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Conducting Polymers and Composites

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Functional Polymers


Conducting polymers (CPs) characteristically form polarons, bipolarons, or solitons and exhibit low band-gap energies. These properties make them to be suitable materials for applications in sensors, semiconductors, anticorrosion coatings, batteries, and display devices, among others. This chapter focuses on the electronics, electrochemistry, and processability of some commonly used CPs in the recent past – namely, polyaniline (PANI), polypyrrole (PPy), polythiophene (PTh), poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), and polyfuran (PFu). Also included in the chapter are conducting dendritic star copolymers and polymeric nanocomposites incorporating single-walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes.

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Baleg, A.A. et al. (2018). Conducting Polymers and Composites. In: Jafar Mazumder, M., Sheardown, H., Al-Ahmed, A. (eds) Functional Polymers. Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series. Springer, Cham.

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