1 Introduction

Program obfuscation has recently emerged as a powerful cryptographic concept. An obfuscator is a compiler for programs, taking an input program, and scrambling it into an equivalent output program, but with all internal implementation details obscured. Indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) is the generally-accepted notion of security for an obfuscator, which says that the obfuscations of equivalent programs are computationally indistinguishable.

In the last few years since the first candidate indistinguishability obfuscator of Garg et al. [GGH+13], obfuscation has been used to solve many new amazing tasks such as deniable encryption [SW14], multiparty non-interactive key agreement [BZ14], polynomially-many hardcore bits for any one-way function [BST14], and much more. Obfuscation has also been shown to imply most traditional cryptographic primitivesFootnote 1 such as public key encryption [SW14], zero knowledge [BP15], trapdoor permutations [BPW16], and even fully homomorphic encryption [CLTV15]. This makes obfuscation a “central hub” in cryptography, capable of solving almost any cryptographic task, be it classical or cutting edge. Even more, obfuscation has been shown to have important connections to other areas of computer science theory, from demonstrating the hardness of finding Nash equilibrium [BPR15] to the hardness of certain tasks in differential privacy [BZ14, BZ16].

The power of obfuscation in part comes from the power of the underlying tools, but its power also lies in the abstraction, by hiding away the complicated implementation details underneath a relatively easy to use interface. In this work, we aim to build a similarly powerful abstraction that avoids some of the limitations of iO.

1.1 The Sub-exponential Barrier in Obfuscation

Indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), as an assumption, has different flavor than most assumptions in cryptography. Most cryptographic assumptions look like

Such assumptions are often referred to as falsifiable [Nao03], or more generally as complexity assumptions [GT16]. In contrast, iO has the form

In other words, for each pair of equivalent circuits \(C_0,C_1\), there is an instance of a complexity assumption: that \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_0)\) is indistinguishable from \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_1)\). iO then is really a collection of exponentially-many assumptions made simultaneously, one per pair of equivalent circuits. iO is violated if a single assumption in the collection is false. This is a serious issue, as the security of many obfuscators relies on new assumptions that essentially match the schemes. To gain confidence in the security of the schemes, it would seem like we need to investigate the iO assumption for every possible pair of circuits, which is clearly infeasible.

Progress has been made toward remedying this issue. Indeed, Gentry et al. [GLSW15] show how to build obfuscation from a single assumption—multilinear subgroup elimination—on multilinear maps. Unfortunately, the security reduction loses a factor exponential in the number of input bits to the program. As such, in order for the reduction to be meaningful, the multilinear subgroup elimination problem must actually be sub-exponentially hard. Similarly, Bitansky and Vaikuntanathan [BV15] and Ananth and Jain [AJ15] demonstrate how to construct iO from a tool called functional encryption (FE). In turn, functional encryption can be based on simple assumptions on multilinear maps [GGHZ16]. However, while the construction of functional encryption can be based on the polynomial hardness of just a couple multilinear map assumptions, the construction of iO from FE incurs an exponential loss. This means the FE scheme, and hence the underlying assumptions on multilinear maps, still need to be sub-exponentially secure.

All current techniques for building iO suffer one of these two limitations: either security is based on an exponential number of assumptions, or the reduction incurs an exponential loss. Unfortunately, this means every application of iO also suffers from the same limitations. As iO is the only known instantiation of many new cryptographic applications, an important research direction is to devise new instantiations that avoid this exponential loss.

1.2 Breaking the Sub-exponential Barrier

A recent line of works starting with Garg et al. [GPS16] and continued by [GPSZ16, GS16] have shown how to break the sub-exponential barrier for certain applications. Specifically, these works show how to base certain applications on functional encryption, where the loss of the reduction is just polynomial. Using [GGHZ16], this results in basing the applications on the polynomial hardness of a few multilinear map assumptions. The idea behind these works is to compose the FE-to-iO conversion of [BV15, AJ15] with the iO-to-Application conversion to get an FE-to-Application construction. While this construction requires an exponential loss (due to the FE-to-iO conversion), by specializing the conversion to the particular application and tweaking things appropriately, the reduction can be accomplished with a polynomial loss. Applications treated in this way include: the hardness of computing Nash equilibria, trapdoor permutations, universal samplers, multiparty non-interactive key exchange, and multi-key functional encryptionFootnote 2.

While the above works represent important progress, the downside is that, in order to break the sub-exponential barrier, they also break the convenient obfuscation abstraction. Both the FE-to-iO and iO-to-Application conversions are non-trivial, and the FE-to-iO conversion is moreover non-black box. Add to that the extra modifications to make the combined FE-to-Application conversion be polynomial, and the resulting constructions and analyses become reasonably cumbersome. This makes translating the techniques to new applications rather tedious—not to mention potentially repetitive given the common FE-to-iO core—and understanding the limits of this approach almost impossible.

1.3 A New Abstraction: Decomposable Obfuscation

In this work, we define a new notion of obfuscation, called Decomposable Obfuscation, or dO, that addresses the limitations above. This notion abstracts away many of the common techniques in [GPS16, GPSZ16, GS16]; we use those techniques to build dO from the polynomial hardness of functional encryption. Then we can show that the dO can be used to build the various applications. With our new notion in hand, the dO-to-Application constructions begin looking much more like the original iO-to-Application constructions, with easily identifiable modifications that are necessary to prove security using our weaker notion.

The Idea

Functional Encryption (FE). As in the works of [GPS16, GPSZ16, GS16], we will focus on obtaining our results from the starting point of polynomially-secure functional encryption. Functional encryption is similar to regular public key encryption, except now the secret key holder can produce function keys corresponding to arbitrary functions. Given a function key for a function f and a ciphertext encrypting m, one can learn f(m). Security requires that even given the function key for f, encryptions of \(m_0\) and \(m_1\) are indistinguishable, so long as \(f(m_0)=f(m_1)\) Footnote 3.

The FE-to-iO Conversion. The FE-to-iO conversions of [BV15, AJ15] can be thought of very roughly as follows. To obfuscate a circuit C, we generate the keys for an FE scheme, and encrypt the description of C under the FE scheme’s public key, obtaining c. We also produce function keys \(\mathsf{{fk}}_i\) for particular functions \(f_i\) that we will describe next. The obfuscated program consists of c and the \(\mathsf{{fk}}_i\).

To evaluate the program on input x, we first use \(\mathsf{{fk}}_1\) and c to learn \(f_1(C)\). \(f_1(C)\) is defined to produce two ciphertexts \(c_0,c_1\), encrypting (C, 0) and (C, 1), respectively. We keep \(c_{x_1}\), discarding the other ciphertext. Now, we actually define \(\mathsf{{fk}}_1\) to encrypt (C, 0) and (C, 1) using the functional encryption scheme itself—therefore, we can continue applying function keys to the resulting plaintexts. We use \(\mathsf{{fk}}_2\) and \(c_{x_1}\) to learn \(f_2(C,x_1)\). \(f_2(C,b)\) is defined to produce two ciphertexts \(c_{b0},c_{b1}\), encrypting (Cb0) and (Cb1). Again, these ciphertexts will be encrypted using the functional encryption scheme. We will repeat this process until we obtain the encryption \(c_x\) of (Cx). Finally, we apply the last function key for the function \(f_{n+1}\), which is the universal circuit evaluating C(x).

This procedure implicitly defines a complete binary tree of all strings of length at most \(2^n\), where a string x is the parent of the two string x||0 and x||1. At each node \(y\in \{0,1\}^{\le n}\), consider running the evaluation above for the first |y| steps, obtaining a ciphertext \(c_y\) encrypting (Cy). We then assign the circuit C to the node y, according the circuit that is encrypted in \(c_y\). The root is explicitly assigned C by handing out the ciphertext c since we explicitly encrypt C to obtain c. All subsequent nodes are implicitly assigned C as \(c_y\) is derived from c during evaluation time. Put another way, by explicitly assigning a circuit C to a node (in this case, the root) we implicitly assign the same circuit C to all of its descendants. The exception is the leaves: if we were to assign a circuit C to a leaf x, we instead assign the output C(x). In this way, the leaves contain the truth table for C.

Now, we start from an obfuscation of \(C_0\) (assigning \(C_0\) to the root of the tree) and we wish to change the obfuscation to an obfuscation of \(C_1\) (assigning \(C_1\) to the root). We cannot do this directly, but the functional encryption scheme does allow us to do the following: un-assign a circuit C from any internal node y Footnote 4, and instead explicitly assign C to the two children of that node. This is accomplished by changing \(c_y\) to encrypt \((\bot ,x)\), explicitly constructing the ciphertexts \(c_{y||0}\) and \(c_{y||1}\), and embedding \(c_{y||0},c_{y||1}\) in the function key \(\mathsf{{fk}}_{|y|}\) in a particular way. If the children are leaves, explicitly assign the outputs of C on those leaves. Note that this process does not change the values assigned to the leaves; as such, the functionality of the tree remains unchanged, so this change cannot be detected by functionality alone. The security of functional encryption shows that, in fact, the change is undetectable to any polynomial-time adversary.

The security reduction works by performing a depth-first traversal of the binary tree. When processing a node y on the way down the tree, we un-assign \(C_0\) from y and instead explicitly assign \(C_0\) to the children of y. When we get to a leaf, notice that by functional equivalence, we actually simultaneously have the output of \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) assigned. Therefore, when processing a node y on our way up the tree from the leaves, we can perform the above process in reverse but for \(C_1\) instead of \(C_0\). We can un-assign \(C_1\) from the children of y, and then explicitly assign \(C_1\) to y. In this way, when the search is complete, we explicitly assign \(C_1\) to the root, which implicitly assigns \(C_1\) to all nodes in the tree. At this point, we are obfuscating \(C_1\). By performing a depth-first search, we ensure that the number of explicitly assigned nodes never exceeds \(n+1\), which is crucial for the efficiency of the obfuscator, as we pay for explicit assignments (since they correspond to explicit ciphertexts embedded in the function keys) but not implicit ones (since they are computed on the fly). Note that while the obfuscator itself is polynomial, the number of steps in the proof is exponential: we need to un-assign and re-assign every internal node in the tree, which are exponential in number. This is the source of the exponential loss.

