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8.1 From the Pick Theorem to the Ehrhart Polynomial

A (full-dimensional) lattice \(\varLambda \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is a discrete subgroup spanned by n independent vectors. Given a basis of Λ, the automorphisms of Λ are transformations of the form xAx + b with bΛ and \(A \in \mathop{\mathrm{GL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\), that is, A is an n × n integer matrix with determinant ± 1. Such transformations are called unimodular . A lattice polytope is the convex hull of a finite subset of Λ and we write \(\mathcal{P}(\varLambda )\) for the family of lattice polytopes. Since every lattice is a linear image of \(\mathbb{Z}^{n}\), in general we just consider the lattice \(\mathbb{Z}^{n}\).

This section concentrates on the lattice point enumerator L(P) for a bounded set \(P \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}\), where

$$\displaystyle{ L(P):=\sum _{x\in Pa\mbox{\c{}}p \mathbb{Z}^{n}}1. }$$

Hence, L(P) is the number of lattice points in P and PL(P) is a valuation on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\). For basic properties of lattices related to this chapter from various aspects, see Barvinok [3], Beck and Robins [4], Gruber [20] or Gruber and Lekkerkerker [21].

The starting point is a formula [51] due to Georg Alexander Pick (1859–1942). For \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2})\), write B(P) for the number of lattice points on the boundary of P if P is two-dimensional, and \(B(P):= 2\vert P \cap \mathbb{Z}^{2}\vert - 2\) if P is a segment or a point, where \(\vert \,\cdot \,\vert\) denotes the cardinality of a finite set. Note that PB(P) is a valuation.

Theorem 8.1 (Pick)

For \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2})\) non-empty,

$$\displaystyle{ L(P) = V _{2}(P) + \frac{1} {2}B(P) + 1. }$$

Here V 2(P) is the two-dimensional volume of the polytope P. The core fact behind Pick’s theorem is that if \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2})\) is a triangle with L(P) = 3, then V 2(P) = 1∕2. Thus the essential two-dimensional case can be proved for example by induction on L(P), dissecting P into triangles sharing a common vertex if L(P) ≥ 4. The Pick theorem has various proofs (see e.g. [9, 22]).

In higher dimensions, there is no simple formula as in Pick’s theorem, as was noted by Reeve [54, 55]. The reason is that the volume of an n-dimensional simplex \(S \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) with L(S) = n + 1 can be any non-negative integer multiple of 1∕n! However, Eugène Ehrhart (1906–2000), a French high school teacher, found the following fundamental formula in [17] which works in all dimensions. We write \(\mathbb{N}_{0}\) for the set of non-negative integers and call a valuation unimodular if it is invariant with respect to unimodular transformations.

Theorem 8.2 (Ehrhart)

There exist rational numbers L i (P) for i = 0, , n such that

$$\displaystyle{ L(kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n}L_{ i}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) . For each i, the functional \(L_{i}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}\) is a unimodular valuation which is homogeneous of degree i.

Note that L n (P) is the n-dimensional volume V n (P) and that L 0(P) is the Euler characteristic of P, that is, L 0(P): = 1 for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) non-empty and L 0(∅): = 0. Also note that L i (P) = 0 for i > dimP, where dimP is the dimension (of the affine hull) of P.

Let det n−1 Λ denote the determinant of an (n − 1)-dimensional sublattice of \(\mathbb{Z}^{n}\). In addition, for an n-dimensional polytope \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), let \(\mathcal{F}_{n-1}(P)\) be the family of (n − 1)-dimensional faces and write \(\mathop{\mathrm{aff}}\nolimits\) for affine hull. For n ≥ 2, we have

$$\displaystyle{ L_{n-1}(P) = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} \tfrac{1} {2}\sum \limits _{F\in \mathcal{F}_{n-1}(P)} \dfrac{V _{n-1}(F)} {\det _{n-1}(\mathbb{Z}^{n} \cap \mathop{\mathrm{aff}}\nolimits F)}\quad &\text{if }\dim (P) = n, \\ \dfrac{V _{n-1}(P)} {\det _{n-1}(\mathbb{Z}^{n} \cap \mathop{\mathrm{aff}}\nolimits P)} \quad &\text{if }\dim (P) = n - 1, \\ 0 \quad &\text{if }\dim (P) \leq n - 2. \end{array} \right. }$$

Thus L n−1(P) is a lattice surface area of P. Note, in particular, that \(L_{1}(P) = \frac{1} {2}B(P)\) in accordance with Pick’s Theorem for n = 2.

The coefficient L i (P) may not be an integer for i = 1, , n, but \(n!L_{i}(P) \in \mathbb{Z}\) for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\). There seems to be no known “geometric interpretation” for L i (P) if n ≥ 3 and 1 ≤ in − 2, and actually L i (P) might be negative in this case (see [30] for a strong result in this direction). If \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) is n-dimensional and i = 1, , n − 1, then good bounds of the form

$$\displaystyle{ a(n,i)V _{n}(P) + b(n,i) \leq L_{i}(P) \leq c(n,i)V _{n}(P) + d(n,i) }$$

involving the so-called Stirling numbers are known. Here the optimal upper bound on L i (P) for i = 1, , n − 1 is due to Betke and McMullen [8]. A lower bound is due to Henk and Tagami [29] and Tsuchiya [64], and it is known to be optimal if i = 1, 2, 3, n − 3, n − 2, and if ni is even.

