1 Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to address practicality issues in cryptography that are related to nontight security reductions. A typical security reduction (often called a “proof of security”) for a protocol has the following form: A certain mathematical task \({\mathcal P}\) reduces to the task \({\mathcal Q}\) of successfully mounting a certain class of attacks on the protocol—that is, of being a successful adversary in a certain security model. More precisely, the security reduction is an algorithm \({\mathcal R}\) for solving the mathematical problem \({\mathcal P}\) that has access to a hypothetical oracle for \({\mathcal Q}\). If the oracle takes time at most T and is successful with probability at least \(\epsilon \) (here T and \(\epsilon \) are functions of the security parameter k), then \({\mathcal R}\) solves \({\mathcal P}\) in time at most \(T'\) with probability at least \(\epsilon '\) (where again \(T'\) and \(\epsilon '\) are functions of k). We call \((T'\epsilon )/(T\epsilon ')\) the tightness gap. The reduction \({\mathcal R}\) is said to be tight if the tightness gap is 1 (or is small); otherwise it is nontight. Usually \(T'\approx T\) and \(\epsilon '\approx \epsilon \) in a tight reduction.

A tight security reduction is often very useful in establishing confidence in a protocol. As long as one is not worried about attacks that lie outside the security model (such as side-channel attacks, duplicate-signature key selection attacks, or multi-user attacks [56]), one is guaranteed that the adversary’s task is at least as hard as solving a certain well-studied mathematical problem (such as integer factorization) or finding a better-than-random way to predict output bits from a standardized primitive (such as AES).

The usefulness of a nontight security reduction is more controversial. If, for example, the tightness gap is \(2^{40}\), then one is guaranteed that the adversary’s task is at least \(2^{-40}\) times as hard as solving the mathematical problem or compromising AES. Opinions about whether nontightness is a cause of concern depend on how much importance one attaches to quantitative guarantees. In his paper [11] explaining practice-oriented provable security, Bellare writes:

Practice-oriented provable security attempts to explicitly capture the inherently quantitative nature of security, via a concrete or exact treatment of security.... This enables a protocol designer to know exactly how much security he/she gets. (emphasis in original)

In contrast, some researchers minimize the importance of quantitative security and object strongly when someone criticizes a practice-oriented provable security result for giving a useless concrete security bound. For example, an anonymous reviewer of [54] defended the nonuniform proof in [12], acknowledging that its nonuniformity “reduces the quantitative guarantees” but then stating:

Many proofs do not yield tight bounds, but they still are powerful qualitative indicators of security.

This reviewer characterized the use of the word “flaw” in [54] in reference to a fallacious analysis and erroneous statement of quantitative guarantees as “misleading” and “offensive,” presumably because the “qualitative indicators” in [12] were still valid.

What makes the nontightness question particularly sensitive is that cryptographers are supposed to be cautious and conservative in their recommendations, and sources of uncertainty and vulnerability are not supposed to be swept under the rug. In particular, one should always keep in mind the possibility of what Menezes in [64] calls the nightmare scenario—that there actually is an attack on the protocol that is reflected in the tightness gap.

In [27] the authors presented attacks on MAC schemes in the multi-user setting—attacks that are possible because the natural security reduction relating the multi-user setting to the single-user setting is nontight. Similar attacks on protocols in the multi-user setting were given for a network authentication protocol, aggregate MAC schemes, authenticated encryption schemes, disk encryption schemes, and stream ciphers.

In Appendix B we describe the attacks of Zaverucha [77] on hybrid encryption in the multi-user setting. In Sect. 4 we describe another situation where the tightness gap reflects the fact that there’s an actual attack, in this case due to Pietrzak [40, 70].

A practical issue that is closely related to the nontightness question is the matter of safety margins. There are at least two kinds of safety margins: (1) parameter sizes that give significantly more bits of security than are currently needed, and (2) “optional” features in a protocol that are believed (sometimes because of tradition and “instinct” rather than any rigorous security argument) to help prevent new attacks or attacks that are outside the commonly used security models.

At present it is widely agreed that it is prudent to have at least 128 bits of security.Footnote 1 Why not 96? In the near future it is unlikely that anyone (even the N.S.A.) will expend \(2^{96}\) operations to break a protocol. The reason for insisting on 128 bits of security is that one should anticipate incremental improvements in cryptanalytic attacks on the underlying mathematical problem that will knock several bits off the security level. If nontightness has already reduced the security assurance provided by the proof from 128 to 96 bits (and if the parameter sizes have not been increased so as to restore 128 bits of security), then even relatively small advances in attacking the mathematical problem will bring the security assurance further down to a level where a successful attack on the protocol is feasible in principle.

A common explanation of the value of security proofs is that features that are not needed in the proof can be dropped from the protocol. For instance, Katz and Lindell make this point in the introduction to [49]. However, in Appendix B (see also Sect. 5 of [56]) we shall find that optional features included in protocols often thwart attacks that would otherwise reduce the true security level considerably.

On the one hand, there is widespread agreement that tight proofs are preferable to nontight ones, many authors have worked hard to replace nontight proofs with tighter proofs when possible, and most published security reductions duly inform the reader when there is a large tightness gap. On the other hand, authors of papers that analyze protocols that are of practical importance almost never suggest larger parameters that compensate for the tightness gap. Presumably the reason is that they would have to sacrifice efficiency. As Bellare says [11],

A weak reduction means that to get the same level of security in our protocol we must use larger keys for the underlying atomic primitive, and this means slower protocols.

Indeed, many standardized protocols were chosen in part because of security “proofs” involving highly nontight security reductions. Nevertheless, we are not aware of a single protocol that has been standardized or deployed with larger parameters that properly account for the tightness gaps. Thus, acknowledgment of the nontightness problem remains on the level of lip service.

In Sects. 26 we discuss nontightness in connection with complexity leveraging, HMAC, lattice-based cryptography, and identity-based encryption; in Appendix B we discuss Zaverucha’s results on nontightness in security proofs for hybrid encryption in the multi-user setting. In the case of HMAC, in view of the recent work [40, 54] on the huge tightness gaps in pseudorandomness results, in Sect. 4 we recommend that standards bodies reexamine the security of HMAC when used for non-MAC purposes (such as key derivation or passwords) or with MD5 or SHA1.

2 Complexity Leveraging

“Complexity leveraging” is a general technique for proving that a cryptographic protocol that has been shown to be selectively secure is also adaptively secure. Here “selectively secure” means that the adversary has to select its target before it is presented with its inputs (e.g., public keys, signing oracles, etc.), whereas “adaptive security” means that the adversary is free to select its target at any time during its attack. The second type of adversary is in general much stronger than the first type. Thus, selective security is in principle a much weaker result than adaptive security, and so is not usually relevant to practice. Because selective security is often easier to prove than adaptive security, researchers devised the method of complexity leveraging to convert any selective security theorem into an adaptive security theorem.

Complexity leveraging has been used to prove the adaptive security of many kinds of cryptographic protocols including identity-based encryption [23], functional encryption [39], constrained pseudorandom functions [25], and constrained verifiable random functions [35]. In Sect. 2.1 we illustrate the problems with complexity leveraging in the context of signature schemes. In Sect. 2.2 we consider the case of identity-based encryption.

2.1 Signature Schemes

The most widely accepted definition of security of a signature scheme is against an existential forger under chosen-message attack. This means that the forger is given a user’s public key and is allowed \({\le }q\) queries, in response to which she is given a valid signature on each queried message. The forger is successful if she then forges a signature for any message M other than one that was queried.