Shortcutting the Conversion Process. The key insight in the works of [GPS16, GPSZ16, GS16] is to modify the constructions in a way so that it is possible to re-assign certain internal nodes in a single step, without having to re-assign all of its descendants first. By doing this it is possible to shortcut our way across an exponential number of steps using just a few steps.

In these prior works, the process is different for each application. In this work, we generalize the conditions needed for and the process of shortcutting in a very natural way. To see how shortcutting might work, we introduce a slightly different version of the above assignment setting. Like before, every node can be assigned a circuit. However, now the circuit assigned to a node u of length k must work on inputs of length \(n-k\); essentially, it is the circuit that is “left over” after reading the first k bits and which operates on the remaining \(n-k\) bits.

If we explicitly assign a circuit \(C_y\) to a node y, its children are implicitly assigned the partial evaluations of \(C_y\) on 0 and 1. That is, the circuit \(C_{y||b}\) assigned to y||b is \(C_y(b,\cdot )\). We will actually use \(C_y(b,\cdot )\) to denote the circuit obtained by hard-coding b as the first input bit, and then simplifying using simple rules: (1) any unary gate with a constant input wire is replaced with an appropriate input wire, (2) any binary gate with a constant input is replaced with just a unary gate (a passthrough or a NOT) or a hardwired output according to the usual rules, (3) any wire that is not used is deleted, and (4) this process is repeated until there are no gates with hardwired inputs and no unused wires. An important observation is that our rules guarantee that circuits assigned to leaves are always constants, corresponding to the output of the circuit at that point.

Now when we obfuscate by assigning C to the root, the internal nodes are implicitly assigned the simplified partial evaluations of C on the prefix corresponding to that node: node y is assigned \(C(y,\cdot )\) (simplified). The move we are allowed to make is now to un-assign C from a node where C was explicit, and instead explicitly assign the simplified circuits \(C(0,\cdot )\) and \(C(1,\cdot )\) to its children. We call the partial evaluations \(C(0,\cdot )\) and \(C(1,\cdot )\) fragments of C, and we call this process of un-assigning the parent and assigning the fragments to the children decomposing the node to its children fragments. The reverse of decomposing is merging.

This simple transformation to the binary tree rules allows for, in some instances, the necessary shortcutting to avoid an exponential loss. When transforming \(C_0\) to \(C_1\), the crucial observation is that if any fragment \(C_0(x,\cdot )\) is equal to \(C_1(x,\cdot )\) as circuits (after simplification), it suffices to stop when we explicitly assign a circuit to x; we do not need to continue all the way down to the leaves. Indeed, once we explicitly assign the fragment \(C_0(y,\cdot )\) to a node y, y already happens to be assigned the fragment \(C_1(y,\cdot )\) as well, and all of its descendants are therefore implicitly assigned the corresponding partial evaluations of \(C_1\) as well. By not traversing all the way to the leaves, we cut out potentially exponentially many steps. For certain circuit pairs, it may therefore be possible to transform \(C_0\) to \(C_1\) in only polynomially-many steps.

Our New Obfuscation Notion. Our new obfuscation notion stems naturally from the above discussion. Consider two circuits \(C_0,C_1\) of the same size, and consider assigning \(C_0\) to the root of the binary tree. Suppose there is a set S of tree nodes of size \(\tau \) that (1) exactly cover all of the leavesFootnote 5, and (2) for every nodes \(x\in S\), the (simplified) fragments \(C_0(y,\cdot )\) and \(C_1(y,\cdot )\) are identical as circuits. Then we say the circuits \(C_0,C_1\) are \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent. Our new obfuscation notion, called decomposable obfuscation, is parameterized by \(\tau \) and says, roughly, that the obfuscations of two \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent circuits must be indistinguishable.

1.4 Our Results

Our results are as follows:

  • We show how to use (compact, single key) functional encryption to attain our notion of dO. The construction is similar to the FE-to-iO conversion, with the key difference that each step simplifies the circuit as must as possible; this implements the new tree rules we need for shortcutting.

    The number of steps in the process of converting \(C_0\) to \(C_1\), and hence the loss in the security reduction is proportional to \(\tau \). However, we show that by performing the decompose/merge steps in the right order, we can make sure the number of explicitly assigned nodes is always at most \(n+1\), independent of \(\tau \). This means the obfuscator itself does not depend on \(\tau \), and therefore \(\tau \) can be taken to be an arbitrary polynomial or even exponential and the obfuscator will still be efficient. If we restrict \(\tau \) to a polynomial, we obtain dO from polynomially secure FE. Our results also naturally generalize to larger \(\tau \): we obtain dO for quasipolynomial \(\tau \) from quasipolynomially secure FE, and we obtain dO for exponential \(\tau \) from (sub)exponentially secure FE.

  • We note that by setting \(\tau \) to be \(2^n\), \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalence corresponds to standard functional equivalence, since we can take the set S of nodes to consist of all leaf nodes. Then dO coincides with the usual notion of indistinguishability obfuscation, giving us iO from sub-exponential FE. This re-derives the results of [BV15, AJ15]. In our reduction, the loss is \(O(2^n)\).

  • We then show how to obtain several applications of obfuscation from dO with polynomial \(\tau \). Thus, for all these applications, we obtain the application from the polynomial hardness of FE, re-deriving several known results. In these applications, there is a single input, or perhaps several inputs, for which the computation must be changed from using the original circuit to using a hard-coded value. This is easily captured by decomposing equivalence: by decomposing each node from the root to the leaf for a particular input x, the result is that that the program’s output on x is hard-coded into the obfuscation. Applications include:

    • Proving the hardness of finding Nash equilibria (in the full version [LZ17]; Nash hardness from FE was originally shown in [GPS16])

    • Trapdoor Permutations (originally shown in [GPSZ16])

    • Universal Samplers (Sect. 3.3; originally shown in [GPSZ16])

    • Short Signatures (Sect. 3.2; not previously known from functional encryption, though known from obfuscation [SW14])

    • Multi-key functional encryption (in the full version [LZ17]; originally shown in [GS16])

    We note that Nash, universal samplers, and short signatures only require (polynomially hard) dO and one-way functions. In contrast, trapdoor permutations and multi-key functional encryption both additionally require public key encryption. If basing the application on public key functional encryption, this assumption is redundant. However, unlike the case for full-fledged iO, we do not know how to obtain public key functional encryption from just polynomially hard dO and one-way functions (more on this below). We do show that a weaker multi-key secret key functional encryption scheme does follow from dO and one-way functions.

Thus, we unify the techniques underlying many of the applications of FE—namely iO, Nash, trapdoor permutations, universal samplers, short signatures, and multi-key FE—under a single concept, dO. The constructions and proofs starting from dO are much simpler than the original proofs using functional encryption, due to the convenient dO abstraction hiding many of the common details. We hope that dO will also serve as a starting point for further constructions based on polynomially-hard assumptions.

1.5 Discussion

A natural question to ask is: what are the limits of these techniques? Could they be used to give full iO from polynomially-hard assumptions? Or at least all known applications from polynomial hardness? Here, we discuss several difficulties that arise.

Difficulties in Breaking the Sub-exponential Barrier. First, exponential loss may be inherent to constructing iO. Indeed, the following informal argument is adapted from Garg et al. [GGSW13]. Suppose we can prove iO from a single fixed assumption. This means that for every pair of equivalent circuits \(C_0,C_1\), we prove under this assumption that \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_0)\) is indistinguishable from \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_1)\). Fix two circuits \(C_0,C_1\), and consider the proof for those circuits. If \(C_0\) is equivalent to \(C_1\), then the proof succeeds. However, if \(C_0\) is not equivalent to \(C_1\), then the proof must fail: let x be a point such that \(C_0(x)\ne C_1(x)\). Then a simple adversary with x hard-coded can distinguish \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_0)\) from \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_1)\) simply by running the obfuscated program on x.

This intuitively means that the proof must some how decide whether \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) are equivalent. Since the proof consists of an efficient algorithm R reducing breaking the assumption to distinguishing \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_0)\) from \(\mathsf{{iO}}(C_1)\), it seems that R must be efficiently deciding circuit equivalence. Assuming \(P\ne NP\), such a reduction should not exist.Footnote 6

The reductions from iO to functional encryption/simple multilinear map assumptions avoid this argument by not being efficient. Indeed, the reductions traverse the entire tree of \(2^n\) nodes as described above. In essence, the proof in each step just needs to check a local condition such as \(C_0(x)=C_1(x)\) for some particular x—which can be done efficiently—as opposed to checking equivalence for all inputs.

While this argument is far from a proof of impossibility, it does represent an significant inherent difficulty in building full-fledged iO from polynomial hardness. We believe that overcoming this barrier, or showing that it is insurmountable, is an important and fascinating open question. For example, imagine translating the arguments above to iO for computational models with unbounded input lengths such as Turing machines. In this case, equivalence is not only inefficient, but undecidable. As such, the above arguments demonstrate a barrier to basing Turing machine obfuscation on a finite number of even (sub)exponentially hard assumptions. An important open question is whether it is possible to build iO from Turing machines from iO for circuits; we believe achieving this goal will likely require techniques that can also be used to overcome the sub-exponential barrier.

For the remainder of the discussion, we will assume that building iO from polynomial hardness is beyond reach without significant breakthroughs.

Avoiding the Barrier. We observe that poly-decomposing equivalence is an NP relation: the polynomial-sized set of nodes where the fragments are identical provides a witness that two circuits are equivalent: it is straightforward to check that a collection of nodes covers all of the leaves and that the fragments at those nodes are identical. In contrast, general circuit equivalence is \(co\text {-}NP\)-complete, and therefore unlikely to be in NP unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. This distinction is exactly what allows us to avoid the sub-exponential barrier.

Our security reduction has access to the witness for equivalence, which guides how the reduction operates. The reduction can use the witness to trivially verify that the two circuits are equivalent; if the witness is not supplied or is invalid, the reduction does not run. The sub-exponential barrier therefore no longer applies in this setting.

