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1 Introduction

Features for automating driving tasks, such as the Adjustable Speed Limiter (ASL) that enables drivers to set a maximum speed in order to reduce the risk of over speeding, as well as trends like the drive-by-wire technology, in which standard vehicle operations such as braking are carried out by electronic components rather than mechanical ones, make the assurance of a modern vehicle’s correct operation extremely challenging.

Model-based design enables industry to create executable specifications in the form of MATLAB/Simulink [1] models that can be simulated and formally analyzed [2] to detect hidden design errors and requirements violations.

In this paper, we introduce a pattern-based approach (Sect. 3) that captures formally the behaviors of a large set of Simulink blocks, as networks of stochastic timed/hybrid automata, and report our experience with analyzing two industrial systems from Volvo Group Trucks Technology, the Brake-by-Wire (BBW) prototype and the operational Adjustable Speed Limiter (ASL), with UPPAAL SMC (Statistical Model Checker) [3] (Sect. 4). The crux of our method is twofold: (i) using patterns in the transformation, which eases the modeling process while preserving the execution semantics of Simulink blocks, and (ii) verifying the encodings of the Simulink blocks behaviors as C routines in UPPAAL, with the program verifier Dafny [4].

Our endeavor is justified by the industrial needs of ensuring correctness with respect to both functional and timing behaviors of automotive embedded systems. Moreover, an initial investigation of verifying ASL’s Simulink models with the Simulink Design Verifier (SDV) shows limitations in terms of verifying large models, and that a substantial part of the requirements cannot be directly concluded due to, for instance, translation problems and boundaries not being defined. The application of our approach to BBW and ASL (specifically ASL’s Engine Manager) shows improved scalability in the sense of being able to functionally analyze via statistical model checking the complete transformed Simulink models, but it also reveals limitations in tackling timing requirements, due to using only information from Simulink models.

Related work. Several works have already tackled the formal analysis of Simulink models. Barnat et al. [5] and Meenakshi et al. [6] propose transformations that target only Simulink blocks with discrete-time behavior. The work of Agrawal et al. [7] focuses on the transformation of Simulink into networks of automata, without providing concrete means for formal verification. Miller [8] investigates how translating Simulink to Lustre enables formal verification with a constellation of model checkers and provers. Manamcheri et al. [9] and Jiang et al. [10] propose transformation frameworks for Stateflow diagrams, into timed and hybrid automata, respectively, yet not considering other types of Simulink blocks. Compared to these frameworks, our approach covers both continuous- and discrete-time blocks, and we show how our transformation leads to the formal analysis of industrial automotive systems models, against a wide set of requirements. This is an endeavor not really carried out before. One other solution is the use of PLASMA Lab [2], a tool that is able to take as input different Simulink simulations and provide statistical model checking results. Compared to this approach, we generate a formal model that can be extended further (e.g., with extra-functional information) to provide additional verification results.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we present the tools used in our framework: (i) Simulink, which is used to model the automotive systems, and (ii) UPPAAL SMC, which is used to analyze the models.

Simulink. Simulink [1] is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulation and code generation targeting multi-domain dynamic systems. The tool provides a set of libraries with predefined blocks that can be combined to create hierarchical diagrams of systems. A block represents an atomic dynamic module that computes an equation or another modeling concept to produce an output, either continuously (continuous-time block), or at specific points in time (discrete-time block). Besides these atomic blocks, Simulink supports the definition of custom blocks via Stateflow diagrams or user-defined functions called S-Functions written in MATLAB, C, C++, or Fortran. A hierarchical diagram is achieved through the implementation of subsystem blocks, each containing sets of atomic blocks and possibly other subsystem blocks. Such subsystems can be virtual (blocks are evaluated according to the overall model), or non virtual (blocks are executed as a single unit, respectively). A non-virtual subsystem can also be conditionally executed based on a predefined triggering function. During simulation, Simulink determines the order in which to invoke the blocks. This block invocation order is done based on a predefined sorted order. In Simulink, the dynamic models can be simulated and the results can be displayed as simulation runs.

