
1 Introduction and Background

With various accelerator architectures emerging in the HPC space, there have been renewed concerns about available programming models and their ability to provide performance portability for applications across platforms. To address these issues, there are a few efforts in development that, like C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism (AMP), make heavy use of C++ language features. Kokkos [1] and RAJA [2] are template-based library solutions that attempt to hide low-level implementation details from the application developer to achieve good performance on multiple architectures. Unlike Kokkos/RAJA, AMP attempts to extend the C++ language directly to deal with accelerator programming and non-contiguous memories. There is slow progress being made in the C++ language standard as well, with a conservative proposal [3] to include preliminary support for generic parallelism in the upcoming C++17 standard. However, the present proposal lacks sufficient expressiveness to deal with the multiple memory address spaces and complex compute and memory hierarchies found in today’s accelerator platforms. OpenMP [4, 5] 4 and OpenACC [6] provide directive-based approaches to program C++ on accelerators but fall short on supporting many advanced C++ features (deep copy, STLs, etc.) and alternative approaches need to be explored. Perhaps the most similar programming model to AMP is NVIDIA’s CUDA. Both allow the programmer to specify arbitrary compute kernels in the (slightly extended) native language, as well as directly managing the data transfer between host and device or relying on implicit transfer features of the runtime. The main differences are that CUDA is a single-vendor defined model optimized for a specific architecture, while AMP is an open standard that can be implemented by any compiler to target various accelerators. AMP also hides the low-level details a little bit more by discarding the concepts of threads, grid blocks, etc. that are usually specified in the CUDA programming model.

While C++ AMP is not widely implemented at present, it does attempt to offer a complete and open language-based solution for programming GPUs with descrete memory spaces while allowing the application to continue to use advanced features of C++. In this paper, we first give a brief overview of the main syntactic and semantic features of C++ AMP which provide the context for a preliminary evaluation of C++ AMP using both a well-understood and compute-bound kernel, matrix-matrix multiplication (GEMM), as well as an “in-the-wild” kernel from a quantum Monte Carlo application called QMCPACK. We then show the code transformations involved when using this model for each kernel and present some preliminary performance impressions using an experimental compiler-based implementation. Finally, we discuss our experiences with AMP in the context of new and upcoming C++ language standards as they apply to accelerator programming.

1.1 C++ AMP

C++ AMP is an open specification [7] based on a namespace that provides accelerator programming extensions to the C++ programming language. It is published by Microsoft Corporation, with input from PathScale Inc, NVIDIA Corporation, and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD). It supports offload of data-parallel algorithms to discrete accelerators like GPUs. The first implementation for C++ AMP was introduced in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 [8], and experimental support has emerged in the PathScale [9] and LLVM/Clang [10, 11] compilers as well.

When using C++ AMP, the programmer describes the computation to be performed on the accelerator by specifying the iteration space and the kernel to be applied over that space. The parallel_for_each() routine provides the mechanism for iterating through a domain. The computational kernel to execute on the accelerator is given by a lambda with the restrict(amp) keyword which indicates that the kernel contains the restricted subset of the C++ language that AMP is able to accelerate. The set of threads used for parallel execution on the accelerator is specified by creating extent or tiled_extent objects. Additionally, double-precision precise math and fast math libraries are provided for use on the accelerator, as well as several common numerical libraries that have been released for the C++ AMP programming model under the open-source Apache License, including random number generation (RNG), fast Fourier transform (FFT), basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS), and linear algebra package (LAPACK).

The primary way to transfer data to the accelerator is by using the C++ AMP array and/or array_view objects. These objects need four pieces of information to describe the data: the rank (logical shape) of the data and the datatype of the elements are passed as type parameters, while the data itself and the physical shape of the array in memory are specified using constructor parameters. The array class causes a deep copy of the data when the object is constructed with a pointer to the original data set. The accelerator is able to access and modify its copy of the data, and after computation, the data must be copied out of the object to the source data structure. array_view objects can be constructed and accessed similarly, but instead of explicit data transfer happening upon construction, data is transferred implicitly to the accelerator on-demand at kernel execution time. After kernel execution, the data can be directly accessed on the host, and synchronization can be guaranteed using a provided method. For both array and array_view objects, shapes must be rectangular (in N dimensions), and can either be specified manually for each dimension or by using the C++ AMP extent class.

2 Preliminary Results

We have prototyped the use of C++ AMP for both a benchmark GEMM and a QMCPACK application kernel using the Pathscale ENZO 6.0.9 compiler. This work illustrates the use of the basic C++ AMP building blocks to parallelize the execution of nested loops used in both GEMM and QMCPACK. For a preliminary evaluation, we used two HPC platforms that are of significant relevance to the INCITE [12] and CORAL [13] programs of which QMCPACK is a part: one based on a representative node of Titan [14] containing a 16-core AMD Opteron 6274 CPU attached to an NVIDIA Tesla K20X GPU via PCIe v2, and the second a Summit [15] test node containing a Power8E CPU @ 2.61GHz processor with a NVIDIA Tesla K40m connected via PCIe v3.