More generally, the sub-exponential barrier will not apply to circuit pairs for which there is a witness proving equivalence; in other words, languages of circuit pairs in \(NP\cap co\text {-}NP\) Footnote 7. Any languages outside \(NP\cap co\text {-}NP\) are likely to run into the same sub-exponential barrier as full iO since witnesses for equivalence do not exist, and meanwhile there remains some hope that languages inside might be obfuscatable without a sub-exponential loss by feeding the witness to the reduction.

In fact, almost all applications of obfuscation we are aware of can be modified so that the pairs of circuits in question have a witness proving equivalence. For example, consider obtaining public key encryption from one-way functions using obfuscation [SW14]. The secret key is the seed s for a PRG, and the public key is the corresponding output x. A ciphertext encrypting message m is an obfuscation of the program \(P_{x,m}\), which takes as input a seed \(s'\) and checks that \(\mathsf{{PRG}}(s')=x\). If the check fails, it aborts and outputs 0. Otherwise if the check passes, it outputs m. To decrypt using s, simply evaluate obfuscated program on s.

In the security proof, iO is used for the following two programs: \(P_{x,m}\) where x is a truly random element in the co-domain of \(\mathsf{{PRG}}\), and Z, the trivial program that always outputs 0. We note that since \(\mathsf{{PRG}}\) is expanding, with high probability x will not have a pre-image, and therefore \(P_{x,m}\) will also output 0 everywhere. Therefore, \(P_{x,m}\) and Z are (with high probability) functionally equivalent.

For general PRGs, there is no witness for equivalence of these two programs. However, by choosing the right PRG, we can remedy this. Let P be a one-way permutation, and let h be a hardcore bit for P. Now let \(\mathsf{{PRG}}(s)=(P(s),h(s))\). Instead of choosing x randomly, we choose x as \(P(s),1\oplus h(s)\) for a random seed s Footnote 8. This guarantees that x has no pre-image under \(\mathsf{{PRG}}\). Moreover, s serves as a witness that x has no pre-image. Therefore, the programs \(P_{x,m}\) and Z have a witness for equivalence.

Limits of the dO Approach. Unfortunately, decomposable obfuscation is not strong enough to prove security in many settings. In fact, we demonstrate (Sect. 4) that \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalence can be decided in time proportional to \(\tau \), meaning \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-decomposing equivalence is actually in P. However, for example, the equivalence of programs \(P_{x,m}\) and Z above cannot possibly be in P—otherwise we could break the PRG: on input x, check if \(P_{x,m}\) is equivalent to Z. A random output will yield equivalence with probability 1/2, whereas a PRG sample will never yield equivalence circuits. In other words, \(P_{x,m}\) and Z are provably not poly-decomposing equivalent, despite being functionally equivalent programs.

One can also imagine generalizing dO to encompass more general paths through the binary tree of prefixes. For example, one could decompose the circuit into fragments, partially merge some of the fragments back together, decompose again, etc. We show that this seemingly more general path decomposing equivalence is in fact equivalent to (standard) decomposing equivalence. Therefore, this path dO is equivalent to (standard) dO, and only works for pairs of circuits that can be easily verified as equivalent.

Unsurprisingly then, all the applications we obtain using \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-decomposable obfuscation obfuscate circuits for which it is easy to verify equivalence. This presents some interesting limitations relative to iO:

  • All known ways of getting public key encryption from iO and one-way functions suffer from a similar problem, and cannot to our knowledge be based on \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-dO. In other words, unlike iO, dO might not serve as a bridge between Minicrypt and Cryptomania. Some of our applications—namely multi-key functional encryption and trapdoor permutations—imply public key encryption; for these applications, we actually have to use public key encryption as an additional ingredient. Note that if we are instantiating dO from functional encryption, we get public key encryption for free. However, if we are interested in placing dO itself in the complexity landscape, the apparent inability to give public key encryption is an interesting barrier.

    More generally, a fascinating question is whether any notion of obfuscation that works only for efficiently-recognizable equivalent circuits can imply public key encryption, assuming additionally just one-way functions.

  • While iO itself does not imply one-way functionsFootnote 9, iO can be used in conjunction with a worst-case complexity assumption, roughly \(NP\nsubseteq BPP\), to obtain one-way functions [KMN+14]. The proof works by using a hypothetical inverter to solve the circuit equivalence problem; assuming the circuit equivalence problem is hard, they reach a contradiction. The solver works exactly because iO holds for the equivalent circuits.

    This strategy simply does not work in the context of dO. Indeed, dO only applies to circuits for which equivalence is easily decidable anyway, meaning no contradiction is reached. In order to obtain any results analogous to [KMN+14] for restricted obfuscation notions, the notion must always work for at least some collection of circuit pairs for which circuit equivalence is hard to decide. Put another way, dO could potentially exist in Pessiland.

  • More generally, dO appears to roughly capture the most general form of the techniques in [GPS16, GPSZ16, GS16], and therefore it appears that these techniques will not extend to the case of non-efficiently checkable equivalence. Many constructions using obfuscation fall in this category of non-checkable equivalence: deniable encryption and non-interactive zero knowledge [SW14], secure function evaluation with optimal communication complexity [HW15], adaptively secure universal samples [HJK+16], and more.

We therefore leave some interesting open questions:

  • Build iO for a class of circuit pairs for which equivalence is not checkable in polynomial time, but for which security can be based on the polynomial hardness of just a few assumptions.

  • Modify the constructions in deniable encryption/NIZK/function evaluation/etc so that obfuscation is only ever applied on program pairs for which equivalence can be easily verified—ideally, the circuits would be decomposing equivalent.

  • Prove that for some applications, obfuscation must be applied to program pairs with non-efficiently checkable equivalence.

2 Decomposing Equivalence and dO Definitions

In this section, we define several basic definitions including decomposing equivalence and dO.

2.1 Partial Evaluation on Circuits

Definition 1

Consider a circuit C defined on inputs of length \(n > 0\), for any bit \(b \in \{0, 1\}\), a partial evaluation of C on bit b denoted as \(C(b, \cdot )\) is a circuit defined on inputs of length \(n\,-\,1\), where we hardcode the input bit \(x_1\) to b, and then simplify. To simplify, while there is a gate that has a hard-coded input, replace it with the appropriate gate or wire in the usual way (e.g. \(\mathsf {AND}(1,b)\) gets replaced with the pass-through wire b, and \(\mathsf {AND}(0,b)\) gets replaced with the constant 0). Then remove all unused wires.

Also we can define a partial evaluation of a circuit C on a string x which is repeatedly applying partial evaluations and simplifying bit by bit.

From now on, whenever we use the expression \(C(x,\cdot )\), we always refer to the result of simplifying C after hardcoding the prefix x.

2.2 Circuit Assignments

A binary tree \(T_n\) is a tree of depth \(n+1\) where the root is labeled \(\varepsilon \) (an empty string), and for any node that is not a root whose parent is labeled as x, it is labeled x||0 if it is a left-child of its parent; it is labeled as x||1 if it is a right-child of its parent.

Definition 2 (Tree Covering)

We say a set of binary strings \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^\ell \) is a tree covering for all strings of length n if the following holds: for every string \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\), there exists exactly one \(x_j\) in the set such that \(x_j\) is a prefix of x.

A tree covering \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^\ell \) also can be viewed as a set of nodes in \(T_n\) such that for every leaf in the tree, the path from root \(\varepsilon \) to this leaf will pass exactly one node in the set.

Yet another equivalent formulation is that a tree covering is either (1) a set consisting of the root node of the tree, or (2) the union of two tree coverings for the two subtrees rooted at the children of the root node.

Definition 3 (Circuit Assignment)

We say \(L = \{(x_i, C_{x_i})\}_{i=1}^\ell \) is a circuit assignment with size \(\ell \) where \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^\ell \) is a tree covering for \(T_n\) and \(\{C_{x_i}\}_{i=1}^\ell \) is a set of circuits where \(C_{x_i}\) is assigned to the node \(x_i\) in the covering.

We say a circuit assignment is valid if for each \(C_{x_i}\), it is defined on input length \(n - |x_i|\).

An evaluation of L on input x is defined as: find the unique \(x_j\) which is a prefix of \(x = x_j || x_{-j}\) and return \(C_{x_j}(x_{-j})\).

We call each circuit in the assignment a fragment. The cardinality of the circuit assignment is the size of the tree covering, and the circuit size is the maximum size of any fragment in the assignment.

A circuit assignment \(L = \{(x_i, C_{x_i})\}_{i=1}^\ell \) naturally corresponds to a function: on input \(y \in \{0,1\}^n\), scan the prefix of y from left to right until we find the smallest i such that \(y_{[i]}\) equals to some \(x_j\), output \(C_{x_j}(y_{[i+1 \cdots n]})\). We will override the notation and write this function as L(x).

We associate a circuit C with the assignment \(L_C=\{(\varepsilon ,C)\}\) which assigns C to the root of the tree. Notice that \(L_C\) and C are equivalent as functions.

Definition 4 (one shot decomposing equivalent)

Given two circuits \(C_0, C_1\) defined on inputs of length n, we say they are \(\tau \)-one shot decomposing equivalent or simply \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent if the following hold:

  • There exists a tree covering \({\mathcal {X}}= \{x_i\}_i\) of size at most \(\tau \);

  • For all \(x_i \in {\mathcal {X}}{}\), \(C_0(x_i, \cdot ) = C_1(x_i, \cdot )\) as circuits (they are exactly the same circuit).

