
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Hybrid systems were introduced in order to model dynamical systems with a complex interaction between discrete actions and continuous evolutions in their trajectories [15]. Semantic models in the form of Hybrid Automata with the underlying transition systems [2, 29] were soon developed, and simulation tools like Stateflow [30] and Ptolemy II [24] appeared as well. Due to the success of model checking for timed automata [3], much effort has been directed towards analysis tools which use over- and under-approximations of hybrid automata [12, 14, 51], because it was clear from the outset that decidability was impossible even for very simple models.

There has been much progress both in analysis tools and in the amount of case studies, but it is still hard to find general composition principles. Often a system is decomposed into simpler subsystems that are loosely coupled [4, 20, 42] and thus can be analyzed individually. This loose coupling among concurrently operating subsystems was illustrated in [7], and it was analysed at a semantic level for heterogeneous subsystems in [38]. One observation though is that verification is usually done on subsystem models abstracted from detailed continuous models. It is this decomposition that is in the focus of this work. In a search for a more general and perhaps even teachable ap1proach to performing this abstraction, we have tried to extract the principles from our continued efforts in modelling and verifying vehicle manoeuvrers in traffic, because it is a setting with a complex state space, a demand for decentralized control, and hybrid behaviours.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Modelling approach. The discrete model is a collection of discrete automata with transitions governed by symbolic guards, sg, and with symbolic actions, sa. The underlying symbolic state space is hybrid with time evolutions. However, it is asserted that time steps do not change the value of guards and actions. The continuous model is a conventional control model which accepts set points, z. Linking is given via suitable functions K and L

Here, we have reached the conclusion that a key point in the abstraction is to keep the discrete part, often a supervisory layer, on symbolic and finite level without any direct reference to time, because it allows for exhaustive verification using conventional techniques. However, this will in itself leave the continuous dynamics as an unexplored postulate. Thus, there is a need for linking the symbolic quantities of the discrete model to the concrete continuous model by a proper refinement relation. Via linking, behavioural properties of the abstract model are preserved for the concrete model. An inspiration is here the data refinement relations explored in program verification [8]. However, in the reactive setting, linking predicates as in the approach of UTP (Unifying Theories of Programming) [23] are more suitable. In summary, the approach presented has the following steps, illustrated in Fig. 1.

For the symbolic, discrete model:

  1. 1.

    build a qualitative model of the context with symbolic representation of states of objects.,

  2. 2.

    formulate rules for interaction as finite state machines operating on the symbolic state (If the state machines use communication protocols, timeout transitions may be used to compensate for lost messages),

  3. 3.

    specify safety and liveness properties of the symbolic state,

  4. 4.

    verify the properties.

These steps are illustrated on the case of vehicle manoeuvrers in Sects. 2 and 3.

When this part has gone through a number of iterations and the result is satisfactory, consider the concrete model:

  1. 5.

    identify a concrete dynamical model for the objects including available or at least plausible sensors and actuators,

  2. 6.

    link the models by relating the symbolic state variables to concrete observables that are computed by a controller for the dynamical system using available sensors and concrete models of the individual objects, also link symbolic actions to set points for the control,

  3. 7.

    design and validate the controllers and observers.

These steps are illustrated on the case in Sects. 46.

Note that often the two models may develop concurrently. When this happens, it is important to keep the linkage stable when doing separate iterations.

A pragmatic consideration when designing the linking in the concrete case has been to design a system where a smart car can navigate among ordinary dumb cars. There is no need to require all cars to be smart and able to communicate with other cars. This has implications for the sensors and actuators, see Fig. 3 in Sect. 5, as well as impact on the symbolic guards and actions.

In Sect. 7, we comment on generally related work, while the conclusion in Sect. 8 considers limitations of the approach and potential for tool support.

2 Symbolic Model

In this section, we summarize and adapt the model of [22]. In this model, a multi-lane highway has an infinite extension with positions represented by real numbers in \(\mathbb {R}\) and with lanes represented by a finite set of natural numbers, \(\mathbb {L}= \{0,\ldots , N\}\). We assume that all traffic proceeds in one direction, with increasing position values, in pictures shown from left to right. The highway is populated by cars with unique identities denoted by capital letters \(\mathbb {I}= \{A, B, \ldots \}\).

At each moment in time, we represent the traffic on the highway by a traffic snapshot. It records for each car the current position pos (at the rear end of the car) and speed spd, and on which lanes the car reserves or claims space. The idea is that a reserved space is owned by a unique car. Thus for safety, we have to show that reserved spaces of different cars are mutually exclusive. In contrast, a claimed space is used in preparation of a lane change and may still overlap with claimed or reserved spaces of other cars. However, then the lane change must not take place. The length of reserved and claimed spaces is given by the safety distance, which is the length of the car plus a safe estimate of the (speed-dependent) braking distance that the car will need to come to a complete standstill.

Definition 1

A traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\) comprises the functions \(\textit{pos}, \textit{spd}, \textit{res}, \textit{clm}\)

  • \(\textit{pos}: \mathbb {I}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) such that \(\textit{pos}(C)\) is the position of car C along the lanes,

  • \(\textit{spd}: \mathbb {I}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) such that \(\textit{spd}(C)\) is the current speed of the car C,

  • \(\textit{res}:\mathbb {I}\rightarrow \mathscr {P}(\mathbb {L})\) such that \(\textit{res}(C)\) is the set of lanes \(C\) reserves,

  • \(\textit{clm}: \mathbb {I}\rightarrow \mathscr {P}(\mathbb {L})\) such that \(\textit{clm}(C)\) is the set of lanes \(C\) claims.

We denote the set of all traffic snapshots by \(\mathbb {T}\).

Note that in \(\mathscr {T}\), it is not specified which space is occupied on the reserved and claimed lanes. This information is given by an uninterpreted function se for safety envelope. For a given traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\), we introduce for each car C its safety envelope \(se_\mathscr {T}(C)\) as the interval \( se_\mathscr {T}(C) = [pos(C),pos(C)+d(C)] \) starting at the current position pos(C) of the car and of some uninterpreted length \(d(C)>0\), which is intended to be the safety distance of car C dependent on its current speed spd(C). The exact value of d(C) is not known in the symbolic model, but will be determined in the concrete dynamic model.

2.1 View

For our safety proof, we restricst ourselves to finite parts of a traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\) called views; the intuition being that safety depends on local information only.

Definition 2

A view \(V=(\text {L}, \text {X}, E)\) consists of an interval of lanes visible in the view, \(\text {L}=[l,n]\subseteq \mathbb {L}\), and the extension visible in the view, \(\text {X}={[r,t]} \subseteq \mathbb {R}\), and \(E\in \mathbb {I}\), the identifier of the car under consideration.

A subview of \(V\) is obtained by restricting the lanes and extension we observe. For this we use sub- and superscript notation: \(V^{\text {L}^{\prime }} =(\text {L}^{\prime }, \text {X}, E)\) and \(V_{\text {X}^{\prime }} =(\text {L}, \text {X}^{\prime }, E)\), where \(\text {L}^{\prime }\) and \(\text {X}^{\prime }\) are subintervals of \(\text {L}\) and \(\text {X}\), respectively.

