
1 Introduction

Hedetniemi et al. [3] introduced the concept of (1, k)-domination in graphs. Let k be a positive integer. A subset S of vertices is called a (1, k)-dominating set in G if for every vertex \(v\in V-S\),  there are two distinct vertices \(u, w \in S\) such that u is adjacent to v, and w is within distance k of v \((i.e.~ d_{G}(v, w) \le k)\). Hedetniemi et al. [4, 5] examined (1, k)-domination along with the internal distances in (1, k)-dominating sets. Factor and Langley [1, 2] studied (1, 2)-domination of digraphs.

In this paper, we study (1, 2)-domination in graphs. All our graphs are finite and simple.

2 Bounds of \(\gamma _{1, 2}\) in terms of \(\varDelta \)

We start with the following observations.

Observation 1

For any two graphs G and H, \(\gamma _{1,2}(G\cup H)=\gamma _{1,2}(G)+\gamma _{1,2}(H)\).

Observation 2

If H is a spanning supergraph of G, then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(H)\le \gamma _{1, 2}(G) \).

Theorem 1

If G is a graph of order \(n\ge 4\) with \(\Delta (G) \ge n-2\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{1, 2}(G) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2 &{}\quad \text{ if } G \text{ is } \text{ connected }\\ 3 &{}\quad \text{ if } G \text{ is } \text{ disconnected. } \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$


When \(\Delta (G) = n-1\), let u be a full-degree vertex; and v be any other vertex in G. Then \(\{ u, v\}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set and so \(\gamma _{1,2}\)(G) =2.

When \(\Delta (G) = n-2\), let u be a vertex of degree \(n-2\); and v be the vertex which is not adjacent to u.

Case 1. G is connected.

Let w be a neighbour of v. Then \(\{u, w \}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) =~2\).

Case 2. G is disconnected.

Then v is an isolated vertex. Let S be any (1, 2)-dominating set of G. Since every isolated vertex must lie in S, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \ge 3\). Clearly \(\{u, v, x \}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set for every \(x\in N(u)\) and \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 3\).

Corollary 1

\(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 2\) for the graphs \(G = K_{n}, K_{1, n}, W_{n}, F_{n}\) and \(H+K_{1}\) where H is any graph.

Theorem 2

Let G be a connected graph of order \(n \ge 5\) with \(2 \le \Delta (G) \le n-3 \). Then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \le n- \Delta (G)\).


Let G be a connected graph with the given hypothesis. Let \(\Delta (G) = n - 1 - k\). Then \(2\le k \le n-3\) and \(n-\Delta (G) = k +1\). Let \(V(G) = \{u, v_{i}|1\le i\le n-1\}\), where u is a vertex of degree \(\Delta (G)\), and \(N(u) = \{v_{k+1}, v_{k+2},..., v_{n-1}\}\). Then \(V(G) = N[u]\cup V_{1}\), where \(V_{1} = \{v_{1}, v_{2},..., v_{k}\}\). Since G is connected, at least one vertex in \(V_{1}\) has a neighbour in N(u).

Case 1. Every vertex in \(V_{1}\) has some neighbour in N(u).

Without loss of generality, assume that \(v_{i}\) is adjacent to \(v_{j_{i}}\) in N(u), for \(1\le i \le k\). The vertices \(v_{j_{1}}, v_{j_{2}},..., v_{j_{k}}\) need not be distinct. Let \(V_{2} =\{v_{j_{i}}|1 \le i \le k\}\subseteq N(u)\). Let \(S = \{u, v_{j_{1}}, v_{j_{2}},..., v_{j_{k}}\} ( = V_{2} \cup \{u \})\).

Every vertex \(v_{i} \in N(u)-S\) is adjacent to u and at a distance at most 2 from \(v_{j_{1}}\). Every \(v_{i} \in V_{1}\) is adjacent to \(v_{j_{i}}\) and at a distance 2 from u. Hence S is a (1, 2)-dominating set and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \le k+1\).

Case 2. Some vertex in \(V_{1}\) has no neighbour in N(u).

Without loss of generality, let \(V_{1}^{'} = \{v_{1}, v_{2},..., v_{r}\} \subseteq V_{1}\) be the set of vertices that have no neighbours in N(u). Let \(V_{1}^{''} = V_{1} - V_{1}^{'} = \{ v_{r+1}, v_{r+2},..., v_{k}\}\). Then \(V(G) = N[u]\cup V_{1}^{'}\cup V_{1}^{''}\). Since G is connected, at least one vertex in \(V_{1}^{'}\) is adjacent to some vertex in \(V_{1}^{''}\). Without loss of generality, let \(v_{1}\) be adjacent to \(v_{r+1}\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(v_{i}\) is adjacent to \(v_{j_{i}}\) in N(u), for \(r+1\le i \le k\). The vertices \(v_{j_{r+1}}, v_{j_{r+2}},..., v_{j_{k}}\) need not be distinct. Let \(V_{2} =\{v_{j_{i}}|r + 1 \le i \le k\}\subseteq N(u)\).