2.1 Benchmark Kernels

Matrix Multiplication. To evaluate C++ AMP functionality, programmability and baseline performance, we wrote a simple matrix multiplication kernel. Below is the code snippet [16] that was used:

figure a

First, the 1-D host-memory arrays ha, hb, and hc are allocated and initialized to size SIZE*SIZE*sizeof(double). Then these arrays are associated with the array_view objects a, b, and product. The array_view can only be initialized with 1-D arrays or rectangular blocks of memory. Next, the parallel_for_each() construct is used to parallelize the kernel over the row and columns of the matrix multiplication. After the computation completes, the array_view object on the host and accelerator are synchronized to ensure data coherency. We compiled and ran the C++ AMP matrix multiplication kernel on the Titan and test Summit nodes using the Pathscale ENZO 6.0.9 compiler that supports C++ AMP on multiple GPUs. For comparing the results in Fig. 1, we show the code listing for the tiled GEMM implementation in listing 1.2, but omit detailed discussion as this is available in other materials [16]:

figure b

QMCPACK - three-body Jastrow factor QMCPACK [17, 18] is an open-source software package that enables quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations of realistic materials on large parallel computers. It is implemented using C++ object-oriented and generic programming design patterns, and achieves efficient parallelism through the hybrid use of MPI/OpenMP and inlined specializations to use SIMD intrinsics. Additionally, a port to CUDA for NVIDIA GPU acceleration was done, but some of the data structures and algorithms needed refactoring for efficient execution on the accelerator. QMCPACK is one of the applications participating in the CORAL [13] application readiness program (CAAR) for the POWER-based Summit [15] system to be deployed as the next leadership-class machine at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL).

Quantum Monte Carlo methods are a class of stochastic-based, ab initio electronic structure calculations to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics for the ground state energy and its corresponding physical state, or the so-called wavefunction. Regardless of the algorithm employed, the code takes a trial wavefunction as an initial input. It then employs an iterative Monte Carlo procedure to optimize the wavefunction and obtains the ground state.

One commonly used type of wavefunction is composed of a product of Slater determinants and Jastrow factors. The Slater determinants encapsulate the electrons’ distribution, whereas the Jastrow factors capture the Coulombic interactions among the electrons or ions. The kernel that we are porting here to C++ AMP is a prototype of the evaluation of the three-body Jastrow factor, which accounts for the interactions among any two electrons and an ion for the entire system. Thus, there are three nested for loops in the kernel, two of which loop over the number of electron-ion pairs, and one which loops over the number of electron-electron pairs in the physical system. It is for this reason the calculation of the three-body Jastrow is computationally intensive, as the number of electrons in a typical calculation could be few hundred up to thousands.

Listing 1.3 shows the original version of the QMCPACK Jastrow kernel. The code uses several custom linear vector and tensor classes TinyVector, Tensor, and MyVector. The result of the kernel is captured in the grad and hess arguments.

figure c

The motivation to explore the use of C++ AMP for this kernel came from the fact that it had not been ported to CUDA yet, and initial attempts to use directives for accelerator offload were not satisfactory, requiring reduced usage of custom C++ classes and data structures needed in the application. Furthermore, developer investment in CUDA is being reduced for this application for portability reasons. Using C++ AMP to parallelize the two loops requires capturing the main data structures into array<> objects for access on the accelerator inside the parallel_for_each looping construct. Listing 1.4 shows the C++ AMP code corresponding to the three nested for loops making up the first part of the QMCPACK kernel. Note that we omit some of the common code elements and present primarily the parts that illustrate the modifications needed to adapt the kernel to the C++ AMP interface.

figure d

The code illustrates the general approach for porting an existing application to the C++ AMP programming model. Since the C++ AMP data model is implemented primarily using the array<> and array_view<> classes, existing data generally needs to go through a copy-in/copy-out process to the corresponding C++ AMP data structure. The overhead for creating and accessing data through the C++ AMP data structures will depend on how compatible the underlying memory layout is with the layout supported by C++ AMP (array_viewss can be created using raw pointers as shown in Listing 1.4).

The listing also shows an example of creating and using accelerator-only data structures to control data movement into and out of an accelerator with disjoint memory. The variables value, grd and hss are used in the listed part of the kernel. Their lifetime extends to the rest of the kernel (not shown above) where the reduction operation is performed. They are then explicitly copied over to their host counterparts at the end of the kernel function execution.

