
1 Introduction

Routing problem is an essential problem in real world [7]. In this problem, a fleet of vehicles are used to serve a set of customers distributed in a graph. It aims to find optimal routes for the vehicles under some constraints, e.g., costs, demands, and time windows. Under various objectives and constraints, a large number of routing problems have been considered in the literature [11].

The team orienteering arc routing problem (TOARP) is a routing problem which was first formulated in [3]. The TOARP is defined on a directed graph \(G=(V,A)\). In this problem, there are two sets of customers. The first set \(A_R\) consists of the customers required to be served. The second one \(A_P\) consists of the potential customers which may be not served. Each customer is located at an arc of the directed graph. For each arc, there is a time cost \(t_{ij}\). For each potential customer, a profit \(p_{ij} \ge 0\) is assigned to it. There are K vehicles. Each vehicle must start from and end at the depot within the time limit \(T_{max}\). The profit gained by serving each potential customer can be accumulated at most once. The goal of the TOARP is to maximize the total profit collected.

The TOARP was first solved by a branch-and-cut [3]. Later, a matheuristic was used to deal with the TOARP [1]. This algorithm uses tabu search to explore the neighborhood of the current solution. The solution found during the tabu search phase will be improved by an intensification phase according to the integer linear programming models. The final step of the tabu search phase uses a diversification mechanism with the aim of searching in a totally new sub-region of the solution space.

In this paper, we show that the TOARP can be transformed into a routing problem defined on a new graph, each node of which corresponds to a potential or required arc of the original problem. We notice that some efforts have been devoted to transforming a (capacitated) arc routing problem into a node routing problem [8]. Here we deduce the transformed problem according to the feature of the TOARP. The transformed problem is defined on a new graph where every node corresponds to every potential arc of primal problem. The distance between two arcs is the minimal shortest path distance calculated by Bellman-Ford algorithm. In addition, we propose an iterated local search based algorithm to deal with the transformed problem. The comparison results on the benchmark instances support the performance of the proposed algorithm is competitive.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the problem transformed from the TOARP. Our proposed algorithm is described in Sect. 3. Section 4 presents the Simulation study. Section 5 concludes our work.

2 A New Formulation of the TOARP

As for the TOARP, we can define a new directed graph \(G'=(V', E')\) as follows:

(1) A dummy node 0: It corresponds to arc \((0,0) \in A\).

(2) The set of nodes \(V'\): \(V' = \{0, 1, \cdots , m\}\) where m is the number of the required and potential arcs. Each node except node 0 corresponds to a required or potential arc of G. Suppose that node \(i \in V' {\setminus } \{0\}\) corresponds to arc \((n_{is}, n_{ie}) \in A_P \cup A_R\). We can assign a service time \(s_i\) and a profit \(q_i\) to node i. The service time \(s_i\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} s_i = t_{n_{is}, n_{ie}}. \end{aligned}$$

The profit \(q_i\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} q_i = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p_{n_{is}, n_{ie}} &{} \text {if }\;\; (n_{is}, n_{ie}) \in A_P \\ M &{} \text {if} \;\; (n_{is}, n_{ie}) \in A_R, \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where M is a sufficient large positive number, say \(M = \sum _{b \in A_P} p_b\) (that is, the total profit of all potential arcs in \(A_P\)). Accordingly, the nodes in \(G'\) corresponding to the required arcs are called the required nodes. Let \(A'_R\) be the set of the required nodes.

(3) The set of arcs \(E'\): Each arc connects every two nodes in \(V'\). Let us consider two nodes i and \(j \in V'\). They correspond to \((n_{is}, n_{ie})\) and \((n_{js}, n_{je}) \in A_P \cup A_R\) respectively. Let \(\mathfrak {P}\) is the shortest path through a subset of arcs in A starting from \(n_{ie}\) and ending at \(n_{js}\). The traveling time of arc \((i, j) \in E'\), denoted by \(d_{ij}\), is defined as the distance of the shortest path \(\mathfrak {P}\). To calculate the distance of path \(\mathfrak {P}\), we implement a label based Bellman-Ford algorithm [5] which is a dynamic programming approach.

In this way, we can define a new routing problem: Given a directed graph \(G'\) mentioned above, the goal is to determine K routes, each of which is limited by the time budget \(T_{max}\) and starts from and ends at node 0 and visits nodes in \(V'\), such that the total collected profit is maximized. It is assumed that the profit of a visited node can be collected at most once. According to the definition of the TOP, one can notice that the routing problem is a TOP defined on a directed graph. In the following, the transformed problem is denoted as DG-TOP.

