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1 Introduction

The study of plant-environment interactions has grown steadily during the past two decades. This trend will continue as many environmental changes impact the functioning of ecosystems. One aspect of studying the plant-environment interactions is to focus on the way plants react to abiotic or biotic stresses including chemical mediation between plants or plants-microorganisms (allelopathy) and plant reaction to pollutants. This chapter proposes to focus on carbon radiochemicals (14C) and stable carbon isotope tracers (13C). Indeed, they are powerful techniques in plant ecophysiological researches to describe the transfer and effects of allelochemicals and pollutants in plants and their environment.

14C radiochemicals are widely used in agronomy to understand pesticide’s translocation into plants and so they offer promising research perspectives in ecology. Because 14C is not present in natural environment, this is a powerful technique that offers the clue of studying where, when, how many target radiochemicals and their related metabolites are transferred into plants and in the surrounding soils. As example, the study of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) represents an important area of research in plant ecophysiology. PSMs served to defend plants against herbivores, pathogens and abiotic stress but also as chemical mediators of interactions with competitors (Chiapusio et al. 2005). A single compound can influence multiple components within an ecological system and can have effects at different scales, from physiological to structural community roles. 14C radiochemical techniques offer then a good way to discover PSM fate in plants (Chiapusio and Pellissier 2001; Chiapusio et al. 2004).

Natural abundance of 13C is currently used for a diverse range of applications in environmental and plant sciences since this isotope is naturally occurring in all compartments of ecosystems. As reviewed by Brüggemann et al. (2011), isotopic signature of C varies according to plant photosynthesis strategy (C3 vs C4 vs CAM), plant water use efficiency, plant organs and its constituting compounds (e.g. lipids are 13C-depleted whereas cellulose and carbohydrates are 13C-enriched). Pulse labeling plants with stable carbon isotope 13CO2 has a great efficiency to trace in situ recently assimilated C in plant organs, soil, and microorganisms including its release through respiration (Kuzyakov and Gavrichkova 2010; Epron et al. 2012). Indeed, leaves incorporate CO2 into carbohydrates to then “feed” physiological processes of all organs such as growth, respiration, maintenance, storage, osmotic regulation and defense. C allocation among plant organs and rhizospheric microorganisms is then related to the activity of C sources (leaves) and C sinks (roots, trunk, fruits, symbiotic microorganisms). C allocation is furthermore affected by environmental variations, such as shading (Warren et al. 2012; Bahn et al. 2013), drought (Ruehr et al. 2009; Zang et al. 2014; Hartmann et al. 2015), nitrogen supply (Högberg et al. 2010), atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment (Johnson et al. 2013) and atmospheric pollutants such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Desalme et al. 2011a) or ozone (Andersen 2003; Kasurinen et al. 2012).

To explore various applied examples of 14C and 13C techniques in an ecological context, we propose to focus on the transfer and effects in the environment of naturally occurring plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) and organic pollutants (PAHs) on plants. Among the numerous PSMs produced by plants, we focused on allelochemicals such as phenolic compounds, involved in plant-plant and plant-microorganisms interactions. PAHs are ubiquitous organic pollutants emitted by incomplete combustion of biomass or fossil fuel and recovered in all compartments of ecosystems (air, soil, water, plants). From an ecophysiological point of view, challenges still concern the way allelochemicals and organic pollutants are transferred in plants and affect their metabolism but also their surrounding microbial communities.

This chapter aims to present (1) basic aspects of extraction and quantification procedures of radiochemical (14C) and stable isotopes (13C) techniques in ecophysiological experiments and (2) some practical examples using labeled organic molecules (14C-PSMs and 13C-PAH) to trace their fate in plants and their surrounding soil, and labeled 13CO2 to study the way carbon allocation is changed in plant-soil systems exposed to atmospheric pollution by PAHs.

