
1 Introduction

Visual attention mechanisms are developed that is derived from the study of human visual systems. Its process enables machine vision systems to select the most relevant regions from a scene Eye tracking is used for usability and psychology testing and used popularly in researches in visual system, cognitive process, and human-computer interaction. In psychophysiological research, eye-tracking methodology is used to get reaction parameters from eye movement data that used to analyze cognitive processes underlying visual behavior. Researcher’s use eye movement data to study cognitive influence in learning, memory and attention. To perform eye tracking experiments many commercial eye-trackers e.g. EyeTribe [6], SMI [9], and open-source solutions e.g. Gaze Tracker [10] are available in market. They provide strong algorithms for gaze tracking, analysis and visualizations. Such tools provide valuable insights into the recorded gaze behavior. On the other hand some researchers have focused on the model-based analysis tools e.g. GazeAlyze [2], The Psychtoolbox for Matlab [11], PychoPy [12], for gaze reading in experimental studies in vision research. These tools come up with various detecting events in the gaze data, such as algorithms for blink detection, fixation detection etc.

Modeling visual saliency has attracted much interest recently and there are now several frameworks and computational approaches available. Some are inspired by cognitive findings, some are purely computational, and others are in between. Using wide variety of approaches many computational models of visual attention have been developed to see in a free-viewing condition how to predict where people look in images. The objective of these models is to improve artificial vision systems by computing, a numerical value of the likelihood of attending to, or the saliency of every location in an image. The performance of a model is measured by how will it predicts where people look in images in a free-viewing condition. So far, researchers validate prediction of attention models by direct comparison between eye movements recorded from humans watching the stimuli and model output. The fixations from the humans and the saliency map from the models is compared to assess the performance of the models.

To combine the eye tracking device, analysis of gaze data, saliency model and assessment of the model for its performance we developed a performance assessment framework. The framework provides 4 module: experimental module that helps to control experiment with the eye tracking device and record the eye movement data called gaze data of the observer, analysis module which generates a fixation map by analyzing the gaze data, saliency module generates a saliency map from a computational model (bottom-up/top-down), and performance comparator that compares the fixation map and saliency map using 3 popular metrics Normalized Scanpath Saliency (NSS), Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (CC) and Similarity.

2 Motivation

Eye tracking is process of finding out where the user is looking at for the given stimulus, by usage of eye tracking device. All eye tracking system function with a common principle, identifying the same eye features across the multiple images. And the results are correlated to a particular eye. Salient objects generally appear visually different from the other displayed objects in the scene. Eye tracking devices records eye coordinates and duration about a position of an eye within an eye’s image as registered by a camera. This raw data is translated into a gaze point. For the computational tasks of recorded data analysis: fixation detection, heatmap and scanpath are considered. The most fundamental translation from raw data is the fixation detection, which is true for one eye tracker and for a specific dataset.

Generally a computational model handles several features and then computes them in parallel. The resulting value is fused in a representation called saliency map. The saliency map is visualized as a grey-scale image. In this map more the brightness of a pixel, it is the most salient region. Where human look in an image is based on two factors; a bottom-up and top-down approach. Bottom-up models are task-free and is stimulus-driven. Thus they do not require to learn, train or tune to open-ended task. They can be used for prediction on any image dataset, the output of it can be verified against experimental data collected from humans. Top-down models are descriptive, task-specific and can be implemented computationally. But with lot of work going on this area the difference between bottom-up and top-down models is diminishing and there are algorithms of computational models that uses both the approaches for prediction. The paper [5] explores if existing object information can be used to for the next object recognition, it attempts to combine top-down and bottom-up model. Saliency maps produced by different algorithms are often evaluated by comparing output fixated image locations appearing in human tracking data. The inherent ambiguity in how saliency and ground truth are represented leads to different choices of metrics for reporting performance. Here, the performance comparator uses saliency metrics, that is, functions that take two inputs representing eye fixations and predictions and then output a number assessing the similarity or dissimilarity between them.

We presents a software performance assessment framework which is developed using python tool for comparing human fixations and the saliency map from the computational model for a given image stimulus. This will help in choosing appropriate models for the given application in hand. It can use various computational algorithm according to choice of the researcher and is an open-source software. Our intent was to developing an open-source, in-line python application that allows the complete management of entire processes of collecting data from eye tracker, post analyzing the collected data, predicting the salient region using either bottom-up or top-down models and finally compare them, that is, the fixation map and the saliency map.

