
1 Introduction

The Web contains large volumes of semantically annotated data encoded in RDF [21] or similar formats. Often, this data contains expressive ontologies that machines can leverage to perform reasoning and derive valuable implicit information. Since information re-usage is a corner stone of the Semantic Web [18], many datasets reuse ontologies that are already available rather than creating their own ones. These ontologies are distributed across the Web and the W3C standardized two mechanisms to retrieve them: IRIs de-referencing [7] and owl:imports [18].

The number and correctness of new derivations that reasoners produce depend on the availability and quality of these external ontologies. Therefore, it is crucial that reasoners can successfully retrieve them and that the union of external ontologies is still consistent. Unfortunately, the Web is an inherently distributed and uncoordinated environment where several factors may preclude the fetching and reusage of remote data. For example, remote ontologies might silently disappear or move to other locations, or independent authors may publish ontologies that contain syntactic and/or semantic mistakes [14]. All these possibilities can heavily affect the output of reasoning or even make reasoning impossible.

Although much effort has already been invested on studying the quality and accessibility of resources on the Web of Data (WoD) [5,6,7], to the best of our knowledge no work has ever studied how the distribution of ontological data on the web affects reasoning. The goal of this paper is to study this from a purely empirical perspective. To that end, we conduct a number of experiments and analyse the output of reasoning over a wide range of documents to offer a first preliminary answer to the following questions: (a) how many derivations can reasoners derive from individual documents? (b) To what extent do documents link to external ontologies and how accessible are such links? (c) How many new derivations can reasoners derive after external ontologies are included and how can we characterize such derivations? (d) To what extent does the inclusion of additional ontological data endanger reasoning? This paper presents a number of experiments to answer these questions.

As the input for our experiments, we took samples from LODLaundromat (LODL) [5], which is a large crawl of RDF documents from the WoD, and Web Data Commons (WDC) [27], which contains extracted RDFa, MicroData, and JSON-LD graphs embedded in the HTML pages. We conducted our experiments using Jena [24] and Pellet [29], two widely used reasoners, and performed two types of analyses: a quantitative analysis, which focuses on the number of derived triples; and a qualitative analysis, which looks into the relevance of derived triples with the input document.

We summarise below some key outcomes of our experiments. These will be discussed in the remainder of this paper with more details:

  • In the majority of the cases, reasoning on a single document produces a small number of derivations that are mostly RDF or OWL axioms;

  • Only a small number of IRIs were de-referencable. However, when IRIs could have been accessed, the inclusion of additional knowledge allowed reasoners to derive new triples. This finding highlights the importance of maintaining functioning links in the WoD;

  • The directive owl:imports is used only in a very small number of documents (less than 0.2% documents of LODL and only on 121 graphs out of 500M in WDC). In the documents that use it, the (recursive) inclusion of the remote ontologies led to a significant increase of the number of derived triples. This demonstrates the potential of this mechanism;

  • In a non-negligible number of cases, the inclusion of remote ontologies did not lead to the derivation of new triples. Also, we observed cases where the inclusion of external ontologies led to conflicts that made Pellet fail. Additionally, in some cases Jena did not finish reasoning within 72 h (despite the fact that on average the number of statements in input was fairly small).

In general, our findings are encouraging because they indicate that remote knowledge (fetched either with IRI de-referencing or via owl:imports) does lead to new valuable derivations. However, we have also witnessed several problems that show further research is still very much needed.

This paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 reports on the experimental settings; Sect. 3 presents the results of the experiments where reasoning was applied without fetching remote ontologies, Sect. 4 presents the results after we de-referenced IRIs and Sect. 5 after we imported ontologies via owl:imports. Finally, Sect. 6 reports on related work while Sect. 7 concludes the paper. An extended version of this paper is available as technical report at