3 The Proposed Algorithm

In this paper, we present an iterated local search [9] based algorithm to solve the DG-TOP. Iterated local search (ILS) is a singleton search technique, which evolves an incumbent solution over time. Let \(\mathbf s _b\) and \(\mathbf s _c\) be the best-so-far and incumbent solution respectively. ILS works as follows: At first, \(\mathbf s _c\) is initialized and improved by local search, and let \(\mathbf s _b = \mathbf s _c\). After that, four steps are repeated until a termination condition is satisfied. At the first step, a new incumbent solution \(\mathbf s _c\) is obtained by perturbation. At the second step, \(\mathbf s _c\) is improved by local search. At the third step, the best-so-far solution \(\mathbf s _b\) will be replaced by \(\mathbf s _c\) if \(F(\mathbf s _c) \ge F(\mathbf s _b)\) (i.e., \(\mathbf s _c\) is better than \(\mathbf s _b\)) where F is the objective value. At the fourth step, the incumbent solution \(\mathbf s _c\) will be updated according to the solution acceptation criterion. The main procedure of ILS is described in Algorithm 1.

figure a

3.1 Solution Initialization

The incumbent solution is initialized by two steps. The first step only considers the required nodes. The second step tries to insert some non-required nodes.

The first step constructs a solution as follows: Each route starts from node 0. Afterwards, they are probed in ascending order of their travel time. For a route, suppose its last node is i, an unvisited node is said to be feasible if it obeys the inequality \(T(i)+ d_{ij} + d_{j0} \le T_{max}\) where T(i) is the total travel time of the partial route from node 0 to i. Let C be the set of the feasible required nodes. If C is empty, then this route is finished and the next route is tried. Otherwise, a node is chosen from C according to the following probability

$$\begin{aligned} P(j)= \frac{ \frac{1}{d_{ij}}}{\sum _{k \in C} \frac{1}{d_{ik}}}, \;\; \forall j \in C \end{aligned}$$

If there are still some unvisited required nodes after using the above procedure, the following procedure will be adopted. Firstly, \(\gamma \) required nodes are removed from the routes generated by the above procedure. Then, all unvisited required nodes are inserted based on regret value (that is, the nodes are inserted one by one. At each step, the node with the largest regret value is inserted). The concept of regret value has been adopted in [10]. This procedure is repeated until all required nodes are visited.

The second step repeats the following procedure until no non-required node can be inserted: Let \(C_{nr}\) be the set of the remaining non-required nodes which is feasible to be inserted. For each node \(k \in C_{nr}\), we define a preference value as \(\varphi _k = {q_k}{\delta _k}\) where \(\delta _k\) is the regret value of node k. That is, a node with larger profit and regret value is more desirable. A node \(j \in C_{nr}\) is selected according to the probability

$$\begin{aligned} P(j)= \frac{ \varphi _k }{\sum _{k \in C_{nr}} \varphi _k}, \;\; \forall j \in C_{nr} \end{aligned}$$

3.2 Perturbation

Perturbation aims to make the algorithm search in a new area of the solution space. A remove-insert-based and exchange-based operators are used to disturb the incumbent solution. The remove-insert-based removes \( \gamma _1\) nodes and inserts the removed required back one by one based on regret value. The exchange-based operator only works on the visited nodes. It repeats the following procedure \(\gamma _2\) times: randomly choose two nodes from different routes and exchange their positions. If the resulting solution is infeasible, some visited non-required nodes will be removed based on preference value until the solution becomes feasible.

3.3 Local Search

Local search tries to find a better solution in the neighborhood of a starting solution. However, searching in a larger neighborhood is usually time-consuming. To accelerate local search, the mechanism of “do not look bits” [4] is adopted.

We use a so-called active list, denoted by AL, to record those active nodes. The active list initially consists of all visited nodes. The active nodes are checked in a random order. Given an active node i, suppose its candidate list is CL. For a node j in CL, three possible cases may occur:

  1. (1)

    both i and j belong to the same route: a 2-opt move will be used. The resulting solution will be accepted once the total travel time is shortened.

  2. (2)

    i and j belongs to two different routes: the best move between an exchange move and a relocation move is used. The resulting solution will be accepted once the total travel time is shortened.

