
1 Introduction

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) plays a key role in the sustained growth and stability of the economy world-wide. There is a huge and urgent need in training STEM people in parallel programming, as well as in providing STEM people with better programming environments that help in porting scientific applications to modern supercomputers. It is key for code modernization, specially to exploit the computational power of new devices such as NVIDIA GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi.

The new specifications of directive-based parallel programming standards OpenMP 4.5 [24] and OpenACC 2.5 [23] are increasingly complex in order to support heterogeneous computing systems. There is some debate regarding the prescriptive nature of OpenMP 4.5 compared to the descriptive capabilities available in OpenACC. In addition, performance portability is not guaranteed by OpenMP 4.5 specification, and currently there is divergence in features supported by different vendors (e.g., PGI, Cray, IBM, Intel, GNU) in different devices (e.g., CPU, GPU, KNC/KNL). Overall, the responsibility falls on the developer to choose best practices that facilitate performance portability [18, 20].

The new Parallware tools [2] aim at going one step forward towards supporting best practices for performance portability. It is useful to track the progress of new features in OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC 2.5, as well as the availability and performance of their implementation in each available compiler and target device. We expect Parallware tools to be of interest for HPC facilities in the following use cases:

  • Improvement of current HPC education and training environments in order to provide experiential learning to STEM people.

  • Design and implementation of new miniapps to help porting HPC applications to next generation supercomputers.

  • Creation of acceptance tests for HPC systems procurement.

  • Port of HPC applications to upcoming (pre-)exascale supercomputers.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses best practices from HPC expert developers in the parallel programming of CORAL Benchmarks [9], NAS Parallel Benchmarks [6] and XRayTrace miniapp [19]. The nomenclature of the parallel design patterns used internally in Parallware technology is introduced in order to compare the parallelization of the benchmark codes. Section 3 presents the new tool Parallware Trainer using as a guide the CORAL microbenchmark HACCmk. The technological challenges to be addressed in Parallware core technology in order to support modern HPC applications are described. It also introduces the foreseen tool Parallware Assistant oriented to development of HPC codes. Section 4 presents the current technological roadmap of Parallware tools. Finally, Sect. 6 presents conclusions and future work.

2 Analysis of Benchmarks: CORAL, NPB and XRayTrace

Benchmark suites are designed to test the performance of supercomputers at a hardware/software level, ranging from processor architecture, memory, interconnection network, I/O, file system, operating system, up to user applications that are mission critical for HPC facilities. In this study we analyze OpenMP and OpenACC parallel implementations of the compute-intensive C/C++ codes found in XRayTrace [19], CORAL [9] and NPB [6].

2.1 Parallel Design Patterns of Parallware

Several approaches try to divide programs into (parallel) algorithmic patterns and follow a pattern-based analysis of the code (see McCool et al. [22], Mattson et al. [21], Berkeley’s dwarfs (or motifs) [5]). However, such patterns seem to be too difficult to apply in practice [25]. In contrast, we use the parallel design patterns detected by the Parallware technology [4], which have been successfully applied to real programs from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks [16], and from the fields computational electromagnetics [10], oil & gas [3] and computational astrophysics [12].

The pseudocodes presented in Fig. 1 describe three parallel design patterns detected by Parallware technology. The Parallel Forall of Listing 1.1 represents parallel computations without race conditions at run-time. In each iteration of for_j, a new value A[j] is computed. The value T is a loop temporary computed in each iteration of for_j, where B[j] denotes read-only values. The Parallel Scalar Reduction of Listing 1.2 represent a reduction operation whose result is a single value A, where + is a commutative, associative operator. The Parallel Sparse Reduction of Listing 1.3 represent a reduction operation whose result is a set of values. Each iteration of for_j updates a single value A[B[j]], where the access pattern can only be determined at run-time and thus there may appear race conditions during the parallel execution.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Pseudocodes of the parallel design patterns used in Parallware.