For a car \(E\) and a traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}=( \textit{pos}, \textit{spd}, \textit{res}, \textit{clm})\) its standard view is

$$ V_s(E,\mathscr {T}) = (\mathbb {L},[pos(E) - ho, pos(E) + ho], E), $$

where the horizon \(ho\) is chosen such that a car driving at maximum speed can, with lowest deceleration, come to a standstill within the horizon.

2.2 Spatial Logic

To specify properties of traffic snapshots within a given view in an intuitive and yet precise way, we use a two-dimensional spatial interval logic, MLSL (Multi-Lane Spatial Logic) [22]. In this logic, the horizontal dimension is continuous, representing positions on a highway, and the vertical dimension is discrete, representing the number of a lane on a highway. In the syntax, variables ranging over car identifiers are denoted by small letters \(c\), \(d\), \(u\) and \(v\). To refer to the car owning the current view, we use a special variable \(\textit{ego}\). By \(\mathrm {Var}\) we denote the set of all these variables. Additionally, the letter \(\gamma \) ranges over car identifiers or elements in \(\mathrm {Var}\).

Definition 3

(Syntax) The syntax of the multi-lane spatial logic MLSL is given by the following formulae:

We denote the set of all MLSL formulae by \(\Phi \).

Formulae of MLSL express the spatial status of neighbouring lanes on a multi-lane highway. For a lane, the spatial status describes whether parts of it are reserved or claimed by a car or completely free. To this end, MLSL has atoms \( \textit{re}(\gamma )\), \(\textit{cl}(\gamma )\), and \(\textit{free}\), and two chop operators: the horizontal chop \(\phi _1 \,\smallfrown \,\phi _2\) expresses that an interval can be divided into two horizontally adjacent parts such that \(\phi _1\) holds in the left part and \(\phi _2\) in the right part, and the vertical chop \(\begin{array}{c} \phi _2 \\ \phi _1 \end{array}\) expresses that an interval can be divided into two vertically adjacent parts where \(\phi _1\) holds on the lower part and \(\phi _2\) on the upper part. We use juxtaposition for the vertical chop to have a correspondence to the visual layout in traffic snapshots.

The logic is given a semantics that defines the when traffic snapshots satisfy a given formula.

Definition 4

(Semantics) The satisfaction \(\models \) of formulae is defined inductively with respect to a model \(\mathscr {M} = (\mathscr {T}, V, \nu )\) comprising a traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\), a view \(V = (\text {L},\text {X},E)\) with \(\text {L}=[l,n]\) and \(\text {X}=[r,t]\), and a valuation \(\nu : \mathbb {I}\cup \mathrm {Var}\rightarrow \mathbb {I}\) consistent with V, i.e., with \(\nu (\textit{ego}) = E\) and \(\nu (C) = C\) for \(C \in \mathbb {I}\):

We write \(\mathscr {T}\models \phi \) if \((\mathscr {T},V,\nu ) \models \phi \) for all views V and consistent valuations \(\nu \).

For the semantics of the vertical chop, we set the interval \([l,m]=\emptyset \) if \(l>m\). A view \(V\) with an empty set of lanes satisfies only \(\textit{true}\) or an equivalent formula. Both chop modalities are associative. Other logical operators like \(\vee , \rightarrow , \leftrightarrow \) and \(\forall \) are treated as abbreviations. Also, we use the notation \(\left\langle \phi \right\rangle \) for the two-dimensional modality somewhere \(\phi \), defined in terms of both chop operators:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\langle \phi \right\rangle \equiv \textit{true}\,\smallfrown \,\left( \begin{array}{c} \textit{true}\\ \phi \\ \textit{true}\end{array}\right) \,\smallfrown \,\textit{true}. \end{aligned}$$

For example, \( Safe \equiv \forall c,d: c \ne d \rightarrow \lnot \left\langle \textit{re}(c) \wedge \textit{re}(d) \right\rangle \) expresses the safety property that any two different cars have disjoint reserved spaces.

2.3 Transition System

A traffic snapshot is an instant picture of the highway traffic. The following transitions describe how it may change. Time may pass or a car may perform several actions when attempting and performing a lane change. We use the overriding notation \(\oplus \) for function updates [46].


In (1), time passes, which results in the cars moving along the highway to the right. However, note that reservations, \(\textit{res}\), and claims, \(\textit{clm}\), cannot change during time passing transitions. The new position and speed of each car is determined by the dynamics of them, which is described at the concrete level. A car may claim a neighbouring lane \(n\) (2) if and only if it does not already claim a lane or is in the progress of changing the lane and therefore reserves two lanes. Furthermore, a car may withdraw a claim (3) or reserve a previously claimed lane (4) or withdraw the reservation of all but one of the lanes it is moving on (5).

3 Abstract Controllers

In this section we present abstract car controllers for keeping distance and changing lanes. By abstract, we mean that properties, invariants and guards of transitions are given by MLSL formulas. The controllers should guarantee that at any moment the spaces reserved by different cars are disjoint. This is expressed concisely by

$$ Safe \equiv \forall c, d: c \ne d \Rightarrow \lnot \left\langle re(c) \wedge re(d) \right\rangle , $$

stating that in any lane any two different cars have disjoint reserved spaces. The quantification over lanes arises implicitly by the negation of the somewhere modality in \( Safe \). A traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\) is safe if \(\mathscr {T}\models Safe \) holds.

3.1 Keeping Distance

A distance controller DC of a car E should guarantee the safety as long as E is driving along the highway without making any new claim or reservation. This is expressed by time transitions among traffic snapshots: \(\mathscr {T}{\xrightarrow {t}} \mathscr {T}^{\prime }\). From the perspective of the car E, safety means that the following collision check remains false:

$$\begin{aligned} cc&\equiv \exists c :c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \wedge \textit{re}(c) \right\rangle . \end{aligned}$$

Thus we require:

(DC) The distance controller DC of a car E keeps the property \(\lnot cc\) invariant under time transitions, i.e., for every transition \(\mathscr {T}{\xrightarrow {t}} \mathscr {T}^{\prime }\) whenever \(\mathscr {T}\models \lnot cc\), also \(\mathscr {T}^{\prime }\models ~\lnot cc\).

3.2 Changing Lanes

We specify an abstract controller by a timed automaton [3] with clocks ranging over \(\mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}\) and data variables ranging over \(\mathbb {L}\) and \(\mathbb {I}\). Strictly speaking, the single clock x, which is used in the automaton, is unnecessary for proving safety; it is added to ensure liveness. MLSL formulae appear in transition guards and state invariants. This can be seen in the lane-change controller in Fig. 2, where the MLSL formulae \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) are kept symbolic. The abstract lane-change controller LCP of [22] is an instantiation of this controller, except that it has the invariant \(\lnot cc\) in the initial state \(q_0\). Here this property is ensured invariantly by the distance controller DC.

LCP assumes that every car, E, knows the full extension of claims and reservations of all cars within its view. It thus has perfect knowledge of its neighbouring cars (hence the letter P in the name of the controller); E perceives another car \(C\) as soon as \(C\)’s safety envelope enters the view of \(E\). In the following and in Sect. 5, we identify the car variables \(\textit{ego}\) and c with their values, the cars E and C, respectively.

