
1 Introduction

ODPs are semantic patterns that provide quality modeling solutions for ontologies. ODPs play an important role in learning and teaching ontology engineering [1]. They facilitate the automatic and semi-automatic ontologies construction and provide a base for creating ontologies in different domains [2]. In user prospective the reusability of ontology depends on presentation of ODP. So far only a small catalogue of patterns exist which is available online at the ontology design pattern portal. In this portal, ODPs are described using a template with a set of headings that should be filled out when entering a new pattern. The template defines a standard way for constructing new patterns. There are possibilities to discuss modeling issues, review and suggest changes in patterns [4].

In computer and information science ontology is defined as a “formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization” [3]. One of the main problem areas is reusability of ontologies. The existing ontologies are available at online ontology repositories which provide guidelines to ontology users. Due to unfamiliar logical structure the existing ontologies provide limited support. Must be learned the good practices form literature. This problem is solved by implementing common solution as we learn in software engineering [4]. The patterns facilitate and to some extent automate the construction of ontologies. The development of patterns in the ontology field is very popular as that in software engineering. The patterns are defined for reuse and aim at facilitating the construction process very much like the way it is done in software engineering or architectural planning of buildings [5]. The purpose of design patterns is to solve the design problems. The patterns provide a useful way for handling the problems of reusability in a development process. In SE the common practices to build software through design and architecture patterns. This practice also follow in ontology engineering [2].

Ontology design patterns provide modeling solutions of ontologies design problems. They provide a base for creating ontologies in different domains. Patterns are also used for evaluation of ontologies [4]. Ontology design patterns (ODPs) are of several types. They are divided into 6 families; Content patterns, Structural Patterns, Presentation patterns, Correspondence Patterns, Lexico-Syntactic Patterns and Reasoning Patterns [6]. This thesis deals with the presentation of content ontology design pattern. It describes the design issues of the presentation of ontology design patterns. There may be certain information that an ontology user need to understand a pattern but it is not available in the description, our next task will be to examine the missing information in the current ontology design pattern templates. Finally, based on the results of above questions, we will made suggestions for the potential improvement in the current templates of ODP presentation.

2 Related Work

Knowledge reuse is common way to improve the quality of work artifacts. Pattern is a common way to improve reusability. There are other ways to support reusability, i.e. in object oriented programming the concept of program components related to the reusability of design. To achieve reusability, number of design technique available in object oriented software development model for more reusable building block. An obstacle for reuse methodologies is the lack of motivation among developers. Before starting the process, the developer needs to establish a reuse library which requires extra efforts. Reuse process is divided in to two steps Design for reuse and Design by reuse.

To expedite design by reuse, first the design for reuse process must be established [5, 7].

Reusability is applied at different levels. In software engineering, reusability can be applied at following three levels [5]:

Requirements Reuse:

It deals with the models of the domain or the generic model of the requirement domain.

Design Reuse:

It deals with the models, data structures and algorithms.

Software Component Reuse:

It deals with reuse of software classes and editable source code.

The development process of ontology is time consuming and more effort required form developer. Reuse of an ontology from an ontological engineering perspective can be hard. This is even more when there are large ontologies to be reused [8].

Ontology Library:

For ontologies to be grouped and organized so that they may be reused further and for ontology integration, maintenance, mapping and versioning, an important tool known as ontology library systems was developed. These systems must fulfill all ontological reuse needs and must be easily accessible [9].

Ontology Matching:

Ontology matching is a process of judging correspondence between semantically related ontologies, solving the problem of semantic heterogeneity and can be used in ontology merging, query answering, data translation etc. So ontology matching facilitates interoperability between matched ontologies [10].

A pattern is something re-occurring that can be applied from one time to another and also from one application to another. These concepts are in use in our daily life and also in our professional life. We use old solution as patterns. We search patterns in our surroundings that can be useful. In reuse the pattern are best practices that provide the good design [5, 11].

