
1 Introduction

Clark [2] and Yoshinaka [8] pioneered an approach to efficient learning of context-free languages under the paradigm of polynomial-time identification in the limit from positive data and membership queries, which they called distributional learning.Footnote 1 The idea of distributional learning was based on the assumption that the target language has a context-free grammar each of whose nonterminals is characterized either by a finite set of strings or by a finite set of contexts (i.e., pairs of strings). There are strong and weak variants to this notion of characterization: A nonterminal X is strongly characterized by a set C of contexts if the strings derived from X are exactly those that can appear in all contexts from C; X is strongly characterized by a set K of strings if X is strongly characterized by the set of contexts in which all elements of K can appear. The weak notion of characterization is obtained by replacing “the strings derived from X” in this definition by their closure, i.e., “the strings that can appear in every context in which all strings derived from X can appear”. A context-free grammar G has the strong (resp. weak) finite context property (FCP) if each nonterminal of G is strongly (resp. weakly) characterized by a finite set of contexts; G has the strong (resp. weak) finite kernel property (FKP) if each nonterminal of G is strongly (resp. weakly) characterized by a finite set of strings. The dual variant of the distributional learner uses finite sets of contexts as nonterminals and succeeds under the assumption that the target grammar has the weak FCP, while the primal variant uses finite sets of strings as nonterminals and assumes that the target grammar has the weak FKP. Distributional learning, both in its dual and primal variants, has since been extended to string and tree grammar formalisms that are “context-free” in a broad sense of the term [4, 5, 9, 11].

Despite the naturalness and wide applicability of the approach, there is a notable discrepancy between the assumption of the (weak) FCP/FKP and the behavior of the learning algorithm. For, in hypothesizing a rule, what the algorithm tries to check is the “local” requirement that the rule be valid under the presumption that each nonterminal in the rule is strongly characterized by itself. For example, when the dual algorithm constructs a binary rule \(C_0 \rightarrow C_1 C_2\), where each \(C_i\) is a finite set of contexts, it checks whether the available evidence is consistent with the assumption \(C_0^{\triangleleft } \supseteq C_1^{\triangleleft } C_2^{\triangleleft }\), where \(C_i^{\triangleleft }\) denotes the set of strings that can appear in each context from \(C_i\) in the target language. (Note that the definition of the set \(C_i^{\triangleleft }\) refers to the target language, not to any grammar for it.) In contrast, the weak or strong FCP/FKP of a context-free grammar is a “global” property of the grammar, since it refers to the set of strings derived from each nonterminal, something that you cannot determine just by looking at each individual rule in isolation.

The original idea of Clark [2] was to identify each nonterminal with a closed set of strings (i.e., a set that is its own closure). Thus, he employed the strong variant of the finite context property. Yoshinaka [8] recognized the possibility that the set of strings derived from a nonterminal in the hypothesized grammar may not be a closed set, and introduced the weak variants of the FCP and FKP. In his later paper [10] on distributional learning of conjunctive grammars, Yoshinaka mentioned as an open problem the question of whether the context-free grammars with the strong FCP generate the same languages as the context-free grammars with the weak FCP. However, the question of whether the weak FCP and FKP are weak enough, i.e., whether the two variants of the distributional learner always converge to a grammar with the weak FCP/FKP, does not seem to have attracted much attention.

In fact, the properties of context-free grammars that exactly correspond to the behavior of the dual and primal variants of the distributional learner are easy to state; we call them the very weak FCP/FKP. The dual/primal algorithm converges to a correct grammar for the target language when the latter has a grammar satisfying the very weak FCP/FKP, and the grammar it converges to always satisfies the very weak FCP/FKP. As we show below, the very weak FKP turns out to be equivalent to the weak FKP, and the primal algorithm is guaranteed to converge to a grammar with the weak FKP. In contrast, the very weak FCP is genuinely weaker than the weak FCP. We exhibit a language that has a context-free grammar with the very weak FCP but has no context-free grammar with the weak FCP. The fact that the dual algorithm succeeds on such languages has not been recognized so far. We also show that a similar separation holds between the weak and strong variants of both the FCP and the FKP. This negatively settles the above-mentioned open problem of Yoshinaka [10].

2 Preliminaries

We adopt the standard definition of context-free grammars (as in [1]), except that we allow them to have multiple initial nonterminals. Thus, a context-free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple \(G = (N,\varSigma ,P,I)\), where \(I\subseteq N\) is the set of initial nonterminals. If A is a nonterminal of G, we write L(GA) for \(\{w \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\mid A \Rightarrow _G^{\textstyle *}w \}\), the set of terminal strings derived from A. Then the language of G is \(L(G) = \bigcup _{A \in I} L(G,A)\). We write C(GA) for \(\{(u,v) \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\mid S \Rightarrow _G^{\textstyle *}uAv\) for some \(S \in I\)}.

