
1 Introduction

An open question for fault-tolerant, cyber-physical systems is how to reliably demonstrate their safety properties. Since the root causes of failures are faults, fault injection is an established practice for testing systems. There are promising approaches for injecting hardware and software models with faults without adversely affecting the simulation time during simulation runs [1, 9]. However simulation-based fault-injection of executable system models ultimately fails to hold for operation systems, essentially for two reasons: (1) By their very nature, system models abstract implementation details and cannot be fully accurate in every aspect for operational systems in the field that need to execute under tight real-time constraints. (2) System environment models are hard to parametrize accurately with realistic simulation data. Software Implemented Fault Injection (SWIFI) is an established technique for fault injection into operational software systems, but has a significant disadvantage: SWIFI changes the timing behavior due to probe effects. The same disadvantage applies for tests in general and in particular for fault injection tests that stimulate and check the behavior of distributed systems online solely on the network level (see for example [6]). Another issue is the limited observability and controlability of systems under test. The limits of SWIFI tests define the fundamental objective of this work: to accurately test real-time systems with tight schedules while running free of side effects. The scope of the system which these tests observe and control shall be maximized to let concise tests illuminate otherwise obscure locations and behaviors of the system under test.

The contributions of this work are twofold: (1) demonstration of deterministic tests of safety requirements to provide reliable statements on fault-tolerant systems in operation; (2) an explanation of when, where, and why such tests provide reliable statements.

This paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 introduces a consistent set of terms for characterizing target systems, assigned safety requirements and tests. Section 3 presents safety requirements used as driving examples. Section 4 characterizes target systems that implement fault-tolerance mechanisms and enable the execution of fault-injection tests without inadmissible probe effects. Section 5 specifies tests in ALFHAFootnote 1 [5] that verify the fulfillment of the safety requirements. The tests are executed with VITEFootnote 2. Section 6 checks the plausibility of results that the test system produces. We use RACEFootnote 3 as our reference target system [2, 4, 8].

2 Terms

Throughout the paper we use a consistent set of terms for characterizing target systems, assigned safety requirements and tests for these requirements. Some terms are implemented as system predicates and used in test procedures (Sect. 5), such as Platform Node, Dual Platform Node and Master Host. Figure 1 provides an overview of selected terms explained in the following.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An example target system with platform network (rings) (Color figure online)


Platform Mechanism. :

Code block that implements a fault-tolerance mechanism such as, in general terms, error detection (ed), error recovery (er) and/or error mitigation (em), or a basic operating system mechanism such as input/output data processing and operation scheduling. Let \( M = \{ ed, er, em, \) \( ... \} \) denote the set of all platform mechanisms. Each platform mechanism \( m \in M \) can be instantiated to an instance \( i \in I(m) \), with \( I(m) \) denoting the set of all instances \( \{ i_1, i_2, ... \} \) of \( m \).

Platform Node.:

Node for short. Computer \( n \) consisting of a CPU, a clock generating cyclic ticks of constant duration, main memory, an access point to the network of all platform nodes \(N = \{ n_1, n_2, ..., n_n \} \) of the target system, an access point to a test network (not shown in Fig. 1 but in Fig. 3), and deployed instances of platform mechanisms. Each computer \( n \) is connected to either the “red” power circuit (\(n^r\)) or to the “blue” power circuit (\(n^b\)).

Platform. :

Instantiated and deployed platform mechanisms providing together fault-tolerance (safety) mechanisms to platform applications.

Platform Application. :

Application for short. Code block that uses platform mechanisms. Let \( A = \{ a_1, a_2, ... \} \) denote the set of all platform applications. Each platform application \( a \in A \) can be instantiated to an instance \( i \in I(a) \) that is deployed on a platform node. \( I(a) \) denotes the set of all instances \( \{ i_1, i_2, ... \} \) of \( a \). For clarity, we sometimes write \( i^r \) or \( i^b \) if the underlying platform node \( n \) is connected to the “red” power circuit \( (n^r) \) or to the “blue” power circuit \( (n^b) \).