2 Overview of Some 14C Radiochemical and 13C Stable Isotope Techniques

2.1 14C Radiochemical Techniques (Table 25.1)

These powerful techniques allow to follow the 14C compound into seedlings, plants or in the soil in a quantitative and/or qualitative way to describe the transfer of radiolabeled molecules in mesocosms. Such techniques prove the absorption, the distribution, the metabolisation and/or degradation of the 14C compound in plants and their surrounding soils. Time course of the14C compound from the soil to the plant, including remanence in the soils is then well described. The identification of crucial environmental factors influencing its kinetic can also be evaluated. Once in plants, the absorbed 14C compound can be chemically transformed by oxidation, glycosylation or polymerization to be completely or partially metabolized and stocked into the vacuoles or strongly linked into cell walls. The choice for using a molecule partially or fully marked with 14C, its specific activity (mCi mmol−1) and its radiochemical purity depends of the goal of the study (global signal vs precise chemical fate in inner tissues of plant or soil).

Table 25.1 Some comparisons between usual 14C radiolabeled techniques

2.1.1 Extraction Procedure

Currently, 14C tissues are extracted by grinding or by oxidizing. The grinding extraction gives part of the recovered plant radioactivity because it is function of the selected solvent (from polar to non-polar solvent). The oxidizer extraction (oxidative combustion of the plant) gives the total recovered radioactivity in the target organ or in the plant (14C is transformed in 14CO2). Comparisons between the two extractions within a same sample offer then complementary information.

2.1.2 Quantification Procedure

14C extracts are diluted with a liquid of scintillation to be quantified by a Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC). More specifically analyses can be performed to discover the 14C metabolites by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) or by Ultra High Phase Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC- UV with radioactive counter detector with continuous flux) or by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. The use of such techniques will depend of the chemical structure of the selected 14C compound. The autoradiography technique is also a qualitative technique, which gives the full image of the 14C labeled plant with a specific imager (phosphor-imager). It allows visualizing the distribution of the radioactivity into the plant. The plant is usually contaminated in a solution into the soil or in the air through 14C chemical deposition in the leaves.

2.1.3 Warning

Manipulating such extracts needs specific room and material devoted to this. Glass materials including beakers to grow plants are strongly recommended to recover the entire radioactivity including material rinsing. Therefore a trap of 14CO2 (NaOH for example), coming from the degradation of the initial 14C molecule, is often added in the microcosms. For any experimentation, radiochemical measurements are validate only if the total recovered 14C in all compartments (including culture medium, plants, soil, rinsing wall beaker, etc.) is at minimum 80% of the initial radioactive solution. Under 80%, experiments are considered as non-valuable and must be redone.

2.2 Stable 13C Isotope Techniques (Table 25.2)

Enriched isotope methods involve applying huge amounts of a labeled substance and permit one to follow the flows and fates of an element without altering its natural behavior. Because the substances are enriched relative to the background, tracer studies remove or minimize problems of interpretation brought about by fractionation among pools that mix. The signal (the label) is amplified relative to the noise (variation caused by fractionation). Manipulation of stable isotopes requires special room and material devoted to this to prevent the contamination of samples mostly during their preparation.

Table 25.2 Some comparisons between usual 13C tracers techniques

2.2.1 Pulse-Labeling with CO2

Pulse-labeling consists in submitting the foliage to ambient concentration of CO2 having a different signature of ambient atmospheric CO2 (average ∂13C = −8‰) during few minutes or hours. Injected CO2 is generally highly enriched in 13C (up to 50–100 times background levels) but 13C-depleted CO2 can also be used (∂13C = −47‰) (Plain et al. 2009; Streit et al. 2013; Zang et al. 2014). The main objective of 13CO2 labeling is to study how fast and where the assimilated C is allocated among competing organs and partitioned among pools of C compounds. Labeling can be useful to study C allocation and partitioning in any plant or organ collected. The continuous-labeling is also possible. The choice between pulse or continuous depends on the process(es) investigated and whether the organs and C compounds involved turnover rapidly (from hours to months; pulse-labeling) or slowly (over several months to years; continuous-labeling) (Epron et al. 2012; Hartmann and Trumbore 2016).