Examples of parallel design patterns are presented in source code snippets of XRayTrace and HACCmk. In Listing 1.5, the loop for_i contains a parallel forall where the output is vx1, where dx1 is a loop temporary and fcoeff is a read-only value. In Listing 1.6, the loop for_j contains a parallel scalar reduction whose output is xi, where dxc is a loop temporary and fcxx1oeff is a set of read-only values. Finally, Listing 1.4, the loop for_it contains parallel sparse reductions where the outputs image and I_ang have access patterns that are known at run-time only.

figure a
figure b

The results in Table 1 reveal the usage of Parallware’s parallel design patterns by HPC expert developers. The pattern Parallel Forall implementation ParallelForLoopImpl corresponds to a fully parallel loop implemented with pragmas parallel for in OpenMP and pragmas parallel loop in OpenACC. In contrast, the design patterns Parallel Scalar Reduction and Parallel Sparse Reduction add synchronization to guarantee correctness during parallel execution. Only three different implementations are used in the benchmarks: AtomicImpl, which prevents race conditions by adding pragmas atomic that guarantee atomic memory accesses to the reduction variable; ReductionImpl, which uses clause reduction to compute thread-local temporary results that are later reduced into the output reduction value; and PrivateImpl, which is a hand-made implementation of the clause reduction using clauses private/shared and pragma critical. The numbers show that atomic is not used for scalar reductions. In addition, reduction is not used for sparse reductions because the clause does not support arrays in OpenMP 3.1.

Table 1. Parallel design patterns used by HPC developers in the C/C++ implementation of NPB, CORAL and XRayTrace. (*) XRayTrace provides one OpenACC implementation; the remaining bechmark codes are OpenMP implementations only.

2.2 Case Study: ORNL’s Miniapp XRayTrace

Work in progress at ORNL is focused on creating the miniapp XRayTrace, a new benchmark that will be used to evaluate the performance of pre-exascale Summit supercomputer. The Listing 1.4 shows an excerpt of the GPU code implemented by the HPC expert using OpenACC 2.5. The miniapp also provides an OpenMP 3.1 version to run on multicore CPUs.

The routine RayTraceImageLoop() (see Listing 1.4, line 2) basically consists of a loop for_it that computes a parallel design pattern Parallel Sparse Reduction on variables I_ang and image using an AtomicImpl implementation (see #pragma acc atomic, lines 48 and 57). It is the best choice from the point of view of maintainability, as it provides a compact, easy-to-understand implementation. It is also applicable across standards and devices, all of which provide performant support for atomic operations. As shown in Table 1, it is noticeable that AtomicImpl was not the preferred implementation in NPB and CORAL, where PrivateImpl was largely the option of choice by HPC expert developers.

The OpenACC 2.5 implementation is optimized to reduce CPU-to/from-GPU data transfers, as this is a critical performance factor according to best practices for GPUs today [17]. The key issue here is to handle data scoping for scalar and array variables. The HPC expert developer has specified the array ranges in clauses copyin and copyout for arrays x, y, a, b, dv, rays2, image, I_ang (see Listing 1.4, line 14). In order to avoid unnecessary CPU-to/from-GPU data transfers, temporary array variables gain and seed have been allocated only in the device using the clause deviceptr and the API calls copy_device() and free_device().

Finally, the C/C++ features used in the codeFootnote 1 also pose technological challenges on the Parallware core technology. There are calls to the auxiliary functions RayTrace_calc_ray() and findfirstsingle() (see Listing 1.4, lines 29 and 35), aliases that temporarily point to the output array (see double *Iv2 pointing to double *image, lines 45–46), as well as user-defined datatypes ray_gain_struct, ray_seed_struct and ray_struct (e.g. see lines 7, 8 and 9).

Table 2. Execution times (in seconds) and speedups of XRayTrace in Finisterrae (CPU Intel Xeon and NVIDIA GPU P100).

The execution times and speedups of Table 2 were measured on the Juron system at the Julich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). The hardware setup is a IBM S822LC with CPU 2x POWER8NVL, 10 cores each (8xSMT) and NVIDIA P100 GPUs (only 1 used for these runs). The tested setups are CPU-based sequential execution (CPU Serial), CPU-based parallel execution with OpenMP 3.1 (CPU OMP3.1) and GPU-based parallel execution with OpenACC 2.5 (GPU ACC2.5). The compiler flags for GCC 6.3 are -fopenmp -O2 (thus, CPU Serial is measured as CPU OMP3.1 with 1 thread). The flags for PGI 16.10 are -mp -O2 for CPU Serial and CPU OMP3.1, and -acc -O2 -ta=tesla for GPU ACC2.5. Four increasing test sizes were considered: Small ASE (399000 rays, 3 lengths), Medium ASE (399000 rays, 8 lengths), Small Seed (7803000 rays, 3 lengths) and Medium Seed (7803000 rays, 8 lengths). The numbers show that GCC is the best choice for multi-threaded execution on the CPU (minimum speedup is 29\(\times \) using 160 threads, with respect to CPU Serial). In contrast, PGI enables efficient execution on the GPU, which is 1.5 \(\times \,-\)3.5\(\times \) faster than CPU OMP3.1 using GCC (minimum speedup is 60\(\times \), with respect to CPU Serial).

