
1 Introduction

As the psychologist Mehrabian said “the facial expression sends the 55% information during the process of human communications while language sends only 7%”. Therefore, the expression in the daily communication of mankind occupies an important position in the daily communication of mankind, is an important way to exchange emotional information among people. In order to have the ability of human thinking, it is necessary for the computer to understand the human emotions, that is the reason why after several decades of development the researches on facial expression recognition have been becoming the focus.

Usually facial expression recognition is divided into four processes: image preprocessing, face detection, feature extraction and facial expression classification, as shown in Fig. 1. The basic task of feature extraction is to produce some basic features according to the object to be identified, and then find the most effective representation from these characteristics, so that the difference is big in the different categories of expressions, and is small in the same type of expression difference is small. Feature extraction is a key problem in pattern recognition and one of the most difficult tasks in facial expression recognition. How to extract these features effectively is the key to realize accurate and feasible expression recognition. Due to the different research background, the researchers have different definitions of basic emotions. Among them, Ekman’s emotional theory has the greatest impact, where there are six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, pleasure, sadness and surprise. The expression classifier divides the extracted features into the corresponding categories according to the corresponding classification mechanism.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Facial expression classification block diagram

2 Expression Feature Extraction Algorithm

At present, there are many kinds of feature extraction methods, which can be divided into geometric shapes, texture features and the combination of the two.

2.1 Methods Based Geometric Features Based

In the expression recognition algorithm based on geometric deformation, ASM (Active Shape Model) [1] and FAUs (Facial Action Units) [2] are the two most typical methods. ASM constructs geometric features by extracting facial feature points. The geometric features were extracted by the improving ASM and the use of the triangle features in the model, and achieved good results [3]. Combined with the texture and shape, AAM (Active Appearance Model) as a statistical model is used to model the face, to identify and analyze the expression. An expression recognition algorithm is proposed, combining AAM and ASM to improve the problem of feature point convergence in AAM [4].

According to FACS, as another important geometric feature, by analyzing the constant facial features and instantaneous characteristics. In the image sequence, a variety of features were tracked and modeled in order to recognize facial expression [5]. Combined with multi-scale feature extraction and multi-core learning algorithm, the contour of the face shape was outlined [6]. The face geometry and the activity appearance of the activity in the Candide grid frame are feature vector of expression [7]. Through the self-organizing mapping, the feature points that describes the shape of the eye, lips, and eyebrows in the face constitutes a low-dimensional eigenvector for expression recognition [8].

2.2 Method Based on Texture Feature

LBP (Local Binary Patterns, LBP) as a local operator can be used for image texture analysis, face recognition and facial expression recognition. Based on the idea of LBP, an LDP (Local Directional Patterns, LDP) operator is proposed, which is used to extract facial texture features [9]. The LDP feature is weighted by LDP variance, and then the most significant direction of LDP is calculated by PCA (Principle Component Analysis) to reduce the feature dimension [11]. The proposed Gradient Directional Pattern calculates the texture information of the local area by quantifying the gradient direction to form the facial representation [12].

Lyons et al. applied the Gabor feature to calculate the expression characteristics, combining with elasticity graph matching and linear analysis [13]. But the high-dimensional Gabor feature is an obstacle to quickly identify facial expressions. The image is divided into local sub-regions to extract multi-scale Gabor features in order to describe the topology structure of human visual [14]. The algorithm combined Gauss-Laguerre wavelet and face reference to describe the expression feature, the former in which extracted the texture feature. The latter computed geometric features [15].

2.3 Multi-feature Fusion Method

Multi-feature fusion is an effective way of the facial expressions representation, and the different features in many algorithms are combined to describe facial expressions. The combination of Gabor and LBP is used in [16], and the minimized error rate and feature dimension is selected by genetic algorithm (GA). Li et al. Used SIFT and PHOG (Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradient) to calculate local texture and shape information [17]. TC (Topographic Context) is used as a feature operator to describe the static facial expression feature [18]. The haar-like feature was used to characterize facial expression changes over time, and was encoded to form a dynamic feature according to the binary pattern [19]. According to the main direction extracted in the video sequence and the average optical flow characteristics in the face block, MDMO (Main directional mean optical flow feature, MDMO) was proposed in [20]. Table 1 lists the main feature extraction methods in facial expression recognition.