Let \(G = (N,\varSigma ,P,I)\) be a CFG. It is well known that G can be thought of as a system of equations where the nonterminals are viewed as variables ranging over \(\mathscr {P}(\varSigma ^{\textstyle *})\). This system contains the equation \( A = \alpha _1 \cup \dots \cup \alpha _k \) for each nonterminal A, where \(\alpha _1,\dots ,\alpha _k\) list the right-hand sides of the productions with A on the left-hand side. A sequence of sets \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) is a fixed point of G if assigning the value \(X_A\) to each A satisfies all these equations. The sequence \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) is a pre-fixed point of G if it instead satisfies \( A \supseteq \alpha _1 \cup \dots \dots \cup \alpha _k. \) Equivalently, \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) is a pre-fixed point of G if for each production \(A \rightarrow w_0 A_1 w_1 \dots A_n w_n\) in P (with \(w_i \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) and \(A_i \in N\)), it holds that \( X_A \supseteq w_0 X_{A_1} w_1 \dots X_{A_n} w_n. \) It is known that the sequence \((L(G,A))_{A \in N}\) is the least fixed point as well as the least pre-fixed point of G under the partial order of componentwise inclusion.

3 Three Variants of the Finite Context and Kernel Properties

We begin by reviewing some important notions from Clark’s syntactic concept lattice [3]. Let \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) be given. For \(C \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) and \(K \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\), we put

$$ \begin{aligned} C^{\langle L \vert }&= \{x \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\mid uxv \in L\ \text {for all}\ (u,v) \in C \},\\ K^{\vert L \rangle }&= \{(u,v) \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\mid u K v \subseteq L \}. \end{aligned} $$

When the language L is understood from context, these are simply written \(C^{\triangleleft }\) and \(K^{\triangleright }\). For a set \(K \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\), its closure is \(K^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\). The function \((\cdot )^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) is indeed a closure operator in the sense that (i) \(K \subseteq K^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\), (ii) \(K_1 \subseteq K_2\) implies \(K_1^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \subseteq K_2^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\), and (iii) \(K^{\triangleright \triangleleft \triangleright \triangleleft } = K^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\). A set \(K \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) is closed if \(K = K^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\); equivalently, K is closed if and only if there exists a \(C \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) such that \(K = C^{\triangleleft }\). (These notions are all relative to the given language L.) Note that L is always closed relative to L, since \(L^{\triangleright }\) always contains \((\varepsilon ,\varepsilon )\). (We write \(\varepsilon \) for the empty string.)

An important property of the closure operator \((\cdot )^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) is the following [3]: for \(X, Y \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\),

$$\begin{aligned} (XY)^{\triangleright \triangleleft } = (X^{\triangleright \triangleleft } Y^{\triangleright \triangleleft })^{\triangleright \triangleleft }. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(G = (N,\varSigma ,P,I)\) be a CFG, and let the operators \(\triangleleft \) and \(\triangleright \) be understood relative to L(G). A pre-fixed point \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) of G is sound if \(\bigcup _{A \in I} X_A = L(G)\). We abbreviate “sound pre-fixed point” to “SPP”. It is easy to see that if \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) is an SPP of G, then \(u X_A v \subseteq L(G)\) for all \((u,v) \in C(G,A)\). Since \((L(G,A))_{A \in N}\) is the least pre-fixed point of G, it is the least SPP.

Proposition 1

If \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) is an SPP, then so is \((X_A^{\triangleright \triangleleft })_{A \in N}\).


This easily follows from the fact that \((w_0 X_{A_1}^{\triangleright \triangleleft } w_1 \dots X_{A_n}^{\triangleright \triangleleft } w_n)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) equals \((w_0 X_{A_1} w_1 \dots X_{A_n} w_n)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\), which in turn is a consequence of (1).     \(\square \)

Since \((L(G,A)^{\triangleright \triangleleft })_{A \in N}\) is the least pre-fixed point consisting entirely of closed sets, it is the least such SPP. It need not be the greatest SPP of G. In fact, it is not hard to see that the greatest SPP may not exist.