There is a representation of the Ehrhart polynomial via projective toric varieties associated to a lattice polytope (see, e.g., [13, 15, 18]). Using this representation, or combinatorial analogues of the algebraic geometric approach, formulas for L i (P) were established by Pommersheim [52] in terms of Dedekind sums if \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{3})\) is a tetrahedron, by Kantor and Khovanskii [32] if n = 3, 4, by Brion and Vergne [12] if P is simple, by Diaz and Robins [16] using Fourier analysis for any P and by Chen [14] if P is a simplex.

We note that inspired by the algebraic geometric representation of the Ehrhart polynomial, Barvinok [2] provided a polynomial time algorithm to calculate L i (P) for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) and i = 1, , n, if the dimension n is fixed.

Ehrhart’s Theorem 8.2 was extended to non-negative integer linear combinations of lattice polytopes by Bernstein [5] and McMullen [46].

Theorem 8.3

Let \(P_{1},\ldots,P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) be given. If \(k_{1},\ldots,k_{m} \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) , then L(k 1 P 1 + + k m P m ) is a polynomial in k 1, , k m of total degree at most n. Moreover, the coefficient of \(k_{1}^{r_{1}}\cdots k_{m}^{r_{m}}\) in this polynomial is a translation invariant valuation in P i which is homogeneous of degree r i .

To prove this result, McMullen [46] uses induction on the number of summands, while Bernstein [5] considers intersections of algebraic hypersurfaces in \((\mathbb{C}\setminus \{0\})^{n}\) determined by Laurent polynomials with given Newton polytope. Here the Newton polytope associated to a Laurent polynomial is the convex hull of the lattice points corresponding to the exponents of its non-zero coefficients. Note that Theorems 8.2 and 8.3 imply that L 1 is additive.

Corollary 8.4

If \(P,Q \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) , then L 1(P + Q) = L 1(P) + L 1(Q).

For the lattice point enumerator, the following important reciprocity relation was established by Ehrhart [17] and Macdonald [45]. For \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), write \(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P\) for the relative interior of P (with respect to the affine hull of P).

Theorem 8.5

If \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) , then \(L(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P) = (-1)^{\dim P}\sum _{i=0}^{n}L_{i}(P)(-1)^{i}.\)

This is also called the Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity law. The right side of the formula in Theorem 8.5 is, up to multiplication with the factor (−1)dimP, the Ehrhart polynomial kL(kP) evaluated at k = −1. For a multivariate version, that is, a version using the polynomial from Theorem 8.3, see [31].

One may choose other bases for the vector space of polynomials of degree at most n instead of the monomials and obtains other representations for the Ehrhart polynomial. In particular, for \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\),

$$\displaystyle{ L(kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n}H_{ i}^{{\ast}}(P)\binom{k + n - i}{n}. }$$

For i = 0, , n, the functional H i is a unimodular valuation on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) (which is not homogeneous). More commonly used are the functionals h i , defined by

$$\displaystyle{ L(kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{m}h_{ i}^{{\ast}}(P)\binom{k + m - i}{m} }$$

for \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\), where m = dimP. The vector (h 0 (P), , h n (P)), where we set h i (P): = 0 for i > dimP, is called the Ehrhart h -vector of P. Stanley [61] showed that the Ehrhart h -vector of P coincides with the combinatorial h-vector of a unimodular triangulation of P, if such a triangulation exists. Betke [6] and Stanley [61] showed that for i = 0, , n, the functional h i is integer-valued and non-negative on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\). Stanley [62] showed that each h i is monotone with respect to set inclusion. Clearly, we have H i (P) = h i (P) for n-dimensional polytopes P. However, the functionals h i are not valuations on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) while the valuations H i are not monotone or non-negative.

Another representation of the Ehrhart polynomial, introduced by Breuer [11], is

$$\displaystyle{ L(kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n}f_{ i}^{{\ast}}(P)\binom{k - 1}{i} }$$

for \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\). For i = 0, , n, the functional f i is a unimodular valuation on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) (which again is not homogeneous). Note that f i (P) = 0 for i > dimP. The vector (f 0 (P), , f n (P)) is called the Ehrhart f -vector of P and coincides with the combinatorial f-vector of a unimodular triangulation of P, if such a triangulation exists. Breuer [11] showed that for i = 0, , n, the valuation f i is integer-valued and non-negative on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) and that these properties extend to polyhedral complexes.

8.2 The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The inclusion-exclusion principle is a fundamental property of valuations on lattice polytopes, which was first established in the case of translation invariant and real valued valuations by Stein [63] and for general real valued valuations by Betke (Das Einschließungs-Ausschließungsprinzip für Gitterpolytope. Unpublished manuscript). The first published proof is by McMullen [48], who also established the more general extension property. Since the family of lattice polytopes is not intersectional, that is, the intersection of two lattice polytopes is in general not a lattice polytope, results for valuations on polytopes (see Theorem  1.3) could not easily be generalized.

