
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Component-based evaluation, i.e. the ability of assessing the impact of the different components in the pipeline of an Information Retrieval (IR) system and understanding their interaction, is a long-standing challenge, as pointed out by [24]: “if we want to decide between alternative indexing strategies for example, we must use these strategies as part of a complete information retrieval system, and examine its overall performance (with each of the alternatives) directly”.

This issue is even more exacerbated in the case of MultiLingual Information Access (MLIA), where the combinations of components and languages grow exponentially, and even the more systematic experiments explore just a small fraction of them, basically hampering a more profound understanding of MLIA.

In Grid@CLEF [15], we proposed the idea of running a systematic series of experiments and creating a grid of points, where (ideally) all the combinations of retrieval methods and components were represented. This would have had two positive effects: first, to provide more insights about the effectiveness of the different components and their interaction; second, to identify suitable baselines with respect to which all the comparisons have to be made.

However, even if Grid@CLEF succeeded in establishing the technical framework to make it possible to create such grid of points, it did not delivered a grid big enough, due to the high technical barriers to implement it.

More recently, the wider availability of open source IR systems [26] made it possible to run systematic experiments more easily and we see a renewed interest in creating grid of points, which also allow for reproducible baselines [14, 21]. Indeed, in the context the “Open-Source Information Retrieval Reproducibility Challenge”Footnote 1 [1], we provided several of these baselines for many of the CLEF Adhoc collections as well as a methodology for systematically creating and describing them [11].

In this paper, we move a step forward and we release as an open resource the first fine-grained grids of points for many of the CLEF monolingual Adhoc tasks over a range of several years. The goal of these grids is to facilitate research in the MLIA field, to provide a set of standard baseline on standard collections, and to offer the possibility of conducting deeper analyses on the interaction among components in multiple languages.

The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides an overview of the used CLEF collections; Sect. 3 describes how we created the different grids of points; Sect. 4 presents some analyses to assess the quality of the created grids of points and get an outlook of the behaviour of the different systems; finally, Sect. 5 wraps up the discussion and provides an outlook of future work.

2 Overview of CLEF Monolingual Tasks

We considered the CLEF Adhoc monolingual tasks from 2000 to 2007 [26, 12, 13] in nine languages: Bulgarian, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese and Swedish. The main information about the corpora, topics and relevance judgments of considered tasks are reported in Table 1.

The CLEF corpora are formed by document sets in different European languages but with common features: the same genre and time period, comparable content. Indeed, the large majority of the corpora are composed by newspaper articles from 1994–1995 with the exception of the Bulgarian and Hungarian corpora composed of newspaper articles from 2002.

The French, German and Italian news agency dispatches – i.e. ATS, SDA and AGZ – are all gathered from the Swiss news agency and are the same corpus translated in different languages. The Spanish corpus is composed of news agencies (i.e. EFE) from the same time period as the Swiss news agency corpus and thus it is very similar in terms of structure and content.

CLEF topics follow the typical TREC structure composed of three fields: title, description and narrative. The topic creation process in CLEF has had to deal with specific issues related to the multilingualism as described in [19].

As far as relevance assessments are concerned, CLEF adopted they standard approach based on the pooling method and the assessment based on the longest, most elaborate formulation of the topic, i.e. the narrative [25]. Typical pool depths are between 60 and 100 documents.

Table 1. Employed CLEF monolingual tasks: used corpora; number of documents; number of topics; size of the pool; number of submitted runs. Languages are expressed as ISO 639:1 two letters code.
Fig. 1.
figure 1

MAP distribution of original runs submitted to the considered CLEF monolingual tasks.

Figure 1 reports the box plots of the selected CLEF monolingual tasks grouped by language. We can see that in most cases the data are evenly distributed within the quantiles and they are not particularly skewed. For the monolingual tasks there is only one system with MAP equal to zero (i.e., an outlier for the AH-MONO-ES task) and for \(78\,\%\) of the monolingual tasks the first quantile is above \(10\,\%\) of MAP. Note that even amongst the tasks on the same language, the experimental collections differ from task to task and thus a direct comparison of performances across years is not possible; in [16] an across years comparison between CLEF monolingual, bilingual and multilingual tasks has been conducted by employing the standardization methodology defined in [28].

