
1 Introduction

Nowadays, caching of contents is intensively applied in the Internet to provide multimedia or Web objects on demand to the users with a minimal delay. The idea stems from computer systems where frequently demanded files have to be cached in a short memory to accelerate the exchange between the processor and the operative memory. In telecommunication systems this concept is used to keep the requested content in a cache, e.g. at an edge router in fog computing (cf. [19,20,21]), or a hierarchy of caches (cf. [3, 4]). Numerous problems arising from the randomness of the inter-request time (IRT) sequences concern the optimal cache size, cache utilization and occupancy, and the replacement of objects within a cache to provide the fast availability of the requested content. The latter item is characterized by the hit/miss probability, i.e. the probability to find/miss a requested content in the cache.

Among these cache replacement rules the Least-Recently-Used (LRU) (cf. [1]), the Least-Frequently-Used (LFU) (cf. [2]) and the Time-to-Live (TTL) policy (cf. [3,4,5]) are the most popular schemes. Usually, the Independent Reference Model (IRM) that summarizes a number of assumptions is used to simplify the formulation of the hit/miss probability, the cache utilization and occupancy problems. According to IRM it is assumed that the inter-request times are independent and exponentially distributed (i.e. the request process is a Poisson renewal process), and that the popularity of contents or Web objects and content sizes are constant. The IRM implies a time and space locality regarding the object popularity. It should be noted that normally a non-Poisson renewal process model cannot capture the superposition of request processes that arise in cache networks (cf. [3]).

Not much work has been done when the IRM model is not appropriate. Then the IRT sequence may be correlated, heavy-tailed and non-stationary. Our first objective is to show how one can handle the caching problem in this case and what is the impact of such conditions on the effectiveness and utilization of a cache. Correlated IRTs are particularly realistic if some content has become very popular and many users are interested in it. Therefore, such correlations generate clusters of peaks of the popularity index. Following [6] we determine the cluster as a conglomerate of consecutive exceedances of the popularity process over a threshold between two consecutive non-exceedances. A cluster structure of the popularity process is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The sequence of content popularity against the time including some indicated clusters of exceedances over a given threshold.

We focus on the Cluster Caching Rule (CCR) policy proposed in [7] and studied in [8]. Dealing with a single cache we propose here an effectiveness of a cache as new caching metric. It is defined as total popularity of objects placed in the cache at time t. The second objective is given by the analysis and comparison of the CCR, TTL and LRU rules by a simulation study. Both the CCR and TTL rule use timers as tuning knobs for individual objects to stay in the cache, but they apply different arguments. We propose to select the TTL timers depending on the popularity of the cached objects.

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 related work is discussed. In Sect. 3 we propose the effectiveness of a cache as characteristic metric. In Sect. 4 we modify the TTL rule regarding the specific TTL timers which depend on the popularity indices. Moreover, we compare the hit probabilities of the CCR, LRU and TTL rules depending on the cache size and the TTL timer selection by simulation. The results are summarized in the Conclusion.

2 Related Work

Cache replacement schemes can be split into capacity-driven and TTL-based policies (cf. [9]). The hit (or miss) probability determines the long-term frequency to find (or not to find) a requested object in the cache. The LRU and LFU policies belong to the capacity-driven group since objects are evicted from the cache by arrivals of those objects not yet stored. According to LRU a new requested object is placed into the cache and the least recently requested object is evicted from the cache. In case the requested object is found in the cache, it is put on the first position while the residual cache contents is shifted upwards. According to the TTL policy objects are evicted according to individual timers, i.e. life times to be in cache (cf. [3]). It was found that LFU is better than LRU (cf. [10]). Thus, modifications of LRU were proposed like persistent-access-caching (PAC) to improve its miss probability (cf. [11]).

The CCR policy [7] is related to a popularity oriented, threshold-driven policy. It allows to cache only those contents corresponding to related popularity clusters, i.e. those objects are cached whose popularity index exceeds a sufficiently high threshold u. The hit probability is then determined as the probability to enter the cluster and the time of an object to stay in the cache is determined by the duration of consecutive clusters containing that object and the corresponding inter-cluster times (see Fig. 2). The CCR scheme provides some kind of congestion control that allows to drive cache utilization. The threshold u determines the popularity level which is exceeded and impacts on the cluster sizes of the popularity process. CCR is in a way similar to LFU where only popular objects may be placed in the cache. Caching only frequently referenced objects has also been developed as central processing unit (CPU) approach in [1].

