1 Introduction

Maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) [17] is a thriving constraint optimization paradigm, successfully applied in a growing number of NP-hard real-world problem domains. The currently most successful MaxSAT solvers are SAT-based, i.e., rely on Boolean satisfiability solver technology [4]. In particular, they use SAT solvers to iteratively extract unsatisfiable cores (unsatisfiable sets of soft clauses) and block these cores from the search in the later iterations, until a solution is found. One of the currently most successful algorithmic approaches—as witnessed by the most recent MaxSAT Evaluations [2]—are solvers implementing the so-called implicit hitting set (IHS) approach for MaxSAT. IHS MaxSAT solvers [8, 9, 11, 23, 24] employ a hybrid approach that exploits both a SAT solver for core extraction and an integer programming (IP) solver for obtaining minimum cost hitting sets of the accumulated cores.

Despite the success and recent algorithmic advances in MaxSAT solvers, the SAT-based MaxSAT solvers do not—as witnessed by the empirical results presented in this paper—currently harness the full potential of bounds-based problem simplification during search. Focusing on IHS as the approach which solved the most instances in the general weighted partial category of the 2016 MaxSAT Evaluation, we propose to take advantage of classical ideas from the realm of integer programming to further improve state-of-the-art MaxSAT solvers. In more detail, we show how to integrate reduced cost fixing [6, 7, 22], a standard technique in IP solving that uses bounds on the optimal cost derived during search for inferring variables whose values can be fixed while preserving at least one optimal solution. As we will explain in detail, in terms of MaxSAT search, reduced cost fixing amounts to using upper bounds obtained during search to harden or falsify specific soft clauses, i.e., to force them to be satisfied or falsified. The IHS approach to MaxSAT is a prime candidate for integrating reduced cost fixing since the reduced costs of soft clauses can be readily obtained by solving a linear (LP) relaxation of the hitting set problem maintained during IHS search. Putting this idea into practice, we extend the IHS solver MaxHS with reduced cost fixing, and provide an extensive empirical evaluation showing that reduced cost fixing considerably speeds up MaxHS.

In terms of related work, different techniques of using lower and lower bounds for speeding up MaxSAT solver have studied in varying contexts, including branch-and-bound for MaxSAT [15, 16, 18, 19], use of bounds for MaxSAT solvers in general [13], and hardening based on SAT inferred costs of residual formulas in pure SAT-based core-guided MaxSAT solving [1, 21]. However, to the best of our knowledge, linear programming relaxation based reduced cost fixing has not been previously proposed in the context of MaxSAT. There has, however, been a number of related works exploiting the technique of reduced cost fixing in constraint programming, IP/constraint logic programming, and IP/constraint programming, e.g., [12, 26, 28].

After background on MaxSAT (Sect. 2), we give a bounds-based view of the IHS approach to MaxSAT (Sect. 3), explain how to integrate reduced cost fixing into it (Sect. 4), and present empirical results on the effectiveness of reduced cost fixing in speeding up the IHS solver MaxHS (Sect. 5).

2 Maximum Satisfiability

We work with propositional formulas expressed in conjunctive normal form (CNF). Satisfaction of CNF formulas is defined as usual. Whenever convenient we treat a clause as a set of literals and a CNF formula as a set of clauses. An instance of (weighted partial) maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) \(F = (F_h, F_s, wt )\) consists of two CNF formulas: the hard clauses \(F_h\), the soft clauses \(F_s\) and a weight function \( wt :F_s \rightarrow \mathbb {Q}\) associating a positive rational weight to each soft clause. Given such an instance, any truth assignment \(\tau \) that satisfies the hard clauses is a solution to F. The cost of a solution \(\tau \), \( cost (F, \tau )\), is the sum of the weights of the soft clauses it falsifies: \( cost (F, \tau ) = \sum _{\{\tau \not \models C| C \in F_s\}} wt (C)\). A solution \(\tau \) is optimal if \( cost (F, \tau ) \le cost (F, \tau ')\) for all solutions \(\tau '\). Given an instance F the MaxSAT problem is to find an optimal solution to F. We denote the cost of optimal solutions to F by \( opt\_cost (F)\). We also use \( cost (S)\), for any set of soft clauses S, to denote the sum of weights of the soft clauses in S: \( cost (S) =\sum _{c\in S} wt (c)\). For a MaxSAT instance \(F=(F_h,F_s, wt )\), an unsatisfiable core of F is any subset \(S \subseteq F_s\) of soft clauses such that \(F_h \cup S\) is unsatisfiable.