For m ≥ 1, we write P J : = ∩ iJ P i for ∅ ≠ J ⊂ {1, , m} and given polytopes \(P_{1},\ldots,P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\). Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be an abelian group. The inclusion-exclusion formula for lattice polytopes is the following result.

Theorem 8.6

If \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is a valuation, then for lattice polytopes P 1, , P m ,

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P_{1} \cup \ldots \cup P_{m}) =\sum _{\emptyset \neq J\subset \{1,\ldots,m\}}(-1)^{\vert J\vert -1}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P_{ J}). }$$

whenever \(P_{1} \cup \ldots \cup P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) and \(P_{J} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) for all≠ J ⊂ {1, , m}.

It is often helpful to extend valuations defined on lattice polytopes to finite unions of lattice polytopes whose intersections are again lattice polytopes. McMullen [48] showed that this is always possible. This is the extension property.

Theorem 8.7

If  \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is a valuation, then there exists a function \(\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }\) defined on finite unions of lattice polytopes such that for lattice polytopes P 1, , P m ,

$$\displaystyle{ \bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(P_{1} \cup \ldots \cup P_{m}) =\sum _{\emptyset \neq J\subset \{1,\ldots,m\}}(-1)^{\vert J\vert -1}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P_{ J}), }$$

whenever \(P_{J} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) for all≠ J ⊂ {1, , m}.

For a given valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\), we denote its extension by \(\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }\) and will use this notation throughout the chapter.

The inclusion-exclusion formula and the extension property are frequently needed for cell decompositions. We call a dissection of the polytope Q into polytopes P 1, , P m a cell decomposition if P i P j is either empty or a common face of P i and P j for every 1 ≤ i < jm. The faces of the cell decomposition are the faces of all P i for i = 1, , m.

Theorem 8.8

If  \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is a valuation and \(Q \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) , then

$$\displaystyle{ \bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(Q) = (-1)^{\dim Q}\sum _{ \begin{array}{c}F\in \mathcal{F}\\ Fa\mbox{\c{}}p \mathop{\mathrm{int}}\nolimits Q\neq \emptyset \end{array}}(-1)^{\dim F}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (F), }$$

where \(\mathcal{F}\) is the set of all faces of a cell decomposition of Q.

In particular, Theorem 8.7 implies the following. Write \(\mathcal{F}(P)\) for the family of all non-empty faces of \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) (including the face P) and set \(\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) -\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(\mathop{\mathrm{relbd}}\nolimits P)\), where \(\mathop{\mathrm{relbd}}\nolimits\) stands for relative boundary. Expressing \(\mathop{\mathrm{relbd}}\nolimits P\) as the union of its faces, we obtain

$$\displaystyle{ \bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P) = (-1)^{\dim P}\sum _{ F\in \mathcal{F}(P)}(-1)^{\dim F}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (F) }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

For a valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\), Sallee [56] introduced the associated function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) defined by

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }(P):=\sum _{ F\in \mathcal{F}(P)}(-1)^{\dim F}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (F) }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), which by (8.4) is closely related to \(\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P)\). He showed that \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }\) is a valuation on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) (while \(P\mapsto \bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P)\) is not a valuation) and that \((\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ })^{\circ } =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\). McMullen [46] gave simple proofs for these facts. We will use the notation (8.5) and the valuation property of \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }\) throughout the chapter. Using this, we can write the Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity law (Theorem 8.5) also as

$$\displaystyle{ L^{\circ }(P) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n}L_{ i}(P)(-1)^{i} }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

We note that many of the results related to the inclusion-exclusion principle have a variant if \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{A}\) is a valuation with \(\mathbb{A}\) a cancellative abelian semigroup. For example, the analogue of Theorem 8.6 is that if \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{A}\) is a valuation, and \(P_{1},\ldots,P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) satisfy that \(P_{1} \cup \ldots \cup P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) and \(P_{J} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) for all ∅ ≠ J ⊂ {1, , m}, then

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P_{1} \cup \ldots \cup P_{m}) +\sum _{\begin{array}{c}\emptyset \neq J\subset \{1,\ldots,m\} \\ \vert J\vert \;\text{ even}\end{array}}\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P_{J}) =\sum _{\begin{array}{c}\emptyset \neq J\subset \{1,\ldots,m\} \\ \vert J\vert \;\text{ odd} \end{array}}\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P_{J}). }$$

A typical case when \(\mathbb{A}\) is only a semigroup is the case of Minkowski valuations, which will be discussed in Sect. 8.5.

8.3 Translation Invariant Valuations

Let \(\mathbb{V}\) be a vector space over \(\mathbb{Q}\). A valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) is translation invariant if \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P + x) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P)\) for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) and \(x \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}\). Translation invariant valuations on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) behave similarly to the lattice point enumerator in many ways, as was proved by McMullen [46]. The paper [46] assumes that the valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) satisfies the inclusion-exclusion principle, which always holds by Theorem 8.6.

Theorem 8.9

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) be a translation invariant valuation. There exist \(Z_{i}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) for i = 0, , n such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{ i}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) . Moreover, \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{i}(P) = 0\,\) for i > dimP.

The corresponding result for valuations on polytopes is described in Theorem 1.13.