A much weaker property is security against a selective forger. In that case the adversary is required to choose the message M for which she will forge a signature before she even knows the user’s public key. She cannot modify M in response to the public key or the signature queries, and to be successful she must forge a signature on the original M. Selective security is obviously much weaker than existential security. A theorem that gives only selective security is not generally regarded as satisfactory for practice.

Complexity leveraging works by converting an arbitrary existential forger into a selective forger, as follows. The selective forger Cynthia guesses a message M, which she desperately hopes will be the message on which the existential forger eventually forges a signature. She then runs the existential forger. She is successful if the message forged is M; otherwise she simply tries again with a different guess. Her probability of success in each run is \(\epsilon =2^{-\mathfrak m}\), where \(\mathfrak m\) is the allowed bitlength of messages. The bound \(\mathfrak m\) on the message length could be large, such as one gigabyte.

Fortunately for Cynthia, in practice messages are normally hashed, say by SHA256, and it is the hash value that is signed. Thus, Cynthia needs to guess the 256-bit hash value of the message on which the existential forger forges a signature, not the message itself. Her probability of success is then \(2^{-256}\), and so the tightness gap in going from selective to existential security is \(2^{256}\).

Suppose, for example, that we have an integer-factorization-based signature protocol for which selective security has been shown to be tightly equivalent to factoring. How large does the modulus N have to be so that the corresponding existential security theorem gives us a guarantee of 128 bits of security? If only 3072-bit N is used, then the protocol will have 128 bits of selective security, but complexity leveraging gives us no existential security, because of the \(2^{256}\) tightness gap. In order to have 128 bits of existential security, we need to have \(128+256=384\) bits of security against factoring N, and this means roughly 40,000-bit N. Even though this is what we must do if we want complexity leveraging to give us the desired security, no one would ever seriously recommend deploying 40,000-bit moduli. Thus, from a practical standpoint complexity leveraging gives us nothing useful here.

2.2 Identity-Based Encryption

Boneh and Boyen [23] used bilinear pairings on elliptic curves to design an identity-based encryption scheme. They proved that their scheme is selectively secure in the sense that the adversary has to select the target before she gets the public parameters and access to the appropriate oracles (see Sect. 6 for background on identity-based encryption). The highlight of the proof is that it does not invoke the random oracle assumption.

Boneh and Boyen [23, Theorem 7.1] then used complexity leveraging to prove that a generic identity-based encryption scheme that is selectively secure is also adaptively secure. The proof has a tightness gap of \(2^{2\ell }\), where \(\ell \) is the desired security level and \(2\ell \) is the output length of a collision-resistant hash function (the hash function is applied to the identifiers of parties). Boneh and Boyen remarked that the reductionist proof is “somewhat inefficient” and explained that the desired level of security can be attained by increasing the parameters of the underlying pairing.

Suppose now that one desires 128 bits of security. Suppose also that the proof of selective security for the identity-based encryption scheme is tight. Then one can achieve 128 bits of selective security by using an (asymmetric) bilinear pairing \(e: {\mathbb G}_1 \times {\mathbb G}_2 \rightarrow {\mathbb G}_T\) derived from a prime-order Barreto-Naehrig (BN) elliptic curve E over a finite field \({\mathbb F}_p\) [10]. Here, p is a 256-bit prime, \({\mathbb G}_1 = E({\mathbb F}_p), {\mathbb G}_2\) is a certain order-n subgroup of \(E({\mathbb F}_{p^{12}})\), and \({\mathbb G}_T\) is the order-n subgroup of \({\mathbb F}_{p^{12}}^*\), where \(n=\# E({\mathbb F}_p)\). This pairing is ideally suited for the 128-bit security level since the fastest attacks known on the discrete logarithm problems in \({\mathbb G}_1, {\mathbb G}_2\) and \({\mathbb G}_T\) all take time approximately \(2^{128}\).Footnote 2 If resistance to adaptive attacks is desired, then to account for the tightness gap of \(2^{256}\) a pairing \(e: {\mathbb G}_1 \times {\mathbb G}_2 \rightarrow {\mathbb G}_T\) should be selected so that the fastest attacks known on the discrete logarithm problems in \({\mathbb G}_1, {\mathbb G}_2\) and \({\mathbb G}_T\) take time at least \(2^{384}\). If the protocol is implemented using BN curves, then one now needs \(p^{12} \approx 2^{40000}\) and thus \(p \approx 2^{3300}\). Consequently, computations in \({\mathbb G}_1\) and \({\mathbb G}_T\) will be over 3300- and 40000-bit fields, instead of 256- and 3072-bit fields had the reduction been tight. Hence, the tightness gap that arises from complexity leveraging has a very large impact on efficiency.

3 Nonuniformity to Achieve Better Tightness

Informally speaking, the difference between a nonuniform algorithm to solve a problem \({\mathcal P}\) and the more familiar notion (due to Turing) of a uniform algorithm is that the former is given an “advice string,” depending on the input length (and usually assumed to be of polynomial size in the input length). In general, a nonuniform algorithm is more powerful than a uniform one because the advice string may be very helpful in solving \({\mathcal P}\). Several prominent researchers have repeatedly claimed that security theorems that are proved in the nonuniform model of computation are stronger than theorems proved in the uniform model, because they provide assurances against successful attacks by nonuniform as well as uniform adversaries. In their lecture notes for their 2008 course at MIT [42], Bellare and Goldwasser state:

Clearly, the nonuniform adversary is stronger than the uniform one. Thus to prove that “something” is “secure” even in presence of a nonuniform adversary is a better result than only proving it is secure in presence of a uniform adversary. (p. 254)

In an email explaining why his paper [12] did not inform the reader that the security reduction was being given in the nonuniform model, Bellare wrote [13]:

I had no idea my paper would be read by anyone not familiar with the fact that concrete security is nonuniform.

What these researchers are failing to take into account is that the use of the nonuniform model makes the hypothesis as well as the conclusion of the theorem stronger. Thus, the theorem’s assumption that a certain mathematical task is hard or that a certain compression function cannot be distinguished from a random function has to allow nonuniform algorithms. It is usually very difficult to get any idea of the strength of the commonly-used primitives against nonuniform attacks, and in practice they are not designed to withstand such attacks. See [55] for a discussion of the history of confusion about this issue in the literature and a detailed rebuttal of the arguments in favor of the nonuniform model in cryptography.

Whether or not nonuniform algorithms for a problem \({\mathcal P}\) are known that are much faster than uniform ones depends very much on the problem \({\mathcal P}\).

Example 1

(No known difference between uniform and nonuniform). There is no known nonuniform algorithm for the general integer factorization problem that is faster than the fastest known uniform algorithms.

In the next two examples, let \({\mathcal H_k}\) be a fixed family of hash functions, one for each security level k. In both examples, suppose that the input is k written in unary (this is a trick used to allow the input length to be different for different k).

Example 2

(Trivial in the nonuniform model). For a well-constructed family \({\mathcal H_k}\), by definition one knows no efficient uniform algorithm for finding a collision. In contrast, one has a trivial nonuniform algorithm, since the advice string can consist of two messages whose hash values are equal.