2 Experimental Setup

Inputs. On the Web, semantically-annotated data are primarily encoded either as RDF knowledge graphs (which are serialized in a number of files) or be embedded in HTML pages. Therefore, we considered two large collections of both types: LODLaundromat (LODL) [5] and the Web Data Commons (WDC) dataset [27]. LODL contains a collection of RDF files that were either crawled from online archives or submitted to the system. At the time we conducted this study, the collection consisted of 500K RDF files from more than 600 domain names. The WDC dataset contains RDFa, Microdata, Microformat, and JSON-LD data extracted from HTML pages. We use the 2015 crawl which provides about 541M named graphs from more than 2.7M domain names. We chose these two datasets because they are, to the best of our knowledge, the largest available collections of semantically-annotated data available on the Web. We must stress, however, that neither of these two collections offers any guarantee of representativeness. As far as we know, no crawled collection from the Web can make such a claim. They simply represent the best approximation that we have available.

In this paper, we refer to sets of triples which are locally available as documents. For LODL, a document corresponds to a RDF file. For WDC, a document corresponds to the set of triples in a named-graph (the named graph is the URI of the webpage from which the triples were extracted). We refer to the number of triples contained in a document as its size. We used two reasoners, Pellet [29] (version 2.3.1) and the OWLMiniReasoner of Jena [24] (version 3.1.0), to evaluate reasoning under different computational logic. We use these two reasoners (instead of, for instance, more scalable solutions like RDFox [26], VLog [30] or WebPIE [31]) because they are well-tested implementations and work under different semantics. The OWLMiniReasoner reasoner in Jena works under the RDF semantics and supports an incomplete fragment of OWL Full that omits the forward entailments of minCardinality/someValuesFrom restrictions (detailed list of the supported constructs is available onlineFootnote 1). In contrast, Pellet supports a sound but incomplete OWL DL reasoning (i.e., SROIQ(D)) [29] and we use it to perform ABox DL reasoningFootnote 2. Once again, we refer to the online documentation for a detailed list of the supported constructs. Each reasoner is launched with the default settings. The only modification is that we disabled the automatic owl:imports inclusion for both reasoners in all experiments.

We refer to the terms and axioms defined in the RDF [21], RDFS [8], OWL [18], and XSD [13] specifications as standard terms and standard axioms respectively. A standard predicate is a standard term that appears as predicate in a triple. We assume that standard terms and axioms are locally available (but not part of the input document) because in practice the reasoners have stored a local copy.

Reasoning. In this paper, reasoning is used to derive new conclusions. The reasoning procedure is simple and equivalent for both reasoners: First, we load a set of triples G into the reasoner. We refer to the set G as the input of the reasoning process. In some experiments, G equals to a document while in others it will include also some remotely fetched triples. Then, we query the reasoner with the SPARQL query SELECT ?s ?p ?o { ?s ?p ?o }, which is meant to retrieve all the triples the reasoner can derive. Each answer returned by the reasoner is translated into a RDF triple \(\langle ?s\;?p\;?o\rangle \). Let \(G'\) be the set of all returned triples. We call every triple \(t \in G' \setminus G\) a derived triple and refer to the set \(G' \setminus G\) as the set of derived triples or derived triples, or in short derivations. Clearly, this set will be different depending on the used reasoner. We would like to stress that the purpose of our experiments is not to compare the output of two reasoners but to analyse their output w.r.t. the inclusion/exclusion of remote ontological information.

Categorization of Derivations. In order to perform a more fine-grained analysis of the derived triples, we categorize them based on the complexity of reasoning process that produces them into the following four disjoint categories:

  • Type1 derivations are derivations that contain only standard terms. Typically, triples in this category are the tautologies extracted from these languages (e.g., \(\langle \) rdf:subject rdf:type rdf:Property \(\rangle \)).

  • Type2 derivations contain exactly one non-standard term that appears in one or more triples in the input set (e.g., \(\langle \) :resource rdf:type rdf:Resource \(\rangle \)).

  • Type3 derivations contain two non-standard terms that appear in the same input triple (e.g., if the input contains the triple \(\langle \) :ClassA owl:equivalentClass :ClassB \(\rangle \) then a Type3 derivation could be \(\langle \) :ClassB rdfs:subClassOf :ClassA \(\rangle \)).