Let \(S = \{u, v_{j_{r+1}}, v_{j_{r+2}},..., v_{j_{k}}, v_{1}, v_{2},..., v_{r}\} (= V_{2} \cup V_{1}^{'} \cup \{u\} )\). Every \(v_{i}\in N(u)-V_{2}\) is adjacent to u and at a distance at most 2 from \(v_{j_{r+1}}\). Every \(v_{i}\in V_{1}^{''}\) is adjacent to \(v_{j_{i}}\) and at a distance 2 from u. Hence S is a (1, 2)-dominating set and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \le k+1\).

A wounded spider is the graph formed by subdividing at most \(n-1\) of the edges of a star \(K_{1,n}\) for \(n\ge 2\). Let \( WS_{n,t}\) denote the wounded spider formed by subdividing t edges of \(K_{1, n}\), \(1\le t \le n-1\).

Corollary 2

\(\gamma _{1, 2}(WS_{n,t}) = t + 1\).


Let \( V[WS_{n,t}]=\{u, v_{1}, v_{2},...,v_{n}, v^{'}_{1}, v^{'}_{2}, ... , v^{'}_{t}\}\) and \(E[WS_{n,t}]=\{uv_{j}, v_{i}v^{'}_{i}|\) \( 1\le j \le n, 1\le i \le t\}\). Let S be any (1, 2)-dominating set of \(WS_{n, t}\). For \(1 \le i \le t\), to dominate \(v_{i}\), either \(v_{i} \in S\) or \(v^{'}_{i} \in S\). Moreover, for \(t + 1 \le j \le n\), to dominate \(v_{j}, ~either ~u \in S~ or ~v_{j}\in S\). Therefore, \(|S|\ge t+1 \).

Note that \(t = n - \Delta - 1\). When \(t\ge 2\), then \(\Delta (WS_{n,t}) \le n-3\); and by Theorem 7, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(WS_{n,t}) \le t + 1\). Hence \(\gamma _{1, 2}(WS_{n,t}) = t + 1\).

When \(t = 1\), then \( \Delta (WS_{n,t}) \ge n - 2\); and by Theorem 1, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(WS_{n,t}) = 2\).

3 Composition of Two Graphs

Theorem 3

Let G be a non-trivial connected graph. Then for any graph H, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(GoH) = |V(G)|\).


Let \(V(G) = \{v_{1}, v_{2},..., v_{n}\}\) and \(V(H) = \{u_{1}, u_{2},..., u_{s}\}\). Let \(H_{1}, H_{2},..., H_{n}\) denote the copies of H, where every vertex of \(H_{i}\) is adjacent to \(v_{i}\), \(1 \le i \le n\). Let \(V(H_{i}) = \{ u^{i}_{1}, u^{i}_{2},..., u^{i}_{s}\}\). Let S be any (1, 2)-dominating set of GoH. Since there is no adjacency between the vertices in \(H_{i}\) and \(H_{j}\) for \(i\ne j\), every \(u^{i}_{r}\) in \(H_{i}\) is adjacent to either \(v_{i}\) or \(u^{i}_{k}\), where \(u^{i}_{k} \in N[u^{i}_{r}]\). Hence for each i, \(1 \le i \le n\), to dominate \(V(H_{i})\), we need at least one vertex in S. Hence \(\gamma _{1, 2}(GoH) \ge n\). Let \(S_{1} = \{v_{1}, v_{2},..., v_{n}\}\). For every \(u^{i}_{r}, 1\le i \le n, 1\le r \le s, d_{GoH}(u^{i}_{r}, v_{i}) = 1~ and ~d_{GoH}(u^{i}_{r}, v_{j}) = 2\) for every \(v_{j} \in N_{G}(v_{i})\). Hence \(S_{1}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set and so \(\gamma _{1, 2} (GoH) = n\).

Corollary 3

Let G be any graph having t isolates. Then for any graph H, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(GoH) = |V(G)| + t\), where \(t\ge 0\).


Let \(G_{1}, G_{2},..., G_{k}\) be the components of G.

Then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(GoH) = \sum ^{k}_{i = 1}\gamma _{1, 2}(G_{i}oH)\).

Case 1. \(t = 0\).

Since each \(G_{i}\) is connected, by Theorem 3, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G_{i}oH) = |V(G_{i})|\). Hence \(\gamma _{1, 2}(GoH) = |V(G)|\).

Case 2: \(t \ne 0\).

