} $$

which remains a constant function over time for any state s i ≥ B i. Therefore, once the state of a vertex has reached the bounded attack time, any additional expected cost will accrue at a constant rate. The bounded attack times allow us to restrict the state of a vertex so that s i ≤ B i, and the state space becomes

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \varOmega = \{(s_1,{\ldots},s_n):0 \leq s_i \leq B_i, \forall \ {i\ \in\ N} \}.{}\end{aligned} $$

We consider cases where the attack times at all vertices are bounded. Thus, if the patroller has just inspected vertex k and next wants to inspect vertex j, the resulting state at the end of the inspection at vertex j is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tilde{\mathbf{s}} = (\tilde{s}_1, \tilde{s}_2, {\ldots}, \tilde{s}_n), \tilde{s}_j=0; \tilde{s}_i = \min \{ s_i + d_{kj} + v_j, B_i \}, \forall \ {i\ \neq\ j}.{}\end{aligned} $$

Using (13), we define a transition function to identify the resulting state if the patroller decides to visit vertex j when the system is in state s:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \phi (\mathbf{s},j) = \tilde{\mathbf{s}}.\end{aligned} $$

The objective of the patrol problem is to determine a policy for the patroller that minimizes the long-run cost. Recall that the action space in this SMDP is finite because the number of vertices is finite. Therefore, by Theorem 11.3.2 in Puterman [18], there exists a deterministic, stationary optimal policy. Thus, we only need to consider deterministic, stationary policies in our problem. We define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \psi_\pi (\mathbf{s}) = \phi(\mathbf{s},\pi(\mathbf{s})) \end{aligned} $$

as the resulting state if the patroller applies policy π when in state s. We can define this function because the state transitions are deterministic. From an initial state s 0, policy π will produce an indefinite sequence of states, \(\{ \psi _{\pi }^\kappa (\mathbf {s_0}), \kappa =0,1,2,\dots \}\). This sequence must eventually visit some state for a second time since the state space if finite; and since the state transitions are deterministic under the same policy π, this sequence will then continue to repeat indefinitely. The sequence of vertices that correspond to this repeating cycle of states will constitute a patrol pattern.

We define V i as the long-run expected cost rate at vertex i. If we apply the deterministic, stationary policy π to any initial state s 0, then the long-run expected cost rate at vertex i is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} V_i (\pi, \mathbf{s_0}) = \lim_{\xi \to \infty} \frac {\sum_{\kappa =0}^\xi C_i (\psi_\pi^\kappa (\mathbf{s_0}), \pi(\psi_\pi^\kappa (\mathbf{s_0}))}{\sum_{\kappa=0}^\xi \tau (\psi_\pi^\kappa (\mathbf{s_0}), \pi(\psi_\pi^\kappa (\mathbf{s_0}))}. {}\end{aligned} $$

We seek to determine the minimum long-run cost rate across all vertices, which will give an optimal solution

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} C^{\mathrm{OPT}}(\mathbf{s_0}) = \min_{\pi \in \varPi} \sum_{i=1}^n V_i(\pi,\mathbf{s_0}), \end{aligned} $$

where Π is the set of all feasible deterministic, stationary patrol policies. Dividing (17) by Λ will give the minimum average cost incurred for each attack.

We note that V i(π, s 0) depends on π and s 0. However, in a connected graph, an optimal cost rate C OPT(s 0) does not depend on s 0. Since determining an optimal patrol policy is equivalent to finding an optimal patrol pattern, we can develop a policy π in a connected graph that will produce any feasible patrol pattern from any starting state s 0. Therefore, when we determine C OPT in (17), it will be the same for all initial states since we minimize across all feasible patrol policies π ∈ Π. Thus we can drop the notational dependence of C OPT on s 0.

2.2.1 Linear Program Formulation

One method to solve this SMDP is to construct another graph that uses the state space of the system modeled as a network. To do so, we redefine the problem on a directed graph, \(G(\mathcal {N},\mathcal {A})\). Each node \(k \in \mathcal {N}\) will represent one state of the system, and each arc \((k,l) \in \mathcal {A}\) will represent a feasible transition between states. This network will be of order \(|\mathcal {N}| = |\varOmega |\) and size \(|\mathcal {A}| = |\varOmega |n\). Each arc is assigned a transit time t kl as determined by the vertex-pair specific distance and inspection times, where t kl = τ(k, ω(l)); and cost c kl as determined by the cost function (10), where c kl = C(k, ω(l)).

The objective is to find a directed cycle in the network with the smallest ratio of total cost to total transit time. This is a sufficient solution to the problem because any directed cycle in this network will constitute a valid patrol policy, regardless of the length of the cycle. This is an example of a minimum cost-to-time ratio cycle problem, also known as the tramp steamer problem, which is described in Sect. 5.7 of Ahuja et al. [1].

To solve this problem, we formulate the following linear program, which we refer to as the random-attacker linear program (RALP):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \min_x \sum_{(k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} c_{kl} x_{kl} {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \text{subject to} \sum_{l | (k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} x_{kl} - \sum_{l | (l,k) \in \mathcal{A}} x_{lk} & = 0, \forall \ {k\ \in\ \mathcal{N}} {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{(k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} t_{kl} x_{kl} & = 1, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} x_{kl} & \geq 0, \forall \ {(k,l)\ \in\ \mathcal{A}}. {} \end{aligned} $$

The variable x kl represents the long-run rate at which the patroller uses arc (k, l). The objective function value in (18a) represents the long-run cost rate. The total rate at which the system enters state k must be equal to the total rate that the system exits state k, which is ensured by the network balance of flow constraint in (18b). For a single patroller, the rate that he uses arc (k, l) times the amount of time required to transit from node k to node l indicates the fraction of time that he will spend on arc (k, l). The fractions of time must sum to 1, which is ensured by the total-rate constraint in (18c). Finally, the long-run rate at which the patroller uses arc (k, l) cannot be negative, which is ensured by the non-negativity constraint in (18d).

The states on an optimal cycle directly correspond to vertices on the graph, which can be determined by the function ω(s). Thus, this linear program will produce a specific patrol pattern consisting of a repeating sequence of vertices for the patroller to visit and inspect. This patrol pattern represents an optimal solution to the patrol problem.

The number of decision variables in this linear program is |Ω|n. The size of the constraint matrix is on the order of |Ω|. The value of |Ω| grows as a function of the number of vertices in the graph, the attack time distributions, and the transit times.

2.2.2 Size of State Space

To understand the size of the state space, consider the case where the maximum attack time at all vertices is B, the travel time between all vertices is d, and the inspection time at all vertices is v. Define Z as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} Z = \left\lceil \frac{B}{d+v} \right\rceil.\end{aligned} $$

The number of states in the system for a graph with n vertices and Z ≥ n is given by

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} | \varOmega | = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \binom{n}{1} \binom{n-1}{i} \binom{Z-1}{n-1-i} (n-1-i)!,\end{aligned} $$

since for each state of the system there will be exactly one vertex in state 0, as indicated by the first term; i of the remaining n − 1 vertices at the bounded attack time state B, as indicated by the second term; and each of the remaining n − 1 − i vertices in a distinctive state between d + v and (d + v)(Z − 1), as indicated by the third and fourth terms. Some examples of state space size are shown in Table 1. The number of states grows exponentially with the number of vertices, and grows even larger when combined with higher bounded attack times and shorter transit times.

Table 1 Examples of state space size

Although we can compute an optimal patrol policy using linear programming, this method quickly becomes computationally intractable as the number of vertices increases and the ratio of the bound of the attack times to transit times increases. Hence, there is a need to develop efficient heuristics.

2.3 Heuristic Policies

In this section, we consider solutions based on index heuristic methods. To begin, consider a special case of our problem when v i = 1 and d i,j = 0, for i, j ∈ N. This special case coincides with the model presented in Lin et al. [15]. By adding a Lagrange multiplier w > 0, they show the optimization problem can be broken into n separate problems, each concerning a single vertex. The Lagrange multiplier w can be interpreted as a service charge incurred for each patrol visit to a vertex. The objective is to decide how frequently to summon a patroller at each vertex in order to minimize the long-run cost rate due to undetected attacks and service charges. For a given state of the system, the solution to this problem can be used to determine an index value for each vertex in the graph. We can develop a heuristic policy where, based only on the current state of the system, the patroller can choose to travel to and inspect the vertex that has the highest index value. We next explain how to extend this method to our patrol model.

2.3.1 Single Vertex Problem

We consider the problem at a single vertex where each visit from the patroller incurs a service charge w > 0. For a given value of w, our objective is to determine a policy that minimizes the total long-run cost rate due to undetected attacks and service charges. Generally speaking, a policy is a mapping from a state to an action. For the single vertex problem, the state of the system s ≥ 0 is the amount of time since the patroller last completed an inspection at the vertex. The action space for the patroller simplifies to a binary decision: Inspect the vertex at time s or continue to wait.

