1 Introduction

Hash functions are central and prominent in modern cryptography, and there have been many ingenious designs of cryptographic hash functions [2, 4, 13, 26]. One significant property of a cryptographic hash function H, backed with intensive tests in practice, is collision resistance. Namely, it should be computationally unfeasible to find a collision, which is a pair of distinct input strings \((x, x')\) with \(H(x) = H(x')\). Because of this nice feature, hash functions are being used in numerous cryptographic constructions and applications, e.g., protecting passwords [1], constructing message authentication codes and digital signature schemes, as well as various crypto-currencies exemplified by BitCoin [25].

Theoretical analysis of a hash function H often refers to generic security, where one ignores the internal design of H and views it as a black box. Moreover, the output of H is assumed to have been drawn uniformly at random from some codomain of size N. The complexity of finding a collision is then measured by the number of evaluations of H, i.e., queries to the black box. By the well-known birthday bound, \(\varTheta (\sqrt{N})\) queries are both sufficient and necessary to find a collision in H. These principles are extended and formalized as the random oracle model, in which a hash function is treated as a truly random function that is publicly available but only through oracle queries [11]. This heuristic has been widely adopted to construct more efficient cryptosystems and facilitate security reduction proofs which are otherwise challenging or unknown [12, 21].

However, in reality, there are attacks that perform significantly better than the plain birthday attack. The recent explicit break of full SHA-1 by Google and the Cryptology Group at the Netherlands’ Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica [29], in which two PDF files can be generated that collide on the same 160-bit digest, only takes \(\sim \)2\(^{61}\) hash evaluations instead of the \(2^{80}\) expected via the birthday attack. These attacks are possible because the internal structure of H may create opportunities for more effective cryptanalysis. A natural reaction would be to figuratively open up the black box and take into account the inner workings case-by-case when analyzing a hash function. Alternatively, can we prove generic security bounds, but under relaxed and/or more accurate assumptions?

The approaching era of quantum computing will make these challenges more worrisome. The power of quantum computers, while promising in accelerating the resolution of fundamental problems in many areas such as chemistry, biology, etc., raises a tremendous threat to cryptography. Many public key cryptosystems will be broken due to Shor’s efficient quantum algorithm for the factoring and discrete logarithm problems upon which they are based [27]. In addition, new features of quantum adversaries are difficult and subtle to deal with, especially in the setting of cryptographic protocols. In fact many classical security analyses become inapplicable or even fail completely in the presence of quantum adversaries [17, 23, 33].

Pertaining to hash functions, a quantum adversary is able to implement the hash function as a quantum circuit and evaluate it in quantum superposition. Therefore, if H is treated as a black box, it is reasonable to allow a quantum adversary to query H in quantum superposition: \(\sum _{x} \alpha _{x} |x,0\rangle \mapsto \sum _{x}\alpha _{x} |x, H(x)\rangle \). Although this does not imply that the adversary can learn the entirety of H in one query, an immediate difficulty, for example, is the failure of the “lazy sampling” trick, where one can simulate a random function by sampling random responses on-the-fly. Indeed, much effort has been devoted to extending the results and useful techniques in the classical random oracle model to the quantum setting (formalized as the quantum random oracle model) [9, 14, 19, 38]. Notably, Zhandry [37] shows that \(\varTheta (N^{1/3})\) quantum queries are both sufficient and necessary to find a collision in a uniformly random function. This establishes the generic security of uniformly random hash functions. But as classical attacks have illustrated, assuming uniform randomness is sometimes too optimistic and risky. Such concerns are becoming more pressing due to recent advances in the physical realization of quantum computers [3, 5]. Optimized architectures are also reducing the cost of implementing quantum algorithms (e.g., see an estimation of Grover’s quantum search algorithm [10]).

This motivates the question we study in this work: what is the complexity of finding a collision in a non-uniformrandom function, under quantum attacks in particular? Specifically we consider a distribution \(D_k\) on set Y which has min-entropy k, i.e., the most likely element occurs with probability \(2^{-k}\). We want to find a collision in a function \(H:X\rightarrow Y\) where for each \(x\in X\), H(x) is drawn independently according to \(D_k\). We call it a \(\text {rand-min-}k\) function hereafter. Note that if \(D_k\) is uniform over Y (hence \(|Y|=2^k\)), this becomes the standard uniformly random function. Given H as a black-box, we are interested in the number of queries needed by a quantum algorithm to find a collision in H. As a result, this will establish the generic security of hash functions under a relaxed condition where the outputs of a hash function are drawn from a distribution of min-entropy k rather than a strictly uniform distribution. This condition might be a more realistic heuristic for a good hash function. Roughly speaking, a hash function designer will only need to make sure that there is no single value \(y\in Y\) that has a large set of preimages (i.e., \(f^{-1}(y): = \{x\in X: f(x)=y\}\) with \(|f^{-1}(y)| \le 2^k\)). In contrast, modeling a hash function as a uniformly random function would require certain regularity such that the preimage set of every codomain element has roughly the same size, which may be difficult to justify and test in practice. We also note that a concrete application of collision finding in \(\text {rand-min-}k\) functions appears in the famous Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation [21], whose quantum security has been studied in [31].

Classically, it is not difficult to derive a variation of the birthday bound, which gives \(\varTheta (2^{k/2})\) as the query complexity in typical cases. In the quantum setting, Targhi et al. [30] prove that \(\varOmega (2^{k/9})\) queries are necessary for any quantum algorithm to find a collision with constant probability. Compared to the tight bound \(2^{k/3}\) in the uniform case, the bound is unlikely to be optimal and the gap seems significant. In addition, no quantum algorithms are described or analyzed formally. Overall, our understanding of finding a collision in non-uniform random functions is far from satisfying as far as quantum attacks are concerned.

1.1 Our Contributions

In this work, we characterize the complexity of finding collisions in a \(\text {rand-min-}k\) function when it is given as an oracle to a quantum algorithm. We are able to prove matching upper and lower bounds in many cases. The results are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Summary of quantum collision finding in \(\text {rand-min-}k\) functions. \(\beta : = \frac{1}{\Pr [x = y: {x,y\leftarrow D}]}\) is the collision variable, which equals \(2^k\) for flat-distributions (i.e., uniform on a subset of size \(2^k\)), and lies in \([2^k,2^{2k}]\) for \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) distributions (i.e., peak at one element, and uniform elsewhere), as well as for general \(\text {min-}k\) distributions. Here M refers to the size of the domain and N refers to the size of the codomain.