UPPAAL SMC. The UPPAAL SMC [11] tool provides statistical model checking for stochastic hybrid systems. A hybrid automaton (HA) is defined as a tuple:

$$\begin{aligned} HA=\langle L, l_0, X, \varSigma , E, F, I \rangle \end{aligned}$$

where L is a finite set of locations, \(l_0 \in L\) is the initial location, X is a finite set of continuous variables, \(\varSigma =\varSigma _i \uplus \varSigma _o\) is a finite set of actions partitioned into inputs (\(\varSigma _i\)) and outputs (\(\varSigma _0\)), E is a finite set of edges of the form \((l, g, a,\varphi , l')\), where l and \(l'\) are locations, g is a predicate on \(\mathbb {R}^X\), \(a \in \varSigma \) is an action label, and \(\varphi \) is a binary relation on \(\mathbb {R}^X\), F(l) a delay function for the location \(l \in L\), and I assigns an invariant predicate I(l) to any location l. With this definition, UPPAAL SMC extends the timed automata (TA) tuple used by UPPAAL [12] with the delay function F that allows the continuous variables to evolve according to ordinary differential equations. In UPPAAL SMC, the automata have a stochastic interpretation based on: (i) the probabilistic choices between multiple enabled transitions, and (ii) the non-deterministic time delays that can be refined based on probability distributions, either uniform distributions for time-bounded delays or user-defined exponential distributions for unbounded delays.

A model in UPPAAL SMC consists of a network of interacting stochastic HA that communicate through broadcast channels and shared variables. In the network, the automata repeatedly race against each other, that is, they independently and stochastically decide how much to delay before delivering the output, and what output to broadcast at that moment, with the “winner” being the component that chooses the minimum delay.

UPPAAL SMC uses an extension of weighted metric temporal logic (WMTL) [13] to provide probability evaluation (\(Pr(*_{x\le C}\phi )\)), where the symbol \(*\) stands for \(\Diamond (eventually)\) or \(\Box (always)\), which calculates the probability that \(\phi \) is satisfied within cost \(x\le C\), but also hypothesis testing and probability comparison.

3 Simulink to UPPAAL SMC: Transformation Approach

There are two major aspects of transforming Simulink models into networks of stochastic timed/hybrid automata: (1) transforming the individual blocks, and (2) synchronizing their execution to preserve the behavior of the model. In this section we present how we transform Simulink models into networks of TA with stochastic semantics, suitable for statistical model checking with UPPAAL SMC.

A discrete-time block executes its computational routine at a predefined observable time interval called sample time, whereas a continuous-time one executes the routine over infinitely small time intervals. The same classification applies for the S-Functions that are masked, preserving only the specification of their input-output relation. For a subsystem block, the transformation is reduced to a flattening procedure that eliminates the subsystem block from the model and replaces it with its inner content, with preserved atomicity of execution. The details and algorithm for flattening are given later in the section. The flattening procedure, however, does not apply for the Referenced models that are given as executables only, as in these cases no Simulink models are available. Such blocks are treated as atomic, and our transformation relies on their documentation.

In the following, we propose a formal definition of a Simulink block, as a tuple, as well as patterns for transforming both discrete- and continuous-time blocks into TA with stochastic semantics.

Any atomic Simulink block can be formally defined as a tuple:

$$\begin{aligned} B = \langle V_{in}, V_{out}, V_D, t_s, Init, blockRoutine \rangle \end{aligned}$$

where: \(V_{in}\), \(V_{out}\) and \(V_{D}\) denote the set of input, output, and data variables, respectively, \(t_s\) denotes the sample time, Init is the initialization function, whereas the blockRoutine is a function that maps inputs and state variables onto output values. Our transformation is basically a semantic anchoring of tuple B of Eq. (2) onto the HA tuple given by Eq. (1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Our used TA patterns