Although the state space is infinite, the action space is finite for every s ∈ Ω. Therefore, we only need to consider deterministic, stationary policies [18]. In addition, since each inspection brings the state of the vertex back to 0, any deterministic, stationary policy reduces to the following format: Inspect the vertex once every s time units.

Recall from (8) that the number of successful attacks in the time interval [0, s) between patroller inspections follows a Poisson distribution with expected value

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \lambda \int_0^s P(X \leq t) \ {dt}. \end{aligned} $$

Since each successful attack costs c, and a patrol visit costs w, the average long-run cost given a policy that inspects the vertex every s time units is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} f(s) = \frac{c \lambda \int_0^s P(X \leq t) \ {dt} + w}{s}, s > 0. \end{aligned} $$

For a given value of w, we find s in order to minimize f(s). To minimize f(s), we take the first derivative of f(s), which gives

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} f'(s) = \frac{c \lambda}{s} P(X \leq s) - \frac{c \lambda}{s^2} \int_0^s P(X \leq t) \ {dt} - \frac{w}{s^2}, \end{aligned} $$

and set f′(s) = 0 to obtain

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} 0 = c \lambda s P(X \leq s) - c \lambda \int_0^s P(X \leq t) \ {dt} - w. \end{aligned} $$

We solve this equation for w as a new function of s:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} W(s) = c \lambda \left(s P(X \leq s) - \int_0^s P(X \leq t) \ {dt} \right), \end{aligned} $$

where W(s) indicates the corresponding service charge such that it is optimal for the vertex to summon patrol visits once every s time units.

Since attack times at each vertex are bounded by a constant B, for cases where s ≥ B we note that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} W(s) & = c \lambda \left( s - \int_0^s P(X \leq t) \ {dt} \right) = c \lambda \int_0^s P(X > t) \ {dt} \\ & = c \lambda \int_0^B P(X > t) \ {dt} = c \lambda \text{E}[X], {}\end{aligned} $$

which remains the same for all s ≥ B.

2.3.2 Index Heuristic Time Method

Since W(s) represents the per-visit cost for an optimal policy that visits a vertex in state s, we can define an index value for vertex i based on (25) as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} W_i (s) = c_i \lambda_i \left(s P(X_i \leq s) - \int_0^s P(X_i \leq t) \ {dt} \right), \end{aligned} $$

if the last inspection at vertex i was completed s time units ago.

A straightforward heuristic method for the patroller at a decision epoch is to compute the index values based on the current state of each vertex and choose to visit the vertex that has the highest index value. This method will produce a feasible patrol pattern; however, it does not account for different travel times between vertices. To solve this problem, we develop methods for the patroller to look further ahead and compute aggregate index values before choosing which vertex to visit next. When computing an aggregate index in our continuous-time model, we consider the amount of time that different actions will take. To do so, we select a fixed look-ahead time window δ and consider all feasible paths and partial paths beginning from the patroller’s current vertex ω(s) that can be completed during time δ. We call this the index heuristic time (IHT) method. A value for δ is selected based on the structure of the graph and is discussed at the end of this section.

To illustrate the IHT method, we select a look-ahead window δ and examine an arbitrary patrol sequence over the next δ time units. For the time window [0, δ], let S i(t), t ∈ [0, δ] denote the state of vertex i at time t. By definition, S i(0) = s i and S i(t) increases over time at slope 1 until the patroller next completes an inspection at vertex i, when its value returns to 0. The aggregate index values accumulated at vertex i over the time window [0, δ] can be written as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \int_0^\delta W_i(S_i (t)) \ {dt}, \forall \ {i} \in N. \end{aligned} $$

For a given patrol sequence, the total index value for all n vertices over the time window [0, δ] is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{i=1}^n \int_0^\delta W_i(S_i (t)) \ {dt}. {} \end{aligned} $$

To determine a patrol pattern using the IHT method, we select a starting state of the system s 0 and enumerate all possible paths over the next δ time units. We compute the total aggregate index value for each of these paths using (29), and choose the path with the highest aggregate index value per unit time. The first vertex along that path becomes the vertex that the patroller inspects next. We repeat this process using the new state of the system as the starting state, and continue to repeat the process to form a path of vertices. Recall that since the state space is finite, this sequence must eventually visit some state for a second time. The process terminates when a state repeats and a cycle has been found. The vertices corresponding to the states of the system on this cycle is the patrol pattern that results from using the IHT method.

In order to select a value for δ in the IHT method, we determine the average transit time r between all vertices in the graph as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} r = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n (d_{ij} + v_j)}{n^2}. {}\end{aligned} $$

We then choose a look-ahead time window in terms of multiples of r. For example, if we choose δ = 3r as a look-ahead window, then we are choosing an amount of time that on average will allow the patroller to visit any sequence of three vertices from his current vertex. We can choose a multiple of r more generally, such as n∕2, which will on average allow the patroller to look ahead over about half the vertices in the graph from his current location. We make recommendations on how to select specific values for δ based on our numerical experiments. These recommendations are presented in Section 2.4.3.

Although we can choose any state from which to start the IHT method, for consistency in our numerical experiments we identify the vertex that has the maximum value of W(s) when s ≥ B, as defined in (26). We choose as s 0 the state of the system where this vertex has just completed an inspection and the state of all other vertices is at the bounded attack time. In other words, we determine

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} k = \text{arg} \max_{i \in N} \{ c_i \lambda_i \text{E}[X_i] \}, {}\end{aligned} $$

and select as s 0 the state where s k = 0 and s j = B j, for j ∈ N, j ≠ k.

2.3.3 Index Heuristic Epoch Method

Instead of looking ahead for a fixed time period, as in the IHT method, we consider another heuristic which looks ahead for a fixed number of decision epochs. We call this the index heuristic epoch (IHE) method. To compute an aggregate index using the IHE method, we select a number of decision epochs η for the patroller to look ahead. The number η can be any positive integer value. For example, if we choose η = 3 as a look-ahead window, the patroller considers all paths of three vertices from his current vertex, since a decision epoch in our model occurs at the end of each inspection. As with the IHE method, we choose the path with the highest aggregate index value per unit time, and the first vertex along that path is the vertex that the patroller inspects next. We can also choose the look-ahead window more generally, such as \(\eta = \left \lceil \frac {n}{2}\right \rceil \), which allows the patroller to look ahead over at least half the vertices in the graph.

We choose a starting state s 0 for the IHE method using the same criteria as we did for the IHT method. We enumerate all feasible paths from s 0 that consist of exactly η decision epochs and then proceed in the same manner as the IHT method described in Section 2.3.2 to determine a path of vertices based on the highest aggregate index value per unit time, until a patrol pattern has been obtained.

2.4 Numerical Experiments

To test the IHT and IHE methods, we conduct several numerical experiments. We compare the results obtained from these heuristic methods with an optimal solution. We also report the computation time required. Based on these results, we make conclusions on the efficacy of the heuristic methods, as well as make recommendations for the selection of look-ahead parameters to be used in both the IHT and IHE methods.

As inputs for the problem, we use a probability vector (p 1, …, p n) indicating the likelihood of an attacker to choose to attack a specific vertex; an attack time distribution parameter matrix; a vector (c 1, …, c n) of the cost incurred due to a successful attack at each vertex; a distance matrix D of the time it takes for a patroller to travel between each pair of vertices; a vector (v 1, …, v n) of the time required for a patroller to conduct an inspection at each vertex; and an overall attacker arrival rate Λ. Recall from Section 2.1 that an optimal solution does not depend on the value of Λ; therefore, without loss of generality, we set the overall attacker arrival rate to be Λ = 1 in our numerical experiments. We also set the cost incurred from a successful attack to c i = 1, for i ∈ N, which allows the results to be interpreted as the long-run proportion of attackers that will evade detection.

We consider three general cases of patrol problems. In the first case, which we use as a baseline, the patroller spends about half of the time traveling and half of the time inspecting vertices. For this case, we choose average travel times that are comparable to average inspection times. In the second case, we choose average inspection times that are twice as long as average travel times. In other words, each vertex takes more time to inspect, but the vertices are closer together. In the third case, we choose average travel times that are twice as long as average inspection times. In other words, each vertex takes less time to inspect, but the vertices are farther apart.

All computations are done on a 64-bit Windows 7 desktop computer (Intel Core i7 860@2.8 GHz; 8.0 GB RAM). All linear programs that determine an optimal solution or a lower bound are implemented using GAMS 23.8.2.

2.4.1 Generation of Problem Instances

We conduct our numerical experiments on a graph with n = 5 vertices, which is a problem size that allows for the computation of an optimal solution. We choose parameters in order to generate and test cases where an optimal detection probability is in the neighborhood of 0.5. This is the case where the development of a good patrol policy can be most helpful.