A simple special case is the flat distribution, which is uniform on a subset of size \(2^k\). In this case, not surprisingly, the same bound \(2^{k/3}\) for the uniform random function holds. Another special case, which represents the hardest instances, concerns the \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) distributions, where there is a mode element with probability mass \(2^{-k}\) and the remaining probability mass is distributedly uniformly throughout the rest of the codomain. Here we show that \(2^{k/2}\) queries are both sufficient and necessary. For general \(\text {min-}k\) distributions, the complexity is characterized by the collision variable \(\beta (D)\) for a distribution D, which is the reciprocal of the probability that two independent samples from D collide. We prove a generic upper bound \(\beta ^{1/3}\), and a lower bound \(2^{k/3}\) . For comparison, classically one can show that the (generalized) birthday bound \(\varTheta (\beta ^{1/2})\), which equals \(\varTheta (N^{1/2})\) for uniform distributions, precisely depicts the hardness of finding a collision.

Technical overview. For the generic lower bound \(2^{k/3}\), we follow the natural idea of reducing from collision finding in uniform random functions (Theorem 3). We show that finding a collision in a uniformly random function of codomain size \(2^k\) reduces to that in flat distributions, and then to general \(\text {min-}k\) distributions. Therefore the \(2^{k/3}\) lower bound follows. This approach is in contrast to that in [30], where they basically extract close-to-uniform bits from the output of a \(\text {rand-min-}k\) function f by composing f with a universal hash function h. Note that a collision in f is also a collision in \(h\circ f\). In addition, \(h\circ f\) can be shown to be quantum indistinguishable from a uniformly random function by a general theorem of Zhandry [36], which relates sample-distinguishability to oracle-distinguishability. Therefore any adversary for \(\text {rand-min-}k\) can be turned into an adversary for \(h\circ f\), contradicting the hardness for uniformly random functions. However, the discrepancy between \(h \circ f\) and a uniformly random function gets accumulated and amplified in the sample-to-oracle lifting step, and this may explain the slackness in their lower bound \(2^{k/9}\).

Instead, given an oracle f whose images are distributed according to a distribution D, our reductions employ a redistribution function to simulate an oracle \(f'\) whose images are distributed according to another distribution \(D'\) on \(Y'\). A redistribution function r maps a pair (xf(x)) to an element in \(Y'\), and r is sampled from a proper distribution such that \(f'(x) := r(x,f(x))\) is distributed according to \(D'\), taking into account the random choice of f as well. We show algorithms for sampling appropriate redistribution functions, called redistribution function samplers, for the distributions we are concerned with. As a result, we can use an adversary for the collision-finding problem in \(D'\) to attack the collision-finding problem in D. To complete the reductions, we show that a collision found in the simulated oracle for \(f'\) will indeed be a valid collision in f with probability at least 1/2.

Along the same lines, it is possible to demonstrate that collision-finding in \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) distributions is the hardest case. In fact, we are able to establish rigorously a strengthened lower bound in this case (Theorem 4). Our proof proceeds by showing indistinguishability between a random \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) function on a codomain of size N and a uniformly random function on the same codomain. Then the lower bound in the uniform case translates to a lower bound for the \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) case. The exact bounds vary a bit for different relative sizes of N and k.

Establishing upper bounds is relatively easy (Theorem 5). We adapt the quantum algorithm of [37] in the uniform case. Basically we partition the domain of a \(\text {rand-min-}k\) function f into subsets of proper size, so that when restricting f on each subset, there exists a collision with at least constant probability. Next, we can invoke the collision finding algorithm by Ambainis [8] on each restricted function, and with a few iterations, a collision will be found.

Moreover, we give alternative proofs showing the lower bound for \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) distributions (Theorem 6). They are helpful to provide more insight and explain the bounds intuitively. Specifically, we reduce an average-case search problem, of which the hardness has been studied [24], to finding a collision in a \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) random function. On the other hand, when the mode element of a \(\text {min-}k\) distribution is known, we show that applying Grover’s quantum search algorithm almost directly will find a collision within \(O(2^{k/2})\) queries. This actually improves the algorithms above in some parameter settings.

1.2 Discussion

Collision finding is an important problem in quantum computing, and a considerable amount of work in this context exists. Brassard et al. [16] give a quantum algorithm that finds a collision in any two-to-one function \(f:[M]\rightarrow [N]\) with \(O(N^{1/3})\) quantum queries. Ambainis [8] gives an algorithm based on quantum random walks that finds a collision using \(O(M^{2/3})\) queries whenever there is at least one collision in the function. Aaronson and Shi [6] and Ambainis [7] give an \(\varOmega (N^{1/3})\) lower bound for a two-to-one function f with the same domain and co-domain of size N. Yuen [35] proves an \(\varOmega (N^{1/5}/{\text {poly}(\log N)})\) lower bound for finding a collision in a uniformly random function with a codomain at least as large as the domain. This is later improved by Zhandry [37] to \(\varTheta (N^{1/3})\) for general domain and codomain as we mentioned earlier.

We stress that, typically in quantum computing literature, the lower bounds are proven for the worst-case scenario and with constant success probability. This in particular does not rule out adversaries that succeed with an inverse polynomial probability which is usually considered a break of a scheme in cryptography. Hence a more appropriate goal in cryptography would be showing the number of queries needed for achieving any (possibly low) success probability, or equivalently bounding above the success probability of any adversary with certain number of queries. Our results, as in [30, 37], are proven in the strong sense that is more appropriate in cryptographic settings.

Our work leaves many interesting possible directions for future work. For some distributions, our reductions may take a long time to implement. Can we find time-efficient reductions in general? We have been mainly concerned with finding one collision; it is interesting to investigate the complexity of finding multiple collisions in a non-uniform random function. Finally, we note that a stronger notion for hash functions called collapsing has been proposed which is very useful in the quantum setting [32]. Can we prove that \(\text {rand-min-}k\) functions are collapsing? Note that a uniform random function is known to be collapsing, and more recently it has been shown that the sponge construction in SHA-3 is collapsing (in the quantum random oracle model) [18].

Missing proofs and more. Due to space limitations, we omit a few proofs in this submission. The full version can be found at ia.cr/2017/688, where in addition to the missing proofs, we also extend the work here and give tight analysis for the quantum generic security of preimage and second-preimage resistance of hash functions under non-uniform output distributions.

