
1 Background

Intensive studies over the past decades have revealed multiple levels of organisation in eukaryotic genomes. The DNA wraps around eight histone proteins to make a nucleosome, the fundamental subunit of the chromatin fibre (van Holde 1989; Ramakrishnan 1997; Sewitz et al. 2017b). In mammals, the chromatin then folds to build higher genomic structures of different scales such as sub-megabase topologically associated domains (TADs), megabase A and B compartments, and chromosomal territories (Bonev and Cavalli 2016; Sewitz et al. 2017b). The nucleus is a highly crowded environment with efficiently packed and organised chromatin and hundreds to thousands of protein species, engaged in various types of interactions, such as protein–protein, DNA–protein, chromatin–chromatin, and chromatin–lamina interactions. It is now known that these interactions play an important role in controlling the organised structure and regulating the transcriptional activity of the genome (Gómez-Díaz and Corces 2014; Long et al. 2016; Flavahan et al. 2016) and that the structure changes upon differentiation and internal and external conditions (Guidi et al. 2015; Javierre et al. 2016; Sewitz et al. 2017a; Lazar-Stefanita et al. 2017). However, a comprehensive view of the mechanisms that drive organisation and dynamics of this highly complex system remains elusive.

Many research projects have investigated the linear arrangement of DNA, identifying the local regulatory elements that modulate transcription, such as transcription factor binding sites and their consensus sequences (Levine and Tjian 2003), enhancers (Long et al. 2016), histone modifications (Smolle and Workman 2013), and sites of DNA methylation (Schübeler 2015). Activator and repressor proteins recruit enzymes, such as histone acetyltransferase or histone deacetylase, that modify histones. Histone modifications control gene expression by altering the local chromatin structure and inhibiting or attracting DNA-binding factors (Dindot and Cohen 2013). In addition, DNA methylation can repress transcription through blocking the binding of transcription factors or mediating the binding of repressors (Jaenisch and Bird 2003).

It has more recently become possible to quantitatively investigate 3D genome architecture using live-cell microscopy, and chromosome conformation capture techniques, such as 3C, 4C, 5C, Hi-C, and Capture Hi-C (Schmitt et al. 2016b). This has greatly enhanced our understanding of gene regulatory mechanisms, by showing how the three-dimensional organisation of the genome influences gene regulation (Babu et al. 2008; Cavalli and Misteli 2013; Zuin et al. 2014; Lupiáñez et al. 2015; Dixon et al. 2016; Schmitt et al. 2016a). Many genes occupy preferred non-random positions within the nucleus: in mammals, gene-poor or transcriptionally inactive regions are located close to the nuclear envelope in most cell types, whereas gene-rich or transcriptionally active regions prefer to localise at the borders of chromosome territories, away from the nuclear periphery (Foster and Bridger 2005; Nagano et al. 2013). Manipulating the position of genes can also affect their activity; for human and mouse cells, it has been shown that relocating genes from their normal position to regions close to the nuclear periphery results in gene silencing (Reddy et al. 2008; Finlan et al. 2008). The single-celled eukaryote S. cerevisiae displays a mosaic arrangement of heterochromatin and euchromatin at the nuclear periphery, with active genes located close to nuclear pores (Casolari et al. 2004) and inactive genes associated with other parts of the nuclear periphery and the nuclear centre (Zimmer and Fabre 2011).

This organisation is achieved within a highly dynamic nucleoplasm (Misteli 2001; Vazquez et al. 2001; Lanctôt et al. 2007). For example, in mammalian cells, GFP-tagged proteins were measured to diffuse with diffusion coefficients of 0.24–0.53 μm2 s−1, taking 24–54 s to travel 5 μm, a distance almost equal to the radius of the nucleus (Phair and Misteli 2000). Tagged chromosomal loci in living S. cerevisiae cells move more than 0.5 μm, equivalent to half of nuclear radius, within a few seconds (Heun et al. 2001). There is now evidence that the dynamics of the heterogeneous chromatin fibre contributes to thermodynamically driven 3D self-organisation (Sewitz et al. 2017a).