2.2 Preliminary Performance Evaluation

The first panel of Fig. 1 shows the performance achieved using different matrix sizes on the test Summit node, and second panel of Fig. 1 shows the performance achieved using different matrix sizes on the Titan node. The execution times shown include the data transfer time between host and device. Each GEMM experiment uses double-precision data and compares the C++ AMP code represented by listing 1.1 to a more optimized C++ AMP implementation using a tiled algorithm as well as the highly-tuned NVIDIA CUBLAS DGEMM routine. While this kernel realizes the expected performance improvement when moving from the K20 to the K40, the relatively basic AMP implementations do not see quite the amount of improvement of the hyper-tuned CUBLAS implementation. Also, as this is a compute-bound kernel, we do not expect the improved PCIe bandwidth of the POWER8 node to play a significant role in this case.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Matrix multiplication Kernel in C++ AMP on a preliminary test Summit node (Power8E CPU @ 2.61GHz processor with a NVIDIA Tesla K40 m connected via PCIe v3) and a Titan node (16-core AMD Opteron 6274 CPU attached to an NVIDIA Tesla K20X GPU via PCIe v2).

Figure 2 shows the performance speedup of the Jastrow QMC application kernel on our two HPC node types as described in Sect. 2. These timings include the time required for data transfer between host and device, as well as the manually-implemented reduction operation as explained below. The performance gain for large particle numbers is about an order of magnitude, and while the kernel involves a triply-nested loop, the computation to memory bandwidth density isn’t quite as high as the GEMM algorithm. While we were able to run the kernel and accelerate it on the GPUs, C++ AMP currently lacks a reduction construct. This led us to implement the reduction manually in the application. This is an area where C++ AMP needs improvement. The reduction was implemented using local arrays of type tile_static in order to share work among compute elements during the reduction operation. Listing 1.5 shows the implementation for the reduction for the calculated value, gradient, and Hessian of the Jastrow terms. We believe that the performance gain by moving from the CPU implementation to the accelerated AMP implementation could be further improved by having natively supported and well-optimized constructs for reduction operations. This would also increase the programmer productivity and code brevity regarding this kernel.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

QMC 3-body Jastrow kernel implemented in C++ AMP on a preliminary test Summit node (Power8E CPU @ 2.61 GHz processor with a NVIDIA Tesla K40m connected via PCIe v3) and a Titan node (16-core AMD Opteron 6274 CPU attached to an NVIDIA Tesla K20X GPU via PCIe v2).

figure e

3 Discussion

The C++ AMP programming model could be attractive for some C++ application developers because it offers a language-based solution for discrete accelerator offload, yet works well with native language features. Ideally, HPC applications would be well-supported by features in the C++ language standard itself, and indeed progress is being made in this direction. NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Intel independently proposed library approaches for standardized C++ parallelism, and these authors were eventually asked to submit a joint proposal to the committee, which was then refined over two years and informed along the way by experimental implementations. The result of this effort can be found in the parallelism technical specification (TS) N4507 which was subsequently included into the C++17 standard.

The parallelism features that have been included in C++17 show some similarities to the AMP model, defining execution policies and methods to specify computational kernels. It even includes exception handling, which is not covered by the AMP specification. However, the main feature set missing from C++17 that may prevent its wide adoption among HPC applications is the lack of data handling facilities. For heterogeneous systems with accelerators that have discrete memory address spaces, there is currently no way to specify which data should be moved between memory spaces and when the movement should take place. However, the concurrency and parallelism subgroup of the C++ language committee is working on followups to both technical specifications that will further augment the features that are included in the C++17 standard. Features are being considered [19, 20] from HPX [21] and OpenCL [22] because, even though they include an HPC domain view-point, they are modeled after the existing parallel and concurrency TSs and so retain appropriateness for the consumer domain as well.

4 Early Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we describe how C++ AMP works and can potentially be used on different platforms including x86-64 and OpenPOWER systems with NVIDIA GPUs. We describe the language constructs that C++ AMP provides to accelerate applications written in C++. We were able to use C++ AMP to accelerate a matrix multiplication kernel and important computational regions from the QMCPACK application. The success from AMP is its ability to use parallel primitives and data constructs that fit the native C++ programing model. Evaluating the C++ AMP programming model is a step toward a C++ solution to program accelerators. One of the differences with C++ AMP and the upcoming C++17 draft is that C++ AMP is aware of the different memory spaces between the accelerator and host; the language provides namespaces and objects to manage and synchronize shared data objects between the host and the accelerator. Upcoming explorations will include immediate concerns such as a more generalized yet performant way to handle data reductions within AMP parallel regions and exploring more target accelerator and multicore architectures. Longer-term studies in which we are interested include more detailed comparisons with the newly released C++17 concurrency and parallelism features which are only recently emerging in compiler implementations.