
1 Introduction

With the popularization of mobile and locator devices, Location-based services (LBSs) have been used widely. However, people are suffering from the threats of leaking their identities and location information when they are enjoying LBSs. Attackers can infer user’s ongoing activities or analyze his habits according to user’s information such as current location and time.

Therefore, many researchers aimed at studying the privacy preservation methods in LBSs and proposed a lot of solutions mainly based on K-anonymity [1] and L-diversity [2]. The main idea of K-anonymity is guaranteeing at least other \( K - 1 \) users in the obfuscation region together with the user, then the user’s practical position will be replaced with the obfuscation region and then sent to the LBS server, so the probability for the attacker to infer the user’s location correctly is \( \frac{1}{K} \). K-anonymity can protect user’s identity and location information, but it does not consider the distribution of the K users in the obfuscation region. L-diversity is a supplementary to K-anonymity which requires anonymity area to contain at least L different locations so as to prevent attackers from linking the user to a location.

However, L-diversity may not always be so effective for all semantic location privacy preservation in some cases. On the one hand, L locations may be the same type, thus user’s location information is revealed, on the other hand, the probability of user being in each location may not be equal, thus the attacker can filter out the locations with low probabilities. To the former problem, researchers extract L-diversity to L different types of locations [3] rather than L-occurrence locations. To the latter problem, numerical values are used to quantify the probability of user being in each location, for example, popularity is used in [4, 5].

Generally speaking, a user may be sensitive to some locations while not to other locations. If users stay at sensitive locations, they need privacy preservation, otherwise, they do not need. Yigitoglu et al. [4, 5] use privacy profile to define user’s sensitive locations, use popularity to define all kinds of locations and use the ratio of the aggregated popularity of the sensitive locations to the aggregated popularity of all locations to judge whether the anonymous area meets the privacy requirement. However, the algorithms [4, 5] just aim to find an anonymous area satisfying privacy requirement without considering the number of locations, which may lead to high query processing cost. Obviously, on the condition of meeting the privacy requirement, fewer locations will lead to lower query processing cost.

Our paper proposes a novel personalized semantic location privacy preservation algorithm named incremental search (IS), which aims to reduce query processing cost.

The main contributions of our paper are listed below:

  1. (1)

    We propose to select anonymous locations based on global optimization and local optimization to protect users’ location privacy under semantic environment.

  2. (2)

    Two parameters are introduced to limit space cost and time cost.

  3. (3)

    We compare our algorithm with two existing algorithms based on a real map, the result shows that our algorithm can improve anonymous success rate and reduce query processing cost.

The rest parts are organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we review the related work. Section 3 introduces the system model. Section 4 describes the algorithm in detail. The experimental results are shown in Sect. 5. And we conclude the paper in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

Previous work in location privacy preservation mainly includes dummies [6], mix-zone [7], K-anonymity [1, 8,9,10,11], obfuscation and coordinate transformation [12], cryptography based method [13]. K-anonymity is widely used which means user cannot be recognized with at least other \( K - 1 \) users by using location or identity. Based on K-anonymity, many other approaches have been proposed, such as Interval-cloak [8], Casper [9], Clique-Cloak [10] and HC [11].

However, these approaches do not consider spatial context. Therefore, Bamba et al. propose PrivacyGrid [14], a system which can support both K-anonymity and L-diversity. In their approach, an anonymous region contains at least K users and L locations. However, the region in [14] is not L-type diverse. For example, L locations may all be the same type (e.g. hospital), which is vulnerable to location similarity attack [5]. Therefore, Xue et al. [3] define L-diversity to be L different types. These approaches do not consider that different types of locations have different probabilities of being visited; Probe [15,16,17] takes this situation into consideration by introducing the concept of popularity to measure the visiting probabilities of each type of locations, what’s more, it classifies locations into sensitive locations and non-sensitive locations, then uses obfuscation method to complete privacy preservation. Byoungyoung [18] proposes a method that uses EMD (earth mover’s distance) to mine location semantic information to avoid privacy being revealed, but this is only suitable for Euclidean space. Yigitoglu et al. [4] and Li [5] extend these approaches into road networks. In [4], they generate the city network from a map on which each location is a node, then use breadth first search algorithm to find a location set which makes the proportion of the popularity of the sensitive locations less than a certain threshold. In [5], they select all non-sensitive semantic locations from the neighbor locations of the anonymous area and add them into the anonymous area in turn, until it satisfies the privacy requirement or the terminal conditions. However, all of those approaches do not consider the number of locations in the anonymous set, which may lead to high query processing cost.