Definition 5

\(\mathsf{{dO}}\) with two PPT algorithms \(\{\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}, \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}\}\) is a \(\tau (n,s,\kappa )\)-decomposing obfuscator if the following conditions hold

  • Efficiency: \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}, \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}\) are efficient algorithms;

  • Functionality preserving: \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}\) takes as input a security parameter \(\kappa \) and a circuit C, and outputs the description \(\hat{C}\) of an obfuscated program. For all \(\kappa \) and all circuit C, for all input \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\), we have \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , C), x) = C(x)\);

  • Decomposing indistinguishability: Consider a pair of PPT adversaries \(({\textit{Samp}},D)\) where \({\textit{Samp}}\) outputs a tuple \((C_0,C_1,\sigma )\) where \(C_0,C_1\) are circuits of the same size \(s=s(\kappa )\) and input length \(n=n(\kappa )\). We require that, for any such PPT \(({\textit{Samp}},D)\), if

    $$\begin{aligned} \Pr [C_0\; {\textit{is}}\; \tau \text {-}{{\textit{decomposing equivalent to}}}\;C_1:(C_0,C_1,\sigma )\leftarrow {\textit{Samp}}(\kappa )]=1 \end{aligned}$$

    then there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}(\kappa )\) such that

Note that the size of parameters generated by \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}{}\) is bounded by \(\mathsf{{poly}}(n, \kappa , \tau , |C|)\). But however you will see later that \(\tau \) can always be replaced by n so even if \(\tau = \varOmega (2^n)\), the size is still bounded by \(\mathsf{{poly}}(n, \kappa , |C|)\) (but you will have \(\tau \)-loss in the security analysis).

And in the next section we will discuss about the applications of dO and later come back to more discussions about dO including constructions and relations between different iO.

3 Applications

3.1 Notations

Before all the applications, let us first introduce several definitions for convenience.

First let us look at some operations defined on circuits (or circuit assignments).

  1. 1.

    \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(L, x)\) takes a circuit assignment L and a string x as parameters. This operation is invalid if x is not in the tree covering. The new circuit assignment has a slightly different tree covering: the new tree covering includes x||0 and x||1 but not x. It decomposes the fragment \(C_x\) into two fragments \(C_x(0,\cdot )\) and \(C_x(1, \cdot )\) and assigns them to x||0 and x||1 respectively.

  2. 2.

    \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L, x)\) operates on an assignment L where the tree covering includes both children of node x but not x itself. It takes two circuits \(C_{x||0}, C_{x||1}\) assigned to the node x||0 and x||1 and merge them to get the following circuit \(C_x(b, y) = (b \wedge C_{x||0}(y)) \vee (\overline{b} \wedge C_{x||1}(y))\) (Here we assume the output length of both circuits is 1. It is straightforward to extend the definition to circuits with any output length). The new tree covering has x but not x||0 or x||1.

    One observation is that for any circuit assignment whose tree covering has x||0 and x||1 but not x and \(C_{x||0}, C_{x||1}\) can not be simplified any further, \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L, x), x) = L\).

  3. 3.

    \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(L, TC)\): It takes a circuit assignment L (if the first parameter is a circuit C, then \(L = \{ (C, \varepsilon ) \}\)) and a tree covering TC where TC is below the covering in L. This procedure keeps taking the lexicographically first circuit fragment \(C_x\) which x is not in TC and do \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(L, x)\). Because the covering in L is above TC, the procedure halts when the covering in the new circuit assignment is exactly TC.

    We can also define \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(L, x) = \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(L, TC_x)\) where \(TC_x\) is a tree covering that consists all the nodes adjacent to the path from root to node x, in other words, \(TC_x = \{ \lnot x_1, x_1 \lnot x_2, x_1 x_2 \lnot x_3, \cdots , x_{|x|-1} \lnot x_{|x|}, x \}\) (a full description is in Sect. 4).

  4. 4.

    \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L)\): it canonically merges all the way to the root. In other words, the procedure keeps taking the lexicographically first circuit fragment pair \(C_{x||0}\) and \(C_{x||1}\) and doing \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L, x)\) until the tree covering in the circuit assignment is \(\{\varepsilon \}\), in other words, it becomes a single circuit.

Note that the functionality of a circuit assignment is preserved under applying any valid operation above.

We now define an decomposing compatible pseudo random function. The construction [GGM86] automatically satisfies the definition below.

Definition 6

An decomposing compatible pseudo random function DPRF consists the following algorithms DPRF.KeyGen and DPRF.Eval where

  • DPRF.Eval takes a input of length n and the output is of length p(n) where p is a fixed polynomial;

  • \({\mathbf{( }}\mathsf{{PRF}}\) Security). For any poly sized adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\), there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}\), for any string \(y_0 \in \{0,1\}^n\) and any \(\kappa \),

    where \(S \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\) and \(r \in \{0,1\}^{p(n)}\) is a uniformly random string.

  • \(\mathbf{( }\mathsf{{EPRF}}\) Security). Consider the following game, let \(\mathsf{{Game}}_{\kappa , \mathcal {A}, b}\) be

    • The challenger prepares \(S \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\);

    • The adversary makes queries about x and gets \(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, x)\) back from the challenger;

    • The adversary gives a tree covering TC and \(y^* \in TC\) to the challenger where \(y^*\) is not a prefix of any x that has been asked;

    • The challenger sends the distribution \(D_b\) back to the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) where

      \(*\) :

      \(D_0\): let the circuit D to be \(D(\cdot ) = \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot )\) defined on \(\{0, 1\}^n\), the circuit assignment is \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(D, TC)\). We observe that the fragment corresponding to y is \(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, y, \cdot )\) defined on \(\{0, 1\}^{n - |y|}\).

      \(*\) :

      \(D_1\): For each \(y \ne y^* \in TC\), let the fragment corresponding to y be \(D_y(\cdot ) = \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, y, \cdot )\) defined on \(\{0, 1\}^{n - |y|}\) and for \(y^*\), \(D_{y^*}(\cdot ) = \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S', y^*, \cdot )\) defined on \(\{0, 1\}^{n - |y^*|}\) where \(S' \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\).

    • The adversary can keep making queries about x which does not have prefix \(y^*\) and gets \(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, x)\) back from the challenger;

    • The output of this game is the output of \({\mathcal {A}}\).

    For any poly sized adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\), there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}\) such that:

    $$\begin{aligned} \left| \Pr [\mathsf{{Game}}_{\kappa , {\mathcal {A}}, 0} = 1] - \Pr [\mathsf{{Game}}_{\kappa , {\mathcal {A}}, 1} = 1] \right| \le \mathsf{{negl}}(\kappa ) \end{aligned}$$

Let us define an another operation on a circuit assignment and a circuit.

Definition 7

By given a circuit C and a circuit assignment L where C takes two inputs x and L(x), \(C(\cdot , L(\cdot ))\) is a circuit assignment defined below:

  • Let TC be the tree covering inside \(L = \{(x, D_x)\}_{x \in TC}\).

  • Let \(L' = \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(C, TC) = \{(x, C_x)\}_{x \in TC}\).

  • For each fragment in the output circuit assignment corresponding to \(x \in TC\), it is \(C_x(\cdot , D_x(\cdot ))\) simplified, which is defined on \(\{0, 1\}^{n - |x|}\).

We can also define similar operations on several circuit assignments and one circuit as long as these circuit assignments have the same tree covering. In other words, let \(L_1, \cdots , L_m (L_i = \{(x, D^i_x)\}\) are circuit assignments with the same tree covering TC, then \(C(\cdot , L_1(\cdot ), L_2(\cdot ), \cdots , L_m(\cdot ))\) is a circuit assignment whose fragment corresponding to \(y \in TC\) is \(C(y, \cdot , D^1_y(\cdot ), \cdots , D^m_y(\cdot ))\) simplified.

Then we have the following lemma:

Lemma 1

For any two circuits CD where D takes a single input x and C takes two inputs x and D(x), for any tree covering TC, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(C(\cdot , D(\cdot )), TC) = C(\cdot , [\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(D, TC)](\cdot )) \end{aligned}$$

For \(m+1\) circuits \(C, D_1, D_2, \cdots , D_m\), where \(D_1, \cdots , D_m\) take a single input x and C takes x and \(D_1(x) \cdots D_m(x)\) as inputs, we have

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(C(\cdot , D_1(\cdot ), \cdots , D_m(\cdot )), TC) \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;= C(\cdot , \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(D_1, TC), \cdots , \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(D_m, TC)) \end{aligned}$$


Let us first look at the left side. It is a circuit assignment with the tree covering TC. For the fragment corresponding to \(y \in TC\), it is the partial evaluation of \(C(\cdot , D(\cdot ))\) on y.

For the right side, we first have a circuit assignment \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(D, TC)\) where the fragment corresponding to y is \(D(y, \cdot )\). So by the definition of our operation, the fragment corresponding to y in the right side is \(C(y, \cdot , D(y, \cdot ))\) simplified.

Since each pair of fragments are the same, the left side is equal to the right side.

3.2 Short Signatures

Here, we show how to use dO to build short signatures, following [SW14]. As in [SW14], we will construct statically secure signatures.

The signature is simply of the following form \(f(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, m))\) where f is a one-way function.

Definition 8

A signature scheme \(\mathsf{{SS}}\) consists of the following algorithms:

  • \(\mathsf{{SS}}.\mathsf{{Setup}}(1^\kappa )\): it outputs a verification key \(\mathsf{{vk}}\) and a signature key \(\mathsf{{sk}}\);

  • \(\mathsf{{SS}}.\mathsf{{Sign}}(\mathsf{{sk}}, m)\): it is a deterministic procedure; it takes a signature key and a message, then outputs a signature \(\sigma \);

  • \(\mathsf{{SS}}.\mathsf{{Ver}}(\mathsf{{vk}}, m, \sigma )\): it is a deterministic algorithm; it takes a verification key, a message m and a signature \(\sigma \), it outputs 1 if it accepts; 0 otherwise.

We say a short signature scheme is correct if for any message \(m \in \{0,1\}^\ell \):

We now define security for short signatures.

Definition 9

We denote \(\mathsf{{Game}}_{\kappa , {\mathcal {A}}}\) to be the following where \(\kappa \) is the security parameter and \({\mathcal {A}}\) is an adversary:

  • First \({\mathcal {A}}{}\) announces a message \(m^*\) of length \(\ell \);

  • The challenger gets \(m^*\) and prepares two keys \(\mathsf{{sk}}\) and \(\mathsf{{vk}}\); it then sends \(\mathsf{{vk}}\) back to \({\mathcal {A}}{}\);

  • \({\mathcal {A}}{}\) can keep making queries \(m'\) to the challenger and gets \(\mathsf{{Sign}}(\mathsf{{sk}}, m')\) back for any \(m' \ne m^*\);

  • Finally \({\mathcal {A}}{}\) sends a forged signature \(\sigma ^*\) and the output of the game is \(\mathsf{{Ver}}(\mathsf{{vk}}, m^*, \sigma ^*)\).