Regarding the stochastic analysis of caching rules for correlated request processes with heavy tails not much research has been done yet. Poisson arrival processes were considered in [12,13,14] with light- and heavy-tailed request rates \(\lambda _i\), i.e. \(\lambda _i\sim c\exp (-\xi i^\beta )\) for \(i=1,2,\ldots \) with \(c, \xi , \beta >0\) and \(\lambda _i\sim c/i^\alpha \) for \(i=1,2,\ldots \) with \(\alpha >1\), \(c >0\), respectively. The miss probability of the LRU policy was shown to decrease following a power law or exponentially, respectively, for heavy- and light-tailed \(\lambda _i\) as the cache size C tends to infinity. It was derived that the correlation does not impact the miss probability for unlimited cache size. Markov arrival processes (MAPs) were also used to model correlated requests (cf. [3]), since they are self-contained regarding superposition. Regarding the LRU strategy and moderate cache sizes, non-stationary and dependent request processes and the average miss probability were considered as input and metric in [15].

Cache utilization determines an important metric and raises several issues. To optimize cache utilization based on TTL policies, it was proposed in [16] to maximize the sum of the utilities of all objects regarding the TTL timers. Therein, each content item is associated with a utility metric that is a function of the corresponding content hit probability. The latter approach assumes a Poisson renewal process as request model. In [7] the utilization with regard to the CCR strategy has been determined by the ratio of the cluster and the cache sizes where the cluster implies a set of consecutive exceedances of the popularity index over a sufficiently high threshold. Then the average cache utilization was considered both for fixed and random object sizes.

3 Effectiveness of the Cluster Caching Rule

The analysis of real traces has shown that about \(70\%\) of contents in caches is requested only once. It translates into an even higher miss ratio of 0.88 (cf. [1]). The LRU and TTL cache policies do not prevent to place unpopular contents in the cache. To prevent caching of a large portion of rarely requested objects, we propose to maximize the effectiveness of a cache. It is reflected by the new metric

$$ e(t) = \sum _{i=1}^{C} p_i(t) 1\!{\text{ I }}\{i \text{ th } \text{ object } o_{j_i} \mathrm {~from~the~catalog~is~in~the~cache~at~time~t}\!\}. $$

We assume that all objects \(\{o_j \mid j \in M \}, M = \{1, \ldots , N \} \) in the catalog have equal size s and \(\widehat{C} = C\cdot s\) is the cache size. N denotes the size of the catalog. \(p_i(t)\) is the popularity of the ith object \(o_{j_i}\) in the cache at epoch t. e(t) indicates the total popularity of all those objects \(\{o_{j_1}, \ldots o_{j_C}\}\) stored in the cache at time t. It holds \(j_C \le C\) since the cache may not be full. According to the CCR policy, the ith object \(o_{j_i}\) may be placed in the cache if its popularity \(p_i(t)\) at time t exceeds a given threshold u.

As the cache load is provided by clusters of highly popular objects, their indices \(p_i(t)\) may belong only to one cluster. This means that the number of cached objects is limited by the cluster size \(T_2(u)\) or more exactly by the maximal cluster size. The notion of the cluster size of a stationary process \(\{X_t\}_{t\ge 1}\)

$$\begin{aligned} T_2(u)= & {} \min \{j\ge 1: L_{1,j}> u, X_{j+1}\le u|X_{1}\le u\}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(M_{1,j}=\max \{X_{2},\ldots ,X_{j}\}\), \(M_{1,1} = -\infty \), \(L_{1,j}=\min \{X_{2},\ldots ,X_{j}\}\), \(L_{1,1} = +\infty \) is mentioned in [6, 7] following [17]. Regarding the CCR policy, we then get the effectiveness

$$\begin{aligned} e_u(t)= & {} \sum _{i=1}^C p_i(t) \mathbb {P}\{ p_i(t) > u | i \text{ th } \text{ object } \text{ is } \text{ in } \text{ the } \text{ latest } \text{ cluster } \text{ at } \text{ time } \text{ t }\!\} \nonumber \\\le & {} \sum _{i=1}^j p_i(t) \mathbb {P}\{ T_2(u)=j \} \end{aligned}$$

where \(j \le C\) is the observed cluster size. In case \(j>C\) we can load the rest of those objects in the next cache of a cache hierarchy or increase u to decrease the cluster size.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of the CCR caching mechanism and the popularity clustering for different threshold values \(U_1\) and \(U_2\) over time.

Example 1

Figure 2 illustrates the dynamics of CCR caching and the calculation of the effectiveness. At time \(T_1\) the cache contains objects with numbers 1, 2 and 3 because their popularity exceeds the threshold \(U_1\). If \(U_2\) were the threshold, the objects with numbers \(0-4\) would be cached. Let us consider the threshold \(U_1\). The next cluster begins at the object with number 6. The popularity of the object 2 decreases and it falls between two clusters. Nevertheless, at time \(T_1\) it remains in the cache. In the second cluster the object with number 7 occurs twice. At time \(T_2\) we have the objects with numbers \(6-8\) in the cache. The objects \(1-3\) are evicted from the cache. Hence, the effectiveness at time \(T_1\) is calculated as the sum of the popularity of objects \(1-3\) and at time \(T_2\) by means of the objects \(6-8\).

