
1 Introduction

Network anomaly detection refers to the problem of detecting illegal or malicious activities or events from normal connections or expected behavior of network systems [4, 5]. It has become one of the most popular subjects in the network security domain due to the fact that organizations and governments are now seeking good solutions to protect valuable resources on computer networks from unauthorized and illegal accesses, network attacks or malware. Over the last three decades, machine learning techniques are known as a common approach for developing network anomaly detection models [3, 4]. Network anomaly detection is usually posed as a type of classification problem: given a dataset representing normal and anomalous examples, the goal is to build a learning classifier which is capable of signaling when a new anomalous data sample is encountered [5].

However, most of the existing approaches consider an anomaly as a single point: cases when they occur “individually” and “separately” [6, 7, 16]. In such approaches, anomaly detection models do not have the ability to represent the information from previous data or events for evaluating a current point. In network security, some kinds of attacks, Denial of Service (DoS), usually occur for a long period of time (several minutes) [10], and are often represented by a set of single points. An attack should be indicated only if a set of single points are considered as an attack. In order to detect this kind of attack, anomaly detection models should be capable of remembering the information from a number of previous events, and representing the relationship between them and the current event. To avoid important mistakes, one must always consider every outcome: in this sense a highly anomalous value may still be linked to a perfectly normal condition, and conversely. In this work, we aim to build an anomaly detection model for this kind of attacks (known as collective anomaly detection in [5]).

Collective anomaly is the term to refer to a collection of related anomalous data instances with respect to the whole dataset [5]. The single data points in a collective anomaly may not be considered as anomalies by themselves, but the occurrence of these single points together indicates an anomaly. Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM RNN) is known as a powerful technique to represent the relationship between a current event and previous events, and handles time series problems [12, 14]. Thus, it is employed to develop an anomaly detection model in this paper.

In this paper, we will propose a collective anomaly detection model by using the predictive power of LSTM RNN [8]. Firstly, LSTM RNN is applied as a time series anomaly detection model. The prediction of a current event will depend on both the current event and its previous events. Secondly, the model will be adapted to detect collective anomalies by proposing a circular array. The circular array contains the prediction errors from a certain number of recent time steps. If the prediction errors in the circular array are higher than a predetermined threshold and last for a certain time steps, it will indicate a collective anomaly. More details will be described in Sect. 4.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We briefly review some work related to anomaly detection and LSTM RNN. In Sect. 3, we give a short introduction to LSTM RNN. This is followed by a section proposing the collective anomaly detection model using LSTM RNN. Experiments, Results and Discussion are presented in Sects. 5 and 6 respectively. The paper concludes with highlights and future directions.

2 Related Work

When considering a time series dataset, point anomalies are often directly linked to the value of the considered sample. However, attempting real time collective anomaly detection implies always being aware of previous samples, and more precisely their behavior. This means that every time step should include an evaluation of the current value combined with the evaluation of preceding information. In this section, we briefly describe work applying LSTM RNN to time series and collective anomaly detection problems [12, 14, 15].

Olsson et al. [15] proposed an unsupervised approach for detecting collective anomalies. In order to detect a group of the anomalous examples, the “anomalous score” of the group of data points was probabilistically aggregated from the contribution of each individual example. Obtaining the collective anomalous score was carried out in an unsupervised manner, thus it is suitable for both unsupervised and supervised approaches to scoring individual anomalies. The model was evaluated on an artificial dataset and two industrial datasets, detecting anomalies in moving cranes and anomalies in fuel consumption.

In [12], Malhotra et al. applied a LSTM network for addressing the problem of time series anomaly detection. A stacked LSTM network trained on only normal data was used to predict over a number of time steps. They assumed that the resulting prediction errors have a Gaussian distribution, which was used to assess the likelihood of anomaly behavior. Their model was demonstrated to perform well on four datasets.

Marchi et al. [13, 14] presented a novel approach by combining non-linear predictive denoising autoencoders (DA) with LSTM for identifying abnormal acoustic signals. Firstly, LSTM Recurrent DA was employed to predict auditory spectral features of the next short-term frame from its previous frames. The network trained on normal acoustic recorders tends to behave well on normal data, and yields small reconstruction errors whereas the reconstruction errors from abnormal acoustic signals are high. The reconstruction errors of the autoencoder was used as an “anomaly score”, and a reconstruction error above a predetermined threshold indicates a novel acoustic event. The model was trained on a public dataset containing in-home sound events, and evaluated on a dataset including new anomaly events. The results demonstrated that their model performed significantly better than existing methods. The idea is also used in a practical acoustic example [13, 14], where LSTM RNNs are used to predict short-term frames.