Independent work. In a concurrent and independent work by Ebrahimi and Unruh [20], they give twelve bounds for quantum collision finding of \(\text {min-}k\) random functions. We observe that ten of them coincide with our bounds, and in particular, they present essentially the same quantum collision-finding algorithms as ours. The remaining two are generic lower bounds improving upon their prior work [30], which are \(\varOmega (2^{k/5})\) and \(\varOmega (\beta ^{1/9})\) (in our notation). Our bounds are stronger – \(\varOmega (2^{k/3})\) and \(\varOmega (\beta ^{1/6})\) (by noting that \(\beta \le 2^{2k}\)) respectively.

2 Preliminaries

Here we introduce a few notations and definitions. We also discuss basic results concerning the collision probability and birthday bound in min-k distributions.

Let D be a discrete probability distribution on set Y defined by probability mass function \(D(y): = \Pr _{z \leftarrow D}[z = y]\). The support of D is \(\mathrm {Supp}(D) := \{y \in Y: D(y) > 0\}\). We denote \(Y^X: = \{f:X\rightarrow Y\}\) the set of functions for some domain X and codomain Y. The notation \(f\leftarrow Y^X\) indicates that f is a function sampled uniformly from \(Y^X\).

Definition 1

(Min-Entropy). Let D be a distribution on set Y. D is said to have min-entropy k if \(k = -\log _2(\max _{y\in Y}\{D(y)\})\). We refer to a distribution of min-entropy k as a min-k distribution or simply a k-distribution.

Definition 2

(Flat-k-Distribution). We call a k-distribution D on set Y a flat-k-distribution, denoted \(D_{k,\flat }\), if the support S of D has size exactly \(2^{k}\). It follows that \(\forall y\in S\), \(D(y) = 2^{-k}\).

Definition 3

(\(\delta \)-k-Distribution). We call a k-distribution D on set Y a \(\delta \)-k-distribution if there is a unique mode element \({m}\in Y\) such that \(\forall y \in Y\)

$$\begin{aligned} D(y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{c l} 2^{-k} &{} {if}\,\, y = {m}\, ; \\ \frac{1-2^{-k}}{|Y|-1} &{} {otherwise}. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

We denote such a distribution \(D_{k,\delta }\). It is implicit that \(|Y| > 2^k\). The support of D is the entire set Y, and remaining probability mass \(1-2^{-k}\) is distributed uniformly among all elements in Y other than the mode.

Definition 4

(Function of min-entropy k). Let D be a min-k distribution on set Y. We define \(D^X\) to be the distribution on \(Y^X\) such that for every \(x\in X\), its image is sampled independently according to D. \(f\leftarrow D^X\) denotes sampling a function in this way, and we say that f is a function of min-entropy k.

Definition 5

(Collision problem). Let \(f\leftarrow D^X\) be a function of min-entropy k. A pair of elements \(x_1\in X\) and \(x_2\in X\) such that \(x_1\ne x_2\) and \(f(x_1)=f(x_2)\) is called a collision in f. We refer to the problem of producing such a pair as the collision finding problem in D.

Definition 6

(Quantum oracle access). A quantum oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) for some function f implements a unitary transformation: \(\sum \alpha _{x,y,z} |x,y,z\rangle \overset{\mathcal {O}}{\mapsto } \sum \alpha _{x,y,z} |x, y + f(x), z\rangle \). An algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that makes (quantum superposition) queries to \(\mathcal {O}\) is said to have quantum oracle access to f, and is denoted \(\mathcal {A}^f\).

2.1 Collision Probability and Non-uniform Birthday Bound

Definition 7

The collision probability of a probability distribution D is defined to be the probability that two independent samples from D are equal. Namely

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm {CP}(D) := \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{y_1,y_2\leftarrow D}[y_1 = y_2] = \sum _{y \in Y} D(y)^2. \end{aligned}$$

We call \(\beta (D): = \frac{1}{\mathrm {CP}(D)}\) the collision variable of D.

\(\beta (D)\) will be an important variable determining the complexity of collision finding. In fact we can derive a birthday bound for collisions in an arbitrary distribution D in terms of \(\beta (D)\), analogous to the case of uniform distributions, using a key lemma by Wiener [34].

Lemma 1

([34, Theorem 3]). Let \(R_D\) be the random variable denoting the number of i.i.d. samples from a distribution D until a collision appears for the first time. Let \(q \ge 1\) be an integer and \(\gamma _q := \frac{q-1}{\sqrt{\beta (D)}}\)

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr (R_D > q ) \le e^{-\gamma _q}(1 + \gamma _q). \end{aligned}$$

Corollary 1

Let \(y_1,\ldots , y_q\) be i.i.d. samples from D, and let \({\textsc {Col}}^q(D)\) be the event that \(y_i = y_j \text { for some } i,j \in [q]\). There is a constant \(c>2\) such that if \(q \ge c \sqrt{\beta (D)}\), then \( \Pr ({\textsc {Col}}^q(D)) \ge 2/3 \, . \)


Let E be the event that \(y_i = y_j \text { for some } i,j \in [q]\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [E] \ge 1 - \Pr [X_D > q] \ge 1 - e^{ -\gamma _q} (1 + \gamma _q) \ge 2/3 \, , \end{aligned}$$

when \(q \ge c \sqrt{\beta (D)}\) because \(\frac{1 + \gamma _q}{e^{\gamma _q}} < 0.3\) whenever \(\gamma _q = \frac{q - 1}{ \sqrt{\beta (D)}} > 2\).

We can also derive an upper bound on \(\Pr [{\textsc {Col}}^{q}(D)]\) by standard approach.

Lemma 2

\(\Pr [{\textsc {Col}}^q(D)] \le \frac{q^2}{\beta (D)}\).


For any pair \(i\in [q]\) and \(j\in [q]\), Let \({\textsc {Col}}_{ij}\) be the event that \(y_i=y_j\). Then \(\Pr [{\textsc {Col}}_{ij}] = \mathrm {CP}(D)\). Therefore by union bound, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [{\textsc {Col}}^{q}(D)] = \Pr [\cup _{i,j\in [q]} {\textsc {Col}}_{ij}] \le {q \atopwithdelims ()2}\cdot \mathrm {CP}(D) \le \frac{q^2}{\beta (D)}. \end{aligned}$$

As a result, when \(q = o(\sqrt{\beta (D)})\), essentially no collision will occur. Namely q needs to be \(\varOmega (\sqrt{\beta (D)})\) to see a collision, which is also sufficient by Corollary 1. This is summarized below as a birthday bound for general distributions.