The probability \(\mathbb {P}\{ T_2(u)=j \}\) in (1) does not take into account possible repetitions of the same objects in the popularity clusters. Therefore, it provides an upper bound of the real effectiveness.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Effectiveness (2) with \(C = j = 10\) for the CCR policy against the quantile level q of the extremal index \(\theta \in \{0.2,0.7\}\) and the tail index \(\alpha \in \{1.2,4\}\), where \(q\in \{0.137, 0.357\}\) corresponds to the maximal effectiveness.

The effectiveness metric \(e_u(t)\) in (1) is driven by u. We can find such u that provides a maximal value \(e_u(t)\) for a fixed time t. To this end, let us assume that the objects’ popularity is determined by Zipf’s law, i.e. \(p_i \sim \chi / i^\alpha \), where \(\chi > 0\) is a constant. \(\alpha >0\) is the tail index. It shows the heaviness of the tail of the popularity distribution. As the popularity index may change over time, we can take \(p_i(t) \sim \chi / i^{\alpha (t)}\).

Regarding a sequence of increasing thresholds \(\{u_n\}_{n \ge 1}\), the probability of \(T_2(u_n)\) derived in [6] satisfies for each \(\varepsilon >0\) and some \(n_{\varepsilon }\) and \(j_0(n_{\varepsilon })\) the following expression

$$ \mid \mathbb {P}\{ T_2(x_{\rho _n}) = j\}/( \theta ^2q_n(1-q_n)^{(j-1)\theta })-1 \mid \,< \varepsilon $$

for all \(n>n_{\varepsilon }\) and sufficiently large j, i.e. \(j>j_0(n_{\varepsilon })\). Here high quantiles \(\{x_{\rho _n}\}\) of the common popularity process of all objects in the catalog w.r.t. the levels \(q_n=1-\rho _n\), \(\rho _n \sim 1/n\) are taken as thresholds \(\{u_n\}\). \(\theta \in [0,1]\) is the dependence measure of the popularity process called extremal index [18]. The reciprocal \(1/\theta \) approximates the mean cluster size of exceedances over the threshold \(u = u_n\). By (1) and an approximation of the Rieman Zeta function for \(\alpha (t) > 0, \alpha (t) \ne 1,\) we get the total popularity of the j objects placed in the cache of size \(\widehat{C} = C\cdot s\) in terms of

$$\begin{aligned} e_q(t)\approx & {} \theta ^2 q (1-q)^{(j-1) \theta } \sum _{i=1}^j\frac{\chi }{i^{\alpha (t)}} \approx \chi \theta ^2 q (1-q)^{(j-1)\theta } \frac{j^{1-\alpha (t)}-1}{1-\alpha (t)}. \end{aligned}$$

As the quantile level q represents now the threshold u, one can find \(q = 1/(1+(j-1)\theta )\) that maximizes \(e_q(t)\). In Fig. 3 \(e_q(t)\) is depicted for a fixed time t, i.e. \(\alpha (t)=\alpha \). As Zipf’s model may fit the popularity not accurately enough for samples of moderate size, we can estimate the popularity of the ith object \(o_{j_i}\) at stopping time t by [7]

$$\begin{aligned} p_i(t)= & {} J_{i,t}/N_t . \end{aligned}$$

Here \(J_{i,t}\) and \(N_t\) denote the number of requests for the ith object \(o_{j_i}\) and for all objects \(o_{j}, j \in M\) in the catalog at time t, respectively, that progress in time. The cluster size probability can be evaluated as ratio of the number of requests \(R_t\) with popularity exceedances over u to the total number of requests \(N_t\) at time t. Here, \(R_t\) contains only exceedances corresponding to different objects falling in the clusters. Then we get from (1) the empirical effectiveness

$$\begin{aligned} e_u(t)= & {} \left[ R_t/ {N_t}^2 \right] \sum _{i=1}^C J_{i,t}. \end{aligned}$$

Thereby, formula (2) provides the parametric model taking into account the heaviness of the tail in terms of \(\alpha (t)\) and the dependence structure by \(\theta \).

An increasing level u induces clusters with smaller sizes. It may lead to the necessity to select a smaller cache size or to a less efficient utilization of the cache.

4 Performance Comparison of Different Caching Rules

We compare the CCR, LRU and TTL caching rules by simulation. Following [8] we use a mixture of the Moving Maxima (MM) and the Poisson renewal processes to model a common IRT process regarding all objects of the catalog of different types.