Currently in the computer science field the most common and popular patterns are software patterns. Most of the software development projects, where applying functional or object oriented design are conducted using patterns. The patterns are used for increasing reusability, product quality and for managing complexity of the system development process. According to the phase of the development process where they are used these patterns are divided into different kinds [5].

The most common categories are the following:

  • Analysis Patterns [5, 12].

  • Architecture Patterns [5, 13].

  • Design Patterns (see [11, 14,15,16,17]).

  • Programming Language Idioms (see [3, 13]).

Analysis patterns are used to describe the conceptual structures of business processes for the different types of business domains like how to transform these processes into software [3, 12, 18].

An overall structuring principle is used while constructing a viable software architecture. Architectural patterns are considered as templates for solid software architectures [3].

Design pattern describe the common solution of overall design problem in certain context through the depiction object and class communication. Design pattern provide the description of participation classes, their instance, their roles and interaction, distribution of responsibility. One object oriented design problem address by the certain design pattern that also provided sample code to describe the partial solution of the problem [14].

The lowest level of patterns is represented by idioms. The implementation of particular design issue is dealt with by the idioms. The aspects of both, the design and implementation, are treated by them [13].

2.1 Problem Statement

The ontology design patterns (ODPs) have divided in grouped of six different families: Structural ODPs, Content ODPs, Reasoning ODPs, Presentation ODPs, Correspondence ODPs and Lexico Syntactic ODPs [6].

Graphically the types of patterns are represented as (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Group of ontology design pattern [19]

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Builder design pattern

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Builder design pattern

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Sequence diagram

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Class diagram

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Class diagram

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Class diagram

In this paper, our focus of research will be the Content ODPs. The comparison of ODPs is limited to software patterns and data model patterns because these are the most used and well known patterns. There are many ontology languages available for development but we will only focus on OWL ontologies [19].

This research guide the improvement areas in the presentation of content ODPs. Improvement in presentation can ultimately improve the understandability of a pattern from user perspective. The focus of research is to analyze different content ODPs and provide some possible recommendation in current templates of the ODP presentation. It also includes determining the most important information about patterns which can help an ontology engineer in selecting an appropriate pattern.

Presentation of design patterns is related to issues such as reuse, guidance and communication. Our main goal is to evaluate the current patterns presentation. The evaluation is focused on the analysis of current patterns.

The template of an ontology design pattern consists of many parts, the first question is to identify the most important and vital information concerning the design patterns. This information would help an ontology engineer to select an appropriate design pattern for the required ontology. The second question is about the users who work with ontology design patterns. There may be certain information that an ontology user need to understand a pattern but it is not available in the description, our next task will be to examine the missing information in the current ontology design pattern templates.

3 Methodologies

There are many types of patterns but we have limited our comparison to those of software engineering and data models patterns, since these are the well know and common use patterns.

Software patterns have been compared to ontologies by Devedzic in one of his article [16] where the author argued that there is a significant overlap between the two concepts and that it is the aim, while generality and practical usage of these concepts differ. The concepts of patterns and ontologies have some common goals, e.g. sharing and reusing of knowledge. Both these concepts necessitate hierarchies of concepts, relationships, vocabularies and constraints. Moreover, both of them can be seen as using an object-oriented paradigm [3].

First, we analyze what current templates exist in other fields and then compare them to ontology design pattern templates to analyze the difference. In our study, evaluation was done on the results of the evaluation of different patterns. Templates of the patterns were compared to identify the difference and similarities in their presentation. Each part of the templates was studied with respect to its objective and the content provided in that part [19].

A template of a pattern is a standard way of representing a pattern. In a broad sense, a pattern template has four important elements. These elements are: Name, Problem, Solution and Consequences [3, 11, 19].

The different kinds of pattern templates are given below with their description.

3.1 Design Pattern Template

This template proposed by Guarino [11] in their book “Design pattern Element of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” [11]. Table 1 shows the different parts of the template and their description (Table 2).