Example 3

(Between these two extremes). Consider the problem of distinguishing a hash function \({\mathcal H}_k\) in a family of keyed hash functions from a random function; a function for which this cannot be done with non-negligible success probability is said to have the pseudorandom function property (PRF). More precisely, an attack on the PRF property is an algorithm that queries an oracle that with equal probability is either the hash function with hidden key or else a random function and, based on the responses, can determine which it is with probability \(\epsilon +1/2\) of being correct, where the advantage \(\epsilon \) is significantly greater than 0. For a well-constructed hash function no uniform algorithm is known that is faster than simply guessing the key, and this has advantage roughly \(T/2^\ell \), where \(\ell \) is the key-length and T is the time (here we are assuming that each query takes unit time). However, there is a simple nonuniform algorithm that runs in unit time and distinguishes a hash function with hidden key from a random function with advantage roughly \(2^{-\ell /2}\)—an advantage that would take the uniform algorithm time \(T\approx 2^{\ell /2}\) to achieve. Our advice string is a message M that has a very special property with respect to \({\mathcal H}_k\) when averaged over all possible keys. For example, let M be a message that maximizes the probability that the 29th output bit is 1 rather than 0. The nonuniform algorithm then queries M to the oracle; if the oracle’s response has 29th bit equal to 1, it guesses that the oracle is the hash function with hidden key, but if the 29th bit is 0, it guesses that the oracle is a random function. It follows by an easy argument from the theory of random walks that the expected advantage of this nonuniform algorithm is roughly \(2^{-\ell /2}\).

As pointed out in [55], almost all security proofs in the literature are valid in the uniform model of complexity, and only a few use what’s sometimes called coin-fixing to get a proof that is valid only in the nonuniform model. As far as we are aware, none of the nonuniform theorems in the literature have hypotheses of the sort in Examples 1 and 2; all are like Example 3, that is, the task whose hardness is being assumed is easier in the nonuniform model, but not trivial. The authors’ main purpose in using coin-fixing in these cases is to achieve a tighter security reduction than they could have achieved in the uniform model.

Unfortunately, it is easy to get tripped up if one attempts to use coin-fixing to get a stronger result—authors fool themselves (and others) into thinking that their result is much stronger than it actually is. The most important example of a researcher who was led astray by his belief in the nonuniform model is Bellare in his Crypto 2006 paper [12] on HMAC. We will summarize this story and carry it up to the present by discussing some errors in his revised version [14], which was recently published in the Journal of Cryptology.

4 The HMAC Saga

HMAC [17, 19] is a popular hash-function-based message authentication code (MAC). The controversy about nonuniform reductions concerns security proofs of the PRF property (see Example 3 of Sect. 3) of NMAC, which is a MAC that is closely related to HMAC. We shall discuss NMAC rather than HMAC, because the extension of results from NMAC to HMAC has generated relatively little controversy (see [57] for an analysis of 1-key variants of NMAC).

By a compression function we mean a function \(z = f(x, y)\), where \(y\in \{0, 1\}^b\) and \(x, z\in \{0, 1\}^c\); typically \(b = 512\) and c is equal to either 128 (for MD5), 160 (for SHA1), or 256 (for SHA256).

Given a compression function f, to construct an iterated hash function \({\mathcal H}\) one starts with an initialization vector IV, which is a publicly known bitstring of length c that is fixed once and for all. Suppose that \(M = (M_1,\ldots ,M_m)\) is a message consisting of \(m\le {\mathfrak m}\ b\)-bit blocks (where \(\mathfrak m\) is the bound on the block-length of messages; for simplicity we suppose that all message lengths are multiples of b). Then we set \(x_0 =\) IV, and for \(i = 1,\ldots , m\) we recursively set \(x_i = f(x_{i-1}, M_i)\); finally, we set \({\mathcal H}(M)={\mathcal H}_\mathrm{IV}(M) = x_m\), which is the c-bit hash value of M.Footnote 3

Suppose that Alice shares two secret c-bit keys \(K_1\) and \(K_2\) with Bob, and wants to create an NMAC-tag of a message M so that Bob can verify that the message came from Alice. She first uses \(K_1\) as the IV and computes \({\mathcal H}_{K_1}(M)\). She pads this with \(b-c\) zeros (denoted by a 0-superscript) and sets her tag t(M) equal to \({\mathcal H}_{K_2}({\mathcal H}_{K_1}(M)^0)\).

The purpose of finding a security reduction for NMAC is to show that if one has confidence that the compression function f enjoys a certain security property, then one can be sure that NMAC has the same property. Two decades ago HMAC was first proposed by Bellare et al. [17, 19]. In [17] they proved (assuming weak collision-resistance of \({\mathcal H}\)) that if f has the secure-MAC property, then so does NMAC. (The secure-MAC property is analogous to existential security of signatures, see Sect. 2.) The proof in [17] was tight. It was also short and well-written; anyone who was considering using HMAC could readily verify that the proof was tight and correct.

In 2006 Bellare [12] published a different security reduction for NMAC. First, he dispensed with the collision-resistance assumption on \({\mathcal H}\), which is a relatively strong assumption that has turned out to be incorrect for some real-world iterated hash functions. Second, he replaced the secure-MAC property with the stronger PRF property, that is, he showed that if f(xy) (with x serving as the hidden key) has the PRF property, then so does NMAC. This was important in order to justify the use of HMAC for purposes other than message authentication—in applications where the PRF property is desired, such as key-derivation protocols [34, 45, 60] and password-systems [66].

Remark 1

A third advantage (not mentioned in [12, 14]) of assuming the PRF property rather than collision-resistance arises if one derives a concrete security assurance using the best known generic attacks on the property that the compression function is assumed to have. As far as we know the best generic attack on the PRF property using classical (i.e., uniform and non-quantum) algorithms has running time \({\approx }2^c\) (it amounts to guessing the hidden key), whereas the birthday-paradox attack on collision-resistance only takes time \({\approx }2^{c/2}\). Other things being equal, one expects that c must be twice as great if one is assuming collision-resistance than if one is assuming the PRF property.

However, in 2012 Koblitz and Menezes found a flaw in [12]. For Bellare, who along with Rogaway popularized the concept of “practice-oriented provable security” [11], his theorem was not merely a theoretical result, but rather was intended to provide some concrete assurance to practitioners. Thus, it was important for him to determine in real-world terms what guarantee his theorem provided. To do this, Bellare’s approach was to take the fastest known generic attack on the PRF property of a compression function, and evaluate what his theorem then implied for the security of NMAC. In his analysis he took the key-guessing attack (see Example 3 of Sect. 3) as the best generic attack on f, and concluded that NMAC is secure “up to roughly \(2^{c/2}/{\mathfrak m}\) queries.” For instance, for a bound of \({\mathfrak m}=2^{20}\) on the block-length of messages Bellare was claiming that NMAC-MD5 is secure up to \(2^{44}\) queries and NMAC-SHA1 up to \(2^{60}\) queries. (In 2006, MD5 and SHA1 were common choices for hash functions.)

Bellare failed to account for the fact that, because of his “coin-fixing,” i.e., nonuniform security reduction, he was logically required to examine security of f against nonuniform attacks, not just uniform attacks. As we saw in Sect. 3, there are simple generic nonuniform attacks on the PRF property that have a much higher success probability than the key-guessing attack. If one repeats Bellare’s analysis using the nonuniform attack described in Sect. 3, one finds that NMAC’s security is guaranteed only up to at most \(2^{c/4}/\sqrt{\mathfrak m}\) queries, that is, \(2^{22}\) for NMAC-MD5 and \(2^{30}\) for NMAC-SHA1. That level of security is of little value in practice.

When we say that Bellare’s paper had a basic flaw, we have in mind the definition of the f-word that was given by Stern et al. [76], who said:

The use of provable security is more subtle than it appears, and flaws in security proofs themselves might have a devastating effect on the trustworthiness of cryptography. By flaws, we do not mean plain mathematical errors but rather ambiguities or misconceptions in the security model.