Investigation of chromatin organisation in space and time by novel experimental techniques has unravelled some of the key features of this intricate system of how genome structure relates to the function of the genome. To further study the dynamics of chromosome structures, particularly aspects that are not amenable to experimental analysis, scientists have adopted modelling approaches. Models provide the most direct way to explore mechanisms, as all components, interactions, reactions, and forces are defined, and any observed behaviour must be a consequence of these. During recent years, a wide range of models of the full or partial genome have been developed to analyse the interplay of genome structure and function. In this review, we categorise these models into three major groups: models of epigenetic modification dynamics, protein–DNA models, and polymer-based models.

2 Models of Epigenetic Modification Dynamics

Histone proteins can be covalently modified on several residues after translation (Allfrey et al. 1964), which leads to the recruitment of transcriptional regulatory proteins and structural proteins over a local chromatin region. For example, the combined deacetylation and methylation of the lysine at position 9 of histone H3 (H3K9) is required to create a binding site for the Swi6/HP1 silencing factor (Nakayama et al. 2001; Shankaranarayana et al. 2003). Binding of silencing factors facilitates the modification of histones on adjacent nucleosomes, and sequential rounds of epigenetic modification and protein binding lead to the spreading of heterochromatin over a chromatin region (Grewal and Moazed 2003). Specialised boundary elements inhibit the heterochromatin extension and therefore separate silent and active chromatin domains (West et al. 2002; Labrador and Corces 2002).

To understand the mechanisms behind the epigenetic memory of monostable domains, predictive models have investigated the behaviour of H3K9 methylation domains (Hathaway et al. 2012; Hodges and Crabtree 2012; Müller-Ott et al. 2014; Erdel and Greene 2016). Simulations at single-nucleosome resolution showed that confined and heritable steady states of histone marks can be achieved by modelling linear propagation of histone modifications from nucleation sites to adjacent nucleosomes. Turnover of modified nucleosomes could also happen simultaneously (Hathaway et al. 2012; Hodges and Crabtree 2012). In contrast, another model assumed loop-driven spreading of histone marks with sparse nucleation sites. By adjusting parameters such as modification rates, the model was shown to be robust against replication (Erdel and Greene 2016), and the response towards transient perturbations was in line with experimental data (Müller-Ott et al. 2014).

Genomic regions of high epigenetic dynamics are bistable states, characterised by the presence of both activating and repressive histone marks (Bernstein et al. 2006). They have been observed for confined chromatin domains in various cell types (Rohlf et al. 2012; Tee et al. 2014). To study the features and dynamics of these states, several computational models have been developed (Dodd et al. 2007; Sedighi and Sengupta 2007; David-Rus et al. 2009; Micheelsen et al. 2010; Mukhopadhyay et al. 2010; Angel et al. 2011; Dodd and Sneppen 2011; Berry et al. 2017). In these models, a region of chromatin is represented as a sequence of nucleosomes. At every time step, each nucleosome has a state or a rate of histone modification based on its histone marks, with rules that govern state transitions or changes in rates. These models have shown that nonlinear positive feedback loops are required for robust and heritable bistable epigenetic states. Positive feedback loops arise when modifications of one nucleosome stimulate the modifications of other nucleosomes. The required nonlinearity can be achieved in different ways: (1) via the cooperativity of two or more nucleosomes with the same histone marks, which recruit histone modifiers on other nucleosomes (Dodd et al. 2007; Sedighi and Sengupta 2007; David-Rus et al. 2009; Micheelsen et al. 2010; Mukhopadhyay et al. 2010; Angel et al. 2011; Dodd and Sneppen 2011); (2) through two-step feedback loops, where the switch of histone modification states of nucleosomes occurs via an intermediate state, i.e. the state first changes to the intermediate state and then to the favoured state (Dodd et al. 2007; Angel et al. 2011; Berry et al. 2017); (3) through the local transcription rate, which can be affected by silencing, in turn leading to a change in the local modification rate (Sedighi and Sengupta 2007); and (4) through interactions with non-neighbour nucleosomes (Dodd et al. 2007). Another mathematical model with a 1D array of nucleosomes has been formulated to study the dynamics of histone modification in bivalent domains, where active and repressive histone marks coexist on nucleosomes (Ku et al. 2013). These domains are important elements in stem cells, and according to the model’s prediction, their formation process is generally slow. The model also suggested that a coordinated set of parameters, such as recruitment and exchange rates of marks, leads to established and maintained bivalent domains over several cell cycles.

