
1 Introduction

Wastewater is a resource. Using this resource is already a common practice in some water-stressed countries. In the future, the use of treated wastewater will be an essential component for a sustained water resources management plan in many countries, and it may also become an important component of climate change adaptation. The reuse of water can address water shortage issues created by steadily rising water consumption and limited water resources very well. The needed level of treatment of wastewater, however, has to be decided based on the economics and the requirements all planned activities and potential risks related to the water. The tightening of environmental legislation in many countries (e.g., Australia, Jordan, and the USA) together with new reuse guidelines have given strong impetus to the proper reuse of water over the past 20 years (DWA 2008).

Recent research indicates an increasing trend of regulated reuse projects (Asano 2007; AQUAREC 2006; Jimenez and Asano 2008). However, there is still limited availability of data on the share of water reuse within the global water consumption. Figure 1 shows the reused volume for the largest known re-users of treated wastewater worldwide in the year 2008. The potential scope of water reuse applications is very wide: the largest water need arises from irrigation in agriculture, followed by industrial uses and other applications in urban/tourist sectors—with urban applications mostly referring to use in green areas and street cleaning (Asano 2007; Jimenez and Asano 2008). However, regulated water reuse continues to play only a marginal role in the total water demand.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Reused volume (106 m3) for the largest users of treated wastewater worldwide (Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin 2012, as cited in Fuhrmann et al. 2012)

Many different techniques are available nowadays for treatment of wastewater. However, information on how they should be selected and on what conditions is not readily available. The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) took the lead on filling this gap by publishing a technical report on Treatment Steps for Water Reuse (DWA 2008). While the objective of the DWA report was not limited to reuse in agriculture, the objective of this present publication is to specifically address agricultural applications. The next sections aim to provide a guide on how to make a first selection of appropriate treatment technologies. In addition, they will explain how the DWA Matrix can help any organization in the field of wastewater management to get into the Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture (SUWA) business.

2 Water Reuse in Agriculture

Agriculture is by far the largest water consumer on a global scale, as illustrated in Table 1, and the demand is increasing. Therefore, use of wastewater to offset part of that need is logical, and it is already being practiced. Over 20 million hectares of agricultural land is currently irrigated with already used water (Hettiarachchi and Ardakanian 2016), and it continues to represent a large potential for growth.

Table 1 Competing water uses (Source of Data: United Nations 2003)

In many developing countries and regions, use of non- or insufficiently treated wastewater in agriculture is very common. In particular in urban or peri-urban regions raw wastewater from the local population is being used for irrigation not only because it is available for free but also due to the nutrient content. In addition, the supply is relatively steady. The combination of these three factors also leads to high potential for water reuse in agricultural applications. Many developing countries and regions have introduced quality standards for the reuse of water (mainly on the basis of relevant international directives or guidelines, see Sect. 3.1). However, there is less regard on the actual implementation of these guidelines in practice.

Wastewater is the raw material needed to produce the product “adequately treated wastewater”. This product should have specific qualities depending on the intended end use. For example, the permitted nutrient content depends on the vegetation, season, and the soil conditions. The hygienic aspects, on the other hand, may depend on the irrigated agricultural products and the method of cultivation. Similarly, the solid matter content should depend on the type of irrigation.

For sustainable water resources management it is essential to recognize wastewater as an important resource. However, the corresponding treatment and monitoring of the usage is indispensable in order to minimize all the risks associated with the water reuse. The objective of that treatment is to make reclaimed wastewater a secondary resource, which is fit for a specific use in agriculture.

3 What Aspects to Consider in Selecting Treatment Techniques

Requirements for wastewater treatment for reuse go beyond the needs of a typical wastewater treatment facility, and the process may also require additional treatment steps. Other challenges can also emerge through the interplay of the continuous inflow of wastewater and often discontinuous consumption of the treated water. As a result, storage and plans for usage should also be taken into consideration (Fuhrmann et al. 2012). This may demand for storage capacity, which can be arranged both in surface storage tanks and also through deliberate storage in aquifers. Storage of water, however, may result in other quality demands—such as nutrient removal while using aquifer storage,—and in different quality issues such as microbial recontamination.

