
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Background. Distributed systems, which are composed of multiple computers (nodes) that can communicate with each other, have become larger in scale recently. This makes it complicated to design distributed systems because developers must maintain a huge number of nodes and treat massive data communication among them. As a way to mitigate the difficulty, (mobile) agents have attracted a lot of attention [2]. Agents are software programs that can autonomously move from a node to a node and execute various tasks in distributed systems. In systems with agents, nodes do not need to communicate with other nodes because agents themselves can collect and analyze data by moving around the network, which simplifies design of distributed systems. In addition, agents can efficiently execute tasks by cooperating with other agents. Hence many works study algorithms to realize cooperation among multiple agents.

The gathering problem is a fundamental task to realize cooperation among multiple agents. The goal of the gathering problem is to make all agents meet at a single node within a finite time. By achieving gathering, all agents can communicate with each other at the single node.

Related Works. The gathering problem has been widely studied in literature [10, 12]. Most studies aim to clarify solvability of the gathering problem in various environments, and, if it is solvable, they aim to clarify costs (e.g., time, number of moves, and memory space) required to achieve gathering. To do this, many studies have been conducted under various environments such that assumptions on synchronization, anonymity, randomized behavior, topology, and presence of node memory (whiteboard) are different. Table 1 summarizes some of the results.

Table 1. Gathering of synchronous agents with unique IDs in arbitrary graphs (n is the number of nodes, l is the length of the smallest ID of agents, \(\tau \) is the maximum difference among activation times of agents, m is the number of edges, \(\lambda \) is the length of the longest ID of agents, f is the upper bound of the number of Byzantine agents).

For environments such that no whiteboard exists (i.e., agents cannot leave any information on nodes), many deterministic algorithms to achieve gathering of two agents have been proposed. Note that these algorithms can be easily extended to a case of more than two agents [9]. If agents do not have unique IDs, they cannot achieve gathering for some symmetric graphs. Therefore some works [5, 9, 14] assume unique IDs and achieve gathering for any graph. Dessmark et al. [5] proposed an algorithm that realizes gathering in \(\tilde{O}(n^5 \sqrt{\tau l}+n^{10}l)\) time for any graph, where n is the number of nodes, l is the length of the smaller ID of agents, and \(\tau \) is the difference between activation times of two agents. Kowalski and Malinowski [9] and Ta-Shma and Zwick [14] improved the time complexity to \(\tilde{O}(n^{15}+l^3)\) and \(\tilde{O}(n^5l)\) respectively, which are independent of \(\tau \). On the other hand, some works [3, 4, 8] studied the case that agents have no unique IDs. In this case, gathering is not solvable for some graphs and initial positions of agents. So the works proposed algorithms only for solvable graphs and initial positions. They proposed memory-efficient gathering algorithms for trees [3, 8] and arbitrary graphs [4].

If whiteboard exists on each node, the time required for gathering can be significantly reduced. For example, when agents have unique IDs, they can write their IDs into whiteboards on their initial nodes. Agents can collect all the IDs by traversing the network [13], and thus they can achieve gathering by moving to the initial node of the agent with the smallest ID. This trivial algorithm achieves gathering in O(m) time, where m is the number of edges. On the other hand, when agents have no unique IDs, gathering is not trivial even if they use whiteboard and randomization. Ooshita et al. [11] clarified the relationship between solvability of randomized gathering and termination detection in ring networks with whiteboard.