Without loss of generality, let \(G_{1}, G_{2},...,G_{t}\) denote the components of order 1. Then \(G_{i}oH\) has a full - degree vertex; and so by Theorem 1, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G_{i}oH) = 2\), for \(1 \le i \le t\). By Theorem 3, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G_{i}oH) = |V(G_{i})|\), for \(t + 1 \le i \le k\). Thus, we get the result.

4 Some Characterizations

Theorem 4

Let G be a connected graph of order \(n \ge 2\). Then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n\) if and only if \(n = 2\).


When \(G = K_{2}\), the result is obvious. Conversely, suppose that \(n \ne 2\).

Claim. \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) < n\).

We prove this result by induction on n.

When \(n = 3\), a set of any two vertices of G is a  (1, 2)-dominating set of G and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 2 < n\).

Assume the result for \(n = k\) with \(k\ge 3\).

Next, let G be a connected graph of order \(n = k+1\). Let v be a vertex that is not a cut vertex in G. Then \(G-v\) is connected, and of order \(n-1 = k\). By the induction hypothesis, \(G-v\) has a (1, 2)-dominating set S with \(|S| < k\). (i.e.) \(|S| \le k-1\).

Let u be a neighbour of v.

Case 1. \(u \in S\).

Since G is connected, \(n\ge 3\) and v is not a cut-vertex in G, u has another neighbour (say) w. Then \(S \cup \{w\}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set in G and so \(\gamma _{1,2}(G)\le k < n\).

Case 2. \(u \notin S\).

Since S is a (1, 2)-dominating set in \(G-v\), there exists a vertex \(w\in S\) that is adjacent to u. Then \(S\cup \{u\}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set in G and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \le k < n\).

Thus, by induction, the result follows.

Theorem 5

Let G be a connected graph of order \(n \ge 3\). Then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n-1\) iff \(n = 3\). i.e. \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n-1\) iff \(G = P_{3} ~or ~K_{3}\).


When \(n = 3\), a set of any two vertices of G is a (1, 2)-dominating set of G and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 2 = n-1\). Conversely, suppose that \(n\ne 3 \).

Claim. \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) < n -1\).

We shall prove this result by induction on n.

When \(n = 4\), since G is connected, \(\Delta (G) \ge 2\). Now, any two adjacent vertices form a (1, 2)-dominating set and so \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 2 < n-1\).

Assume the result for \(n = k\) with \(k\ge 4\).

Next, let G be a connected graph of order \(n = k+1\). The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 4.

Corollary 4

Let G be any graph of order n. Then

  1. (i)

    \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n\) iff \(G = sK_{1} \cup \frac{n - s}{2} K_{2}\), with \(0\le s\le n\).

  2. (ii)

    \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n - 1\) iff \(G = sK_{1} \cup \frac{n - s - 3}{2} K_{2} \cup H\), where \(H \cong P_{3} ~or ~K_{3}\), with \(0\le s \le n - 3\).

Theorem 6

Let G be a connected graph of order \(n \ge 4\). Then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n-2\) iff \(G = P_{5}\) or G is of order 4.


If \(G = P_{5}\) or G is of order 4, it is easy to verify that \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n-2\). Conversely, suppose that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n-2. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(n = 5\). If \(\Delta (G) \ge 3 (= n -2)\), then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 2\) (by Theorem  1), contradicting (1). If \(\Delta (G) = 2\), then G is either \(P_{5}\) or \(C_{5}\); but \(\gamma _{1, 2}(C_{5}) = 2\), and so \(G = P_{5}\). Now, let \(n\ge 6\).

Claim. \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) < n - 2\).

We shall prove this result by induction on n.

When \(n = 6\), if \(\Delta (G) \ge n-2\), then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = 2\) (by Theorem 1); if \(3 \le \Delta (G) \le n - 3\), then \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \le n - 3\) (by Theorem 7); if \(\Delta (G) = 2\), then G is either \(P_{6}\) or \(C_{6}\) and \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) \le 3\); and in all these cases, we get a contradiction to (1).

Assume the result for \(n = k\) with \(k\ge 6\). Next, let G be a connected graph of order \(n = k+1\). The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 4.

Corollary 5

For any graph G of order n, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(G) = n-2\) iff G is one of the following graphs:

  1. (i)

    \(G = sK_{1} \cup \frac{n - 6 -s}{2} K_{2} \cup H\), where \(H= 2P_{3}, 2K_{3} ~or ~P_{3} \cup K_{3}\), with \(0 \le s \le n - 6\).

  2. (ii)

    \(G = sK_{1}\cup P_{5}\cup \frac{n - 5 - s}{2}K_{2}\), with \(0 \le s \le n - 5\).

