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Autoimmune Pancreatitis

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
Geriatric Gastroenterology
  • 35 Accesses


Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is an umbrella term for two forms of autoimmune chronic pancreatitides that share certain features but are distinct with regards to others. Lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis (LPSP), often also called Type 1 AIP, is the pancreatic manifestation of immunoglobulin 4-related disease (IgG4-RD), a multisystemic fibroinflammatory process which typically affects males in the geriatric age group and is characterized by a relapsing course, a brisk response to steroid treatment, and a high likelihood of requirement of long-term immunosuppression or Rituximab in certain cases. The other subtype of AIP, referred to as Type II AIP or idiopathic duct centric pancreatitis (IDCP), usually affects young adults, and males and females equally. While IDCP tends to be very steroid responsive as well, the likelihood of relapse is low. LPSP and IDCP also have very distinct histological characteristics. The precise antigen responsive for AIP remains unknown and is a subject of ongoing investigation. This chapter explores these two subtypes of AIP in further detail, with a focus on the geriatric population.

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Nagpal, S. (2021). Autoimmune Pancreatitis. In: Pitchumoni, C.S., Dharmarajan, T. (eds) Geriatric Gastroenterology. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-90761-1

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-90761-1

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference MedicineReference Module Medicine

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