3 The SAT-IP Implicit Hitting Set Approach to MaxSAT

IHS MaxSAT solvers [8,9,10,11, 23, 24] utilize the so-called implicit hitting set approach [14, 20, 25] to solve weighted partial MaxSAT. These solvers use a SAT solver to accumulate cores and an IP solver to compute a minimum-cost hitting set of the accumulated cores. Since each core is unsatisfiable, any solution must falsify at least one soft clause in every core, i.e., the set of soft clauses falsified by any solution must form a hitting set of the set of cores. Therefore, the cost of any solution is lower-bounded by the cost of the minimum-cost hitting. Further, if these costs are equal, then the solution must be optimal. As first described in [8] an iteration can be set up that ensures that the IHS solver finds an optimal solution after producing a finite number of cores.

figure a

This original algorithm does not, however, provide the upper bounds needed for reduced cost fixing. Upper bounds can be obtained by using non-optimal hitting sets as described in [11]. We give, in Algorithm 1, a new more general formalization of the algorithm described in [11] and a more general correctness condition.

The algorithm first computes an initial model by solving \(F_h\). The returned \(\tau \) is also a solution to F, and provides an initial upper bound once we check which clauses of \(F_s\) are satisfied by \(\tau \).

The Optimizer maintains the set of cores passed to it, adding the cores in \( new\_cores \) to this set (line 7). It always returns a hitting set \( HS \) of its current set of cores, and a flag (\( hs\_is\_opt \)) indicating whether it has verified \( HS \) to be of minimum cost. (\( HS \) might be of minimum cost even if the Optimizer has not verified this.) If \( HS \) is of minimum cost, its cost is a valid lower bound on \( opt\_cost (F)\) and we can update \( LB \). Note that Optimizer’s set of cores can only grow so the cost of a minimum-cost hitting set cannot decrease and the updates never decrease \( LB \).

The SAT solver tests if removing \( HS \) from \(F_s\) results in satisfiability; if not we obtain a new core, \(\kappa \), and add it to the set of \( new\_cores \). We then enter a loop where we accumulate more cores, repeatedly removing all of the soft clauses in \( HS \) and all newly discovered cores (cf. the “disjoint, g” strategy in [24]). At each step a new core is found and the set of soft clauses passed to the SAT solver is further reduced. Since \(F_h\) is satisfiable, the loop must terminate as we will eventually remove enough soft clauses to obtain satisfiability. We then update the upper bound if the found solution has lower cost.

The algorithm terminates when it finds a solution whose cost achieves the lower bound. Such a solution must be optimal; hence Algorithm 1 always returns an optimal solution. We also have that Algorithm 1 must terminate as long as Optimizer satisfies the following general condition. During Algorithm 1 a sequence of calls are made to Optimizer (once every iteration of the while loop). In each call Optimizer computes a hitting set of the accumulated set of cores passed to it in the current and all previous calls, and during that call \( UB \) is the best known upper bound.

Definition 1 (Correctness Condition). Optimizer always returns a hitting set of its accumulated set of cores. And, for every i there exists an \(k>i\) such that the k’th call to Optimizer returns a hitting set, \( HS \), such that either (a) \( cost ( HS )< UB \) or (b) \( HS \) is a minimum-cost hitting set.

Theorem 1

If Optimizer satisfies the correctness condition, then Algorithm 1 must eventually terminate returning an optimal solution.


We show that the sequence of calls to Optimizer is finite, and thus the while loop must terminate. In fact, we need only consider the sub-sequence calls consisting of those calls where Optimizer returns a minimum-cost hitting set or a hitting set with cost less than the current upper bound. By the correctness condition this sub-sequence is infinite iff Algorithm 1 fails to terminate. We say that a hitting set \( HS \) returned by Optimizer is infeasible if \(F_h \cup (F_s \setminus HS )\) is unsatisfiable, otherwise it is feasible. Note that when \( HS \) is feasible, we will have \( cost (\tau ) \le cost ( HS )\) for the returned model \(\tau \), and \( UB \le cost ( HS )\) after line 15.