The MM process \(\{\tau _{i,t}\}\) as IRT model of the ith object type satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} \tau _{i,t}=\max _{j=0,\ldots ,m_i}\{\alpha _j Z_{t-j}\},~~ t\in \mathbb {Z}, \end{aligned}$$

with nonnegative constants \(\{\alpha _j\}\) such that \(\sum _{j=0}^{m_i} \alpha _j=1\) and iid standard Fréchet distributed r.v.s \(\{Z_t\}\) with distribution function \(F(x)= \mathbb {P}\{Z_i\le u\}=e^{-1/u}.\) The distribution of \(\tau _{i,t}\) is also Fréchet. The MM process is a \(m_i\)-dependent Markov chain where \(m_i\) determines the popularity duration. The MM process models IRTs of short-term news that are of public interest for a limited time. The Poisson process with intensity \(\lambda _i\) models objects like scientific and culture articles which may attract interest within a long time independently. Each object of equal size \(s=1\) from the catalog has an own \((m_i,\{\alpha _j\})\) or \(\lambda _i\) value as unique IRT model parameter.

The MM processes generate the correlation and the cluster structure of such common IRT process that has been generated here by \(90\%\) MM and \(10\%\) Poisson renewal processes. The corresponding popularity process that is the popularity \(p_i(t)\) of each requested object \(o_{j_i}\) calculated by (3) is given in Fig. 1. In (3) \(J_{i,t}\) is calculated in a cross-window with \(N_t=300\) requests. The number of objects in the catalog was taken as \(N=100\).

We compare the CCR, the LRU and the TTL policies for such simulated IRT processes. For each object \(o_{j_i}\) we propose TTL timers \(\{t_i\}\) depending on its popularity index \(p_i(t)\) and the mean IRT \({\mathbb {E}}(Y_i)\) of the overall IRT process, i.e.

$$\begin{aligned} t_i= & {} h \ {\mathbb {E}}(Y_i)\ p_i(t), \quad 0< h < \infty . \end{aligned}$$

h is a scalability parameter. The TTL timers are larger for highly popular objects. In (4) \(t_i\) is proportional to the popularity of the ith object in [0, t].

In Fig. 4 we estimate the extremal index \(\theta \) of the popularity process by the intervals estimator proposed in [17]. This allows us to estimate the effectiveness (2) and the cache size as the reciprocal \(C = 1/\theta \) equal to the mean cluster size as proposed in [7]. Taking \(\widehat{\theta }=0.22\) it is easy to calculate the approximate mean cache size \(\widehat{C}=5\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The intervals estimate \(\widehat{\theta }\) of the extremal index averaged over 50 samples against the threshold u: the estimate \(\widehat{\theta }=0.22\) corresponds to the stability interval of the plot by threshold u.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The hit probabilities of the CCR, LRU and the TTL policies averaged over 50 samples against the cache size C, where horizontal lines indicate standard deviations.

In Fig. 5 we show the hit probabilities for the TTL, LRU and CCR policies depending on the cache size C for \(s=1\). The hit probability is estimated as the ratio of the number of requests hitting the cache and the total number of requests. For small cache sizes the best hit probability is provided by the CCR scheme with a threshold u corresponding to the stability interval of the plot \((u, \widehat{\theta })\) and both the TTL and CCR work similar if h and u are relatively small. Small u generates large clusters. Then the CCR stores more objects in the same manner as TTL irrespectively of their popularity processes. If h and u are small, then the inter-cluster time for large clusters is of similar small scale as the TTL timers. For large caches and long timers TTL is better than CCR. This means a long-term placement of many objects in the large cache which is not effective. For large caches the CCR hit probability reaches a stability level that is lower than the corresponding TTL value due to the limited cluster size and the impossibility to store a larger number of objects than the cluster size. A minimal C corresponding to the stability level of the hit probability may be taken as a sufficient cache size.

5 Conclusion

The paper addresses the caching of popular multimedia and Web contents in Internet. We have extended the investigation of the Cluster Caching Rule (CCR) recently proposed in [7, 8]. Assuming correlated inter-request time processes and fixed object sizes, we have studied here the caching of popular contents when the popularity of the stored objects may change over time. The LRU, CCR and TTL caching rules have been compared by a simulation study.

The following results have been obtained:

  1. 1.

    cache effectiveness has been introduced as new quality metrics;

  2. 2.

    regarding a TTL based policy, TTL timers based on popularity indices have been proposed;

  3. 3.

    the CCR policy has a better hit probability than TTL regarding relatively small cache sizes and thresholds u corresponding to the stability interval of the extremal index plot \((u, \theta )\);

  4. 4.

    the LRU policy is worse than both the CCR and TTL rule when the cache size is moderate and it works similar to TTL for large caches.

Regarding a fog computing environment based on interconnected powerful SBC boards (cf. [19, 20]), optimized caching strategies for popular objects that implement the sketched approaches on a small memory are currently a very important research issue (cf. [21]). Consequently, the adoption of a dynamic version of the proposed CCR policy is a topic of our future research.