Theorem 1

\(\varTheta (\sqrt{\beta (D)})\) samples according to D are sufficient and necessary to produce a collision with constant probability for any classical algorithms.

Finally, we characterize \(\beta (D)\) for \(\text {min-}k\) distributions.

Lemma 3

Let \(D_k\) be a \(\text {min-}k\) distribution on Y with \(|Y| = N\ge 2^k\) and \(k\ge 1\).

  • For a \(\text {flat-}k\) distribution \(D_{k,\flat }\), \(\beta (D_{k,\flat }) = 2^k\).

  • For \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) distribution \(D_{k,\delta }\), \( \beta (D_{k,\delta }) \approx \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} N &{} { if } N < 2^{2k} \, ;\\ 2^{2k} &{} { if } N \ge 2^{2k} . \end{array} \right. \)

  • For a general \(\text {min-}k\) distribution \(D_k\), \(\beta (D_k) \in [2^k,2^{2k}]\).


For \(\text {flat-}k\) \(D_k\), \(D_k(y) = \frac{1}{2^k}\) for all \(y \in Y' \subseteq Y\) with \(|Y'| = 2^k\). Hence \(\beta (D_k) = \frac{1}{\sum _{y\in Y'} 2^{-2k}} = 2^k\). For \(D_{k,\delta }\) distribution

$$\begin{aligned} \beta (D_{k,\delta })= \frac{1}{\mathrm {CP}(D_{k,\delta })} = \frac{1}{2^{-2k} + \frac{(1-2^{-k})^2}{N-1}} = \frac{2^{2k}(N - 1)}{N - 2\cdot 2^k + 2^{2k}} \approx \frac{2^{2k}\cdot N}{2^{2k}+N} . \end{aligned}$$

Different ranges of N give the estimation for \(\beta (D_{k,\delta })\). For general \(D_k\), it is easy to see that \(2^{-2k} \le \mathrm {CP}(D_k) \le 2^{-k}\) and hence \(\beta (D_k) \in [2^k, 2^{2k}]\).

3 Lower Bounds: Finding a Collision is Difficult

We prove our quantum query lower bounds for \(\text {min-}k\) collision finding by security reductions. Recall the hardness result for uniform distributions by Zhandry [37].

Lemma 4

([37] Theorem 3.1). Let \(f:[M]\rightarrow [N]\) be a uniformly random function. Then any algorithm making q quantum queries to f outputs a collision in f with probability at most \(C(q+1)^3/N\) for some universal constant C.

We show that collision finding in any min-k distribution is at least as difficult as collision finding in a uniform distribution on a set of size \(2^k\). We begin by demonstrating a reduction of collision finding in a uniform distribution to collision finding in a flat-k distribution. Then we show a reduction of collision finding in a flat-k distribution to collision finding in a general k-distribution. Therefore we prove the following results.

Theorem 2

Let \(f_{flat} \leftarrow D_{k,\flat }^X\) be a random function whose outputs are chosen independently according to a flat-k-distribution \(D_{k,\flat }\). Then any quantum algorithm making q queries to \(f_{flat}\) outputs a collision with probability at most \(O((q+1)^3/2^k)\).

Theorem 3

Let \(f_D \leftarrow D^X\) be a random function whose outputs are chosen independently according to a distribution D of min-entropy k. Then any quantum algorithm making q queries to \(f_D\) outputs a collision with probability at most \(O((q+1)^3/2^k)\).

Corollary 2

Any quantum algorithm needs at least \(\varOmega (2^{k/3})\) queries to find a collision with constant probability in a random function \(f_D \leftarrow D^X\) whose outputs are chosen according to a distribution D of min-entropy k.

Each of the proofs describe an algorithm (i.e., a reduction) attempting to find a collision in a random function f to which it has oracle access. The reduction will run, as a subroutine, another algorithm which finds a collision in another random function g when given oracle access to g (these random functions are not necessarily sampled from the same distribution). To adopt the subroutine which finds collisions in g for the task of finding a collision in f, the reduction simulates an oracle for g by building an oracle converter from the oracle for f and a suitable redistribution function. In general the redistribution function must be random, sampled from a particular distribution so that the distribution of its images equals that of g. Given some distributions from which the images of f and g are sampled, only some special sampling procedures will produce a redistribution function suitable for building the oracle converter needed. We formalize the concept of a redistribution function sampler as a generally randomized algorithm that performs such a sampling procedure specific to the oracles the reduction has access to and needs to simulate.

Definition 8

(\(D\rightarrow D'\) Redistribution Function Sampler). Suppose \(f:X \rightarrow Y\) is a random function whose images are distributed according to a distribution D. Let \(D'\) be a distribution on \(Y'\). We call an algorithm S a \(D\rightarrow D'\) redistribution function sampler if it returns a function \(r: X \times Y \rightarrow Y'\) such that \(\Pr [r(x, f(x)) = y] = D'(y)\) for all \(y \in Y'\) and \(x \in X\), where the probability is taken over the random choice of f and the randomness of S.

We use the term redistribution function to refer to a function returned by a redistribution function sampler, explicitly stating the distributions when necessary. The redistribution function naturally induces an oracle converter.

Definition 9

(Oracle Converter). Suppose \(f\leftarrow {D}^{X}\) is a random function whose images are distributed according to a distribution D on Y. Let \(D'\) be a distribution on \(Y'\), and \(r: X \times Y \rightarrow Y'\) be a \(D \rightarrow D'\) redistribution function. An algorithm \(\mathcal {C}\), having oracle access to f and r, is called an oracle converter from f to g if \(\mathcal {C}\) computes a function \(g: X \rightarrow Y'\) defined by \(g(x) := r(x, f(x))\).

We may denote \(g = \mathcal {C}_{f, r}\). We can immediately observe that g is distributed as if the images were sampled independently according to \(D'\), when f and r are sampled according to the above definition.

Lemma 5

The oracle converter defined above computes a function g that is distributed identically to \({D'}^{X}\), i.e., its images are independently distributed according to \(D'\), if \(f\leftarrow {D}^{X}\) is chosen randomly and r is generated by a \(D \rightarrow D'\) redistribution function sampler.

