
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

A palindrome is a string of form \(xax^R\), where x is a string called the left arm, a is either the empty string or a single character, and \(x^R\) is the reversed string of x called the right arm. Finding palindromic substrings in a given string w is a classical problem on string processing. The earliest work on this problem dates back to at least 1970’s when Manacher [10] proposed an online algorithm to find all prefix palindromes in w in O(n) time, where n is the length of w. Later, Apostolico et al. [1] pointed out that Manacher’s algorithm can be used to find all maximal palindromes in w in O(n) time, where a maximal palindrome is a substring palindrome \(w[i..j] = w[i..j]^R\) of w whose arms cannot be further extended based on the same center \(\frac{i+j}{2}\).

A natural generalisation of palindromes is gapped palindromes of form \(xyx^R\), where y is a string of length at least 2 called a gap Footnote 1. Finding gapped palindromes has applications in bioinformatics, e.g.; RNA secondary structures called hairpins can be regarded as a kind of gapped palindrome \(xy\overline{x}^R\), where \(\overline{x}\) represents the complement of x (\(\overline{x}\) is obtained by exchanging \(\mathtt {A}\) with \(\mathtt {U}\) and exchanging \(\mathtt {C}\) with \(\mathtt {G}\) in x). The most basic type of gapped palindromes is g-gapped palindromes, where \(g \ge 2\) is a pre-defined fixed length of the gaps. For three parameters \( g _{\min }\), \( g _{\max }\), and \( A \) such that \(2 \le g _{\min }\le g _{\max }\) and \( A \ge 1\), Kolpakov and Kucherov [8] introduced length-constrained gapped palindromes (LCGPs) which has arms of length at least \( A \) and gaps of length in range \([ g _{\min }, g _{\max }]\). This is a natural generalisation of g-gapped palindromes with \( g _{\min }= g _{\max }= g\) and \( A = 1\).

In this paper, we consider the problems of finding these gapped palindromes in a string in an online manner. Namely, our input is a growing string to which new characters can be appended, and each character of the string arrives one by one, from left to right. Let n be the length of the final string w. We propose:

  1. (1)

    An online algorithm to compute all maximal g-gapped palindromes in w in \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time and O(n) space, where \(\sigma \) is the alphabet size. This algorithm can be modified to output only distinct maximal g-gapped palindromes in an online manner, in the same complexity.

  2. (2)

    An online algorithm to compute all maximal LCGPs in w in \(O(n(m + \log \sigma ))\) time and O(n) space, where \(m = \max \{\frac{ g _{\max }- g _{\min }}{ A }, 1\}\).

Formal definitions of the maximality of these gapped palindromes will be given in Sects. 3 and 4, respectively.

We remark that using a slightly modified version of Solution (1), it is trivial to obtain an \(O(n( g _{\max }- g _{\min }+ \log \sigma ))\)-time solution for finding all maximal LCGPs, by simply testing gap lengths \( g _{\min }, g _{\min }+1, \ldots , g _{\max }\) separately. Hence, in the case where \( A \) is not a constant and \(\log \sigma \) is not a dominating term, then Solution (2) speeds up this trivial method by a factor of \( A \). On the other hand, in the case where \( A \) is a constant, then we show that there exists a string of length n which contains \(\varOmega (nm)\) maximal LCGPs, meaning that we cannot hope significant speed-up in the worst case.

Solution (2) is based on Solution (1) and is quite different from the offline solution by Kolpakov and Kucherov [8]. To our knowledge, these are the first efficient online algorithms that compute any kind of gapped palindromes.

Related work. A number of efficient offline algorithms for computing various kinds of gapped palindromes have been proposed in the literature.

Let w be an input string w of length n over the integer alphabet. There exists a folklore O(n)-time algorithm (see e.g. [6]) which finds all maximal g-gapped palindromes for a given fixed gap length g; the suffix tree [4, 12] of string \(w^R\#w\$\) and a constant-time LCA data structure [2] over the suffix tree are constructed during preprocessing, and then computing each maximal g-gapped palindrome reduces to an outward longest common extension (LCE) query, which can be answered by an LCA query on the tree. Our algorithm for computing all maximal g-gapped palindromes can be regarded as an online version of this algorithm.