3 Literature Survey

Even though, there are some well performing commercial eye trackers available, they have two disadvantages compared to the open-source solutions: they are either available at very high costs and thus becomes unaffordable for many academic research or clinical studies. They also provide a tightly-coupled environment that it is difficult to customize the way they need it for their application. Mostly all the solutions provide are black-box ensuring that there no access to image processing routines or modules. Many researchers explore different computational model to measure the accuracy of their prediction. The experiments conducted on 39 observers free-viewing 300 images and compare 10 popular recent modules [3]. It explores which models perform poorly and which ones are better. The performance of saliency models is measured using three different metrics ROC, similarity and EMD. Lot of paper explore on different evaluation metrics. Properties of the inputs affect metrics differently: how the ground truth is represented; whether the prediction includes dataset bias; whether the inputs are probabilistic; whether spatial deviation exist between the prediction and ground truth. Knowing how these properties affect metrics, and which properties are most important for a given application can help with metric selection for saliency model evaluation [4]. In this paper we use Normalized Scanpath Saliency (NSS), Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (CC) and similarity for fairest comparison of fixation map and saliency map. An open-source integrated framework like Visual Search Examination Tool (Vishnoo) [1] combines configurable search tasks with gaze tracking capabilities, thus enabling the analysis of both, visual field and visual attention. This offers easily adaptable stimulus presentation, eye-tracking and evaluation of the visual scan path combined in a single platform.

4 System Architecture of the Framework

The frameworks block diagram is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Flow chart of performance framework

Researchers can use this framework tool with no specific programming skill, as it is graphically driven and all system parameters and all functionalities are controllable from graphical user interface (GUI). All system parameters of specific experiments are saved in a configuration script. This allows comfortable handling of the analysis of different experiments. The performance framework is entirely developed using python scripting language as it is open-source and can be easily portable. It runs on pretty much everything. All functions are written in python and are separate from the GUI components. The GUI is developed using Java programming language and is used explicitly for adding, updating and deleting configuration parameters. The performance framework consists of Experimental module, Analysis module, Saliency module and Comparator module.

Experimental Module

Eye tribe [11], an eye tracking device is used in the framework. By using the person’s face and eyes the device can calculate the exact location as to where the observers is looking at. The gaze coordinates are represented by a pair of (x, y) coordinates that is taken from the screen coordinate system, and it is calculated with respect to the screen the person is observing. Before using the eye tracker device the user need to do calibration process. Because the eye characteristics of individual is different, and this need to be modeled by the eye tracking software in order to estimate gaze accurately. Pygaze [8] an open-source python package is used in the framework. Pygaze acts as a wrapper around several existing eye tracking packages. It is used to create complicated experiments. Pygaze module connects to the eye tribe and records eye movement information like the eye coordination and duration into a tab separated file.

Analysis Module

Further the gaze data is analyzed by the Analyzer module which provides valuable insights into the recorded gaze behavior. In eye tracking data analysis fixation detection is considered. The velocity at each gaze point is calculated when the eye gaze travels from the previous gaze point to the current one. If calculated velocity is smaller than the threshold velocity then that gaze point is tagged as fixation. After completing tagging all the gaze points, consecutive fixation points are segregated into fixation groups <x,y,t,d> where x, y are center coordinates of the fixation group, t is the timestamp of the initial fixation point, and d is the duration. A fixation group is ignored for which the duration threshold is greater than the duration of a group.

Saliency Module

The first computational model of visual attention using the bottom-up approach was given by Koch and Ullman [13]. Here the visual features used were color, intensity or orientation. These feature maps are weighed and summed up to a saliency map.

Performance Module

If fixation map (FMap) and saliency map (SMap) are passed two inputs to a metric function, then the following metric are applied on them for comparison.

Normalized Scanpath Saliency (NSS):

Measuring the normalized saliency at the region of fixations

$$ NSS\left( {SMap, FMap} \right) = \frac{1 }{N} \sum\limits_{i}^{{}} {\overline{{SMap_{i} }} } \times FMap_{i} $$

where \( N = \sum\nolimits_{i} {FMap} \) and \( \overline{SMap} = \frac{{SMap - \mu \left( {SMap} \right)}}{\sigma (SMap)} \)

Here \( {\mathfrak{i}} \) is the \( i^{th} \) pixel, and N is the total fixated pixels in fixation map. A positive NSS score indicates a good correspondence for a fixation located on the model predicted saliency map and the scanpath of the observer’s.

Similarity (SIM):

Measuring the intersection between distributions

$$ SIM\left( {SMap, FMap} \right) = \mathop \sum \limits_{i} { \hbox{min} }(SMap_{i} , FMap_{i} ) $$

where \( \mathop \sum \limits_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{SMap} = \varvec{ }\mathop \sum \limits_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{FMap} = 1 \)

SIM measures the amount of similarity that exists between two distributions. A SIM of 1 means the FMap distribution and SMap distributions are same and SIM of 0 means there is no overlap.