At the initial state \(q_0\) of LCP, the car has reserved exactly one lane, which is saved in the variable \(n\). An auxiliary variable \(l\) stores the lane the \(\textit{ego}\) car wants to move to. Suppose \(\textit{ego}\) intends to change to a neighboring lane, then it adheres to the following protocol. First, it claims a space on the target lane adjacent to and of the same extension as the reservation on its current lane, moving to state \(q_1\). Subsequently, it checks for a potential collision (pc), i.e., whether its claim intersects with the reservation or claim of any other car. This is expressed by the MLSL formula

$$ pc \equiv \exists c: c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{cl}(\textit{ego}) \wedge (\textit{re}(c) \vee \textit{cl}(c)) \right\rangle . $$

If pc occurs, \(\textit{ego}\) withdraws its claim and returns to state \(q_0\), giving up the wish to change lanes for the moment. Otherwise, \(\textit{ego}\) turns its claim into reservations and thus reserves two lanes. This is in state \(q_3\), During this double reservation \(\textit{ego}\) changes lane within \(t_{lc}\) time units, an upper time bound for the lane change. Then \(\textit{ego}\) withdraws its reservation on the original lane and continues to drive on the target lane, being again in state \(q_0\). In this protocol, only turning the claim into a reservation (in the transition from state \(q_2\) to state \(q_3\)) may violate the safety property. Thus in LCP of Fig. 2, we instantiate \(\phi _1 \equiv pc\) and \(\phi _2 \equiv \lnot pc\).

In order to ensure liveness in the states \(q_0\) and \(q_1\), they are to be left within \(t_0\) time units. Liveness in state \(q_0\) could be ensured by adding an invariant asserting that the state should be left when a claim is made. The lane change timeout \(t_{lc}\) should strictly speaking be replaced by a symbolic guard that would be asserted by the concrete model when a lane change was completed. This symbolic guard would then be linked to either a sensor value or most likely to a timer in the concrete model.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The lane-change controller LCP with \(\phi _1 \equiv pc\) and \(\phi _2 \equiv \lnot pc\)

3.3 Safety

We stipulate now that every car is equipped with the controllers DC and LCP (or that its driver manually follows its protocol). Under these assumptions, we can show:

Theorem 1

(Safety of DC and LCP) Let \(\mathscr {T}_0\) be an initial safe traffic snapshot. Then every traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\) that is reachable from \(\mathscr {T}_0\) by transitions allowed by the controllers DC and LCP is safe.


As in [22], we fix an arbitrary car E and shows that \(\lnot cc\) holds for every traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\) reachable from \(\mathscr {T}_0\). The argument is by induction on the number of transitions needed to reach \(\mathscr {T}\) from \(\mathscr {T}_0\), and the crucial case in the induction step is that of the reservation transition. In contrast to [22], the initial state \(q_0\) of LCP in Fig. 2 does not have \(\lnot cc\) as a built-in invariant. However, since the distance controller DC is running in parallel to LCP, the safety property \(\lnot cc\) is an invariant for this state. Moreover, it is also invariant under any transition that is not creating any new reservation. Regarding LCP, we thus have that \(\lnot cc\) holds in the start state \(q_2\) of the reservation transition from state \(q_2\) to state \(q_3\) in LCP. As in [22], it can be shown that performing the reservation transition in state \(q_2\) satisfying both \(\lnot cc\) and \(\lnot pc\) leads to \(q_3\) satisfying \(\lnot cc\). \(\square \)

4 Concrete Model

The aim of this section is to present a physical model of a vehicle, which describes the position pos(C) and the speed spd(C) of a vehicle C. It will lay the basis for the controller design in Sect. 6.

4.1 Longitudinal Motion

A vehicle C is characterised by its velocity given in [m / s] at the current time t given in [s], \(v_{C}: \mathbb R_+ \rightarrow \mathbb R_+\). Both the time and the velocity are considered non-negative reals. The acceleration and braking of the vehicle C is realised by a torque \(T \equiv T_{C}: \mathbb R_+ \rightarrow \mathbb R\) given in [Nm]. The torque is applied to the wheels from the transmission and braking system, and it belongs at any given time to an interval \([\underline{T}, \overline{T}] \equiv [\underline{T_{C}}, \overline{T_{C}}]\), where \(\underline{T_{C}} < 0\) is the maximal torque of the brakes, and \(\overline{T_{C}} > 0\) is the torque at full throttle.

To model aerodynamic drag force, we introduce a drag coefficient \(C_{\mathrm W}\). The drag force is proportional to the square of the velocity

$$ C_{\mathrm W}(t) v_{C}^2(t). $$

As indicated in the above equation, \(C_{\mathrm W}\) varies in time. Specifically, \(C_{\mathrm W}\) is characterised as follows. Suppose a vehicle D drives in front of the vehicle under consideration C. The drag coefficient is an empirical quantity approximated by

$$ C_{\mathrm W} (\delta ,v_{D}) = C_{C} \left( 1 - \mathrm {exp}\left( - \frac{a \delta }{C_{D} v_{D}}\right) \right) ^2, $$

where \(C_{C}\), \(C_{D}\) are the aerodynamic coefficients of the vehicles C and D, and a is a constant [47]. In short, the aerodynamic coefficient of a vehicle is determined by its geometry: shape and size. The drag coefficient is positive, \(\mathrm {Image}(C_{\mathrm W}) \subseteq [0, C_C]\). It converges to \(C_C\) for small distances \(\delta \) and large velocities \(v_D\).

As a consequence, the dynamics of the vehicle C is given by

$$ (M r^2 + J) \dot{v}_{C} (t)= - C_{\mathrm W}(\delta (t),v_{D}(t)) r^2 v_{C}(t)^2 + r T(t), $$

where M is the mass of the vehicle C [kg], J is the combined moments of inertia of the wheels \([kg m^2]\), and r is the radius of the wheels [m].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Car with observers and actuators

Let X be the state space of the vehicle C (with the vehicle D driving in in front). It is the linear space of vectors comprising of the velocity \(v_{C}\) of the vehicle C, and the distance \(\delta \) from C to D, i.e., \(X = \mathbb R^2\). We assume that both the velocity and the distance are available as indicated in Fig. 3, where sensor \(\hat{v}\) measures \(v_C\) and \(\hat{d}_1\) measures \(\delta \). If the vehicle D is out of range the distance sensor delivers the value \(\infty \).

A feedback controller is a function \(T: X \rightarrow [\underline{T}, \overline{T}]\) that takes the current state to the torque. Negative values are realised by the braking system; whereas, the positive values are realised by the transmission (the throttle). As a consequence, \(T (t) = T \left( v_{C} (t), \delta (t) \right) \).

To simplify the notation, we introduce

$$\begin{aligned} x(t) = (x_1(t), x_2(t))&\equiv (\delta (t), v_{C}(t)) \in \mathbb R^2 \nonumber \\ z(t)&\equiv v_D(t) \in \mathbb R \nonumber \\ b&\equiv \frac{r}{M r^2 + J} \in \mathbb R \nonumber \\ a(x_1,z)&\equiv r b C_{\mathrm W}(x_1,z) \in C^{\infty }(\mathbb R^2, \mathbb R_+) \nonumber \\ u(t)&\equiv b T \in \mathbb R \nonumber \\ (-\underline{u}, \overline{u})&\equiv (-b \underline{T}, b \overline{T}) \in \mathbb R_+^2 \nonumber \\ x_0&\equiv (d^0, v_{C}^0) \in \mathbb R^2. \end{aligned}$$

As a result, the equations of motion are given by the following Cauchy problem with \(x(0) = x_0\):

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{x}_1 (t)&= z(t) - x_2 (t) \nonumber \\ \dot{x}_2 (t)&= - a(x_1(t),z(t))\, x_2(t)^2 + u(t), \end{aligned}$$

where \(u(t) \in [\underline{u}, \overline{u}]\). The subscripts of x refer to the components of the vector x.

