
1 Introduction

Gold [11] introduced the model of learning in the limit from positive data. Subsequent research in inductive inference [1, 3, 6, 15, 19, 22, 23] studied also variations on this model. The basic features of Gold’s model are the following. Let \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^*\) be a language, where \(\varSigma \) is a finite alphabet. The learner gets as input a text for L, that is, a sequence of strings \(x_0\), \(x_1\), ... that contains all members but no non-member of L. As output, the learner conjectures a sequence of indices \(e_0\), \(e_1\), ... as its hypotheses on what the input language might be. The hypotheses are taken from some hypothesis space \(\{H_e: e \in I\}\), where I is the set of possible indices and every possible learning task equals some \(H_e\). If the sequence of hypotheses converges to an index e for the language L (that is, \(H_e=L\)), then the learner is said to have learnt the input language from the text. The learner learns a language L if it learns it from all texts for L. It learns a class \(\mathcal{L}\) of languages if it learns all languages in \(\mathcal{L}\). To measure the complexity of a learner, it is convenient to consider the learner as operating in cycles: it starts with hypothesis \(e_0\) and in the n-th cycle, it gets the datum \(x_n\) and conjectures the hypothesis \(e_{n+1}\). Freivalds et al. [10] and Kinber and Stephan [18] imposed the condition that between two cycles, the learner remembers only part of its previous inputs and works via some (long term) memory, which can be restricted. Thus, the complexity of learners can be measured in terms of two parameters: (a) the computational complexity of mapping the old memory and input datum to the new memory and hypothesis and (b) the length of the memory as a function of the length of the longest example seen so far.

Fundamental choices for (a) are: recursive learners (the mapping can be computed by a Turing machine), transduced learners (the mapping can be computed by a finite transducer) and automatic learners (the mapping is an automatic function). Pitt [23] showed that many complexity-theoretic restrictions—like requiring that the update time in each cycle be carried out in time polynomial in the sum of the lengths of all inputs seen so far—do not give a real restriction for most learning criteria from classical inductive inference. Automatic learners are more severely restricted and offer an interesting object of study [5, 13]. In particular, it is natural to investigate the target classes that are represented in an automata-theoretic framework, namely the automatic families [14]. These offer a representation that an automatic learner can handle easily. It is also natural to impose that hypothesis spaces be themselves automatic families containing the class to be learnt. It turns out that certain such families are learnable by a recursive learner, but not by an automatic learner. The inability to memorise all past data is a major weakness of automatic learners and is exploited by many non-learnability proofs. Still, as shown by Jain et al. [13], w.r.t. the learnability of automatic families from fat text (with infinitely many occurrences of each datum), automatic and recursive learners have the same power; their memory can even be restricted to the length of the longest datum seen so far, the so-called word length memory limitation.

The current work studies transduced learners which are a generalisation of automatic learners. For transduced learners, the update mapping of the learner is computed by a non-deterministic transducer which on all accepting runs, produces the same outputs for the same inputs. Both inputs (old memory and current datum) are read independently, and both outputs (new memory and hypothesis) are written independently. This independence makes transduced learners more powerful than automatic ones.

For (b), Freivalds et al. [10] imposed that learners operate in cycles and only remember, from one cycle to the next, information recorded in a (long term) memory, with restrictions on its length. For automatic and transduced learners, the memory is a string over a fixed alphabet, that may depend on the learner, whose size is measured by the length of the string [10, 13, 18]. In the subfield of automatic learning, this way of restricting the memory led to fruitful findings, still leaving one major question open: is it truly restrictive to bound the memory by the length of the longest datum seen so far? A positive answer will be provided for transduced learners. Moreover, there is a learning hierarchy based on the memory sizes as a function of the length of the longest datum seen so far. In particular, polynomials and exponential functions of various degrees and exponents, respectively, are the most prominent memory bounds.