Let k be a natural number, and let \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\). A set \(X \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) is k-context-generated relative to L if \(X = C^{\langle L \vert }\) for some \(C \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) such that \(|C| \le k\). We say that X is k-kernel-generated relative to L if \(X = K^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert }\) for some \(K \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) such that \(|K| \le k\). A sequence of sets is k-context-generated (k-kernel-generated) if each of its component sets is k-context-generated (k-kernel-generated).

We say that G has

  • the strong k-finite context property (resp. strong k-finite kernel property) if \((L(G,A))_{A \in N}\) is k-context-generated (resp. k-kernel-generated) relative to L(G);

  • the weak k-finite context property (resp. weak k-finite kernel property) if \((L(G,A)^{\triangleright \triangleleft })_{A \in N}\) is k-context-generated (resp. k-kernel-generated) relative to L(G);

  • the very weak k-finite context property (resp. very weak k-finite kernel property if G has an SPP that is k-context-generated (resp. k-kernel-generated) relative to L(G).

We abbreviate “finite context property” to “FCP” and “finite kernel property” to “FKP”. Clearly, a CFG G has the strong k-FCP (k-FKP) if and only if G has the weak k-FCP (k-FKP) and in addition L(GA) is a closed set relative to L(G) for each nonterminal A of G. It is also obvious that the weak k-FCP (k-FKP) implies the very weak k-FCP (k-FKP). We say that G has the strong/weak/very weak FCP/FKP when G has the strong/weak/very weak k-FCP/k-FKP for some k.

What Clark [2] called the finite context property was what we here call the strong finite context property. The weak finite context property was introduced by Yoshinaka [8] and adopted by Leiß [6].

Proposition 2

  1. (i)

    There is a language that has a CFG with the strong 1-FKP but has no CFG with the very weak FCP.

  2. (ii)

    There is a language that has a CFG with the strong 1-FCP but has no CFG with the very weak FKP.


(i). Let

$$ \begin{aligned} L&= L_1 \cup L_2,&L_1&= \{a^m c b^{2m} \mid m \in \mathbb {N}\},&L_2&= \{a^m d b^n \mid n \le m \le 2n \}. \end{aligned} $$

Let G be the following CFG with initial nonterminals \(S_1\) and \(S_2\):

$$ \begin{aligned} S_1&\rightarrow a S_1 bb \mid c,&S_2&\rightarrow a S_2 b \mid aa S_2 b \mid d. \end{aligned} $$

Then \(L(G,S_1) = L_1 = \{ c \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) and \(L(G,S_2) = L_2 = \{ d \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\). So \(L(G) = L\) and G has the strong 1-FKP.

Now let \(G'\) be any CFG for L. Applying the pumping lemma to \(a^p c b^{2p}\) for a sufficiently large p, we get

$$ \begin{aligned} S&\Rightarrow _{G'}^{\textstyle *}a^{i_1} E b^{j_1},&E&\Rightarrow _{G'}^+ a^i E b^j,&E&\Rightarrow _{G'}^{\textstyle *}a^{i_2} c b^{j_2} \end{aligned} $$

with \(i+j > 0\), \(i_1+i+i_2 = p\), and \(j_1+j+j_2 = 2p\), for some nonterminal E and initial nonterminal S. Since \(a^{i_1+ni+i_2} c b^{j_1+nj+j_2} \in L\) for all \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), we must have \(j = 2i\), which implies \(i > 0\). By way of contradiction, assume that \(G'\) has an SPP whose component for E is \(C_E^{\triangleleft }\) for some finite \(C_E \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\). We must have

$$ \begin{aligned} L&\supseteq a^{i_1} C_E^{\triangleleft } b^{j_1},&C_E^{\triangleleft }&\supseteq a^i C_E^{\triangleleft } b^{2i},&C_E^{\triangleleft }&\supseteq \{ a^{i_2} c b^{j_2} \}. \end{aligned} $$

By the last inclusion, every element of \(C_E\) must be of the form \((a^{n-i_2},b^{2n-j_2})\) for some n such that \(n \ge i_2\) and \(2n \ge j_2\). Take an m large enough that \(m \ge 2n\) for all n such that \((a^{n-i_2},b^{2n-j_2}) \in C_E\). Then for all such n,

$$ 2m+2n-j_2 \le 3m \le 3m+n-i_2 \le 4m \le 2(2m+2n-j_2), $$

which implies \( a^{3m} d b^{2m} \in C_E^{\triangleleft }. \) But since \( L \supseteq a^{i_1+ni} C_E^{\triangleleft } b^{j_1+2ni} \) for all \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), we get \( a^{i_1+ni+3m} d b^{j_1+2ni+2m} \in L \) and hence \( i_1+ni+3m \ge j_1+2ni+2m \) for all n, which contradicts \(i > 0\).