Note that the injection of 13CO2 can stress the plant and can alter its natural behavior. It is possible to perform labeling under controlled conditions as well as in the field even though it is more difficult to handle and requires several persons, especially in the case of adult trees.

2.2.2 Purification of Samples

In plant samples, total organic matter is analyzed directly but some purification with solvents can be performed to separate different target biomolecules. For example, soluble sugars, starch, lipids and structural C compounds can be purified from various organs in order to get the dynamics of C partitioning in these pools of molecules (Streit et al. 2013; Blessing et al. 2015; Hartmann et al. 2015; Heinrich et al. 2015; Desalme et al. 2017). The objective of such purification is then to get the purest fraction of target molecules rather than the biggest quantity.


Caution must be taken to do not add more C in the different fractions during purification. It is recommended to use volatile solvent and carbon-less chemicals.

2.2.3 Quantification of 13CO2/12CO2 Ratio

13CO2/12CO2 ratio in plant and soil samples (solid, liquid and gas) is analyzed by an Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS). The principle of IRMS is to ionize the CO2 issued from the oxidation of the sample (mainly 2 isotopologues, 12C16O16O and 13C16O16O), to separate the 2 isotopologues in an electromagnet according to their mass/charge ratio (12CO2 = 44 and 13CO2 = 45), and to collect each one in separated faraday cups, allowing the calculation of a 13CO2/12CO2 ratio. Because the IRMS gives a ratio, total C content of the sample or concentration of the molecules must be determined by different techniques. Solid samples containing organic C are analyzed by an elemental analyzer (EA) in which all the organic C is oxidized into CO2 in a combustion reactor at >1000 °C coupled with an IRMS (EA-IRMS). Liquid samples (e.g., phloem sap extract, latex, exudates) can be analyzed in EA-IRMS after being dried. Specific compound analysis can also be performed with a chromatography coupled with an IRMS. Molecules in the samples are first separated and quantified by chromatography, then oxidized to produce CO2, and finally injected in the IRMS. Chromatographic separation of the specific molecules is performed by gas or liquid chromatography by following the same procedure as a simple chromatographic analysis. In liquid chromatography, the eluent phase must be inorganic and solutions have to be degassed to prevent CO2 contamination.

2.2.4 In Situ Quantification of 13CO2/12CO2 Ratio

High temporal resolution and near-continuous measurements of 13CO2/12CO2 ratio are also possible in situ by using Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometers (IRIS) that are more portable than IRMS, which use remains limited to the lab. The principle of IRIS is to emit a radiation by a laser, and to measure the radiation absorbed or emitted by the target gas species with a spectrometer (Kerstel and Gianfrani 2008; Griffis 2013).

3 Measurement of 14C-Labeled Compounds

The way to obtain target plants with incorporated radiolabeled allelochemicals will influence the selection of the technique to detect the radioactivity. Thus, this section will explain the way to prepare radioactive solution, will indicate how to express results and will give two practical examples of using 14C allelochemicals illustrating grinding and oxidizing extractions. This part will be illustrated by the study of the effect of 14C p-hydroxybenzoic acid (POH) from the sample preparation, its extraction by grinding and oxidizing to its quantification in seedlings (Chiapusio and Pellissier 2001).

3.1 Sample Preparation (Fig. 25.1)

Preparation of the Radiochemical: The « Mother Solution » (Step 1)

Most of the time, radiochemicals are sold in a powder form. Adding solvent is then necessary to obtain a solution. The adequate quantity will depend on the radiochemical specific activity. In general, the solubilisation in the appropriate solvent is made to obtain a convenient dilution to prepare the further radiochemical solutions. For example, ethanol or methanol are commonly used with radiolabeled phenols. This so-called « mother solution», must be prepared carefully because it will be the base of preparation of all further radiochemical solutions. This solution must be kept in freezer until further use.