2 Preliminaries

Let \({\mathbb N}\) denote the set of natural numbers \(\{0,1,\ldots \}\). Let \(\varSigma \) denote a finite alphabet (set of symbols), \(\varepsilon \) the empty string, and \(\varSigma ^*\) the set of all strings (words) over \(\varSigma \). A language is a subset of \(\varSigma ^*\) for some finite alphabet \(\varSigma \). Concatenation of strings u and v is denoted by \(u \cdot v\), or just uv when the context makes it clear. A string u of length n can be considered as a function from \(\{0,1,\ldots ,n-1\}\) to \(\varSigma \), with u(i) the \((i+1)\)-th symbol in u. Length lexicographic order between strings is defined as follows: \(u <_{ll} v\) if either \(|u|<|v|\) or \(|u|=|v|\) and u is lexicographically before v w.r.t. some underlying ordering of \(\varSigma \).

2.1 Automatic Relations and Functions

A relation \(R=\{(u_1,\ldots ,u_n): u_i \in \varSigma ^*\}\) is said to be automatic iff it is recognised by a finite automaton with n inputs which reads all inputs at the same speed (one symbol per input and cycle with a special symbol \(\#\) when the corresponding input is exhausted) [4, 6, 12, 16, 17, 24]. A function f with m inputs and n outputs is said to be automatic iff the corresponding relation, that is, \(R=\{(u_1,\ldots ,u_m,v_1,\ldots ,v_n) : f(u_1,\ldots ,u_m)=(v_1,\ldots ,v_n)\}\), is automatic. A class of languages \(\{L_e: e \in I\}\) defined using indexing I is said to be an automatic family if I is regular and \(\{(e,x): x \in L_e\}\) is automatic.

2.2 Transducers

A transducer processes its inputs at different speeds; its transition function \(\delta \) does not necessarily process one symbol from each input component, but possibly none or many. Formally, a transducer is a tuple \((Q,n,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\), where Q is a finite set of states, n is input arity, \(\varSigma \) is a finite set of symbols, \(q_0 \in Q\) is the starting state, \(F \subseteq Q\) is the set of final states, and the transition function \(\delta \) is a subset of \(Q \times (\varSigma ^*)^n \times Q\). A run of a transducer is of the form: \((p_0,s_{1,1},\ldots ,s_{1,n},p_1), (p_1,s_{2,1},\ldots ,s_{2,n},p_2), \ldots , (p_{k-1},s_{k,1},\ldots ,s_{k,n}, p_{k})\), where \(p_0\) is the starting state and for all \(i<k\), \((p_i,s_{i+1,1},s_{i+1,2},\ldots ,s_{i+1,n},p_{i+1}) \in \delta \). Note that the lengths of the \(s_{i,j}\) may differ. The run is accepting if \(p_k \in F\), and the accepted input is \((w_1,w_2,\ldots ,w_n)\), where \(w_i=s_{1,i}s_{2,i}\ldots s_{k,i}\) for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,n\). The relation recognised by a transducer is the set of inputs it accepts (in some accepting run); such relations are called rational or transduced. Note that the main difference between an automatic relation and a transduced relation is that the transducer can read the inputs independently at different speeds and therefore the non-determinism of the transducer may prove useful. Nivat [20] provided a characterisation when a relation is transduced which is based on the notion of a homomorphism. Here a homomorphism is a mapping h which replaces each symbol a by a possibly empty word h(a). Now a k-ary relation R is transduced iff there is a regular set A and there are k homomorphisms \(h_1,\ldots ,h_k\) such that, for each symbol, at most one of the homomorphism \(h_1,\ldots ,h_k\) maps this symbol to a non-empty word and the relation R is the set \(\{(h_1(u),\ldots ,h_k(u)): u \in A\}\).

A function f is said to be transduced or rational if the relation \(\{(u_1,\ldots ,u_m, v_1, \ldots ,v_n): f(u_1,\ldots ,u_m) = (v_1,\ldots ,v_n)\}\) is rational and every input tuple \((u_1,\ldots ,u_m)\) has a unique output tuple \((v_1,\ldots ,v_n)\). A class of languages \(\{L_e: e \in I\}\) indexed by I is said to be a transduced family if I is regular and the relation \(\{(e,x): x \in L_e\}\) is recognised by some transducer; the class is automatic iff the relation is recognised by a finite automaton. Transduced families have some of the decidability properties of automatic families, in particular those below.