Optimizer cannot return an infeasible hitting set \( HS \) more than once: \( HS \) will cause a core to be added to Optimizer that \( HS \) does not hit, so \( HS \) will not be a hitting set for any subsequent calls. In the sub-sequence Optimizer can never return a feasible hitting set \( HS \) more than twice. After \( HS \) is returned we have that \( UB \le cost ( HS )\). If Optimizer also returned \( hs\_is\_opt = true \), then \( LB \) will become equal to \( UB \) and the algorithm will terminate. Otherwise, if \( hs\_is\_opt = false \), the lowered \( UB \) implies that if \( HS \) is returned once more in the subsequence it must be with \( hs\_is\_opt = true \), which will cause termination. There are only a finite number of hitting sets, so the sub-sequence must be finite, and Algorithm 1 must terminate.    \(\Box \)

In the version of MaxHS reported on in our empirical evaluation Optimizer utilizes both a heuristic greedy solver and an exact IP solver (IBM CPLEX). It always uses the greedy solver unless it is passed an empty set \( new\_cores \) (which happens when the previous call to Optimizer returned a feasible hitting set). For an empty \( new\_cores \) it uses the IP solver to compute a hitting set. However, it does not ask the IP solver to compute a minimum-cost hitting set. Rather it stops the IP solver as soon as a hitting set with cost less than \( UB \) has been found. When \( UB \) is already equals the optimal cost, the IP solver will run to completion as a lower cost hitting set will never be found. In this case the IP solver will find a hitting set that it can verify to be of minimum cost, and this hitting set and \( hs\_is\_opt = true \) is returned. This scheme is used to reduce the number of times the hitting set problem needs to be solved to optimality [11].

4 Reduced Cost Fixing

Reduced cost fixing is a standard technique in OR [6, 7, 22, 27]. It uses an upper bound and reduced costs obtained from an LP relaxation to fix variables in an IP. Given a minimization IP P containing Boolean (0/1) variables, we can solve P as an LP by allowing the Boolean variables to take on intermediate values between 0 and 1. The cost of the LP solution will be a lower bound on the optimal cost of P. The LP solver also provides a reduced cost for the non-basicFootnote 1 variables set at 0 or 1 in the LP solution. These reduced costs specify the influence of changing a non-basic variable at 0 (1) to 1 (0) on the cost of the LP. Suppose we know a feasible IP solution to P with cost z. If changing a non-basic variable causes the LP solution to increase in cost beyond z, then we can fix that variable to the value it has in the LP solution. Since the LP solution is a lower bound, putting such variables at their opposite values would cause the cost of the IP to increase beyond the cost of an already known feasible solution.

Here we explain how this technique can be used within IHS MaxSAT solvers. In contrast with standard uses of reduced cost fixing we do not want to fix variables of the IP (our IP is the IP of the hitting set problem). Rather we want to fix variables of the MaxSAT problem from which the IP has been derived. This can be done as follows.

Theorem 2

For a MaxSAT problem \(F=(F_h, F_s, wt )\), suppose we have (a) \(B=\{b_1, \ldots , b_n\}\) a set of Boolean variables where each \(b_i=0\) (\(b_i=1\)) represents the satisfaction (falsification) of soft clause \(c_i\in F_s\), (b) \( IP _{\! HS }\) an IP over the \(b_i\) representing the minimum-cost hitting set problem over the current set of cores, (c) \( LP _{\! HS }\) the LP relaxation of \( IP _{\! HS }\), (d) \( best\_\tau \) a feasible solution to F, (e) an optimal solution to \( LP _{\! HS }\) with cost \(z^{LP_{ HS }}_{opt}\), and (f) LP reduced costs \( rc (b_i)\) at the optimal basis.