The core idea of this paper is to combine the previous methods, to adapt Long Short-Term Memory to collective anomaly detection. By labelling testing LSTM RNN outputs at every time step with a standardized error value, we shall propose an algorithm to detect collective anomalies. This will prove very useful in our example: First, we will train normal data on an LSTM RNN in order to estimate the behaviour of a normal day of traffic. Then, we will use a classifier inspired by [15] to rate the level of anomaly of each time sample. We will apply this method to a network security problem (KDD 1999 cup), aiming to raise an alarm in the case of DoS Neptune attacks.

3 Preliminaries

In this section, we briefly describe a specific type of Recurrent Neural Network: Long Short Term Memory. The structure was proposed by Hochreiter et al. [8] in 1997, and has already proven to be a powerful technique for addressing the problem of time series prediction.

The difference initiated by LSTM regarding other types of RNN resides in its “smart” nodes presented in Fig. 1. Each of these cells contains three gates, input gate, forget gate and output gate, which decide how to react to an input. Depending on the strength of the information each node receives, it will decide to block it or pass it on. The information is also filtered with the set of weights associated with the cells when it is transferred through these cells.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

LSTM RNN Cell, figure reproduced from [1]

The LSTM node structure enables a phenomenon called backpropagation through time. By calculating for each hidden layer the partial derivatives of the output, weight and input values, the system can move backwards to trace the evolving error between real output and predicted output. Afterwards, the network uses the derivative of this evolution to adapt its weights and decrease prediction error. This learning method is named Gradient Descent.

As mentioned before, Long Short-Term Memory has the power to incorporate a behaviour into a network by training it with normal data. The system becomes representative of the variations of the data. In other words, a prediction is made focusing on two features: the value of a sample and its position at a specific time. This means that two input samples at different times may have the same value, but their outputs will very probably differ. It is because a LSTM RNN is stateful, i.e. has a “memory”, which changes in response to inputs.

4 Proposed Approach

In this section, we are going to describe a new approach to address the problem of collective anomaly detection. Firstly, we show the LSTM RNNs ability to learn the behaviour of a training set, and in this stage it acts like a time series anomaly detection model. We will then adapt it for collective anomaly detection by introducing terms that measure its prediction errors in a period of time steps. Finally, we shall describe how to seek a collective anomaly by combining a LSTM RNN with a circular array method.

4.1 LSTM RNN as a Predictive Vector

The first step is inspired by the idea presented in [12]: when trained correctly, LSTM RNNs have the ability to learn the behavior of a training set. Intuitively, this means that when given certain input samples, they have the ability to remember the context of the samples, and to predict a coherent output in agreement with that context. In our work, we will use a simple LSTM RNN, in contrast to a stacked LSTM in [12]. This does not change the core principle of the method: when given sufficient training, a LSTM RNN adapts its weights, which become characteristic of the training data.

4.2 Definitions

In order to adapt a LSTM RNN for time series data to detect collective anomalies, we introduce terms to measure prediction errors at each time step or in a period of time steps. These terms are defined as below.

  • Relative Error (RE): the Relative Error between two real values x and y is given by Eq. 1:

    $$\begin{aligned} RE\left( x,y\right) = \frac{|x-y|}{x} \end{aligned}$$
  • Relative Error Threshold (RET): Relative Error value above a predetermined threshold indicates an anomaly. This threshold, RET, is determined by using labeled normal and attack data from a validation set.

  • Minimum Attack Time (MAT): The minimum amount of recent time steps that is used to define a collective attack.

  • Danger Coefficient (DC): The density of anomalous points within the last MAT time steps. Let N be the number of anomalous points over the last MAT time steps, DC is defined as in Eq. 2.

    $$\begin{aligned} DC = \frac{N}{MAT} \end{aligned}$$

    NB: \( 0< DC < 1\)

  • The Averaged Relative Error (ARE): The Average Relative Error over a MAT is given by Eq. 3:

    $$\begin{aligned} ARE = \sum _{i = 1}^{MAT} RE_i \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Circular array for collective anomaly detection model, \(MAT = P\)

The values of two terms, Danger Coefficient and Average Relative Error, are the key factors that will help the model to decide whether a set of inputs within a number of the latest time steps is a collective anomaly or not as described in Sect. 4.3. These values will be estimated by using a validation set.