Kolpakov and Kucherov [8] proposed an \(O(n + L)\)-time offline algorithm to find all maximal LCGPs, where L is the number of outputs. Their algorithm consists of the following two steps: In the first step, it computes all (not necessarily outward maximal) LCGPs whose arms are of length exactly \( A \). Let (ij) be the pair of the ending position i and the beginning position j of the left and right arms of each of the above LCGPs, respectively. In the second step, for each LCGP computed above, the algorithm performs an outward LCE query from i and j, using the same suffix-tree based data structure as for the maximal g-gapped palindromes above. However, each time a new character is appended to the growing string, the LCE value from the same pair of positions may increase, and it is impossible to know beforehand when the growth of the LCE value for each pair of positions stops. Thus, it seems difficult to apply Kolpakov and Kucherov’s solution to our online setting.

There exist efficient offline solutions for finding other kinds of gapped palindromes. Kolpakov and Kucherov [8] also proposed an O(n)-timeFootnote 2 offline algorithm to compute all maximal long-armed palindromes (those whose arms are longer than their gap) in a given string w of length n. Kolpakov and Kucherov’s algorithm uses a variant of Lempel-Ziv factorisation called the reversed LZ factorisation of strings. Let \(f_1, \ldots , f_k\) be the reversed LZ factorisation of w. Then, for each pair \(f_{i}\) of adjacent factors, their algorithm focuses on positions \(\frac{|f_i|}{2^k}\) for every \(1 \le k \le \lceil \frac{|f_i|}{2} \rceil \) in \(f_i\). This implies that the length of each \(f_i\) needs to be precomputed. However, in the online setting, the length of the last factor that is a suffix of the current string can extend each time a new character is appended. It is therefore unclear whether we can extend their solution to the online scenario.

Very recently, Gawrychowski et al. [5] considered a generalisation of long-armed palindromes called \(\alpha \)-gapped palindromes; For a parameter \(\alpha > 1\), a gapped palindrome \(xyx^R\) is said to be an \(\alpha \)-gapped palindrome iff \(|xy| \le \alpha |y|\). Gawrychowski et al. [5] proposed an \(O(\alpha n)\)-time offline algorithm which computes all maximal \(\alpha \)-gapped palindromes in an input string w of length n. This algorithm requires a preprocessing of the input w for integer \(c \ge 2\) such that the occurrences of a substring of length \(2^k\) (called a basic factor therein) in another substring of length \(c2^k\) can be computed efficiently. Thus, it seems difficult to apply their result to the online setting.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Strings

Let \(\varSigma \) be an ordered alphabet of size \(\sigma \). An element of \(\varSigma ^*\) is called a string. The length of string w is denoted by |w|. The empty string is denoted by \(\varepsilon \). For any non-empty string w, w[i] denotes the character at position i of w for \(1 \le i \le |w|\), and w[i..j] denotes the substring of w that begins at position i and ends at position j in w for \(1 \le i \le j \le |w|\). For convenience, let \(w[i..j] = \varepsilon \) for \(i > j\). For \(0 \le i \le |w|+1\), w[1..i] and w[i..|w|] are called a prefix and a suffix of w, respectively. Let \(w^R\) denotes the reversed image of w, namely, \(w^R = x[|x|] \cdots x[1]\). For instance, if \(w = \mathtt {desserts}\), then \(w^R = \mathtt {stressed}\). For any strings x and y, let \( lcp (x,y)\) denote the length of the longest common prefix of x and y.

2.2 Gapped Palindromes

A string p is said to be a gapped palindrome iff \(p = xyx^R\) for some non-empty strings xy with \(|y| > 1\). The intervals [1, |x|], \([|y|+1,|xy|]\), and \([|xy|+1,|xyx|]\) in p are called the left arm, gap, and right arm of gapped palindrome \(p = xyx^R\). Note that in general the choice of arms and gap are not unique for the same string p. For instance, if \(p = \mathtt {abccbba}\), then we can take \(x = \mathtt {ab}\) and \(y = \mathtt {ccb}\), or \(x = \mathtt {a}\) and \(y = \mathtt {bccbb}\).