Now let us bring this story up to the present. In an effort to determine what can be said about the relation between the PRF property of the compression function f and the PRF property of NMAC, Koblitz and Menezes [54] gave a uniform security reduction that had tightness gap \({\mathfrak m}\cdot \max (2,~q^2/(2^c\epsilon ))\), where \(\epsilon \) is a measure of the PRF-security of f and q is a bound on the number of queries. They had to use a stronger version of the PRF property of f (a version that’s similar to the property used in [18]); a corollary of their theorem then gave a tightness gap of \(2{\mathfrak m}q\) if one assumes only standard PRF-security of f.Footnote 4

The interpretation in [54] of the authors’ Theorem 10.1 and Corollary 10.3 on NMAC security is pessimistic. Those results assume the single-user setting and strong properties of f; moreover, they have large tightness gaps. The authors conclude:

We would not want to go out on a limb and say that our Theorem 10.1 is totally worthless. However, its value as a source of assurance about the real-world security of HMAC is questionable at best.

Specifically, they caution that “In our opinion none of the provable security theorems for HMAC with MD5 or SHA1 [...] by themselves provide a useful guarantee of security.” For instance, suppose that the query bound q is \(2^{30}\), the block-length bound \(\mathfrak m\) is \(2^{25}\), and the number of users n is \(2^{25}\). (As we shall see in Appendix B, the step from single-user to multi-user setting introduces an additional factor of n in the tightness gap.) Then the number of bits of security drops by \(30+25+25=80\) due to these tightness gaps. In other words, the guarantees drop to 48 bits and 80 bits in the case of MD5 and SHA1, respectively.

Remark 2

If SHA256 is used in order to have at least 128 bits of HMAC security, then there is such a huge safety margin that even these tightness gaps do not lower the security to an undesirable level, at least if one assumes that there is no attack on the PRF property of the SHA256 compression function that is faster than the generic key-guessing one. This is because key-guessing takes time \({\approx }2^{256}\), leaving a safety margin of 128 bits. One reason SHA256 might be used for HMAC even if only 128 bits of security are required is that the user might need SHA256 for other protocols that require collision-resistance and so she cannot allow fewer than 256 bits of hash-output; in the interest of simplicity she might decide to use a single hash function everywhere rather than switching to SHA1 for HMAC.

Remark 3

The above comment about a huge safety margin when SHA256 is used in HMAC applies only if a 256-bit key and 256-bit message tags are used. Not all standards specify this. For example, the NIST standard [33] recommends 128-bit HMAC keys for 128 bits of security and allows 64-bit tags. The recommendations in [33] are supported by an ad hoc analysis, but are not supported by any provable security theorem.

Aside from the issue of the tightness gaps, there is another fundamental reason why the theorems in [12, 14, 54] about security of NMAC and HMAC under the PRF assumption offer little practical assurance. To the best of our knowledge, the PRF assumption has never been seriously studied for the compression functions used in MD5, SHA1, or SHA256; in fact, we are not aware of a single paper that treats this question. Moreover, when those compression functions were constructed, the PRF property was not regarded as something that had to be satisfied – rather, they were constructed for the purpose of collision-resistance and pre-image resistance. Thus, in the case of the concrete hash functions used in practice, we have no evidence that could rule out attacks on the PRF property that are much better than the generic ones. It would be very worthwhile for people to study how resistant the concrete compression functions are to attacks on the PRF property; in the meantime it would be prudent not to rely heavily on theorems that make the PRF assumption.

Remark 4

The situation was quite different for AES, since a longstanding criterion for a good block cipher has been to have the pseudorandom permutation (PRP) property with respect to the secret (hidden) key. That is, an adversary should not be able to distinguish between the output of a block cipher with hidden key and that of a random permutation. The PRF property is close to the PRP property as formalized by the PRP/PRF switching lemma (see Sect. 5 of [73]), and so it is reasonable to assume that AES has the PRF property. On the other hand, the criteria for judging hash constructions have been very different from those for judging encryption.

Remark 5

In [15] the authors prove security of a MAC scheme called AMAC, which is a prefix-MAC in which the output of the hash function is truncated so as to thwart the extension attacks to which prefix-MACs are susceptible. As in the case of the HMAC papers discussed above, the authors of [15] assume that the underlying compression function is a PRF. Their proof has the remarkable feature that it does not lose tightness in the multi-user setting. On the other hand, the tightness gap in the single-user setting is much larger than in the above security reductions for HMAC—namely, roughly \(q^2{\mathfrak m}^2\). With, for instance, \(q\approx 2^{30}\) and \({\mathfrak m}\approx 2^{25}\) one has a tightness gap of 110 bits. The paper [15] does recommend the use of SHA512, and if one assumes 512 bits of PRF-security for its compression function, then we have such a large safety margin that a \(2^{110}\) tightness gap is not worrisome. Nevertheless, it should be stressed that the PRF assumption is a very strong one that, to the best of our knowledge, has never been studied or tested for the SHA512 compression function.

Remark 6

In [43], Goldwasser and Kalai propose a notion of what it means for a complexity assumption to be reasonable in the context of reductionist security proofs. Among other things, the assumption should be falsifiable and non-interactive. Since the assumption that the compression function in a hash function such as MD5, SHA1, SHA256 or SHA512 has the PRF property is an interactive one, it does not meet the Goldwasser-Kalai standard for a reasonable cryptographic assumption. Rather, in the words of Goldwasser and Kalai, such an assumption “can be harmful to the credibility of our field.”

Returning to our narrative, in 2015 Bellare [14] published a revised version of [12] in J. Cryptology that, regrettably, just muddied the waters because of errors and unclarities in his abstract and introduction that could easily mislead practitioners. First of all, the first sentence of the abstract states that the 1996 paper [17] proved “HMAC ... to be a PRF assuming that (1) the underlying compression function is a PRF, and (2) the iterated hash function is weakly collision resistant.” In fact, only the secure-MAC property, not the PRF property, was proved in [17].Footnote 5

In the second place, in the concluding paragraph of the introduction of [14] Bellare gives the impression that Pietrzak in [70] proved tight bounds for the PRF-security of NMAC:Footnote 6 “Tightness estimates [in the present paper] are now based on the blackbox version of our reductions and indicate that our bounds are not as tight as we had thought. The gap has been filled by Pietrzak [70], who gives blackbox reduction proofs for NMAC that he shows via matching attack to be tight.”Footnote 7 A practitioner who reads the abstract and introduction of [14] but not the technical sections would probably go away believing that PRF-security of NMAC has been proved to be tightly related to PRF-security of the compression function. This is false. In fact, it is the opposite of what Pietrzak proved.

What Pietrzak showed in [40, 70] was that the \({\mathfrak m}q\) tightness gap cannot be reduced in the general case (although the possibility that better tightness might conceivably be achieved for a special class of compression functions wasn’t ruled out). He found a simple attack on NMAC that shows this. This is far from reassuring—it’s what Menezes in [64] called the “nightmare scenario.” To put it another way, Pietrzak’s attack shows a huge separation in PRF-security between the compression function and NMAC. The desired interpretation of a security reduction of the sort in [14, 54] or [40] is that it should tell you that the study of a certain security property of a complicated protocol is unnecessary if one studies the corresponding property of a standard primitive. In this case the tightness gap along with Pietrzak’s attack show that this is not the case.

It is unfortunate that neither of Bellare’s papers [12, 14] discuss the practical implications of the large tightness gap. It would be interesting to know why he disagrees with the conclusion of Koblitz–Menezes that the tightness gaps and other weaknesses render the security reductions (proved by them in Theorems 10.1 and Corollary 10.3 of [54]) “questionable at best” as a source of real-world assurance. In view of Pietrzak’s recent work, which shows that the tightness gap cannot be removed and reflects an actual attack, it is particularly puzzling that even the revised paper [14] has nothing to say about the practical implications of this weakness in the security reductions for HMAC.