This paper proposes an algorithm to protect user’s location privacy under the semantic environment, which is suitable for the road-network environment with higher success rate and lower query processing cost.

3 System Model

3.1 Semantic Location City Network

Definition 1 (Semantic location city network).

A semantic location city network is modeled as a connected and undirected weighted graph G, G = (V, E, pt, pop), where:

  1. (1)

    V is the set of vertices, V = Vp ∪ Vi, Vp is the set of semantic locations and Vi is the set of road intersections.

  2. (2)

    E is the non-empty set of edges, E ⊆ V × V, E = {e | e = (u, v), where u, v ∈ V}.

  3. (3)

    pop is the popularity of v (v ∈ V), the popularity of v is the probability that a user visit the location v. pt is the type of v, each location’s type is represented by function pt: V –> PT (PT is the set of location types).

For simplicity, we assume that locations with the same type have the same popularity, represented by function pop: PT –> [0, 1), the popularity of road intersection is 0 (In this paper, we assume a road intersection belongs to a location which is not semantic). The popularity of semantic location v is denoted as p(v), the popularity of semantic location set s is denoted as p(s).

3.2 System Structure

Figure 1 depicts the Central Server Structure designed to provide location privacy preservation. We add a Location Privacy Server (LPS) between mobile users and the LBS server. LPS stores users’ privacy profiles (pp). The process for user to complete a query is as follows: 1. User sends the query request. 2. LPS receives the query and judges whether the user’s location is sensitive; if it is non-sensitive, LPS sends the real location to LBS server; if it is sensitive, LPS runs location privacy preservation algorithm and generates a location set based on the user’s location, then sends the location set to LBS server. 3. LBS server calculates the candidate sets based on the real location or the location set and sends the candidate sets to LPS. 4. LPS filters the candidate sets and sends the appropriate results to the user. Our work focuses on step 2, namely providing privacy preservation for user’s requests from sensitive locations.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Central server structure

3.3 Privacy Requirement

Let PT = PTs ∪ PTns, where PTs represents the sensitive type set, PTns represents the non-sensitive type set. Let Vp = Vsp ∪ Vnsp, vsp represents a sensitive semantic location, vsp ∈ Vsp, vnsp represents a non-sensitive semantic location, vnsp ∈ Vnsp.

Definition 2 (Anonymous location set, ALS).

ALS is a location set used to achieve anonymity. The element in ALS can be a sensitive semantic location, a non-sensitive semantic location or a road intersection.

Definition 3 (θ-secure ALS).

If an ALS satisfies Eq. (1)

$$ \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{VSP \in VS \cap VSP \in ALS} {P(VSP)} }}{{\sum\nolimits_{VP \in VS \cap VP \in ALS} {P(VP)} }} \le \theta $$

We denote this ALS as a θ-secure ALS. In other words, θ-secure ALS satisfies the following condition: the ratio of the aggregated popularity of all sensitive semantic locations (APSSL) to the aggregated popularity of all semantic locations (APSL) in an ALS should be less than or equal to θ.

Definition 4 (Lmax).

It represents the maximal number of locations in an ALS. Although more locations in an ALS will provide better privacy preservation for users, it will also result in more query processing cost to the LBS server. To balance privacy preservation and query processing cost, we propose parameter Lmax which is decided by users.