For the safe reuse of water, the following well-established treatment steps are typically taken into consideration (as displayed in the DWA Matrix, see Appendix B):

  • Mechanical treatment, such as, sieving/screening and sedimentation,

  • Biological treatment, such as, the activated sludge process, trickling filters, wastewater ponds, up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, helophyte treatment plants or constructed wetlands,

  • Combined wastewater storage- and treatment tanks,

  • Filtration, sedimentation/flocculation, membrane technology, and

  • Disinfection.

The technical processes of the above mentioned treatment steps are well established in general. What is less known is, how the local conditions may pose complex challenges to the implementation of water reuse infrastructure and its reliable operation. Success of a water reuse project depends on how well the treatment steps are selected and combined. There is also a need to be clear about the specific reuse-bound requirements. Beside the technological aspects, ecological, institutional, economic, and social aspects need to be taken into account. While social aspects are covered in detail in another chapter of this book, some of the mentioned key aspects to be considered in decision making are briefly discussed in the next few sections.

3.1 Health and Environmental Aspects

Municipal wastewater often contains substances that can trigger health-hazards even after conventional treatment. The most common examples are human pathogenic microorganisms in the form of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and helminth eggs and the remains of persistent chemical substances (AQUAREC 2006; WHO 2006; USEPA 2004). As a general rule, appropriate disinfection procedures should be employed to ensure the pathogens are reduced to acceptable limits through removal, destruction, or inactivation. Harmful inorganic salts and persistent anthropogenic organic substances have to be limited as well.

Similar to all other water uses, safe use of treated wastewater in agriculture also demands for a certain assurance of the water quality. However, the expected minimum requirements for the water quality may differ from application to application.

For safe agricultural irrigation applications specific water quality standards should be set by the responsible regulators. Information and recommendations from established international guidelines, such as, ISO 16075-1, 2 and 3 (ISO 2015), WHO Guideline for Water Reuse (2006), FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 29 on “Water quality for agriculture” (Ayers and Westcot 1985) should be taken into consideration as much as possible. Some of these international guidelines focus on risk-based and multi-barrier approaches, which requires a demanding implementation process (compared to a “simpler” definition of standards for water quality). However, at the same time, water-reuse standards should be harmonized within the national system of water and health regulations, and they should not hinder the potential of water reuse, for example, by using the containing nutrients for plant growth. National standards such as the German DIN 19650 “Irrigation—hygienic concerns on irrigation water” (DIN 1999), California Code of Regulations “Title 22” (CCR 2015), USEPA Guidelines for Water Reuse” (USEPA 2012) may serve as further references. European standards for water reuse are currently being developed.

Selected treatment technology needs to comply with the health and safety requirements to safeguard the (a) operating personnel at the treatment facility, (b) farmers who use treated wastewater, and (c) consumers of the products grown with treated wastewater. Further measures may be needed in particular with respect to health-risk awareness and epidemiological aspects. Other issues such as odor and aerosols may also have influence on health aspects.

Health aspects must be taken into consideration not only during the selection of the treatment technology and the operation of facilities but also within the complete process of water reuse in agriculture by even tracking down to the bottom of the production chain.

3.2 Financial Sustainability

Making treated wastewater available for agricultural applications is attractive; but it does come with a price tag. Water production will generate investment and operational costs. Appendix A.2 and A.3 gives a detailed tabulation. The resulting tariffs can be used as an argument in favor of such practices as long as they are lower than what is usually paid for comparable groundwater and surface water, including energy costs for delivery.

The management of water demands via appropriate prices for different types of use, such as, potable, domestic, industrial, and irrigation purposes, can contribute to a more effective use of water (Fuhrmann et al. 2012). In the same way one may encourage innovative solutions with closed water cycles for rural and urban areas. The principles of the European Water Framework Directive, therefore, demand a financial contribution from both the consumer and also from the polluter (DWA 2008). As per DWA (2008), socially acceptable and progressive tariffs set according to the ability and willingness of the user to pay are to be differentiated politically. They should also be regularly adjusted for inflation, in order to secure the necessary funding for the facility operation and customer services. In the long run, a high percentage of costs should be covered to ensure the economic sustainability of water reuse projects.

Ideally, the operation and maintenance costs should be covered by beneficiary users. Investors’ own capital, state subsidies, and/or loans can be used for funding a new water reuse project. Development banks usually look at feasibility studies, which examine alternative concepts and technologies and illustrate inexpensive solutions both for the investors (low investment or operating costs) and the users (suitable tariffs) to provide funds.