Fig. 25.1
figure 1

Sample preparation for 14C compounds: the example of 14C p-hydroxybenzoic acid (POH) translocation in radish seedlings (non-sterile culture)

Radiochemical Solution (Step 2)

This solution is a mix of (1) the accurate tested concentration of non-radioactive chemical, called «the cold solution» and (2) an adequate quantity of the «mother solution» to get sufficient radioactivity to remain upper the threshold measurement of the radioactivity detector.

Plant Growth Conditions (Step 3)

No special culture conditions are required for the radiochemical experiments compared to usual cultures. The choice of sterile or non-sterile culture depends on the objective of the work but attention must be paid for the potential release of 14CO2, which can be trapped in a NaOH solution if necessary.

Samples Preparation (Step 4)

No special sample preparation is required. At the end of each selected incubation period, seedlings from each beaker are washed three times in adequate solvent (e.i. ethanol/water for phenolics) to remove adsorbed compounds. Then, seedling parts are separated. Organs of the same type removed from the same beaker are weighed and frozen together (−25 °C). These constitute one sample of one organ type.

3.2 Expression of Results

Results of the radiochemicals having penetrated into the seedlings can be either expressed as concentration (for example μmol g−1 FW) or as quantity (% of applied 14C chemical) for one beaker. Quantity is the ratio between the Disintegration Per Minute (DPM) of the initial 14C allelochemical solution, which was added to each beaker, and the recovery obtained from separated organs of seedlings. Allelochemical concentration is calculated at the equivalence of the cold solution moles, represented by x DPM detected in organs. Concentration pattern reflects the distribution of allelochemical in the plant organs. This unit is widely used to obtain a ratio between the allelochemical content and the plant biomass, which allows then comparisons between different studies. However, using only concentration could lead to erroneous conclusion because seedlings biomass per se is necessary to understand distribution of allelochemical in the organs of target plants (i.e. radish cotyledon biomass is about three times more than roots in 96 h seedlings). Thus, allelochemical content is used to detect preferential accumulation organ.

3.3 Practical Example of 14C Allelochemical Quantification: Extraction by Grinding and Quantification by Liquid Scintillation (Table 25.3)


Samples are ground with a mortar and pestle and soluble radiolabeled allelochemical is extracted with the adequate solvent. Homogenates are centrifuged (3000 rpm) for 3 min at 20 °C. The supernatant is set aside for further analysis after each extraction. The ground residue is extracted twice in the mortar and pestle, supernatants being combined.

Table 25.3 p-hydroxybenzoic acid (POH) translocation in radish seedlings in non-sterile condition of incubation


Supernatants and pellets are mixed with liquid scintillation cocktail. The choice and the quantity of the added liquid scintillation cocktail are made according to manufacturer recommendations. Radioactivity within samples is counted using a Liquid Scintillation Counter and express as Disintegration Per Minute (DPM).


p-hydroxybenzoic acid (POH) is absorbed by radish seedlings. POH concentration recovered in each organ is depending of the time and the type of organ. Focusing on the % of applied 14C POH, cotyledons are the POH sink organ at any time (Chiapusio and Pellissier 2001).

3.4 Practical Example of 14C Allelochemical Quantification: Extraction by Oxidizing and Quantification by Liquid Scintillation (Table 25.4)

Table 25.4 p-hydroxybenzoic acid (POH) translocation in radish seedlings in sterile condition of incubation


Frozen radioactive samples are wrapped in a paper (Germaflor) for oven-drying at 80 °C for 48 h or lyophilized. Each sample is then combusted in a biological oxidizer at 900 °C for about 3 min. 14CO2 released by samples is directly trapped into a vial containing liquid scintillation cocktail.


Radioactivity within samples is counted using a Liquid Scintillation Counter and results are expressed as DPM.


p-hydroxybenzoic acid (POH) is absorbed by radish seedlings. Cotyledons and roots represent the radish organ having the highest POH concentrations. Focusing on the % of applied 14C allelochemical, cotyledons are the POH sink organ. Comparing results of Tables 25.3 and 25.4, the observed decreased of POH in total seedlings (Table 25.3) is due to a fraction of non-extractable POH in plant tissue (Chiapusio and Pellissier 2001). Indeed, such decrease is not observed when using the oxidizer for POH quantification (Table 25.4).