(ii). Let \(L = \{a^m b^n \mid m \ne n \}\). Let G be the following CFG with a unique initial nonterminal S:

$$ \begin{aligned} S&\rightarrow A \mid B \mid a S b,&A&\rightarrow a \mid aA,&B&\rightarrow b \mid bB. \end{aligned} $$

Then \(L(G,S) = L = \{ (\varepsilon ,\varepsilon ) \}^{\triangleleft }, L(G,A) = a^+ = \{ (\varepsilon ,ab) \}^{\triangleleft }, L(G,B) = b^+ = \{ (ab,\varepsilon ) \}^{\triangleleft }\), so G has the strong 1-FCP.

Now suppose that L has a CFG with the very weak FKP. Then \(L = K_1^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \cup \dots \cup K_n^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) for some finite sets \(K_1,\dots ,K_n \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\). Clearly, \(K_i \subseteq L\) for \(i=1,\dots ,n\). Let \(p = \max \{|m-n| \mid a^m b^n \in K_i\ \text {for some}\ i \}\). Then for each i, \(K_i^{\triangleright } \supseteq \{(a^m,b^n) \mid |m-n| > p \}\), which implies \(K_i^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \subseteq \{a^m b^n \mid |m-n| \le p \}\). This is a contradiction, since \(L \not \subseteq \{a^m b^n \mid |m-n| \le p \}\).     \(\square \)

4 Distributional Learning

The distributional learner has access to an infinite stream of positive examples and the membership oracle for the target language \(L_*\). Let \(\triangleright \) and \(\triangleleft \) be understood relative to \(L_*\).

The dual algorithm forms productions of the form \( C_0 \rightarrow w_0 C_1 w_1 \dots C_n w_n, \) where each nonterminal \(C_i\) is a finite set of contexts (uv) contained in the input positive data D (i.e., \(uwv \in D\) for some w). Such a production is valid if

$$ C_0^{\triangleleft } \supseteq w_0 C_1^{\triangleleft } w_1 \dots C_n^{\triangleleft } w_n. $$

The membership of a string in \(C_i^{\triangleleft }\) can be determined by a membership query, but since \(C_i^{\triangleleft }\) is in general infinite, the validity of a production cannot be determined in finite time. At each stage, the algorithm uses only those productions that are valid on the set E of all substrings of the positive examples, in the sense that

$$ C_0^{\triangleleft } \supseteq w_0 (E \cap C_1^{\triangleleft }) w_1 \dots (E \cap C_n^{\triangleleft }) w_n. $$

Testing this condition for all candidate productions can be done with a polynomial number of membership queries if there is a fixed bound on n and the cardinality of each \(C_i\). Since E continues to grow, if the output of the algorithm stabilizes on a particular grammar, all its productions will be valid.

The primal algorithm in contrast constructs productions of the form \( K_0 \rightarrow w_0 K_1 w_1 \dots K_n w_n \) where each \(K_i\) is a finite set of strings w drawn from the input positive data D (i.e., \(uwv \in D\) for some uv). Such a production is valid if \( K_0^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \supseteq w_0 K_1^{\triangleright \triangleleft } w_1 \dots K_n^{\triangleright \triangleleft } w_n. \) It is not difficult to see that this condition is equivalent to

$$ K_0^{\triangleright } \subseteq (w_0 K_1 w_1 \dots K_n w_n)^{\triangleright }. $$

In hypothesizing a production, the primal algorithm checks that it is valid on the set J of all contexts contained in the input positive data, in the following sense:

$$ J \cap K_0^{\triangleright } \subseteq (w_0 K_1 w_1 \dots K_n w_n)^{\triangleright }. $$

Again, this ensures the validity of all productions in the limit.

figure a

Exact formulations of the two algorithms are given in Algorithms 1 and 2.Footnote 2 In the algorithms, \({\text {Sub}}(D) = \{w \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\mid uwv \in D\ \text {for some}\ u,v \}\), \({\text {Sub}}^n(D) = \{(w_1,\dots ,w_n) \in (\varSigma ^{\textstyle *})^n \mid u_0 w_1 u_1 \dots w_n u_n \in D\ \text {for some}\ u_0,\dots ,u_n \}\), \({\text {Sub}}^{\le m}(D)\) \( = \bigcup _{1 \le n \le m} {\text {Sub}}^n(D)\), and \({\text {Con}}(D) = \{(u,v) \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\times \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\mid uwv \in D\ \text {for some}\ w \}\).

figure b

We say that the dual or primal learner converges to G on \(L_*\) if, given a positive presentation (i.e., enumeration) of \(L_*\) and the membership oracle for \(L_*\), the output of the learner eventually stabilizes on G.