Recently some works [1, 6] have considered gathering in the presence of Byzantine agents, which can behave arbitrarily. They modeled agents controlled by crackers or corrupted by software errors as Byzantine agents. These works assume agents have unique IDs, behave synchronously, and cannot use whiteboard. They consider two types of Byzantine agents. While a weakly Byzantine agent can make arbitrary behavior except falsifying its ID, a strongly Byzantine agent can make arbitrary behavior including falsifying its ID. Dieudonné et al. [6] proposed algorithms to achieve gathering in arbitrary graphs against weakly Byzantine agents and strongly Byzantine agents, both when the number of nodes n is known and when it is unknown. For weakly Byzantine agents, when n is known, they proposed an algorithm that achieves gathering in \(4n^4\cdot P(n,\lambda )\) time, where P(nl) is the time required for gathering of two correct agents (l is the length of the smaller ID) and \(\lambda \) is the length of the longest ID among all agents. Since two agents can meet in \(P(n,l)=\tilde{O}(n^5l)\) time [14], the algorithm achieves gathering in \(\tilde{O}(n^9\lambda )\) time. For weakly Byzantine agents, when n is unknown, they also proposed a polynomial-time algorithm. However, for strongly Byzantine agents, they proposed only exponential-time algorithms. Bouchard et al. [1] minimized the number of correct agents required to achieve gathering for strongly Byzantine agents, however the time complexity is still exponential.

Our Contributions. The purpose of this work is to reduce the time required for gathering by using whiteboard on each node. However, if Byzantine agents can erase all information on whiteboard, correct agents cannot see the information and thus whiteboard is useless. For this reason, we assume that an authentication function is available on the system and this provides authenticated whiteboard. In authenticated whiteboard, each agent is given a dedicated area to write information. In other words, each agent can write information to the dedicated area and cannot write to other areas. Regarding read operations, each agent can read information from all areas on the whiteboard. In addition, we assume, by using the authentication function, each agent can write information with signature that guarantees the writer and the writing node.

No gathering algorithms have been proposed for environments with whiteboard in the presence of Byzantine agents. However, since two agents can meet quickly by using authenticated whiteboard, the time complexity of an algorithm in [6] can be reduced. More specifically, each agent can explore the network in O(m) time by the depth-first search (DFS), and after the first exploration it continues to explore the network in O(n) time for each exploration. By applying this to Dessmark’s algorithm [5], two agents can meet in \(P(n,l)=O(nl)\) time. Thus, for weakly Byzantine agents, agents can achieve gathering in \(O(n^5\lambda )\) time.

In this work, we propose a new algorithm to achieve gathering in shorter time. Similarly to [6], we assume agents have unique IDs and behave synchronously. When at most f weakly Byzantine agents exist and f is known to agents, our algorithm achieves gathering in O(fm) time by using authenticated whiteboard. That is, our algorithm significantly reduces the time required for gathering by using authenticated whiteboard. To realize this algorithm, we newly propose a technique to simulate message-passing algorithms by agents. Our algorithm overcomes difficulty of Byzantine agents by simulating a Byzantine-tolerant consensus algorithm [7]. This technique is general and not limited to the gathering problem, and hence it can be applied to other problems of agents.

2 Preliminaries

A Distributed System and Mobile Agents. A distributed system is modeled by a connected undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\), where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges. The number of nodes is denoted by \(n=|V|\). When \((u,v)\in E\) holds, u and v are adjacent. A set of adjacent nodes of node v is denoted by \(N_v = \{u|(u,v)\in E\}\). The degree of node v is defined as \(d(v)=|N_v|\). Each edge is labeled locally by function \(\lambda _v:\{(v,u)|u\in N_v\}\rightarrow \{1,2,\cdots ,d(v)\}\) such that \(\lambda _v(v,u) \not = \lambda _v(v,w)\) holds for \(u \not = w\). We say \(\lambda _v(v,u)\) is a port number (or port) of edge (vu) on node v.

Each node does not have a unique ID. Each node has whiteboard where agents can leave information. Each agent is assigned a dedicated writable area in the whiteboard, and the agent can write information only to that area. On the other hand, each agent can read information from all areas (including areas of other agents) in whiteboard.

Multiple agents exist in a distributed system. The number of agents is denoted by k, and a set of agents is denoted by \(A=\{a_1,a_2,\cdots ,a_k\}\). Each agent has a unique ID, and the length of the ID is \(O(\log k)\) bits. The ID of agent \(a_i\) is denoted by \(ID_i\). Each agent knows neither n nor k.