Table 1. Design pattern template [11, 19]
Table 2. Builder design pattern [19]

3.2 Analysis Pattern Templates

Given below is the Analysis Pattern template described by Fernandez and Liu in their article “The Account Analysis Pattern” [20]. This template is also described in the book “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture” [21] (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3. Analysis pattern template [19, 21]
Table 4. Account analysis pattern [19, 22]

3.3 Architecture Pattern Templates

This template was described by Ayodele Oluyomi in his article “Patterns and Protocols for Agent-Oriented Software Development” for the Agent internal Architecture-Structure Patterns [22] (Table 5).

Table 5. Architecture pattern template [19, 21]


The pattern description has been slightly abbreviated for readability issues (Table 6).

Table 6. Agent as delegate pattern [19, 22]

3.4 Data Model Patterns

Data Model Patterns help modelers to develop quality models by standardizing common and well-tested solutions for reuse [3]. The objective of data model pattern is to explain a starting point for data modelers [23].

A data model pattern can be implemented by adding additional attribute to any entity in a model or by adding a new entity or a relationship to an existing model. David Hay presented a Universal Data Model in [24]. It is a theoretical model which explains the basic principles of a data model pattern. See Fig. 8:

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Universal data model [19, 23]

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Class diagram

In [38], Hay mentioned conventions for building data models. These conventions are guidelines for creating new patterns. They help in establishing a framework which data modelers can follow to reuse data model patterns. The modeling conventions are divided into three levels; Syntactic Conventions, Positional Conventions and Semantic Conventions [19].

Syntactic Conventions:

This is the first type of conventions of modeling and deals with the symbols to be used. In the process of syntactic convention evaluation, the crucial point to remember is that there are two audiences in data modeling. The first audience is that community of users which use the models and their descriptions for the verifying whether or not the environment and requirements are actually understood by the analysts. The set of systems designers is the second audience. They make use of the rules of business as implied by the models to be the basis on which their design of computer systems is based [25].

Positional Conventions:

This is the second type of Data modeling convention and dictates how entities of a model are laid out. They are concerned with the organization of elements and the overall structure of a model [25].

Semantic Conventions:

Semantic conventions are those conventions that address the question of how can the meaning of a model be conveyed. These conventions help to represent common business scenarios in a standard way [25].

3.5 Template of Content Ontology Design Patterns

Ontology design patterns are similar to software design patterns. The core idea of describing software design patterns is to use a template and collect them by means of a catalogue. In order to describe ODPs we can use a similar approach as used in software engineering but the difference is that, the template used for the presentation has been optimize for the web and defined in an OWL annotation schema. It is the same used on the semantic web portal This part contains a template of Content ODPs which is composed of the following information fields, defined in the annotation schema [2, 5, 26] (Table 7):

Table 7. Content ontology design pattern template [2, 5, 19]


(See Table 8).

Table 8. Classification pattern [4, 19]

4 Study Analysis and Results

The work starts with the literature review. Our first task was to study the current patterns that exist in other fields and compare them to ontology design patterns’ templates to analyze the difference.

4.1 Comparison of Pattern Templates

The basic knowledge of problems is in software engineering modeled by conceptual models that are known as Analysis patterns. The patterns could be illustrated using a UML notation [3]. For Example the Analysis Pattern is implemented by using a UML Class diagram, Sequence Diagram and State Diagram which were described in section. Looking at an example of an analysis pattern, one can easily gauge the above relationship between ontologies and Software Patterns, and other patterns used in Computer Science. This similarity is evident even in, for example, graphical representations of an Analysis Pattern and an ontology pattern [3].

4.2 Comparison of Templates of Software Patterns and Content ODPs

This comparison is between the templates of software patterns and content ontology design patterns. We have described the elements of both software pattern templates and content ODPs in this chapter in Sects. 3.1 to 3.5, which provide us with a good starting point for comparison. There are several types of software patterns that are available and several techniques to present them but we selected Analysis Patterns, Architecture Patterns and Design Patterns. The template of a pattern is a standard way of representing a pattern. In a broad sense, a pattern template has four essential elements. These elements are: Name, Problem, Solution and Consequences as describe in Sect. 3.