We say \(\mathsf{{SS}}\) is secure if for any polysized \({\mathcal {A}}\), there exists a negligible function negl,

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\mathsf{{Game}}_{\kappa , {\mathcal {A}}} = 1] \le \mathsf{{negl}}(\kappa ) \end{aligned}$$

Construction. We now give a signature scheme where signatures are short. The construction is similar with that in [SW14] but we use \(\mathsf{{dO}}{}\) instead of \(\mathsf{{iO}}{}\). Our SS has the following algorithms:

  • \(\mathsf{{SS}}.\mathsf{{Setup}}(1^\kappa )\): it takes a security parameter \(\kappa \) and prepares a key \(S \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\). S is the secret key sk. Then it computes the verification key as \(\mathsf{{vk}}\leftarrow \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , V(\cdot , \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot )))\) where V is given in Algorithm 1 (we will pad programs to a length upper bound before applying dO).

    figure a
  • \(\mathsf{{SS}}.\mathsf{{Sign}}(\mathsf{{sk}}, m) = \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, m)\)

  • \(\mathsf{{SS}}.\mathsf{{Ver}}(\mathsf{{vk}}, m, \sigma ) = \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{vk}}, \{m, \sigma \})\)

It is straightforward to see that the construction satisfies correctness.


Theorem 1

If \(\mathsf{{dO}}\) is a secure \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-dO, \(\mathsf{{DPRF}}\) is a secure decomposing compatible PRF, and f is a one-way function, then the construction above is a short secure signature scheme.


Now prove security through a sequence of hybrid experiments.

  • Hyb 0: In this hybrid, we are in \(\mathsf{{Game}}_{\kappa , {\mathcal {A}}}\);

  • Hyb 1: In this hybrid, since the challenger gets \(m^*\) before it releases \(\mathsf{{vk}}\), we decompose the circuit to get \(L = \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(V(\cdot , \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot )), m^*)\). By Lemma 1, the circuit assignment is \(V(\cdot , \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot ), m^*))\).

    Therefore we have that the distributions \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , V(\cdot , \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot )))\) and \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , \mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L))\) are indistinguishable, since these two circuits are \(\ell +1\)-decomposing equivalent by applying dO.

  • Hyb 2: This is the same as Hyb 1, except that we replace the fragment in \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot ), m^*)\) corresponding to \(m^*\)—which is “\(\mathbf return \; \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, m^*)\)”—by “\(\mathbf return \; \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S', m^*)\)” where \(S' \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\) is a fresh random DPRF key that is independent of S. We call the new circuit assignment \(L'\). Hyb 1 and Hyb 2 are indistinguishable because of the DPRF security.

  • Hyb 3: This is the same as Hyb 2, except that we replace the fragment in \(L'\), which is “\(\mathbf return \; \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S', m^*)\)” by “\(\mathbf return \; r^*\)” where \(r^*\) is a uniformly random string. We call the new circuit assignment \(L''\). As we don’t have \(S'\) in the program anywhere except this fragment, Hyb 2 and Hyb 3 are indistinguishable because of the PRF security.

    We find that in \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L'')\), the fragment corresponding to \(m^*\) is: on input \(\sigma \), it returns 1 if \(f(\sigma ) = v^*\); 0 otherwise, where \(v^*=f(r^*)\) for a uniformly random \(r^*\).

Lemma 2

If there exists a poly sized adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) for Hyb 3, then we can break one-way function f.


Given \(z^*\) which is \(f(r^*)\) for a truly random \(r^*\), we can actually simulate Hyb 3. If we successfully find a forged signature for Hyb 3 with non-negligible probability, it is actually a pre-image of \(z^*\) which means we break one-way function with non-negligible probability.

This completes the security proof.

3.3 Universal Samplers

Here we construct universal samplers from dO. For the sake of simplicity, we will show how to construct samplers meeting the one-time static definition from [HJK+16]. However, note that the same techniques also can be used to construct the more complicated k-time interactive simulation notion of [GPSZ16].

Let \(\mathsf{{US}}\) denote an universal sampler. It has the following procedures:

  • \(\mathsf{{params}}\leftarrow \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Setup}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t)\): the Setup procedure takes a security parameter \(\kappa \), a program size upper bound \(\ell \) and a output length t and outputs an parameter params;

  • \(\mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sample}}(\mathsf{{params}}, C)\) is a deterministic procedure that takes a params and a sampler C of length at most \(\ell \) where C outputs a sample of length t. This procedure outputs a sample s;

  • \(\mathsf{{params}}' \leftarrow \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sim}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t, C^*, s^*)\) takes a security parameter \(\kappa \), a program size upper bound \(\ell \) and a output length t, also a circuit \(C^*\) and a sample \(s^*\) in the image of \(C^*\).

Correctness. For any \(C^*\) and \(s^*\) in the image of \(C^*\), and for any \(\ell \ge |C^*|\), and t is a upper bound for \(C^*\)’s outputs, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left[ \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sample}}(\mathsf{{params}}', C^*)] = s^* \,|\, \mathsf{{params}}' \leftarrow \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sim}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t, C^*, s^*) \right] = 1 \end{aligned}$$

Security. For any \(\ell \) and t, for any \(C^*\) of size at most \(\ell \) and output size at most t, for any poly sized adversary \({\mathcal {A}}{}\), there exists a negligible function negl, such that

where \(s^* \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits _{R} C^*(\cdot )\) means \(s^*\) is a truly random sample from \(C^*(\cdot )\).

Construction. Now we give the detailed construction for our universal sampler:

  • Define U to be the size upper bound among all the circuits being obfuscated in our proof (not the size of circuits fed into the universal sampler). It is straightforward to see that \(U = \mathsf{{poly}}(\kappa , \ell , t)\); Whenever we mention \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , C)\), we will pad C to have size U.

  • For simplicity, we will assume circuits C fed into the universal sampler will always be padded to length \(\ell \) so that we can consider only circuits of a fixed size.

  • \(\mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Setup}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t)\) randomly samples a key \(S \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\), and constructs a circuit Sampler (see Algorithm 2) as follows: on input circuit C of size \(\ell \), it outputs a sample based on the randomness generated by DPRF; and the output of the procedure US.Setup is \(\mathsf{{params}}= \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , \mathsf{{Sampler}}(\cdot , \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot )))\).

    figure b
  • \(\mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sample}}(\mathsf{{params}}, C)\): it simply outputs \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{params}}, C)\);

  • \(\mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sim}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t, C^*, s^*)\): it randomly samples a key \(S \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\), let L be a circuit assignment \(\mathsf{{Sampler}}(\cdot , \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot ), C^*))\). And finally it replaces the fragment corresponding to \(C^*\) in L with “return \(s^*\)” instead of returning \(C^*(; \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, C^*))\). Let \(\mathsf{{Sampler}}' = \mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L)\) and the output of US.Sim is \(\mathsf{{params}}' = \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , \mathsf{{Sampler}}')\).

Theorem 2

If dO and one-way functions exist, then there exists an universal sampler.


First, it is straightforward that correctness is satisfied. Next we prove security. Fix a circuit \(C^*\) and suppose there is an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) for the sampler security game for \(C^*\). We prove the indistinguishability through a sequence of hybrids:

  • Hyb 0: Here, the adversary receives \(\mathsf{{params}}\leftarrow \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Setup}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t)\);

  • Hyb 1: In this hybrid, let \(s^*\leftarrow C^*(;\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S,C^*))\). We get \(\mathsf{{params}}_1 \leftarrow \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sim}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t, C^*, s^*)\) where \(\mathsf{{Sampler}}_1\) is the circuit constructed in \(\mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sim}}\) where we are using the same S in Hyb 0.

    It is straightforward that \(\mathsf{{Sampler}}_1\) and \(\mathsf{{Sampler}}\) are \(\ell + 1\)-decomposing equivalent. Therefore \(\mathsf{{params}}_1 = \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , \mathsf{{Sampler}}_1)\) and \(\mathsf{{params}}= \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , \mathsf{{Sampler}})\) are indistinguishable by dO security, meaning Hyb 0 and Hyb 1 are indistinguishable.

  • Hyb 2: This is the same as Hyb 1, except we replace the fragment in \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S, \cdot ), C^*)\) corresponding to \(C^*\) with the fragment “\(\mathbf return \; \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S', C^*)\)” where \(S' \leftarrow \mathsf{{DPRF}}{.}\mathsf{{KeyGen}}(1^\kappa )\) is a new key generated by a uniformly random string. We call the new circuit assignment \(L'\). The indistinguishability between Hyb 1 and Hyb 2 follows from the DPRF security.

  • Hyb 3: In this hybrid, since the fragment in \(L'\) corresponding to \(C^*\) is now returning \(C^*(; \mathsf{{DPRF}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(S', C^*))\) and we don’t have \(S'\) in the program, by PRF security, we can replace the return value with \(C(; r^*)\) where \(r^*\) is a truly random string. This is equivalent to the adversary receiving \(\mathsf{{params}}\leftarrow \mathsf{{US}}.\mathsf{{Sim}}(1^\kappa , 1^\ell , 1^t, C^*, s^*)\) for a fresh sample \(s^*\leftarrow C^*\).

4 Constructions of dO

In this section, we give more discussions about decomposing equivalence and dO. And finally we give the constructions of dO from compact functional encryption schemes.

4.1 New Notions of Equivalence for Circuits

We will define a partial order \(\preceq \) on nodes in a binary tree. We say that \(x\preceq y\) (alternatively, x is above y) if x is a prefix of y. We also extend our partial order \(\preceq \) to tree coverings. We say a tree covering \(TC_0\preceq TC_1\), or \(TC_0\) is above \(TC_1\), if for every node u in \(TC_1\), there exists a node v in \(TC_0\) such that \(v\preceq u\) (that is, v is equal to u or an ancestor of u). A tree covering \(TC_0\) is below \(TC_1\) if \(TC_1\) is above \(TC_0\). It is straightforward that if \(TC_0\preceq TC_1\), then \(|TC_0|\le |TC_1|\) where \(|TC_0|=|TC_1|\) if and only if \(TC_0=TC_1\). We can also extend \(\preceq \) to compare tree coverings to nodes. We have \(u\preceq TC\) if there is a node \(v\in TC\) such that \(u\preceq v\). \(TC\preceq u\) if there exists a \(v\in TC\) such that \(v\preceq u\).