Proposition 1

If \(\{L_e: e \in I\}\) is a transduced family and a transducer \(\mathbf{M}\) accepts \(\{(e,x): x \in L_e,e \in I\}\), then one can effectively (from \(\mathbf{M}\), parameter y and finite set D), for each of the following sets, find a DFA recognising it:

(a) :

\(A_y=\{p : y \in L_p\}\);

(b) :

\(A'_y=\{p : y \not \in L_p\}\);

(c) :

\(B_y=\{p : \bigl \{z\in L_p : |z|>|y|\bigr \} \ne \emptyset \}\);

(d) :

\(B'_y=\{p : \bigl \{z\in L_p : |z|>|y|\bigr \}=\emptyset \}\);

(e) :

\(C_D= \{p : D \subseteq L_p\}\);

(f) :

\(C'_D= \{p : D = L_p\}\);

(g) :

\(F_e=\{x : x \in L_e\}\).

In particular, given d and e, it can be effectively determined whether \(L_d \subseteq L_e\) and whether \(L_d \subset L_e\).

2.3 Learning Theory

Gold [11] defined a text as a mapping T from \({\mathbb N}\) to \(\varSigma ^* \cup \{\#\}\), whose contents, denoted \( content (T)\), is the set \(\{T(x): x \in {\mathbb N}\} \setminus \{\#\}\); it is a text for a language L iff \( content (T)=L\). The initial segment of text T of length n is denoted T[n].

To learn a target class \(\mathcal{L}=\{L_e: e \in I\}\), defined using indexing I, a learner uses a hypothesis space \(\mathcal{H}=\{H_e: e \in J\}\), defined using indexing J, with \(\mathcal{L}\subseteq \mathcal{H}\).

The following notions are adapted from Gold [11]. A learner uses some alphabet \(\varGamma \) for its memory. It starts with an initial memory and hypothesis. On each datum, it updates its memory and hypothesis. That is, a learner is a mapping \(\mathbf{M}\) from \((\varGamma ^* \cup \{{?}\}) \times (\varSigma ^* \cup \{\#\})\) to \((\varGamma ^* \cup \{{?}\}) \times (J \cup \{{?}\})\), together with an initial memory \( mem _0\) and hypothesis \( hyp _0\). Intuitively, \({?}\) denotes both null memory (different from \(\varepsilon \)) and null hypothesis (when the learner issues no hypothesis). One can extend the definition of a learner to arbitrary initial sequences of texts T, setting \(\mathbf{M}(T[0])=( mem _0, hyp _0)\), and then inductively setting \(\mathbf{M}(T[n+1])=( mem _{n+1}, hyp _{n+1})=\mathbf{M}( mem _{n},T(n))\). Intuitively, \( mem _n\) and \( hyp _n\) are the memory and conjecture of the learner after having seen the data in T[n], respectively. A learner \(\mathbf{M}\) converges on text T to a hypothesis e iff for all but finitely many n, \( hyp _n=e\). Note that the memory is not required to converge. A learner \(\mathbf{M}\) explanatorily learns a language L if for all texts T for L, \(\mathbf{M}\) converges on T to a hypothesis e with \(H_e=L\). A learner \(\mathbf{M}\) (explanatorily) learns a class \(\mathcal{L}\) of languages iff it learns each \(L \in \mathcal{L}\) [8, 9, 11].

Blum and Blum [3] defined a finite sequence \(\sigma \) to be a locking sequence for a learner \(\mathbf{M}\) on language L if (a) \( content (\sigma ) \subseteq L\), (b) the hypothesis e of \(\mathbf{M}\) on \(\sigma \) satisfies \(H_e=L\), and (c) for all \(\tau \) with \(\sigma \subseteq \tau \) and \( content (\tau ) \subseteq L\), the hypothesis of \(\mathbf{M}\) on \(\tau \) is e. They showed that if \(\mathbf{M}\) learns L then such a \(\sigma \) exists.

A learner \(\mathbf{M}\) is said to be recursive if the corresponding function F, mapping (old memory, datum) to (new memory, hypothesis), is recursive. Jain et al. [13] defined \(\mathbf{M}\) to be an automatic learner if F is automatic. Finally, \(\mathbf{M}\) is said to be a transduced learner if F can be computed by a transducer.