Dual Platform Node. :

Dual node for short. Pair of platform nodes \( dn = \{ n_i, n_j \} \), with \( n_i, n_j \in N \) running in lockstep mode and being connected to the same power circuit. In context of a dual platform node \( n_i \) and \( n_j \) are also called twin nodes.

Platform Control Computer. :

All dual platform nodes \( DN = \{ dn_1, dn_2, ..., \) \( dn_n \} \), with \( \forall dn_i, dn_j \in DN : dn_i \cap dn_j = \emptyset \); that is, dual platform nodes run in disjoint node pairs.

Platform Periphery. :

All periphery nodes \( PN = \{ n : n \in N \wedge \not \exists dn \in DN : n \in dn \} \). In other words, a node \( n \) belongs either to the platform periphery (sensing process inputs or controlling process outputs) or to the platform control computer.

Node Cycle.:

Instant of a cyclic process running in linear time [7] on a platform node, also called local instant. The clock of platform node \( n \) generates subsequent cycle numbers defined as numerical time series of node cycles \( clock(n) = ( 0, 1, 2, ...) \). Cycle numbers of two different platform nodes \( n_i, n_j \) can differ at the same global instant, e.g., when the platform is up and running and when \( n_i \) started before \( n_j \) or when the clocks of \( n_i \) and \( n_j \) drift.

Platform Cycle.:

Instant of a cyclic process running in linear time on the platform, also called global instant. At platform start, the cycles generated by the clock of the first started platform node \( n \) determines the numerical time series of platform cycles \( clock = ( 0, 1, 2, ...) \).


Addressable location \( v(n) \) in the data segment of the main memory of platform node \( n \). Platform mechanisms and platform applications exchange values via variables during a cycle and between cycles. We denote the value of a variable \( v(n) \) at cycle \( x \) as \( v(n)_x \), or simply \( v_x \) if \( n \) is irrelevant. Depending on the context, \( x \) denotes a (local) node cycle or a (global) platform cycle. Variables also take on values of input signals (process inputs originating from sensors in the platform periphery) and output signals (process outputs targeting actuators in the platform periphery).

Data Store.:

Section \( V(n) \) in the data segment of the main memory of node \( n \) which contains all variables; that is, \( V(n) = \{ v_1(n), v_2(n), ... \} \). The data store of the platform contains all variables in the data stores of all nodes; that is, \(V = \bigcup \limits _{n \in N} V(n) \). Typically only a subset \( W = \{ v_1, v_2, ... \}\) of all variables \( V \) is in the test scope, that is \( W \subseteq V \) and \( v_1, v_2 \) are different variables of possibly different nodes. The data stores of all nodes contain some common variables with node-specific values, e.g., node cycle and node state.


Chronologically ordered values of all variables in the test scope denoted as \( (W_i)_{i = x..y} = (W_{x}, W_{x+1}, ..., W_{y}) \). Depending on the context, \( x \) and \( y \) denote (local) node cycles or (global) platform cycles.

System Function.:

All functionally coherent platform applications which together transform input signals from system sensors (related to nodes in the platform periphery) to output signals for system actuators (related to nodes in the platform periphery) defined as \( F \subseteq A \times A \times ... \times A \). Instances of one or more platform applications instantiate a concrete system function.


Platform node \( n \) that executes an instance \( i \) of platform application \( a \) at cycle \( x \); that is, \( H(i)_x = n \in N \). If \( x \) is not relevant then we write \( H(i) \).

Master Host.:

Dual platform node \( MH \) whose nodes \( n_i \) and \( n_j \) both execute instances \( i_i \) and \( i_j \) of the same platform application \( a \) at cycle \( x \); that is, \( MH(a)_x = ( n_i, n_j ) \in DN \) with \( i_i, i_j \in I(a) \), so that \( H(i_i)_x = n_i \) and \( H(i_j)_x = n_j \). \( MH(a) \) operates as an open gate in the sense that \( MH(a) \) transports signals or data to (input) and from (output) application \( a \).