We will be concerned with finding collisions in f and g. In particular, we are interested in whether a collision of g constitutes a collision of f. We define the collision-conversion rate to capture this property of an oracle converter.

Definition 10

(Collision-conversion rate). Let \(\mathcal {C}\) be an oracle converter from f to g. We say that it has collision-conversion rate p if for any \((x, x')\) such that \(g(x) = g(x')\), \(f(x) = f(x')\) also holds with probability at least p. The probability is over the random choices of \(f \leftarrow {D}^{X}\) and of a \(D \rightarrow D'\) redistribution function r.

With these notions available, our reduction proofs basically sample a proper redistribution function, and then simulate a correct oracle g distributed according to \({D'}^{X}\) using an oracle converter accessing the given oracle \(f\sim {D}^{X}\). Then we run a collision-finding adversary on \(D'\) with oracle g. Whenever it outputs a collision, we can conclude that a collision is also found in f with probability p by the collision-conversion rate, which will lead to the desired contradiction. For each of the reductions, we will describe a suitable redistribution function sampler and show that it has at least constant collision-conversion rate. To do so, we assume that the reductions have full information about D and \(D'\), as well as sufficient randomness. This is fine as far as query complexity is concerned, and it is an interesting open question to make them time-efficient. We also remark that, for the sake of clarity, the distribution of images of our redistribution function is defined to be exactly matching distribution \(D'\). It suffices to approximate distribution \(D'\) up to some negligible statistical distance.

Now we provide a generic formal description for all of our reductions, leaving the redistribution function sampler as a modular component which we can describe individually for each collision finding problem (for now we assume that each reduction has access to an adequate redistribution function sampler in each case). We do this in part to formally demonstrate how our reductions are compatible with quantum adversaries, allowing them to submit queries in quantum superposition and receive the oracle responses in quantum superposition. We will show that the oracle converters can be implemented as quantum oracles, so that the reduction can simulate the collision-finding problem for a quantum adversary who submit quantum queries. As usual, we consider a reduction solving collision-finding in D using an adversary for collision-finding in \(D'\).

figure a

We emphasize that the functions f and r are random functions sampled before the adversary begins the attack (the attack referring to the query-response phase in which interaction with the oracle occurs), as f is simply a model for what would be a fixed, publicly known hash function in a practical security setting, and r would be chosen by the adversary according to some procedure specific to the hash function (this is the role played by redistribution function sampler). Implementing the converter as a quantum-accessible oracle is straightforward as shown below (Fig. 1). Note that the function r can be turned into a unitary operator by standard technique \(|x, \tilde{x}, y\rangle \overset{r}{\mapsto } |x,\tilde{x}, y\oplus r(x,\tilde{x})\rangle \). f is given as a quantum oracle, which we just need to query twice to answer each query to g.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Quantum circuit that implements function \(g=\mathcal {C}_{f, r}\) using two oracle calls to f.

Now that we have a generic construction for our reductions, we will show a simple reusable general result that will allow us to quickly construct reductions and extend query complexity lower bounds by simply demonstrating the existence of a satisfactory redistribution function sampler for use in each reduction. In this context we say that a reduction algorithm succeeds if the output pair indeed forms a collision in the given oracle function.

Lemma 6

Suppose there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) which solves collision finding in a distribution \(D'\) with probability at least \(P_{\mathcal {A}}\), using q queries to an oracle for a function g whose responses are distributed according to \(D'\)Footnote 1. Suppose there exists a \(D \rightarrow D'\) redistribution function sampler S such that the induced converter has collision-conversion rate at least p. Then Algorithm 1 initialized with S and \(\mathcal {A}\), denoted \(\mathcal {R}_{S,A}\), solves collision finding in D with probability at least \(p \cdot P_\mathcal{{A}}\) using 2q queries to an oracle for f whose images are distributed according to D.


Lemma 6 follows trivially from the suppositions stated. Let A denote the event that \(\mathcal {A}\) succeeds, E denote the event that the a collision of g is also a collision of f, and R denote the event that \(\mathcal {R}_{S,A}\) succeeds. Then

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm {Pr}[R] \ge \Pr [E \cap A] = \mathrm {Pr}[E | A] \cdot \mathrm {Pr}[A] = \mathrm {Pr}[E] \cdot \mathrm {Pr}[A], \end{aligned}$$

because E and A are independent (\(\mathrm {Pr}[E]\) is simply the collision-conversion rate, which is a property specific to the oracle converter used in Algorithm 1). Since \(\Pr [ E ] \ge p\) and \(\mathrm {Pr}[A] \ge P_\mathcal{{A}}\), \(\mathrm {Pr}[R] \ge p\cdot P_\mathcal{{A}}\). The observation that \(\mathcal {R}_{S,A}\) uses twice the number of oracle queries as \(\mathcal {A}\) proves the lemma.

Therefore to prove Theorems 2 and 3, all that is left is to show suitable redistribution function samplers.

Lemma 7

Let \(U_{2^k}\) be a uniform distribution on a set Y of size \(2^k\). Let \(D_{k,\flat }\) be a \(\text {flat-}k\) distribution on a set \(Y_1\), and \(D_k\) a general \(\text {min-}k\) distribution on a set \(Y_2\). There exist \(U_{2^k} \rightarrow D_{k,\flat }\) and \(D_{k,\flat }\rightarrow D_k\) redistribution function samplers, and the induced oracle converters have collision-conversion rates at least 1/2.


We describe the two samplers below.

\(U_{2^k} \rightarrow D_{k,\flat }\) sampler. In this case the redistribution function sampler is nearly trivial because a simple relabeling of samples from the distribution \(U_{2^k}\) will suffice to simulate samples from the distribution \(D_{k,\flat }\). Let f be a function \(f:X\rightarrow Y\) whose images are distributed according to \(U_{2^k}\), to which oracle access is available. Let \(m:Y\rightarrow Y_1\) be any injective mapping. Define \(S_1\) as a one-step algorithm that returns a function \(r_1(x, y) = m(y)\).