In this work, learners are recursive, and can or not be transduced or automatic. The memory limitations of the learner discussed in this paper is based on the length of the memory of the learner in terms of the length of the longest datum seen so far. Thus, for example, a learner \(\mathbf{M}\) is word size memory bounded if for some constant c, for all finite sequences \(\sigma \), if \(M(\sigma )=(mem,hyp)\), and \(n=\max \{|x|: x \in content (\sigma )\}\), then \(|mem| \le n+c\). Similarly, the learner is \(O(n^2)\) memory bounded if \(|mem| \le cn^2+c\).

Example 2

For all \(e \in \{0,1\}^+\), let \(L_e = \{0,1\}^* \setminus (\{0,1\}^* \cdot \{e\})\) and consider the class defined by the transduced family \(\{L_e: e \in \{0,1\}^+\}\). The transduced learner for this family has its current memory always the same as the current hypothesis e (initialised to 0). For an input word x, if x ends with e then e is updated to its length-lexicographic successor else e remains unchanged. Thanks to its non-deterministic nature, a transducer can check whether x ends with e and give the corresponding output. Note that both outputs, new memory and new hypothesis, of the update function of this learner are always the same.

During the learning process, as long as the current value of e is length-lexicographically strictly below the target, the learner will eventually see an input ending with e, as there are infinitely many of these inputs, and then update the hypothesis and memory to the next binary word in length-lexicographical order. Eventually e reaches the correct value and then no further datum can cause another update of the hypothesis. Hence, one can verify that the transduced learner indeed converges to the correct hypothesis. Proposition 3 provides a more complicated version of this class that has a transduced but not an automatic learner.

3 Automatic versus Transduced Learners and Memory-Size Hierarchies for Transduced Learners

Proposition 5 shows that some automatic classes can be learnt by transduced learners but not by automatic ones. Proposition 3 shows that furthermore, if one considers transduced classes, then a transduced learner can succeed while keeping the word-size memory bound, whereas no automatic learner succeeds.

Proposition 3

There is a transduced family which can be learnt by a transducer with word-size memory while it does not have an automatic learner at all.

The following result provides lower bounds for the long term memory in terms of the longest example seen so far.

Proposition 4

Suppose that S is a regular set and \(f(n)=\bigl |\{x\in S: |x| \le n\}\bigr |\). Let \(\mathcal{L}=\Bigl \{L : \exists n \, \bigl [L \subseteq \{x\in S: |x| \le n\} \text { and } f(n)-1 \le |L| \le f(n)\bigr ]\Bigr \}\). Then any learner, whether automatic, transduced or recursive, needs in the worst case memory of length at least \(f(n)\text {/}c\), for some constant c, after having seen some sequence containing only words of length up to n.

Proof. Consider any learner \(\mathbf{M}\) for \(\mathcal{L}\) which uses alphabet \(\varGamma \) for its memory.

For any n, consider \(L=\{x\in S:|x| \le n\}\). Suppose there are two finite sequences \(\sigma \) and \(\tau \) with \( content (\sigma ) \ne content (\tau )\), \( content (\sigma ) \cup content (\tau ) \subseteq L\), and the memories of \(\mathbf{M}\) after having seen the inputs \(\sigma \) and \(\tau \) are the same. Let z be in the symmetric difference of \( content (\sigma )\) and \( content (\tau )\), say in \( content (\sigma )\setminus content (\tau )\). Let T be a text for \(L\setminus \{z\}\). Now, \(\mathbf{M}\) either converges to the same hypothesis on \(\sigma T\) and \(\tau T\) or fails to converge on both. As \(\sigma T\) and \(\tau T\) are texts for L and \(L\setminus \{z\}\), respectively, which are different languages in \(\mathcal{L}\), \(\mathbf{M}\) fails to learn at least one of these languages.