  • Type4 derivations contain two or more non-standard terms that never appeared in the same input triple (e.g., if the input contains the triples \(\langle {:}\) resource rdf:type :ClassA \(\rangle \) and \(\langle {:}\) ClassA rdfs:subClassOf :ClassB \(\rangle \) then a Type4 triple could be \(\langle {:}\) resource rdf:type :ClassB \(\rangle \)).

The reason behind such classification is that Type1 derivations should be easy to return. Type2 and Type3 derivations are less easy because they require one pass on the data (Type3 have the additional complexity that the reasoner might need to change the ordering of the terms). The derivation of Type4 derivations usually requires a join between multiple triples, and thus their derivation is computationally more demanding. Most non-trivial implicit knowledge that reasoners derive are usually of Type2, Type3 or Type4.

Failures. In some experiments, the reasoners were unable to complete the reasoning process. Causes for failure varied between a limited scalability of the algorithms/implementation, syntactic errors [6], and ontological inconsistencies [28]. Please note that the notion ontological inconsistency usually includes unsatisfiability, incoherence, or inconsistency. However, because reasoners do not crash as a result of unsatisfiability and incoherence, in this paper we ignore them, and whenever we use the term ontological inconsistency or in short inconsistency, we refer to conflicting assertions (ABox) or axioms (TBox) that make reasoning impossible and cause reasoner to abort the process.

A complete analysis of the failures is beyond the scope of this paper. Here, we say that a reasoner failed (or that a failure occurred) when the reasoner did not terminate successfully the reasoning process. We classify failures either as exceptions, which occurred when the reasoner had prematurely terminated (e.g., because of an inconsistency or a syntactic error in the input), or as timeouts in case the reasoner did not conclude the inference within 72 h.

Computing Infrastructure. Many experiments required several hours to finish, thus, we launched several of them in parallel using the DAS4 [3] cluster. Each machine in the cluster has 24G of memory and two quad-core 2.4 GHz CPUs.

Data and Source Code. All data, source code to run the experiments, and all derived triples are available at

3 Local Reasoning

First, we intend to evaluate how many new derivations the reasoners can derive from local data. But what can be considered as “local” in the Web of Data? One possibility is to consider all the RDF datasets that are stored on the same website as local. Unfortunately, there are several repositories that contain datasets from several other locations. Another possibility is to assume that local data is stored in files that share the same prefix (e.g. dbpedia-01.gz, dbpedia-02.gz), but this is a rather weak heuristic which does not always hold in practice. For the LODL dataset, we eventually concluded that the best solution was to consider as “local” only the triples that are contained in a single document (i.e., a RDF file for LODL and a named graph for WDC), because documents are the minimal storage units that are always entirely available on the same physical location. Thus, we will compute how many new triples reasoners can derive from single documents.

Data Collection. In our context, performing reasoning on every document is neither feasible nor desirable. The infeasibility is due to the large number of documents in LODL and WDC. We estimated that even if we could use all machines of our cluster it would take months to finish the computation. The undesirability comes from the fact that more than two thirds of the documents in LODL are fetched from two sources – and – while in the WDC dataset there is a significant difference between the number of documents from popular domain names such as and the ones from less popular sources.

With such large skew in terms of provenance, aggregations over the entire datasets will be strongly biased towards a few sources. While a simple random sampling strategy would be enough to reduce the input to a manageable size, it would be ineffective in removing the bias. To avoid this second problem, we first perform a random sampling over domain names with the sample size determined by the Cochram’s formula [9] with a confidence level of 95%, and less than 0.5% margin of error. Then, from every selected domain name, we randomly picked as many documents as the logarithmic transformation of number of documents from that domain. This is a well-known methodology for sampling from skewed sources [19]. We call \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) the sample extracted from LODL, and \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) the sample extracted from WDC. Statistics about them are reported in Table 1.