We conclude this section with a recommendation. Standards bodies should reexamine—taking into account tightness gaps—the security of all standardized protocols that use HMAC for non-MAC purposes such as key derivation or passwords. The same should be done for HMAC-protocols using hash functions such as MD5 or SHA1 that are not believed to have weak collision-resistance in the sense of [17].

In some cases adjustments should be made, such as mandating a feature that is currently optional (such as a nonce or a randomization) in order to prevent known attacks; in other cases the recommended parameters or choices of hash function may need to be changed in order to account for the tightness gaps. Protocols that use HMAC as a MAC and use a collision-resistant hash function do not have to be reexamined, because in that case [17] has a tight security reduction. (However, in view of the multi-user attacks discussed in Appendix B, the standards for any protocol that is used in a setting with a large number of users should be modified if necessary to account for the multi-user/single-user tightness gap.)

5 Lattice-Based Quantum-Safe Crypto

The reason for intense interest in lattice-based cryptography can be traced back to the early years of public key, when Merkle–Hellman proposed the knapsack public-key encryption system. It aroused a lot of interest both because of its superior efficiency (compared to RSA) and the supposedly high level of confidence in its security, since it was based on an NP-hard problem. Within a few years Shamir, Brickell and others completely broke both the original knapsack and modified versions of it. It turned out that the knapsack was based on an easy subproblem of the NP-hard subset sum problem, not on hard instances. This was a traumatic experience for researchers in the nascent field of public-key cryptography. The lesson learned was that it would be good to base systems on hardness of a problem for which the average case is provably equivalent to the hardest case (possibly of a different problem).

There was a lot of excitement (even in the popular press) when Ajtai–Dwork announced a lattice-based encryption scheme based on such a problem [2, 3]. Since that time much of the motivation for working on lattice-based systems (especially now that standards bodies are looking for quantum-safe cryptographic protocols that have provable security guarantees) is that many of them can be proved to have worst-case/average-case equivalence. (For a comprehensive overview of research on lattice-based cryptography in the last ten years, see [69].) In this section we shall look at the worst-case to average case reductions from the standpoint of tightness.

First, though, it is important to recognize that equivalence between average and worst cases is not the Holy Grail for cryptographers that some might think. As Dan Bernstein has noted (quoted in [43]), long before Ajtai-Dwork we had discrete-log cryptosystems over characteristic-two fields. For each k the Discrete Log Problem (DLP) in the group \({\mathbb F}_{2^k}^*\) is random self-reducible, meaning that instances can be randomized. This gives a tight equivalence between hardest instances and average instances. However, the DLP in those groups has long been known to be weaker than the DLP in the multiplicative group of prime-order fields [30], and recently it was completely broken [9].

Meanwhile the general DLP in the multiplicative group of prime fields \({\mathbb F}_p^*\) does not have this nice self-reducibility property, since for a given bitlength of p one has vastly different levels of difficulty of the DLP. Yet as far as we know these groups are secure for suitably chosen p of bitlength \({>}1024\).

5.1 Lattices

A (full rank) lattice L in \({\mathbb R}^n\) is the set of all integer linear combinations of n linearly independent vectors \(B=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_n\}\). The set B is called a basis of L, and the dimension of L is n. If the \(v_i\) are in \({\mathbb Z}^n\), then L is said to be an integer lattice; all lattices in this section are integer lattices. The length of a vector is its Euclidean norm. For each \(1 \le i \le n\), the ith successive minimum \(\lambda _i(L)\) is the smallest real number r such that L has i linearly independent vectors the longest of which has length r. Thus, \(\lambda _1(L)\) is the length of a shortest nonzero vector in L.

5.2 Lattice Problems

Let L be an n-dimensional lattice. When we say that we are “given a lattice” L, we mean that we are given some arbitrary basis for L.

A well-studied lattice problem is the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP): Given L, find a lattice vector of length \(\lambda _1(L)\). The SVP problem is NP-hard. The fastest classical algorithms known for solving it have provable running time \(2^{n+o(n)}\) [1] and heuristic running time \(2^{0.337n+o(n)}\) [61]. The fastest quantum algorithm known for solving SVP has heuristic running time \(2^{0.286n+o(n)}\) [61]. More generally, one can consider the Approximate-SVP Problem (\(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\)), which is the problem of finding a nonzero lattice vector of length at most \(\gamma \cdot \lambda _1(L)\). If \(\gamma > \sqrt{n}\), then \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) is unlikely to be NP-hard [41]. In fact, if \(\gamma > 2^{n \log \log n/\log n}\), then \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) can be solved in polynomial time using the LLL algorithm. For \(\gamma = 2^k\), the fastest algorithm known for \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) has running time \(2^{\tilde{\varTheta }(n/k)}\), where the \(\tilde{\varTheta }\) term hides a constant factor and a factor of a power of \(\log n\) (see [69]).

A related problem to \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) is the Approximate Shortest Independent Vectors Problem (\(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\)): Given L, find n linearly independent lattice vectors all of which have length at most \(\gamma \cdot \lambda _n(L)\). The hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) is similar to that of \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) [21]; in fact, \(\text {SIVP}_{\sqrt{n} \gamma }\) polynomial-time reduces to \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) [65].

5.3 Learning with Errors

The Learning With Errors (LWE) problem was introduced by Regev in 2005 [71]. The LWE problem and the related R-LWE problem (see [63]) have been extensively used to design many cryptographic protocols including public-key encryption, identity-based encryption, and fully homomorphic encryption. Public-key encryption schemes based on LWE (and R-LWE) are also attractive because no quantum algorithms for solving LWE are known that perform better than the fastest known classical algorithms. Thus, LWE-based public-key encryption schemes are viable candidates for post-quantum cryptography.

Let \(q=q(n)\) and \(m=m(n)\) be integers, and let \(\alpha = \alpha (n) \in (0,1)\) be such that \(\alpha q > 2\sqrt{n}\). Let \(\chi \) be the probability distribution on \({\mathbb Z}_q\) obtained by sampling from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance \(\alpha ^2/2\pi \), and then multiplying by q and rounding to the closest integer modulo q; for more details see [71]. Then the (search version of the) LWE problem is the following: Let s be a secret vector selected uniformly at random from \({\mathbb Z}_q^n\). Given m samples \((a_i,a_i\cdot s +e_i)\), where each \(a_i\) is selected independently and uniformly at random from \({\mathbb Z}_q^n\), and where each \(e_i\) is selected independently from \({\mathbb Z}_q^n\) according to \(\chi \), determine s. Intuitively, in LWE you are asked to solve a linear system modulo q, except that the constants on the right of the system are given to you with random errors according to a Gaussian distribution.

The decisional version of LWE, called DLWE, asks us to determine whether we have been given m LWE samples \((a_i,a_i\cdot s + e_i)\) or m random samples \((a_i,u_i)\), where each \(u_i\) is selected independently and uniformly at random from \({\mathbb Z}_q\).

5.4 Regev’s Reduction

Regev [71] proved the following remarkable resultFootnote 8.

Theorem 1

If there exists an efficient algorithm that solves DLWE (in the average case), then there exists an efficient quantum algorithm that solves \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) in the worst case where \(\gamma = \tilde{O}(n/\alpha )\).

Suppose now that a lattice-based cryptosystem has been designed with a reductionist security proof with respect to the hardness of average-case DLWE. By Theorem 1, this cryptosystem also has a reductionist security proof with respect to the hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) in the worst case. This is widely interpreted as providing ironclad assurance for the security of the cryptosystem since there is compelling evidence that the well-studied \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) problem is hard in the worst case when \(\gamma \) is small.