Remark 1

The Eq. (7) can be used to compute the safety or braking distance \(d_s(v_c^0)\) as a function of the initial velocity \(v_c^0\) of the vehicle C. To this end, let \(z(t) = 0\), i.e., the vehicle in front instantaneously stops

$$ \dot{x}_1 (t) = - x_2 (t)\ \text { and }\ \dot{x}_2 (t) \le \underline{u} $$

for \(x_0 = (0, v_{C}^0)\). To compute the braking distance, we apply the Gronwall lemma [48], which we state now for completeness. Suppose that k is a non-negative and bounded function on an interval \([t_0, t_1]\) and l a non-decreasing function on the same interval.


$$ v(t) \le l(t) + \int _{t_0}^t k(s) v(s) ds $$

for \(t \in [t_0, t_1]\), then

$$ v(t) \le \exp \left( \int _{t_0}^t k(s) ds \right) l(t). $$

Consequently, by the Gronwall lemma, the time to stop is \(t \le \hat{t} \equiv -\frac{v_C^0}{\underline{u}}\) (notice that \(\underline{u} < 0\)). Hence, the braking distance is at most \(d_s (v_C^0) = - \frac{ (v_C^0)^2}{2 \underline{u}}\).

4.2 Lateral Motion

So far, we have not discussed lateral motion. For the details of modelling, we refer to [37]. In short, the kinematic model of the vehicle C is given by the global position

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{X}&= v_C \cos (\psi +\beta ) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{Y}&= v_C \sin (\psi + \beta ) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(v_C\) is the velocity of the vehicle C, \(\beta \) is the slip angle of the vehicle defined below, and \(\psi \) is the yaw angle, that defines the orientation angle of the vehicle w.r.t. the x-axis

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\psi }= \frac{v_C }{l}\cos (\beta ) \tan (\theta ). \end{aligned}$$

In (9), l is the vehicle base, the distance between the rear and the front wheels, and \(\theta \) is the angle between the front wheel and the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, with \(\theta \in [\underline{\theta }, \overline{\theta }]\) for \(\underline{\theta }< 0\) and \(\overline{\theta }> 0\); \(\theta \) as the control input.

The slip angle of the vehicle is given by the relation

$$\begin{aligned} \beta \equiv \beta (\theta ) = \tan ^{-1}\left( \frac{l_{\mathrm {r}} \tan (\theta )}{l} \right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(l_{\mathrm {r}}\) is the distance between the centre of gravity and the rear wheel.

5 Linking

To link the abstract and the concrete model, we must map the symbolic observables and events to observer functions in the controllers. In this work, we assume that each car is equipped with the observers, realised by suitable sensors, and actuators listed in Fig. 3.

The abstract controller LPC takes a view of the traffic snapshot, represented by MLSL formulae built with the atoms free, re(c),cl(c). By Theorem 1, this suffices for the safety check at the abstract level. However, the check assumes that the reserved or claimed spaces are large enough. Whether this assumption is true, depends on the concrete controller based on the car dynamics.

5.1 Distance Controller

We first turn to the distance controller DC in each car as formalized by assumption DC. Every car E keeps the property \(\lnot cc\) invariant under time transitions, expressing that “no collision” occurs:

$$ \lnot cc \equiv \lnot \exists c :c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \wedge \textit{re}(c) \right\rangle . $$

Since the overlap \(\textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \wedge \textit{re}(c)\) is symmetric, the distance controller in \(\textit{ego}\) must check forward or backward for any other car c. However, considering all cars together, it suffices that each car \(\textit{ego}\) checks only that there is “no collision forward”. Let c ahead \(\textit{ego}\) abbreviate the following MLSL formula expressing that car c is immediately ahead of \(\textit{ego}\):

$$ c\ ahead \ \textit{ego}\equiv \left( \begin{array}{c} \lnot \textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \\ \wedge \\ \lnot \textit{re}(c) \end{array}\right) \,\smallfrown \,\left( \begin{array}{c} \textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \,\smallfrown \,\lnot \textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \\ \wedge \\ \lnot \textit{re}(c)\,\smallfrown \,\textit{re}(c)\,\smallfrown \,\lnot \textit{re}(c) \end{array}\right) . $$

Then we replace the invariant \(\lnot cc\) by the following formula:

$$ \lnot ccf \equiv \lnot \exists c :c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{re}(\textit{ego}) \wedge \textit{re}(c) \right\rangle \wedge \left\langle c\ ahead \ \textit{ego} \right\rangle . $$

We recall the resulting “forward looking” distance controller DC\(_{ f }\). Note that logically \(\lnot ccf \) in DC\(_{ f }\) is weaker than \(\lnot cc\) in DC, admitting more traffic snapshots. However, when all cars check \(\lnot ccf \) instead of \(\lnot cc\), safety remains guaranteed. This is formalized as follows. Consider the abstract setting A, where all cars are equipped with DC, and the abstract forward setting A\(_f\), where all cars are equipped with DC\(_{ f }\).

Proposition 1

(Safety of DC\(_{ f }\)) Every time transition among traffic snapshots permitted in A\(_{ f }\) is also permitted in A.

In the concrete controller, we have the observable d that implements the abstract safety distance function \(d(\textit{ego})\) for car \(\textit{ego}\) at its current speed. Also, there is the concrete observable \(\hat{d}_1\) measuring the distance to the next car c ahead. The formula \(\lnot ccf \) is satisfied if the inequality \(d < \hat{d}_1\) holds. Thus the linking predicate relating the abstract and concrete levels is here

$$ \lnot ccf \Leftarrow d < \hat{d}_1. $$

Note that the implication indicates that \(d < \hat{d}_1\) admits no more traffic snapshots than \(\lnot ccf \) does.

5.2 Lane-Change Controller

To link the abstract lane change controller LCP to the observers at the concrete level, the MLSL formulae appearing as guards in LCP are replaced by suitable comparisons of observer values read at the concrete level.

Since the distance controller DC is running in parallel to LCP, the safety property \(\lnot cc\) holds as long as the reservation transition from state \(q_2\) to state \(q_3\) in LCP is not performed (cf. Fig. 2 and the proof of Theorem 1). Note that we can weaken the guard of any transition in LCP, except for this reservation transition, and the altered lane change controller will stay safe. For example, we may even weaken the guard \(\phi _1\) to true. Then a claim can always be withdrawn, but this does not violate safety.

Regarding the reservation transition from state \(q_2\) to state \(q_3\), the controller will stay safe as long as we strenghten its guard \(\phi _2\), which in LCP is given by the formula

$$ \lnot pc \equiv \lnot \exists c : c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{cl}(\textit{ego}) \wedge (\textit{re}(c) \vee \textit{cl}(c)) \right\rangle $$

expressing that no potential collison occurs. To link \(\lnot pc\) with the concrete controller, we distinguish the cases of reservation and claim of c.