Theorem 3

Suppose that the dual learner converges to a grammar G on \(L_*\). Then \(L(G) = L_*\) and G has the very weak k-FCP.


Let \(G = (N,\varSigma ,P,I)\). It is easy to see that \(D_i \subseteq L(G_i)\) holds at each stage, so \(L_* \subseteq L(G)\). Since every element of \({\text {Sub}}(L_*)\) eventually appears in \(E_i\), each production of G must be valid. Hence the sequence \((C^{\langle L_* \vert })_{C \in N}\) is a pre-fixed point of G. By the same token, we must have \(C^{\langle L_* \vert } \subseteq L_*\) for all \(C \in I\). So \(\bigcup _{C \in I} C^{\langle L_* \vert } \subseteq L_* \subseteq L(G)\). Since \((L(G,C))_{C \in N}\) is the least pre-fixed point of G, \(L(G) = \bigcup _{C \in I} L(G,C) \subseteq \bigcup _{C \in I} C^{\langle L_* \vert }\). Hence \(L(G) = L_*\) and \((C^{\langle L(G) \vert })_{C \in N}\) is an SPP of G, which means that G has the very weak k-FCP.    \(\square \)

Similarly, we have

Theorem 4

Suppose that the primal learner converges to a grammar G on \(L_*\). Then \(L(G) = L_*\) and G has the very weak k-FKP.

The following theorems are clear from the existing proof of correctness of the dual and primal learners (see, e.g., [4]).

Theorem 5

Let G be a CFG each of whose productions has at most r nonterminals on the right-hand side. If G has the very weak k-FCP, then the dual learner converges to a grammar for L(G) on L(G).

Theorem 6

Let G be a CFG each of whose productions has at most r nonterminals on the right-hand side. If G has the very weak k-FKP, then the primal learner converges to a grammar for L(G) on L(G).

5 The Strong vs. Weak Finite Context and Kernel Properties

We write \(x^R\) for the reversal of a string x, and \(|x|_a\) for the number of occurrences of a symbol a in x. Let

$$\begin{aligned} \varSigma&= \{ a,b,c,d,e,\#,\$ \},\\ L&= L_1 \cup L_2 \cup L_3,\\ L_1&= \{w_1 \# w_2 \# \dots \# w_n \$ w_n^R \dots w_2^R w_1^R \mid n \ge 1, w_1,\dots ,w_n \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}\},\\ L_2&= \{w y c^i d^i e^j z \mid w,z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, y \in (\# \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *})^{\textstyle *}, i,j \ge 0, |w|_a \ge |w|_b \},\\ L_3&= \{w y c^i d^j e^j z \mid w,z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, y \in (\# \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *})^{\textstyle *}, i,j \ge 0, |w|_a \le |w|_b \}. \end{aligned}$$

Lemma 7

Every CFG G for L has a nonterminal E such that L(GE) is not a closed set relative to L.


Let G be a CFG for L. By applying Ogden’s [7] lemmaFootnote 3 to a derivation tree of a sufficiently long string in \(L_1\) of the form \( a^p b^p \# a^p \$ a^p b^p a^p, \) we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}\begin{gathered} S_1 \Rightarrow _G^+ a^{m_1} A a^{l_1}, \qquad A \Rightarrow _G^+ a^{n_1} A a^{n_1}, \qquad A \Rightarrow _G^+ a^{m_2} b^{m_3} B b^{l_3} a^{l_2},\\ B \Rightarrow _G^+ b^{n_2} B b^{n_2}, \qquad B \Rightarrow _G^+ b^{m_4} \# a^{m_5} D a^{l_5} b^{l_4}, \qquad D \Rightarrow _G^+ a^{m_6} \$ a^{l_6}, \end{gathered}\end{aligned}$$

for some \(n_1,n_2,m_1,m_2,m_3,m_4,m_5,m_6 \ge 1, l_1,l_2,l_3,l_4,l_5,l_6 \ge 0\) such that \(m_1+n_1+m_2 = m_3+n_2+m_4 = m_5+m_6 = l_1+n_1+l_2 = l_3+n_2+l_4 = l_5+l_6 = p\), where \(S_1\) is an initial nonterminal. We show that L(GD) is not a closed set.