However, Regev’s theorem and similar results are asymptotic. Although results of this type are interesting from a qualitative point of view, it is surprising that in the literature there are virtually no attempts to determine the concrete security assurances that worst-case to average-case results such as Theorem 1 provide for lattice-based cryptosystems. That is, in the lattice-based cryptography literature concerning worst-case/average-case results, practice-oriented provable security in the sense of Bellare-Rogaway (as explained in the quote from [11] in the Introduction) is conspicuous by its absence.

Remark 7

Suppose that one has a polynomial-time reduction of a well-studied worst-case problem \(\varPi _1\) to an average-case problem \(\varPi _2\). Then, if one assumes that the worst-case instances of \(\varPi _1\) are not polytime solvable, then the reduction provides the assurance that no polynomial-time algorithm can solve \(\varPi _2\) on average. This asymptotic assurance is viewed by some as ruling out “structural weaknesses” in \(\varPi _2\); for example, see Sect. 5.1 of [62]. However, in the absence of a concrete analysis, the reduction by itself does not guarantee the hardness of fixed-sized instances of \(\varPi _2\).

A closer examination of Theorem 1 reveals several obstacles to using it to obtain concrete security assurances for DLWE-based cryptosystems. We list five such difficulties. Whereas the first and second are widely acknowledged in the literature, there is scant mention of the remaining three difficulties.

  1. 1.

    One needs to assess the hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) under quantum attacks and not just under attacks on classical computers.

  2. 2.

    For parameters nq and \(\alpha \) that arise in DLWE-based cryptosystems, the \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) problem is likely not NP-hard. Thus, the evidence for worst-case hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) instances that arise in lattice-based cryptography is not as compelling as the evidence for the worst-case hardness of an NP-hard problem.

  3. 3.

    Very little work has been done on concretely assessing the hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\). As mentioned in Sect. 5.2, the fastest attack on \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) where \(\gamma =2^k\) has running time \(2^{\tilde{\varTheta }(n/k)}\); however this expression for the running time is far from concrete.

  4. 4.

    The statement of Theorem 1 uses “efficient” to mean “polynomial time in n”. However, the exact tightness gap in the reduction of worst-case \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) to average-case DLWE has to the best of our knowledge never been stated.

  5. 5.

    A more precise formulation of DLWE involves several parameters including the number of available samples and the adversary’s advantage in distinguishing between LWE and random samples. In practice, these parameters have to be chosen based on the security needs of the DLWE-based cryptosystem. However, there is little discussion in the literature of concrete values for these parameters in the context of specific protocols. All the reductionist security claims that we examined for DLWE-based cryptosystems are stated in asymptotic terms and make liberal use of the phrases “polynomial time,” “polynomial number,” and “non-negligible.”

Section 5.5 elaborates on (4) and (5).

5.5 Analysis of Regev’s Reduction

A careful examination of Regev’s proof of Theorem 1 (see Appendix A for details) reveals the following refined statement. For concreteness, we will take \(q=n^2\) and \(\alpha = 1/(\sqrt{n} \log ^2 n)\), whence \(\gamma = \tilde{O}(n^{1.5})\); these are the parameters proposed by Regev for his DLWE-based public-key encryption scheme [71]. Suppose that there is an algorithm \(W_1\) that, given \(m=n^c\) samples, solves DLWE for a fraction \(1/n^{d_1}\) of all \(s \in {\mathbb Z}_q^n\) with advantage at least \(1/n^{d_2}\). Then there is a polynomial-time algorithm \(W_2\) for solving \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) that calls the \(W_1\) oracle a total of

$$\begin{aligned} O(n^{11+c+d_1+2d_2}) \end{aligned}$$

times. The tightness gap is thus \(O(n^{11+c+d_1+2d_2})\). While this is polynomial in n, it can be massive for concrete values of n, \(c, d_1\) and \(d_2\).

Suppose, for example, that one takes \(n=1024\) (\(n=1024\) is used in [5, 26] for implementations of an R-LWE based cryptosystem). In a DLWE-based encryption scheme such as Regev’s [71], the public key is a collection of \(m=n^{1 + \epsilon }\) LWE samples and the secret key is s; for simplicity we take \(m=n\) whence \(c=1\). The encryption scheme is considered to be insecure if an attacker can distinguish between encryptions of 0 and 1 with advantage at least \(1/n^d\) for some \(d > 0\) depending on the security parameter. This advantage is assessed over choices of public-private key pairs and the randomness in the encryption algorithm. Regev showed that such an adversary can be used to solve DLWE for a fraction \(1/4n^d\) of all \(s \in {\mathbb Z}_q^n\) with advantage at least \(1/8n^d\); thus \(d_1 \approx d\) and \(d_2 \approx d\). If one is aiming for the 128-bit security level, then a reasonable choice for d might be 12.8. Then, ignoring the hidden constant in the expression (1), the tightness gap is \(n^{50.4} \approx 2^{504}\). Thus, if average-case DLWE can be solved in time T, then Theorem 1 shows that \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) can be solved by a quantum algorithm in time \(2^{504}T\). As mentioned above, the fastest quantum algorithm known for solving \(\text {SVP}\) has running time \(2^{0.286n+o(n)}\). If we assume that this is also the fastest quantum algorithm for solving \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) and ignore the o(n) term in the exponent, then the algorithm has running time approximately \(2^{293} \ll 2^{504}T\). Thus, for our choice of parameters Theorem 1 provides no assurances whatsoever for the hardness of average-case DLWE or for the security of the encryption scheme. In other words, even though Theorem 1 is viewed by many as providing “powerful qualitative indicators of security” (in the words of the anonymous reviewer quoted in Sect. 1), the quantitative security assurance it provides is vacuous.

Remark 8

The condition \(\alpha q > 2\sqrt{n}\) is needed for Regev’s proof of Theorem 1 to go through. It was later discovered that this condition is indeed necessary for security. In 2011, Arora and Ge [7] showed that if \(\alpha q = n^{t}\), where \(t < 1/2\) is a constant and \(q \gg n^{2t} \log ^2 n\), then there is a subexponential \(2^{\tilde{O}(n^{2t})}\) algorithm that solves LWE. This attack is touted as a demonstration of the importance of security proofs—Theorem 1 anticipated the Arora-Ge attack which was discovered 6 years after Theorem 1 was proven. In the same vein, one can wonder about the implications of the large tightness gap in Theorem 1 for the concrete hardness of DLWE. One needs to ask: Is the tightness gap anticipating yet-to-be-discovered algorithms for solving DLWE that are considerably faster than the fastest algorithms for solving \(\text {SIVP}_{n^{1.5}}\)? The answer to this question has major consequences for the security of DLWE-based protocols.

On the other hand, if one were to select a larger value for n while still targeting the 128-bit security level, then the large tightness gap in (1) might not be a concern if there is a very large safety margin—large enough so that the fastest quantum algorithm for solving the corresponding \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) is believed to have running time \(2^k\) for \(k\gg 128\). While this necessitates selecting a larger value of n, the impact on the cryptosystem’s performance might not be too large. Thus, there remains the possibility that Theorem 1 can indeed provide meaningful security assurances for DLWE-based cryptosystems in practice. In order for this to occur, the following problems should be further investigated:

  1. 1.

    Determine concrete lower bounds for the worst-case quantum hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) (or GapSVP\({}_\gamma \)) in terms of n and \(\gamma \).

  2. 2.