The automata patterns corresponding to the discrete and continuous categories are given in Fig. 1a and b, respectively. Each of them has three locations, namely Start, Offset and Operate, with Start being the initial one. The Offset location is used to model the delay of the block execution. The last location is Operate, in which the automaton produces output either at predefined time intervals, or continuously. A local clock t is used to model the delay of the execution in both cases, and also to trigger the periodic behavior of the discrete blocks, whereas the continuous behavior is modeled via assigning exponential rates on the Operate location. The exponential rate is a mechanism used to specify the probability of the automaton to leave a location, according to an exponential distribution [3]. Simulation time is represented via the global clock gtime, which is used as part of the synchronization mechanism. The input parameters relevant for the pattern and its instantiation on a particular Simulink block are passed as the array called param. The start time of the automaton is calculated as a combination of the block’s execution order (sn), and the inter-arrival time of the block’s input signal (IAT).

Preserving Block Execution Order. The execution order (sorted order) of the Simulink model blocks is generated by calling the “slist” function, while Simulink is in debug mode. Simulink uses the assigned execution order to invoke blocks during simulation, with a smaller execution order number denoting higher priority. We perform the flattening of the sorted order automatically, using Algorithm 1, which parses the “slist” output and assigns execution order numbers to atomic blocks that are nested at an arbitrary depth, inside a subsystem.

figure a

We use this execution order to release the discrete and continuous time blocks during initialization in the UPPAAL model, and to arbiter their execution at times when two or more blocks are ready to execute. Also, to ensure data integrity and predictability in the model, we also provide transformations for the RateTransition blocks that connect faster- to slower-rate blocks, and vice-versa.

Verifying UPPAAL Simulink Block Routines With Dafny. We use Dafny [4], a language and program verifier, to prove the functional correctness of the block routines that we encode as C functions in UPPAAL. Below we present an example that shows the verification of a simple block routine using Dafny.

Rounding is one of the fundamental operations in Simulink, with several variants including rounding to floor, ceiling, fix, etc. In this example, we consider the floor variation of the function for non-negative real numbers. Due to space limitation, we omit the encoding of the function and present only the assertions that are used for proving the correctness. By using Dafny, we establish the correctness of the function by checking the following pre- and postconditions, denoted as requires and ensures claims, respectively: requires input \(\ge \) 0.0”, ensures 0.0 \(\le \) (input - output) 1.0”, where output \(\in \) \(\mathbb {Z}_{\ge 0}\). We use the same approach to verify the correctness of all Simulink block behaviors that we encode as C functions in UPPAAL.

4 Application on Industrial Use Cases: Results

The proposed transformation has been validated on two industrial use cases, namely the Brake-by-Wire (BBW) prototype, and the Engine Manager of the Adjustable Speed Limiter operational system. In this section, we provide a brief overview of our results.

The BBW Use Case. The BBW system is a braking system equipped with an ABS function, and without any mechanical connection between the brake pedal and the brake actuators. A sensor reads the pedal’s position, which is used to compute the desired brake torque. At each wheel, the ABS algorithm decides whether to apply the brake torque based on the slip rate. When the slip rate increases above 0.2 (this can actually be a model parameter), the friction coefficient of the wheel starts decreasing. For this reason, if the slip rate is greater than 0.2 the brake actuator is released and no brake is applied, otherwise the requested brake torque is used. The BBW system has a set of 13 functional and 4 timing requirements that need to be analyzed. Here, we present two such requirements, in natural language:

  • R1 \(_\mathbf{BBW }\) (End-to-end deadline): The time needed for a brake request to propagate from the brake pedal sensor to the wheel actuator should not exceed 200 ms.

  • R2 \(_\mathbf{BBW }\) (Functional requirement): If the slip rate exceeds 0.2, then the applied brake torque shall be set to 0.

Transformation. The hierarchical Simulink model for the BBW system consists of 320 blocks, out of which only 174 are computational blocks. The remaining 146 blocks define the structure of the model (e.g., Subsystem, Inport, Outport, From, Goto, Reference) and they are removed during the flattening. Consequently, the transformation provides a network of 174 TA. In this network, only 10 automata have continuous-time behavior; the rest compute their output only at sample times.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

BBW’s monitor automaton.