Finally, the execution times and speedups of Table 3 were measured on the Finisterrae system at the Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA). The test platform is a dual Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 CPU, 12 cores each, running at 2.5 GHz (hyperthreading is disabled). The GPU accelerator for OpenACC computing is a Tesla K80. It is remarkable that, using the GCC compiler, CPU OMP3.1 is significantly faster on Minsky nodes than on Intel-based nodes (minimum speedup is 29\(\times \) on Juron, compared to 5.7\(\times \) on Finisterrae). Regarding the PGI compiler, CPU OMP3.1 does not perform well on Minsky nodes because the support of POWER ISA is very recent in PGI compilers, and more investigations on the correct usage of the PGI compiler are needed.

3 Parallware Trainer

Parallware Trainer [2] is a new interactive tool for high-productivity HPC education and training using OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC 2.5. It allows experiential learning by providing an interactive, real-time GUI with editor capabilities to interact with the Parallware technology for source-to-source automatic parallelization of sequential codes.

Hereafter, the current strengths and weaknesses of Parallware Trainer binary release 0.4 (May 2017) are discussed using as a guide the CORAL microbenchmark HACCmk. Next, the suite of Parallware tools under development is presented, describing the key technological differences with respect to other tools available to the HPC community.

3.1 Case Study: CORAL Microbenchmark HACCmk

The Listings 1.5 and 1.6 show an excerpt of the source code of the CORAL microbenchmark HACCmk, written in C and parallelized using OpenMP 3.1 by an HPC expert developer. The main program consists of a loop that defines increasing tests sizes n, ranging from 400 up to 15000. The HPC expert developer has used a parallel design pattern Fully Parallel Loop. For each test size, the pragma #pragma omp parallel for enables the conflict-free multi-threaded computation of the output arrays vx1, vy1 and vz1.

Parallware Trainer 0.4 does not discover parallelism across calls to user-defined functions. It fails to find the fully parallel loop for_i in main() because of the call to Step10_orig() (see Listing 1.5, line 19). In contrast, Parallware succeeds to parallelize the loop for_j inside this routine (Listing 1.6, lines 10–22), and reports the following user messages:

figure c

The code contains a parallel design pattern Parallel Scalar Reduction involving three scalar variables xi, yi and zi. It also displays the ranking of available implementations: #1 being ReductionImpl and #2 being AtomicImpl (see Table 1). Following best practices observed in CORAL and NPB, Parallware selects ReductionImpl as the option that minimizes synchronization during the execution of the parallel scalar reductions xi, yi and zi. The output source code produced by Parallware contains OpenMP 3.1, OpenACC 2.5 and OpenMP 4.5 pragmas annotated on loop for_j (see codes in Listings 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9).

figure d

The OpenMP annotations manage data scoping explicitly both on the CPU version (Listing 1.7, lines 1–3, clauses default, private, shared and reduction) as well as on the accelerated version (Listing 1.9, line 1, clause map). Parallware also suggest a list of actions to be carried out by the user. For array variables xx1, yy1, zz1 and mass1, the tool generates empty array ranges because it cannot determine the array elements to be transferred between the CPU and the accelerator (Listing 1.9, line 1, clause map(to:...,xx1[])). The development of more precise array range analysis is planned in Parallware’s technological roadmap.