To generate a random graph of n patrol locations for our experiments, let (X i, Y i) denote the Cartesian coordinate of vertex i, for i ∈ N, and draw X i and Y i from independent uniform distributions over [0, 1]. Letting d ij denote the travel distance between vertices i and j, we compute

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} d_{i,j} = \sqrt{(X_i - X_j)^2 + (Y_i - Y_j)^2},\quad \forall \ {i,j} \in N.\end{aligned} $$

The expected value of d i,j is E[d ij] = 0.5215 and the variance of d i,j is Var(d ij) = 0.0615.

Based on this average distance and variance, we generate an inspection time at each vertex by drawing from a uniform distribution over [0.3857, 0.6573]. This distribution gives an expected inspection time of E[v i] = 0.5215, which is comparable to the average travel time between vertices. The variance of the inspection times is 0.00615, which is approximately 1/10 of the variance of the vertex distance values. We choose these parameters in order to prevent very small inspection times at vertices, which could lead to excessively large state spaces and prevent the computation of an optimal solution.

For the attack time at each vertex, we use a triangular distribution. A triangular distribution requires three parameters: lower limit (minimum) a, upper limit (maximum) b, and mode c, where a < b and a ≤ c ≤ b. We generate values for (a, b, c) independently from a uniform distribution over [1.043, 4.172]. This distribution gives a minimum attack time that is comparable to the average travel time between any two vertices plus the inspection time at the second vertex, which in this case is 0.5215 × 2 = 1.043. The expected value of this distribution is comparable to the time required for a patroller to travel and complete inspections over approximately half of the vertices in the graph, which for the case of n = 5 is 1.043 × 5∕2 = 2.6075. From this minimum and expected value, we determine a maximum attack time for use in our experiments as 2 × 2.6075 − 1.043 = 4.172. More generally, we can generate attack time distribution parameters from a uniform distribution on [1.043, 1.043(n − 1)] for problems with any number of vertices n > 2.

For the likelihood of an attacker to choose a vertex to attack, we create a probability vector (p 1, …, p n). We spread 0.5 of the total attack probability equally across all n vertices and then randomly assign the remaining 0.5 probability. This ensures that the minimum probability of attack at any vertex is 0.5∕n, which will encourage a patrol policy that visits many or all of the vertices rather than completely excluding one or several vertices simply due to a low probability of attack. To create this vector, we generate n uniform random variables u i on U[0, 1] and then normalize them so that \(p_i = (0.5/n) + (0.5 u_i/ \sum _{j=1}^{n} u_j)\), for i ∈ N. In our experiments with n = 5, this ensures that each vertex has at least a 0.1 probability of selection for attack and no more than a 0.6 probability.

2.4.2 Baseline Problems

For our baseline problem, we consider the case where a patroller spends about half of the time traveling and half of the time inspecting vertices. We randomly generate 1000 problem scenarios and determine an optimal solution using the RALP from Section 2.2 and a solution using the heuristic methods from Section 2.3. The RALP on average uses 5920 decision variables and 7105 constraints for a problem size with 1184 states. An optimal solution takes on average 20.68 s to compute. We compare the solution obtained from the heuristic method to an optimal solution. For the look-ahead depth parameter δ used in the IHT method, we chose an initial value of δ = (n∕2)r, with r defined in (30) as the average transit time between vertex pairs in each problem instance. For n = 5, this starting value is δ = 2.5r. We also test additional parameter values by increasing and decreasing the look-ahead depth in 0.5r increments.

As the IHT method looks further ahead, the computation time increases due to the higher number of paths that must be considered. Performance does not always improve when using deeper looks, and in many cases it may be worse. Two different look-ahead parameter values, 2.5r and 3r in the IHT method, for example, may return the same patrol pattern or two distinct patrol patterns with different long-run cost rates. If the same problem is solved using multiple look-ahead parameters, we select the best solution that is obtained.

We consider single look-ahead parameter values and also consider sets of multiple look-ahead values in our numerical experiments. For the sets of multiple look-ahead values, we run the selected heuristic method for each individual value and then choose the patrol policy that yields the minimum cost, regardless of which specific look-ahead parameter produced that policy. This method tends to improve overall performance, but with a proportional increase in computation time based on the number and size of the look-ahead parameter values.

Results for the IHT method are shown in Table 2. When using a single look-ahead depth parameter, the best performance, as determined by the smallest excess over optimum for the mean and 90th percentile of problem instances, is obtained with a look-ahead time value of δ = 2.5r. For the hybrid method of using up to three look-ahead parameters and then choosing the best patrol pattern, the best performance using similar criteria is obtained with a look-ahead depth set of {2r, 2.5r, 3r}.

Table 2 Performance of the IHT method on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices for 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios with average inspection times comparable to average travel times, using the best solution that was obtained in each problem scenario for the indicated look-ahead depth parameter sets

We repeat the same experiments using the IHE method. For the look-ahead depth parameter η used in the IHE method, we chose an initial value of \(\eta = \lceil \frac {n}{2}\rceil \). For n = 5 this starting value is η = 3. This indicates that, at each decision epoch, the patroller will consider all possible paths consisting of three decision epochs. We test additional IHE depth parameter values by increasing and decreasing the look-ahead depth in η = 1 increments.

The IHE method is like the IHT method in that, as it looks further ahead, computation time increases due to the higher number of paths that must be considered. Similarly, the performance does not always improve when using deeper looks. For this reason, we test the IHE method using single look-ahead parameters and also using the hybrid method of comparing the results from multiple look-ahead parameters and selecting the best solution. Results are shown in Table 3. When using a single look-ahead depth parameter, the best performance, as determined by the smallest excess over optimum for the mean and 90th percentile of problem instances, is obtained with a decision epoch look-ahead value of η = 4. For the hybrid method of running the IHE method with several look-ahead parameters and then choosing the best patrol pattern, the best performance, as determined by a comparison of the excess over optimum and computation time required, is obtained using look-ahead depth sets of {2, 3, 4} and {3, 4, 5}.

Table 3 Performance of the IHE method on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices for 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios with average inspection times comparable to average travel times, using the best solution that was obtained in each problem scenario for the indicated look-ahead depth parameter sets

Performance of the IHT and IHE methods in the baseline case with a single look-ahead parameter is presented in Figure 1. This figure shows a comparison of performance versus computation time required for different heuristic methods and look-ahead parameters. Although both methods perform well in the experiments, we tend to see better performance using the IHT method in the single look-ahead parameter cases.

Fig. 1
figure 1

IHT and IHE 90th percentile performance with average travel times comparable to average inspection times

In an effort to obtain the best possible results, we also use a hybrid set of look-ahead depth parameters that combine both the IHT and IHE methods. We selected various combinations of parameters based on the results from the individual IHT and IHE experiments. Results are shown in Table 4. Very good performance is obtained with a hybrid IHT look-ahead set of {2r, 2.5r, 3r} and the performance improves when incrementally adding IHE look-ahead parameters.

Table 4 Performance of combined IHT and IHE methods on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices for 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios with average inspection times comparable to average travel times, using the best solution that was obtained in each problem scenario for the indicated look-ahead depth parameter sets

Performance of the combined IHT and IHE methods in the baseline case for different look-ahead depth parameters is presented in Figure 2. This figure shows a comparison of performance versus computation time required for different hybrid combinations of heuristic methods and look-ahead parameters. Both methods again perform well in the experiments, but we tend to see better performance using the IHT method in the hybrid set look-ahead cases, similar to the results from the single look-ahead parameter cases.

Fig. 2
figure 2

IHT and IHE hybrid 90th percentile performance with average travel times comparable to average inspection times

2.4.3 Recommendations Based on Numerical Experiments

We see very favorable results using the IHT and IHE methods with many combinations of look-ahead parameters. In general, we have found that looking ahead over about half of the graph structure provides a good balance of performance versus computation time required. We recommend choosing look-ahead depth parameter values as a function of n, which represents the number of vertices that are assigned to a patroller.

Based on the experimental results, we recommend starting with the IHT method and using a look-ahead depth parameter value of δ = (n∕2) × r, where r represents the average transit time in the graph. We then recommend adding additional looks using the hybrid method and selecting the best solution that is obtained. The total number of look-ahead depth parameters to use depends on the desired accuracy of a solution and computation time to be expended. Specifically, we recommend six prioritized look-ahead parameter values, each with a corresponding heuristic method, as presented in Table 5.

Table 5 Prioritized heuristic methods and look-ahead depth parameters

In a problem with n = 5, for example, after executing the heuristic method using IHT(2.5r) we would next use IHT(3r) and then continue in a similar manner until completing the desired number of looks. The IHE method is introduced at the fourth iteration of the heuristic method in order to complement the results obtained from using the IHT method.

We test the prioritized look-ahead depth parameter set method using the baseline problem case. Results are presented in Table 6. The results indicate a steady improvement in performance, along with a corresponding increase in computation time required, as the number of looks increases. We observe that the heuristic method will return an optimal solution in at least half of the problem instances when using a single look-ahead parameter IHT(2.5r). The heuristic method will return a solution that is within 0.01 percent of optimal in at least 75 percent of the problem instances when using the fourth look-ahead set {IHT(2r, 2.5r, 3r), IHE(3)}. Finally, we observe that the heuristic method will return a solution that is within 1 percent of optimal in at least 90 percent of the problem instances when using the fifth look-ahead set, {IHT(2r, 2.5r, 3r), IHE(3,4)}.