4.3 Degree of Error Evaluation

At each time step, the sample predicted by the LSTM RNN is compared with the real future sample. This comparison is computed as a RE value. In this sense, a “Relative Error time series” is built online. Based on the values in a validation set, we can initialise the RET values.

At this stage, our system is theoretically capable of detecting point anomalies at each time step. In order to adapt the model from an individual anomaly model to a collective anomaly one, we must consider simultaneously an ensemble of points. To do this, we propose a circular array containing the MAT latest error values to represent the level of anomaly of the latest time steps as shown in Fig. 2. By analyzing the circular array at every time step, we evaluate the possibility of facing a collective anomaly. A collective anomaly will be identified if both Danger Coefficient and Average Relative Error are higher than predefined thresholds, \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \), respectively (\(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) will be estimated by using the validation set).

5 Experiments

5.1 Datasets

In order to demonstrate the efficient performance of the proposed model, we choose a dataset related to the network security domain, the KDD 1999 dataset [2, 9], for our experiments. The dataset in tcpdump format was collected from a simulated military-like environment over a period of 5 weeks. There are four main groups of attacks in the dataset, but we restrict our experiments on a specific attack, Neptune, in the Denial-of-Service (DoS) group. The dataset is also converted into a time series version before feeding into the model. More details about how to obtain a time series version from the original dataset, and how to choose training, validation and testing sets are presented in the following paragraphs.

The first crucial step is to build a conveniently usable time series dataset out of the tcpdump data, and to select the features we wish to use. We use terminal commands and a python program to convert the original tcpdump records in the KDD 1999 dataset into a time dependant function. This method is a development of the proposed transformation in [11] that acts directly on the tcpdump to obtain real time statistics of the data. Our scheme follows this step by step transition as described below:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{tcpdump} \Rightarrow \mathrm{pcap} \Rightarrow \mathrm{csv} \end{aligned}$$

Each day of records can be time-filtered and input into a new .pcap file. This also has the advantage of giving a first approach on visualizing the data by using Wireshark functionalities (IO graphs and filters). Once this is done, the tshark command is adapted to select and transfer the relevant information from the records into a .csv file. We may note that doing this is a first step towards faster computation and better system efficiency, since all irrelevant pcap columns can be ignored. There are two major steps for the conversion processing.

  1. 1.

    Store the information of a .tcpdump file into a newly generated .pcap file. From the terminal, we use the editcap command:

    figure a
  2. 2.

    Convert from .pcap file into .csv file by tshark command. From the terminal again, type the command below:

    figure b

tshark is a simple but powerful command, enabling the selection of columns of interest in a .pcap file, and their output in a newly generated .csv. Once the data is in the .csv format, python code can be implemented from the XX library to store it and use with our classifier.

Processing the tcpdump with this method enables quick and easy manipulation of the data. For example, Neptune and Smurf are both DoS attacks characterised by a high flow of specific packets in networks (eg. SYN_ACK and ICMP echo replies). By using this simple fact, the needed records can be filtered and counted at every time step. If we aim to detect Neptune attack, the thark command can be implemented with the -i netstat -f tcp[13] == 2 filter, so only SYN_ACK packets from servers are counted. We observe in the case of KDD 1999 that a Neptune attack can be sought by looking for an anomalously high number of these packets.

The KDD1999 time series is composed of a two-weeks training set \(n_1\) (weeks 1 & 3, normal data), one week of validation set \(v_1\) (week 2, both labeled normal and anomaly data), and a two-week testing set \(t_1\) (weeks 4 & 5). The protocol will be the following: training the network with \(n_1\), using \(v_1\) to determine our error threshold(s), and evaluating the proposed model on \(t_1\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The training errors from the model with one, two and three inputs

5.2 Experimental Settings

In this work, we conduct two experiments, one preliminary experiment and one main experiment. The preliminary experiment aim to estimate the parameters for the model and set its thresholds by using the validation set whereas the main experiment is to evaluate the proposed model.

Preliminary Experiment: This experiment aim to select the best parameters of our LSTM RNN model with respect to minimize its prediction error, and determine the thresholds, \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). Firstly, we determine how many previous time steps should be used for predicting the current event. The hyper-parameters of LSTM RNN, hidden size and learning rate, are then estimated. Finally, the two thresholds, \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \), will be chosen to give the best possible classification performance of the model on the validation set.