This comparison is based on similarities and differences between the Content ODP template and software pattern templates. We compare each element of the ODP template with software pattern templates. Comparison is based on the names, content and the overall presentation of the template.

The parts described in Table 9 are considered as basic parts of a pattern. The description of these parts is stated. The table shows how these basic parts are described in software patterns and ODP templates.

Table 9. Representing basic elements of other patterns [19]


In Software Patterns, the section context describes the situations where the given pattern is applied. Every pattern has a context based on its application area. In content ODPS, context is defined in the form of domains and scenarios where the pattern is applicable.


For Analysis Patterns, Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns, the section Problem or Motivation describes the problem that can be solved by implementing these patterns. In analysis patterns, the section problem describes some generic use cases. In Design Patterns, some of the patterns use scenarios for giving more description of patterns. Such description should be able to clarify the details of the problem. In ODPs, the Problem is described by Competency Questions. Competency Questions consists of a list of competency questions expressed in natural language that are covered by the pattern. The section Competency Question describes the problem which is to be solved by the ODP. Competency questions are the requirements that an ontology should fulfill.


In Analysis Patterns, Architecture Patterns and Design Patterns, the section Solution gives a fundamental solution principle to be used in the pattern for solving a problem. In Analysis Patterns, the solution is described by using UML diagram and also a brief description of different parts of the pattern is given. In Design Pattern, the sections structure, participants and collaboration describe the solution. The section Structure is a graphical representation of the classes in the pattern which use the notation of the object modeling technique (OMT). It also uses interaction diagrams to illustrate the sequence and collaboration between the objects. The section participants give a detailed description of the classes and objects and their responsibilities. The section collaboration describes how the participants collaborate to carry out their responsibilities. In Architecture pattern, the section solution gives the description, using text and a graphical representation, as to how we can achieve the intended goals and objectives. It also describes the variants and specializations of the solution. It gives the description of people and computing actors and their collaboration. In ODPs, the section solution consists of four parts: OWL Building Block, Elements, Solution description and Graphical Representation. The section Solution description describes how a given pattern can solve the problem in the context. The section OWL Building Block contains an OWL ontology with reusable classes and reusable properties. The section Elements briefly describes Classes and Properties of the pattern implementation and the role of these classes and properties within the ODP. The Graphical representation gives a visual presentation of the pattern classes and their relations.


In both software patterns and content ODPs, the section consequence describes the possible benefits and limitations on the solution after using the pattern. What are the results of using the pattern? In some ODPs it is more about unexpected consequences and limitations.


For Analysis Patterns, Design Patterns and Architecture Patterns, the section Example gives the real world example, which shows the existence of problems and needs for the patterns. For Analysis Patterns and Design Patterns the section example consists of two parts. In the first part the problem and in second part the implementation. In content ODPs, example is given in the form of a scenario and an example OWL file which is the OWL implementation of the scenario.

Table 10 describes the common elements of the template of content ontology design patterns and software patterns (analysis patterns, design patterns and architecture patterns). These elements are described in the background chapter with details in Sect. 2.3.2. The section motivation of design pattern is similar to the section problem of other software patterns.

Table 10. Representing common elements of other patterns [19]

In Table 10 the vertical line had different columns that shows the label of different pattern. The horizontal line shows the template heading and symbol X describes the presence of common element.

The template of content ODPs has developed by following the template of software design patterns. The comparison of both patterns reveals that both patterns have a lot of similarities and the current template of content ODPs includes all the elements of software patterns except ‘forces’. Forces define constraints and problems that can affect the solution. In content ODPs, only the benefits and/or possible trade-offs when using the ODPs on the initial problem are mentioned. Apart from the software patterns, the content ODPs has some additional parts which have been added according to the pattern requirements.

