
1 Introduction

This work deals with the preparation of input text data and consequent document classification using unsupervised methods.

Since a significant portion of the algorithms used for document classification internally utilizes some measures of vector similarity, one of the crucial steps of document pre-processing is the conversion of input text into some kind of a vector representation. The basic approach to such conversion is a so-called Bag-of-Words model(BOW) [4] – in such case, each document is represented by a vector where each element corresponds to a word from a fixed position in the lexicon. The value of such element is usually directly proportional to the number of occurrences of the given word in the given document (term frequency – tf) and indirectly proportional to the number of documents where the given word occurs (the inverse document frequency – idf). The resulting tf-idf model is very successful [2, 6, 7]. However, sometimes the length and sparseness of the resulting vector, stemming from the size of the lexicon, may hurt the performance of the classification algorithms. Several methods for the reduction of the vector dimension are therefore discussed later and constitute the core of our work.

For the classification itself, we have picked two methods – the “classic” clustering algorithm K-means, which is simple but is known to perform well if we are able to present it with the suitable feature vectors, and the state-of-the-art methods for unsupervised topic detection, the Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), adapted for document classification.

2 Datasets

As our basic dataset, we have picked the 20NewsGroups English corpusFootnote 1 which is widely used as a benchmark for document classification [7, 9, 12, 13]. It contains 20 000 text documents which are evenly divided into 20 categories that each contain discussion about a specific topic. The second data set CNO is in Czech language and contains also approximately 20 000 articles divided into 31 categoriesFootnote 2. This corpus was created so that it is at least in size and partially also in topics comparable to the English data set.

In order to compare our results with the ones published previously, we have re-created two subdivisions of the 20NewsGroups corpus. The first one is created according to [13, 14] and consists of the following subsets:

  • Set 20NG consists of all 20 original categories but includes only documents containing at least 10 word tokens (after stop-word removal). This results in approximately 17 000 documents in total.

  • Set 10NG consists of the same documents as the 20NG above but divides them into 10 categories only – the reduced number of categories was obtained by merging 5 original comp, 3 religion, 3 politics, 2 sport and 2 transportation categories into one category for each “domain”.

  • The next group of subsets contains 9 sets for small-scale experiments – there are three Binary, three 5Multi and three 10Multi sets, each containing 500 documents only and prepared in the following way:

    • Binary subsets (denoted Binary[0/1/2]) are created by randomly choosing 2 categories (from the original 20) and randomly drawing 250 documents from each of them.

    • Analogically, the 5Multi[0/1/2] subsets were created by randomly choosing 5 original categories and randomly drawing 100 documents from each.

    • And finally, the 10Multi[0/1/2] subsets were created by randomly choosing 10 original categories and randomly drawing 50 documents from each.

The other subdivision is created in order to compare the results with experiments described in [12]. This set, denoted as Binary20NG, is comprised of 20 bi-classes – each bi-class consists of one class containing all the documents from one of the original categories (i.e., 1000 documents) and the second class containing 1000 documents randomly drawn from the pool of other 19 categories. Two-thirds of each such bi-class documents are used as the training data, the remaining third constitutes the test set.

The CNO set was not subdivided in any such way.

3 Preprocessing

First, we removed all the headers from the 20NewsGroups data, except for the Subject. Then all uppercase characters were lower-cased and all digits were replaced by one universal symbol.

As the next processing step, we wanted to conflate different morphological forms of the given word into one representation. This can be achieved by either lemmatization or stemming – even though those two procedures have rather similar outputs, we opted for lemmatization. The MorphoDiTa [15] tool was picked for the task – it works for both English and Czech and is available as a Python package.Footnote 3

Further preprocessing traditionally comprises stop-word removal.Footnote 4 Probably the most common approach is to use a pre-defined stoplist, but the stop words can also be determined on the basis of the input data analysis. We use a simple method of detecting stop words from input data. We compute for each lemma its inverse document frequency [6] (idf):

$$\begin{aligned} idf_l = \frac{N}{N(l)} \end{aligned}$$

where N is a total number of documents and N(l) denotes a number of documents containing the lemma l. Then we set a threshold \(\theta \) and classify every lemma l with \(idf_l < \theta \) as a stop word and remove it from further processing.

At this point, we have a suitable data for the LDA analysis as it starts from the set of preprocessed documents (see the details in Sect. 4.1).