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (CC):

Evaluating the linear relationship between distributions.

$$ CC\left( {SMap, FMap} \right) = \frac{\sigma (SMap, FMap)}{{\sigma \left( {SMap} \right) \times \sigma (FMap)}} $$

where \( \sigma \left( {SMap, FMap} \right) \) is the covariance of saliency map and fixation map. CC can range between −1 to 1. CC is 1 means a perfect correlation, whereas −1 also means perfect correlation but in opposite directions.

5 Implementation

The GUI panel looks like in Fig. 2. All the system parameters are loaded from the configuration script. This can be changed or updated and rewritten to the same script or to a new configuration file.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The GUI of the performance framework

To conduct the experiment, eye tracking system Eye tribe is used. Pygaze connects to the eye tribe server. It is prerequisite that the eye tribe need to be calibrated separately. Currently it is outside the scope the performance framework. Pygaze starts loading the dataset, that is, the collection of images in the gap of 30 s each. There are 48 images in the traffic sign dataset. They are in PNG format of size 360 × 270, each of the image representing a traffic scene. In the dataset the image is categorized into 3 classes of different traffic sign template, pedestrian crossing, intersection and compulsory for bikes. The traffic sign dataset of 48 images was used to conduct the experiment to collect the eye movements from the participants who were allowed to free view each image for 2 s. Once this data is collected, the ground truth eye fixations from different participants is formatted as a column data and written to a tab separated file. The “rawx” and “rawy” data which represents the gaze coordinates. The Gaze coordinates are the point on screen that the user is currently looking. Gaze coordinates are defined as pixels in a top-left oriented 2D coordinate system and are available in both raw and smoothed forms. There are other information also in the tab separated file like “Tracking state”, “Fixation” and “pupil coordinates”. But for generating fixation Gaze coordinates values are used. The file content of tab separated file from the pygaze is show below in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Tab separated file generated from the pygze module.

Using the gaze coordinate and the duration value from the file is read and processed to generate fixation location and fixation map as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

(a) Traffic sign sample image from the dataset with its (b) fixation location and (c) fixation map

In implementation, free viewing task is considered since this makes it easier to use saliency models with fewest assumptions of the parameters. Two computational models of visual attention was used. Firstly basic Itti and Koch model based was used. The fixation location and fixation map as predicted by the model is displayed in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Traffic sign sample image from the dataset with its (b) binary image of salient regions and (c) its model saliency map using Itti-Koch

Graph Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) [16] was the second model used against the same image dataset. The saliency map is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The GBVS model output (a) original image (b) saliency map

By overlaying the resulting salient regions from Itti-koch and GBVS, the original image is as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Salient region overlayed on the original image (a) original image (b) Itti-koch (c) GBVS

The saliency model is assessed for validation using three different metric by the perfComparator: Similarity, Normalized Scanpath Saliency (NSS) and Correlation Coefficient (CC) as displayed in Fig. 8 above. After running the pygaze for the eye tracker experiment, and pygaze analyzer to generate fixation map, a comparison report is generated. This will compare between the fixation map and saliency map as show in the performance framework UI. The metric result is also displayed in the “Performance Metrics” UI table in Fig. 9. This gives a direct picture to the researcher as to how well the model is able to predict in compare to the ground truth.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Performance measure of Itti-koch and GBVS model

Fig. 9.
figure 9

The performance metric display comparing the fixation map and saliency map

6 Experiments

From the conducted experimental analysis we see that GBVS model performs better than the Itti-kotch. The Linear Correlation Coefficient (CC) values for the images are closer to 1, that is to say, there is a linear relationship exists between fixation map and saliency map. The similarity score is also approximating to 1, which tells us that the two maps distributions are same. This might be due to the factor that GBVS model also considers is center surround along with color, intensity and orientation in computing saliency map.

7 Conclusion

The performance framework provides a new platform for the researchers to experiment with wide range of performance assessment of computational models, and as well by collecting the human fixations from the eye tracking system module available in the framework. In Vishnoo top-down model used for specific task programming is assessed against scanpath i.e., focus of study is more on gaze data analysis, while the performance framework allows to compare the saliency map and fixation map using 3 popular metrics. Since all components required to test the performance of computational models is available as a combined solution in a single framework, which makes it fastest and flexible solution for researchers. Since the framework can be easily configurable, it becomes an attractive tool to many scientific research.