Slave Host.:

Dual platform node \( SH \) whose nodes \( n_i \) and \( n_j \) both execute instances \( i_i \) and \( i_j \) of the same platform application \( a \) at cycle \( x \) in hot-standby mode to \( MH(a)_x \); that is, \( SH(a)_x = ( n_i, n_j ) \in DN \) with \( i_i, i_j \in I(a) \), so that \( H(i_i)_x = n_i \) and \( H(i_j)_x = n_j \). In contrast to \( MH(a) \), \( SH(a) \) operates as a half-side open gate in the sense that \( SH(a) \) only transports signals or data to (input) application \( a \).


3 Safety Requirements

3.1 Application Context

Our example system is an electric car built using software-intensive electronic devices. Safety-critical car functions, such as steering and braking, must be highly available and work reliably. In the following, we consider only car steering. In basic configuration, the steering system takes input from the driver, i.e., steering wheel position, and translates it into control commands for car wheels. An advanced variant of the steering system is controlled by additional parameters such as car speed, weight, weight distribution, yaw angle, and road and weather conditions. Regardless of the variant, the steering function, as well as the communication network and the on-board power supply, must stay operational in the presence of permanent or temporary faults in steering and non-steering car components.

3.2 System Scope

We assume that every fault-tolerant function roughly consists of three parts: input from the platform periphery (Fig. 1, sensors on the left), data processing in the platform control computer (Fig. 1, central nodes) and output to the platform periphery (Fig. 1, actuators on the right). Hence, the steering function consists of three platform applications \( F = \{ ( sws, sc, wc ) \} \) with: (1) steering wheel sensing \((sws)\) having two redundant instances \( I(sws) = \{ sws^r, sws^b \} \) on two redundant steering wheel sensors \( n_1^r, n_2^b \in PN : n_1^r = H(sws^r) \wedge n_2^b = H(sws^b) \); (2) central steering control \((sc)\) having four redundant instances \( I(sc) = \{ sc_i^r, sc_j^r, sc_i^b, sc_j^b \} \) on four pairwise redundant, central nodes \( (n_{3,i}^r, n_{3,j}^r), (n_{4,i}^b, n_{4,j}^b) \in DN : n_{3,i}^r = H(sc_i^r) \wedge n_{3,j}^r = H(sc_j^r) \wedge n4_i^b = H(sc_i^b) \wedge n4_j^b = H(sc_j^b) \) and (3) wheel controlling \(( wc)\) having two redundant instances \( I(wc) = \{ wc^r, wc^b \} \) on two redundant steering boxes \( n_5^r, n_6^b \in PN : n_5^r = H(wc^r) \wedge n_6^b = H(wc^b) \). Redundant communication links and redundant power circuits complete the system. The following requirements concern availability properties of safety-critical system functions and thereby the steering function.

3.3 Requirement R1: Redundant Input Signals

R1.1 Safety property: Continuous data available. Host \( n = H(i)_x \) shall provide a signal value to instance \( i \) of data processing application \( a \) in each node cycle. The signal value shall be free from those errors that platform mechanisms are responsible to detect and process.

For example, for car steering we assume the difference between two succeeding steering angles \( (v_x, v_{x-1}) \) of a safe longitudinal movement to lie within variable limits, that is, \(\mathopen | v_x - v_{x-1} \mathclose | \le delta\), even when a redundant steering wheel sensor fails. Driving situations, physical values and technical properties determine \( delta \).

R1.2 Error detection. Host \( n = H(i)_x \) shall check signal value \( v(n)_x \) for errors that the platform mechanisms shall detect before providing \( v(n)_x \) to \( i \).