Definition 5 (Cmax).

It represents the maximal number of ALS to be recorded. Although recording more ALS will make the final ALS easier to contain fewer locations, it will result in larger space and time cost to LPS server. To balance the number of locations in the final ALS and the cost of LPS, we propose parameter Cmax which is also decided by users.

Definition 6 (Deficient popularity, DP).

It represents the least popularity that an ALS needs to be a θ-secure ALS. For example, an ALS’s APSSL is 0.3 and its APSL is 0.5. If θ = 0.3, we can calculate the DP of the ALS is \( \frac{0.3}{0.3} - 0.5,\,we\,got\,0.5 \) DP is used to achieve local optimization.

4 Algorithm

We describe IS algorithm in this section. Before executing IS algorithm, the user should provide pp and the values of Cmax and Lmax. pp contains: (1) Sensitive location type set PTs = {pts1, pts2,…, ptsn}. (2) The value of θ.

The pseudo-code of this algorithm is given in Algorithm 1. The algorithm is accomplished by looping. During each loop we search new ALS by adding an adjacent location to the recorded ALS; we keep two sets curSet and nextSet, curSet records the ALS achieved in last loop, nextSet records new ALS searched through ALS in curSet. Two hash tables sp and tp are defined to record the APSSL and APSL for every ALS in curSet and nextSet. Both sp and tp will be updated when a new ALS is found, curSet will be updated in the end of the loop. The algorithm terminates when a θ-secure ALS is found or the number of locations of an ALS in curSet reaches Lmax.

As mentioned before, parameter Cmax is defined to limit the number of ALS being recorded (In Algorithm 1, the ALS are recorded in curSet and nextSet). Therefore, if the number of ALS in nextSet is larger than Cmax, we will select the top Cmax local optimal ALS

figure afigure a


Figure 2 depicts a semantic location city network. Each vertex has two attributes, the first one represents identity and the second one represents type. Assuming that the privacy profile pp = {{H,O}, 0.5}, the popularities of each location type are as follows, {School (S): 0.2, Hospital (H): 0.15, Office (O): 0.25, Entertainment (E): 0.15, Mall (M): 0.15, Park (P): 0.1, Intersection (I): 0}. User locates at v1, Lmax = 3, Cmax = 1. In the beginning, curSet = {{v1}}, sp = {{v1} -> 0.15}, tp = {{v1} -> 0.15}, nextSe t = {}, there is only one ALS ({v1}) in curSet.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example of IS algorithm

In the first round, the number of locations for each ALS is 1, which is smaller than Lmax, so continue searching. The adjacent locations of ALS are v2, v5. select v2 first, then we obtain ALS = {v1, v2}, sp({v1, v2}) = 0.15, tp({v1, v2}) = 0.15. Since \( \frac{0.15}{0.15}\, > \,0.5 \), it does not meet the privacy requirement, add {v1, v2} to nextSet. Then select v5, and we obtain ALS = {v1, v5}, sp({v1, v5}) = 0.4, tp({v1, v5}) = 0.4. Since \( \frac{0.4}{0.4}\, > \,0.5 \), it does not meet the privacy requirement, add {v1, v5} to nextSet. We obtain nextSet = {{v1, v2}, {v1, v5}}, sp = {{v1, v2} -> 0.15, {v1, v5} -> 0.4}, tp = {{v1, v2} -> 0.15, {v1, v5} -> 0.4}. The number of sets in nextSet is 2, which is larger than Cmax, so we need to select the top Cmax local optimal ALS. The DP of ALS{v1, v2} is \( \frac{0.15}{0.5} - 0.15 = 0.15 \) and the DP of ALS{v1, v5} is \( \frac{0.4}{0.5} - 0.4 = 0.4 \) Because 0.15 < 0.4, so we select set {v1, v2}. Thus curSet = {{v1, v2}}, sp = {{v1, v2} -> 0.15}, tp = {{v1, v2} -> 0.15}, nextSet = {}.