Then the following simplifications can be performed without changing \( opt\_cost (F)\). (1) For every non-basic variable \(b_i\) set to 0 in the optimal \( LP _{\! HS }\) solution we can make soft clause \(c_i\) hard in F if \(z^{LP_{ HS }}_{opt} + rc (b_i) > cost ( best\_\tau )\) or if \(z^{LP_{ HS }}_{opt} + rc (b_i) = cost ( best\_\tau )\) and \(c_i\) is satisfied in \( best\_\tau \). (2) For every non-basic variable \(b_i\) set to 1 in the optimal \( LP _{\! HS }\) we can make soft clause \(c_i\) false in F if \(z^{LP_{ HS }}_{opt} - rc (b_i) > cost ( best\_\tau )\) or if \(z^{LP_{ HS }}_{opt} - rc (b_i) = cost ( best\_\tau )\) and \(c_i\) is falsified in \( best\_\tau \).


Let \(b_i\) be a non-basic variable at its lower bound in the optimal solution to \( LP _{\! HS }\). Then either \(b_i=1\) is feasible in \( LP _{\! HS }\) or it is not.Footnote 2 If it is not, then, since \( LP _{\! HS }\) is a relaxation of \( IP _{\! HS }\), \(b_i=1\) is also infeasible in \( IP _{\! HS }\). Furthermore, since every core is a logical consequence of F, \( IP _{HS}\) is a relaxation of F and thus \(c_i= false \) must be infeasible in F, and we can harden \(c_i\). On the other hand, if \(b_i=1\) is feasible in \( LP _{\! HS }\), then by the properties of reduced costs, forcing \(b_i=1\) will increase the optimal cost of \( LP _{\! HS }\) by at least \( rc (b_i)\) [3]. Stated a different way, if \( LP ^+\) is \( LP _{\! HS }\) with the added constraint \(b_i=1\), then its optimal cost will be at least \(z^{LP_{ HS }} + rc (b_i)\). \( LP ^+\) is the linear relaxation of \( IP ^+\), which is \( IP _{\! HS }\) with the added constraint \(b_i=1\); and \( IP ^+\) is a relaxation of \(F^+\) which is \(F \cup \lnot c_i\). Hence, \( cost (F^+) >= z^{LP_{ HS }} + rc (b_i)\) and if \(z^{LP_{ HS }} + rc (b_i) > cost ( best\_\tau )\), or if \(z^{LP_{ HS }} + rc (b_i) = cost ( best\_\tau )\) and \(c_i\) is satisfied in \( best\_\tau \), then we can force \(c_i\) to be satisfied in F while still preserving at least one of the optimal solutions of F. The argument for \(b_i\) at its upper bound is analogous.    \(\Box \)

In Algorithm 1 reduced cost fixing can be utilized whenever \( UB - LB \) decreases and is small enough to allow the forcing of some unforced soft clause. In particular, \( rc (b_i)\) is upper-bounded by \( wt (c_i)\) and hence \(c_i\) cannot be forced if \(( UB - LB ) > wt (c_i)\). We use CPLEX to solve the LP relaxation of the hitting set problem to obtain the reduced costs; we do this just before invoking CPLEX in \(\text{ Optimizer }{}\).

5 Experiments

We implemented reduced cost fixing in MaxHS v2.9.8 which entered the 2016 MaxSAT Evaluation. This version of MaxHS included a number of other features shown to improve the solver, described in [9, 11, 23]. We compare the performance of MaxHS with and without reduced cost fixing, with all other features unchanged. We utilized IBM CPLEX v12.7 as the IP/LP solver, and ran our experiments on computing nodes with Xeon 2.8-GHz cores and 256-GB RAM. We limited MaxHS to 1800 s and 3.5 GB on each instance. We also report on longer 5-h (18,000 s), 5-GB runs on Xeon 2.0-GHz cores and 256-GB RAM.

We experimented with all non-random instances that have been collected by and made available by the MaxSAT Evaluation during the years 2008 to 2016. These include extra submitted benchmarks never used in the evaluation. After pruning duplicate instances this yielded 6290 MaxSAT instances (4361 unweighted, 1929 weighted). For the 5-h runs, however, we omitted 507 unweighted instances with no hard clauses (MS instances) most of which encode MaxCut on random graphs. Core-based solvers, including IHS solvers, perform poorly on such instances, and we did not expect any of these instances to complete in 5 h with or without reduced cost fixing. This left 5783 instances to run in these longer experiments (4361 unweighted, 1422 unweighted).