However, more data processing is needed when preparing input for the K-means algorithm. We need to compute the tf-idf weights \(w_{l,d}\) for the lemmas \(l \in L\) and documents \(d \in D\) using the well-known formula:

$$\begin{aligned} w_{l,d} = tf_{l,d} * idf_l \end{aligned}$$

where \(tf_{l,d}\) denotes the number of times the lemma l occurs in document d and \(idf_l\) is computed using the Eg. (1).

Besides the basic equations above, there are actually more sophisticated formulas for computing tf and idf available [6]. Many of them are implemented in the Python package sklearn [10]Footnote 5 that we extensively use in essentially all further experiments. The TfidfVectorizer takes the set of input documents (preprocessed as described above) and (optionally) a dictionary and outputs the \(|D| \times |M|\) matrix, where |D| is the number of documents and |M| is the number of features representing each document (in our case it is of course only the number of distinct lemmas occurring in all the preprocessed documents – L – but the feature set can be much richer – e.g. it can include also the higher order n-grams).

This matrix can be used as input for K-means method directly but it is usually beneficial to lower the dimension |M| in order to lower the computational costs of the algorithm. We have decided to reduce the feature vector dimension using the well-know Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [5] which does not only lower the vector dimension but allegedly also captures some of the semantics hidden in the documents. The LSA method is again implemented in the Python package sklearn – the concerned module TruncatedSVD takes the input \(|D| \times |M|\) matrix and produced a \(|D| \times |R|\) matrix (|R| being the desired lower dimension passed as a function parameter) that can be consequently used as an input for the K-means method.

4 Classification Methods

4.1 LDA

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a generative probabilistic model of a corpus [1]. Marginally, documents are represented as random mixtures over latent topics (the latent multinomial variables in the LDA model are referred as topics). Each topic is then characterised by a distribution over terms (in our case, lemmas).

The LDA model itself and the related data preparation functions are implemented in the Python package gensim [11]. The documents preprocessed as described in Sect. 3 are first converted to special gensim’s bag-of-words representation called corpus using the doc2bow function and the special dictionary file is also created.

The LDA method itself then uses both the dictionary and the corpus as its input; the model finds the list of topics (number of topics matches the number of categories of input data) that fits the input data. We set model to classify every document into one cluster only, that is, only the topic with highest probability is a assigned to each document. This model is applied on all prepared corpora (20NG, 10NG, Binary[0/1/2], 5Multi[0/1/2], 10Multi[0/1/2], Binary20NG, CNO) and results can be found in Sect. 6.

4.2 K-Means

The classic K-means clustering method [8] is being used here as a classification algorithm. It is generally accepted that even such a simple method is quite powerful for unsupervised data clustering if it is given an appropriate feature vectors. Since we had good reasons to believe that our feature vectors consisting of the tf-idf weights capture the content of the document rather well (and the reduced feature vectors obtained from LSA do it even better), we expected to find the documents with similar topic often in only one of the clusters discovered by K-means.

We have used the version of K-means algorithm implemented in our favorite sklearn package. First, we used the full matrix of tf-idf weights; however, given the large dimension of such feature vectors, the clustering was feasible only for a small subset of the documents. The full experiments were performed with the reduced feature vectors obtained by applying the LSA. Again, we applied this model on all the date sets described in Sect. 2 and results can be found in Sect. 6.

5 Evaluation

There are quite a few measures for evaluation of the classification algorithms. In our experiments, we have decided to use accuracy, precision and recall; this choice was guided mostly by the fact that we wanted to compare the performance of our algorithms to the previously published results.

The Accuracy measure is applied on Binary20NG data set and represents the percentage of correctly classified documents (i.e., show what percentage of the test documents is assigned with the correct topic).