Let \((u,v) \in L(G,D)^{\triangleright }\). Then \(u a^{m_6} \$ a^{l_6} v \in L\). Since \(y \$ z \in L\) implies \(y c^i d^i e^i z \in L\) for every \(y,z \in \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) and \(i \ge 0\), we have \(u a^{m_6} c^i d^i e^i a^{l_6} v \in L\) for every \(i \ge 0\). This shows

$$\begin{aligned} \{a^{m_6} c^i d^i e^i a^{l_6} \mid i \ge 0 \} \subseteq L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, since

$$ S_1 \Rightarrow _G^{\textstyle *}a^{m_1} (a^{n_1})^i a^{m_2} b^{m_3} (b^{n_2})^j b^{m_4} \# a^{m_5} D a^{l_5} b^{l_4} (b^{n_2})^j b^{l_3} a^{l_2} (a^{n_1})^i a^{l_1} $$

for all \(i,j \ge 0\), there are \(w,w',z,z' \in \{a,b\}^{\textstyle *}\) such that \( |w|_a > |w|_b, |w'|_a < |w'|_b. \) and

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S_1&\Rightarrow _G^{\textstyle *}w \# a^{m_5} D z,&S_1&\Rightarrow _G^{\textstyle *}w' \# a^{m_5} D z',&\end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Now suppose \(a^{m_6} c^i d^j e^k a^{l_6} \in L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\). Since (3) implies \( (w \# a^{m_5}, z) \in L(G,D)^{\triangleright } \) and \( (w' \# a^{m_5}, z') \in L(G,D)^{\triangleright }, \) we must have \( w \# a^{m_5} a^{m_6} c^i d^j e^k a^{l_6} z \in L_2 \) and \( w' \# a^{m_5} a^{m_6} c^i d^j e^k a^{l_6} z \in L_3. \) It follows that

$$\begin{aligned} a^{m_6} c^i d^j e^k a^{l_6} \in L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\ \text {only if}\ i = j = k. \end{aligned}$$

By (2) and (4), \( L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \cap a^{m_6} c^{\textstyle *}d^{\textstyle *}e^{\textstyle *}a^{l_6} = \{a^{m_6} c^i d^i e^i a^{l_6} \mid i \ge 0 \}, \) which implies that \(L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) is not context-free. Therefore, \(L(G,D) \ne L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }\) and L(GD) is not a closed set.     \(\square \)

The above lemma implies that L has no CFG that has either the strong FCP or the strong FKP.

Lemma 8

There is a CFG for L that has both the weak 2-FCP and the weak 2-FKP.


Let G be the following CFG, where \(S_1, S_2, S_3\) are the initial nonterminals.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} S_1 \rightarrow \$ \mid a S_1 a \mid b S_1 b \mid \# S_1, &{} \qquad C \rightarrow \varepsilon \mid c C, \\ Q \rightarrow \varepsilon \mid a Q b Q \mid b Q a Q, &{} \qquad J \rightarrow \varepsilon \mid d J e, \\ F \rightarrow Q \# \mid F a \mid F b \mid F \#, &{} \qquad S_2 \rightarrow H E \mid F S_2 \mid Q S_2 \mid a S_2 \mid S_2 a \mid S_2 b, \\ H \rightarrow \varepsilon \mid c H d, &{} \qquad S_3 \rightarrow C J \mid F S_3 \mid Q S_3 \mid b S_3 \mid S_3 a \mid S_3 b. \\ E \rightarrow \varepsilon \mid E e, \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