Verification. In order to verify the system properties mentioned above, we have implemented a Monitor automaton that follows the propagation of data throughout the system, from sensors to actuators. It relies on the definition of an array of broadcast channels trigg[N], with N \(\in \) [1, 174]. Each TA in the network broadcasts the message trigg[own_id]! when it performs a new computation blockRutine(), and the Monitor receives these messages in a predefined order. For own_id we have used the predefined sorted number, since it is unique for each TA. Figure 2 presents an excerpt of the Monitor implemented for requirements R1 \(_\mathbf{BBW }\) and R2 \(_\mathbf{BBW }\).

For the BBW system we have statistically verified all functional and timing requirements. In Table 1, we provide concrete SMC results for requirements R1 \(_\mathbf{BBW }\) and R2 \(_\mathbf{BBW }\).

Table 1. Overall results of statistical model checking.

The ASL Use Case. ASL is used to limit the truck speed to not exceed a maximum speed set by the driver. The driver normally enables and disables the function using control buttons located on the dashboard, and the freewheel. However, ASL can also be disabled when the accelerator pedal is pressed beyond a hard point, or the truck is subjected to overspeed, for instance, in downhill, or becomes faulty during operation. ASL implements around 300 requirements, and is modeled using 4845 Simulink blocks, of which 2835 are non-virtual blocks. We limit our analysis to the ASL Engine Manager (ASL-EM), which is a logical component, and an interface to the power train of the truck’s engine. It enables several functions of the truck, e.g., engine start and stop, climate control, fuel economy strategy, and road speed limitation. In our case study, we have transformed 94 non-virtual Simulink blocks, and analyzed all their functional and timing requirements. Examples of ASL-EM requirements are: (i) R1 \(_\mathbf{ASL }\)(Min. speed limit): The ASL-EM controller shall be able to handle road speed limit requests down to 5 km/h, (ii) R2 \(_\mathbf{ASL }\)(Lowest speed limit): When several road speed limit sources are active at the same time, ASL-EM shall use the lowest speed limit value, (iii) R3 \(_\mathbf{ASL }\)(Max. latency): The maximum latency of the ASL-EM block shall be 20 ms.

5 Discussion and Conclusions

In this paper, we have introduced a pattern-based transformation of discrete- and continuous-time Simulink blocks into networks of stochastic timed automata. The approach is motivated by the industry’s need of increasing the assurance of vehicular systems developed using Simulink, and the possibly limited requirements coverage obtained by employing the SDV for verification. Applying our approach on the BBW and ASL-EM systems has provided improved scalability for verification, that is, we have analyzed statistically their complete Simulink models, at the expense of concrete challenges and limitations:

  1. 1.

    The formal model needs to obey the same execution order as the Simulink one. For this, we have enforced the sorted order as generated by Simulink, which is usually respected during execution, except for block methods (blocks operating at the same rate and in the same task). These exceptions need to also be taken into account during the transformation.

  2. 2.

    Simulink allows for the integration of code in the model by using S-function. In our transformation, we do not provide direct means to verify this code. We view such components as “black boxes”, modeled based on their defined mask and not the code itself.

  3. 3.

    Simulink lacks the possibility of modeling the timing behavior of the system (beyond the sample time), thus limiting the formal verification of extra-functional requirements. By pairing the Simulink model with an architectural model that allows for the representation of a wide set of extra-functional properties (such as timing and possibly resource usage), the transformation and the verification could provide a deeper insight to the engineers. Moreover, in the current version of our transformation, we have not exploited the full power of UPPAAL SMC. We have used TA with stochastic behavior, rather than stochastic HA. This is due to the fact that for more complex blocks (e.g., Derivative, Integrator) we have chosen to use the numerical approximation performed by Simulink, instead of implementing the function directly in UPPAAL SMC. This modeling decision will be further investigated.