Combining results in McMullen [46] and [48] leads to an analogue of the Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity law (8.6).

Theorem 8.10

If  \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) is a translation invariant valuation, then

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }(-P) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{ i}(P)(-1)^{i} }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

The Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity law (8.6) is easily deduced from Theorem 8.10 because in addition to translation invariance, the lattice point enumerator also satisfies \(L(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits (-P)) = L(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P)\).

Taking Theorem 8.9 as starting point, Jochemko and Sanyal [31] consider analogues of the coefficients h i (P) in (8.2) for translation invariant valuations. For a translation invariant valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), they define \(h_{0}^{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(P),\ldots,h_{n}^{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(P)\) by

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{m}h_{ i}^{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(P)\binom{k + m - i}{m}, }$$

where m = dimP. A translation invariant valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is called h -nonnegative, if \(h_{i}^{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits } \geq 0\) on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) for i = 0, , n. It is called h -monotone if \(h_{i}^{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }\) is monotone (with respect to set inclusion) on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) for i = 0, , n. Using the extended valuation \(\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }\), Jochemko and Sanyal [31] establish a version of Stanley’s theorem on the non-negativity and monotonicity of h i for any translation invariant valuation.

Theorem 8.11

For a translation invariant valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) , the following three statements are equivalent.

  1. 1.

    \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is h -nonnegative.

  2. 2.

    \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is h -monotone.

  3. 3.

    \(\bar{\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits }(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P) \geq 0\) for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

Since for the lattice point enumerator we have \(L(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P) \geq 0\) for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), the non-negativity and monotonicity of h i on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) is a simple consequence of Theorem 8.11. Jochemko and Sanyal [31] also obtain the following result.

Theorem 8.12

A functional \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is a unimodular and h -nonnegative valuation if and only if there exist constants c 0, , c n ≥ 0 such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) = c_{0}\,f_{0}^{{\ast}}(P) +\ldots +c_{ n}\,f_{n}^{{\ast}}(P) }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

In the proof, essential use is made of the Betke-Kneser theorem, which is described in the following section.

8.4 The Betke-Kneser Theorem

The classical classification result for valuations on lattice polytopes concerns real valued and unimodular valuations and is due to Betke [6]. It was first published in Betke and Kneser [7]. It shows that the coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial form a basis of the vector space of unimodular valuations.

Theorem 8.13 (Betke)

A functional \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is a unimodular valuation if and only if there exist constants \(c_{0},\ldots,c_{n} \in \mathbb{R}\) such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) = c_{0}\,L_{0}(P) +\ldots +c_{n}\,L_{n}(P) }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

We remark that by Corollary 8.16 below, it is sufficient to assume that Z is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and translation invariant valuation to obtain the same result, where \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) denotes the group of n × n integer matrices with determinant 1.

The Euclidean counterpart of Theorem 8.13 is the celebrated classification of rigid motion invariant and continuous valuations on convex bodies by Hadwiger [27] (see Theorem  1.23). A classification of \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) invariant, Borel measurable valuations on convex polytopes containing the origin in their interiors was recently established by Haberl and Parapatits [24] extending results from [25, 33]. For a complete classification of \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) invariant valuations on convex polytopes, see [38].

We say that a j-dimensional \(S \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) is a unimodular simplex if j = 0 or S = [x 0, , x j ] for j ≥ 1 and {x 1x 0, , x j x 0} is part of a basis of \(\mathbb{Z}^{n}\). Here [] stands for convex hull. We define a particular set of unimodular simplices by setting T 0: = {0} and T j : = [0, e 1, , e j ] for j = 1, , n, where e 1, , e n is the standard basis of \(\mathbb{Z}^{n}\). Betke and Kneser [7] also established the following result for an abelian group \(\mathbb{G}\).

Theorem 8.14 (Betke-Kneser)

Every unimodular valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is uniquely determined by its values on T 0, , T n and these values can be chosen arbitrarily in \(\mathbb{G}\).

Again, by Corollary 8.16 below, it is sufficient to assume that Z is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and translation invariant valuation.

The following statement is the core of the argument in Betke and Kneser [7]. It is proved using dissection into simplices and suitable complementation by simplices.

Proposition 8.15

For \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) , there exist unimodular simplices S 1, , S m and integers l 1, , l m such that for any abelian group \(\mathbb{G}\) ,

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kP) =\sum _{ j=1}^{m}l_{ j}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kS_{j}) }$$

for every valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) and \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\).

This proposition implies Ehrhart’s theorem. Just note that for k ≥ 1,

$$\displaystyle{ L(kT_{i}) = \binom{k + i}{i}\qquad \text{for }i = 0,\ldots,n, }$$

that each unimodular simplex S j is an image under a unimodular transformation of some T i , and that for each i, the above binomial coefficient is a polynomial in k of degree i.

The following statement is another direct consequence of Proposition 8.15.