The execution times and speedups of Table 4 were measured on the Juron system at JSC (Table 5 shows similar numbers on the Finisterrae at CESGA). Running the OpenMP 3.1 version with 160 threads, we observe that HACCmk’s original implementation runs faster than Parallware’s automatically generated version (speedups 18\(\times \) and 0.9\(\times \), respectively). The reason is that the HPC expert developer exploits coarser grain parallelism (number of parallel regions is 730 in Listing 1.5, line 13), while Parallware versions incur in high parallelization overhead because a parallel region is created/destroyed in each call to procedure Step10_orig() (number of parallel regions is \(730 \times 327 = 238710\) in Listing 1.7). The PGI compiler provides worse performance for the original HACCmk (running time 9.14 versus 7.42 of GCC). However, the performance with Parallware version performs poorly, probably due to the fact that the PGI run-time incurs in higher overhead in creation/destruction of parallel regions. Work-in-progress aims at adding support for interprocedural detection of parallelism. By managing procedure calls that write only on scalar variables passed by reference (see Listing 1.5, line 19, parameters &dx1, &dy1, &dz1), Parallware will successfully detect and parallelize the fully parallel loop for_i (Listing 1.5, lines 17–23). By matching the HPC expert’s parallel implementation, we expect Parallware to provide acceptable performance similar to the original version.

Finally, note that OpenACC-enabled version with PGI 16.10 does not accelerate CPU OMP3.1, probably because HACCmk requires many CPU-to/from-GPU data transfers of small size. However, it is remarkable that Parallware still achieves an speedup 4.8\(\times \) with respect to the serial code. The numbers show that while thread creation/destruction is very expensive on the CPU, its overhead is not so critical on the GPU.

Table 3. Execution times (in seconds) and speedups of HACCmk in Finisterrae (CPU Intel Xeon and NVIDIA GPU Tesla K80).

Overall, the experiments show that Parallware supports the parallel design pattern Fully Parallel Loop, but it needs improvements in inter-procedural analysis to exploit coarser-grain parallelism with OpenMP and OpenACC.

3.2 The Parallware Suite

Parallware technology [1, 4] uses an approach for parallelism that does not rely on loop-level classical dependence analysis. The classical approach builds systems of mathematical equations whose solutions allow to identify pairs of memory references in the loop body that might lead to race conditions during the parallel execution of the loop. In contrast, Parallware uses a fast, extensible hierarchical classification scheme to address dependence analysis. It splits the code into a small domain-independent computational kernels (e.g. assignment, reduction, recurrence, etc.), combining multiple static analysis techniques including array access patterns, array access ranges, and alias analysis. Next, it checks contextual properties between the kernels in order to discover parallelism and to select the most appropriate paralleling strategy for the loop. Finally, Parallware adds the corresponding OpenMP/OpenACC directives and performs code transformations as needed (e.g. array privatization in parallel reductions, which is natively supported by OpenMP in Fortran but not in C). Parallware is also based on the production-grade LLVM compiler infrastructure.

Parallware Trainer [2] is a new interactive tool for high-productivity HPC education and training. It allows experiential learning by providing an interactive, real-time GUI with editor capabilities to assist in the design and implementation of parallel code. Powered by the hierarchical classification engine of Parallware technology, it discovers parallelism, provides a ranking of parallel design patterns, and implements those designs using standards OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC 2.5 (see video tutorials How to use Parallware Trainer available at Overall, the main advantages of Parallware Trainer are high availability 24\(\,\times \,\)7, reduction of costs, and broader audience of STEM people in far-away geographical locations.

Table 4. Execution times (in seconds) and speedups of HACCmk in Juron (CPU IBM Power8 and NVIDIA GPU P100).
Table 5. Execution times (in seconds) and speedups of HACCmk in Finisterrae (CPU Intel Xeon and NVIDIA GPU Tesla K80).

Parallware Assistant, currently under development, will be the next tool of the suite. The Parallware Trainer is oriented to HPC education and training, so its GUI only shows the key information needed to understand why a code snippet can be parallelized (e.g., contains a scalar reduction with an associative, commutative sum operator), and how it can be executed in parallel safely (e.g., atomic update of the sum operator). In contrast, the Parallware Assistant will provide detailed information about every operator and every variable of the code, for instance, detailed data scoping and detailed array access ranges.

4 The Technological Roadmap of Parallware

Following current startup business practices, we seek to attain the minimum viable product (MVP) as quickly as possible. At the same time we are doing the MVP work, we are testing the market from the business side. We are discussing the sales cycle, price sensitiveness and business value to the target customers. We are conducting an early access program for Parallware Trainer, our first product for high-productivity STEM education and training in parallel programming for undergraduate and PhD levels.