In the second round, the number of locations for each ALS in curSet is 2, which is smaller than Lmax, so continue searching. The adjacent locations of {v1, v2} are v5, v3, v6. Select v5 first, then we obtain ALS = {v1, v2, v5}, sp({v1, v2, v5}) = 0.4, tp({v1, v2, v5}) = 0.4. Since \( \frac{0.4}{0.4} > 0.5 \), it does not satisfy the privacy requirement, add {v1, v2, v5} to nextSet. Then select v3, and we obtain ALS = {v1, v2, v3}, sp({v1, v2, v3}) = 0.15, tp({v1, v2, v3}) = 0.35. Since \( \frac{0.15}{0.35} < 0.5 \), it satisfies the privacy requirement, so {v1, v2, v3} is sent as the final ALS to LBS server. The algorithm terminates.

Assuming that the number of adjacent locations for each location is a constant value A, the number of recorded ALS is C and the number of locations in an ALS is L. For simplicity, the case that two ALS become equal after each of them adding one location respectively is ignored.

When C < Cmax and L < Lmax: if the number of locations in ALS changes from m to m + 1, the number of ALS that are needed to be recorded increases A*m times, so the space complexity and the time complexity are both O(A L *L!).

When C = Cmax and L < Lmax: the number of ALS that are needed to be recorded is a constant, thus the space complexity is O(L) and the time complexity is O(L 2 logL).

In IS algorithm, both Lmax and Cmax may affect the running time. Larger Lmax or Cmax may result in longer running time and larger storage space, so it is important to choose the appropriate values of Lmax and Cmax. Generally speaking, Lmax and Cmax can be larger if the machine’s performance is good enough. More discussions about these two parameters will be shown in next section.

5 Experimental Analysis

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Two different PTs are used where PTs 1  = {Entertainment} and PTs 2  = {Hospital, Office}. Overlapping algorithm in [4] and SA algorithm in [5] are implemented for comparison.

5.1 Experiment Setting

The algorithms are realized using Java and the coding environment is Eclipse. The experimental platform consists of a desktop PC equipped with an Intel(R) Pentium (R) 4 2.66 GHz CPU and 2 GB of RAM. The famous Network-based Generator of Moving Objects (i.e., NGMO) simulation platform is used to accomplish the experiments. We use the map of Oldenburg city in Germany, which contains 6105 nodes and 7035 edges. Raw data is processed according to Definition 1 to generate semantic location city network. We traverse every location and send query request. In this experiment, we just discuss six types of semantic location whose popularity are the same as we assumed in Sect. 4. Experiment parameters are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Parameter settings

5.2 Experimental Result

Success rate is the ratio of the number of successful anonymous sensitive semantic locations to the number of total sensitive semantic locations. It is an important metric that reflects the effectiveness of a privacy preservation algorithm. If the success rate is higher, the privacy preservation algorithm is more effective. Figure 3 depicts the tendencies of success rate with varying number of semantic locations and θ when sensitive location set is PTs 1 and PTs 2 respectively.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Relation between success rate and the number of semantic locations or θ

From Fig. 3, we can see when the number of semantic locations or θ increases, success rates of three algorithms all increase. This is because when the number of semantic locations increases, both the number of sensitive and the number of non-sensitive semantic locations increase, which makes it easier to find a θ-secure ALS; when θ increases, privacy requirement is easier to be satisfied. IS has the highest success rate among three algorithms, since it records many (no more than Cmax) ALSs and is more possible to find a θ-secure ALS. For SA, it records only one ALS, thus it is harder to get a θ-secure ALS compared with IS. For overlapping, it fails when the new searched location is not a non-sensitive location, which makes its success rate lower.