Corollary 8.16

If  \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) and \(\,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ':\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) are \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and translation invariant valuations such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (T_{i}) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits '(T_{i})\qquad \mathit{\text{for }}i = 0,\ldots,n, }$$

then \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits '(P)\) for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

8.5 Minkowski Valuations

Let \(\mathcal{F}\) be a family of subsets of \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) and write \(\mathcal{K}^{n}\) for the set of convex bodies, that is, compact convex sets, in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). The subset of convex polytopes is denoted by \(\mathcal{P}^{n}\). An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ F} \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is a Minkowski valuation if \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) satisfies

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits K +\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits L =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (K \cup L) +\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (K \cap L) }$$

for all \(K,L \in \mathcal{ F}\) with \(K \cup L,K \cap L \in \mathcal{ F}\) and addition on \(\mathcal{K}^{n}\) is Minkowski addition; that is,

$$\displaystyle{ K + L:=\{ x + y: x \in K,\,y \in L\}. }$$

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) be the special linear group on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\), that is, the group of real matrices of determinant 1. An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ F} \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is called \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) equivariant if

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (\phi P) =\phi \mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P\qquad \text{for }\phi \in \mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\text{ and }P \in \mathcal{ F}. }$$

Define \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariance of operators on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) analogously. For recent results on \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) equivariant operators on convex bodies and their associated inequalities, see, for example, [26, 4043].

For \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) equivariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuations defined on convex polytopes, the following complete classification was established in [35]. It provides a characterization of the difference body operator

$$\displaystyle{ P\mapsto P - P:=\{ x - y: x,y \in P\}, }$$

which assigns to P its difference body . For more information on difference bodies and their associated inequalities, see [19, 59]. Let n ≥ 2.

Theorem 8.17

An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}^{n} \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) equivariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exists a constant c ≥ 0 such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = c(P - P) }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}^{n}\).

Further results on the classification of \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) equivariant Minkowski valuations can be found, for example, in [23, 36, 50, 65].

The following result, taken from [10], is an analogue for lattice polytopes of Theorem 8.17.

Theorem 8.18

An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exist a, b ≥ 0 such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = a(P -\ell_{1}(P)) + b(-P +\ell _{1}(P)) }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

Here for a lattice polytope P, the point 1(P) is its discrete Steiner point that was introduced in [10]. See Sect. 8.6 for the definition and characterization theorems. The proof of Theorem 8.18 uses constructions from Betke and Kneser [7] as well as results on Minkowski summands and it also exploits the large symmetry group of the standard simplex T n .

For operators mapping \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) to \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), the following result was established in [10]. Write \(\mathop{\mathrm{LCM}}\nolimits\) for least common multiple.

Theorem 8.19

An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exist integers a, b ≥ 0 with \(b - a \in \mathop{\mathrm{LCM}}\nolimits (2,\ldots,n + 1)\mathbb{Z}\) such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = a(P -\ell_{1}(P)) + b(-P +\ell _{1}(P)) }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

Here it is used that the discrete Steiner point of a lattice polytope is a vector with rational coordinates.

An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ F} \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) contravariant if

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (\phi P) =\phi ^{-t}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P\qquad \text{for }\phi \in \mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{ n}(\mathbb{R})\text{ and }P \in \mathcal{ F}, }$$

where ϕ t is the inverse of the transpose of ϕ. We define \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) contravariance of operators on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) analogously. For recent results on \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) contravariant operators on convex bodies, see, for example, [26, 41, 44].

An important \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) contravariant operator on \(\mathcal{K}^{n}\) is the operator \(K\mapsto \Pi K\), that associates with a convex body its projection body . To define this operator, we describe a convex body L by its support function \(h(L,\,\cdot \,): \mathbb{S}^{n-1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) where h(L, u): = max{u ⋅ x: xL}.

For a convex body K, the projection body \(\Pi K\) is given by

$$\displaystyle{ h(\Pi K,u) = V _{n-1}(K\vert u^{\perp }), }$$

for \(u \in \mathbb{S}^{n-1}\), where K | u is the orthogonal projection of K onto the hyperplane orthogonal to u. We refer to [19, 59] for more information on projection bodies and their associated inequalities. For a polytope P with facets (that is, (n − 1)-dimensional faces) F 1, , F m , the projection body \(\Pi P\) is given as the following Minkowski sum,

$$\displaystyle{ \Pi P = \tfrac{1} {2}\big([-v_{1},v_{1}] +\ldots +[-v_{m},v_{m}]\big), }$$

where v i is the scaled normal corresponding to the facet F i , that is, v i is a normal vector to the facet F i with length equal to V n−1(F i ). Here [−v i , v i ] is the segment with endpoints − v i and v i .

For \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) contravariant Minkowski valuations on \(\mathcal{P}^{n}\), the following complete classification was established in [35]. Let n ≥ 2.

Theorem 8.20

An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}^{n} \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) contravariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exists a constant c ≥ 0 such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = c\Pi P }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}^{n}\).

Further classification theorems for \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) contravariant Minkowski valuations on convex bodies can be found in [23, 34, 36, 37, 49, 60].

The following analogue of Theorem 8.20 for lattice polytopes is from [10].

Theorem 8.21

  1. (i)

    An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2}) \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{2}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{2}(\mathbb{Z})\) contravariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exist constants a, b ≥ 0 such that

    $$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = a\,\varrho _{\pi /2}(P -\ell_{1}(P)) + b\,\varrho _{\pi /2}(-P +\ell _{1}(P)) }$$

    for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2})\).