Unique Sections:

Content ODPs have some unique sections, which are not described in other Software Pattern Templates. These sections are: EXTRACTED FROM, REENGINEERING FROM and HAS COMPONENTS, as mentioned in the background chapter in Sect. 2.5.

4.3 Comparison of Data Model Patterns and Ontology Design Patterns

Data model patterns and ODPs are different to each other because data model patterns are presented only in graphical form while ODPs have much more detailed graphical and textual description. While content ODPs have an official catalogue where users can select from a list of patterns, there is no official catalogue for data model patterns.

The template of an ODP has a description of different parts of the pattern which is presented in the graphical and textual form. To implement an ODP, an ontology engineer has to study the description to understand a pattern. A data model pattern is presented in the form of an UML diagram. The diagram is built by following conventions which are a set of rules. These conventions standardize a data model hence makes it easier for a data modeler to reuse a pattern.

The reusability of both patterns depends on different factors. Content ODPs can also be used directly as they are, just like data models, although they are usually specialized but this depends on their generality. In data model patterns, it is up to the data modeler to decide whether to use a real model to make some minor adjustments or to use a completely abstract model of a problem.

The similarities of data model patterns and ODPs lie in the graphical representation of a problem. Also as we saw in Table 11, different parts of both patterns can be mapped to each other hence knowledge from data model patterns can be translated into ODPs. The use of conventions in data model patterns makes it easier to understand the diagram. These conventions and practices can be translated into guidelines for creating more uniform diagrammatic notations for ODPs.

Table 11. Mapping of elements of data model pattern and ontology design pattern [19, 22]

Overall, the comparison of software patterns and data model patterns with content ODPs shows that there are a lot of similarities in the templates of software patterns and content ODPs. The difference lies in the presentation of the content. The graphical representation of content ODPs can be made uniform by defining conventions as it is done in data model patterns.

In an experiment, the knowledge from data model patterns was translated into ontology design patterns by mapping the parts using the KAON tool [2]. Table 11 shows the mapping between the different parts. The above mapping shows that the knowledge stored in the data model patterns can be translated into ODPs. This knowledge can be reused to create new ODPs from existing data model patterns.

5 Conclusions

The purpose of this study was to improve the presentation of content ontology design patterns. This research is part of an effort to solve the larger problem of engineering high quality ontologies. One possible solution to this problem is to introduce reuse in ontology engineering which can standardize the ontology development process and reduce the time and effort involved in it. ODPs are considered best practice to achieve this objective. To encourage the use of ODPs for ontology development, their presentation must be explicit and precise.

Suggestions are based on the comparison of the different patterns with the ontology design patterns. Based on the literature review, we propose following improvements in the current template for content ODP:

The Graphical Representation should have a more uniform diagrammatic notation. This can be done by defining standards or conventions which ontology engineers can follow while creating patterns. As guidance, the conventions used in data model patterns can be studied to define similar conventions for content ODPs. Also, namespaces provided in the Graphical Representation section should be made explicit in the Additional Information section.

Scenarios should be more explicit. While scenarios presented in the General Description section are simple, they can be more complex in general. Further, the scenario section should describe the binding from concrete elements to the pattern elements. At ODP portal, scenarios of several patterns are missing. They must be included in each pattern because they were considered as important parts. Software patterns include the implementation section with the solution of complex problem. Implementation help user to understand the pattern.

This research is part of an effort to solve the larger problem of engineering high quality ontologies. One possible solution to this problem is to introduce reuse in ontology engineering which can standardize the ontology development process and reduce the time and effort involved in it. ODPs are considered best practice to achieve this objective. To encourage the use of ODPs for ontology development, their presentation must be explicit and precise.

6 Future Works

This study will be improved through experiment. Determine how well the current ODP template supports the understanding and usage of Content ODPs. To get experts opinions on the current structure of the Ontology design pattern template. There may be certain information that an ontology user need to understand a pattern but it is not available in the description. This research will improve by examine the missing information in the current ontology design pattern templates.