  3. (ii)

    \(G = sK_{1} \cup \frac{n -4 - s}{2} K_{2} \cup H\) where H is a connected graph of order 4, with \(0\le s \le n - 4\).

5 Trees

Theorem 7

Let T be a tree of order \(n \ge 2\). Then \(\gamma _{1,2}(T) = 2\) if and only if T is a Star or Double Star.


Suppose that \(\gamma _{1,2}(T) = 2\). Let \(S = \{u, v\}\) be a (1, 2)-dominating set of T. Then every vertex in T is adjacent with either u or v. Hence \(V(T) = N[u] \cup N[v]\). Then for every \(x\in N(u)\) and \(y\in V(T)\), \(d(x, y) \le d(x, u) + d(u, y) \le 3\); similarly, for every \(x\in N(v)\) and \(y\in V(T)\), \(d(x, y) \le 3\); for every \(x\in V-\{u, v\}\), \(d(u, x) + d(x, v) \le 3\); and so \(d(u, v)\le 3\). Hence \(diam(T) \le 3\); and so T is a Star or a Double Star \(D_{r, ~s}\) (where \(r + s = n-2\)). Converse is obvious.

Theorem 7 deals with the trees of diameter 2 and 3. The next result deals with trees of diameter \(\ge \) 4.

Theorem 8

Let T be a tree of order n with r pendant vertices. Then

  1. (i)

     \(3\le \gamma _{1, 2}(T)\le n - r\), if \(diam(T)\ge 5\)

  2. (ii)

     \(\gamma _{1, 2}(T) = n-r\), if \(diam(T) = 3 ~or ~4\).


Let \(diam(T)\ge 3\). Let \(V_{1}\) denote the set of all pendant vertices in T. Then \(|V - V_{1}| \ge 2\) and \(V - V_{1}\) is a (1, 2)-dominating set; and so

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{1, 2}(T) \le n - r. \end{aligned}$$

Using Theorem 7, \(\gamma _{1,2}(T)\ge 3\); and so (i) follows.

When \(diam(T) = 3\), T is a double star; and by Theorem 7, \(\gamma _{1, 2}(T) = 2 = n-r\). When \(diam(T) = 4\), \(diam(T - V_{1}) = 2\); and so \(T - V_{1}\) is \(K_{1, ~n - r - 1}\), where \(n - r - 1\ge 2\). Let \(V(K_{1, ~n - r -1}) = \{u, u_{1}, u_{2},...,u_{n - r- 1}\}\). For \(1 \le j\le d_{T}(u_{i})-1\), let \(v_{i_{j}}\) denote a pendant vertex adjacent to \(u_{i}\). For \(1\le t \le d_{T}(u) - n - r - 1\), let \(w_{t}\) denote a pendant vertex adjacent to u. (If \(d_{T}(u) = n - r - 1\), then there is no \(w_{t}\)’s).

By (2), \(\gamma _{1, 2}(T) \le n - r\). Assume the contrary that \(\gamma _{1, 2}(T) \ne n - r\). Then there is a (1, 2)-dominating set \(S_{1}\) of cardinality \(n - r - 1\).

If \(S_{1} = \{u_{1}, u_{2}, ..., u_{n - r -1}\}\), then there is no vertex at a distance 2 from \(v_{i_{j}}\), for \(1 \le i \le n - r - 1\) and \(1 \le j\le d_{T}(u_{i})-1\), which is a contradiction.

Then \(u_{i} \notin S_{1}\), for some i, \(1 \le i \le n - r - 1\). Without loss of generality, let \(u_{1}, u_{2}, ..., u_{k} \notin S_{1}\) and \(u_{k + 1}, u_{k + 2}, ..., u_{n - r - 1} \in S_{1}\), where \(1 \le k \le n - r -1\). For \(1 \le i \le k\), \(u_{i} \notin S_{1}\); and so all \(v_{i_{j}}\)’s must lie in \(S_{1}\). But \(|S_{1}| = n - r - 1\). Hence it follows that, \(d(u_{i}) = 2\) for \(i = 1, 2, 3,...,k\), and \(S_{1} = \{v_{1_{1}}, v_{2_{1}},..., v_{k_{1}},u_{k + 1}, u_{k + 2},...,u_{n - r -1}\}\).

Case 1. \(k = n -r - 1\).

Now \(S_{1} = \{ v_{1_{1}}, v_{2_{1}}, ...,v_{(n - r - 1)_{1}}\}\); and so u is not (1, 2)-dominated by \(S_{1}\), a contradiction.

Case 2. \(k < n -r - 1\).

Now there is no vertex in \(S_{1}\) at a distance at most 2 from \(v_{s_{j}}\), \(k + 1 \le s \le n - r - 1\), a contradiction.

Hence \(\gamma _{1, 2}(T) = n - r\).