One surprising number in Table 1 is the relatively small number of documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\). In fact, 673 documents are indeed only a small fraction of all documents in the LODL collection. Such aggressive reduction is due to the relatively low number of domains in the collection and the extreme skew in the distribution of files among them. With such input, we are forced to select only a few documents per domain, otherwise we would be unable to construct a sample without skew. We believe this is the fairest methodology in order to present results which are most representative (i.e., cover the largest number of sources). If the reader is interested in biased results, we report in the TR the results obtained with a larger randomly selected sample.

Table 1. Statistics about the samples of \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) used for local reasoning.
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Number of derived triples w.r.t document size on \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) (left) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) (right).

Reasoning Results. We launched Pellet and Jena over both samples, and report in Fig. 1 the number of derivations in relation with the size of the documents. We can draw a few interesting considerations from these results: First, the number of Pellets’ derivations is proportional to the size of the input documents. This occurs both with \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\). The number of the derivations produced by Jena was instead more constant. It only starts to grow proportionally with the largest \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) documents.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) Percentage of documents that yielded derivations of each type. (b) Ratio of each derivation type w.r.t total number of derivations.

Figure 2a shows the percentage of documents that yielded triples in each of the four categories outlined in Sect. 2. We see that all documents led to Type1 and Type2 derivations, regardless of the reasoner used. We inspected samples of the triples in each category and found that most Type1 triples are RDFS and OWL axioms, while most of the Type2 derivations are triples that describe resources or predicates, e.g., both reasoners always derive that predicates are instances of rdf:Property. In general, almost all documents have also led to Type3 derivations. The only exception was \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) in combination with Jena since in this case almost 20% of the documents did not return any Type3 derivation. We manually inspected a sample of Type3 derivations and found that they resemble to Type2 information in the sense that they also describe predicates and resources. For example, the statement “a property is a rdfs:subPropertyOf itself” is a Type3 statement that both reasoners have frequently derived.

We observed that Jena did not derive any Type3 triples if the document contained only standard predicates. Instead, Pellet frequently derived Type3 triples that state that classes are equivalent/subclass of themselves. In contrast to Pellet, we noticed that Jena always returned about 600 Type1 triples regardless of the actual input. This explains why the number of derivations tends to be constant for Jena in Fig. 1: It mainly consists of 600 Type1 statements plus some Type2 or Type3 statements that describe resources and predicates. To explain this more clearly, we show in Fig 2b the ratio of each derivation type against total number of derivations in the samples. We see from the figure that Jena on \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) only produces Type1 derivations, thus the total number of derivations tends to remain constant for each document. The situation is different for \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) where the sizes of documents vary considerably. There, a smaller number of all derivations is of Type1 which indicates that Jena derives significantly more derivations of other types. Interestingly, we notice from Fig. 2a that all \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) documents derive Type2 triples and about 80% of them derive Type3 derivations with Jena. However, in Fig. 2b we see that these triples are fewer than Type1 triples. This means that each document led to only few Type2 and Type3 statements while the largest number of derivations is of Type1.

Finally, we observed that neither reasoner was able to derive Type4 triples from \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\), while for \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) only 24% of the documents yielded such derivation. This suggests that in general most of the derivations that we can obtain from single documents are sort of “descriptions” of the terms in the dataset (e.g., a predicate is an instance of rdfs:Property, a class is an instance of rdfs:Class, etc.).

Failures. Type2 and Type3 derivations should be easy to calculate since they can be typically derived with a single pass on the data. Unfortunately, we still witnessed a number of failures with both reasoners. These failures were rare in \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) (i.e., less than 0.1% for both reasoners, and all these cases were exceptions caused by syntax errors). With \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\), Jena successfully finished for more than 99.9% of the input documents. When it did not, timeout was the primary cause of failure. With Pellet we witnessed a higher percentage of failures (about 12% of the inputs). In more than 72.5% of these cases, Pellet threw an exception, while the rest of the cases the reasoner timed out. Interestingly, more than 92% of exceptions were raised by inconsistencies while the rest were raised due to other internal reasons (e.g. Unknown concept type exception).

4 IRI De-referencing

We will now present the results of our experiments to investigate whether the inclusion of additional remote content obtained by de-referencing IRIs in the documents leads to more derivations. To this end, we considered all documents of \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) for which local reasoning succeeded. Given the low failure rate, these samples are roughly equivalent to the original \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{1}\) datasets. In this section, we refer to these two subsets as \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) respectively.