Each agent is modeled as a state machine \((S,\delta )\). The first element S is the set of agent states, where each agent state is determined by values of variables in its memory. The second element \(\delta \) is the state transition function that decides the behavior of an agent. The input of \(\delta \) is the current agent state, the content of the whiteboard in the current node, and the incoming port number. The output of \(\delta \) is the next agent state, the next content of the whiteboard, whether the agent stays or leaves, and the outgoing port number if the agent leaves.

Agents move in synchronous rounds. That is, the time required for each correct agent to move to the adjacent node is identical. In the initial configuration, each agent is inactive and stays at an arbitrary node. Some agents spontaneously become active and start the algorithm. When active agent \(a_i\) encounters inactive agent \(a_j\) at some node v, agent \(a_i\) can make \(a_j\) active. In this case, \(a_j\) starts the algorithm before \(a_i\) executes the algorithm at v.

Each agent \(a_i\) can sign a value x that guarantees its ID \(ID_i\) and its current node v. That is, any agent identifies an ID of the signed agent and whether it is signed at the current node or not from the signature. We assume \(a_i\) can use signature function \(Sign_{i,v}(x)\) at v and we denote the output of \(Sign_{i,v}(x)\) by \(\langle x \rangle :(ID_i,v)\). Each agent \(a_i\) can compute \(Sign_{i,v}(x)\) for value x at v, however cannot compute \(Sign_{j,w}(x)\) for either \(j \not = i\) or \(w \not = v\). Therefore, it is guaranteed that signed value \(\langle x \rangle :(ID_i,v)\) is created by \(a_i\) at v. For signed value \(x =\langle value \rangle :(id_1,v_1):(id_2,v_2):\cdots :(id_j,v_j)\), the output of \(Sign_{i,v}(x)\) is denoted by \(\langle value \rangle :(id_1,v_1):(id_2,v_2):\cdots :(id_j,v_j):(ID_i,v)\). In this paper, when an algorithm treats a signed value, it first checks the validity of signatures and ignores the signed value if it includes wrong signatures. We omit this behavior from descriptions, and assume all signatures of every signed value are valid.

Byzantine agents may exist in a distributed system. Each Byzantine agent behaves arbitrarily without being synchronized with other agents. However, each Byzantine agent cannot change its ID. In addition, even if agent \(a_i\) is Byzantine, \(a_i\) cannot compute \(Sign_{j,v}(x)(j \not =i)\) for value x, and therefore \(a_i\) cannot create \(\langle x \rangle :(ID_j,v)\) for \(j \not = i\). We assume the number of Byzantine agents is at most \(f(<k)\) and f is known to each agent.

The Gathering Problem. The gathering problem is a problem to make all correct agents meet at a single node and declare termination. In the initial configuration, each agent stays at an arbitrary node and multiple agents can stay at a single node. If an agent declares termination, it never works after that.

To evaluate the performance of the algorithm, we consider the time required for all agents to declare termination after some agent starts the algorithm. We assume the time required for a correct agent to move to the adjacent node is one unit time, and we ignore the time required for local computation.

3 A Byzantine-Tolerant Consensus Algorithm for Message-Passing Systems [7]

In this section, we explain a Byzantine-tolerant consensus algorithm in [7] that will be used as building blocks in our algorithm.

3.1 A Message-Passing System

The consensus algorithm is proposed in a fully-connected synchronous message-passing system. That is, we assume that processes form a complete network. We assume the number of processes is k and denote a set of processes by \(P=\{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_k\}\). Each process has a unique ID, and the ID of \(p_i\) is denoted by \(ID_i\). All processes execute an algorithm in synchronous phases. In the 0-th (or initial) phase, every process computes locally and sends messages (if any). In the r-th phase (\(r>0\)), every process receives messages, computes locally, and sends messages (if any). If process \(p_i\) sends a message to process \(p_j\) in the r-th phase, \(p_j\) receives the message at the beginning of \((r+1)\)-th phase.