By the definition of \(r_1\), \(\mathrm {Pr}[r_1(x, f(x)) = y'] = \mathrm {Pr}[m(f(x)) = y']\) for all \(x\in X\) and \(y'\in Y_1\). Since m implements an injective mapping from Y to \(Y_1\), \(\mathrm {Pr}[m(f(x)) = y'] = \mathrm {Pr}[f(x) = m^{-1}(y')]\). Since, by the definition of f, \(\mathrm {Pr}[f(x) = y] = U_{2^k}(y)\) for all \(y \in Y\), \(\mathrm {Pr}[f(x) = m^{-1}(y')] = U_{2^k}(m^{-1}(y')) = 2^{-k}\). Hence \(\mathrm {Pr}[r_1(x, f(x)) = y'] = D_{k,\flat }(y')\) for all \(x\in X\) and \(y' \in Y_1\), since \(D_{k,\flat }(y') = 2^{-k}\) for all \(y' \in Y_1\). It follows that \(S_1\) is a \(U_{2^k} \rightarrow D_{k,\flat }\) redistribution function sampler. We now show that the collision-conversion rate of the induced oracle converter is exactly 1. Let \((x_1, x_2)\) be a collision in g, the function implemented by the oracle converter. Then \(r_1(x_1, f(x_1)) = r_1(x_2, f(x_2))\), from which it follows that \(m(f(x_1)) = m(f(x_2))\). Since m is an injective mapping, we can conclude that \(f(x_1) = f(x_2)\), which shows that \((x_1, x_2)\) is necessarily a collision in f.

\( D_{k,\flat }\rightarrow D_k\) sampler. We provide an overview of the \(D_{k,\flat }\rightarrow D_k\) redistribution function sampler in the following few paragraphs. The complete redistribution function sampler is given in the full version, along with a detailed explanation of the reasoning behind it. We reiterate that the redistribution function can be prepared before oracle access to the hash function under attack is obtained, allowing the query-response phase of the attack to be implemented as a quantum algorithm without concern for the quantum implementation of the redistribution function sampler.

The basic challenge that must be solved by the redistribution function sampler is to provide a mapping from the support of one distribution to the support of another distribution in such a way that the output is actually distributed according to the second distribution, which we call \(D_k\), when the input is distributed according to the first, which we call \(D_{k,\flat }\)Footnote 2. In order to maximize the probability that Algorithm 1 succeeds, the mapping must maximize the probability that two identical outputs correspond with two identical inputs, i.e., the collision-conversion rate. Our construction for this redistribution function sampler, which we call \(S_2\) (and which returns a function which we call \(r_2\)), ensures that this probability is no less than one half by allowing at most two elements of the support of the \(D_{k,\flat }\) be mapped to each element of the support of \(D_k\). To provide intuition for how this is achieved, we recommend visualizing each distribution as a rectangle divided into ‘bins’ representing the elements of its support, with each bin’s width proportional to the probability mass of the corresponding element under the distribution. We refer to this as the rectangular representation of the distribution. An example is shown below. We let \(D_{k,\flat }\) be a flat distribution of min-entropy 2, and \(D_k\) be a (non-flat) distribution of min-entropy 2. We label each bin with a number indexing the elements of the support in each case.

figure b

For each of the elements of the support of \(D_{k,\flat }\), we must decide what the probability mass corresponding to that element in \(D_{k,\flat }\) should ‘be sent to’ by the redistribution function, in the sense that whatever that element is mapped to will occur with the same probability as that of sampling the element from \(D_{k,\flat }\). A natural solution that would correctly produce the distribution \(D_k\) is to in some sense ‘project’ the distribution \(D_{k,\flat }\) onto \(D_k\), so that each ‘location’ in the rectangular representation of \(D_{k,\flat }\) is mapped to a ‘location’ in the rectangular representation of \(D_k\) (by ‘location’ here we refer to horizontal position a rectangular representation, selecting some specific probability density). We illustrate this sort of projection by drawings lines between the two rectangular representations that show where the boundaries between the elements of each distribution’s support fall in the other distribution, shown below.

figure c

From the fact that the width of each bin is proportional to the probability mass associated with each element of each distribution, it follows that, if, for a given sample from \(D_{k,\flat }\), we sample an element from the support of \(D_k\) according to the available probability mass inside the projected bin from \(D_{k,\flat }\), the sampling result will be distributed exactly according to the distribution \(D_k\). This is difficult to communicate verbally, but visually, one can imagine receiving a sample from \(D_{k,\flat }\) as ‘selecting’ the bin associated with the sampled value in the rectangular representation of the distribution. Then, following the lines bordering that bin, we find that the probability mass associated with the sample from \(D_{k,\flat }\) is mapped to probability mass corresponding to several elements of the support of distribution \(D_k\). If we now sample from these elements according to their share of the probability mass corresponding to the sample from \(D_{k,\flat }\), our samples will be distributed according to \(D_k\). For example, with reference specifically to the graphic above, suppose that we receive element 2 as a sample from \(D_{k,\flat }\). Following the lines down from the bin corresponding to element 2 in the rectangular representation of \(D_{k,\flat }\), we see that elements 2 and 3 in the support of \(D_k\) both partially reside in the space corresponding to bin 2 in the rectangular representation of \(D_{k,\flat }\). In particular, element 2 in the support of \(D_k\) consumes much more of the space than element 3. Hence we sample either 2 or 3, with a bias toward 2 exactly equal to how much more of the space element 2 consumes (recall that space in these rectangular representations corresponds to probability mass). Similarly, had we received element 3 as a sample from \(D_{k,\flat }\), we would have sampled from elements 3 and 4 in the support of \(D_k\) with little or no bias, since these seem to roughly evenly split the space inside the boundaries of the bin corresponding to element 3 in the support of \(D_{k,\flat }\).

It should be clear now that this procedure will produce samples distributed according to \(D_k\) when given samples distributed according to \(D_{k,\flat }\), at the cost of needing additional randomness to perform the sub-sampling. Generating the redistribution function \(r_2\) is then simply a matter of saving the resulting samples in a look-up table. Although this procedure is conceptually simple, its rigorous mathematical description is exceedingly tedious, so we provide it in the full version of this paper. Also in the full version is a proof that the redistribution function sampler \(S_2\) has a collision-conversion rate of at least one-half. The intuition behind this property is that a sample from \(D_k\) produced by the redistribution function could have been generated by, at most, 2 distinct samples from \(D_{k,\flat }\), since each bin in the rectangular representation of \(D_k\) resides within the boundaries of, at most, 2 bins in the rectangular representation of \(D_{k,\flat }\).

We have shown that \(S_1\) and \(S_2\), as just described (and formally described in the full version in the case of \(S_2\)), are \(U_{2^k} \rightarrow D_{k,\flat }\) and \(D_{k,\flat }\rightarrow D_k\) redistribution function samplers, respectively. Finally, Theorems 2 and 3 follow easily. Note that we write some of the constant factors in the probabilities with the common notation C, even though they will not all take the same numerical value, in recognition that they are not interesting for the study of asymptotic query complexity.