Table 6 Performance of the IHT and IHE methods on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices for 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios with average inspection times comparable to average travel times, using the best solution that was obtained in each problem scenario for the indicated look-ahead depth parameter sets

These results are also presented in Figure 3 to show the rate of improvement of the prioritized hybrid look-ahead depth sets as computation time increases. We observe the best rate of improvement in performance as a function of computation time required through the third look-ahead depth set {IHT(2r, 2.5r, 3r)}. We test these recommendations further using several additional problem cases.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Combined IHT and IHE 90th percentile hybrid performance with average travel times comparable to average inspection times, using prioritized heuristic methods and look-ahead depth parameter sets

2.4.4 Sensitivity Analysis

In addition to the baseline problems, we consider the case where a patroller needs to spend more time conducting inspections than he does traveling between vertices and the case where the patroller needs to spend more time traveling between vertices than he does conducting inspections. The problem cases considered in the numerical experiments are summarized in Table 7.

Table 7 Summary of numerical experiments for random attackers

For the case where the average inspection times are longer than average travel times, we double the inspection times in the problem scenarios and run the experiment using both the linear programming and heuristic methods. We conduct these experiments with the original attack time distributions and also adjust the attack distributions as a separate case to maintain an overall probability of detection rate of approximately 0.5. We do this by increasing the attack time distribution parameters at each vertex by a factor of 1.5. The rest of the problem scenario parameters remain the same.

For the case where the average travel times are longer than average inspection times, we double the travel times in the problem scenarios and the run the experiment using both the linear programming and heuristic methods. We use the same original and adjusted attack distributions at each vertex that were used in the cases of increased inspection times as described above. The rest of the problem scenario parameters remain the same. Case I, the baseline case, had the lowest long-run cost on average. Case III generated the smallest number of states and had the highest long-run cost on average. Case IV generated the largest number of states on average.

Results for problem cases II through V using the prioritized look-ahead parameter sets from Section 2.4.3 are presented in Table 8. In each of these problem cases, very favorable results were obtained using the recommended method of incrementally increasing the heuristic method and look-ahead parameter sets. We note that the heuristic performed slightly better in problem cases involving shorter travel times. The average computation time required in each case increases significantly as the average size of the state space grows. We particularly note this for problem Case IV, which had an average state space approximately three times larger than the baseline case, but required computation times that were approximately 25 times greater.

Table 8 Performance of IHT and IHE methods for problem cases as indicated in Table 7, using prioritized look-ahead depth parameter sets

In general, the heuristic returns a solution within 0.01 percent of optimal in at least half of the problem instances using a single look-ahead parameter, IHT(2.5r). The heuristic returns a solution within 0.01 percent of optimal in at least 75 percent of the problem instances using the third look-ahead set, {IHT(2r, 2.5r, 3r)}. Finally, we observe that the heuristic returns a solution within 1 percent of optimal in at least 90 percent of the problem instances using the sixth look-ahead set, {IHT(2r, 2.5r, 3r), IHE(2, 3, 4)}. We also note in certain problem cases that this method may require more computation time than what is required to determine an optimal solution using the RALP.

3 Single Patroller Against Strategic Attackers

We consider the case of a single patroller against strategic attackers. Section 3.1 introduces a patrol model on a graph, where an attacker will actively choose a location to attack in order to incur the highest cost. In Section 3.2, we present a linear program that determines an optimal solution to the patrol problem. Since the linear program quickly becomes computationally intractable as the size of the problem grows, we also present heuristic methods for determining a solution in Section 3.3. In Section 3.4, we present a method to compute a lower bound for an optimal solution, which allows us to evaluate the heuristic methods when an optimal solution is unavailable. We conduct extensive numerical experiments for several scenarios and present the results in Section 3.5. We make recommendations on how to best utilize the heuristic methods based on the experimental results.

3.1 Patrol Model

We consider a patrol model similar to the random-attacker model presented in Section 2.1, except that in this case, an attacker will actively choose which vertex to attack in order to incur the highest expected cost. In other words, the attacker and the patroller play a simultaneous-move two-person zero-sum game where the attacker is trying to maximize the cost incurred due to a successful attack and the patroller is trying to minimize it. The patroller chooses how to patrol the graph while the attacker chooses which vertex to attack. Except for trivial cases, an optimal strategy for either player in a two-person zero-sum game is often a mixed strategy, which is a probability distribution on the set of a player’s pure strategies [17].

To formulate this problem, we modify the model that was used for the random-attacker case in Section 2. Recall from (16) that for a given patrol policy π, V i(π) is the long-run cost rate at vertex i. While the attacker is trying to maximize the expected cost incurred by choice of vertex to attack, the patroller is simultaneously trying to minimize it by choice of patrol policy. The patroller’s objective function in this two-person zero-sum game against a strategic attacker is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \min_{\pi \in \varPi^{\mathrm{R}}} \max_{i \in N} \frac{V_i (\pi)}{\lambda_i}, \end{aligned} $$

where Π R is the set of randomized patrol policies.

3.2 Optimal Policy

It is possible to determine an optimal solution to this problem by formulating and solving a linear program. Recall the linear program from Section 2.2.1 that was used to find an optimal solution for the case of random attackers, where the objective function represented the overall long-run cost rate. In the case of strategic attackers, the objective is to minimize the largest expected cost per attack across each individual vertex, rather than the overall long-run cost rate for the entire graph.

To solve this problem, we again use the directed graph of the state space \(G(\mathcal {N},\mathcal {A})\), where each node \(k \in \mathcal {N}\) represents one state of the system and each arc \((k,l) \in \mathcal {A}\) represents a feasible transition between states. Each arc is assigned a transit time t kl as determined by the vertex-pair specific distance and inspection times, where t kl = τ(k, ω(l)). Each arc is also assigned cost data that represents the expected cost incurred at each vertex when the system transitions from state k to state l. We write \(c_{kl}^{(i)}\) as the expected cost incurred at vertex i for the state pair (k, l), as determined by (9), for i ∈ N.

If x kl represents the long-run fraction of time that arc (k, l) is utilized during the patrol pattern, the long-run cost rate at vertex i is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{(k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} c_{kl}^{(i)} x_{kl}. \end{aligned} $$

Dividing this total by the arrival rate of attackers at vertex i, we can define the zero-sum game between the patroller and strategic attacker as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \min_x \max_{i \in N} \sum_{(k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} \frac{c_{kl}^{(i)} x_{kl}}{\lambda_i}. \end{aligned} $$

Note that \(c_{kl}^{(i)} x_{kl}\) scales proportionately with λ i, so the long-run average cost at vertex i does not depend on the value of λ i. Hence, we let λ i = 1, for all i ∈ N.

To determine an optimal solution for the strategic-attacker problem, we modify the linear program in Section 2.2.1 to minimize the largest long-run average cost per attack among all vertices, which we refer to as the strategic-attacker linear program (SALP):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \min_x z^{\mathrm{OPT}} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \text{subject to} \sum_{(k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} c_{kl}^{(i)} x_{kl} & \leq z^{\mathrm{OPT}}, \forall \ {i} \in N \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{l | (k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} x_{kl} - \sum_{l | (l,k) \in \mathcal{A}} x_{lk} & = 0, \forall \ {k} \in \mathcal{N} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{(k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} t_{kl} x_{kl} & = 1, \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} x_{kl} & \geq 0, \forall \ {(k,l)} \in \mathcal{A}. \end{aligned} $$

In an optimal solution, the positive values of x kl indicate the arcs that belong to the cycle with the lowest total cost per unit time. The states on these cycles directly correspond to vertices on the graph, which can be determined by the function ω(s). Therefore, an optimal mixed strategy patrol policy can be determined. For each state of the system, the patrol policy specifies the probability that the patroller will choose to move to each vertex. We map the solution from the linear program to a patrol policy using

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} p_{kl} = \frac{x_{kl}}{\sum_{l | (k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} x_{kl}}, \text{for} \sum_{l | (k,l) \in \mathcal{A}} x_{kl} > 0, \end{aligned} $$

where p kl is the probability that the patroller will choose to next go to vertex ω(l) when the system is in state k.

As the problem size grows, it quickly becomes computationally intractable to use this method. Therefore, there is a need for efficient heuristic policies.

3.3 Heuristic Policies

In this section, we consider heuristics to determine a strategy for the patroller. This method introduces a different kind of randomized strategy, by letting the patroller choose a patrol pattern from a predetermined set and repeat the patrol pattern indefinitely.