It follows that \(\mathbf{M}\) has at least \(2^{f(n)}\) different memory values on different finite sequences with elements from S of length at most n. Thus, at least one of these memory values must have length at least \(f(n)\text {/}c\), where \(c=\log _2(|\varGamma |)\).   \(\square \)

If \(f(n)=n^k\) for some constant k, the lower bound is \(\varOmega (n^k)\); if \(f(n) = c^n\) for some constant c, the lower bound is \(\varOmega (c^n)\) on the maximum length of the memory on input sequences containing words of length up to n. It will be shown that for some regular languages S, similar upper bounds are obtained.

Proposition 5

Let \(S = \{0\}^*\cdot \{1\}^*\). Let \(f(n)=\bigl |\{x\in S: |x| \le n\}\bigr |\) (which is equal to \((n^2+3n+2)/2)\). Define \(\mathcal{L}\) as the set of all languages L for which \(\exists n \, \bigl [L \subseteq \{x\in S: |x| \le n\} \text { and } f(n)-1 \le |L| \le f(n)\bigr ]\). Then \(\mathcal{L}\) can be learnt by a transduced learner with memory size \(O(n^2)\) but \(\mathcal{L}\) cannot be learnt by any automatic learner, even without explicit memory bounds.

Proof. Suppose for a contradiction that an automatic learner \(\mathbf{M}\) learns \(\mathcal{L}\). Fixing \(n\in {\mathbb N}\), consider a sequence \(\sigma \) containing exactly n elements of length at most n from S. As \(\mathbf{M}\) is automatic, its memory on \(\sigma \) can be of length at most cn for some constant c, and thus the number of possible memories of \(\mathbf{M}\) after seeing \(\sigma \) is bounded by \(d^{n}\) for some constant d. On the other hand, there are at least \({n^2/2}\atopwithdelims (){n}\) possible contents of such sequences, and for large enough n, this is larger than \(d^{n}\). Thus, for large enough n, there exist two sequences \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\), with different content, each containing exactly n elements of length at most n, such that the memory of \(\mathbf{M}\) after seeing \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) is the same. Let \(x \in content (\sigma )\setminus content (\sigma ')\), and let T be a text for \(S\cap \{y \in S: |y| \le n\}\setminus \{x\}\). Now, \(\mathbf{M}\) on texts \(\sigma T\) and \(\sigma ' T\) either does not converge or converges to the same conjecture even though they are texts for different languages in \(\mathcal{L}\). Thus, \(\mathbf{M}\) cannot learn \(\mathcal{L}\).

Now it is shown that a transduced learner can learn \(\mathcal{L}\). For representation of languages in \(\mathcal{L}\), the indices are of the form \(0^i1^j2^k\) and \(3^{k+1}\). If \(w = 0^i 1^j 2^k\) then \(L_w\) contains all words in S of length up to \(i+j+k\) except for \(0^i 1^j\). If \(w=3^{k+1}\) then \(L_w\) contains all members of S of length up to k.

The learner uses as memory a string of the form \(\{0,1\}^*\), where certain positions are marked. Intuitively, for memory \(w=w(0)w(1)\ldots w(n-1)\), each position in the memory string represents a string of the form \(0^i1^j\), the marked positions representing the strings that have been seen in the input. A position p in the string represents the string formed by taking the number of 0s in \(w(0)w(1)\ldots w(p)\), followed by \(p-r\) 1s for the largest \(r \le p\) such that \(w(r)=0\); if there is no 0 in \(w(0)w(1)\ldots w(p)\) then r is taken to be \(-1\). Thus, a position p represents the string formed by taking the sequence of 0s up to position p (inclusive) followed by the number of 1s between position p (inclusive) and the position of the last 0 up to position p (inclusive).

For example, if the strings 00, 001 and 011 have been observed, then the value of the memory data structure is \(011'0'1'\) and the strings represented by the positions of the marked (primed) letters as ordered in the memory word are 011, 00 and 001. Note that the principle of taking the “maximal numbers of 0s” before the third mark implies that the word 0111 is not represented in the above memory as there is a 0 between the 1s taken over. The overall goal of updating the memory is to let the current input word \(0^i1^j\) be represented in the memory by a position and the symbol at this position be marked. The beginning of the memory can be marked in order to record that \(\varepsilon \) has been observed in the input.