Average size of ALS is the average number of locations in an ALS during a successful query, it can be used to measure query processing cost at LBS server. Figure 4 depicts the tendencies of average size of ALS with varying number of semantic locations and θ when sensitive location set is PTs 1 and PTs 2 respectively.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Relation between average size of ALS and the number of semantic locations or θ

From Fig. 4, we can see when the number of semantic locations or θ increases, the average sizes of ALS of three algorithms all decrease. This is because when the number of semantic locations increases, it is easier to find an adjacent location which is non-sensitive, thus fewer locations are needed to get a θ-secure ALS; when θ increases, privacy requirement is easier to be satisfied, which leads to a smaller average size of ALS. IS algorithm has the smallest average size of ALS, since it combines global optimization and local optimization which will return an ALS with smaller average size compared with SA and overlapping.

Average anonymous time is a metric to evaluate the effectiveness of an anonymity algorithm. It refers to the average time of a successful query’s anonymization process. An anonymity algorithm is thought to be more effective if its average anonymous time is lower. Figure 5 depicts the tendencies of average anonymous time with varying number of semantic locations and θ when sensitive location set is PTs 1 and PTs 2 respectively.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Relation between average anonymous time and the number of semantic locations or θ

From Fig. 5, we can see, IS does not perform so well as overlapping and SA, because it records more than one ALS and needs more time to find a θ-secure ALS. However, with the number of semantic locations or θ increasing, the average anonymous time is getting closer to SA and overlapping.

5.3 Parameters Discussion

In our algorithm, both the values of Cmax and Lmax are very important. In this section we discuss them in detail. For simplicity, we only discuss the case that the sensitive location set is PTs 1 .

Figure 6 depicts the tendencies of success rate, average size of ALS, average anonymous time with varying Cmax when the number of semantic locations or θ takes default value. From Fig. 6(a) and (b), we can see success rate increases and the growth rate gradually decreases when Cmax increases. From Fig. 6(c) and (d), we can see the average size of ALS decreases gradually and tends to be a stable value. This is because when Cmax increases, the number of recorded ALS enlarges which makes it easier to get a θ-secure ALS. From Fig. 6(e) and (f), we can see average anonymous time is high when θ is 0.2 or the number of semantic locations is between 300 and 600, but it is low in other conditions. This is because when θ is 0.2 or the number of semantic locations is between 300 and 600, the success rate is low. The failed anonymous process cost much time since IS terminates until the size of ALS exceeds Lmax. While in other conditions, success rate is high, so the value of average anonymous time is low. When Cmax is smaller than 400, success rate is low and average size of ALS is large; when Cmax is bigger than 700, the average anonymous time becomes very large, so Cmax is suggested to be between 400 and 700.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Cmax value analysis

Figure 7 depicts the tendencies of success rate, average size of ALS, average anonymous time with varying Lmax when the number of semantic locations or θ takes default value. From Fig. 7, we can see when the number of semantic locations is 300 or θ is 0.2, success rate is increasing with the raise of Lmax. The growth rate is high when Lmax is smaller than 30 and low when Lmax is bigger than 35. Both the average size of ALS and the average anonymous time increase with Lmax increasing. Success rate increases because a bigger Lmax makes it easier to satisfy the θ-secure ALS requirement. Some semantic locations which fail to find the θ-secure ALS with small Lmax eventually find a θ-secure ALS after Lmax enlarges, thus the average size of ALS increases. At the same time, average anonymous time becomes longer because these semantic locations cost much time to find a θ-secure ALS. When Lmax is larger than 30, the average size of ALS is large and average anonymous time is long, so it is better to choose 30 as the value of Lmax. When the number of semantic locations or θ takes other values, success rate is very close to 1, and the average size of ALS and average anonymous time almost keep the same, which means that Lmax has few impacts on IS when θ or the number of semantic locations is large.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Lmax value analysis

6 Conclusion

This paper proposed IS algorithm to achieve personalized semantic location privacy preservation. According to combining global optimization with local optimization, IS can improve anonymous success rate and reduce query processing cost. Two parameters Cmax and Lmax are introduced to limit space and time cost. By comparing IS with overlapping and SA in three aspects, the experimental results show that IS has good performance.