First we examine how frequently reduced cost fixing occurs in our benchmark suite. Figure 1 left shows a histogram of the instances grouped by the number of soft clauses that become fixed during solving. In 5024 of the 6290 instances no reduced cost fixing ever occurs (3953 unweighted, 1071 weighted), but in the remaining 1266 instances fixing can be quite common—in 791 of these instances 100 or more fixings occurred. In extreme cases over a million soft clauses were fixed by the technique (this makes average number of soft clauses fixed misleadingly large). There was little difference in the histograms between weighted and unweighted instances once the zero fixing instances were removed; in fact, the instance with the most fixings was unweighted.

The second question is how much overhead does reduced cost fixing incur, particularly since the LP is solved even when no fixing occurs. There were 26 instances where fixing took more than 100 s. However, 25 of these were not solvable with or without fixing (22 were MaxCut on random graphs). On one solved instance fixing required 214 s out of a total solve time of 835 s (this instance was solved in 416 s without fixing). Of the remaining 6264 instances, on 1782 instances fixing took zero seconds (LP solving was never invoked since the gap between \( UB \) and \( LB \) was never small enough), on 3746 instances fixing took less than 1 s, on 298 instances fixing took between 1 and 10 s, and on 438 instances fixing took more than between 10 and 100 s. Figure 1 right shows, however, that on these 438 instances fixing is well worth the time it takes. The scatter plot shows that fixing provides a significant speedup for most of these instances, especially on the harder instances.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Left: distribution of the frequency reduced cost fixing forces a soft clause to be relaxed or hardened. Right: scatter plot showing that fixing on instances where fixing takes significant time also pays off.

In the rest of our plots we omit data from the 5024 instances on which no reduced cost fixing occurred. We omitted these instances because their run times will only vary by the overhead of fixing (and experimental variances induced by varying cluster loads), and we have already provided data in the previous paragraph showing that this overhead is not significant.

Figure 2 shows scatter plots for all instances, all unweighted instances and all weighted instances. The plots show that fixing generally provides a speedup, and that speedups occur on both weighted and unweighted instances.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Speedup histograms over instances on which reduced cost fixing would force some variables in terms of \(\log _2\) of CPU time with fixing and without fixing. Left: under 30-min per-instance time limit, Right: under 5-h per-instance time limit.

In Fig. 3 we show in more detail the performance improvement obtained from reduced cost fixing. Here we computed the speedup ratio for each instance, i.e., the CPU time taken without reduced cost fixing divided by the CPU time taken when reduced cost fixing is used. As this ratio will be between 0 and 1, for instances that are slowed down by fixing we took \(\log _2\) of this ratio which produces a symmetry between speedups and slowdowns. The plots are in the form of histograms showing for how many instances experience various ranges of the \(\log \) speedup. Figure 3 left shows the \(\log \) speedup ratio for all instances, while on the right we examine the 4361 instances that were run under a per-instance time limit of 5 h.

These histograms verify the value of our technique for exploiting reduced cost fixing in IHS based MaxSAT solvers. When we look at the data from the 5-h runs we see an even more pronounced effect with fewer instances being slowed down, and a smoother distribution for the instances being speeded up.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Scatter plots of CPU times with and without reduced cost fixing, omitting instances 5024 where no fixing occurred. Left: all instances; Middle: unweighted instances; Right: weighted instances.

6 Conclusions

We proposed the use of reduced cost fixing—a standard approach in IP—in MaxSAT solving as a means of utilizing bounds information during search to infer knowledge of soft clauses which are satisfied or left falsified by some optimal solutions. We explained how reduced cost fixing can be integrated into the implicit hitting set approach to MaxSAT by performing reduced cost analysis directly on the LP relaxation of the hitting-set IP already utilized in the IHS search routine. We showed through an extensive empirical evaluation that reduced cost fixing can provide considerable speedups improving on the overall performance of MaxHS.