  3. (3)

    j is an unvisited node: at first, a relocation move is used, the resulting solution will be accepted if it is feasible. In this case, the total profit will be increased. Otherwise, i and j are tried to exchange. Let the forward node and backward node of i be \(i_f\) and \(i_b\) respectively, then the resulting solution will be accepted if it is feasible and if \(\frac{p_j}{d_{i_f, j} + d_{j, i_b} - d_{i_f, i_b}} \ge \frac{p_i}{d_{i_f, i} + d_{i, i_b} - d_{i_f, i_b}}\).

If a better solution is found, node i, node j, and their forward and backward nodes in their corresponding routes are added into an auxiliary list. If all active nodes have been tried, the active node list is replaced by the auxiliary list. The procedure is repeated until the auxiliary list is empty.

3.4 Solution Acceptation Criterion

A simulated annealing like criterion [9] is used. It permits some inferior solutions to replace the old incumbent solution with a small probability, which is beneficial to preserve diversity. Formally, let the new solution be \(\mathbf s \), then

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf s _c = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathbf s &{} \text {if } F(\mathbf s ) \ge F(\mathbf s _{b}) \\ \mathbf s &{} \text {if } \exp (\frac{F(\mathbf s ) - F(\mathbf s _{b})}{\theta F(\mathbf s _{b})}) \ge \varepsilon \\ \mathbf s _{b} &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varepsilon \) is a random number generated from [0, 1]. \(\theta \) is a parameter.

4 Simulation Study

To study the performance of the proposed algorithm (ILS), we implemented it in C++ and tested it on a PC equipped with Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz CPU, and 4 GB RAM. For each instance, ILS was stopped when one of the following conditions is satisfied: (1) the number of iterations reaches 40000, (2) the running time reaches 200 s. Parameters \(\gamma \), \(\gamma _1\), and \(\gamma _2\) are an integer randomly sampled from interval [5, 15] at each time. Parameter \(\theta =0.1\). These parameters are determined according to extensive test. We compare ILS with the matheuristic algorithm proposed in [1], denoted by MAT. MAT was performed on a PC with Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600 + 2.89 GHz CPU, and 3.37 GB RAM. The stopping criterion of MAT was set to 30 min.

Table 1. The information of class D
Table 2. Computational results obtained by MAT and ILS for class D

4.1 Test Instances

We used D36, D64, and D100 in [1] to test the algorithm. Parameter p determines the probability of an arc is declared required when generating instances of the TOARP. For each instance of RPP in [6], nine TOARP instances were generated by taking p and K from \(\{0, 0.25, 0.5\}\) and \(\{2, 3, 4\}\), respectively. In Table 1, the fist four columns present the name of a set, the number of instances, the minimum and maximum number of vertices and arcs, respectively. From columns 5 to 10, the minimum and maximum number of required arcs and potential arcs are shown for different values of p.

4.2 Results

Table 2 reports the results obtained on class D. By varying K, p, and set, 27 combinations are obtained. The column ‘\(\#solved\)’ reports the number of instances which can be solved to optimality by the branch-and-cut algorithm in [2]. For each algorithm, we report the following results:

  • \(\#opt\): the number of instances of which an optimal solution can be found,

  • Av.Gap and Max.Gap: the average and maximum percentage gap of the solution found with respect to the upper bound found by the branch-and-cut algorithm in [2].

Table 2 presents the results obtained on class D. When \(K=2\), ILS can find better solutions for 6 out of 9 combinations. For the other three combinations, ILS and MAT are even. When \(K=3\), in terms of \(\#opt\), MAT works better on 4 combinations and ILS works better on 2 other combinations. In terms of Av.Gap and Max.Gap, both MAT and ILS work better on 4 different combinations. When \(K=4\), in terms of \(\#opt\), MAT works better on 1 combination and ILS works better on 2 other combinations. In terms of Av.Gap, ILS works better on 5 combinations and MAT works better on only one combination. In terms of Max.Gap, ILS works better on 6 combinations. Therefore, ILS works slightly better than MAT on class D. The maximum time spent by ILS is less than 169 s.

5 Conclusion

The team orienteering arc routing problem aggregates some features of the team orienteering problem and arc routing problem, which incurs extra requirements to the current solution techniques. This paper first transforms the TOARP to a node routing problem, called DG-TOP. The difference between DG-TOP and the traditional TOP are analyzed. According to the characteristics of the DG-TOP, an ILS-based algorithm is proposed to solve the DG-TOP. Special considerations have been devoted to the required nodes. Moreover, the algorithm uses two operators to perturb the incumbent solution. In addition, a fast local search is presented. Based on the experimental results, the proposed algorithm can find promising solutions for the tested instances within short time.