R1.3 Error mitigation. Host \( n = H(i)_x \) shall provide signal value \( v_2(n)_x \) to \( i \) when \( v_1(n)_x \) is missing (no signal value received in cycle \( x \)) and if \( v_2(n) \) is redundant to \( v_1(n) \) and free of errors. Redundant signals \( v_1(n)_x, v_2(n)_x \) from redundant senders \( n_1, n_2 \in PN \) reach \( n \) in redundant, local variables \( v_1(n), v_2(n) \).

R1.4 Sender abstraction. Instance \( i \) of application \( a \) cannot distinguish redundant signal values \( v_1(n)_x \) and \( v_2(n)_x \).

3.4 Requirement R2: Fail-Operational Data Processing

R2.1 Safety property: Master host available. Exactly one master host \( MH(a)_x \) shall execute application \( a \) at platform cycle \( x \).

R2.2 Error detection. Slave host \( SH(a)\) shall detect the failed \( MH(a)\) within \( d > 0 \) cycles, that is, in the interval from cycle \( x+1 \) to cycle \( x+d \), when \( MH(a) \) fails at platform cycle \( x \).

R2.3 Error recovery. Slave host \( SH(a) \) shall become \( MH(a) \) within \( s > 0 \) cycles, that is, in the interval from cycle \( x + d' + 1 \) to cycle \( x + d' + s \), when \( SH(a) \) has detected the failed \( MH(a) \) after \( d' \) cycles, with \( d' \le d \), and if the master-selection strategy selects \( SH(a) \).

R2.4 Safety property: Master unavailable. Application \( a \) can run without \( MH (a) \) for \( d + s\) number of cycles, that is, in interval from cycle \( x \) to cycle \( x+d+s \). Properties of the containing system function \( F \) and the situation dependent system environment determine the durations \( d \) and \( s \).

R2.5 Host abstraction. Instances of application \( a \) cannot distinguish \( MH(a) \) from \( SH(a) \) at platform cycle \( x \).

4 Target System

4.1 Platform Safety Mechanisms

The car system must stay fail-operational. To operate dependably such systems are realized as distributed, redundant components with replicated communication channels and redundancy control to tolerate all faults. System functions rely on redundancy handling and fault processing mechanisms built into the system platform. These mechanisms factored out into the platform simplify the implementation, integration, and testing of platform applications.

The heart of the example target system is the platform control computer built of several dual nodes (\( DN \) in Fig. 1). Single or redundant sensors and actuators in the platform periphery (\( PN \) in Fig. 1) connect the system to the system environment. Platform safety mechanisms (\( \{ ed = \) error detection, \( eh = \) error handling, \( ... \} \)) are instantiated once for each node. They automatically detect and handle value errors and time errors [3] or combinations thereof (Table 1).

Safe steering, for example, relies on the availability, reliability and integrity of the underlying system platform. In case of an inconsistency in the platform control computer, the faulty node immediately backs out so as not to jeopardize steering. For detecting inconsistencies, dual nodes pairwise monitor input data, output data and node states in every cycle (Table 1: f). If the inconsistent dual node is the master host of the central steering control, cyclic exchange of platform states and checks within all other dual nodes detect the faulty master host (Table 1: g). Then one of the hot standby slave hosts, still exchanging platform states, takes over the role of the master host (Table 1: j, k). As the steering function must constantly work alongside the redundant steering-wheel sensor, the platform mechanisms of the platform control computer check steering angles (and signal values in general, Table 1: ae), vote, and select one per cycle to ensure that instances of the central steering control application obtain quality signal values in every cycle (Table 1: h).

Table 1. Detecting (ed) and handling (eh) of value (V) and time (T) errors

4.2 Non-Intrusive Test Probe Mechanism

For demonstrating system safety in different system configurations of varying degrees of redundancy, the system platform must enable by design the test system to non-intrusively monitor and manipulate signal values, communication packets, system states and data quality indicators. Tests must be able to intervene simultaneously and instantaneously in different nodes. A target system is testable if it permits these interventions without accidentally altering system functionality and timing—neither in lab tests nor in field tests. The following properties of the system platform meet these requirements (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Data flow in a node with built-in test probe

Time-triggered architecture. Time-triggered systems behave deterministically because systems control events and not vice versa (as in event-triggered systems). Hence schedulers activate instances of platform applications and platform mechanisms in a time-triggered way.