    Determine whether the tightness gap in Regev’s worst-case to average-case reduction (see the estimate (1)) can be improved. Such improvements might be achieved either through a closer analysis of Regev’s reduction, or else by formulating new reductions.

  3. 3.

    Determine appropriate values of \(c, d_1\) and \(d_2\).

  4. 4.

    Assess the tightness gap in the reductionist security proof for the cryptosystem (with respect to average-case DLWE).

Similarly, it would be very worthwhile to assess whether the analogue of Theorem 1 for the R-LWE problem provides any meaningful assurances for cryptosystems based on R-LWE using parameters that have been proposed in recent work [4, 5, 26, 67]. We note that the worst-case to average-case reduction for R-LWE [63] is with respect to \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) in so-called ideal lattices (that is, lattices that come from ideals in rings). Deriving concrete bounds on the hardness of \(\text {SVP}_{\gamma }\) for these lattices is more challenging than deriving concrete bounds on the hardness of \(\text {SIVP}_{\gamma }\) for arbitrary lattices.

Remark 9

In preparation for the possible advent of large-scale quantum computers, standards organizations have begun examining candidates for public-key cryptosystems that withstand attacks by quantum computers (see [58]). Public-key cryptosystems based on R-LWE are considered to be one of the leading candidates for these quantum-safe standards. Initial deployment of quantum-safe cryptosystems will likely be for the protection of highly sensitive data whose confidentiality needs to be assured for several decades. For these applications, long-term security guarantees will be more important than short-term concerns of efficiency. Thus, it would be prudent to select parameters for R-LWE cryptosystems in such a way that the worst-case to average-case reductions provide meaningful concrete security guarantees. As mentioned above, the degradation in performance that results from larger lattice parameters might not be of great concern for high-security applications.

Remark 10

NTRU is a lattice-based public-key encryption scheme that was first presented in 1996 (see [46, 47]) and has been standardized by several accredited organizations including ANSI [6] and IEEE [48]. NTRU uses lattices that arise from certain polynomial rings. The algebraic structure of these lattices facilitate implementations that are significantly faster than public-key encryption schemes based on LWE and R-LWE. Despite its longevity, NTRU is routinely disparaged in the theoretical cryptography literature because, unlike the case of public-key encryption schemes based on LWE or R-LWE (including some variants of NTRU that were proposed more recently [75]), there are no worst-case to average-case reductions to support the security of its underlying lattice problems. However, as we have noted, whether or not these asymptotic worst-case to average-case reductions provide meaningful concrete security assurances is far from being understood. Thus, the claim that, because of worst-case/average-case reductions, the more recent lattice-based encryption schemes have better security than classical NTRU rests on a flimsy scientific foundation.

In [68] Peikert describes asymptotic analyses of the security of lattice-based systems, and concludes:

...worst-case reductions give a hard-and-fast guarantee that the cryptosystem is at least as hard to break as the hardest instances of some underlying problem. This gives a true lower bound on security, and prevents the kind of unexpected weaknesses that have so often been exposed in schemes that lack such reductions.

This would be true in a meaningful sense if the reductions were tight and if the underlying problem were SIVP\({}_\gamma \) for a small \(\gamma \) (small enough so that SIVP\({}_\gamma \) is NP-hard or so that there is reason to have confidence that there are no efficient algorithms for SIVP\({}_\gamma \)). However, neither is the case. When discussing asymptotic results and writing for a broad readership interested in practical cryptography, the use of such terms as “hard-and-fast guarantee” and “true lower bound on security” is inappropriate and misleading, because in real-world cryptography the normal interpretation of these terms is that one has concrete practical security assurances.

6 Tightness in Identity-Based Encryption

By way of counterpoint to the main theme of this paper—the potential dangers in ignoring tightness gaps in security reductions—we now discuss the case of Boneh-Franklin Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), where a large tightness gap is, we believe, of no concern. The evidence for this belief is that an informal (but convincing) argument allows one to reduce to the case where the adversary is not allowed any key-extraction queries.

An identity-based encryption scheme offers the flexibility of using any string — in particular, the identity of an individual or entity—as a public key. There is an authority called the Private Key Generator which publishes its own public parameters, including a public key, and maintains a master secret key. To obtain a decryption key corresponding to her identity, a user in the system applies to the Private Key Generator, which performs appropriate checks (possibly including physical checks) to ascertain the identity. Then the Private Key Generator uses its public parameters and master secret key to generate the decryption key corresponding to the identity. This decryption key is transmitted to the user through a secure channel. Anybody who wishes to securely send a message uses the identity of the recipient and the public parameters to perform the encryption. The recipient can decrypt using her decryption key.

Security of an IBE scheme is modeled using a game between a simulator and an adversary [24]. The game models security against an attack by a set of colluding users attempting to decrypt a ciphertext intended for a user outside the set.

In the initial phase, the simulator sets up an instance of the scheme based on the security parameter. The simulator generates the public parameters, which are given to the adversary, and the master secret key. The adversary is allowed to adaptively make key-extraction queries to the simulator, who must provide the decryption keys corresponding to identities of the adversary’s choosing. At some point, the adversary provides the simulator with an identity \(\mathsf{id}^{\star }\) (called the target identity) and two messages \(M_0\) and \(M_1\) of equal length. The simulator randomly chooses a bit b and provides the adversary with \(C^{\star }\), which is an encryption of \(M_b\) for the identity \(\mathsf{id}^{\star }\). The adversary continues making key-extraction queries in an adaptive manner. Finally, the adversary outputs its guess \(b^{\prime }\); its advantage in winning the game is defined to be \(|\mathsf{Pr}[b=b^{\prime }]-1/2|\). The adversary may not make more than one key-extraction query for the same id; and of course it must not have queried the simulator for the decryption key of \(\mathsf{id}^{\star }\), as otherwise the game becomes trivial to win. The adversary’s resources are measured by the time that it takes and the number of key-extraction queries that it makes.

The model that we have described provides what is called IND-ID-CPA security (indistinguishability for ID-based encryption under key-extractionFootnote 9 attack). This model does not allow the adversary to make decryption queries. The model where such queries are also allowed is said to provide IND-ID-CCA (chosen ciphertext) security.

The first efficient IBE construction is due to Boneh and Franklin [24]. Their scheme—and in fact all subsequent efficient IBE constructions—uses bilinear pairings. A (symmetric) bilinear pairing is a map \(e:\mathbb {G}\times \mathbb {G}\rightarrow \mathbb {G}_T\), where \(\mathbb {G}=\langle P\rangle \) and \(\mathbb {G}_T\) are groups of some prime order p, that satisfies the following conditions: \(e(aP,bP)=e(P,P)^{ab}, e(P,P)\ne 1\), and e is efficiently computable. Practical bilinear pairings are obtained from elliptic curves where \(\mathbb {G}\) is a subgroup of points on an appropriately chosen elliptic curve and \(\mathbb {G}_T\) is a subgroup of the multiplicative group of a finite field.

Identity-based encryption schemes are proved secure under various computational hardness assumptions. We mention the basic bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) assumption and two of its derivatives. The bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) assumption is that computing \(e(P,P)^{abc}\) given (PaPbPcP) is infeasible. The decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption is that distinguishing between the distributions \((P,aP,bP,cP,e(P,P)^{abc})\) and \((P,aP,bP,cP,e(P,P)^z)\), where ab, c and z are independent and uniform random choices from \(\mathbb {Z}_p\), is infeasible. The gap bilinear Diffie-Hellman (GBDH) assumption is that computing \(e(P,P)^{abc}\) given (PaPbPcP) and access to a DBDH oracle is infeasible.