The learner starts with memory \(\varepsilon \) without any marks. Now suppose that at any time, (1) the new input word is \(0^i1^j\), (2) \(i'\) is the number of 0s in the current memory word, and (3) \(j'\) is the number of 1s in the current memory word which have exactly i 0s in the memory before their position. Note that \(j'\) is 0 if either \(i'<i\) or \(i' \ge i\) and after the first i 0s, either the word ends or another 0 follows. The non-deterministic transducer does the following:

  1. 1.

    First, while there is a 0 to be read in both memory and input datum d: read old memory copying each symbol to new memory and whenever a 0 is read, read it also on d until at least one of the memory or d has only symbols from \(\{1\}^*\) left; thus the memory is copied until \(\min \{i,i'\}\) 0s (along with intermediate 1s in the memory) are copied from the old memory and d has the first \(\min \{i,i'\}\) symbols read.

  2. 2.

    If \(i' \ge i\) (this is determined by the transducer by guessing, and verifying when reading the rest of the words) then read j 1s from the current datum and \(j'\) 1s from the old memory and write \(\max \{j,j'\}\) 1s to the new memory. Then copy the remaining part of the old memory to the new memory.

  3. 3.

    If \(i' < i\) then first copy all remaining 1s from the old memory to the new memory and then copy the remaining symbols \(0^{i-i'}1^j\) from the current datum to the new memory.

  4. 4.

    Besides this, all symbols copied from the old memory to the new memory keep their marks in case they have some already, and the symbol at the position representing \(0^i1^j\) in the new memory also receives a mark.

What follows demonstrates how the hypothesis is written when writing to the new memory, as both outputs are independently written into different words. Still, the workings of the transducer is best understood when the transducer is thought of as non-deterministically extracting hypothesis from new memory.

Note that the memory keeps track of all words seen in the input using the marks. It can also be used to indicate missing words: if a position representing \(0^i1^j\) is unmarked, then \(0^i1^j\) has not been seen in the input; if the i-th 0 in the memory does not have a 1 preceding it, then \(0^{i-1}1\) is not seen in the input. Call a word v stored in the memory maximal iff v1 is not represented in the memory. Note that if all positions in the memory are marked and the lengths of all maximal words in the memory except the maximal word v have the same parity as the length of v1, then v1 has not been seen in the input so far, even though v1’s length is at most that of the maximal word in the input language.

When writing the new hypothesis, the learner can verify and act according to the first of the following cases which applies. Suppose \(i'\) is the total number of 0s in the memory.

  1. 1.

    If the position representing \(\varepsilon \) is not marked, then the hypothesis is \(2^{i'}\);

  2. 2.

    If the memory ends in 1, then the hypothesis is \(0^{i'+1}\);

  3. 3.

    If some 0 in the memory is not preceded by a 1, then the hypothesis is \(0^{i-1}1^{i'-i+1}\) for the least i such that the i-th 0 is not preceded by a 1;

  4. 4.

    If some 0 in the memory is not marked then the hypothesis is \(0^i2^{i'-i}\) for the least i such that the position representing \(0^i\) is not marked;

  5. 5.

    If some 1 is not marked then the hypothesis is \(0^i1^j2^{j'-j}\) where j is such that \(0^i1^j\) is represented by the position of the leftmost unmarked 1 and \(j'\) is the number of 1s between the i-th and \((i+1)\)-st 0s in memory;

  6. 6.

    If all positions are marked and the lengths of all maximal words represented, except for the maximal word v, share the same parity, then the hypothesis is v1;

  7. 7.

    If none of the above conditions applies then the hypothesis is \(3^{i'+1}\), which is the set of all words in S of length up to \(i'\).

Note that in order to check the sixth case, the transducer can always count the number of 0s up to the current position modulo 2, and then count the number of 1s following this 0 modulo 2. Also, the transduced learner can easily verify for any particular case that none of the earlier cases applies. Thus, the learner can generate the hypothesis based on the above.

The memory keeps track of all data seen in the above described data structure. Also, the hypothesis is computed in such a way that it is correct whenever all of the shortest f(n) members of S except perhaps one have been seen, but no longer data have been observed. As an example, the following table illustrates data, memory and hypothesis updates of the learner. The initial memory is \(\varepsilon \) and the old memory is always the new memory of the previous step.