Node data store. Instances of platform applications and platform mechanisms, on each node, communicate via a data store. A node data store captures signal values, communication packets, node and platform states and quality indicators, for one cycle and for every cycle anew.

Test probe. Each node contains a built-in test probe which is a platform test service. Test probe operations are always scheduled at the very end of every cycle. In this position, a test probe can (1) monitor data accumulated in the data store during the last cycle (in Fig. 2: cycle x) and (2) manipulate data for the next cycle (in Fig. 2, cycle x+1).

Exclusive test resources. Test probes use exclusive time slots (CPU times), memory areas, and access points to a separate test network. Time, space and bandwidth available to a test probe are set to upper limits, constant across all node cycles. Other mechanisms and applications cannot use resources of a test probe, even when it is deactivated. Otherwise test probes would be intrusive.

5 Safety Tests

Test requirement R1: Redundant input signals (Sect. 3.3 ). The minimalistic system under test consists of three nodes: two sensor nodes determine the position of the steering wheel (in Fig. 1: \( n_1^r, n_2^b \)) and provide redundant steering angles to any central node (in Fig. 1: one of \( \{ n_{3,i}^r, n_{3,j}^r, n_{4,i}^b, n_{4,j}^b \} \)) that hosts (\( n = H(i)\)) any instance (\( i \)) of the central steering control application (\( i \in I(sc) \), enumerated in Sect. 3.2). The test idea is to manipulate the output of a sensor with different values for different time periods so that the central node must assume that the sensor has a temporary or permanent problem. While one sensor fails temporarily or permanently (controlled by different test data vectors), the central steering control shall obtain steering angles from the redundant, error-free sensor.

figure a
figure b

Test 1 checks safety property R1.1 throughout a test run as a test invariant (line 17), also while manipulating a variable of one of the nodes under test for cc cycles (line 19). It is not necessary for the test to simulate the environment because, with RACE, nodes can start and run in a neutral mode processing default values. With the steering wheel in neutral position (default), dependable delivery of steering angles to the central steering control can be tested with the following test vector:

N1 \( = n_{3,i}^r \), N2 \( = n_1^r \), N3 \( = n_2^b \), M \( = n_1^r \), // Nodes of the target system (Fig. 1)

a = SteeringControl, // Corresponds to \( a_2 \) in Fig. 1

vM = Out.SteeringAngle, // Corresponds to \( v_5(n) \) in Fig. 2 with \( n \) = M = N2

vMx = 0xDEAD, t = 1.0, c = 30, cc = 2 // Irregular steering angles for 2 cycles

To test the reaction on permanent sensor failure, we extend the fault injection period cc from 2 to, say, 1000 cycles. For scoping the fault region differently, e.g., when looking for fault reasons with exploratory tests during system maintenance, the test can intervene in the data flow in the central node by manipulating the signal quality attribute on the side of the signal receiver, with all other test vector arguments unchanged, as follows: M \( = n_{3,i}^r \), vM = In.SteeringAngle.Error, vMx = eErrorConfirmed. If these tests pass, then we can say that the central steering control application is indifferent to the sender of the steering angle (R1.4), as well as to other tested faults.

Test requirement R2: Fail-operational data processing (Sect. 3.4 ). The minimally realistic system under test is a core platform of two dual nodes: \( dn_1 = (n_{3,i}^r, n_{3,j}^r), dn_2 = (n_{4,i}^b, n_{4,j}^b) \) in Fig. 1. The test idea is to shock the nodes of the master host (\( MH(sc) \)) of the central steering control (\(sc\)) application so that (\( MH(sc) \)) backs out. The slave host (\( SH(sc) \)) shall become \( MH(sc) \) within the required time period, including the time needed for error detection plus the time needed for error recovery (switching from SH to MH).