Unfortunately, de-referencing every IRI in each document is not technically feasible due to high latencies and limited bandwidth. To reduce the workload, first, we avoided de-referencing IRIs that were part of standard vocabularies (RDF, RDFS, OWL, XSD) since that content is typically already known by the reasoner. Second, we limited de-referencing to only two subsets of IRIs: predicate IRIs and Class IRIs. The firsts are IRIs that appear as predicates of triples. These IRIs (excluding those from standard vocabularies) appear in 99.7% of the \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) documents and 83.4% of the \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) documents. The seconds are IRIs that were either explicitly defined as instances of rdfs:Class or appeared as subjects or objects of predicates that we knew their domains or ranges were instances of rdfs:Class (e.g., the object of the rdf:type predicate). De-referencing class IRIs was not always possible: in fact, only 67.63% of documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) and 71.79% of documents in \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) contain class IRIs. Table 2 reports statistics about the number of distinct predicates and classes in the \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) datasets.

Table 2. Statistics of predicate/classes IRIs per document in each sample.

Furthermore, not all IRIs could be accessed: Only 4.7% of predicates and 35.9% of the class IRIs in \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) were de-referencable. The \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) dataset presented a significantly different situation: There, roughly 73% of predicates and 74.5% of class IRIs were accessible. We analyzed the inaccessible predicate IRIs in \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) and found that more than 84.6% of them pointed to non-existent resources on We reported the full list of accessible and inaccessible IRIs in the public repository of this study.

Experimental Procedure. We proceeded as follows: First we performed reasoning only on the single document (see Sect. 3). Then, we repeated the process only considering the remotely-fetched triples, and finally considering the document plus its remotely-fetched triples. We counted as new only those derivations that could have been derived in this last step (document plus the remote triples). In other words, we only count the derivations that were impossible to derive without adding external content to the input.

4.1 Experimental Results

Based on the number of new derivations, we divided the input documents into three groups: Those that yielded new derivations (Deriving), those that produced no new derivations (Not-Deriving), and those for which the reasoning process failed (Failure). Figure 3a shows the percentage of documents in each group. The figure shows that a relatively large percentage of documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) derived no additional information after remote triples were added. Furthermore, documents in \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) are more likely to yield new derivation after de-referencing IRIs than documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\). Moreover, the figure also suggests that de-referencing class IRIs is more likely to produce additional derivations than de-referencing predicate IRIs. This is interesting because documents often contain more predicate IRIs than class IRIs.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

After de-referencing predicate (P) and class (C) IRIs: Ratio of Deriving, Not Deriving and Failed reasoning processes (a). Ratio of documents that derive each derivation type (b).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Number of derivations vs input size after de-referencing: classes with Jena (a), predicates with Jena (b), classes with Pellet (c), predicates with Pellet (d).

Deriving Documents. To study how the de-referencing of IRIs affects the number of derivations, Fig. 4 shows a comparison between the size of the input documents and the number of new derivations. The figure shows that for \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\), regardless the type of IRI that is de-referenced and irrespective of the reasoner, the number of new derived triples is proportional to the size of input document. This is similar to the local reasoning results (see Fig. 1). On the contrary, the reasoning for \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) is different from local reasoning results, especially with Jena.

In order to gain more insights, we classified the newly derived triples into the four categories defined in Sect. 2. Figure 3b reports the ratio of documents that derive each specific derivation type (T1T4) after de-referencing predicate (P) or class (C) IRIs. Figure 3b shows a different situation than in the local case (Fig. 2b). If we perform only local reasoning, then only a rather small percentage of \(\texttt {LODL}_{1}\) documents derived Type4 triples. Instead, after we de-reference IRIs, the majority of documents in both datasets did derive Type4 triples.