For the patrol problems we consider, there are an infinite number of feasible patrol patterns. As it would be impossible to consider an infinite number of patrol patterns, we propose a heuristic method to define a finite set of patrol patterns from which the patroller can select a mixed strategy. If it were possible to consider every feasible patrol pattern, then this method would find an optimal solution. Similarly, if we consider a finite subset of all the feasible patrol patterns, such that all patrol patterns that are part of an optimal solution are elements of that subset, then this method would also find an optimal solution.

We develop strategy reduction techniques that allow us to consider a comprehensive, but reasonable, number of patrol patterns for use in this heuristic method. To do so, we create a finite set S of feasible patrol patterns, ideally with elements that are identical or very similar to the patrol patterns that are part of an optimal solution. In the best case, S would contain all patrol patterns that are part of an optimal solution.

Once we determine a finite set of patrol patterns, S = {ξ 1, ξ 2, …, ξ m}, we formulate a different two-person zero-sum game between the attacker and the patroller in a standard matrix form. In this game matrix, row i corresponds to the attacker choosing to attack vertex i and column j corresponds to the patroller choosing patrol pattern ξ j, for i ∈ N and j = 1, …, m. A linear program can then be formulated to solve this two-person zero-sum matrix game [22]. The solution to this game will provide a mixed strategy for both the attacker and the patroller, and the value of the game will be the expected cost due to an undetected attack.

3.3.1 Patrol Cost Determination

For any feasible patrol pattern, we can determine the expected cost incurred at each vertex due to an undetected, and therefore successful, attack. We denote the expected cost at vertex j by ρ j. These expected costs are used to populate the game matrix used in the heuristic method. There are three cases to consider when computing the expected cost at a vertex, which are based on the structure of the patrol pattern.

Case one occurs if the patrol pattern never visits vertex j. In this case, the expected cost for an attack on vertex j is c j, due to the fact that if the attacker chooses to attack vertex j then the attack will always succeed. Thus,

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \rho_j = c_j. \end{aligned} $$

Case two occurs if the patroller visits vertex j exactly once during a patrol pattern of total time length τ. Recall from Section 2.2 that we can compute the expected number of successful attacks at vertex j when vertex j is inspected once every τ time units as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \lambda_j \int_0^\tau F_j (\tau-t) \ {dt} = \lambda_j \int_0^\tau F_j (s) \ {ds}. \end{aligned} $$

Divide this by the expected number of attackers that will arrive at vertex j during time interval τ, which is λ j τ, to determine the probability of a successful attack:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda_j \int_0^\tau F_j (s) \ {ds}}{\lambda_j \tau} = \frac{\int_0^\tau F_j (s) \ {ds}}{\tau}. \end{aligned} $$

The expected cost at vertex j will therefore be the cost of a successful attack c j times the probability of a successful attack:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \rho_j = \frac{c_j \int_0^\tau F_j (s) \ {ds}}{\tau}.{} \end{aligned} $$

Case three occurs if the patroller visits vertex j two or more times during the patrol pattern. In this case, we break the patrol pattern into intervals based on each time the patroller returns to the vertex. If a patroller visits the vertex m ≥ 2 times during a patrol pattern of total time length τ, we define t 1 as the time interval between the m-th (final) visit and the first visit to the vertex. The second interval t 2 is the time between the first and second visit. The last interval t m is the time between visit m − 1 and visit m. We compute the expected number of successful attacks at the vertex during each interval and divide that sum by the time to complete a full patrol cycle τ. Thus, the probability of a successful attack at vertex j, with m ≥ 2 visits to vertex j, during a patrol pattern of total length τ = t 1 + t 2 + ⋯ + t m is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda_j \int_0^{t_1} F_j (s) \ {ds} + \dots + \lambda_j \int_0^{t_m} F_j (s) \ {ds}}{\lambda_j \tau} \end{aligned}$$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} = \frac{\int_0^{t_1} F_j (s) \ {ds} + \dots + \int_0^{t_m} F_j (s) \ {ds}}{\tau}, \end{aligned} $$

and the expected cost is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \rho_j = \frac{c_j \left(\int_0^{t_1} F_j (s) \ {ds} + \dots + \int_0^{t_m} F_j (s) \ {ds}\right)}{\tau}. \end{aligned} $$

3.3.2 Selection of Patrol Patterns

We consider two groups of patrol patterns to include in S. The first group is a combinatorial selection of patrol patterns based on the shortest Hamiltonian cycle in the graph. The second group is determined through an iterative method based on fictitious play.

3.3.3 Patrol Patterns Based on Shortest Path

Consider a case where the patroller chooses to use a single patrol pattern, or in other words, he uses a pure strategy. He would likely choose a pattern that visited each vertex at least once, since if he were to never visit a vertex, then an attack at that vertex would always be successful and would incur the full cost. Furthermore, he would likely try to minimize the time between inspections at each vertex.

To minimize the time between inspections at each vertex while visiting each vertex at least once during the patrol pattern, the patroller will follow a shortest Hamiltonian cycle in the graph. This patrol pattern is designated as the first element in the set S and we refer to it as the shortest-path patrol pattern. Finding the shortest-path patrol pattern is an example of solving a traveling salesman problem, as described in Sect. 16.5 of Ahuja et al. [1], in which the vertices represent locations that are subject to attack and the weight on each edge is the time required to travel between those locations and complete an inspection at the arrival location.

From (41), the expected cost at vertex j using a shortest-path patrol pattern with total transit time τ is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \rho_j = \frac{c_j \int_0^\tau F_j (s) \ {ds}}{\tau}, \forall \ {j} \in N.\end{aligned} $$

If a patroller were to use this patrol pattern as a pure strategy against strategic attackers, then the long-run cost of this policy is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} V =\max_{j \in N} \rho_j,\end{aligned} $$

since an attacker will employ his own pure strategy of always choosing to attack the vertex that incurs the highest cost.

Since we want to consider the option of a mixed strategy for the patroller, we must add additional patrol patterns to S. We start by considering subsets of the shortest-path patrol pattern. Specifically, we consider n additional patrol patterns, which consist of the cycle where one vertex is skipped in the shortest-path patrol pattern and the patroller proceeds to the next vertex in the sequence. These are good patrol patterns to consider because they are consistent with the reasoning of using the shortest-path patrol pattern to minimize time spent on traveling, but they can also account for the heterogeneous qualities of potential attack locations. Due to differences among vertices in attack time distributions F i(⋅) or cost incurred due to a successful attack c i, a patroller may want to use a mixed strategy that periodically skips a visit to one or more vertices in order to occasionally direct more resources toward other vertices.

As an example, if the shortest-path patrol pattern in a graph with n = 5 vertices is {1 − 2 − 3 − 4 − 5−}, then the first subset of patrol patterns is

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{matrix} \{2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - \}.\end{matrix} \end{aligned}$$

For similar reasons, we also consider all paths of length n − 2, where two vertices are removed from the shortest-path patrol pattern. In our example, there will be \(\binom {5}{3} = 10\) of these patterns to consider:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{matrix} \{3 - & 4 - & 5 -, & 2 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 2 - & 3 - & 5 -, & 2 - & 3 - & 4 -, \\ 1 - & 4 - & 5 -, & 1 - & 3 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 3 - & 4 -, & 1 - & 2 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 4 -, & 1 - & 2 - & 3 - \}.\end{matrix} \end{aligned}$$

We continue this process by removing vertices until all subsets of the shortest-path patrol pattern that consist of only one vertex have been considered. For paths of length greater than three, the sequence of vertices can be reordered as required, so that the patroller will be utilizing the shortest Hamiltonian cycle within a particular subgraph of vertices. The total number of patrol patterns considered when using this method is 2n − 1. We refer to this set of patterns as the shortest-path (SP) patrol patterns.

In addition to the shortest-path patrol pattern and its subsets, we consider patrol patterns where the patroller chooses one vertex to visit twice during his patrol while visiting each remaining vertex only once. Ideally, we would choose the time for a revisit to a vertex in the patrol pattern such that the time between inspections is as close to even as possible. To determine these patterns, we continue to use the shortest-path patrol pattern as a baseline and insert a revisit to each vertex at all possible points in the pattern, such that the patroller does not complete a revisit to a vertex immediately after completing an inspection at that vertex. Using this method, we will consider an additional n(n − 2) patrol patterns. We refer to this set of patrol patterns as the shortest-path with one revisit (SPR1) patrol patterns.

To continue the example from above, for a graph with n = 5 vertices and shortest-path patrol pattern {1 − 2 − 3 − 4 − 5−}, the SPR1 set would consist of the following additional 15 patrol patterns:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{matrix} \{1 - & 2 - & 1 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 1 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 1 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 2 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 2 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 - & 2 -, \\ 1 - & 3 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 3 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 - & 3 -, \\ 1 - & 4 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 4 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 - & 4 -, \\ 1 - & 5 - & 2 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 5 - & 3 - & 4 - & 5 -, \\ 1 - & 2 - & 3 - & 5 - & 4 - & 5 - \}.\end{matrix} \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, we can continue this method of generating additional patrol patterns based on the shortest-path patrol pattern by allowing multiple revisits to a vertex. We consider the case of the shortest path with two revisits (SPR2) by starting with the SPR1 patrol patterns and, for each of these patrol patterns, conducting an additional visit to each vertex. We consider paths that revisit all combinations of two vertices, including two revisits to the same vertex, such that there are no immediate revisits to any vertex.