New memory


Words in \(L_w\)



\(\varepsilon \)





\(\varepsilon ,0,1,01,11\)

\(\varepsilon \)



\(\varepsilon ,0,1,01,11\)




\(\varepsilon ,1,00,01,11\)




\(\varepsilon ,0,1,00,01\)




\(\varepsilon ,0,1,00,01,11\)

The above example illustrates parts of the proof.   \(\square \)

The previous proof can be generalised to larger alphabet sizes; however, one has to fix the alphabet size and exponent of the polynomial. Thus both preceding results give the following corollary, in which the bound \(\varTheta (n^k)\) for the family given by \(\mathcal{L}_k\) indicates that one can learn with memory size \(O(n^k)\), but every learner needs at least memory size \(\varOmega (n^k)\).

Corollary 6

Suppose \(\varSigma \) has k symbols \(0,1,\ldots ,k-1\), and let \(S_k\) be \(\{0\}^* \cdot \{1\}^* \cdot \ldots \cdot \{k-1\}^*\). Let \(\mathcal{L}_k\) be the class of all \(L_{vw} = \bigl \{x \in S_k: |x| \le |vw| \text { and } x \ne v\bigr \}\) for all \(w \in \{k\}^*\) and \(v \in \{0\}^* \cdot \{1\}^* \cdot \ldots \cdot \{k-1\}^*\), and \(L_w\) be \(\bigl \{x \in S_k: |x| < |w|\bigr \}\) for all \(w \in \{k+1\}^+\). Note that the number of elements in \(S_k\) of length at most n is \(f(n) = {n+k \atopwithdelims ()k} = \sum _{m \le n} {m+k-1 \atopwithdelims ()k-1}\). Now, \(\mathcal{L}_k\) can be learnt by a transduced learner with a memory length bound of \(\varTheta (n^k)\), where n is the length of the longest example seen so far.

An additional corollary to Proposition 5 can be obtained with respect to target-sized learners. The result uses the following fact which Jain et al. [14] showed for all automatic families: there is a constant c such that for each language \(L_e\), if words in the language \(L_e\) have at most length n then the shortest index d of \(L_e\) has at most length \(n+c\). Stephan [25] defined a learner to have a target-sized memory bound if the length of the memory is never longer than the length of the shortest index of the language being learnt plus a constant. If one relaxes this bound by just requiring the existence of a function f such that the memory is never longer than f(n) with n being the size of the shortest index of the target, then one can get the following corollary.

Corollary 7

The class \(\mathcal{L}_k\) (from Corollary 6) of all subsets of \(\{0\}^* \cdot \{1\}^* \cdot \ldots \cdot \{k-1\}^*\) of words up to length n except perhaps one, can be learnt by a transduced learner with target-sized memory of size O(f(n)), where \(f(n) = {n+k \atopwithdelims ()k}\), but not with any better memory constraint, except for a multiplicative constant.

The class of all languages of binary words up to length n except perhaps for one can be learnt by a transduced learner with exponential target-sized memory.

The class of all \(L_w = \{v \in \varSigma ^*: \varepsilon <_{ll} v \le _{ll} w\}\) with \(w \ne \varepsilon \) and \(L_{\varepsilon } = \varSigma ^*\) cannot be learnt with any type of target-sized memory.

Proposition 8

If an automatic class can be explanatorily learnt from text then there is a transduced learner for the same class which learns it with \(O(c^n)\) sized memory where c is some constant that depends only on the class and where n is the size of the longest datum seen so far.

4 A Space Bound for Learning All Learnable Transduced Classes

A learner \(\mathbf{M}\) is set-driven [21] if for all sequences \(\sigma \) and \(\tau \) such that \( content (\sigma )\) is equal to \( content (\tau )\), \(\mathbf{M}\)’s memory and hypothesis are the same after seeing either \(\sigma \) or \(\tau \). It is first shown that every learnable transduced family can be learnt by a set-driven recursive learner, which can be obtained uniformly from a transducer learner for the family. This learner is defined for all transduced families. However, for unlearnable families, the learner will fail on some input texts. The learner employs the properties of transduced families listed in Proposition 1.