Test 2 checks safety properties R2.1 and R2.4 (line 24) throughout a test run, also while the test injects (line 27) different values vN1ix and vN1jx in the duplicated variables N1i.vN1 and N1j.vN1 (line 3). The safety mechanisms of both nodes must detect this inconsistency (shock) and switch off the master host. The slave host takes over the master role (line 28) and continues executing the platform application. With the following test vector, Test 2 does not inject a fault into an arbitrary memory cell or I/O buffer. Rather, Test 2 attacks the system under test later in the data flow where the platform’s error detection service stores the quality (error) indicator for further processing:

N1i \( = n_{3,i}^r \), N1j \( = n_{3,j}^r \), N2i \( = n_{4,i}^b \), N2j \( = n_{4,j}^b \), // Platform control comp. (Fig. 1)

a = SteeringControl, // Corresponds to \( a_2 \) in Fig. 1

vN1 = Twin.ErrorIndicator, vN1ix = 7, vN1jx = 0, c = 10, cc = 1, d = 3, s = 2.

6 Plausibility Check and Test Analysis

Safety tests written in ALFHA provide reliable statements on system behavior without probe effects, because: (1) Target systems are designed for testability with lifelong built-in test probes (special modules) and data stores decoupling modules (code blocks), see Sect. 4.2; (2) Accurate and understood tests are written in an appropriate domain-specific language that describes fault-injection tests of testable target systems, see Sect. 5; (3) A test system with a central test controller is decoupled from target systems via test probes and separate test networks, see Sect. 4.2 and sketched in Fig. 3; (4) Traces produced by the test controller enable plausibility checks, e.g., Trace 1 for a tolerate failing master host test (Test 2) of the target system RACE in operation, see Fig. 4.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Test system connected to the target system (Fig. 1) by a separate star network (Color figure online)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Demonstration of the Tolerate failing master host test (Color figure online)

Once the test system and a testable target system are set up and connected, the focus of plausibility checks moves to analyses of tests and related traces. Test traces document the bindings between test (vector) arguments and parameters of test procedures (Trace 1, lines 1–9) on the basis of structural descriptions of target systems. The test controller uses target system descriptions also for checking whether test cases can be applied to target systems before test runs (e.g., Test 2, lines 9–11). In Trace 1 the test controller documents that in platform cycle 298 test probes of \( n_{3,i}^r \) and \( n_{3,j}^r \) are instructed to manipulate variables C (\(n_{3,i}^r.Twin.ErrorIndicator\)) and G (\(n_{3,j }^r.Twin.ErrorIndicator\)) in platform cycle 308. Trace 1 filtered (1) for values that test probes send to the test controller (gray lines, platform cycles 299, 300, ..., 309, ..., 398) and (2) for values of variables that indicate the role of a dual node (green boxes, variables D and H for dual node \( dn_1 \), L and P for dual node \( dn_2 \), MH = 3, SH = 1) shows that the target system (platform control computer in Fig. 1) satisfies requirement R2 (Sect. 3.4) for this test run. Snapshots of a RACE-specific trace visualizer (Fig. 4) for another tolerate failing master host test of a RACE system can be mapped to Trace 1 as follows: snapshot (a) corresponds to, e.g., platform cycle 308 (test cycle 9) and snapshot (b) corresponds to, e.g., platform cycle 398.

figure c

7 Summary

The tests presented in this paper demonstrated a method of proving safety-related statements about a fault-tolerant system, like “a steer-by-wire car remains steerable when one computer of the central platform computer fails.” More fault-injection tests for the same target at different points of attack (e.g., nodes and variables) and in different situations (e.g., degradation modes and load levels) are necessary to increase the confidence in and precision of such statements. Test probes permanently built into all nodes of a fault-tolerant, cyber-physical system that executes time-controlled behavior provide the necessary testability.