  2. (ii)

    For n ≥ 3, an operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathcal{ K}^{n}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) contravariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if then there exists a constant c ≥ 0 such that

    $$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = c\Pi P }$$

    for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

Here ϱ π∕2 denotes the rotation by an angle π∕2 in \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\). Note that for n = 2, the projection body is obtained from the difference body by applying this rotation.

The projection body of a lattice polytope is a rational polytope. For operators mapping \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) to \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), the following result was established in [10].

Theorem 8.22

  1. (i)

    An operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2}) \rightarrow \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2})\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{2}(\mathbb{Z})\) contravariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exist integers a, b ≥ 0 with \(b - a \in 6\,\mathbb{Z}\) such that

    $$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = a\,\varrho _{\pi /2}(P -\ell_{1}(P)) + b\,\varrho _{\pi /2}(-P +\ell _{1}(P)) }$$

    for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{2})\).

  2. (ii)

    For n ≥ 3, an operator \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) contravariant and translation invariant Minkowski valuation if and only if there exists a constant \(c \in (n - 1)!\,\mathbb{N}_{0}\) such that

    $$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits P = c\Pi P }$$

    for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

8.6 Vector Valuations

In analogy to (8.1), for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), the discrete moment vector was introduced in [10] as

$$\displaystyle{ \ell(P):=\sum _{x\in Pa\mbox{\c{}}p \mathbb{Z}^{n}}x. }$$

The discrete moment vector \(\ell:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^{n}\) is a valuation that is equivariant with respect to unimodular linear transformations. In addition, if \(y \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}\), then

$$\displaystyle{ \ell(P + y) =\ell (P) + L(P)\,y. }$$

In general, a valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is called translation covariant if for all \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) and \(y \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}\),

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P + y) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) +\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{0}(P)y }$$

with some \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{0}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\). Note that it easily follows from this definition that the associated functional \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{0}\) is also a valuation.

McMullen [46] established the following analogue of Theorem 8.9.

Theorem 8.23

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{n}\) be a translation covariant valuation. There exist \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{i}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{n}\) for i = 0, , n + 1 such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n+1}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{ i}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) . For each i, the function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{i}\) is a translation covariant valuation which is homogeneous of degree i.

Note that if the valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant, then so are \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{0},\ldots,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{n+1}\). Using this homogeneous decomposition, McMullen [46] established the following more general result.

Theorem 8.24

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{n}\) be a translation covariant valuation and let \(P_{1},\ldots,P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) be given. If \(k_{1},\ldots,k_{m} \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) , then \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (k_{1}P_{1} +\ldots +k_{m}P_{m})\) is a polynomial of total degree at most (n + 1) in k 1, , k m . Moreover, the coefficient of \(k_{1}^{r_{1}}\cdots k_{m}^{r_{m}}\) in this polynomial is a translation covariant valuation in P i which is homogeneous of degree r i .

The discrete moment vector is a translation covariant valuation. Hence, we obtain as a special case of Theorem 8.23 the following result.

Corollary 8.25

There exist \(\ell_{i}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{n}\) for i = 1, , n + 1 such that

$$\displaystyle{ \ell(kP) =\sum _{ i=1}^{n+1}\ell_{ i}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) . For each i, the function ℓ i is a translation covariant valuation which is equivariant with respect to unimodular linear transformations and homogeneous of degree i.

Note that n+1(P) is the moment vector of P, that is, n+1(P) = P x dx. We call the vector 1(P) the discrete Steiner point of P. From Theorem 8.24, we deduce as in Corollary 8.4 the following result.

Corollary 8.26

The function \(\ell_{1}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{n}\) is additive.

It is shown in [10] that the discrete Steiner point of a unimodular simplex is its centroid. Hence, by using suitable dissections and complementations, it is possible to obtain 1(P) for a given lattice polytope P.

The following results, Theorems 8.27 and 8.29, both from [10], are the reason for calling 1 the discrete Steiner point map. A function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is called translation equivariant if \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P + x) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) + x\) for \(x \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

Theorem 8.27

A function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and translation equivariant and additive if and only if \(\,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is the discrete Steiner point map.

Theorem 8.27 corresponds to the following characterization of the classical Steiner point by Schneider [57]. The classical Steiner point , s(K), is defined by

$$\displaystyle{ s(K):= \frac{1} {\kappa _{n}}\int _{\mathbb{S}^{n-1}}u\,h(K,u)\,\mathrm{d}u, }$$

where κ n is the n-dimensional volume of the n-dimensional unit ball and du denotes integration with respect to (n − 1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure on the unit sphere.

Theorem 8.28

A function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ K}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is continuous, rigid motion equivariant and additive if and only if \(\,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is the Steiner point map.

Note that Wannerer [66] recently obtained a corresponding characterization of vector valuations in the Hermitian setting (see Corollary  6.15).

The discrete Steiner point is also characterized in the following result.

Theorem 8.29

A function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and translation equivariant valuation if and only if \(\,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is the discrete Steiner point map.

This theorem corresponds to the following characterization of the classical Steiner point by Schneider [58].