We give more operations defined on circuits and circuit assignments for convenience.

  • \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(L, x)\): mentioned in Sect. 3.1.

  • \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L, x)\): mentioned in Sect. 3.1.

  • \(\mathsf{{TargetedMerge}}(L, x, C)\) operates on an assignment L where the tree covering includes both children of node x but not x itself. This operation is invalid if either \(C(0, \cdot ) \ne C_{x||0}\) or \(C(1, \cdot ) \ne C_{x||1}\) as circuits. It takes the two circuits \(C_{x||0}, C_{x||1}\) assigned to the node x||0 and x||1 and merges them to get \(C_x = C\). The new tree covering has x but not x||0 or x||1.

    We observe that

    • \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(\mathsf{{TargetedMerge}}(L,x,C), x) = L\) where \(C_{x||0}\) and \(C_{x||1}\) in L can not be simplified any further, and all the operations are valid

    • \(\mathsf{{TargetedMerge}}(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(L,x), x, C) = L\) where C is the fragment at node x in L (as long as the operations are valid).

  • \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(L, x)\): takes a circuit assignment L and a string x as parameters. The operation is valid if \(TC\preceq x\), where TC is the tree covering for L. Let u be ancestor of x in TC. Let \(p_0=u, p_1,\dots ,p_t=x\) be the path from u to x. \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}\) first sets \(L_0=L\), and then runs \(L_i\leftarrow \mathsf{{Decompose}}(L_{i-1},p_{i-1})\) for \(i=1,\dots ,t\). The output is the new circuit assignment \(L'=L_{t}\). The new tree covering \(TC'\) for \(L'\) is the minimal \(TC'\) that is both below TC and contains x.

    We will also extend \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}\) to operate on circuits in addition to assignments, by first interpreting the circuit as an assignment, and performing \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}\) on the assignment.

  • \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(L, TC)\): mentioned in Sect. 3.1.

  • \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L, TC)\): It takes a circuit assignment L and a tree covering TC where TC is below the covering in L. It repeatedly performs \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L, x)\) at different x until the tree covering in the assignment becomes TC. To make the merging truly canonical, we need to specify an order that nodes are merged in. We take the convention that the lowest nodes in the tree are merged first, and between nodes in the same level, the leftmost nodes are merged first.

  • \(\mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L) = \mathsf{{CanonicalMerge}}(L,\{\varepsilon \})\): mentioned in Sect. 3.1.

4.2 Locally, Path, One Shot Decomposing Equivalence

We define two new equivalence notions for circuits based on the decomposing and merging operations defined above. First, we define a local equivalence condition on circuit assignments:

Definition 10 (locally decomposing equivalent)

We say two circuit assignments \(L_1 = \{(x_i, C_{x_i})\}, L_2 = \{(y_i, C'_{y_i})\}\) are \((\ell , s)\)-locally decomposing equivalent if the following hold:

  • The circuit size of \(L_1, L_2\) is at most s;

  • The cardinality of \(L_1, L_2\) is at most \(\ell \);

  • \(L_1\) can be obtained from \(L_2\) by applying \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(L_2, x)\) for some x or by applying \(\mathsf{{TargetedMerge}}(L_2, x, C)\) for some x and C is the fragment assigned in \(L_1\) to the string (node) x;

Local decomposing equivalence (Local DE) means that we can transform \(L_1\) into \(L_2\) by making just a single local change, namely decomposing a node or merging two nodes. Notice that since decomposing a node does not change functionality, local DE implies that \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) compute equivalent functions. For any \(\ell ,s\), \((\ell ,s)\)-local decomposing equivalence forms a graph, where nodes are circuit assignments and edges denote local decomposing equivalence. Next, we define a notion of path decomposing equivalence for circuits (which can be thought of as nodes in the graph), which says that two circuits are equivalent if they are connected by a reasonably short path through the graph.

Definition 11 (path decomposing equivalent)

We say two circuits \(C_1, C_2\) are \((\ell , s, t)\)-path decomposing equivalent if there exists at most \(t-1\) circuit assignments \(L'_1, L'_2, \cdots , L'_{t-1}\) such that, for any \(1 \le i \le t\), \(L'_{i - 1}\) and \(L'_i\) are \((\ell , s)\)-locally decomposing equivalent, where \(L'_0 = \{(\varepsilon , C_1)\}\) and \(L'_t = \{(\varepsilon , C_2)\}\).

Now let’s recall the definition of one shot decomposing equivalent which allows for exactly two steps to get between \(C_1\) and \(C_2\). Now the steps are not confined to be local, but instead the first step is allowed to decompose the root to a given tree covering, and the second then merges the tree covering all the way back to the root.

Recall Definition

 4[one shot decomposing equivalent] (one shot decomposing equivalent). Given two circuits \(C_0, C_1\) defined on inputs of length n, we say they are \(\tau \)-one shot decomposing equivalent or simply \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent if the following hold:

  • There exists a tree covering \({\mathcal {X}}= \{x_i\}_i\) of size at most \(\tau \);

  • For all \(x_i \in {\mathcal {X}}{}\), \(C_0(x_i, \cdot ) = C_1(x_i, \cdot )\) as circuits.

An equivalent definition for “\(\tau \)-one shot decomposing equivalent” is that there exists a tree covering \({\mathcal {X}}\) of size at most \(\tau \), such that \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\{(\varepsilon , C_0)\}, {\mathcal {X}}) = \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\{(\varepsilon , C_1)\}, {\mathcal {X}})\), in other words, the tree coverings are the same and the corresponding fragments for each node are the same.

We note that since the operations defining path and one shot decomposing equivalence all preserve functionality, we have that these notions imply standard functional equivalence for the circuits:

Lemma 3

If \(C_0,C_1\) are \((\ell ,s,t)\)-path decomposing equivalent for any \(\ell ,s,t\), or if \(C_0,C_1\) are \(\tau \)-one shot decomposing equivalent for any \(\tau \), then \(C_0,C_1\) compute equivalent functions (\(C_0(x) = C_1(x), \forall x \in \{0,1\}^n\)).

We also observe a partial converse:

Lemma 4

Two circuits \(C_0, C_1\) (defined on n bits string) are \(2^n\)-one shot decomposing equivalent if and only if they are functionally equivalent (\(C_0(x) = C_1(x), \forall x \in \{0,1\}^n\)).


We only need to show the case that functional equivalence implies \(2^n\)-one shot decomposing equivalence. If \(C_0,C_1\) are functionally equivalent, we can let the tree covering be \({\mathcal {X}}= \{0, 1\}^n\). Because \(C_0(x) = C_1(x)\) for all \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n = {\mathcal {X}}\), we have \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\{(\varepsilon , C_0)\}, {\mathcal {X}}) = \mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\{(\varepsilon , C_1)\}, {\mathcal {X}})\). Therefore \(C_0,C_1\) are \(2^n\)-one shot decomposing equivalent.

4.3 Locally, One Shot dO

Here, we will recall decomposing obfuscation (dO) and give one more definition. Let us recall the definition of dO. Decomposable obfuscator, roughly, is an indistinguishability obfuscator, but where the indistinguishability security requirement only applies to pairs of circuits that are decomposing equivalent (as opposed to applying to all equivalent circuits).

Recall Definition

 5 .    \(\mathsf{{dO}}\) wtih two PPT algorithms \(\{\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}, \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}\}\) is a \(\tau (n,s,\kappa )\)-decomposable obfuscator if the following conditions hold

  • Efficiency: \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}, \mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}\) are efficient algorithms;

  • Functionality preserving: \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}\) takes as input a security parameter \(\kappa \) and a circuit C, and outputs the description \(\hat{C}\) of an obfuscated program. For all \(\kappa \) and all circuit C, for all input \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\), we have \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , C), x) = C(x)\);

  • Decomposing indistinguishability: Consider a pair of PPT adversaries \(({\textit{Samp}},D)\) where \({\textit{Samp}}\) outputs a tuple \((C_0,C_1,\sigma )\) where \(C_0,C_1\) are circuits of the same size \(s=s(\kappa )\) and input length \(n=n(\kappa )\). We require that, for any such PPT \(({\textit{Samp}},D)\), if

    $$\Pr [C_0\; {\textit{is}} \; \tau (n, s,\kappa )\text {-}{\textit{decomposing equivalent to}}\;C_1:(C_0,C_1,\sigma )\leftarrow {\textit{Samp}}(\kappa )]=1$$

    then there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}(\kappa )\) such that

Since \(2^n\)-equivalence corresponds to standard equivalence, \(2^n\)-dO is equivalent to the standard notion of iO. In this work, we will usually consider a much weaker setting, where \(\tau \) is restricted to a polynomial.

The following tool, called local dO (ldO), will be used to help us build dO. Roughly, ldO is an obfuscator for circuit assignments with the property that local changes to the assignment (that is, decomposing operations) are computationally undetectable.

Definition 12

\(\mathsf{{ldO}}\) with two PPT algorithms \(\{\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}, \mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}\}\) is a locally decomposable obfuscator if the following conditions hold

  • Efficiency: \(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}, \mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}\) are efficient algorithms;

  • Functionality preserving: \(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}\) takes as input a security parameter \(\kappa \), a circuit assignment L, a cardinality bound \(\ell \), and a circuit size bound s. For all \(\kappa \) and all circuit assignment L with cardinality at most \(\ell \) and circuit size at most s, for all input \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\), we have \(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , L, \ell , s), x) = L(x)\);

  • Local decomposing indistinguishability: Consider polynomials \(\ell =\ell (\kappa )\) and \(s=s(\kappa )\). For any such polynomials, and any pair of PPT adversaries \(({\textit{Samp}},D)\), we require that if

    $$\begin{aligned} \Pr [L_0\;{\textit{is}} \; (\ell (\kappa ),s(\kappa ))\text {-}{\textit{local decomp. equiv. to}}\; L_1:(L_0,L_1,\sigma )\leftarrow {\textit{Samp}}(\kappa )]=1 \end{aligned}$$

    then there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}(\kappa )\) such that

We will also consider a stronger variant, called sub-exponentially secure local dO, where in the definition of local decomposing indistinguishability, the negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}\) is replaced by a subexponential function \(\mathsf{{subexp}}\).