Case 1:    \(\phi _{re} \equiv \lnot \exists c: c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{cl}(\textit{ego}) \wedge \textit{re}(c) \right\rangle .\) This formula states that no (other) car c on \(\textit{ego}\)’s target lane has a reservation that overlaps with \(\textit{ego}\)’s claim. The car c may be (i) ahead of \(\textit{ego}\) (or aligned with \(\textit{ego}\)) or (ii) behind \(\textit{ego}\). In subcase (i), the concrete controller looks forward using the observables d giving the safety distance needed for car \(\textit{ego}\) at its current speed and \(\hat{d}_t\) (with t either 2 or 3) measuring the distance to the next car c in front of \(\textit{ego}\) on the target lane of its lane change maneuver. The concrete controller checks the inequality \(d_s < \hat{d}_t\). In subcase (ii), the concrete controller looks backward using the observables \(\hat{d}_b\) (with b either 4 or 5) measuring the distance to the next car behind \(\textit{ego}\) on the target lane and \(d_{s,max}\), the maximal braking distance of any car, i.e., an overapproximation of the actual braking distance of that car. The concrete controller checks the inequality \(d_{s,max} < \hat{d}_b\). Thus, the linking predicate relating the abstract and concrete levels is in this case

$$ \phi _{re}\Leftarrow d< \hat{d}_t \wedge d_{s,max} < \hat{d}_b. $$

Due to the over-approximation in \(d_{s,max}\) the check at the concrete level may be stronger than necessary, permitting fewer lane changes than \(\lnot pc\), but it preserves safety.

Case 2 :    \(\phi _{cl} \equiv \lnot \exists c: c \ne \textit{ego}\wedge \left\langle \textit{cl}(\textit{ego}) \wedge \textit{cl}(c) \right\rangle .\)

The formula states that no other car c on \(\textit{ego}\)’s target lane has a claim that overlaps with \(\textit{ego}\)’s claim. Such a car c may only be in a lane next to \(\textit{ego}\)’s target lane. In this case, the concrete controller checks with its sensor \(b_t\) (with t either 1 or 2) on the side of the target lane for a turn signal of some car c on the lane next to the target lane. The formula \(\phi _{cl}\) is satisfied if \(\lnot b_t\) holds. Thus, the linking predicate relating the abstract and concrete levels is in this case

$$ \phi _{cl}\Leftarrow \lnot b_t. $$

Summarising, at the concrete level, we instantiate

$$ \phi _2 \equiv (d< \hat{d}_t \wedge d_{s,max} < \hat{d}_b) \wedge \lnot b_t, $$

which by the linking predicates for \(\phi _{re}\) and \(\phi _{cl}\) implies \(\lnot pc\) at the abstract level.

For the guards of the two withdrawal transitions from state \(q_1\) to state \(q_3\) and from state \(q_2\) to state \(q_0\) in Fig. 2, we put \(\phi _1 \equiv \lnot \phi _2\) for the above instantiation of \(\phi _2\). Thus compared with the abstract controller LCP, the guard \(\phi _1\) is weakened, permitting more withdrawals, but as argued before, this preserves safety.

Altogether, instantiating in the controller in Fig. 2 the formula \(\phi _2\) by the distance inequalities and blinker sensor values as stated above and \(\phi _1\) by its negation, we obtain a concrete lane-change controller that we call LCP\(_c\). Consider the abstract setting ALC, where all cars are equipped with LCP, and the concrete setting CLC, where all cars are equipped with LCP\(_c\).

Proposition 2

(Safety of LCP\(_{\textit{c}}\)) Every reservation transition among traffic snapshots permitted in CLC is also permitted in ALC.

Combining Propositions 1 and 2, we obtain:

Theorem 2

(Safety of DC\(_{\textit{c}}\) and LCP\(_{\textit{c}}\)) Let \(\mathscr {T}_0\) be an initial safe traffic snapshot. Then every traffic snapshot \(\mathscr {T}\) that is reachable from \(\mathscr {T}_0\) by transitions allowed by the controllers DC\(_c\) and LCP\(_c\) is safe.

6 Concrete Controllers

The main focus in this section will be on the longitudinal motion control. Nonetheless, for completeness we will provide a control for changing the lane.

6.1 Longitudinal Control

We will address the assumptions for the distance controller used in Sect. 5.1 linking the safety to the safety envelope through the variable d. To this end, we propose a sliding mode controller for a vehicle C that maintains the velocity of the vehicle at the reference \(v_{\mathrm {ref}}\) until the distance d between C and the vehicle D in front is reached. Subsequently, the distance d is kept. If D is out of range of the distance sensor, the controller keeps the velocity at \(v_{\mathrm {ref}}\). In the following, we assume that at full throttle, the control \(\overline{u}\) is strong enough to overcome the drag. To this end, we notice that \(a(x_1,z) \in [0, r b C_C]\) for any \((x_1,z) \in R_+^2\), where the constant b is defined in (6). Let the speed limit be denoted by \(\bar{v}\). Consequently, we assume that the maximal control \(\overline{u} > rb C_C \bar{v}^2\). By a safe control, we understand a control that keeps the motion of a vehicle safe.

Definition 5

(Safe Control) A safe controller for the control system (7) and a function \(z:\mathbb R_+ \rightarrow [0, \bar{v}]\) is a function \(u: \mathbb R^3 \mapsto \mathbb R\) such that the solutions of the dynamical system (7) with \(u(t) = u(x(t),z(t))\) satisfy the following condition: If \(x_1(0) \ge d\), then \(x_1(t) > 0\) for all \(t \in \mathbb R_+\).

In plain words, Definition 5 says that an on-board controller is safe if: whenever the distance from the controlled vehicle to a vehicle in front is initially greater than d then a collision between these two vehicles will never happen.

Proposition 3

(Existence of a safe controller) Consider the control system (7) and a function \(z:\mathbb R_+ \rightarrow [0, \bar{v}]\). Let \(0 \le v_{\mathrm {ref}} < \bar{v}\), \(d \equiv d(\bar{v})\), and \( \alpha \equiv rb C_C \bar{v}^2\). Suppose that \(\underline{u} < 0\). Let \(k > 0\), and define two affine maps

$$\begin{aligned} L_1(x) \equiv x_2 - v_{\mathrm {ref}},~ L_2 (x,z) \equiv z - x_2 + k (x_1 - d), \end{aligned}$$

and a polyhedral set

$$\begin{aligned} P(z) \equiv \{x \in \mathbb R^2 |~ L_1(x) \le 0 \text { and} - L_2(x,z) \le 0 \}. \end{aligned}$$

Then the control


is safe. Furthermore, the following two properties for the vehicle controlled by the u in (12) hold:

  1. 1.

    If \(x_2(0) > v_{\mathrm {ref}}\) then \(x_2(t) < x_2(0)\) for all \(t \in \mathbb R_+\) and there is \(\tau \in \mathbb R^+\) such that \(x_2(t) \le v_{\mathrm {ref}}\) for \(t > \tau \).

  2. 2.