We have

$$ \begin{aligned} L(G,S_1)&= L_1,\\ L(G,S_1)^{\triangleright }&= \{(w_1 \# w_2 \# \dots \# w_n, w_n^R \dots w_2^R w_1^R) \mid n \ge 1, w_1,\dots ,w_n \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}\},\\ L(G,S_1)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }&= L_1 \cup \{y c^i d^i e^i z \mid y \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, i \ge 0 \}\\&= \{ (a \#,a), (b \#,b) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \$ \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,Q)&= \{w \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}\mid |w|_a = |w|_b \} = \{ (\varepsilon ,\# cd), (a, b \# de) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \varepsilon ,ab \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,F)&= \{w \# y \mid w \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, |w|_a = |w|_b, y \in \{ a, b, \# \}^{\textstyle *}\}\\&= \{ (\varepsilon , cd), (\varepsilon , ade) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \#, ab\# \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,H)&= \{c^i d^i \mid i \ge 0 \} = \{ (a \# c,d) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \varepsilon , cd \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,E)&= e^{\textstyle *}= \{ (a \# cd,e) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \varepsilon , e\}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,C)&= c^{\textstyle *}= \{ (b \# c,de) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \varepsilon , c\}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,J)&= \{d^i e^i \mid i \ge 0 \} = \{ (b \# d,e) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \varepsilon , de \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,S_2)&= L_2,\\ L(G,S_2)^{\triangleright }&= \{(w y, z) \mid w,z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, y \in (\# \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *})^{\textstyle *}, |w|_a \ge |w|_b \},\\ L(G,S_2)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }&= L_2 \cup \{v c^i d^i e^i z \mid v \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, i \ge 0 \}\\&= \{ (\varepsilon ,\varepsilon ), (a \#,b) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ cda \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft },\\ L(G,S_3)&= L_3,\\ L(G,S_3)^{\triangleright }&= \{(w y, z) \mid w,z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, y \in (\# \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *})^{\textstyle *}, |w|_a \le |w|_b \},\\ L(G,S_3)^{\triangleright \triangleleft }&= L_3 \cup \{v c^i d^i e^i z \mid v \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, i \ge 0 \}\\&= \{ (\varepsilon ,\varepsilon ), (b \#,a) \}^{\triangleleft } = \{ \# de \}^{\triangleright \triangleleft }. \end{aligned} $$

This shows that G has both the weak 2-FCP and the weak 2-FKP.     \(\square \)

Theorem 9

There is a language that has a CFG with both the weak 2-FCP and the weak 2-FKP but has no CFG with either the strong FCP or the strong FKP.

6 The Weak vs. Very Weak Finite Context and Kernel Properties

Proposition 10

If a language L has a CFG with the very weak k-FKP, then L has a CFG with the weak k-FKP.


Let \(G = (N,\varSigma ,P,I)\) be a CFG and let \(L = L(G)\). Suppose that \(K_A \subseteq \varSigma ^{\textstyle *}\) is a finite set for each \(A \in N\) such that \(|K_A| \le k\) and \((K_A^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert })_{A \in N}\) is an SPP for G. Let \(G' = (N,\varSigma ,P',I)\), where \( P' = P \cup \{A \rightarrow w \mid A \in N, w \in K_A \}. \) Then \((L(G',A))_{A \in N}\) is the least pre-fixed point \((X_A)_{A \in N}\) of G such that \(K_A \subseteq X_A\). Since \(K_A \subseteq K_A^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert }\), this implies \( L(G',A) \subseteq K_A^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert } \) for each \(A \in N\). As a consequence, \( L(G') \subseteq \bigcup _{A \in I} K_A^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert } = L. \) Clearly, \(L = L(G) \subseteq L(G')\), so \(L(G') = L\). Since \(K_A \subseteq L(G',A)\), we get \(K_A^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert } \subseteq L(G',A)^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert }\) and hence \(K_A^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert } = L(G',A)^{\vert L \rangle \langle L \vert }\). This shows that \(G'\) has the weak k-FKP.     \(\square \)

The proof of Proposition 10 shows that Theorem 4 can be strengthened to

Corollary 11

If the primal learner converges to a grammar G on \(L_*\), then \(L(G) = L_*\) and G has the weak FKP.


$$\begin{aligned} \varSigma '&= \{ a,b,c,d,e,f,\#,\$,\% \},\\ L'&= L_1 \cup L_2 \cup L_3 \cup L_4 \cup L_5,\\ L_4&= \{v \$ z c^k \% f^l \mid v \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, k,l \ge 0 \},\\ L_5&= \{v c^i d^i e^j z c^k \% f^l \mid v \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, i,j,k,l \ge 0, j \ne k \}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(L_1,L_2,L_3\) are as defined in Sect. 5.

Lemma 12

There is a CFG for \(L'\) that has the very weak 2-FCP.


Let \(G'\) be the extension of the grammar G in the proof of Lemma 8 with the following additional productions:

$$\begin{aligned} T&\rightarrow \varepsilon \mid Ta \mid Tb, \qquad \qquad S_{4,5} \rightarrow \$ T C \% \mid H U \% \mid a S_{4,5} \mid b S_{4,5} \mid \# S_{4,5} \mid S_{4,5} f. \\ U&\rightarrow EeT \mid TcC \mid eUc, \end{aligned}$$