(Proof of Theorems 2 and 3). By Lemma 7, there exists a \(U_{2^k} \rightarrow D_{k,\flat }\) redistribution function sampler \(S_1\) for which the induced collision-conversion rate is at least one-half. Therefore Lemma  6 implies that our reduction algorithm is an collision-finding adversary making 2q queries to a uniformly random function f with success probability at least \(P_\mathcal {A}/2\). However, Lemma 4 tells us that any 2q-query adversary can succeed with probability at most \(C(2q+1)^3/{2^k}\). Therefore the success probability \(P_\mathcal {A}\) of any q-query adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) is \(O(q+1)^3/{2^k}\), which proves Theorem 2.

Theorem 3 is proved in the same fashion by invoking the \(D_{k,\flat }\rightarrow D_k\) redistribution function sampler \(S_2\) in Lemma 7 and with Theorem 2 taking the place of Lemma 4.

3.1 Stronger Lower Bound for \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) Distributions

Note that following the same strategy, one can show a reduction of collision finding in an arbitrary \(\text {min-}k\) distribution D to collision finding in a \(\delta \)-k-distribution. This is interesting because it affirms that the \(\delta \)-k-distribution case is the most difficult out of all k-distributions. Clearly, if no elements in the support of D are associated with a probability mass less than 1/N, the proof of Theorem 3 can be adapted by replacing all references of \(2^{-k}\) as the probability of sampling each element from the flat distribution with a general probability D(x), and replacing the general distribution D with a \(\delta \)-k-distribution \(D_\delta \). The general case where D has elements associated with smaller probability mass than 1/N may be resolved by considering the distribution removing these elements and showing that it is computationally indistinguishable from the original.

In this section we give further evidence and establish an even stronger bound for finding collision in the \(\delta \)-k-distribution case.

Theorem 4

For any q-query algorithm A,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{f\leftarrow {D_{k,\delta }}^{X}}[f(x) = f(x'): (x, x')\leftarrow A^{f}(\cdot )] \le O\left( \frac{(q+2)^2}{2^k} + \frac{(q + 2)^3}{N}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

We give two proofs. The one presented here relies on a technique by Zhandry (Lemma 8). We give an alternative proof in the full version based on a reduction from an average version of a search problem which is hard to solve from the literature. This may serve as an intuitive explanation of the hardness of non-uniform collision finding. It also connects to the quantum algorithm we develop in Sect. 4.1 based on Grover’s search algorithm.

Lemma 8

[36, Theorem 7.2]. Fix q, and let \(F_\lambda \) be a family of distributions on \(Y^X\) indexed by \(\lambda \in [0,1]\). Suppose there is an integer d such that for every 2q pairs \((x_i,y_i) \in X \times Y\), the function \(p_\lambda := \Pr _{f \leftarrow F_\lambda } (f(x_i) = y_i, \forall i\in \{1,\ldots ,2q\})\) is a polynomial of degree at most d in \(\lambda \). Then any quantum algorithm A making q queries can only distinguish \(F_\lambda \) from \(F_0\) with probability at most \(2\lambda d^2\).

This lemma enables us to prove the following proposition.

Proposition 1

For any q-query algorithm A,

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{f\leftarrow {D_{k,\delta }}^{X}}(A^{f}(\cdot ) = 1) - \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{f\leftarrow {Y}^{X}}(A^{f}(\cdot )=1 ) \right| \le 8q^2/{2^k}+ 1/N. \end{aligned}$$


For every \(\lambda \in [0,1]\), define \(D_\lambda \) on Y such that there is an element \({m}\in Y\) with \(D_\lambda ({m}) = \lambda \) and for any \(y \ne {m}\) \(D_\lambda (y) = \frac{1 - \lambda }{|Y|-1}\). Then define a family of distributions \(F_\lambda \) on \({Y}^{X}\) where \(F_\lambda : = {D_\lambda }^{X}\), i.e., the output of each input is chosen independently according to \(D_\lambda \).

For any \(\{(x_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^{2q}\), \( p_\lambda :=\Pr _{f \leftarrow F_\lambda } (f(x_i) = y_i, \forall i\in [2q]) = \lambda ^t (\frac{1-\lambda }{|Y|-1})^{2q - t},\) where t is the number of occurrences of \({m}\) in \(\{y_i\}_{i=1}^{2q}\). Clearly \(p_\lambda \) is a polynomial in \(\lambda \) with degree at most 2q.

Notice that \(F_{2^{-k}}\) is exactly \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) distribution \(D_{k,\delta }\), and \(F_0\) is uniformly random on \({\hat{Y}}^{X}\), where \(\hat{Y}:= Y\backslash \{{m}\}\). Therefore by Lemma 8,

Since \({Y}^{X}\) and has statistical distance \(\frac{1}{2}(N-1)(\frac{1}{N-1} - \frac{1}{N}) + \frac{1}{2}(\frac{1}{N} - 0) = 1/N\), we get that \(\left| \Pr _{f\leftarrow {D_{k,\delta }}^{X}}(A^{f}(\cdot ) = 1) - \Pr _{f\leftarrow {Y}^{X}}(A^{f}(\cdot )=1) \right| \le 8q^2/{2^k}+ 1/N\).

We are now ready to prove the stronger complexity for finding collision in a \(\delta \text {-min-}k\) random function.


(Proof of Theorem 4). Suppose that there is an A with

$$ \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{f\leftarrow {D_{k,\delta }}^{X}}[f(x) = f(x'): (x, x')\leftarrow A^{f}(\cdot ) ] = \varepsilon \, $$

using q queries. Then construct \(A'\) which on input oracle f, runs A and receives \((x, x')\) from A. \(A'\) then output 1 iff. \(f(x) = f(x')\). By definition, we have that \(\Pr _{f\leftarrow {D_{k,\delta }}^{X}}(A'^{f}(\cdot ) =1) = \varepsilon \). Meanwhile, note that \(A'\) makes \(q+2\) queries. Therefore by Zhandry’s lower bound on finding collision in uniform random function (Lemma 4), we know that \(\Pr _{f\leftarrow {Y}^{X}}(A'^{f}(\cdot ) = 1) \le O(\frac{(q+3)^3}{N})\). Then Proposition 1 implies that

$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon \le O(\frac{(q+3)^3}{N}) + 8(q+2)^2/{2^k} + 1/N = O(\frac{(q+2)^2}{2^k} + \frac{(q+3)^3}{N}). \end{aligned}$$

Corollary 3

Any quantum algorithm needs \(\min \{2^{k/2}, N^{1/3}\}\) queries to find a collision with constant probability. Specifically we need \(\varOmega (N^{1/3})\) if \(2^k \le N < 2^{\frac{3k}{2}}\), and \(\varOmega (2^{k/2})\) when \(N\ge 2^{\frac{3k}{2}}\).