    Let \(\beta \equiv \inf \{\dot{z}(t)|~t \in \mathbb R_+\}\) and \(\gamma \equiv \sup \{\dot{z}(t)|~t \in \mathbb R_+\}\). Suppose that \(\underline{u} < \beta \) and \(\overline{u} > \alpha + \gamma \), and assume \(0< k < \min \{\beta - \underline{u} , \overline{u} - \alpha - \gamma \} / \bar{v}\). Then

    1. a.

      Let \(0 \le x_1(0) < d\), and suppose that the controller (12) is such that \(u(t) = \overline{u}\) holds on an interval \([0, \tau ]\). Then \(x_1(t) > x_1(0)\) for all \(t \in [0, \tau ]\).

    2. b.

      \(\lim _{t \rightarrow \infty } x_1(t) = d.\)


If \(x_1(0) \in \mathbb R^2 \backslash P(z)\), then the following holds. There is a family of open intervals \(\{(\underline{\tau }_{\alpha }, \overline{\tau }_{\alpha }) |~ \alpha \in \Lambda \}\) such that \(x(\underline{\tau }_{\alpha }) \in P(z)\) and if \(t \in (\underline{\tau }_{\alpha }, \overline{\tau }_{\alpha })\) then \(x(t) \in \mathbb R^2 \backslash P(z)\), hence \(u(t) = \underline{u}\), and from (7), \(x_1(t) > 0\). If \(t \in \mathbb R \backslash \bigcup _{\alpha \in \Lambda } (\underline{\tau }_{\alpha }, \overline{\tau }_{\alpha })\) then \(x(t) \in P(z(t))\), and thus \(x_1(t) \ge d\). The last statement follows from the following. If \(x(t) \in P(z(t))\), then

$$\begin{aligned} k(x_1(t) - d) \ge x_2(t) - z(t). \end{aligned}$$

And, we consider two cases: \(x_2(t) \ge z(t)\) and \(z_2(t) < z(t)\). If \(x_2(2) \ge z(t)\), then from (13), \(x_1(t) \ge d.\) If \(z_2(t) < z(t)\), then from (7), \(x_1(t) \ge x_1(0) \ge d\). Hence, the control (12) is safe.

We prove Property 1 and Property 2 of the proposition. To this end, we observe that for \(x \in \mathbb R^2 \backslash P(z)\),

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{L}_1 (x, z)&= -a(x_1, z) x_2^2 + \underline{u} \le \underline{u} < 0 \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{L}_2(x, z, \dot{z})&= \dot{z} + a(x_1, z) x_2^2 + k(z - x_2) - \underline{u} \nonumber \\&\ge \beta - k \bar{v} - \underline{u} > 0. \end{aligned}$$

whereas, for \(x \in P(z)\),

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{L}_1 (x, z)&= -a(x_1, z) x_2^2 + \overline{u} \ge -\alpha + \overline{u} > 0 \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{L}_2(x, z, \dot{z})&= \dot{z} + a(x_1,z) x_2^2 + k(z- x_2) - \overline{u} \nonumber \\&\le \gamma + \alpha + k \bar{v} - \overline{u} < 0. \end{aligned}$$

By (14), Property 1 holds.

We will show Property 2.a. To this end, we notice that \(u(t) = \overline{u}\) whenever \(x(t) \in P_{z(t)}\). We consider two cases \(z(t) > x_2(t)\) and \(z(t) \le x_2(t)\). If \(z(t) > x_2(t)\) then \(\dot{x}_1(t) = z(t) - x_2(t) > 0\) and Property 2.a follows. Suppose that \(z(t) \le x_2(t)\). Then \(0 < k(x_1(t)-d) \ge z(t) - x_2 + k(x_1(t) -d) = L_2(x(t),z(t)) \ge 0\), which is a contradiction.

To show Property 2.b, we observe that by Inequalities (14)–(17), any flow line of (7) intersects the boundary of P at a point say \(\tilde{x}\) (transversally), i.e., there is \(t_1\ge 0\) such that \(x(t_1) = \tilde{x}\). If \(L_1(\tilde{x}) = 0\), then the solution (in a Filippov sense) \(x(\cdot )\) is such that \(L_1(x(t)) = 0\) for all \(t \in [t_1, t_2]\), where \(t_2\) is the time at which \(L_2(x(t_2),z(t_2)) = 0\). Subsequently, the Fillipov solution \(x(\cdot )\) is such that \(L_2(x(t),z(t)) = 0\) for all \(t \ge t_2\). As a consequence, \(z(t) - x_2(t) + k (x_1(t) - d) = 0\), which is equivalent to

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm d t}(x_1(t) - d) = - k (x_1(t) - d). \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \(\lim _{t \rightarrow \infty } x_1(t) = d\). \(\square \)

The above proposition shows that there is a control that keeps the distance from the vehicle C to the vehicle in front safe while the velocity of C does not exceed the reference. Also whenever the vehicle C accelerates, \(u(t) = \overline{u}\), and initially the distance \(x_1(0)\) is less than d then the distance increases, i.e., the traffic situation is no less safe than it was at the beginning. If the distance between C and D was greater than d then there is no future time that they will hit each other.

To avoid discontinuous control and hence abrupt switches between acceleration \(\overline{u}\) and deceleration \(\underline{u}\), the control (12) can be replaced by a continuous approximation. To this end, we will need an \(\varepsilon \)-neighbourhood \(\partial P^{\varepsilon } (z)\) of the boundary \(\partial P(z)\) of the polyhedral set P(z). Subsequently, in \(P \backslash \partial P^{\varepsilon } (z)\), we will use u equal to \(\overline{u}\), in \(\mathbb R^2 \backslash (P(z) \cup \partial P^{\varepsilon } (z))\), we will use u equal to \(\underline{u}\) and in \(\partial P^{\varepsilon } (z))\), we will use the control that is a linear combination of \(\overline{u}\) and \(\underline{u}\) weighted by the distance to \(\partial P(z)\). These constructions will be detailed below. For this purpose, recall the definitions of \(L_1\), \(L_2\) in (10), and P in (11), and consider

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathbb L_1 \equiv L_1^{-1}(0) = \{x \in \mathbb R^2 | ~ L_1(x) = 0\} \ \text { and }\ \mathbb L_{2,z} \equiv \{x \in \mathbb R^2 | ~ L_2(x,z) = 0\}, \\&\mathbb H_1 \equiv \{x \in \mathbb R^2 | ~ L_1(x) \le 0\} \ \text { and }\ \mathbb H_{2,z} \equiv \{x \in \mathbb R^2 | ~ - L_2(x,z) \le 0\}. \end{aligned}$$

For an \(\varepsilon > 0\), we define a map \(h: [-\varepsilon , \varepsilon ] \rightarrow [0, 1]\) by \(y \mapsto \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{1}{\varepsilon } y + 1 \right) \). Let \(\mathbb L_1^{\varepsilon }\) be the (closed) \(\varepsilon \)-neighborhood of \(\mathbb L_1\) (with respect to the Hausdorff metric), \(\mathbb L_{2, z}^{\varepsilon }\) be the \(\varepsilon \)-neighborhood of \(\mathbb L_{2, z}\), \(\mathbb H_1^{\varepsilon }\) be the \(\varepsilon \)-neighborhood of \(\mathbb H_1\), and \(\mathbb H_{2, z}^{\varepsilon }\) be the \(\varepsilon \)-neighborhood of \(\mathbb H_{2, z}\). Furthermore, we define the \(\varepsilon \)-neighbourhood \(P^{\varepsilon }(z)\) of P by

$$ P^{\varepsilon }(z) \equiv \mathbb H_1^{\varepsilon } \cap \mathbb H_{2, z}^{\varepsilon }. $$