Also, while every document in the local reasoning experiments derived Type1 triples, such new derivation is almost non-existent after IRIs are de-referenced. The absence of Type1 new derivations was expected because Type1 triples are most often RDFS and OWL axioms that reasoners can derive anyway, thus they are not considered as new derivation. Aside from that, Fig. 3b shows that Jena derived many more Type2 and Type3 derivations than Pellet. Our manual inspection of these new Type2 and Type3 triples revealed that these derivations are mostly basic statements such as “an entity is of type owl:Thing”, or “resource is different from another resource”. Pellet is usually capable of concluding such derivation without additional data; hence, for this reasoner these statements are not counted as new derivations. This is not the case for Jena, and therefore it can derive them after external triples are included.

Finally, we observed that with \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\) documents the number of all Type2, Type3, and Type4 derivations tends to be proportional to the size of input document. This situation is different for larger \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) documents because these documents tend to use richer OWL ontologies which trigger more reasoning. Consequently, the number of derived triples is no longer proportional to the input size.

Not Deriving Documents. Figure 3a also shows that there are cases where both reasoners did not derive any new triples. We scrutinized each Not Deriving document and the corresponding remotely-fetched triples, and found two main reasons for this: First, in some cases these triples only stated comments, labels, and descriptions intended for human interpretation. Reasoners can only conclude a limited number of derivations from such data. Second, the remote ontologies are dependent on yet more external ontologies, and so the inclusion of the remote data without its dependencies leads to no new derivation. Figure 3a also shows a larger number of Not Deriving and Failure cases with \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) than with \(\texttt {WDC}_{2}\). This was surprising to us since we expected that IRI de-referencing was more effective in native RDF datasets than in datasets embedded in HTML pages.

Failures. Figure 3a reports a non-negligible number of cases where the inclusion of remote triples led to a failure of the reasoning process. Note that in this experiment the input samples only contain documents for which local reasoning had succeeded. Therefore, the failures we refer to are caused by the inclusion of external ontologies. Pellet had the largest proportion of failed cases over \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\) documents (20–40%). From our execution traces, we noticed that Pellet almost always failed due to inconsistencies (this accounts for 99% of the cases with predicates, and almost 94% with classes). Sometimes these inconsistencies were caused by conflicts introduced between triples fetched from different sources, while sometimes the conflict was between the external knowledge and the input document. Jena failed less times, but this is due to the fact that it is less stringent about consistency. Whenever Jena failed, it was because it timed out.

Further inspections indicated that inconsistencies are exacerbated when triples are included from more sources. When Pellet failed due to inconsistencies over \(\texttt {LODL}_{2}\), on average we de-referenced predicates from more than 18 sources (median 9), and classes from more than 11 sources (median 6). The average is significantly lower if we consider the cases where Pellet did not fail: predicates were from 5 sources (median 2), and classes from around 7 sources (median 2). This indicates that an excessive linking to multiple sources increases the chances of stumbling into inconsistencies.

5 OWL Imports

Data Collection. The directive owl:imports is another standard mechanism to link the document to external ontologies. In this section, we study how such inclusion affects the outcome of the reasoning process. This directive is used in less than 0.2% (939 documents) of the whole LODL dataset and in only 121 documents of the WDC dataset. Therefore, we do not sample them but instead use all of them. First, we executed local reasoning on them and filtered out all the documents for which this process failed. This reduced our input to 554 LODL documents (83 sources) while the size of the WDC documents remained unchanged: 121 documents from 16 different sources. In this section, we refer to these subsets of documents as \(\texttt {LODL}_{3}\) and \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\) respectively.

The owl:imports directive defines a transitive process, i.e., an imported ontology may itself import additional ontologies [1]. The documents in \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\) only import the goodrelations Footnote 3 ontology, which is accessible and does not contain links to any other ontology. On the other hand, the documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{3}\) import 221 distinct ontologies from 62 different domain names. 76.9% of such imported ontologies were accessible, and only 52 of the documents imported ontologies with nested owl:imports statements. We found that the maximum length of transitive owl:imports chain is 4. Table 3 provides more information about the documents and the imported ontologies they mention. In the public repository, we report also the list of all inaccessible ontologies and more details on the ones that we fetched.