4 Upper Bounds: (Optimal) Quantum Algorithms

We derive a generic upper bound for finding collision in any \(\text {min-}k\) random functions. We adapt Ambainis’s algorithm (Lemma 9) and describe a quantum algorithm \(\textsf {NU-ColF}\) (Algorithm 2).

Lemma 9

([8, Theorem 3]). Let \(f: X'\rightarrow Y\) be a function that has at least one collision. Then there is a quantum algorithm \(\textsf {ColF}\) making \(O(|X'|^{2/3})\) quantum queries to f that finds the collision with constant bounded error.

figure d

Theorem 5

Let \(\beta := \beta (D_k)\). Let X be a set with \(|X|=M = \varOmega (\sqrt{\beta })\). Algorithm 2 \(\textsf {NU-ColF}\) finds a collision in \(f\leftarrow X^{D_k}\) within \(O(\beta ^{1/3})\) queries with constant probability. Moreover with \(O(k\beta ^{1/3})\) queries the algorithm succeeds except with probability negligible in k.


Since f is generated according to the \(\text {min-}k\) distribution, when restricting to any subset \(X_i\), we can think of drawing each function value independently from \(D_k\). Namely \(f_i \sim {D_k}^{X_i}\) holds for all i. Therefore, by Lemma 1, we have that when \(s \ge c\sqrt{\beta (D)}\) for some \(c > 2\), \(f_i\) contains a collision with constant probability. If that is the case, Ambainis’s algorithm will find a collision with constant probability using \(O(|X_i|^{2/3}) = O(\beta (D)^{1/3})\) queries. We only need to repeat \(t = O(k)\) times to succeed except with error negligible in k.

Note that our algorithm \(\textsf {NU-ColF}\) is generic, and needs no additional information about \(D_k\). By our characterization of \(\beta (D_k)\) in Lemma 3, we obtain specific bounds for the two special distributions.

Corollary 4

There exists a quantum algorithm that finds a collision with constant probability using the following numbers of queries:

  • \(\text {flat-}k\): \(O(\beta ^{1/3}) = O(2^{k/3})\) and it is tight when \(M = \varOmega (2^{k/2})\).

  • \(\delta \text {-min-}k\): \(O(\beta ^{1/3}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} O(N^{1/3}) &{} 2^k\le N < 2^{2k},\text {tight when} N \le 2^{3k/2} \\ O(2^{\frac{2k}{3}}) &{} N \ge 2^{2k}. \end{array}\right. \)

4.1 Quantum Algorithm for min-k Distribution with a Mode Known

We design an alternative collision finding algorithm (Algorithm 3), which performs slightly better in some settings. It is based on a version of Grover’s algorithm [15, 22, 28] for multiple marked items stated below.

Lemma 10

Let \(f: X \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) be an oracle function and let \(Z_f = |\{x \in X: f(x) =1\}|\). Then there is a quantum algorithm \({\textsc {QSearch}}\) using q queries that finds an \(x \in X\) such that \(f(x)=1\) with success probability \(\varOmega (q^2\frac{Z_f}{|X|})\).

figure e

Theorem 6

\(\textsf {NU-ColF-Mode}\) finds a collision using \(O(2^{k/2})\) queries with constant probability.


Let \(Z_f: = |f^{-1}({m})|\). Let \(p_f\) be the probability that f is chosen, when drawn from \({D_k}^{X}\). Since we invoke \({\textsc {QSearch}}\) twice, we find \((x, x')\) with probability \(\varOmega \left( (\frac{q^2 Z_f}{|X|})^2\right) \). Then algorithm \(\textsf {NU-ColF-Mode}\) succeeds with probability

$$\begin{aligned} {\sum _f p_f \varOmega \left( \frac{q^4}{M^2} Z^2_f\right) = \varOmega \left( \frac{q^4}{M^2} \sum _f p_f{Z^2_f}\right) = \varOmega (\frac{q^4}{M^2} \mathbb {E}[Z^2_f]).} \end{aligned}$$

To compute \(\mathbb {E}[Z^2_f]\), we define for every \(x\in X\) an indicator variable \(Z_x = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} 1 &{} \text { if } \,\,f(x) = {m};\\ 0 &{} \text{ otherwise }. \end{array} \right. \), where \(f \leftarrow {D_k}^{X}\), and clearly \(Z_f = \sum _{x\in X} Z_x\). Since each output of x is drawn independently according to \(D_{k,\delta }\), \(\mathbb {E}[Z_x] = \varepsilon :=2^{-k}\) for all x, it follows that \(\mathbb {E}[Z_x] = \mathbb {E}[Z^2_x] = \varepsilon \), and \(\mathbb {E}[Z_x\cdot Z_{x'}] = \mathbb {E}[Z_x]\cdot \mathbb {E}[Z_{x'}]= \varepsilon ^2\) for any \(x\ne x'\) by independence. Therefore

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E}[Z^2_f] = \sum _{x} \mathbb {E}[Z^2_x] + \sum _{x \ne x'} \mathbb {E}[Z_x Z_{x'}] = \varOmega (M^2\varepsilon ^2). \end{aligned}$$

Hence the algorithm succeeds with probability \(\varOmega ({q^4}\varepsilon ^2) = \varOmega ((\frac{q^2}{2^k})^2)\). As a result, with \(q = O(2^{k/2})\) many queries, we find a collision with constant probability.

Remark 1

Note that we still need \(M = \varOmega (\sqrt{\beta (D)})\) to ensure existence of collisions. When \(N \ge 2^{3k/2}\), Theorem 6 gives a better bound (\(2^{k/2}\)) than Theorem 5 (\(N^{1/3}\) when \(2^{3k/2} \le N < 2^{2k}\) and \(2^{2k/3}\) when \(N\ge 2^{2k}\)).