4 Measurement of 13C-Labeled Compounds

This section will explain the way to label plants with 13CO2, to collect the samples and how to express results. Two practical examples are selected, both focusing on plants exposed to a phenanthrene (PHE) atmospheric pollution. The first example aims at considering the way carbon allocation is changed in plant-soil systems exposed to PHE by labeling plants with 13CO2 and the second one the way PHE is transferred in plants-soil systems exposed to 13C-labeled PHE.

4.1 Labeling and Sample Collection

Plant Growth Conditions

No special culture conditions are required for plants prior to be labeled with 13CO2.

Labeling of the Plants

A transparent plastic chamber must be specifically designed to label the whole crown of the plants. It means that the design and size of the chamber is related to the dimensions of the target plant. As the chamber modifies the microclimate around the crown, attention must be paid to avoid disturbance. Air temperature and hygrometry inside the chamber are maintained at those of the outside thanks to an air conditioner. 13C-enriched or 13C-depleted CO2 is injected through pipes from a bottle of gas into the chamber at a controlled flow rate. The adequate volume of 13CO2 delivered to the plant depends on plant assimilation and the studied process (which molecule? in which compartment? which turnover of the target molecule?) and so is attained by adjusting the duration of the labeling. During the labeling, it is preferable to follow the 12CO2 and 13CO2 assimilation rate of the labeled plant using an infrared gas analyzer (e.g. S710, SICK/Maihac). If not available, 12CO2 assimilation can be measured with a gas analyzer before the labeling and the amount of 13CO2 needed to label correctly the plant can be calculated. At the end of labeling period, the bottle is closed, and after around 15 min (the time for plants to assimilate 13C remaining in the chamber) the chamber is removed.

Samples Collection

Samples are collected before the labeling to determine the natural abundance of 13C in each studied compartment and at different selected dates after the labeling to follow the fate of 13C in each studied compartments. It is important to know the total quantity of 13C assimilated by the labeled plant. For trees, total assimilated 13C is generally considered as the 13C recovered in leaves collected just after the end of labeling. However, for herbaceous and small plants, 13C can have been already exported out of leaves to other organs, and total assimilated 13C corresponds rather to the total of 13C recovered in all the organs of the plants collected just after labeling. If possible, it is helpful to make some preliminary tests to determine the time needed to recover the 13C in the different parts of the plant (stems/trunks and roots) and in the soil.

Samples Preparation

Samples are either frozen in liquid nitrogen or at −20 °C and then rapidly freeze-dried or dried with microwave (useful when only 13C of total organ is needed). They are ground to obtain a fine powder like flour. According to the aim of the study, samples are directly injected in EA-IRMS, or treated with solvent for purification of biomolecules and dried before injection in EA-IRMS, or injected in liquid phase in LC or GC-IRMS.

4.2 Expression of Results

The formula of the 13C isotope composition (∂13C), the relative abundance of 13C (x(Ai)), the 13C label recovered (LRi), the fraction of total assimilated 13C (FLRi,t) and the partitioning of LR (PLRi,t,) are described below.

  • EA-IRMS gives the signature of 13C (∂13C, expressed in ‰) of each studied organ. By convention, 13C isotope composition was expressed relative to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard (RPDB = 0.011802).