3 Grid of Points

We considered four main components of an IR system: stop list, stemmer, n-grams and IR model. We selected a set of alternative implementations of each component and by using the Terrier open source system [22] we created a run for each system defined by combining the available components in all possible ways. Note that stemmers and n-grams are mutually exclusive alternatives since either you can employ a stemmer or a n-grams component.


stop list: :

nostop, stop;

stemmer: :

nostem, weak stemmer, aggressive stemmer;

n-grams: :

nograms, 4grams, 5grams;

model: :

BB2, BM25, DFRBM25, DFRee, DLH, DLH13, DPH, HiemstraLM, IFB2, InL2, InexpB2, InexpC2, LGD, LemurTFIDF, PL2, TFIDF.


The specific language resources employed such as the stoplist and the stemmers depend by the language of the task at hand. All the stoplists have been provided by the University of Neuchâtel (UNINE)Footnote 2; in the Table 2 we report the number of words composing each stoplist. The stemmers have been provided by University of Neuchâtel (UNINE in the table) and by the Snowball Stemming language and algorithms projectFootnote 3 (snowball in the table). We chose to use these stop lists and stemmers due to their availability as open source linguistic resources.

Table 2. The linguistic resources employed for each monolingual task.

To obtain the desired grid of points, we employed Terrier ver. 4.1 which we extended to work with UNINE stemmers and n-grams. For each task we obtained 160 runs and we calculated four measures: AP, RBP, nDCG20 and ERR20 which capture different performance angles by employing different user models; we chose these measures due to their large use in IR evaluation. The measures have been calculated by employing the MATlab Toolkit for Evaluation of information Retrieval Systems (MATTERS) libraryFootnote 4.

Average Precision (AP) [8] represents the “gold standard” measure in IR, known to be stable and informative, with a natural top-heavy bias and an underlying theoretical basis as approximation of the area under the precision/recall curve. AP is the reference measure in this study for all CLEF tasks and it is the measure originally adopted by CLEF for evaluating the systems participating in the campaigns.

Rank-Biased Precision (RBP) [23] is built around a user model based on the utility a user can achieve by using a system: the higher, the better. The model it implements is that a user always starts from the first document in the list and then s/he progresses from one document to the next with a probability p. We calculated RBP by setting \(p=0.8\) which represent a good trade-off between a very persistent and a remitting user.

nDCG [18] is the normalized version of the widely-known Discounted Cumulated Gain (DCG) which is defined for graded relevance judgments. We calculated nDCG in a binary relevance setting by giving gain 0 to non-relevant documents and gain 1 to the relevant ones; furthermore, we used a \(log_{10}\) discounting function.

Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR) [10] is a measure defined for graded relevance judgments and for evaluating navigational intent and it is particularly top-heavy since it highly penalizes systems placing not-relevant documents in high positions. We calculated ERR in a binary relevance setting as we have done for nDCG.

The calculated measures, the scripts used to run Terrier on the CLEF collections along with the property files required to correctly setup the system and the modified version of Terrier comprising UNINE stemmers and n-grams components are publicly available at the URL:

4 Analysis of the Grid of Points

In Fig. 2 we can see the MAP distributions for the runs composing the grid of points for each considered monolingual task. Given that these runs have been produced by adopting comparable systems, we can conduct an across years comparison between the different editions of the same task. Furthermore, given a task, we can compare the performances obtained by the runs in the grid of points with the performances achieved by the original systems reported in Fig. 1.

By analysing the performances reported in Fig. 2 we can identify two main groups of tasks, the first one comprising languages achieving the highest median and best MAP values which are Spanish, Finnish, French, German and Italian; and, a second group with the Bulgarian, Hungarian, Portuguese and Swedish languages. This difference in performances between different languages can be in part explained by the quality of the linguistic resources employed; indeed, the systems in the grid points obtained better performances for languages introduced in the early years of CLEF – e.g., French and Spanish – and lower performances for the languages introduced in the latter years – e.g., Bulgarian and Hungarian.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Grid of points MAP distribution for the considered CLEF monolingual tasks.