Let \(x^i(x) \equiv x - \pi _{\mathbb L_i}(x)\) for \(i \in \{1,2\}\), where \(\pi _{\mathbb L_1}\) and \(\pi _{\mathbb L_2}\) are the projections on \(\mathbb L_1\) and \(\mathbb L_{2,z}\), respectively. For \(l \equiv l(x) = \mathrm {argmax}\{|x^i(x)| |~i \in \{1,2\}\}\) let

$$\begin{aligned} y(x) = |x^l|\, \mathrm {sign}(\langle n^l, x^l\rangle ), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle \) is the scalar product on \(\mathbb R^2\), \(n^1\) and \(n^2\) are the normal vectors to \(\mathbb L_1(\cdot )\) and \(\mathbb L_{2,z}(\cdot )\) pointing into P,

$$\begin{aligned} n^1 = (0,-1) ,n^2 = (k, -1). \end{aligned}$$

Finally, we are able to define the \(\varepsilon \)-neighbourhood \(\partial P^{\varepsilon }(z)\) of the boundary of P(z)

$$ \partial P^{\varepsilon }(z) \equiv P^{\varepsilon }(z) \backslash (\mathbb R^2 \backslash (\mathbb H_{1}^{\varepsilon } \cup \mathbb H_{2, z}^{\varepsilon })). $$

We define \(\bar{h}: P^{-\varepsilon }(z) \rightarrow [0, 1]\) by

$$ \bar{h}(x) = h(y(x)). $$

The function \(\bar{h}\) takes a point x in the \(\varepsilon \)-neighbourhood of \(\partial P(z)\) and delivers a number between 0 and 1 dependent on the distance to \(\partial P(z)\): 0 when the distance is \(\varepsilon \) and x is outside P and 1 when the distance is \(\varepsilon \) and x is inside P. The control is then

The parameter \(\varepsilon \) is to be chosen as a tradeoff between the accuracy of tracking the distance d and “evenness” of the control. The bigger \(\varepsilon \) is, the more even and less accurate is the control.

6.2 Lane Change

The control for lateral motion is discussed in [37]. For completeness of our study, we propose a facile feedforward control for changing the lane. To avoid a collision during the maneuver of changing the lanes, it is assumed that the minimum distance d to the front vehicles in the current lane and the neighboring target lane is big enough, i.e., greater than the sum of the maximal braking distance of the vehicle C and the distance \(\int _0^{t_{lc}} v_C(t) dt\) traveled by C during the lane change.

Recall the lateral motion given by the lateral position Y in (8b) and the yaw angle \(\psi \) in (9). We will use the notation

$$ b(\theta ) \equiv b(\theta , v_C) \equiv \frac{v_C }{l}\cos (\beta (\theta )) \tan (\theta ). $$

The next proposition characterises the the lateral motion

Proposition 4

Suppose \(b(\theta ) \ne 0\). Then the solution of (8b) and (9) belongs to the graph \(\varGamma \equiv \{(\psi ,Y) \in ]-\pi , \pi [ \times \mathbb R|~Y = F (\psi )\}\) of the function

$$ F \equiv F_{\theta ,y_0,\psi _0,v_C}: \psi \mapsto \tilde{y}_0(y_0,\psi _0) - \frac{v_C}{b(\theta )} \cos (\psi +\beta (\theta )), $$

where \(\tilde{y}_0(y_0,\psi _0) = y_0 + \frac{v_C}{b(\theta )} \cos (\psi _0 + \beta (\theta )) \), and \(y_0\) is the initial lateral position, and hence \(\psi _0\) is the initial yaw angle.


The tangent space \(T_{(\psi , Y)} \varGamma \) to the graph \(\gamma \) at any point \((\psi , Y) \in \varGamma \) is given by

$$ T_{(\psi , Y)} \varGamma = \left\{ \left. \alpha \left( 1,\frac{\partial F}{\partial \psi }(\psi ,Y)\right) \in \mathbb R^2\right| ~\alpha \in \mathbb R\right\} , $$

but \(\frac{\partial F}{\partial \psi }(\psi ,Y) = \frac{v_C}{b(\theta )} \sin (\psi _0 + \beta (\theta ))\), and hence by (8b) and (9) we have \((\dot{\psi }, \dot{Y}) \in T_{(\psi , Y)} \varGamma \).\(\square \)

To change the lane, we change the state \((Y, \psi )\) from \((y_0, 0)\) to \((y_1, 0)\). Without loss of generality, it is assumed that \(y_0 > y_1\).

6.2.1 Manoeuvre with Constant Velocity

If we suppose that the velocity \(v_C\) during the entire manoeuvrer is kept constant, then suppose that \((\theta _0, \theta _1) \in [\underline{\theta }, 0) \times (0, \overline{\theta }]\) are such that the equation \(F_{\theta _0,y_0,0,v_C}(\psi ) = F_{\theta _1,y_1,0,v_C}(\psi )\), or equivalently

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{y}_0(y_0,0) - \tilde{y}_0(y_1,0) + v_c\left( \frac{\cos (\psi + \beta (\theta _1))}{b(\theta _1)} - \frac{\cos (\psi + \beta (\theta _0))}{b(\theta _0)}\right) = 0, \end{aligned}$$

has the solution \(\hat{\psi }\). The proposed manoeuvre consists of

  1. 1.

    turning the front wheels from 0 to the angle \(\theta _0 > 0\),

  2. 2.

    waiting until the orientation angle \(\psi \) is \(\hat{\psi }\),

  3. 3.

    turning the wheels to the angle \(\theta _1<0\),

  4. 4.

    waiting until the orientation angle \(\psi \) reaches 0,

  5. 5.

    finally turning the front wheels back to 0.

6.2.2 Manoeuvre with Varying Velocity of the Vehicle

Suppose the vehicle velocity \(v_C\) is piecewise constant on possibly very short time intervals. Let \(\theta ^*(t)\) be the solution of the following equation

$$ F^*(\theta ^*(t)) \equiv F_{\theta ^*(t),Y(t),\psi (t),v_C(t)}(0) = y_1. $$

Notice that \(\theta ^*(t)\) depends on the current velocity \(v_C(t)\).

Then the lane-change manoeuvre consists of

  1. 1.

    turning the front wheel from 0 to the angle \(\theta _0\),

  2. 2.

    waiting until the yaw angle \(\psi (t)\) reaches \(\psi ^*\) for some \(\psi ^* \in ]0, \pi /2[\),

  3. 3.

    keeping the wheels at the angle \(\theta (t) = \theta ^*(t)\) until the orientation of the vehicle reaches 0 yaw angle.

  4. 4.

    turning the front wheels back to 0.

Both proposed controllers are feed-forward, thus a linear control [37] is to be implemented to remove deviations from the lateral reference \(y_1\). The time \(t_{lc}\) of the manoeuvre depends on the vehicle velocity, \(v_C\), and it is used in the guard of the abstract controller LCP depicted in Fig. 2.