3 Protein–DNA Models

Transcription factors (TF) affect the transcriptional activity of specific genes through binding to specific DNA sequences (Ptashne and Gann 2002). It has been proposed that these proteins search for their target sequences through facilitated diffusion (Berg et al. 1981, 1982; Berg and von Hippel 1985), i.e. alternating rounds of 3D diffusion in the solution, sliding along the DNA, short-range excursions called hopping, and intersegmental transfer between DNA segments. The characteristics of this search mechanism have been widely studied, and computational models of different scales have brought new insights into its dynamics. All models discussed in this section have focused on facilitated diffusion of TFs.

At the most detailed, atomistic level, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used to explain how, e.g. the lac repressor protein (LacI) moves along DNA (Marklund et al. 2013) and how it identifies its target site (Furini et al. 2013). LacI is modelled to take a helical path to probe the DNA, with its DNA-binding interface being insensitive to modest bends in DNA conformation. The hydrogen bonds formed between the DNA and the LacI interface are dynamic and flexible, allowing fast sliding of the protein (Marklund et al. 2013). This was found to enable the protein to probe the DNA quickly and reach the proximity of the target site. Once the specific DNA sequence is bound, it becomes significantly slower, resulting in the formation of a stable protein–DNA structure and a drop in enthalpy (Iwahara and Levy 2013; Furini et al. 2013). Another fine-grained MD simulation has proposed that binding of the CSL (CBF1/Suppressor of Hairless/LAG-1) protein to the DNA can transmit a signal through the protein structure according to the bound sequences. This influences the inter-domain dynamics of the protein and consequently its functional activities (Torella et al. 2014).

The effects of DNA conformation on the dynamics of TF proteins probing the DNA were explored via coarse-grained MD simulations, where proteins interact with the DNA via electrostatic interactions (Bhattacherjee and Levy 2014a, b). The geometry of DNA was tuned by two factors, curvature and the degree of helical twisting. Highly curved or highly twisted DNA was seen to lead to a decrease in sliding frequencies and an increase in hopping events (Bhattacherjee and Levy 2014a). In addition, introducing curvatures in the DNA conformation was found to increase the frequency of jumping events of a multidomain protein between distant DNA sites. However, curvature does not necessarily result in faster search kinetics as sliding happens less often (Bhattacherjee and Levy 2014b). Hence, an optimal DNA conformation can lead to a balanced number of searching events and maximal probing of DNA.

To investigate the role of nonspecific DNA–protein interactions during the search for specific target sites, Monte Carlo simulations were adopted (Das and Kolomeisky 2010; Tabaka et al. 2014; Mahmutovic et al. 2015). It was argued that the binding of the LacI repressor to nonspecific DNA is controlled by either activation or steric effects instead of being limited by diffusion (Tabaka et al. 2014; Mahmutovic et al. 2015). Furthermore, it was shown that for efficient and fast probing of DNA, moderate ranges of nonspecific binding energies and protein concentrations are required (Das and Kolomeisky 2010). The necessity for moderate DNA–protein binding strength has been indicated for proteins with different subdiffusive motions using simulations based on Brownian dynamics (Liu et al. 2017).