Similarly to Sect. 2, each process \(p_i\) has signature function \(Sign_i(x)\). The output of \(Sign_i(x)\) is denoted by \(\langle x \rangle :ID_i\), and only \(p_i\) can compute \(Sign_i(x)\).

Some Byzantine processes may exist in the message-passing system. Byzantine processes can behave arbitrarily. But even if \(p_i\) is Byzantine, \(p_i\) cannot compute \(Sign_j(x)\) (\(j\ne i\)) for value x. We assume the number of Byzantine processes is at most \(f<k\) and f is known to each process.

3.2 A Byzantine-Tolerant Consensus Algorithm

In this subsection, we explain a Byzantine-tolerant consensus algorithm in [7]. In the consensus algorithm, each process \(p_i\) is given at most one value \(x_i\) as its input. If \(p_i\) is not given an input value, we say \(x_i=\perp \). The goal of the consensus algorithm is to agree on the set of all input values. Of course, some Byzantine processes behave arbitrarily and forge inconsistent input values. However, by the consensus algorithm in [7], all correct agents can agree on the same set \(X\supseteq X_c\), where \(X_c\) is a set of all values input by correct processes.

We show the details of the consensus algorithm. Each process \(p_i\) has one variable \(p_i.W\) to keep a set of input values, and initially \(p_i.W=\emptyset \) holds. The algorithm consists of \(f+2\) phases (from the 0-th phase to \((f+1)\)-th phase). After processes terminate, they have the same values in W.

In the 0-th phase, if \(p_i\) is given an input value \(x_i(\ne \perp )\), process \(p_i\) broadcasts \(Sign_i(x_i)=\langle x_i \rangle :ID_i\) to all processes and adds \(x_i\) to variable \(p_i.W\). If \(p_i\) is not given an input value, it does not do anything.

In the r-th phase (\(1 \le r \le f+1\)), \(p_i\) receives all messages (or signed values) broadcasted in \((r-1)\)-th phase. After that, for every received message, process \(p_i\) checks its validity. We say message \(t=\langle x \rangle :id_1:id_2:\cdots :id_y\) is valid if and only if t satisfies all the following conditions.

  1. 1.

    The number y of signatures in t is equal to r.

  2. 2.

    All signatures in t are distinct.

  3. 3.

    Message t does not contain \(p_i\)’s signature.

  4. 4.

    Value x is not in \(p_i.W\).

If message \(t=\langle x \rangle :id_1:id_2:\cdots :id_y\) is valid, \(p_i\) broadcasts \(Sign_i(t)=\langle x \rangle :id_1:id_2:\cdots :id_y:ID_i\) to all processes (if \(r\le f\)) and adds x to variable \(p_i.W\).

For this algorithm, the following theorem holds.

Theorem 1

[7] After all processes terminate, all the following holds.

  1. 1.

    For any correct process \(p_i\), \(x_i \in p_i.W\) holds if \(x_i\ne \perp \).

  2. 2.

    For any two correct processes \(p_i\) and \(p_j\), \(p_i.W=p_j.W\) holds.

4 Our Algorithm

4.1 Overview

First, we give an overview of our algorithm. When agent \(a_i\) starts the algorithm, \(a_i\) leaves its starting information to whiteboard at its initial node v. The starting information includes \(ID_i\), and consequently it can notify other agents that \(a_i\) starts at v. After that, \(a_i\) explores the network and collects starting information of all agents. If no Byzantine agent exists, all agents collect the same set of starting information, and thus all agents can meet at a single node by visiting the node where the agent with the smallest ID leaves the starting information.

However, when some Byzantine agent exists, it can write and delete its starting information repeatedly so that only a subset of agents see the information. This implies some agents may obtain a set of starting information different from others and thus may fail to achieve gathering.