Theorem 8.30

A function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ K}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is a continuous and rigid motion equivariant valuation if and only if \(\,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is the Steiner point map.

By (8.8), the discrete moment vector is translation covariant. Note that

$$\displaystyle{ \ell_{i}(P + x) =\ell _{i}(P) + L_{i-1}(P)\,x }$$

for i = 1, , n + 1, where the case i = 1 is just the translation equivariance of 1. Hence i is translation covariant for each i. The following result is from [39].

Theorem 8.31

A function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits \!:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) is an \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant and translation covariant valuation if and only if there exist constants \(c_{1},\ldots,c_{n+1} \in \mathbb{R}\) such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) = c_{1}\ell_{1}(P) +\ldots +c_{n+1}\,\ell_{n+1}(P) }$$

for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

The Euclidean counterpart of this result is the classification of rotation equivariant and translation covariant, continuous valuations \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ K}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}\) by Hadwiger and Schneider [28] (see Theorem  2.4). A classification of \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{R})\) equivariant, Borel measurable vector valuations on convex polytopes containing the origin in their interiors was recently established by Haberl and Parapatits [25].

8.7 Polynomial Valuations

To discuss polynomial valuations, let us review what we mean by polynomial in our context. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be an abelian group and Λ a lattice in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). We say that \(p:\varLambda \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is polynomial of degree 0, if p is constant on Λ. We say that p is polynomial of degree d ≥ 1 if for any yΛ, the map xp(x + y) − p(x) is polynomial of degree at most d − 1. If w 1, , w n form a basis of Λ, then this implies that there are \(b_{i} \in \mathbb{G}\) and integer polynomials \(p_{i}: \mathbb{Z}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}\) of degree at most d for i = 1, , r such that for \(k_{i} \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\)

$$\displaystyle{ p(k_{1}w_{1} +\ldots +k_{n}w_{n}) =\sum _{ i=1}^{r}p_{ i}(k_{1},\ldots,k_{n})\,b_{i}. }$$

Now a valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\varLambda ) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is polynomial of degree d if for every \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\varLambda )\), the function, defined on Λ by \(x\mapsto \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P + x)\) is a polynomial of degree d.

Clearly, a valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is translation invariant if and only if it is polynomial of degree 0. If \(q: \mathbb{Z}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) is a polynomial of degree at most d, then \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) defined by

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P):=\sum _{x\in Pa\mbox{\c{}}p \mathbb{Z}^{n}}q(x) }$$

is a polynomial valuation of degree at most d.

McMullen [46] considered polynomial valuations of degree at most one and Pukhlikov and Khovanskii [53] proved Theorem 8.32 in the general case. Another proof, following the approach of [46], is due to Alesker [1]. These papers assume that the valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) satisfies the inclusion-exclusion principle, which holds by Theorem 8.6.

Theorem 8.32

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{G}\) be a polynomial valuation of degree at most d and let \(P_{1},\ldots,P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) be given. If \(k_{1},\ldots,k_{m} \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) , then \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (k_{1}P_{1} +\ldots +k_{m}P_{m})\) is a polynomial of total degree at most (d + n) in k 1, , k m . Moreover, the coefficient of \(k_{1}^{r_{1}}\cdots k_{m}^{r_{m}}\) in this polynomial is a polynomial valuation in P i of degree at most d which is homogeneous of degree r i .

This result implies that a homogeneous decomposition for polynomial valuations exists. Let \(\mathbb{V}\) be a vector space over \(\mathbb{Q}\).

Corollary 8.33

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) be a polynomial valuation of degree at most d. There exist valuations \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{i}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) for i = 0, , n + d which are polynomial of degree at most d + n and homogeneous of degree i such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{d+n}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{ i}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

If a polynomial valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) respects the action of linear unimodular transformations, then so do \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{0},\ldots,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{n+d}\). Important cases include \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) invariant valuations and \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant as well as \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) contravariant valuations.

A version of the Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity law for polynomial valuations of type (8.9) was established by Brion and Vergne [12]. The following more general result is from [39] and was proved along the lines of reciprocities laws from [46].

Theorem 8.34

If  \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}\) is a polynomial valuation which is homogeneous of degree j, then

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }(-P) = (-1)^{\,j}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P) }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

8.8 Tensor Valuations

In analogy to (8.1) and (8.7), for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\), we define for \(r \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\), the discrete moment tensor of rank r by

$$\displaystyle{ L^{r}(P):= \frac{1} {r!}\sum _{x\in Pa\mbox{\c{}}p \mathbb{Z}^{n}}x^{r}, }$$

where x r denotes the r-fold symmetric tensor product of x. Let \(\mathbb{T}^{r}\) denote the vector space of symmetric tensors of rank r on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). Note that \(\mathbb{T}^{0} = \mathbb{R}\) and L 0 = L and that \(\mathbb{T}^{1} = \mathbb{R}^{n}\) and L 1 = .

We view each element of \(\mathbb{T}^{r}\) as a symmetric r linear functional on \((\mathbb{R}^{n})^{r}\). So, in particular,

$$\displaystyle{ L^{r}(P)(v_{ 1},\ldots,v_{r}) = \frac{1} {r!}\sum _{x\in Pa\mbox{\c{}}p \mathbb{Z}^{n}}(x \cdot v_{1})\cdots (x \cdot v_{r}) }$$

for \(v_{1},\ldots,v_{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\), where x ⋅ v is the inner product of x and v.