Large-scale computer simulations have been performed to study the search kinetics of transcription factors both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Software called GRiP (Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes) (Zabet and Adryan 2012a) provides a simulation framework for analysing the stochastic target search process of TF proteins. In GRiP the DNA is modelled as a string of base pairs, and TFs are highly diffusing components that interact with DNA sequences or with each other. This framework has been utilised to build a detailed model of facilitated diffusion, where TF orientation on the DNA, cooperativity of TFs, and crowding were incorporated (Zabet and Adryan 2012b). A similar model was adopted to dissect the effects of biologically relevant levels of mobile and immobile crowding on TF performance in a bacterial cell (Zabet and Adryan 2013): immobile crowding fixed on the DNA raises the occupancy of target sites significantly, whereas both mobile and immobile crowding have negligible impacts on the mean search time. Another model of the bacterial genome has taken two types of crowding molecules into account (Brackley et al. 2013). Proteins which bind to and move along DNA (1D crowding) do not change the search time significantly, even at very high densities. However, crowding molecules diffusing freely in 3D space increase the frequency of 1D sliding of TFs along DNA, while they enhance the robustness of the search time against any change in protein–DNA affinity.

A different approach based on the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm has been developed to analyse the influence of macromolecular crowding on gene expression in stem cells (Golkaram et al. 2017). The crowding was assumed to be correlated with the local chromatin density, which was calculated using Hi-C data. Diffusive TFs and RNA polymerases were only moving in the proximity of promoters, as crowding would not allow them to diffuse to other regions between rebindings. The model predicted that an increase in chromatin density during development leads to a rise in transcriptional bursting and subsequently heterogeneous expression of genes in a cell population.

Our lab has developed a computational model of TF motions in eukaryotes (Schmidt et al. 2014; Sewitz and Lipkow 2016) using the particle-based simulator Smoldyn (Andrews et al. 2010). This model has considered different types of movements for TFs: 3D diffusion, sliding, hopping, and intersegmental transfer. Among others, it showed the importance of intersegmental transfer, and it provided an explanation for the size of nucleosome-free regions on the DNA, which improve the process of TFs binding to their targets. Similar to a prokaryotic model (Tabaka et al. 2014), inclusion of 1D diffusion reduced the time to find the target sites by one and two orders of magnitude.

Finally, the complexity of gene regulation in higher eukaryotes has motivated the study of evolutionary dynamics of the TF repertoire and their binding preferences. A stochastic model based on duplication and mutation of genes suggested that more complex organisms with higher number of genes have higher levels of redundancy of TF binding (Rosanova et al. 2017).

4 Polymer-Based Models

The dynamic nature of the chromatin fibre lends itself to simulating chromatin as an extended, highly mobile polymer. Several studies have extended concepts developed in physics and applied them to the analysis of chromatin (Tark-Dame et al. 2011; Koslover and Spakowitz 2014; Shukron and Holcman 2017). This has led to an understanding of genome-wide data of chromosome folding and their interactions with each other and with other nuclear elements. In all models presented here, the chromatin fibre is a diffusing and self-avoiding chain of beads arranged in 3D space.

4.1 Models Based on Chromatin Loops

Chromatin loops have been observed in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes (Hofmann and Heermann 2015), and their vital regulatory impact has been demonstrated. A number of these models have suggested that chromatin loops are formed mainly by interactions between specific protein complexes like condensin (Cheng et al. 2015) or CTCF (Tark-Dame et al. 2014). These models have successfully reproduced the experimentally observed genome compaction. In addition, the importance of balance between short-range and long-range loops for controlling the changes in chromosomes structure has been revealed (Tark-Dame et al. 2014). It has furthermore been indicated that the dynamic bridges between condensin complexes bring about the intrachromosomal interactions during both interphase and mitosis in budding yeast (Cheng et al. 2015).