In order to optimize the proposed model for the main experiment, we proceed to a preliminary test to measure the influence of the number of inputs on the prediction error of LSTM. We first focus on how many inputs will influence the prediction of an LSTM [12]. We form the hypothesis that inserting more values in our system may help decrease prediction errors, but it will be more time consuming [12]. Thus, we investigate the relationship between the prediction value \(y_{t+1}\) to three sets of the previous input examples \((x_{t})\), \((x_{t}, x_{t-1})\) and \((x_{t}, x_{t-1}, x_{t-2})\). They are formulated in Eqs. 56 and 7 below:

$$\begin{aligned} y_{t+1}= & {} f\left( x_{t} \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} y_{t+1}= & {} f\left( x_{t}, x_{t-1} \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} y_{t+1}= & {} f\left( x_{t}, x_{t-1}, x_{t-2} \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_{t}\), \(x_{t-1}\) and \(x_{t-2}\) are the input samples at times t, \(t-1\) and \(t-2\) respectively, and \(y_{t+1}\) is the predicted value for the input \(x_{t}\).

The number of hidden nodes and the learning rate are the final two parameters that can strongly influence the performance of a LSTM RNN. On the one hand, the strength of a LSTM RNN resides in its hidden layer. Each synapse of a network is weighted differently, and can be considered as a unique interpretation of the input data. Each node of the hidden layer is storage space for these interpretations. Theoretically, the higher number of hidden nodes, the more information the network can contain. This also means more computation, and may lead to over-fitting.

Using the LSTM RNN error evolution curve empirically, we concluded that the optimum number of nodes in our hidden layer to obtain good memorization is approximately 23, but the results are not shown in this paper. The learning rate is another factor directly linked to the speed at which a LSTM RNN can improve its predictions. For a time step t during training, the synapse weights of our neural network are updated. The learning rate defines how much we wish a weight to be modified at each instant. In our experiment, we choose learning rate equal to 0.01 that gives us a convenient error curve.

Finally, a classifier that is trained on ten days of normal data is used to determine \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). We observe the reaction of the system on labeled Neptune attacks from the validation set, and set the thresholds. The values of these thresholds is shown in Sect. 6.

Main Experiment: Our task is to use the potential speed and accuracy of LSTM RNN to detect a disproportionate durable change in a time series. Once the preliminary experiment is complete, we choose the most performant LSTM RNN architecture, and train it with the normal training set \(n_1\). The classifier is then evaluated on testing set \(t_1\) containing both normal and attack data to investigate how efficiently our proposed classifier performs.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The prediction error from the model with three inputs (1500 Epochs)

6 Results and Discussion

This section presents our experimental results. First, the preliminary experiment evaluates two factors: computation cost and LSTM prediction error when using one input, two inputs and three inputs respectively. Then, the general performance in terms of classification accuracy is measured (Fig. 4).

The Table 1 illustrates that the model with three inputs had less computational time than those with one or two inputs. Moreover, the Fig. 3 shows that the model with three inputs achieves a lower training error in comparison to two others. Thus, we use the model with three inputs for our main experiment.

Table 1. Computational time recording

The results from the main experiment are shown in Table 2. The experiment is done with \(MAT = 12\), and \(\alpha = 0.66\), and we also report the results on four values of \(\beta \), \(\beta =\) 0.69, 0.66, 0.62 and 0.52. We observe that it is possible to obtain 100 % collective anomaly detection rate, but this implies triggering a high amount of false alarms. Conversely, it is possible to avoid false alarms, but fewer correct alarms will be detected. Ultimately, detecting more real attacks results in triggering more false alarms as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Circular array detection efficiency

7 Conclusion and Further Work

In this paper, we have proposed a model for collective anomaly detection based on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network. We have motivated this method through investigating LSTM RNN in the problem of time series, and adapted it to detect collective anomalies by proposing the measurements in Sect. 4.2. We investigated the hyper-parameters, the suitable number of inputs and some thresholds by using the validation set.

The proposed model is evaluated by using the time series version of the KDD 1999 dataset. The results suggest that proposed model is efficiently capable of detecting collective anomalies in the dataset. However, they must be used with caution. The training data fed into a network must be organized in a coherent manner to guarantee the stability of the system. In future work, we will focus on how to improve the classification accuracy of the model. We also observed that implementing variations in a LSTM RNNs number of inputs might trigger different output reactions.