Table 1. Main feature extraction methods for expression recognition

3 Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm Based on Deep Learning

By constructing a nonlinear neural network with multiple hidden layers, the deep learning simulates the human brain for analysis and learning. By transforming the input data by layer, the feature representation of the sample in the original space is transformed into a more abstract feature space, so as to study the essential characteristics of the data set and further to imitate the human brain to interpret the data such as image, sound and text. At present, the theory research for facial expression recognition based on the deep learning mainly focused on the two methods: the method based on DBN (deep belief network) and the method based on CNN (convolution neural network). Block diagram of FER based on deep learning as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Block diagram of FER based on deep learning

3.1 Method Based on DBN

As a classic method deep learning, DBN has aroused widespread concern, which can contain more hidden layer, and can better learn a variety of complex data structure and distribution. As shown in Fig. 3, the structure of DDBN (discriminative deep belief networks), includes an input layer \( {\text{h}}^{ 0} \), N hidden layers \( {\text{h}}^{ 1} \), \( {\text{h}}^{ 2} \), …, \( {\text{h}}^{\text{N}} \) and a label layer with C units at the top, equivalent to the number of classes in the tag data y. Look for the mapping function X → Y, where it can be converted into a deep architecture to find the parameter space. The problem of finding the mapping function X → Y can be transformed into a deep architecture to find the parameter space W.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Structure of DDBN

Combined with other methods, DBN has achieved significant results for the facial expression recognition. In [23], first the face was cut at different scales, and then the HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradient) feature was extracted from these local cut, finally DBN were detected through the DBN. The Gabor wavelet features were extracted from the face cuts detected by DBN, and the fused feature fusion is input to the automatic coding machine for expression recognition [24].The strong classifier combined DBN and the adaboost method got a higher expression recognition accuracy rate for FER [25, 28]. A set of deep confidence network model was proposed, which can improve the performance of expression classification. MLDP-GDA (Modified Local Directional Patterns, Generalized Discriminant Analysis) was proposed, which was a novel method to extract salient features from depth faces was applied to DBN for training different facial expressions [31].

3.2 Method Based on CNN

As early as 2002, in order to solve the often encountered problems of the face gestures and the uneven illumination, the convolution neural network was applied to identify the facial expression. A set of FER system based on CNN was developed, which could predict the location of facial feature points recognize the facial expression by training a multi-task deep neural network. A novel approach based on based on the combination of optical flow and a deep neural network-stacked sparse autoencoder could analyze video image sequences effectively and reduce the influence of personal appearance difference on facial expression recognition [29]. Combined region of interest (ROI) and K-nearest neighbors (KNN), a fast and simple improved method called ROI-KNN for facial expression classification was proposed, which relieves the poor generalization of deep neural networks due to lacking of data and decreases the testing error rate apparently and generally [30]. A new architecture had the two hard-coded feature extractors: a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) and a standard CNN, which could can significantly boost accuracy and reduce the overall training time [32]. A 3D Convolutional Neural Network architecture consists of 3D Inception-ResNet layers followed by an LSTM unit that together extracts the spatial relations within facial images as well as the temporal relations between different frames in the video [33]. The attention model, which consisted of a deep architecture which implements convolutional neural networks to learn the location of emotional expressions in a cluttered scene, greatly improved the expression recognition [34].

4 Challenge and Future Work

Facial expression recognition is a very challenging subject, and is still in the elementary exploratory stage. With the non-rigid of the face and the complexity of FER, there are still many challenges:

  1. (1)

    Improve the algorithm robustness of the expression recognition. At present, most research is the expression dataset build in the lab, but the facial expressions in real life are more complex and constantly changing.

  2. (2)

    The difference differences in the race, the geography, and the culture.

  3. (3)

    Gender differences in expression.

  4. (4)

    Difficult to real-time recognition.

With the study of computer graphics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and other disciplines, the ability to make computers and robots able to understand and express emotions like humans will fundamentally change the relationship between people and computers, Facial expression recognition, as a long-term challenging subject, as a long-term challenging issues, may be the following trends:

  1. (1)

    3-d facial expression recognition.

  2. (2)

    Robust facial expression representation algorithm and generalization recognition classification algorithm.

  3. (3)

    Improve the deep learning model.

The deep learning model is widely used because of its strong feature learning ability. However, most of the models are time-consuming in training. It is necessary to train the model in a shorter time and improve the real-time ability.