Other models have explored the general effects of protein interactions on chromatin structure. A heteropolymer model incorporated proteins implicitly, by mapping different epigenetic states onto the beads. Specific interactions between beads of the same state were differentiated from nonspecific interactions between any pair of beads (Jost et al. 2014). The model predicted that inter-TAD interactions are highly dynamic, which was in line with Hi-C results. It also predicted the fast formation of TADs, followed by a slow and long process of compaction (Jost et al. 2014). The lattice version of this model (Olarte-Plata et al. 2016), and another heteropolymer model (Ulianov et al. 2016) with active or inactive epigenomic states for beads, confirmed stronger self-attraction for inactive domains (Ulianov et al. 2016; Olarte-Plata et al. 2016) and an increase in their compaction as the domain size grows (Olarte-Plata et al. 2016). Other models based their assignment on levels of gene activity, with highly active or less active states assigned according to their expression levels (Jerabek and Heermann 2012). Highly active chromatin sections had low interaction strength, while less active ones had higher interaction affinity. The average distances between genomic loci, the average volume ratio between highly active and less active regions, and the positioning of highly active loci close to the boundary of chromosome territories were all in line with experimental measurements. In another work the polymer model was informed by protein binding sites and histone modifications (Brackley et al. 2016) and produced a population of genome conformations, which predicted the 3D distances between selected genomic sites on the globin locus in mouse ES cells.

In addition, polymer models based on protein interactions and without relying on predetermined information for the state of chromatin beads were developed (Giorgetti et al. 2014; Tiana et al. 2016; Chiariello et al. 2016). Using iterative Monte Carlo simulations and comparisons to the measured contact frequencies, the parameters of the models were optimised, and ensembles of chromatin configurations were achieved (Giorgetti et al. 2014; Tiana et al. 2016; Chiariello et al. 2016). These models correctly estimated the contact frequencies of TADs (Giorgetti et al. 2014; Chiariello et al. 2016) and the mean 3D distances between labelled loci upon perturbations of specific sites (Giorgetti et al. 2014). Combined with live-cell measurements, it has been suggested that changes in TAD conformations happen fast enough (in a much shorter time frame than the cell cycle) to facilitate dynamic interactions between regulatory elements, such as enhancer–promoter interactions (Tiana et al. 2016). A homopolymer model (Doyle et al. 2014), which implemented chromatin loops in the proximity of enhancer and promoter elements, indicated that the loops can either facilitate or insulate the enhancer–promoter interactions significantly. It was shown that the regulatory effect of the loop was dependant on the relative positions of loop anchors. To minimise the reliance on specific biological data, a heteropolymer model was built based on hierarchical folding and statistical physics of disordered systems (Nazarov et al. 2015). This model has two types of monomers that can interact with each other. By tuning the 1D sequence of monomers and the temperature controlling the folding, the simulated contact maps achieved a resemblance to Hi-C data.

Besides the notion that direct interactions between bound proteins shape chromatin loops, another mechanism, called loop extrusion, has been proposed (Nasmyth 2001; Alipour and Marko 2012; Sanborn et al. 2015; Fudenberg et al. 2016). This model calls for the action of extruding machines, possibly condensin or cohesin complexes, to bind and move along the DNA in opposite directions (Nasmyth 2001; Alipour and Marko 2012; Sanborn et al. 2015; Fudenberg et al. 2016). This leads to the extrusion of DNA loops until domain boundaries, occupied by CTCF proteins, are reached (Sanborn et al. 2015; Fudenberg et al. 2016). This mechanism can account for the compaction and folding of mitotic chromosomes (Nasmyth 2001; Alipour and Marko 2012). Furthermore, in combination with polymer physics, the model reproduced the observed decay of contact probabilities with increasing genomic distance, leading to simulated contact maps consistent with Hi-C data. It also predicted the changes in contact frequencies and 3D distances between loci due to CTCF and cohesin perturbations (Sanborn et al. 2015; Fudenberg et al. 2016).