Experimental Procedure. We proceeded in a similar way to Sect. 4, namely, we performed three reasoning processes: one over the documents without the imported ontologies, one over only the set of imported ontologies, and one over the document and its imported ontologies combined. Also in this case, we count as new derivation only those triples that are exclusively present in the last step (i.e., triples that are impossible to derive without importing external ontologies).

Table 3. Number of triples and number of imported links per document.

5.1 Experimental Results

Similarly to Sect. 4.1, we categorized documents into the three groups of Deriving, Not-Deriving, and Failure, and present the collected statistics in Fig. 5a. The figure shows that both reasoners derived new triples from every document in \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\). However, we also see that for a significant number of documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{3}\) both reasoners were not able to derive any new triple. This was surprising to us since these documents were explicitly pointing to the external ontologies so we assumed that the import process would lead to at least some new derivations.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Ratio of documents in Derived/Not Derived/Failed groups. (b) Ratio of documents that derived each type of derivations.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Number of new derivations vs the document size after importing ontologies using Jena (a), and Pellet (b).

Deriving Documents. Figure 6 reports the number of new derived triples against the number of triples in the input document. We observe no proportional relation between the number of derived triples and the size on input document in \(\texttt {LODL}_{3}\) and the outcome with the two reasoners is different. This is in contrast with \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\) because here both reasoners derived roughly an equal number of derivations. Furthermore, each reasoner in \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\) derived almost the same number of triples per document (dots overlay each other in the figure). There are two reasons behind such regularity on \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\): First, as Table 3 shows, documents in \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\) tend to be of similar size; second, all documents in \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\) import the same ontology (goodrelations).

Similarly as before, we classified the newly derived triples into our four categories and report the results in Fig. 5b. We notice that the type of new derivations is akin to what reasoners derived when IRIs were de-referenced (see Fig. 3b). In both cases, new Type1 triples are almost nonexistent and almost all documents lead to the derivation of Type3 and Type4 triples. Additionally, we also observe that with Jena more documents derive Type2 and Type3 triples than with Pellet. As we explained in Sect. 4, this is because Type2 and Type3 triples usually include information that Pellet can derive without external ontological data (and hence are not counted as new derivations).

Not Deriving Documents. While there is no Not Deriving document in \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\), as Fig. 5a shows, the percentage of Not Deriving documents in \(\texttt {LODL}_{3}\) is remarkably higher than when IRIs are de-referenced (see Fig. 3a). To find the cause, we studied the connections between the documents and the ontologies they import. In some cases, we found that the ontological information included from external sources was either already in the document or reasoners were able to derive it from the triples in the document itself. In other cases (which were the majority), we found that the owl:imports statement was the only link between the document and the imported ontology. In other words, no term from the directly or indirectly imported ontologies was used in triples of the input document.

We can only speculate on the possible reasons behind the lack of links between the documents and the imported ontologies. One possible explanation could be that publishers put the owl:imports statements at the beginning of a large file (as a sort of “header”) even though the remote knowledge was relevant for triples that were serialized much later on. Then, the large file was split in smaller ones without replicating the owl:imports statement on each file. In such a case, the only file that would contain the owl:imports statement is the first split, but this split does not contain any relevant triple for the remote ontology and hence no new derivation is produced (and the ones that could benefit from the remote content do not contain a link to the ontology).

Similarly, another case could occur if the publisher stores the TBox and ABox triples into different files and the owl:imports statement is put in the TBox file even though it points to relevant information for the ABox triples. In this case, if the ABox files do not import the TBox file, then the owl:imports statement will appear in a file (the TBox one) where it is not needed while files which might need it are not properly linked.

Failures. In about 18% of the cases, Pellet failed and threw an exception about inconsistency. There were no failures with \(\texttt {WDC}_{3}\). Jena timed out in only \(\sim \)0.3% of the cases. Pellet never timed out.