There are numerous examples of well-coordinated and integrated water reuse projects that have illustrated ways for economically sustainable investments through the application of adopted frameworks, regulations, and standards—hence, ultimately through state regulation. Some examples can be found in AQUAREC (2006), EMWIS (2007), and Lazarova et al. (2013). Consumers in water-scarce countries and regions, such as Singapore, South Africa, Australia, and California, have adapted themselves, in the mid- and long-term, to the regionally available water resources with thoroughly varied water quality and different prices (DWA 2008).

3.3 Operational Aspects

Even the best technology bears considerable risks. These risks emerge when the process of water treatment, storage, distribution, and application cannot be executed as intended, for reasons beyond technological constraints. Apart from good equipment and technology, there is also a need for trained employees. Depending on the complexity of the agricultural reuse system, the water treatment processes used, as well as the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure, it also requires corresponding system management expertise.

Due to the sensitivity of the health aspects, personnel involved in the process should be able to act responsibly. Thus, the recruitment of suitable operating personnel is important. The personnel involved need to maintain the required qualifications through tailor-made training measures. Continuous follow-up trainings and examinations are recommended, especially in the early years after implementation of a water reuse project. However, in some countries and regions, these requirements are often contrary to the realities due to various reasons, such as (DWA 2008; Fuhrmann et al. 2012):

  • Unclear institutional responsibilities,

  • Strong hierarchical and centralized management structures with limited possibilities for decisions on-site,

  • Inadequate budget for operation and maintenance,

  • Lack of sufficient furnishing with operating resources, in particular equipment, spare parts, tools, energy, and chemicals,

  • Personnel with insufficient qualification and limited possibilities for further training,

  • Poor wages/salaries that do not motivate employees,

  • Unmet demand for improvement of the image of employees (from “Sewer operator” to “Resource manager”).

These conditions present enormous challenges to the project implementation and the success of investments in water reuse projects depends on how they are addressed. Appendix A.5 gives a brief overview of requirements on operating personnel.

3.4 Technological Aspects

The technologies selected for agricultural use of treated wastewater should be able to address the following (Fuhrmann et al. 2012): hygienic aspects (protection of health), biologically degradable substances (avoidance of odors), inorganic substances (protection against salinity), nutrients (protection against over-fertilization) and concentrations of solids (with regard to blockage of irrigation systems). For economic reasons, however, the selection of technology should target only the degree of treatment necessary to meet the minimum requirements applied to the expected irrigational application. Extensive reference examples on the selection of suitable water treatment and distribution technologies can be found in the literature (AQAREC 2006; Asano 2007; DWA 2008; Lazarova et al. 2013).

The treatment requirements for reuse purposes go beyond the main expectation of a typical wastewater treatment facility, which is to eliminate solids, organic matter and nutrients (see Fig. 2). The intended use of the water for irrigation may require additional treatment steps especially due to hygienic aspects (Annex A.1), the nutrients content (Annex A.6) and the concentration of solid matter (Annex A.7).

Fig. 2
figure 2

System boundary of conventional wastewater treatment and additional aspects for water reuse (Firmenich et al. 2013)

The technologies that are recommended for a controlled treatment for water reuse are already mentioned above (DWA 2008). All mentioned treatment processes are of relevance for the various purposes of reuse, and all are well established in general. Each technology has specific characteristics and functions in a treatment process; some can be seen alternating, some aid and abet further steps. At the end, in most cases it is a combination of treatment steps that achieves the desired result. But some details and characteristics may pose complex challenges to the implementation of water reuse infrastructure for irrigation purpose and its reliable operation. The degree of mechanization, robustness, process stability, the ability to influence the discharge quality operationally, and the accumulation of residues are only a few of these challenges (Annex A.6). The DWA Matrix in the Annex B gives important orientation and overview.

4 Selection of the Treatment Technique

Wastewater treatment with the aim of water reuse should be carried out using the technique best suited to the individual case of application. For the selection of the treatment technique, the variation of each constraint within the local conditions should be taken into consideration. In general, all aspects introduced in the previous sections should be given the due consideration. With these two sets of information in hand, the next question is what would be the best way to manage the decision-making process.