Precision and Recall measures are computed according to [13] and are used on data sets 20NG, 10NG, Binary[0/1/2], 5Multi[0/1/2], 10Multi[0/1/2] and CNO.The micro-average type of those measures is applied. One dominant category \(c \in C\) is assigned to all output clusters \(t \in T\). This is done by computing number of documents which are the same in t and c, the highest value then designate the dominant category c to cluster (output) t. Every \(c \in C\) can be assigned only to one \(t \in T\). This procedure is done in [13], because of the underlying assumption that user would not have a problem with assigning a dominant topic (if the clusters are relatively homogeneous). We can then define the following quantities: \(\alpha (c,T)\) which defines the number of documents correctly assigned to c, \(\beta (c,T)\) defines the number of documents incorrectly assigned to c and \(\gamma (c,T)\) defines the number of document incorrectly not assigned to c. It is now possible (from those values) to compute micro-average precision P and recall R as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P(T) = \frac{\sum _c \alpha (c,T)}{\sum _c \alpha (c,T)+\beta (c,T)} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} R(T) = \frac{\sum _c \alpha (c,T)}{\sum _c \alpha (c,T)+\gamma (c,T)} \end{aligned}$$

Since the original corpus and output from algorithms are uni-labeled data sets in this scenario, the P(T) is necessarily equal to R(T) (number of original categories in corpus have to be also the same as the number of output clusters from algorithms) and it is sufficient to report only one of those values. That’s why there is only Precision reported in Table 2.

6 Results

First, we report the average results achieved on Binary20NG data set in Table 1. This set of results is compared with results of [12]. The mentioned paper employs supervised methods, two of them baselines and the others are those baseline methods improved by semantic smoothing of the kernels. First used method is K-nearest neighbors (denoted by KNN) and the corresponding method with smoothed kernel is denoted by KNN+P. The second method is support vector machines (SVM) and the corresponding method with smoothed kernel is SVM+P.

The results of our methods are listed in the lower part of the table and denoted as LDA and K-means. The K-means method was applied with both the full matrix of tf-idf weights and with the matrix reduced by LSA (reduced feature vectors of size 2). Sice the work reported in [12] concerns supervised training, the data set in question was designed to consist of training and test portion. We have preserved the partitioning but naturally did not use the supervisory information from the training part for our unsupervised methods.

Table 1. Comparison of our results with results achieved in [12]

Second sets of results are listed in Table 2; these results were achieved on 20NG, 10NG, Binary[0/1/2], 5Multi[0/1/2], 10Multi[0/1/2] data sets. Again, we are comparing our results with the values reported in the previously published paper, this time [13]. The authors of the mentioned paper used the (unsupervised) sIB and sK-means methods. The sIB stands for sequential Information Bottleneck method and the sK-means stands for sequential K-means method (modification of the K-means). This modification lies in updating the centers of the clusters whenever a feature vector is assigned to one of them (not at the end – after all of the feature vectors are assigned – as in classical K-means algorithm). In our experiments, we run our LDA and K-means algorithms 10 times over each subset (same approach used in [13]). Averaged results from those runs are listed in Table 2. The meaning of the K-means experiment labels listed in the table is the following:

  • K-means is the algorithm run with full tf-idf weights

  • K-means(LSA) is the algorithm run with feature vectors reduced by LSA to the dimension equal to the number of original categories (except for sub-set 20NG, where the number of features is set on 2000)

  • K-means (LSA n features) states results from K-means method with input matrix produced by LSA method, which lowers dimension to \(n = 144\) for large data sets (20NG and 10NG) and to \(n = 46\) for small data sets (the rest of data sets in Table 2). The values of n for data sets were computed by using formula listed in [3], which is:

    $$\begin{aligned} n = n_T^{\frac{1}{1+\frac{\log (n_T)}{10}}} \end{aligned}$$

    where \(n_T\) is number of texts (documents).

Table 2. Comparison of our results with results achieved in [13]

Finally, we list some results from CNO data set in Table 3. These are only for the purpose of testing our methods on data in different language than English. This result shows that our approach to the preparation of data can be applied even for the language rather distant from English. We tested different settings on lowering dimension with LSA method. First was set to 2000 and second to 31 (which corresponds to a number of original categories).

Table 3. Results on CNO data set

7 Conclusion

The paper introduced a reasonably effective pipeline for classification of the text documents according their topic. It concentrated mostly on the preprocessing of both the raw input text and the extracted feature vectors. It showed that when applying lemmatization and data-driven stop-word removal to the text documents and consequently reducing the dimension of resulting tf-idf feature vector using LSA, we can get decent classification results even with the most rudimentary classification algorithms, such as K-means. The performance of this unsupervised method was almost on par with some of the simpler supervised algorithms. This is an important finding of our research, since the training data annotated with correct document classification – which are necessary for supervised learning – are often not available.