A tell-tale set for a language L with respect to a class \(\mathcal{L}\) of languages is a finite subset D of L such that for all \(L' \in \mathcal{L}\), if \(D \subseteq L' \subseteq L\) then \(L'=L\). Angulin [1] has shown that for any learnable family of languages \(\mathcal{L}\), every language in \(\mathcal{L}\) has a tell-tale with respect to \(\mathcal{L}\).

Proposition 9

For every learnable transduced family \(\mathcal{L}=\{L_e: e \in I\}\), some set-driven recursive learner learns that family. Furthermore, this learner can be effectively obtained from the transducer describing the transduced family.

Hence for some recursive function g, the memory of the recursive learner is bounded by g(n) where n is the length of the longest datum seen so far.

Proof. The learner is given by the following algorithm. Let \(D = \{a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_m\}\) be the set of words observed in the input so far (where each \(a_i\) is distinct). Let f(D) be the length-lexicographically least index e with \(D \subseteq L_e\) (note that by Proposition 1, this can be found effectively). Let n be the maximum of

  • the length of the description of the DFA accepting I,

  • the length of the description of the transducer accepting the set defined as \(\{(e,x): x \in L_e,e \in I\}\) for the transduced family \(\{L_e: e \in I\}\) to be learnt,

  • the alphabet size for the transduced family and

  • the lengths \(|a_1|\), \(|a_2|\), \(\ldots \), \(|a_m|\) of all words in D.

Now the learner \(\mathbf{M}\) chooses the first of the following options which applies:

  1. 1.

    If there is an \(e \in I\) with \(L_e = D\) then \(\mathbf{M}\) outputs the length-lexicographically least such e (by Proposition 1, this is decidable for transduced families);

  2. 2.

    If f(D) is defined, because there is e with \(D \subseteq L_e\), then \(\mathbf{M}\) selects the length-lexicographically least index e of length at most \(|f(D)|+n\) such that \(D \subseteq L_e\) and there is no index d of length at most \(|f(D)|+n\) with \(D \subseteq L_d \subset L_e\);

  3. 3.

    Otherwise, D is not consistent with any hypothesis in the family and \(\mathbf{M}\) outputs ? to signal that there is no valid conjecture.

By definition, \(\mathbf{M}\) is set-driven. Furthermore, if the input language \(L_e\) is finite then \(\mathbf{M}\) will converge to its length-lexicographically least index after having seen all elements. If \(L_e\) is infinite then there must exist a finite subset D of L (a tell-tale set) such that there is no language \(L_d\) in \(\mathcal{L}\) such that \(D \subseteq L_d \subset L_e\). Thus, for large enough n, and thus after having received large enough datum, step 2 would output the least index for \(L_e\). Thus, \(\mathbf{M}\) learns all languages in \(\mathcal{L}\).

For the function g, note that there are only finitely many pairs of descriptions of transduced families \(\{L_e: e \in I\}\) and data sets \(D \subseteq \{0,1,\ldots ,n-1\}^*\) such that their size is bounded by n. One can therefore take g(n) to be the maximum of the space used by the algorithm when run with the given parameterisation describing the transduced family and the data set D as input. The number g(n) can be algorithmically computed from n.   \(\square \)

Proposition 10

If a class has a set-driven recursive learner using space bound g(n), then it also has a transduced learner using space bound \(g(n)+c^n\) for its memory, for some constant c, with n denoting the size of the longest datum seen so far.

5 Conclusion and Subsequent Work

It was demonstrated that whereas many questions on memory usage remain open for automatic learners, transduced learners that learn a transduced family can always bound the memory size as a function of the longest datum seen so far. When learning automatic families, concrete bounds have been found, and a hierarchy of polynomial and exponential bounds has emerged. It has been shown that every family can be learnt using some exponential bound.

Subsequent work addressed the question of the extent to which transduced learners can satisfy additional properties like consistency [2], conservativeness [1, 22] and iterativeness [26]. Many learners constructed here can be made iterative; furthermore, transduced learners can be made consistent and conservative, similarly to the polynomial-time setting [7]; however, these criteria cannot be combined with more restrictive memory-limitations. These results have been delayed to the full version of the paper due to space limitations.