To overcome this difficulty, our algorithm makes all correct agents agree on the same set of starting information at each node. That is, letting \(a_i.X_v\) be the set of starting information that \(a_i\) obtains at node v, we guarantee that \(a_i.X_v=a_j.X_v\) holds for any two correct agents \(a_i\) and \(a_j\). In addition, we also guarantee that, if correct agent \(a_c\) starts at v, then \(a_i.X_v\) contains \(a_c\)’s starting information and \(a_i.X_w (w\ne v)\) does not contain \(a_c\)’s starting information. We later explain the details of this procedure.

After that, each agent \(a_i\) can obtain \(a_i.X_{all}=\bigcup _{v \in V}a_i.X_v\), and clearly \(a_i.X_{all}=a_j.X_{all}\) holds for any two correct agents \(a_i\) and \(a_j\). Consequently each agent \(a_i\) can compute the same gathering node based on \(a_i.X_{all}\) as follows. First \(a_i\) removes all duplicated starting information from \(a_i.X_{all}\) because a Byzantine agent may leave its starting information at several nodes. After that, \(a_i\) finds the starting information of the agent with the smallest ID and selects the node with the starting information as the gathering node. By this behavior, all correct agents can meet at the same gathering node.

In the rest of this subsection, we explain the way to make all correct agents agree on the same set of starting information at each node. To realize this, our algorithm uses a Byzantine-tolerant consensus algorithm in Sect. 3. At each node, agents simulate the consensus algorithm and then agree on the same set. However, since the consensus algorithm is proposed for synchronous message-passing systems, we need additional synchronization mechanism. We realize this by using the depth-first search (DFS).

DFS and Round Synchronization. The DFS is a well-known technique to explore a graph. In the DFS, an agent continues to explore a port as long as it visits a new node. If the agent visits an already visited node, it backtracks to the previous node and explores another unexplored port. If no unexplored port exists, the agent backtracks to the previous node again. By repeating this behavior, each agent can visit all nodes in 2m unit times, where m is the number of edges. Note that, since each agent can realize the DFS by using only its dedicated area on whiteboard, Byzantine agents cannot disturb the DFS of correct agents.

To simulate the consensus algorithm, we realize round synchronization of agents by the DFS. More specifically, we guarantee that, before some agent \(a_i\) makes the r-th visit to v, all agents finish the \((r-1)\)-th visit to v. To realize this, each agent \(a_i\) executes the following procedure in addition to the DFS.

  • If \(a_i\) finds an inactive agent, \(a_i\) makes the agent active.

  • Every time \(a_i\) completes a DFS, it waits for the same time as the exploration time. That is, \(a_i\) waits for 2m unit times after each DFS.

We define the r-th exploration period of \(a_i\) as the period during which \(a_i\) executes the r-th DFS exploration, and define the r-th waiting period of \(a_i\) as the period during which \(a_i\) waits after the r-th DFS exploration. In addition, we define the r-th round of \(a_i\) as the period from the beginning of the r-th exploration period to the end of the r-th waiting period. As shown in the Fig. 1, before some agent starts the r-th exploration period, every correct agent completes the \((r-1)\)-th exploration period.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Exploration and waiting periods.

Simulation of Consensus Algorithm. In the following, we explain the way to apply the consensus algorithm in Sect. 3. The goal is to make all correct agents agree on the same set of starting information at each node. To achieve this, we assume k virtual processes \(v.p_1, v.p_2,\ldots , v.p_k\) exist at each node v and form a message-passing system in Sect. 3 (See Fig. 2). When agent \(a_i\) visits node v, it simulates \(v.p_i\)’s behavior of the consensus algorithm.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Virtual processes.

In the consensus algorithm on node v, each virtual process decides its input value as follows. If \(a_i\) starts the algorithm at v, the input of virtual process \(v.p_i\) is the starting information of \(a_i\). Otherwise, the input of virtual process \(v.p_i\) is not given. Thus, after completion of the consensus algorithm, all virtual processes at v agree on the same set \(X_v\) of starting information. From the property of the consensus algorithm, \(X_v\) contains starting information of all correct agents that start at v.