$$ {\delta}^{13}C=\frac{\frac{{}{}^{13}C{O}_2}{{}{}^{12}C{O}_2}}{R_{PDB}}-1 $$
  • Relative abundance of 13C in any compartment i (x(13C)i, expressed in atom %):

$$ x{\left({}{}^{13}C\right)}_i=100\times \frac{{}{}^{13}C}{\left({}{}^{13}C+{}{}^{12}C_i\right)}=100\times \frac{\left(\frac{\delta 13{C}_i}{1000}+1\right)\times {\mathrm{R}}_{\mathrm{VPDB}}}{\left[\left(\frac{\delta 13{C}_i}{1000}+1\right)\times {\mathrm{R}}_{\mathrm{VPDB}}\right]+1} $$
  • The 13C label recovered in any compartment i (LRi, mg 13C):

$$ L{R}_i=\frac{\left(x{\left({}_{\;}{}^{13}C\right)}_{lp}-x{\left({}_{\;}{}^{13}C\right)}_{up}\;\right)}{100}\times {Q}_i $$

Qi the quantity of C in the compartment i (mg C); lp and up denote labeled and unlabeled pots.

  • Because C assimilation differs between plants and treatments, data can be expressed in fraction of total assimilated 13C (FLRi,t) by taking into account the total assimilated 13C (i.e., quantity of 13C recovered in the total plant or in leaves at day 0).

$$ FL{R}_{i,t}=\frac{L{R}_{i,t}}{\sum \limits_iL{R}_{i,t=0}}\times 100 $$
  • The partitioning of LR in each compartment at a given harvest-time (PLRi,t, %) is expressed in percentage of the total 13C recovered in the system at the respective harvest-time t (i.e. the total 13C recovered at T1, T2 or T3)

$$ PL{R}_{i,t}=\frac{L{R}_{i,t}}{\sum \limits_iL{R}_{i,t}}\times 100 $$

4.3 Practical Example of 13C Quantification in the Different Compartments of a Plant-Soil System Submitted to PHE Atmospheric Pollution: 13CO2 Pulse Labeling and Quantification by EA-IRMS (Figs. 25.2 and 25.3)

Fig. 25.2
figure 2

Kinetics of the fraction of 13C label recovered (FLR, %) in total plant, cumulative respiration, and microbial biomass after 1 month of red clover (Trifolium pratense) exposure to atmospheric PHE (exposed, closed circle) and to ambient air (control, open circle)

Data are expressed in percentage of 13C label recovered in each compartment at each harvest-time according to the total 13C recovery in the soil-plant system just after the end of labeling. Each point represents the mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Overall differences across time, between treatments (PHE) and their interaction for the FLR in total plant, cumulative respiration and microbial biomass were tested by a linear mixed effect test (P < 0.05, *; P < 0.01, **; P < 0.001, ***; NS: non significant)

Fig. 25.3
figure 3

Partitioning of 13C (PLR, %) among red clover organs (leaves, stems and roots) after 1 month of exposure to atmospheric PHE (plants exposed to atmospheric PHE) and to ambient air (control plants). Each fraction of the bar represents the mean percentage of 13C recovery (n = 3) in leaves, stems, and roots of red clover (Trifolium pratense) according to the total 13C recovery in the plant at the respective harvesting time


Plant-soil microsystems were subjected to a PHE atmospheric pollution during 28 days in specific chambers (Desalme et al. 2011a). Each chamber (3 dedicated to polluted atmosphere and 3 to control atmosphere) contains four red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) cultivated pots.


At the end of PHE exposure, pure 13CO2 was injected in chambers containing the plant-soil systems during 1.5 h. The chambers were opened and vented for 10 min to remove all the 13CO2 in excess then the light were turned off.

Sample Collection

Samples of leaves, stems, roots and soil were sampled over a 4 days-period: 2 h, 14 h, 38 h and 86 h after the beginning of labeling. Samples of unlabeled pots were collected just before the labeling for each treatment (polluted and control). After being weighted, all the samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen, freeze dried and ground into fine powder. Microbial biomass was extracted from each fresh soil sample by chloroform fumigation of soils during 24 h to solubilize microflora, and extraction with K2SO4 of fumigated and non-fumigated samples.