The number of patrol patterns that are generated for a particular number of revisits is based on the number of vertices n in the graph. For the case of two revisits, such as in the SPR2 method, there are an additional n(n − 2)[(n − 1)(n − 1) + (n − 3)] patrol patterns to consider. The SPR3 method follows a similar process by conducting revisits to all combinations of three vertices such that there are no immediate revisits to any vertex. The length of the patrol patterns and the size of the sets that are generated in each of these methods are summarized in Table 9.

Table 9 Shortest path patrol pattern sets

A summary of representative patrol pattern sizes for the type of problems that we consider is presented in Table 10. As revisits are increased to four and beyond, there are very large increases in the number of patrol patterns without much further improvement in performance.

Table 10 Example numbers of shortest-path patrol patterns

3.3.4 Patrol Patterns Based on Fictitious Play

We consider an additional group of patrol patterns that are generated using fictitious play as described by Robinson [19]. She shows that an iterative method can be used to generate mixed strategies in a two-person zero-sum game that will converge to an optimal solution. In this iterative method of play, each player arbitrarily chooses a pure strategy in the first round. In subsequent rounds, each player chooses a pure strategy that will produce the best expected value against the mixture of strategies used by the other player in all the previous rounds.

We compute the attacker’s mixed strategy (p 1, …, p n) based on the mixture of strategies used by the patroller in the previous rounds. Based on that probability vector, we can use the IHT and IHE heuristic methods from the random-attacker case presented in Section 2 to generate a new patrol pattern for the patroller. The following algorithm is adapted from Lin et al. [15]:

  1. 1.

    In round 1, each player picks a strategy.

    1. a.

      Denote by ξ (d) the patrol pattern used by the patroller in round d. Choose ξ (1) to be the shortest-path patrol pattern.

    2. b.

      Let the attacker pick the vertex j that has the highest cost in the shortest-path patrol to attack. Use r i, for i ∈ N, to keep track of the number of times vertex i is picked by the attacker. Initialize r j = 1 and r i = 0, for i ∈ N, i ≠ j.

  2. 2.

    Repeat the following steps for the predetermined number of rounds, ν. In round d ≥ 2,

    1. a.

      Set \(p_i = r_i / \sum _{k=1}^n r_k\), which represents the attacker’s mixed strategy based on his attack history from rounds 1 to d − 1. Use the random-attacker heuristic method to generate a patrol pattern ξ (d).

    2. b.

      Find the best vertex for the attacker to attack by assuming the patroller uses patrol pattern ξ (j), j = 1, …, (m − 1), each with probability 1∕(m − 1). If attacking vertex i yields the highest expected cost, set r i ← r i + 1.

Thus, we can generate two groups of patrol patterns for use in the strategic-attacker heuristic method: the shortest-path patrol pattern and its associated derived patrol patterns, and a set of patrol patterns determined by an iterative method using fictitious play. The heuristic method in the case of fictitious play will have two parameters, the set L of look-ahead depth parameters to be used with the IHT and IHE methods, and the number of iterations of fictitious play, ν.

For a graph with n vertices, we generate 2n − 1 + n(n − 2) patrol patterns in the first group when using the SP and SPR1 patrol pattern sets. In the second group we generate up to |L|× ν patrol patterns. The actual number of patrol patterns considered in the problem is often much smaller than [2n + n 2 − 2n − 1] + [|L|× ν], since many of the patrol patterns generated during the fictitious-play algorithm will be identical or will produce identical performance.

3.4 Lower Bound

When an optimal solution cannot be determined due to the size of a problem, it is valuable to have a way to evaluate a heuristic solution. For this purpose, we provide a method to compute a lower bound for an optimal solution in the strategic-attacker problem. This is a modification of the discrete-time method presented in Lin et al. [15] for our continuous-time problem.

To determine a lower bound for an optimal solution, we formulate a linear program. We define y ir as the rate at which an inspection is completed at vertex i, with the last inspection at that vertex having been completed exactly r time units ago.

For example, consider a patrol pattern of total length τ = 17 where inspections are completed at vertex 1 at times 2 − 5 − 7 − 10 − 14 − 17. The times between inspections are 2 − 3 − 2 − 3 − 4 − 3. The inspection rates at vertex 1 using this patrol pattern are y 12 = 2∕17, y 13 = 3∕17, and y 14 = 1∕17. It follows that there is a total inspection rate constraint for any vertex i that is inspected during a patrol pattern:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{r=1}^\infty y_{ir} r = 1. \end{aligned} $$

If a vertex is not visited at all during a patrol pattern, then the total inspection rate at that vertex will be 0. Therefore, in order to create a total-rate constraint for all vertices and all patrol policies, we use

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{r=1}^\infty y_{ir} r \leq 1, \forall \ {i} \in N. {} \end{aligned} $$

Since we consider this problem in continuous time, we must modify the definition of the inspection rate in order to use it as a variable in a linear program. Recall that the attack time at vertex i is bounded by B i. We divide the time interval [0, B i] at vertex i into m equal length subintervals. We then define an inspection rate y iq, for q = 1, …, (m − 1), as the rate at which vertex i is inspected with the previous inspection having been completed at time in \(\left [ \frac {(q-1) B_i}{m}, \frac {q B_i}{m} \right )\), and y im as the rate at which vertex i is inspected with the previous inspection having been completed at least \((\frac {m-1}{m}) B_i\) time units ago.

Again consider the example of a patrol pattern of total length τ = 17 where inspections are completed at vertex 1 at times 2 − 5 − 7 − 10 − 14 − 17. Suppose that B 1 = 9.6 and we choose m = 8. Table 11 indicates the number of inspections that are completed in each time interval.

Table 11 Example case of time-interval inspections

Thus, the inspection rates y iq at vertex i = 1 for this patrol pattern are y 12 = 2∕17, y 13 = 3∕17, y 14 = 1∕17, and y 11 = y 15 = y 16 = y 17 = y 18 = 0.

Since the inspection times are broken into m discrete-time intervals, the identity in (47) becomes

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} \frac{(q-1) B_i}{m} \leq 1, \forall \ {i} \in N. \end{aligned} $$

We now focus on a single vertex in order to quantify the long-run cost at that vertex. Define R i(t) as the expected cost that can be avoided for completing an inspection at vertex i if the previous inspection was completed t time units ago. This is equivalent to the expected number of ongoing attacks at vertex i at time t multiplied by c i, so

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} R_i (t) = c_i \lambda_i \int_0^t P(X_i > s) \ {ds}. \end{aligned} $$

We also define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} R_{iq} = R_i \left( \frac{q B_i}{m} \right), q=1,\dots,m, \end{aligned} $$

as the cost that can be avoided at vertex i for completing an inspection at time q(B im).

Although we do not know the exact value of the expected cost at vertex i, we do know that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \left( c_i - \frac{1}{\lambda_i} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} R_{iq} \right) \leq \text{[expected cost at vertex }i] \leq \left( c_i - \frac{1}{\lambda_i} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} R_{i(q-1)} \right). \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the expected cost incurred at vertex i will be at least

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} c_i - \frac{1}{\lambda_i} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} R_{iq}, \forall \ {i} \in N, {}\end{aligned} $$

because the expression in (51) will take credit for avoiding cost in the entire interval \(\left [ 0, \frac {q B_i}{m} \right )\) at the constant value represented by \(R_i (\frac {q B_i}{m})\) times the inspection rate y iq. Thus, the value in (51) represents a lower bound for the expected cost for each attack at vertex i.

To formulate a linear program to determine a lower bound for an optimal solution, we also incorporate constraints that account for graph structure. Define x ij as the rate at which a patroller travels from vertex i to vertex j and conducts an inspection at vertex j, for i, j ∈ N. Recall that t ij represents the time required for a patroller to travel from vertex i to vertex j and conduct an inspection at vertex j. On a graph with a single patroller, the following total-rate constraint applies:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{i,j \in N} x_{ij} t_{ij} = 1. {}\end{aligned} $$

Since the total rate of arrivals to a vertex must equal the total rate of departures from a vertex, we also observe that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{j \in N} x_{ij} = \sum_{j \in N} x_{ji}, \forall \ {i} \in N. \end{aligned} $$

The variables x ij and y iq are connected through the equation

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} = \sum_{j \in N} x_{ij}, \forall \ {i} \in N, {}\end{aligned} $$

since both sides represent the long-run inspection rate at vertex i.