The discrete moment tensor \(L^{r}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) has the following behavior with respect to unimodular linear transformations. For \(v_{1},\ldots,v_{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\),

$$\displaystyle{ L^{r}(\phi P)(v_{ 1},\ldots,v_{r}) = L^{r}(P)(\phi ^{t}v_{ 1},\ldots,\phi ^{t}v_{ r}) }$$

for all \(\phi \in \mathop{\mathrm{GL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\). In general, a tensor valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) is called \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant if for \(v_{1},\ldots,v_{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\),

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (\phi P)(v_{1},\ldots,v_{r}) =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P)(\phi ^{t}v_{ 1},\ldots,\phi ^{t}v_{ r}) }$$

for all \(\phi \in \mathop{\mathrm{GL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

In addition, if \(y \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}\), then

$$\displaystyle{ L^{r}(P + y) =\sum _{ m=0}^{r}L^{r-m}(P)\frac{y^{m}} {m!}, }$$

where we use the convention that \(y^{0} = 1 \in \mathbb{R}\). Following McMullen [47], a valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) is called translation covariant if there exist associated functions \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{m}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{m}\) for m = 0, , r such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P + y) =\sum _{ m=0}^{r}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{m}(P) \frac{y^{r-m}} {(r - m)!} }$$

for all \(y \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\). It follows from this definition that \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{m}\) is a valuation for m = 0, , r and that \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{r} =\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\). Note that the associated valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{m}\) is translation covariant for m = 0, , r, since we have

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{m}(P + y) =\sum _{ j=0}^{m}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{j}(P) \frac{y^{m-j}} {(m - j)!}. }$$

For given \(v_{1},\ldots,v_{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\), associate with the translation covariant tensor valuation \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\), the real valued valuation \(P\mapsto \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (P)(v_{1},\ldots,v_{r})\), which is easily seen to be polynomial of degree at most r. Hence we obtain the following result from Theorem 8.32.

Theorem 8.35

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) be a translation covariant valuation and let \(P_{1},\ldots,P_{m} \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) be given. If \(k_{1},\ldots,k_{m} \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) , then \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (k_{1}P_{1} +\ldots +k_{m}P_{m})\) is a polynomial of total degree at most (n + r) in k 1, , k m . Moreover, the coefficient of \(k_{1}^{r_{1}}\cdots k_{m}^{r_{m}}\) in this polynomial is a translation covariant valuation in P i which is homogeneous of degree r i .

As a special case, we obtain the following homogeneous decomposition.

Theorem 8.36

Let \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) be a translation covariant valuation. There exist \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{i}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) for i = 0, , n + r such that

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (kP) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n+r}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{ i}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) . For each i, the function \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{i}\) is a translation covariant valuation which is homogeneous of degree i.

Note that if \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) is \(\mathop{\mathrm{SL}}\nolimits _{n}(\mathbb{Z})\) equivariant, then so are the homogeneous components \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{0},\ldots,\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{n+r}\).

We apply these results to the discrete moment tensor and obtain the following result.

Corollary 8.37

There exist \(L_{i}^{r}:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) for i = 1, , n + r such that

$$\displaystyle{ L^{r}(kP) =\sum _{ i=1}^{n+r}L_{ i}^{r}(P)k^{i} }$$

for every \(k \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) and \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) . For each i, the function L i r is a translation covariant valuation which is equivariant with respect to unimodular linear transformations and homogeneous of degree i.

Note that L n+r r(P) is the rth moment tensor of the lattice polytope P, that is, \(L_{n+r}^{r}(P) = \frac{1} {r!}\int _{P}x^{r}\mathrm{d}x\) [cf. (2.4)]. See [39], for results on the classification of tensor valuations.

Using the approach from [46], we can extend the reciprocity laws to tensor valuations and obtain the following result, which is proved in [39].

Theorem 8.38

If \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) is a translation covariant valuation which is homogeneous of degree j, then

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }(P) = (-1)^{\,j}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits (-P) }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

Since \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }\) is again a translation covariant valuation, Theorem 8.36 implies that there are homogeneous decompositions for \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits\) and \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }\). Hence the following result is a simple consequence of Theorem 8.38.

Corollary 8.39

If  \(\mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits:\mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n}) \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^{r}\) is a translation covariant valuation, then

$$\displaystyle{ \mathop{\mathrm{Z}}\nolimits ^{\circ }(P) =\sum _{ i=0}^{n+r}(-1)^{i}\mathop{ \mathrm{Z}}\nolimits _{ i}(-P) }$$

for \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\).

So, in particular, using that L r(−P) = (−1)r L r(P), we obtain

Corollary 8.40

For \(P \in \mathcal{ P}(\mathbb{Z}^{n})\) ,

$$\displaystyle{ L^{r}(\mathop{\mathrm{relint}}\nolimits P) = (-1)^{m+r}\sum _{ i=1}^{m+r}(-1)^{i}L_{ i}^{r}(P), }$$

where m = dimP.