Next, we explain how to simulate the behaviors of virtual processes. Each agent \(a_i\) simulates the r-th phase of virtual process \(v.p_i\) when \(a_i\) visits v for the first time in the exploration period of r-th round. Recall that, by the round synchronization, when some correct agent \(a_i\) starts the exploration period of the r-th round, all correct agents have already completed the exploration period of the \((r-1)\)-th round. This implies, \(a_i\) can simulate the r-th phase of virtual process \(v.p_i\) after all virtual processes complete the \((r-1)\)-th phase.

To simulate \(v.p_i\), \(a_i\) uses variables \(v.wb[ID_i].T\) and \(v.wb[ID_i].W\) in whiteboard of node v. We denote variable var in the dedicated area of \(a_i\) by \(v.wb[ID_i].var\). Agent \(a_i\) uses \(v.wb[ID_i].T\) to simulate communications among virtual processes. That is, when \(v.p_i\) sends some messages to other processes, \(a_i\) stores the messages in \(v.wb[ID_i].T\) so that other virtual processes read the messages. Here, to guarantee that the messages are available on only node v, \(a_i\) stores \(Sign_{i,v}(t)\) instead of message t. Agent \(a_i\) uses \(v.wb[ID_i].W\) to memorize variables of \(v.p_i\). By using these variables, \(a_i\) can simulate the r-th phase of \(v.p_i\) as follows:

  1. 1.

    By reading from all variables v.wb[id].T (for some id), \(a_i\) receives messages that virtual processes have sent to \(v.p_i\) in the \((r-1)\)-th phase.

  2. 2.

    From \(v.p_i\)’s variables stored in \(v.wb[ID_i].W\) and messages received in 1, agent \(a_i\) simulates local computation of \(v.p_i\)’s r-th phase.

  3. 3.

    Agent \(a_i\) writes updated variables of \(v.p_i\) to \(v.wb[ID_i].W\). If \(v.p_i\) sends some messages, \(a_i\) writes the messages with signatures to \(v.wb[ID_i].T\).

Note that, since only agent \(a_i\) can update variables \(v.wb[ID_i].T\) and \(v.wb[ID_i].W\), agent \(a_i\) simulates the correct behavior of \(v.p_i\) if \(a_i\) is correct. This implies that the simulated message-passing system contains at most f Byzantine processes. Consequently (correct) virtual processes can agree on the same set by the consensus algorithm that can tolerate at most f Byzantine processes. Thus correct agents can agree on the same set of starting information at v.

figure a
figure b
figure c

4.2 Details

The pseudo-code of the algorithm is given in Algorithms 1, 2, and 3. Due to limitation of space, the details of main() and DFS() are provided in the full version [15]. Simply put, functions main() and DFS() realize the DFS traversal of agent \(a_i\). When \(a_i\) starts the algorithm, \(a_i\) executes consensus() once to simulate the 0-th phase of virtual process \(v.p_i\). After that, for each node v, \(a_i\) calls consensus() to simulate the r-th phase of \(v.p_i\) when it visits v for the first time during the r-th round.

Function consensus() simulates the consensus algorithm in Sect. 3 by following the strategy in Sect. 4.1. In the 0-th round, \(a_i\) simulates the 0-th phase of the consensus algorithm. That is, \(a_i\) makes virtual process \(v.p_i\) broadcast a signed value \(Sign_{i,v}(x_i)\) if \(v.p_i\) is given an input value \(x_i\). Recall that \(v.p_i\) is given starting information of \(a_i\) as an input if \(a_i\) starts at v. This means the simulation of the 0-th phase is required only for the initial node of \(a_i\). In other words, \(a_i\) completes the 0-th round without exploring the network. Specifically, \(a_i\) adds \(Sign_{i,v}(ID_i)\) to \(v.wb[ID_i].T\) as its stating information, and adds \(ID_i\) to \(v.wb[ID_i].W\) (lines 1 to 3).