By comparing the box plots in Figs. 1 and 2 we can see the distribution of runs in the two sets and we can see where the grid of points runs are a good representation of the original runs and where they differ one from the other. In the grid of points we have many more runs than in the original CLEF setting and this could explain the higher number of outliers we see in Fig. 2. If we focus on the median MAP values we can see several close correspondences between the original runs and the grid of points ones as for example for the Bulgarian 2005 task, the German 2001 task, the Spanish 2002 task, all Finnish tasks, French tasks from 2000 to 2004, the Italian 2001 task, the Portuguese 2006 task and all Swedish tasks. On the other hand, there are tasks that do not find a close correspondence between the two run sets as for example the Bulgarian 2006 and 2007 tasks and the Hungarian tasks. Generally, when there is no correspondence, the performances of the grid of points runs are lower than those of the original runs. It must be underlined that some languages, as German and Swedish, get benefit from the use of a word decompounder component [7] which has not been included in the current version of the gird of points; this could lead to worse results in the grid of points with respect to the original CLEF languages.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

KLD for all the considered tasks.

We employ the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) [27] to estimate the Probability Density Function (PDF) of both the original runs submitted at CLEF and the various grids of points. Then, we compute the Kullback–Leibler Divergence (KLD) [20] between these PDFs in order to get an appreciation of how different are the grids of points from the original runs. Indeed, \(\text {KLD} \in [0, +\infty )\) denotes the information lost when a grid of points is used to approximate an original set of runs [9]; therefore, 0 means that there is no loss of information and, in our settings, that the original runs and the grid of points are considered the same; \(+\infty \) means that there is full loss of information and, in our settings, that the grid of points and the original runs are considered completely different.

The values of the KLD for all the considered tasks are reported in Fig. 3. In our setting, we assume the “true”/reference probability distribution to be the one associated to the original runs and the “reference” probability distribution to be the one associated to the grid of points runs.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The KDE of the PDF of AP calculated from the original runs and the grid of points ones.

In Fig. 3 we can see that most of the KLD values are fairly low showing the proximity between the original AP values distributions and the grid of points ones. The bigger differences between the distributions are found for the Bulgarian 2006 and 2007 tasks, the German 2000 and 2003 tasks and the Italian 2000 task; for Bulgarian and German, this fact can be checked also by looking at the box plots in Figs. 1 and 2.

In Fig. 4 we can see a comparison between the KDEs of the PDF of AP calculated from the original runs and the grid of points ones; for space reasons we report the plots only for nine selected tasks – i.e. the 2005–2007 Bulgarian tasks, the 2001–2003 German tasks and the 2001–2003 French tasks. It is quite straightforward to see the correlation between the shape of the PDF curves and the KLD values reported in Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Multivari plot grouped by stop list, stemmer/n-grams and model for the CLEF 2003 Monolingual French task.

In Fig. 5 we present a multivariate plot for the CLEF 2003 Monolingual French task which reports the performances of the grid of points runs grouped by stop list, stemmer/n-grams and model. This figure shows a possible performance analysis allowed by the grid of points; indeed, we can see how the different components of the IR systems at hand contribute to the overall performances even though we cannot quantify the exact contribution of each component. For instance, by observing at Fig. 5 we can see that the effect of the stop list is quite evident for all the combinations of system components; indeed, the performances of the systems using a stop list are higher than those not using a stop list. The effect of the stemmer and n-grams components is also noticeable given that the lowest performing systems are consistently those employing neither a stemmer nor a n-grams component; we can also see that the employment of a n-grams component has a positive sizable impact on performances for the French language and that it reduces the performance spread amongst the systems. Finally, we can also analyse the impact of different models and their interaction with the other components. For instance, we can see that the IFB2 model is always achieving the lowest performances of the group when the stop list is not employed, whereas it is among the best performing models when a stop list is employed. On the other hand, this model is not highly influenced by the use of stemmers and n-grams components.

5 Final Remarks

In this paper we presented a new valuable resource for MLIA research built over the CLEF Adhoc collections: a big and systematic grid of points combining various IR components – stop lists, stemmers, n-grams, IR models – for several European languages and for different evaluation measures – AP, nDCG, ERR, and RBP.

We assessed whether the produced grids of points are actually representative enough to allow for subsequent analyses and we have found that they have performance distributions similar to those of the runs originally submitted to the CLEF Adhoc tasks over the years.

Moreover, we have shown some of the analyses that are enabled by the grid of point and how they allow us to start understanding how components interact together.

These analyses are intended to show the potentialities of the grid of points that can be exploited to carry out deeper analyses and considerations. For instance, the grid of points can be the starting point for determining the contribution of a specific component within the full pipeline of an IR system and to estimate the interaction of one component with the other. As a consequence, as far as future work is concerned, we will decompose system performance into components’ ones according to the methodology we proposed [17] and we will try to generalize this decomposition across languages.