We now formulate a linear program to determine the lower bound for an optimal solution in the single patroller against strategic attackers problem, which we refer to as the lower bound linear program (LBLP):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \min_{x,y} z^{\mathrm{LB}} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \text{subject to} c_i - \frac{1}{\lambda_i} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} R_{iq} & \leq z^{\mathrm{LB}}, \forall \ {i} \in N, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} \frac{(q-1) B_i}{m} & \leq 1, \forall \ {i} \in N, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{j \in N} x_{ij} - \sum_{j \in N} x_{ji} & = 0, \forall \ {i} \in N, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^m y_{iq} - \sum_{j \in N} x_{ji} & = 0, \forall \ {i} \in N, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{i,j \in N} x_{ij} t_{ij} & = 1, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} x_{ij} & \geq 0, \forall \ {i,j} \in N, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} y_{iq} & \geq 0, \forall \ {i} \in N; q = 1,\dots,m {}. \end{aligned} $$

The decision variables in this problem are x ij, the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to vertex j; and y iq, the rate that an inspection is completed at vertex i with the time since the last inspection falling in \(\left [ \frac {(q-1) B_i}{m}, \frac {q B_i}{m} \right )\).

In this linear program, we seek to minimize the maximum expected cost for each attack across all n vertices, which is ensured by constraint (55b). We observe the total inspection rate constraints at each vertex with (55c). We also observe the network balance of flow and total arrival and inspection rate equality constraints in (55d) and (55e). Finally, we observe the total transit rate constraint on a single patroller in (55f), and the non-negativity constraint on patroller transit rates and inspection rates in (55g) and (55h).

While the preceding linear program will produce a valid lower bound, it can be quite loose. We add additional constraints to the linear program in order to tighten the lower bound by limiting the rate of reinspections at a vertex and by considering the transit time that is required between vertices.

To account for the action of a patroller electing to stay at a vertex to conduct an additional inspection, define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} a_i = \left\lceil \frac{v_i}{(B_i/m)} \right\rceil, \forall \ {i} \in N, \end{aligned} $$

as the number of subintervals needed for the patroller to inspect vertex i again without leaving vertex i; and require that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^{a_i} y_{iq} \geq x_{ii}, \forall \ {i} \in N, {}\end{aligned} $$

which ensures the total rate of inspections at vertex i in the time interval it takes to conduct an inspection is at least equal to the rate of reinspections at vertex i.

We also add constraints to the linear program to account for the patroller’s transit rate from vertex i to j and back to vertex i, denoted by u iji, for i ≠ j, as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ u_{iji} & \leq x_{ij}, \forall \ {i,j} \in N; i \neq j, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ u_{iji} & \leq x_{ji}, \forall \ {i,j} \in N; i \neq j, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ x_{ij} - \sum_{k \neq i} x_{jk} & \leq u_{iji}, \forall \ {i,j} \in N; i \neq j {}. \end{aligned} $$

Since the rate that a patroller transits from vertex i to j must be at least equal to the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j and back to vertex i, we include constraint (58a). The same reasoning applies to constraint (58b). We also observe in (58c) that the rate the patroller transits from vertex i to j and back to vertex i must be at least equal to the rate that he transits from vertex i to j, minus the rate he transits from vertex j to any vertex other than i.

It also holds that the inspection rate at vertex i must be at least equal to the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j and back to vertex i. To incorporate this constraint, define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} g_{iji} = \left\lceil \frac{t_{ij}+t_{ji}}{(B_i/m)} \right\rceil, \forall \ {i,j} \in N; i \neq j, \end{aligned} $$

and require that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^{g_{iji}} y_{iq} \geq x _{ii} + u_{iji}, \forall \ {i,j} \in N; i \neq j, {}\end{aligned} $$

where x ii is the rate that the patroller remains at vertex i to conduct an additional inspection and u iji is the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j and back to vertex i.

We can continue this same idea to account for paths that visit at least two vertices prior to returning to vertex i and define w ijki as the rate at which the patroller transits from vertex i to vertex j to vertex k and returns immediately to vertex i. Based on the patroller’s transit rate from vertex i to j to k and back to vertex i, for i ≠ j, k, we add the following additional constraints to the linear program:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ w_{ijki} & \leq x_{ij}, \forall \ {i,j,k} \in N; i \neq j,k, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ w_{ijki} & \leq x_{jk}, \forall \ {i,j,k} \in N; i \neq j,k, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ w_{ijki} & \leq x_{ki}, \forall \ {i,j,k} \in N; i \neq j,k, {} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \ x_{ij} - \sum_{l \neq k} x_{jl} - \sum_{l \neq i} x_{kl} & \leq w_{ijki}, \forall \ {i,j,k} \in N; i \neq j,k {}. \end{aligned} $$

Since the rate that a patroller transits from vertex i to j must be at least equal to the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j to k and back to vertex i, we include constraint (61a). The same reasoning applies to constraints (61c) and (61d). We also observe in (61d) that the rate the patroller transits from vertex i to j to k and back to vertex i must be at least equal to the rate that he transits from vertex i to j, minus the rate he transits from vertex j to any vertex other than k and the rate he transits from vertex k to any vertex other than i.

It also holds that the inspection rate at vertex i must be at least equal to the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j to k and back to vertex i. To incorporate this constraint, define

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} h_{ijki} = \left\lceil \frac{t_{ij}+t_{jk}+t_{ki}}{(B_i/m)} \right\rceil, \forall \ {i,j,k} \in N; i \neq j,k, \end{aligned} $$

and require that

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sum_{q=1}^{h_{ijki}} y_{iq} \geq x _{ii} + u_{iji} + w_{ijki}, \forall \ {i,j,k} \in N; i \neq j,k, {}\end{aligned} $$

where x ii is the rate that the patroller remains at vertex i to conduct an additional inspection; u iji is the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j and back to vertex i; and w ijki is the rate that the patroller transits from vertex i to j to k and then back to vertex i.

We add constraints (57), (58a), (58b), (58c), (60), (61a), (61b), (61c), (61d), and (63) to the LBLP, which considerably tightens the lower bound. We could continue this same idea to account for paths that visit three or more vertices before returning to a starting vertex; however, for the size of the graphs that we consider, that would involve many more variables with negligible gains in performance. The number of decision variables in this linear program is n 2 + mn. The number of constraints is 5n 3 + 5n 2 + (m − 10)n + 1. For a problem with n = 5 and m = 100, there are 525 decision variables and 1,201 constraints. In our numerical experiments, it takes on average 0.61 s to compute a lower bound for a problem of this size.

3.5 Numerical Experiments

To test the shortest-path and fictitious-play (FP) heuristic methods, we conduct several numerical experiments. We compare the results obtained from using the heuristic methods to an optimal solution. We also report the computation time required. Additionally, we compute a lower bound for an optimal solution using the linear program described in Section 3.4. Based on these results, we make conclusions on the efficacy of the heuristics, as well as make recommendations for the best use of the shortest-path and fictitious-play methods.

We test the same five problem cases for strategic attackers that we did for random attackers in Section 2. In each case, we use the same 1000 problem scenarios that were randomly generated for the random-attacker experiments. The attack probability vector is omitted for the strategic-attacker problems, but all other data remain the same. We conduct our baseline experiments on a graph with n = 5 vertices.

In our experimental results, an optimal solution that is obtained from using the SALP is indicated by z OPT. The lower bound that is obtained from using the LBLP is indicated by z LB. Solutions obtained from using a heuristic method are indicated by z H, where H indicates the heuristic method that was used.

3.5.1 Baseline Problems

For our baseline problem, we consider the case where a patroller spends about half of the time traveling and half of the time inspecting vertices. We determine an optimal solution using the SALP from Section 3.2 and a solution using the heuristic methods from Section 3.3. The SALP on average uses 5920 decision variables and 7110 constraints for a problem size with 1184 states. An optimal solution takes on average 20.68 s to compute. We compare the solution obtained from the heuristic method to an optimal solution. We also determine a lower bound for an optimal solution using the LBLP in Section 3.4, and compare that result to an optimal solution.

Using 1000 problem instances, we test the shortest-path method with the SP, SPR1, SPR2, and SPR3 patrol pattern sets. We also test the FP method with 10, 20, 30, and 50 iterations. Results of the baseline experiments are presented in Table 12. Excellent performance is observed with both the shortest-path SPR2 and SPR3 methods and the FP method with 50 iterations. Each of these methods returns a solution within 1.11 percent of an optimal solution in at least 90 percent of the problem instances. The shortest-path method uses considerably less computation time than the FP method in all cases. A tight lower bound for an optimal solution was also obtained, with an average difference between the lower bound and an optimal solution of 1.20 percent.

Table 12 Performance of the shortest-path and fictitious-play heuristic methods on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices, based on 1000 randomly generated problem instances with average inspection times that are comparable to average travel times

We also test combinations of the two-person zero-sum game matrices that are produced from each heuristic method. When the game matrices are combined, the resulting performance can be no worse than what is obtained with each of the individual methods since additional patrol patterns are being considered. The mean and 90th percentile performance results are presented in Table 13 and Table 14, respectively. We see an improvement in performance when the methods are combined, but it is generally not significant enough to justify the additional computation time required by the FP method. It requires at least 20 iterations of FP combined with the SPR2 set and at least 30 iterations of FP combined with the SPR1 set to improve upon the performance obtained from using the SPR3 patrol pattern set alone.