In the r-th round (lines 4 to 11), \(a_i\) simulates the r-th phase of the consensus algorithm. To realize this, for every node v, \(a_i\) simulates the r-th phase of \(v.p_i\) when it visits v for the first time during the round. Specifically, for every message received by \(v.p_i\), \(a_i\) checks its validity. Note that messages received by \(v.p_i\) are stored in \(\bigcup _{a_j \in A}v.wb[ID_j].T\). We say message \(t=\langle x \rangle :(id_1,v_1):(id_2,v_2):\cdots :(id_y,v_y)\) is valid if and only if t satisfies all the following conditions, where we define \(value(t)=x\) and \(initial(t)=id_1\).

  1. 1.

    The number y of signatures in t is equal to r.

  2. 2.

    All signatures in t are distinct.

  3. 3.

    Message t does not contain \(a_i\)’s signature.

  4. 4.

    value(t) is not in \(v.wb[ID_i].W\).

  5. 5.

    \(value(t)=initial(t)\) holds.

  6. 6.

    All the y signatures are given at the current node.

Conditions 1–4 are identical to conditions in Sect. 3. Condition 5 is introduced to assure that value \(ID_i\) in messages is originated from \(a_i\). Note that, since correct agent \(a_i\) can initially add \(\langle ID_i \rangle :(ID_i,v)\) to \(v.wb[ID_i].T\), every message t forwarded by correct agents satisfies \(value(t)=initial(t)\). This implies condition 5 does not discard messages originated from and forwarded by correct agents, and consequently does not influence the simulation of correct processes. Condition 6 is introduced to assure that message t is generated at the current node. If t is valid, \(a_i\) adds \(Sign_{i,v}(t)\) to \(v.wb[ID_i].T\) to simulate broadcast of \(Sign_{i,v}(t)\) by virtual process \(v.p_i\). At the same time, \(a_i\) adds value(t) to \(v.wb[ID_i].W\).

In the \((f+1)\)-th round, all agents complete simulating the consensus algorithm. That is, \(v.wb[ID_i].W=v.wb[ID_j].W\) holds for any two correct agents \(a_i\) and \(a_j\). During the \((f+1)\)-th round, \(a_i\) collects contents in \(v.wb[ID_i].W\) for all v by variable \(a_i.W\) (lines 12 to 16 of DFS()). Recall that \(v.wb[ID_i].W\) includes IDs of agents that start at v. When \(a_i\) memorizes \(candidate \in v.wb[ID_i].W\), \(a_i\) memorizes it as a pair \((candidate, a_i.node\_num)\) to recognize the node later.

After that, \(a_i\) computes the gathering node from the collected information in \(a_i.W\) (lines 17 to 18 in main()). Since IDs of Byzantine agents may appear more than once in \(a_i.W\), \(a_i\) deletes all pairs from \(a_i.W\) such that candidate is duplicated. Then \(a_i\) finds the pair such that candidate is the smallest, and it selects the node of the pair as the gathering node. Note that the pair includes candidate and \(a_i.node\_num\). Hence \(a_i\) can move to the gathering node by executing the DFS until \(a_i.node\_num\) becomes the same number as the pair (this procedure is omitted in main()).

Theorem 2

Our algorithm solves the gathering problem in O(fm) unit times.

5 Summary

In this paper, we proposed a Byzantine-tolerant gathering algorithm for mobile agents in synchronous networks with authenticated whiteboards. In our algorithm, each agent first writes its starting information to the initial node, and then each agent executes a consensus algorithm so that every correct agent agrees on the same set of starting information. Once correct agents obtain the set, they can calculate the same gathering node. By this algorithm, all correct agents can achieve gathering in O(fm) time. An important open problem is to develop a Byzantine-tolerant gathering algorithm in asynchronous networks with authenticated whiteboards. Since the consensus algorithm is proven to be unsolvable in asynchronous networks, we must consider other approaches.