7 Related Work

In the following, we consider related work within the categories of verification, hierarchical design approaches, spatial logics, and traffic maneuvers.

Automatic Verification. Most approaches to the automatic verification of hybrid systems represent discrete control and continuous dynamics together in one formal model, e.g., a hybrid automaton [2] or a hybrid program [36]. Whereas the reachability of locations is decidable for timed automata [3], this is in general not true for hybrid automata [18]. These limitations are overcome by using suitable abstractions and symbolic representations.

Model checking of linear hybrid automata by examining the reachable state space started with the tool HyTech [19]. More advanced techniques are incorporated in the tools PHAVer [12] and SpaceEx [13]. An alternative to these reachability-based methods are bounded versions of model checking using SAT-based techniques modulo the theory of ordinary differential equations [10, 11]. The concept of local theory extensions has been applied to proving safety properties of hybrid systems in [6]. Interactive theorem proving for hybrid systems in the context of an extended dynamic logic is pursued in [36]. For Hybrid CSP an experimental tool was developed [49].

Hierarchical Design. To simplify the analysis of hybrid systems, several approaches to controller design for hybrid systems have pursued a separation of the dynamics from the control layer.

An early work with an example of keeping distance between vehicles, is the paper by Nadjm-Tehrani and Strömberg [34], where they study the mapping from the continuous state space to the discrete state space. In the approach, the two models are combined to a hybrid model, and the linkage from the modes of the continuous model to the discrete modes is done by a Characterizer that generates events and a Selector for set-points. These could be characterized by linking predicates as done in this chapter, that would allow a clearer separation of the models.

Raisch et al. [31, 32] introduce abstraction and refinement to support a hierarchical design of hybrid control systems. However, this line of work stays within the same underlying model. Instead, the work here operates with separate models, because they can be tailored to the reasoning tools available for respectively automata and logics and those available for conventional control theory. Here, we are more in accordance with the work in [38], that deals with semantic alignment of heterogeneous models. The linking predicates introduced in the current work may make the alignment easier, because it relates only specific quantities and not full models.

Another inspiration for our work has been the approach pursued by Van Schuppen et al. [17] that works upwards from what we call the concrete model and introduce synthesis of control laws for piecewise-affine hybrid systems based on simplices, resulting in a discrete controller with transitions between the simplices. This may be an approach to finding a symbolic state space, when there is no obvious way to partition it.

Spatial Logic. Work on spatial logic often focusses on qualitative spatial reasoning [43] as exemplified in the region connection calculus [39]. We have used the spatial logic MLSL [21] to reason abstractly on highway traffic. The logic gives a compact formulation of properties and configurations, and an ability to compose and decompose them as well as a potential for deductions [26]. MLSL is inspired by interval temporal logic [33], the Duration Calculus [50], and the Shape Calculus [40]. It is a two-dimensional extension of interval temporal logic, where one dimension has a continuous space (the position in each lane) and the other has a discrete space (the number of the lane).

In [41], hybrid automata are considered where invariants and guards are expressed in a spatio-temporal logic S4\(_u\). However, there is no separation of space and dynamics as in our approach.

Traffic Maneuvers. A very influential effort was the California PATH (Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways) project on automated highway systems for cars driving in groups called platoons [44]. The manoeuvres include joining and leaving the platoon, and lane change. Lygeros et al. [28] sketch a safety proof for car platoons taking car dynamics into account, but admitting safe collisions, i.e., collisions at a low speed. Not all scenarios of multi-lane traffic are covered in their proof.

Platzer et al. [5, 27] represent traffic applications in a differential dynamic logic \(d\mathscr {L}\) that is supported by the theorem prover KeYmaera [36]. This logic does not separate space (symbolic model) from dynamics (concrete model), that is at the heart of our approach. The paper [1] proposes a bottom-up strategy, where a concrete model is gradually abstracted to Markov chains, for which the set of reachable states is analysed.

On highways, the analysis of safety is simplified because all cars drive in one direction. More difficult to analyse are country roads with opposing traffic. The safety of overtaking manoeuvres on such roads has been proven in [21]. Even more degrees of freedom in traffic manoeuvres can be found in urban traffic. The manoeuvres at crossings has been studied in [45].

Since driving assistants are liable to hit the road very soon, the effort at providing clear modelling and verification for this application area is very important.

Linking. For linking abstract and concrete data-manipulating systems the concepts of data and operation refinement with corresponding simulation-based proof techniques are well-known [8, 9]. Note that these techniques start by relating abstract and concrete data variables, that is not quite suitable in our setting, where we have to relate abstract predicates on reservations and claims to concrete sensor values. The transfer of temporal properties from abstract to concrete transitions systems via simulations and bisimulations is well-understood in the area of model checking [16].

8 Conclusion

This chapter has presented an approach to hybrid systems modelling where an abstract model is built in theories that are decidable modulo symbolic guards and actions while a concrete model uses conventional continuous time for which controllers are developed. The key point is that these two worlds are connected by linking predicates, so the concrete model is a refinement of the abstract one.

In the following, we discuss pros and cons of the approach for the individual steps and for the overall work.

Symbolic Model. A symbolic model is well known from a controller side, which can be built using timed automata. Also the use of symbolic guards and actions is intuitively easy. Note that time should enter only as timeouts on communications. These timeouts occur at the interface to the lower level concrete model or in communication protocols for interaction between the state machines.

When this is done, it is feasible to use model checking with a simplified environment model that assigns suitable values from finite domains to the predicates, and accept actions of similar finite types. Thus, an exhaustive automated verification is possible, although it has not been done in this chapter, because we consider the decomposition and linking the main points. Also, encoding the spatial model is a major effort. Steps in this direction have been taken by S. Linker in formalising a safety proof for a controller specification of [25] using the theorem prover Isabelle.

Defining a suitable state space is intrinsically difficult. We have used a spatial logic to structure it. The logic gives a compact formulation of properties and configurations, and an ability to compose and decompose them as well as a potential for deductions. However, if a developer is not familiar with logic, it may be easier to stay with set theory, i.e., use the semantics underlying the logic. This would also be the case if a model checking tool is used, because the logic would have to be semantically encoded in most cases. The simple CTL or LTL logics used in model checkers are not nearly as expressive as spatial logics. Thus, the logic is not essential for the approach or even the application case, but it is a neat shorthand.

Concrete Model. Identification of the concrete model and controller development is well known and is highly application dependent. In the current presentation, the modelling and controller design is very general. For real applications there is much engineering to do, but this is not relevant for this exposition.

During the development, one must have an eye on the predicates of the symbolic model, so it is feasible to construct observers that match the guards, and handle set points presented by the actions.

Linkage. The linking predicates are the formal outcome of elaborate discussions concerning the interface of the two models. They represent the point where many real application projects fail, because engineering traditions from software development and control system development meet. The advantage of the approach is that the two sides have to meet and agree. An issue that is common to top-down approaches is that the defined interface turns out to be either unimplementable in the concrete or inadequate for the abstract verification. Here, we see no magic bullet.

Overall Comments. The approach seems well suited for application areas, where a collection of semi-autonomous entities have to coordinate to achieve common objectives. In a tightly coupled application, where there is a tight centralized supervisor, it is most likely easier to stay with a one level concrete model, typically a conventional hybrid automaton.