
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Integration is a key problem in the cloud services context. A cloud service broker is an intermediary application between a client and cloud provider service that can provide this integration [15]. Brokerage reduces the need for service consumers to analyze different types of services by different providers [1]. This enables a single platform to offer the client a common cloud storage service. This results in cost optimization and reduced level of back-end data management requirements.

For our performance evaluation, we use here a cloud service broker that implements a multi-cloud abstraction API. This multi-cloud storage broker supports GoogleDrive, DropBox, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services as the provided storage services. The API library offers file, blob and table services. The API can facilitates the distribution of different types of cloud provider services [16]. The abstraction library allows the cloud broker to adapt to a rapidly changing marketplace.

Vendor lock-in is often referred to as a critical point in choosing a provider. In order to avoid lock-in, a broker can help. A multi-cloud abstraction library is a suitable mechanism that it makes it easy for the client to switch between cloud providers with different services that are supported by the broker.

Switching or migrating between providers can be driven by quality [27, 32]. We use a broker implementation to compare the supported services [8, 13, 23] from a performance perspective [42]. Service brokers normally remedy interoperability problems [2,3,4,5, 10]. However, based on this architecture, we look into other service qualities, namely performance which is of key importance for all cloud layers [28,29,30]. A performance test application was developed here to compare between the services provided through the broker [19]. The performance test scenario was used to compare a range storage operations across different supported providers.

2 Broker – Principles and Supported Services

In Fig. 1 we have outlined the core components of thee broker architecture. We also discuss the storage services supported by it in this section.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Architecture of a multi-cloud storage broker.

2.1 Principle Properties of the Storage Broker

Cloud services are generally provided with specifications, but often constructed in a way that makes them hard to be used as part of a common interface, thus impeding on interoperability. We studies different multi-cloud libraries, including Apache Jclouds, DeltaCloud, Kloudless, SecureBlackBox, and SimpleCloud. The purpose was to adopt a successful solution template.

We decided to adopt an approach similar to the Apache Jclouds library for abstraction, as we will explain now. Jclouds [22] provides cloud-agnostic abstraction. A single instance context approach for the mapping of a user request in jclouds was used in our implementation. The purpose of having each class for each provider across different levels of service was adopted from a similar design in the SecureBlackBox library. Our concept of including a manager interface layer at each component level is adopted from LibCloud, another library.

2.2 Services Supported by the Broker

We have included storage services from Google, Dropbox, Azure and Amazon in our cloud storage broker.

  • Amazon Web Service S3 [35] is a file storage service which is built on REST and SOAP. Their SDK is available in all major development languages.

  • Azure Storage [37] supports blob, file, queue and table services. The API is built on REST, HTTP and xml, and can be integrated with Microsoft visual studio, eclipse and GIT. The Azure SDK provides a separate API package for each service and has the same code flow across different service APIs.

  • DropBox [36] is a file hosting service. It also enables synchronised backup and web sharing. The DropBox API is very light-weight and easy for a new user.

  • GoogleDrive [38] offers a cloud file storage service. The GoogleDrive service includes access to a Google API client library.

This selection of service providers resulted in a grouping of the cloud providers and their services as shown in the table belowFootnote 1 that summarises the main features of the services:

figure a

3 Broker Architecture

Portability and interoperability are the key objectives of a cloud brokerage tool. Thus the objective of designing and developing an abstraction API is to produce an effective cross-service cloud delivery model [14]. Before describing how we use this to support performance evaluation, we still need to introduce the architectural principles. The main service-oriented functionalities of cloud providers are compute nodes, data volume, load balance, DNS and so on. The advantage of bringing these functionalities to a multi-cloud application provides (1) an easy way of importing and exporting data, (2) choice over price, (3) enhanced SLA, and (4) the elimination of vendor lock-in.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Ontology-based layered broker architecture.

As concept and function integration is the key difficulty in constructing the broker, this broker implementation is based on an ontology that at conceptual level defines the integration. This Storage Abstraction Ontology describes the common naming and meaning approach of the abstraction API [25, 26, 34]. The model consists of four main layers, namely Service, Provider, Level-2 (composite storage objects) and Level-1 (core storage objects).

  • Level-4 Service: The Service layer is the top layer and is directly integrated to the user interface layer. This layer basically describes the services that the multi-cloud storage abstraction API supports. There are three services currently supported. They are Blob, Table and File service.

  • Level-3 Provider: The Provider layer is the second layer, which is one of the context object parameters mapped to the service layer. The multi-cloud storage abstraction supports four main providers, namely Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, GoogleDrive and DropBox. The corresponding services supported by the providers are shown below:

    figure b
  • Level-2 Composite: Level-2 is the next layer. This layer represents the first level or higher level of composite object abstraction. This layer is service-neutral and brings out the common naming across the providers specific functionalities. Each layer is abstracted based on the common operations and aspect of how the main function is applied in that particular service. Common naming is represented to easily categorise storage resources and group them to make the development of the coding easier.

    Based on the Abstraction Ontology Fig. 2, the Blob service has Store which groups Container from Azure Storage Blob and Bucket from AWS S3. The Table service has two different sub-layers - where Database belongs to Azure DocumentDB Database, and where Collection groups Table from Azure Storage Table, collection from Azure DocumentDB Collection, Table from AWS DynamoDB and Domain from AWS SimpleDB. The File service has two different sub-layers where Share belongs to Azure Storage File and Directory groups Directory from Azure Storage File, Folder from DropBox and Parent from the GoogleDrive service.

  • Level-1 Core: Level-1 represents the lower level of core object abstraction. This layer contains the core functionalities of a particular service across different providers. The classes in this level are extended from an abstract class called AbstractConnector. The class implements the abstract methods defined in the AbstractConnector class. The mapping from Level-2 to Level-1 is performed by an interface class called Manager. This Manager identifies the provider class by its key. Basic CRUD operations on the storage resources are included as core methods. In order to achieve these functions, each operation request should pass through the Level-2 mappings and are then mapped across the service and providers.