4.4 Locally dO Implies One Shot dO

Lemma 5

If two circuits \(C_0, C_1\) are \((t / 2 + 1)\)-one shot decomposing equivalent, then they are \((n+1, s, t)\)-path decomposing equivalent where \(s=\max \{|C_0|, |C_1|\}\).


We start from the covering that has \(C_0\) assigned to the root. We perform a depth-first traversal of the binary search tree consisting of the “bad” nodes: nodes for which the partial evaluations of \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) are different. Equivalently, we search over the ancestors of nodes in the tree covering. There are t / 2 such nodes. When we first visit a node on our way down the tree, we \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}\) the fragment at that node to its children. When we visit a node x for the second time after processing both children, we merge the fragments in the two children, using a \(\mathsf{{TargetedMerge}}\) toward the circuit \((C_1)_x\). This operation is always valid since for each child either: (1) the child is a “good” node, in which case the partial evaluations at that node is identical to the partial evaluation of \((C_1)_{x||b}\); or (2) the child is a “bad” node, in which case it was, by induction, already processed and replaced with the partial evaluation of \((C_1)_{x||b}\). The cardinality of any circuit assignment in this path is at most \(n+1\) since we will only have fragments adjacent to the path from the root to the node we are visiting. The circuit size is moreover always bounded by \(s=\max \{|C_0|, |C_1|\}\) because all the intermediate fragments are partial evaluations of either \(C_0\) or \(C_1\). Finally, the path performs an \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}\) and \(\mathsf{{TargetedMerge}}\) for each “bad” node, corresponding to t operations.

Now we show that the existence of ldO implies the existence of dO.

Lemma 6

If ldO exists, then \(\tau \)-dO exists, where the loss in the security reduction is \(2(\tau -1)\). In particular, if polynomially secure \(\mathsf{{ldO}}\) exists, then \(\tau \)-dO exists for any polynomial function \(\tau \). Moreover, if subexponentially secure \(\mathsf{{ldO}}\) exists, then \(2^n\)-dO, and hence \(\mathsf{{iO}}\), exists.


The construction of ldO from dO is the natural one: to obfuscate a circuit C, we simply consider the circuit as a circuit assignment with C assigned to the root node, and obfuscate this circuit assignment. We take the maximum cardinality for \(\mathsf{{ldO}}{}\) to be \(n+1\) and the circuit size to be |C|.

  • \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , C) = \mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , \{(\varepsilon , C)\}, n + 1, |C|)\);

  • \(\mathsf{{dO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{params}}, x) = \mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(\mathsf{{params}}, x)\);

Efficiency and functionality preservation are straightforward to prove. Now we focus on security. Let \((\text {Samp},D)\) be two PPT adversaries, and sn be polynomials in \(\kappa \). Suppose the circuits \(C_0, C_1\) outputted by \(\text {Samp}(\kappa )\) always have the same size \(s(\kappa )\), same input length \(n(\kappa )\), and are \(\tau (n,s,\kappa )\)-decomposing equivalent with probability 1. Then \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) are also \((n + 1, s, 2 (\tau - 1))\)-path decomposing equivalent by Lemma 5. By the definition of path decomposing equivalence and Lemma 8 (which states that the minimum tree covering is efficiently computable), there exist \(L'_1, L'_2, \cdots , L'_{2 (\tau - 2)}, L'_{2 (\tau - 1) - 1}\) and \(L'_0 = \{(\varepsilon , C_0)\}, L'_{2 (\tau - 1)} = \{(\varepsilon , C_1)\}\) such that any two adjacent circuit assignments are \((n+1, s)\)-locally decomposing equivalent. So we have that

Here, \(\epsilon \) is the advantage of the following adversary pair \((\text {Samp}',D)\) in the local dO security game (where D is from above). \(\text {Samp}'\) runs \((C_0,C_1,\sigma )\leftarrow \text {Samp}'\), computes the path \(L'_0,\cdots ,L'_{2(\tau -1)}\), chooses a random \(i\in [2(\tau -1)]\), and outputs \((L'_{i-1},L'_i,\sigma )\).

Therefore, as desired, we get an adversary for the local dO where the loss is \(2(\tau -1)\). If we assume the polynomial hardness of \(\mathsf{{ldO}}{}\), the adversary \((\text {Samp}',D)\) must have negligible advantage \(\epsilon \), and so we get \(\tau -\mathsf{{dO}}{}\) for any polynomial \(\tau \). If we assume the subexponential hardness of \(\mathsf{{ldO}}{}\), we can set \(\kappa \) so that \(\epsilon =2^{-n}\mathsf{{negl}}(\kappa )\) for some negligible function \(\mathsf{{negl}}\). In this case, we even get \(2^n\)-\(\mathsf{{dO}}{}\), which is equivalent to \(\mathsf{{iO}}\). In the regime of subexponential hardness, we can even set \(\epsilon =2^{-n}\mathsf{{subexp}}(\kappa )\) for some subexponential function \(\mathsf{{subexp}}\), in which case we get subexponentially secure \(2^n\)-\(\mathsf{{dO}}{}\) and hence subexponentially secure \(\mathsf{{iO}}\).    \(\square \)

Next, we focus on constructing ldO, which we now know is sufficient for constructing dO.

4.5 Compact FE Implies dO

Theorem 3

If compact single-key selective secure functional encryption schemes exist, then there exists local decomposable obfuscators ldO.

With Theorem 3 and Lemma 6, we have the following Theorem 4.

Theorem 4

If compact single-key selective secure functional encryption schemes exist, then there exist decomposable obfuscators dO.

Now we prove Theorem 3.


Let us first give the construction of our \(\mathsf{{ldO}}\).ParaGen (see Algorithm 3) where FE is a compact functional encryption scheme, SKE is a symmetric key encryption scheme and PRG is a pseudo random generator.

figure c
figure d

For each function \(f_{i}^{b, Z_i^b} (1 \le i \le n)\), it basically computes a partial evaluation of an input circuit and encrypts it under two different functional encryption schemes (See Algorithm 5). But instead of doing this, this function also allows us to cheat and output a result given a secret key.

figure e

For each function \(f_{n + 1}^{b}\), it is given a circuit with no input, and simply evaluates it (see Algorithm 6).

figure f

Evaluation and Correctness. Now let us look at how ldO.Eval works. By fixing the first two ciphers and keys, given a input \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\),

  • It begins with \(c_0, c_1\);

  • For \(i = 1, 2, \cdots , n\), it picks the function key \(\mathsf{{fsk}}_i^{x_i}\) and \(c_{x_i}\); then does the update: \((c_0, c_1) \leftarrow \mathsf{{FE}}.\mathsf{{Dec}}(\mathsf{{fsk}}_i^{x_i}, c_{x_i})\);

  • Finally we can either output \(\mathsf{{FE}}.\mathsf{{Dec}}(\mathsf{{fsk}}_{n+1}^0, c_0)\) or \(\mathsf{{FE}}.\mathsf{{Dec}}(\mathsf{{fsk}}_{n+1}^1, c_1)\);

\(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}(c_0, c_1, \{\mathsf{{mpk}}_i^0, \mathsf{{mpk}}_i^1\}_{i=1}^{n+1}, \{\mathsf{{fsk}}_i^0, \mathsf{{fsk}}_i^1\}_{i=1}^{n+1}, \cdots )\) actually has the same functionalities with the circuit assignment L since basically on input x, it finds a fragment corresponding to a prefix y of \(x = y || x'\) and keeps doing partial evaluations on each input bit of \(x'\). Since the cardinality is at most \(\ell \), \(\ell \) different \(Z_{i, j}^b\) in \(Z_i^b\) are enough for use.

Efficiency. Let us look at the parameter size. All the master keys \(\{\mathsf{{mpk}}_i^0, \mathsf{{mpk}}_i^1\}_{i=1}^{n+1}\) are of length \(\mathsf{{poly}}(\kappa )\). \(t_2\) is the length of a secret key for SKE scheme so it is also of \(\mathsf{{poly}}(\kappa )\). And we assume \(\mathsf{{FE}}{}\) is a compact functional encryption scheme which means the size of ciphers \(c_0, c_1\) is bounded by \(O(\mathsf{{poly}}(s, \log \ell , \kappa ))\) and also the size of f circuit is bounded by \(O(\mathsf{{poly}}(s, \ell , \kappa ))\) which implies the size \(\{\mathsf{{fsk}}_i^b\}\) is bounded by \(O(\mathsf{{poly}}(s, \ell , \kappa ))\). Finally \(t_1\) is bounded by \(O(\mathsf{{poly}}(s, \log \ell , \kappa ))\).

So \(\mathsf{{ldO}}{}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}\) and \(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{Eval}}{}\) run in time \(\mathsf{{poly}}(s, \ell , n, \kappa )\).

Security. Without loss of generality, we have two circuit assignments \(L_0\) and \(L_1\) where \(\mathsf{{Decompose}}(L_0, x) = L_1\). We are going to prove the indistinguishability when we are given either \(L_0\) or \(L_1\).

  • Hyb 0: Here, an adversary is given an instance \(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , L_0, \ell , s)\). In the process of generating \(c_0, c_1\), we will get to CGen on x and \(L'\) where \(L'\) is the current partial circuit assignment. Since \(L'\) only contains \((x, C_x)\), CGen will return \(\mathsf{{FE}}.\mathsf{{Enc}}(\mathsf{{mpk}}_d^b, \langle C_x, K^b, 0, 0^{t_2} \rangle )\) for \(b \in \{0, 1\}\) and \(d = |x| + 1\); we denote them as \(\hat{c}_0, \hat{c}_1\).