13C abundance Determination in the Different C Pools

C content and C isotopic composition of plants, soil and microbial biomass were determined using an elemental analyzer coupled with an isotopic ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS). Isotope composition of respired CO2 was analyzed for 3 consecutive days on the 3 polluted and 3 control pots collected at 86 h by introducing them into a 2.4 L tight chamber and analyzing the accumulation of 13CO2 and 12CO2 during 30 min in the dark.

Expression of Results

Results of 13C amounts recovered in plant organs, soil, microbial biomass and cumulative respiration were expressed in fraction of total assimilated 13C recovered (FLR, %) (Fig. 25.2). The quantity of label recovered in each compartment of the plant was also expressed as the partitioning of the total label recovered at each harvest time (PLR) (Fig. 25.3).


The amount of 13C recovered in plants and in cumulative respiration was lower in polluted than in control systems (Fig. 25.2). In terms of 13C partitioning among plant organs at each harvest-time, 13C was preferentially retained in the aboveground organs in both polluted and control systems (Fig. 25.3).

Exposure to PHE had a significant overall effect on the carbon partitioning among the clover organs. More 13C are retained in the leaves (51% versus 39% on average in polluted and control plant soil systems, respectively) at the expense of the other plant sinks (roots).

4.4 Practical Example of 13C-PHE Quantification in Different Compartments of a Plant-Soil System Submitted to PHE Atmospheric Pollution (Table 25.5)

Table 25.5 Phenanthrene (PHE) concentrations and ratio 13C-PHE/12C-PHE recovered in red clover shoot and soil after 8 days to exposure to atmospheric 12C PHE or 13C + 12C PHE


Recent studies showed that using 13C-labeled chemical compounds is a relevant way to trace the fate of organic pollutants in plant-soil mesocosms (Cebron et al. 2011; Cennerazzo et al. 2017). We propose here to use the 13C-phenanthrene/12C-phenanthrene ratio (13C-PHE/12C-PHE) as a tool to identify the respective contribution of atmospheric and soil exposure pathways for red clover (Trifolium pratense) contamination.


Red clovers were exposed to PHE atmospheric pollution during 8 days in specific chambers (Desalme et al. 2011b) (3 dedicated to polluted atmosphere and 3 to control atmosphere). Before reaching the chambers, air passed through an evaporator filled with PHE pills. In three exposure chambers, evaporators were filled with PHE pills (50 mg) from 13C PHE (10 mg) and 12C PHE (40 mg) powder (Sigma–Aldrich). A control exposure chamber was performed with an evaporator filled with PHE pills from 50 mg of 12C PHE powder.

Sample Collection

Leaves were collected after 8 days of exposure. Leaflets and petioles were separated, lyophilized and grinded with a ball crusher. Soils were collected and dried at room temperature.

13C-PHE/12C-PHE Extraction and Analysis

Extractions from leaflet, petiole and soil samples were performed twice with 15 mL of hexane/acetone (v/v: 2/1) by accelerated solvent extraction(ASE100®; Dionex, France) during 8 min (120 °C, 100 bar). Leaflet and petiole extracts were concentrated to 0.8 mL under N2 flux at 35 °C (TurboVap) and purified using a SPE column 10 mL (SILICA GEL, Sigma). PHE quantification was performed with gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer (GCMS-QP5050A; Shimadzu, France).


The 13C-PHE/12C-PHE ratios recovered in leaflets and in petioles were in accordance with the 13C-PHE/12C-PHE ratio of the pills filled in the evaporators but were different from 13C-PHE/12C-PHE ratio of the soil (Table 25.5). These results confirmed that the 13C-PHE/12C-PHE ratio can be used to identify the major contributing pathway for plant contamination.

5 General Conclusion

This chapter gave basis to set up experiments using 13C labeling tracers and 14C radiochemicals. The 13C is now currently used for a diverse range of applications in environmental and plant sciences and the 14C remains a powerful technique to trace specifically 14C molecule translocation into plants and their environment. Specific methodology, equipment and a quite high budget (i.e. the cost of the 13C or 14C molecules) are required for such experiments but they remain crucial tools to understand plant-environment interactions.