6 Related Work

Various aspects of Linked Open Data have been extensively studied in the last decade. Studies span a wide range of subjects including the quality of data [5, 22, 25], inconsistencies in the schema [2], the utilization of the standard vocabularies, and the depth and quality of the ontologies [11, 12, 32]. In [12], the authors provide some statistics about the utilization of ontologies and vocabularies. Bechhofer et al. [4] analyze a number of ontologies on the Web and find that the majority are OWL Full, mostly because of the syntactic errors or misuse of the vocabulary. Wang et al. [32] present similar finding and also report the frequency of the OWL language constructs and the shape of class hierarchies in the ontologies. Authors of [16] processed a large number of ontologies with various reasoners and show that most OWL reasoners are robust against the web.

As part of their research, authors of [10] report that only a small percentage of graphs on the Web uses owl:imports, a claim that our results confirm. The authors of  [17] introduce \(\epsilon \)-Connections to provide modelers with suitable means for developing Web ontologies in a modular way, and to provide an alternative to owl:imports.

More recently, Glimm et al. [15] discuss the current availability of OWL data on the Web. They report a detailed analysis on the number of used RDFS/OWL terms and highlight that the owl:sameAs triples are very popular. Similarly, Matentzoglu et al. [23] present another evaluation of the OWL landscape on the Web and a method to build an OWL DL corpus for evaluation of OWL engines. There have also been extensive studies on quality assessments and consistency of graphs on the Web. For instance, Zaveri et al. [33] provide a framework for linked data assessment. Feeney et al. [14] found string interdependencies between vocabularies and provide a tool to combine common linked data vocabularies into a single local logical model. Furthermore, they suggest a set of recommendation for linked data ontology design. None of these methods evaluate the interplay between data distribution and reasoning as we do. Therefore, we believe our results are a natural complement to all the above works.

7 Conclusions

The goal of this paper was to better understand how the distribution and reusage of ontologies affect reasoning on the Web of data. To this end, we analyzed several samples from LODLaundromat, which is a large crawl of RDF documents, and from Web Data Commons, which contains knowledge graphs that are embedded in HTML pages. We selected samples from hundreds of different domains in order to be as representative as possible. We compared the derivations produced by Pellet and Jena with and without remote external ontologies to understand, both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, which are the major changes in terms of new derivations.

What have we learned? If we do not include any remote ontology, then reasoning tends to be rather trivial in the sense that it mainly returns RDFS and OWL axioms or description of the terms used in the document (e.g. that a property is an instance of rdfs:Property). However, if we do include remote ontologies, either by IRI de-referencing or owl:imports, then reasoners are able to derive many more non-trivial derivations.

Next to these positive findings, our analysis highlights some important problems:

  • Reasoning on single documents is not always possible. In fact, we observed a number of failures (0.1–12%) during the reasoning process with both reasoners. These failures are due to either syntax errors, timeouts or inconsistencies;

  • There are a non-negligible number of cases where the inclusion of the remote ontologies did not lead to any new derivation. Also, there are cases where the inclusion of remote ontologies breaks the reasoning process since it causes inconsistencies;

  • The owl:imports directive is rarely used. Furthermore, it seems in many cases it is not used correctly (e.g., if the dataset is split in multiple files, the owl:imports statement is not replicated on each file) and this greatly reduces its potential;

  • A significant number of IRIs are not accessible anymore. This is an important problem because the Semantic Web encourages ontological reuse as a basic principle, and if an ontology becomes unavailable then all documents that link to it will be unable to access its knowledge.

Some of these issues are already being studied in the community (for instance the rare usage of owl:imports is shown in [10], and the problem of non-accessible IRIs is well-known [20]) while others are not well-studied yet. Possible directions for future work could aim at researching techniques to selectively pick the “best” remote ontologies to avoid stumbling in errors. Also, it would be interesting to design methods to try to recover from situations where the documents do not point to any remote ontology by considering, for instance, ontologies that were linked for similar data. All these techniques could be potentially useful to make the Semantic Web more resilient to adverse situations. With this paper, we provided a first snapshot of the current state of reasoning on the Web of Data. Our findings are encouraging, and our hope is that they stimulate the community to reflect on the adoption of current semantic technologies.