The selection process is of relevance for all stakeholders of a reuse project. It also involves financial, operational, quality and risk management aspects. Therefore, the decision-making process needs to be methodical, logical, and efficient. To organize the decision-making process, a tool was developed by the DWA Working Group on Water Reuse BIZ-11.4 (DWA 2008) in the format of an assessment matrix.

This matrix (DWA Matrix) gives a help to planers, designers, authorities, and even users in the primary decision-making phase of a project and allows a rational orientation in further improvement phases. Therefore, it essentially provides a general assessment of available options that can be used as a basis for further investigations to incorporate the local conditions. The DWA Matrix supports transparency in technologies and facilitate useful and reasonable decisions even in the case, that the expert’s knowledge is limited. The Matrix explicitly will not replace engineers’ assessments and tailor-made decisions.

The DWA Matrix has been developed to address water reuse needs in general, even though the present publication focuses only on agricultural irrigation. It is intended to cover a wide range of areas of application including urban uses (e.g., irrigation of parks, street cleaning, fire-protection) and non-potable domestic purposes (e.g., toilet flushing). Potable and industrial water use as well as alternative disposal concepts based on separation of sewage streams are excluded in this edition of the DWA Matrix. Indirect reuse and recharge into aquifers will be taken in account by the DWA Working Group on Water Reuse BIZ-11.4 in a further edition of the guideline expected within the next years.

The DWA Matrix presents various process steps of water treatment and provides the user an opportunity to compare/assess process steps with regard to various aspects, such as, discharge quality, costs, consumption of materials and energy, expenditure for preventative maintenance, and so on.

5 Structure of the DWA Matrix

Figure 3 below shows how the elements of the DWA assessment matrix are organized. Table 2 presents a snapshot of what is included in the first column of the DWA Matrix displayed in Appendix B. These are the criteria presented in Sect. 3 as the key aspects to be considered in decision-making. Each aspect is subdivided based on its nature and other requirements. This ultimately breaks the column 1 down to 44 lines (Table 2). All line items are clearly defined in Appendix A. The next columns of the DWA Matrix contain various technical options and process steps, one after another, of wastewater treatment. The complete assessment matrix shown in Appendix B is divided into the following five thematically grouped technologies: (a) mechanical treatment, (b) treatment ponds and tanks, (c) biological processes with higher requirements on operating personnel, (d) filtration and flocculation process steps, and (e) options for disinfection.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Elements of the DWA assessment matrix “Treatment steps for water reuse”

Table 2 Line headings with assessment parameters

The assessment is facilitated in categories such as “high”, “medium”, and “low,” and is partly supplemented by specific key data, such as, energy consumption or degree of elimination of specific wastewater parameters. The details are based on evaluations of the sources given in the references as well as the expert opinion of DWA Working Group BIZ-11.4 (DWA 2008). The number(s) presented immediately next to each field indicate the relevant source(s) and the details are presented in the legend provided at the end of Appendix B.

6 Summary

Awareness of the potential of water reuse is increasing internationally. The topic represents a complex but rewarding task, which, beyond the technical questions of wastewater treatment, has to take many other different aspects and implications into account. Water scarcity has also created a growing market for water reuse, especially in agricultural irrigation. It is necessary to implement additional infrastructure and technology, not only for the treatment of wastewater, but also for the steps afterwards, such as, the intermediate storage and the creation of water-saving irrigation technologies. Although the technical processes of wastewater treatment for reuse in agricultural irrigation are more or less well known, there are many other factors that have not been well reflected yet. Some examples include unclear responsibilities, uncertainties about which water quality standards are to be applied, insufficient budgets, and a lack of trained operating personnel. These factors pose enormous challenges to the implementation of water reuse projects and their reliable and smooth operation. To ensure sustainability in water reuse projects, it is also essential to take many other aspects, including health, ecological, institutional, economic, and social aspects, into account.

The DWA Matrix presented in this manuscript offers an overview of the various possibilities for wastewater treatment for reuse purposes and is intended to be a fast and simple decision-making tool. Although it should not be considered as a perfect solution, the DWA Matrix can be applied in most cases to achieve the first rough estimate. It enables or eases the making of a sensible and well-founded decision, even when expert knowledge is not available to its fullest extent.