Table 13 Mean performance of the shortest-path and fictitious-play heuristic methods on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices, based on 1000 randomly generated problem instances with average inspection times that are comparable to average travel times, reported as the percentage excess over an optimal solution
Table 14 90th percentile performance of the shortest-path and fictitious-play heuristic methods on a complete graph with n = 5 vertices, based on 1000 randomly generated problem instances with average inspection times that are comparable to average travel times, reported as the percentage excess over an optimal solution

3.5.2 Recommendations Based on Numerical Experiments

We see very favorable results with the SP method. In at least 90 percent of the problem instances, we observe results within 1.11 percent of an optimal solution when using the SPR2 method and within 0.80 percent of an optimal solution when using the SPR3 method. For problems with n = 5, the SPR2 method required 0.52 s on average and the SPR3 method required 6.15 s on average to return a solution. The advantage to the SP method is that it provides excellent results for very little computation time.

We can generate additional effective patrol patterns for consideration in determining a randomized patrol policy, and further refine the overall solution, by considering the patterns obtained from multiple iterations of FP. The solution improves as the number of iterations of FP increases, but comes at a cost of significantly increased computation time. In at least 90 percent of problem instances, we see solutions within 2.11 percent of optimal when using 30 iterations of FP and within 0.73 percent of optimal when using 50 iterations of FP. These problem instances required on average 4.25 min and 7 min, respectively, to return a solution. Based on the experimental results, we recommend using the SPR2 method for the strategic-attacker problem.

3.5.3 Performance on Smaller and Larger Graphs

In addition to problems with n = 5, we test the heuristic methods on smaller and larger size graphs. For graphs with n =  3, 4, and 5, we compare the performance of the SPR2 heuristic to an optimal solution. Results are presented in Table 15.

Table 15 Performance of the SPR2 shortest-path heuristic on a complete graph, based on 1000 randomly generated problem instances with average inspection times comparable to average travel times

We note that the SPR2 heuristic method works extremely well for graphs smaller than n = 5, returning a solution that is within 0.17 percent of optimal in 90 percent of the problem instances with computation times of less than 0.1 s. For graphs with n =  6, 7, 8, and 9, we compare the performance of the heuristic to the lower bound. Results are presented in Table 16. We use the lower bound for a comparison because, in our experiments, it is not practical to compute an optimal solution for graphs with n > 5 due to computer memory limitations.

Table 16 Performance of the SPR2 shortest-path heuristic on a complete graph, based on 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios with average inspection times that are comparable to average travel times

We note that the SPR2 shortest-path heuristic method returns results that are within 10 percent of the lower bound in 90 percent of the problem instances for n = 6, and within 16 percent of the lower bound in 90 percent of problem instances for n = 9. These solutions take on average 0.58 s and 7.98 s, respectively, to compute.

3.5.4 Performance on Additional Graph Structures

In addition to problems on a complete graph, we test the SPR2 heuristic method on several additional graph structures. Specifically, we consider line graphs, circle graphs, and random trees. We use the procedures from Section 2.4.1 to generate 1000 random problem instances for problem cases with n =  4, 5, 6, and 7 vertices.

To construct a line graph, we randomly assign n − 1 edges between n vertices, such that the degree of each vertex is at least one but no more than two. To construct a circle graph, we randomly assign n edges between n vertices, such that the degree of each vertex is exactly two. To construct a random tree, we randomly assign n − 1 edges between n vertices, such that the degree of each vertex is at least one and there is at least one vertex of degree greater than two, which excludes line graphs from the random tree category.

We still allow a patroller to travel between any two vertices in order to determine a patrol policy. For these additional graph structures, a patroller may have to travel through one or more interim vertices (without conducting inspections at those vertices) in order to arrive at the destination vertex.

We consider cases where average travel times are comparable to average inspection times. To do this, we scale the travel times between each pair of vertices based on the graph structure. Specifically for any particular graph, we determine the average number of edges between each pair of vertices and divide the travel times by that average value. This produces average total travel times between each pair of vertices that are comparable to average inspection times. We construct a distance matrix D using these scaled travel times. The distance d ij is the total travel time along the shortest path in the graph between each pair of vertices i and j, for i, j ∈ N.

Results for these additional graph structures with n =  4, 5, 6, and 7 are presented in Table 17. For graphs with n ≤ 5, we compare the performance of the heuristic to an optimal solution as well as to the lower bound. For graphs with n ≥ 6, we compare the heuristic to the lower bound, since an optimal solution cannot be determined for problems of this size.

Table 17 Mean performance of the SPR2 heuristic method on additional graph structures, based on 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios for average inspection times that are comparable to average travel times

These results indicate that the shortest-path heuristic method can be used very effectively for the strategic-attacker problem on several different graph structures and sizes. For problems with n = 5, where an optimal solution can be determined, the SPR2 method returns a solution on average that is within 0.50 percent of optimal. These solutions take approximately 0.5 s to compute, which is 40 times less than the time required to compute an optimal solution. For problems with n = 7, where an optimal solution cannot be determined, the heuristic produces on average a result within 3.73 percent of the lower bound on a circle graph, and within 11.12 percent of the lower bound on a line graph. These solutions take less than 1.5 s to compute.

3.5.5 Sensitivity Analysis

In addition to the baseline problems, we consider the case where a patroller needs to spend more time conducting inspections than he does traveling between vertices; and the case where the patroller needs to spend more time traveling between vertices than he does conducting inspections. The five specific cases we consider in the numerical experiments are summarized in Table 18. Case III generated the smallest number of states and had the highest long-run cost on average. It also generated the tightest lower bound for an optimal solution. Case IV generated the largest number of states and had the lowest long-run cost on average. It also generated the loosest lower bound for an optimal solution.

Table 18 Summary of numerical experiments for strategic attackers

The mean performance results for problem cases II through V using both the SP and FP methods are presented in Table 19. The 90th percentile performance results are presented in Table 20. In each of the problem cases, very favorable results are obtained using the SP heuristic method. In at least 90 percent of the problem instances, the SPR2 method returns a solution within 1.51 percent of optimal. These solutions take 0.52 s to compute on average.

Table 19 Mean performance of the shortest-path and fictitious-play methods, based on 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios for each case
Table 20 90th percentile performance of the shortest-path and fictitious-play methods, based on 1000 randomly generated problem scenarios for each case

4 Conclusion

We examine methods to determine effective patrol policies against both random and strategic attackers. We consider two cases: a single patroller against random attackers and a single patroller against strategic attackers.

In the case of a single patroller against random attackers, we determine an optimal solution by modeling the state space of the system as a network and solve a minimum cost-to-time ratio cycle problem using linear programming. The solution represents a patrol policy, which is a repeating pattern of locations for a patroller to visit and inspect that minimizes the long-run cost incurred due to undetected attacks. Although the linear program returns an optimal solution, it quickly becomes computationally intractable for problems of moderate size. We therefore develop and test two aggregate-index heuristic methods, the index heuristic time (IHT) method and the index heuristic epoch (IHE) method. Both of these methods consider the structure of the graph, to include travel and inspection time requirements. The IHT method utilizes a predetermined look-ahead time window for the patroller to decide his next action by considering all possible paths and partial paths that can be completed during the time window when starting from his current vertex. For each of these paths, aggregate index values per unit time are computed and the patroller chooses his action based on those index values. He then repeats the process from the next vertex using the same look-ahead time window. This process continues until a patrol pattern is determined. The IHE method works in a similar fashion. However, in this method, a patroller looks ahead a predetermined number of decision epochs, and determines his action by considering all possible paths from the current vertex that consist of the specified number of decision epochs, regardless of the total time those paths will take. We see very favorable results using these methods in numerical experiments. In our baseline experiments, a solution within 1 percent of optimal was returned in at least 90 percent of the problem instances.

In the case of a single patroller against strategic attackers, we determine an optimal solution by modeling the state space of the system as a network and solve a linear program to minimize the largest expected cost per attack among all vertices. The solution consists of a patrol policy, which is a randomized strategy for the patroller that minimizes the long-run expected cost due to an undetected attack. Although the linear program returns an optimal solution, it quickly becomes computationally intractable for problems of moderate size. We therefore develop two heuristic methods, the shortest-path (SP) and fictitious-play (FP) methods. The SP method uses a combinatorial selection of patrol patterns based on the shortest Hamiltonian cycle in the graph. The FP method is an iterative method based on fictitious play. We also present a linear program that determines a lower bound for an optimal solution, so that we can evaluate our heuristics when an optimal solution is not available. We see very favorable results using both methods in numerical experiments; however, the FP method uses considerably more computation time than the SP method. In our baseline experiments, a solution within 1.2 percent of optimal was returned in at least 90 percent of the problem instances.