The nonterminals \(T,U,S_{4,5}\) are new and \(S_{4,5}\) is an initial nonterminal. All the old nonterminals except \(S_1\) continue to be (weakly) characterized by the same sets of contexts as before, but we now have

$$\begin{aligned} L(G',S_1)^{\triangleright } =&\ \{(w_1 \# w_2 \# \dots \# w_n, w_n^R \dots w_2^R w_1^R) \mid n \ge 1, w_1,\dots ,w_n \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}\}\\&\cup \{(v,zc^k\%f^l) \mid v \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, k,l \ge 0 \},\\ L(G',S_1)^{\triangleright \triangleleft } =&\ L(G',S_1) = L_1, \end{aligned}$$

where of course \(\triangleright , \triangleleft \) are now relative to \(L'\). For the new nonterminals, we have

$$\begin{aligned} L(G',T)&= \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}= \{ (\$,a\%) \}^{\triangleleft },\\ L(G',U)&= \{e^j z c^k \mid z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, j,k \ge 0, j \ne k \}\ = \{ (e,c\%) \}^{\triangleleft },\\ L(G',S_{4,5})&= L_4 \cup L_5 = \{ (\varepsilon ,f) \}^{\triangleleft }. \end{aligned}$$

Now if we let

$$\begin{aligned} X_{S_1}&= C(G',S_1)^{\triangleleft }\\&= \{(w_1 \# w_2 \# \dots \# w_n,w_n^R \dots w_2^R w_1^R) \mid n \ge 1, w_1,w_2,\dots ,w_n \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}\}^{\triangleleft }\\&= L_1 \cup \{v c^i d^i e^i z \mid v \in \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}, z \in \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}, i \ge 0 \}, \end{aligned}$$

then we have \( X_{S_1} \supseteq \{ \$ \} \cup a X_{S_1} a \cup b X_{S_1} b \cup \# X_{S_1}, \) so \(X_{S_1}\) together with (the closures of) the languages of the other nonterminals constitute an SPP for \(G'\). Since \( X_{S_1} = \{ (a \#,a), (b \#,b) \}^{\triangleleft }, \) this shows that \(G'\) has the very weak 2-FCP.     \(\square \)

Lemma 13

There is no CFG for \(L'\) that has the weak FCP.


Let G be any CFG for \(L'\). As in the proof of Lemma 7, we obtain

$$ \begin{aligned} S&\Rightarrow _G^{\textstyle *}a^{m_1} (a^{n_1})^i a^{m_2} b^{m_3} (b^{n_2})^j b^{m_4} \# a^{m_5} D a^{l_5} b^{l_4} (b^{n_2})^j b^{l_3} a^{l_2} (a^{n_1})^i a^{l_1},\\ D&\Rightarrow _G^+ a^{m_6} \$ a^{l_6}, \end{aligned} $$

for every i and j, where S is an initial nonterminal, D is a nonterminal, and \(n_1,n_2 \ge 1\). It is easy to see that

$$\begin{aligned} L(G,D)&\subseteq \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}(\{ \$ \} \cup \{c^i d^i e^i \mid i \ge 0 \}) \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *},\\ L(G,D)^{\triangleright }&\subseteq \{ a^{m_6} \$ a^{l_6} \}^{\triangleright }\\&\subseteq \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}\times \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}(\{ \varepsilon \} \cup c^{\textstyle *}\% f^{\textstyle *}). \end{aligned}$$

Since L(GD) is context-free, there must be a \(k_1\) such that

$$ L(G,D) \cap \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}c^i d^i e^i \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}= \varnothing \ \text {for all}\ i > k_1. $$

It follows that \( \{(\varepsilon , c^i \%) \mid i > k_1 \} \subseteq L(G,D)^{\triangleright } \) and so

$$ L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \cap \{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}c^i d^i e^i \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}= \varnothing \ \text {for all}\ i > k_1. $$

However, for any finite set \(W \subseteq L(G,D)^{\triangleright }\), there is a \(k_2\) such that \( W \cap (\{ a,b,\# \}^{\textstyle *}\times \{ a,b \}^{\textstyle *}c^i \% f^{\textstyle *}) = \varnothing \ \text {for all}\ i > k_2, \) which implies \( \{c^i d^i e^i \mid i > k_2 \} \subseteq W^{\triangleleft }. \) It follows that \(L(G,D)^{\triangleright \triangleleft } \ne W^{\triangleleft }\) for any finite W.     \(\square \)

Theorem 14

There is a language that has a CFG with the very weak 2-FCP but has no CFG with the weak FCP.

7 Conclusion

The basic idea of distributional learning has been to let a finite set of contexts/strings determine (the distributions of) the strings derived from each nonterminal. We have shown that while this is indeed a necessary condition for the primal learner, the dual learner may succeed in the absence of such a characterizing finite set of contexts.