  • Hyb 1: In this hybrid, we change \(Z_d^b\). Assume \(\hat{c}_{b, 0}, \hat{c}_{b, 1} = \mathsf{{FE}}.\mathsf{{Dec}}(\mathsf{{fsk}}_{d}^b, \hat{c}_b)\). In ldO.ParaGen, \(Z_d^b\) are assigned to an array of encryptions of \(0^{t_1}\) before calling CGen. We instead choose random \(j_0, j_1\) from the unused indices (not used in CGen process) and change \(Z_{d, j_0}^0\) and \(Z_{d, j_1}^1\) to encryptions of \(\langle \hat{c}_{b, 0}, \hat{c}_{b, 1} \rangle \). Since an adversary does not have any secret key \(\mathsf{{sk}}_{i, j}^b\), SKE security means Hyb 0 and Hyb 1 are indistinguishable.

  • Hyb 2: In this hybrid, we change the ciphertexts \(\hat{c}_0, \hat{c}_1\) to

    $$\begin{aligned} \hat{c}_b = \mathsf{{FE}}.\mathsf{{Enc}}(\mathsf{{mpk}}_d^b, \langle \bot , \bot , j_b, \mathsf{{sk}}_{d, j_b}^b \rangle ) \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\bot \) means filling it with zeroes and \(j_b\) are the indices chosen in Hyb 1. Notice that

    $$\begin{aligned} f_d^{b, Z_d^b}(\bot , \bot , j_b, \mathsf{{sk}}_{d, j_b}^b) = f_d^{b, Z_d^b}(C_x, K^b, 0, 0^{t_2}) \end{aligned}$$

    Therefore, FE security means Hyb 1 and Hyb 2 are indistinguishable.

  • Hyb 3: In this hybrid, we change \(Z_{d, j_0}^0\) and \(Z_{d, j_1}^1\). In Hyb 1, \(\hat{c}_{b, 0}, \hat{c}_{b, 1}\) were computed using the randomness from a pseudo random generator. In Hyb 2, we removed the seed feed to PRG. Therefore we can replace \(\hat{c}_{b, 0}, \hat{c}_{b, 1}\) to be the values computed using uniformly chosen randomness. Indistinguishability from Hyb 2 easily follows from PRG security. We observe that the distribution of the instances in Hyb 3 is identical to the distribution of \(\mathsf{{ldO}}.\mathsf{{ParaGen}}(1^\kappa , L_1, \ell , s)\).

This completes our proof for Theorem 3.

5 Discussion

5.1 Deciding Decomposing Equivalence

Definition 13

A tree covering TC is a witness that \(C_0\equiv C_1\) if TC satisfies \(\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\{(\varepsilon , C_0)\}, {\mathcal {X}})=\mathsf{{DecomposeTo}}(\{(\varepsilon , C_1)\}, {\mathcal {X}})\). In other words, decomposing \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) to TC give the same circuit assignment (as in, the circuit fragments themselves are identical).

TC is an minimal witness if, for all other \(TC'\) that are witnesses to \(C_0\equiv C_1\), we have that \(TC\preceq TC'\). In particular, this means that TC is strictly smaller than all other witnesses.

We define a node x as “good” for \(C_0,C_1\) if \(C_0(x,\cdot )=C_1(x,\cdot )\) as circuits. Notice that the children of a good node are also good. We say that a good node x is “minimal” if its parent is not good.

Lemma 7

For any two equivalent circuits \(C_0,C_1\), there is always exactly one minimal witness \(TC^*\), and it consists of all of the minimal good nodes for \(C_0,C_1\).


Since \(C_0\equiv C_1\), all the leaves are good, and at least the set of leaves form a tree covering that is a witness. Now, for each leaf, consider the path from the leaf to the root. There will be some node x on the path such that all nodes in the path before x are not good, but x and all nodes after x are good. Therefore, that x is an minimal good node. Moreover, no minimal good node can be a descendant of any other minimal good node (since no minimal good node can be the descendant of any good node). Therefore, the set of minimal good nodes form a tree covering.

Lemma 8

\(\tau \)-one shot decomposing equivalence can be decided deterministically in time \(\tau \times \mathsf{{poly}}(n, \max \{|C_0|, |C_1|\})\). Moreover, if \(C_0\equiv C_1\), then the optimal witness \(TC^*\) can also be computed in this time.


The algorithm is simple: process the nodes in a depth-first manner, keeping a global list R. When processing a node x, if \(C_0(x,\cdot )=C_1(x,\cdot )\) as circuits, add x to R, and then do not recurse. Otherwise, recurse on the children as normal. If the list R every grows to exceed \(\tau \) elements, abort the search and report non-decomposing equivalence. If the search finishes with \(|R|\le \tau \), then report decomposing equivalence and output R.

The total running time is bounded by \(O(n\tau \cdot \mathsf{{poly}}(\max \{|C_0|, |C_1|\}))\): at most \(n\tau \) nodes are processed (the up to \(\tau \) nodes in R, plus their ancestors), and processing each node takes time proportional to the sizes of \(C_0,C_1\).

5.2 One Shot DE Is Equivalent to Path DE

We have already proved that path DE implies one shot DE. Now let us prove the converse.

Lemma 9

If two circuits \(C_0, C_1\) are \((\ell , s, t)\)-path decomposing equivalent, then they are \((t / 2 + 1)\)-one shot decomposing equivalent


If \(C_0,C_1\) are \((\ell , s, t)\)-path decomposing equivalent, there exists a minimal tree covering \(TC^*\). We observe that, for each of the ancestors of nodes in \(TC^*\), there must be a step in the path where that node is decomposed, and there must also be a step in the path where that node is merged. It is straightforward to show that the number of ancestors for any tree covering is exactly one less than the size of the covering. From this, we deduce that \(|TC^*|\le t/2+1\). Since \(TC^*\) exists and the size is bounded by \(t/2+1\), these two circuits are \((t/2+1)\)-one shot decomposing equivalent.

We emphasize that the above lemma and proof were independent of the bounds \(\ell \) and s. Putting together Lemmas 5 and 9, we find that the path equivalence definition is independent of the parameters \(\ell , s\).

We also see that path decomposing equivalence can be computed efficiently, following Lemmas 58, and 9.

5.3 One Shot DE Is Strictly Stronger Than Functional Equivalence

We then show that path/one-shot decomposing equivalence is a strictly stronger notion than standard functional equivalence, when a reasonable bound is placed on the path length/witness size. The rough idea is the use the fact that, say, polynomial decomposing equivalence can be decided in polynomial time, whereas in general deciding equivalence is hard.

Lemma 10

For any n, there exist two circuits on n bit inputs \(C_0\equiv C_1\) that are not \(2^{n-1}-1\)-one-shot decomposing equivalent.


Let \(D_0,D_1\) be two equivalent but non-identical circuits on 2 input bits (for example, two different circuits computing the XOR). Let \(TC^*\) be the tree covering consisting of all \(2^{n-1}\) nodes in the layer just above the leaves. Let \(L_b\) for \(b=0,1\) be the circuit assignment assigning \(D_b\) to every node in \(TC^*\). Finally, Let \(C_b\) be the result of canonically merging \(L_b\) all the way to the root node.

Now, \(TC^*\) is clearly the optimal witness that \(C_0\equiv C_1\). Therefore, any witness must have size at least \(|TC^*|=2^{n-1}\). Therefore, \(C_0,C_1\) are not \(2^{n-1}-1\) one-shot decomposing equivalent.

Note that the above separation constructed exponentially-large \(C_0,C_1\). We can even show a similar separation in the case where \(C_0,C_1\) have polynomial size, assuming \(P\ne NP\). Indeed, since \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-one shot decomposing equivalence is decidable in polynomial time, but functional equivalence is not (assuming \(P\ne NP\)), there must be circuits pairs that are equivalent but not \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-one shot decomposing equivalent.

Next, we even demonstrate an explicit ensemble of circuit pairs that are equivalent but not \(\mathsf{{poly}}\)-decomposing equivalent, assuming one-way functions exist.

Lemma 11

Assuming one-way functions exist, there is an explicit family of circuit pairs \((C_0,C_1)\) that are equivalent, but are not \(\mathsf{{poly}}(n)\)-decomposing equivalent for any polynomial \(\mathsf{{poly}}(n)\).


Let \(\mathsf{{PRG}}{}\) be a length-doubling pseudorandom generator (which can be constructed from any one-way function). Let \(C_0(x) = \)return 0” and \(C_1(x) = \)return 1 if \(\mathsf{{PRG}}(x) = v\); 0 otherwise‘’ where v is uniformly chosen from \(\{0, 1\}^{2 \kappa }\). When v is uniformly chosen, except with probability \(\frac{1}{2^\kappa }\), v has no pre-image under \(\mathsf{{PRG}}{}\). Therefore, with probability \(1 - \frac{1}{2^\kappa }\), \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) are functionally equivalent.

Next, assume there exists a polynomial \(\tau \) and a non-negligible probability \(\delta \) such that \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) are \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent with probability \(\delta \). Now let us build an adversary \({\mathcal {B}}\) for this length-doubling PRG:

  • The adversary \({\mathcal {B}}\) gets u from the challenger;

  • \({\mathcal {B}}\) prepares the following two circuits: \(C_0(x) = \)return 0” and \(C_1(x) = \)return 1 if \(\mathsf{{PRG}}(x) = u\); 0 otherwise”.

  • \({\mathcal {B}}\) runs the algorithm to see if they are \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent. If the algorithm returns true, \({\mathcal {B}}\) guesses u is a truly random string; otherwise it guesses u is generated by \(\mathsf{{PRG}}\).

When u is generated by PRG, it will always return the correct answer since \(C_1\) does not return 0 at some point but \(C_0\) does; when u is truly random, the probability that \({\mathcal {B}}\) is correct equal to the probability \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) are \(\tau \)-decomposing equivalent which is a non-negligible \(\delta \). So \({\mathcal {B}}\) has non-negligible advantage \(\delta \) in breaking \(\mathsf{{PRG}}\).