We now briefly describe the basic Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme. The Private Key Generator sets up the scheme by selecting a generator P of the group \(\mathbb {G}\); choosing a random s from \(\mathbb {Z}_p\) and setting \(Q=sP\); and selecting two hash functions \(H_1:\{0,1\}^{*}\rightarrow \mathbb {G}\), \(H_2:\mathbb {G}_T\rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\). The public parameters are \((P,Q,H_1,H_2)\) while the master secret key is s. Given an identity \(\mathsf{id}\in \{0,1\}^{*}\), let \(Q_\mathsf{id}=H_1(\mathsf{id})\); the decryption key is defined to be \(d_{\mathsf{id}}=sQ_\mathsf{id}\). Encryption of an n-bit message M for the user with identity \(\mathsf{id}\) is done by first choosing a random r in \(\mathbb {Z}_p\) and then computing the ciphertext \((C_1,C_2)=(rP,M\oplus H_2(e(Q,Q_\mathsf{id})^r))\). Decryption is made possible from the relation \(e(Q,Q_\mathsf{id})^r=e(rP,d_\mathsf{id})\).

Note that the basic Boneh-Franklin scheme does not provide chosen-ciphertext security, because the message occurs in the ciphertext only in the last XOR step. This means that a plaintext M can be determined from its ciphertext \((C_1,C_2)\) by asking for the decryption of the ciphertext \((C_1,C'_2)\), where \(C'_2\) is \(C_2\) with the first bit flipped. One can, however, obtain IND-ID-CPA security results for the basic Boneh-Franklin scheme under the assumption that \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) are random oracles.

Using the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation [36], the basic Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme can be converted into a scheme, called FullIdent (see [24]), that provides IND-ID-CCA security. To get FullIdent the basic scheme is modified as follows. First, a random \(\rho \in \{0,1\}^n\) is chosen and r is set equal to \(H_3(\rho ,M)\), where \(H_3\) is a hash function that maps bitstrings to integers mod p; we then define \(C_1=rP\) as before. The second component \(C_2\) of the ciphertext is defined by \(C_2=\rho \oplus H_2(e(Q,Q_\mathrm{id})^r)\) (that is, the hash value is XORed with \(\rho \) rather than with M), and we also need a third component \(C_3\) defined by \(C_3=M\oplus H_4(\rho )\), where \(H_4\) is a hash function that maps \(\{0,1\}^n\) to \(\{0,1\}^n\). The decryption proceeds by first computing \(\rho =C_2\oplus H_2(e(C_1,d_\mathrm{id}))\) and then \(M=C_3\oplus H_4(\rho )\). But the decryption rejects the ciphertext unless it is validated by checking that \(H_3(\rho ,M)P=C_1\). This last check is very important, since it prevents an adversary from generating a valid ciphertext for an unknown message M.

Boneh and Franklin [24] argued for the IND-ID-CCA security of their construction using a three stage reduction based on BDH; the reduction turned out to be flawed. Galindo [38] provided a corrected reduction which resulted in a tightness gap of \(q_H^3\), where \(q_H\) is the maximum number of queries made to any of the random oracles \(H_1,H_2,H_3\) or \(H_4\). Zhang and Imai [78] provided a direct reduction based on the same BDH assumption with a tightness gap of \(q_D \cdot q_E \cdot q_H\), where \(q_D\) bounds the number of decryption queries and \(q_E\) bounds the number of key-extraction queries made by the adversary.Footnote 10 The tightness gap can be reduced to \(q_E \cdot q_H\) by making the following change to the simulation of the \(H_3\) random oracle in the proof of Theorem 1 in [78]: when the simulator responds to a query \((\sigma _i,M_i)\) with \(r_i\), it stores \(g^{r_i}\) in addition to \((\sigma _i,M_i,r_i)\) in its “\(H_3\)-list” (here we’re using the notation of the proof in [78] rather than our own notation, in which \(\sigma \) would be \(\rho \) and \(g^r\) would be rP). With this change, the simulator can respond to all \(q_D\) decryption queries in time \(q_D\) instead of \(q_D \cdot q_H\) (we are ignoring the time to sort and search the \(H_3\)-list). As a result, the lower bound for the BDH-time now has order equal to the sum of the query bounds \(q_D+q_{H_2}+q_{H_4}+q_E\), which is essentially the adversary’s running time. In other words, in this way we can remove the tightness gap in the running times, and we’re left with the tightness gap \(q_E\cdot q_{H_2}\) that comes from the success probabilities in Theorem 1 of [78].

As noted in [8], the tightness gap reduces further to \(q_E\) if one is willing to base the security on the presumably stronger DBDH or GBDH assumptions. In practice, the hash functions in the IBE constructions are publicly known functions. Thus, the number of queries made to these functions by the adversary can be quite high—\(q_H\) could be \(2^{64}\) or even \(2^{80}\) for powerful adversaries. The number of key-extraction queries \(q_E\), on the other hand, will be lower.

An informal argument can be used to show why the tightness gaps in the reductions for Boneh-Franklin IBE are inconsequential for real-world security. Namely, we claim that key-extraction queries give no useful information to the adversary, and so without loss of generality we may take \(q_E=0\); in that case, as mentioned above, there is a tight reduction based on the DBDH or GBDH assumption. Recall that in response to a queried id, the Private Key Generator returns \(Q_\mathsf{id}=H_1(\mathsf{id})\), where \(H_1\) is a random oracle, and \(d_\mathsf{id}=sQ_\mathsf{id}\). This can be simulated by the adversary itself, who chooses k mod p at random and sets \(Q_\mathsf{id}=kP\) and \(d_\mathsf{id}=kQ\). Note that this does not give a valid formal reduction from the case when \(q_E>0\) to the case when \(q_E=0\), because the adversary does not get the “true” key pair of the user, whose public point is produced by the random oracle \(H_1\). However, it is hard to conceive of any difference this could possibly make in the adversary’s effectiveness against the IND-ID-CCA security of FullIdent.

Remark 11

In Sect. 3.1 of [53] Koblitz and Menezes made an analogous informal argument in order to conclude that the tightness gap in the security reduction for RSA Full Domain Hash should not be a cause of concern. These examples show, as remarked in [52], that “whether or not a cryptographic protocol lends itself to a tight security reduction argument is not necessarily related to the true security of the protocol ... the question of how to interpret a nontight reductionist security argument has no easy answer.”

7 Conclusions

Reductionist arguments can contribute to our understanding of the real-world security of a protocol by providing an ironclad guarantee that certain types of attacks are infeasible as long as certain hardness assumptions remain valid. However, even this limited kind of assurance may, as we have seen, turn out to be meaningless in practice if the reduction is nontight and the parameters have not been increased to account for the tightness gap. In order to properly evaluate provable security claims, one needs to study the tightness issue. In this paper we have given examples of the type of analysis of tightness that should be performed, but much work remains to be done. Among the open problems are the following:

  1. 1.

    Examine all uses of complexity leveraging to see whether or not the concrete adaptive security results are meaningful.

  2. 2.

    Evaluate the effect on the required parameter sizes of nontightness in security proofs for HMAC and adjust standards accordingly, particularly in applications that require the pseudorandom function property; also study whether or not the commonly used hash compression functions are likely to satisfy the PRF assumption.

  3. 3.

    Carefully evaluate all lattice-based protocols that have worst-case-to-average-case reductions to see what meaningful concrete bounds, if any, follow from these reductions.

  4. 4.

    For protocols whose security reductions lose tightness in the multi-user setting or the multi-challenge setting (or both), determine how parameter sizes should be increased to account for this.