Parallware’s technological roadmap is driven by the best practices observed in CORAL, NPB and XRayTrace. Our go-to-market strategy is based on engaging with world-class HPC facilities, working together to better understand how to help them with their mission-critical activities (e.g., technology scouting, creation of benchmark codes, porting of HPC applications). Thus, we are participating in strategic partnership programs (BSC, ORNL and TACC) and deploying Parallware Trainer in real production environments (BSC, ORNL, NERSC, LRZ).

As of writing, our priorities for the technological development of Parallware Trainer in the short and medium term are (in order of priority):

  1. 1.

    Improve the usability of the GUI to facilitate the analysis, compilation and execution of scientific programs. Analyze programs across multiple source code files that use MPI, OpenMP and OpenACC. Integrate the GUI with compilers from different vendors (e.g., IBM, PGI) in production-level supercomputers (e.g. modules, job queuing systems).

  2. 2.

    Improve the support for parallel design patterns parallel scalar reduction and parallel sparse reduction. As of writing, Parallware already supports the AtomicImpl and ReductionImpl implementations for OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC 2.5, both for CPU and GPU devices. Work-in-progress aims at adding support for the PrivateImpl implementation as well.

  3. 3.

    Provide a ranking of parallel implementations, suggesting the “best” option for a given parallel programming standard, compiler and device. Mechanisms for the user to select the preferred implementation will be added.

  4. 4.

    Provide a list of suggestions for the user to improve the parallel implementation generated by the Parallware tools. Current work aims at improving data scoping support though advanced techniques for array range analysis and detection of temporary arrays. This information is useful to minimize CPU-to/from-GPU data transfers, for example by allocating temporary arrays directly on the GPU device.

  5. 5.

    Improve the Parallware core technology to discover parallelism across procedure calls. Inter-procedural analysis (IPA)Footnote 2 usually requires handling user-defined data structures (e.g. struct), auxiliary pointer variables that alias with output variables (aliasing), and C++ STL classes (e.g. std::vector).

Finally, our go-to-market strategy is aligned with world-class exhibitions ISC High Performance 2017 (ISC’17) and Supercomputing 2017 (SC17). During 2017, we plan to commercially launch Parallware Trainer, an interactive, real-time editor with GUI features to facilitate the learning, usage, and implementation of parallel programming. We also plan to test a prototype of Parallware Assistant, a new software tool that will offer a high-productivity programming environment to help HPC experts to manage the complexity of parallel programming. Example of technical features are detailed data scoping at the loop and functions levels, and visual browsing of the parallelism found in the code.

5 Related Work

Parallelization tools have been built in the past that discover parallelism in loops via symbolic equations, where the user can input ranges of values given a set of inputs. Some of these tools include SUIF [15], Polaris [7], Cetus [8], iPAT/OMP [11] and ParaWise [13] (CAPTools/CAPO). However, these tools are extremely hard to use with real applications, even for advanced application developers because they rely on research compilers with complex user interfaces and they take significant amount of time to complete their analysis. Some of them are restricted to the older Fortran 77 standard or focus on loop level parallelism for simple array operations. In contrast, Parallware uses a fast, extensible hierarchical classification scheme to address dependence analysis. Based on the production-grade LLVM compiler infrastructure, Parallware is beginning to show success on the parallelization of C codes that defeat the other tools.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

Preliminary results suggest that the parallel design patterns used by HPC expert developers have not changed significantly across NPB, CORAL and new bechmarks such as XRayTrace. The latest updates in OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC 2.5 improve support for reductions and atomic operations. This is expected to simplify implementations, leading to better productivity and maintainability.

Writing performance portable code is a challenge and a responsability for the programmer. Parallware tools are a step forward to help in this regard by supporting best practices for OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC 2.5 across different compilers and devices. The parallel design patterns used in Parallware technology have been shown to be an effective approach to discover the parallelism available in the benchmark NPB, CORAL and XRayTrace.

As future work, we plan to finish this study with NPB, CORAL, XRayTrace and other well-known benchmark suites such as SPECaccel. We are aware of the importance of Fortran, and we are working to support it as soon as the new Fortran front-end is available for LLVM [14].