4.2 Models Based on Supercoiling

Different levels of unconstrained supercoiling have been observed for chromatin (Kouzine et al. 2013; Naughton et al. 2013), and it has been reported that transcription leads to supercoiling (Wu et al. 1988; Kouzine et al. 2008; Papantonis and Cook 2011). To explore the effects of supercoiling on genome organisation in both eukaryotic (Benedetti et al. 2014) and prokaryotic (Le et al. 2013) cells, detailed polymer models have been employed. In a eukaryotic model, borders of TADs were mapped to the chromatin fibre, and strong supercoiling was imposed to the intervening chromatin (Benedetti et al. 2014). This led to the formation of TADs and contact maps broadly consistent with 3C data. In a bacterial model, chromatin was simulated as a dense array of plectonemes that were attached to a back bone (Le et al. 2013). By inserting plectoneme-free regions in the model at the positions of highly expressed genes, the contact frequencies observed for chromosomal interaction domains were reproduced. Overall, supercoiling is essential for creating chromosomal interaction domains (Le et al. 2013) and topologically associated domains (Benedetti et al. 2014). Intriguingly, a recent model investigated the role of supercoiling introduced by the transcribing RNA polymerase (Racko et al. 2017): when both CTCF and cohesin were included in the simulation, cohesin rings were seen to accumulate at CTCF sites demarking TAD borders. These observations are also seen experimentally (Uusküla-Reimand et al. 2016). Under these conditions, supercoiled DNA loops were extruded, and the supercoiling was the driving force for extruding the DNA loops. This is interesting because until now it was unclear how the energetically expensive loop extrusion could be achieved. Now, RNA polymerase-generated supercoiling provides a credible and testable hypothesis.

4.3 Integrative Models and Self-Organisation

With significant amounts of genome-wide datasets becoming available, computational models of chromatin are becoming more sophisticated and feature-rich. Computational models have explored the role of this heterogeneity in self-organisation of the genome structure.

In budding yeast, highly expressed genes are less occupied by chromatin-associated proteins, whereas genes that show lower overall expression are bound more extensively (Sewitz et al. 2017a). Protein occupancy can affect the local physical properties of the chromatin segment by means of a range of parameters such as changes in mass, diameter, local viscosity (Jirgensons 1958; Oldfield and Dunker 2014), diffusion speed (Jerabek and Heermann 2012; Phillip and Schreiber 2013; Wollman et al. 2017), and electrical charge of chromatin. This has led to the development of heteropolymeric models which incorporate some of the underlying complexity and points towards protein occupancy being a causal factor in determining self-organisation of genome structure in yeast (Sewitz et al. 2017a).

A significant challenge in this area is to continue to develop physical models of heteropolymeric motion applicable to chromatin. In many instances, insights are mainly qualitative and require physical parameters that are known to be unphysiological. As an example, it was shown that two chromosomes that differed in temperature-driven mobility would separate via a process akin to phase separation (Loi et al. 2008). Chromatin segments that harboured more active genes were given a higher temperature. This model reproduced the experimentally observed chromosomal territories (Ganai et al. 2014), but only if a temperature difference of 20-fold was assumed. Using much longer chromosomal segments, similar phase separations could already be observed with much smaller differences in temperature, bringing the model in closer proximity to real-life biological systems (Smrek and Kremer 2017). Still, current models are not yet fully able to deal with the structural complexity that is the hallmark of chromatin.

5 Conclusion and Outlook

It is now evident that the study of chromatin structure is at a stage where computational models are not just an accessory but a required component of any thorough investigation. The advent of pervasive high-performance computing has made it possible to attempt whole genome simulations at moderate resolutions, or smaller genomes at higher resolutions. Two future strands of development are now visible. Firstly, an ever-increasing amount of relevant genomic data is making its way into computational simulations. This will lead to more complex models that incorporate genome-wide protein binding data, extended epigenetic data, and measures of local chromatin conformation. This will also push the theoretical descriptions in polymer physics, where we foresee that increased and intensive collaboration and exchange is necessary. This will be mutually beneficial, as both fields will fundamentally improve their understanding of an area of biological physics that underpins questions of gene regulation during development, in response to external changes, and, in cases of misregulation, disease. These efforts are just at the beginning and will require the combined expertise of computational scientists, physicists, and experimental biologists to fully unravel the complex dynamics that lead to chromatin self-organisation.