    The Blob service has Blob which groups Blob from Azure Storage Blob and Object from AWS S3. The Table service has two different sub layers. It has Item which groups Entity from Azure Storage Table, Document from Azure DocumentDB Document, Item from AWS DynamoDB and Item from AWS SimpleDB. Also, the second sub layer Attachment belongs to Azure DocumentDB. The File service has File which groups File from Azure Storage File, File from DropBox and File from GoogleDrive.

4 Performance Testing and Provider Comparison

We have used the broker to compare performance values for the four providers selected. The broker is instrumented to provide the response time results.

In this section, we desribe the performance test set-up and the results for the three service types blob, file and table across the different providers. We organise this section based on the storage types blob, file and table.

Not all providers support each of the storage types. So, the number of compared services provided varies between two and four. We report on the time consumed for a number of standard operations at the two important levels 1 and 2 of the layer architecture. In this way, we cover individual objects (items) and composites (collections) and a range of standard operations on them such as creating or deleting.

4.1 Blob Service Performance Test

The Blob Service Performance Test was performed on two providers, namely Azure Storage Blob and AWS S3. This performance test includes two object levels. Level-2 represents Store (which includes container and Bucket). Level-1 represents Blob (which includes Blob and Object).

  • The total number of tests performed was 27 to fully cover the respective core and composite objects and the different relevant operations on them. The performance test compares the operations across the service providers.

  • Each operation was run 10 times in order to avoid any accidential performance irregularities due to external factors, and the corresponding process time for each request from T1 to T10 was calculated.

  • Each request was processed with the same blob size of 10.2 MB, which resembles a standard object size.

The result includes start time, end time, average time and total duration – see Figs. 3 and 4.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Blob service Level-2 composite object.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Blob service Level-1 core object.

4.2 File Service Performance Test

The File Service Performance Tests were performed on Azure Storage File, GoogleDrive and DropBox. The tests include two object levels. Level-2 represents Share and Directory. Level-1 represents Files.

  • The total number of tests performed was 26 to cover the combinations of different object types and different operations on them.

  • The performance tests compare the operations across the service providers. Each operation was run 10 times to eliminate irregular single behaviour, and the corresponding process time for each request from T1 to T10 was calculated.

  • Each request was processed with same file size of 10.2 MB as a common size for the object type in question.

The results include start time, end time, average time and total duration – see Figs. 5 and 6.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

File service Level-2 composite object.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

File service Level-1 core object.

4.3 Table Service Performance Test

The Table Service Performance Tests were performed on Azure Storage Table, Azure DocumentDB, AWS DynamoDB and AWS SimpleDB. The Tests include two object levels. Level-2 represents Database and Collections (which includes Table, Collections, Table and Domain). Level-1 represents Item (which includes Entity, Document, Table Item, Domain Item) and Attachment.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Table service Level-2 composite object.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Table service Level-1 core object.

  • The total number of tests was 45. As already explained for the blob tests, this number covers the combination of different objects and the different operations on them. The performance tests compare the operations then across the service providers.

  • Each operation was run 10 times, as earlier to avoid irregularities, and the corresponding process time for each request from T1 to T10 was calculated. Each request was processed with a single data record of approximately four columns.

The results include start time, end time, average time and total duration – see Figs. 7 and 8 (and also the performance details in Fig. 9).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Detailed performance measurements.

5 Discussion of Results and Conclusions

The aim of cloud service brokerage is customising or integrating existing services or making them interoperable. We have developed what based on common classification schemes in [11, 12, 39] is categorised as an integration broker. The purpose of a broker is intermediation between consumers and providers to provide advanced capabilities (interoperability and portability [33]) that builds up on an intermediary/broker platform to provide for instance a marketplace to bring providers and customers together and automatically facilitate multi-provider usage or portability across providers. The broker for cloud storage service providers implement a joint interface to allow

  • easy portability for the user and

  • easy extensibility for the broker provider.

This broker solution enables through the joint API also the opportunity for a cloud storage user to easily migrate between service providers and evolve the systems [9, 21], without having sufficient standards [6, 7, 20].

We investigated here the usage of the broker to carry out comparative performance tests across the providers in order to support the user with the decision which provider to choose, if this is taken based on a performance criterion.

Our observations from the performance tests we described earlier are the following:

  • (a) Core Objects: We can observe that the performance of core object storage operations varies significantly across Cloud providers. Azure outperforms AWS S3 by a factor of between 4 and 5 in our test scenario. For individual object operations, Azure is also up to 5 times faster in terms of access speed. For example, the common function of UploadBlob takes approximately 4 seconds on Azure and 10 seconds on AWS S3 for a 10.2 MB file.

  • (b) Composite Objects: The tests of composite object operations [31] that relate to collections show that Azure has significantly more access performance than other providers. In particular, AWS DynamoDB has a unusually long access time for its CollectionCreate operation. The tests on individual table entity operations show Azure to be the fastest by a considerable margin with over 5 to 6 times lesser access speeds on average.

  • (c) Upload and Download: The average of the combined file upload and download speeds do not vary considerably across the providers tested.

We have defined some parameters, such as object size, in a specific way. Other choices might result in different observations. Our aim here was not to recommend a particular provider. The aim was to demonstrate the usefulness of instrumenting brokers for either decision making or as an ongoing monitoring approach. Any selection can anyway not happen without considering other properties such as security.

In the future, we plan to consider more storage services. Furthermore, the impact of different architectures in terms on IaaS or PaaS with and without the use of container technologies [17, 18, 24, 40, 41] shall be explored.