A gapped palindrome \(xyx^R\) is said to be a length-constrained palindrome (LCGP) iff \(|x| \ge A \) and \( g _{\min }\le |y| \le g _{\max }\) for some fixed integer parameters \( A \ge 1\) and \(1 < g _{\min }\le g _{\max }\). A gapped palindrome \(xyx^R\) is said to be a g-gapped palindrome iff \(|y| = g\) for some fixed integer \(g > 1\). Note that any g-gapped palindrome is a special case of a length-constrained palindrome with \( g _{\min }= g _{\max }= g\) and \( A = 1\).

An occurrence of a gapped palindrome \(p = xyx^R\) in a string w is identified by a triple (ija) such that a denotes the length of each arm, and ij denote the ending and beginning positions of the left and right arms of p, respectively. Namely, \(w[i-a+1..i] = x\), \(w[i+1..j-1] = y\), and \(w[j..j+a-1] = x^R\). The center of an occurrence (ija) of a gapped palindrome in w is \(\frac{i+j}{2}\).

2.3 Suffix Trees and LCE Queries

The suffix tree of a string w, denoted \( STree (w)\), is a path-compressed trie which represents all suffixes of w. More formally, \( STree (w)\) is an edge-labelled rooted tree such that (1) Every internal node is branching; (2) The out-going edges of every internal node begin with mutually distinct characters; (3) Each edge is labelled by a non-empty substring of w; (4) For each suffix s of w, there is a unique path from the root which spells out s (the path possibly ends on an edge). It follows from the definition of \( STree (w)\) that if \(n = |w|\) then the number of nodes and edges in \( STree (w)\) is O(n). By representing every edge label x by a pair (ij) of integers such that \(x = w[i..j]\), \( STree (w)\) can be represented with O(n) space.

For any node v of \( STree (w)\), let \( str (v)\) denotes the substring of w that is obtained by concatenating the edge labels in the path from the root to v. Each node v stores the length \(| str (v)|\) of the string it represents. For each non-root node v, let \( slink (v) = (v, u)\) be a reversed edge called the suffix link of v, such that \( str (u) = str (v)[2..| str (v)|]\). It is well-known that \( STree (w)\) with the suffix links of all nodes can be constructed online in \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time and O(n) space [11].

The locus of a substring x of w in \( STree (w)\) is the ending point of the path \(P_x\) that spells out x from the root. If the ending point of \(P_x\) lies on an edge label, then the locus is represented by triple \(\langle u, s, t \rangle \) such that u is the deepest node in the path \(P_x\) and st are positions of w with \( str (u)w[s..t] = x\).

Given an ordered pair (ij) of positions in a string w of length n, a reversed longest common extension query \( rlce _w(i, j)\) returns \( lcp ((w[1..i])^R, w[j..n])\). Computing \( rlce _w(i, j)\) reduces to the lowest common ancestor (LCA) problem on \( STree (w')\), where \(w' = w^R\#w\) and \(\#\) is a special delimiter which does not occur in w. Let \(v_{i,j}\) be the LCA of the two leaves which represent the suffixes \(w'[n-i+1..2n+1]\) and \(w'[n+j+1..2n+1]\). Then, we have that \(| str (v_{i,j})| = rlce _w(i, j)\). Using an LCA data structure (e.g. [2]), we can answer \( rlce _w(i, j)\) query for any pair (ij) of positions in O(1) time after an O(n)-time preprocessing on \( STree (w')\).

3 Online Algorithms to Compute All Maximal g-gapped Palindromes

An occurrence (ija) of a g-gapped palindrome \(xyx^R\) in a string w is said to be maximal, if the arms \(x, x^R\) cannot be extended outward, i.e., if \(w[b-1] \ne w[e+1]\), \(b = 1\), or \(e=n\), where \(b = i-a+1\) and \(e = j+a-1\) Footnote 3.

Example 1

Consider string \(\mathtt {aabaacabbcaabb}\) and let \(g = 3\). This string has 3-gapped maximal palindromes \((1, 5, 1) = \mathtt {a \cdot aba \cdot a}\), \((6, 10, 4) = \mathtt {baac \cdot ab}\) \(\mathtt {b \cdot caab}\), \((7, 11, 1) = \mathtt {a \cdot bbc \cdot a}\), and \((9, 13, 2) = \mathtt {bb \cdot caa \cdot bb}\).

3.1 Computing all Maximal g-gapped Palindromes Online

In this subsection, we propose online algorithms to compute all maximal g-gapped palindromes in a string w of length n, where \(g > 1\) is a given fixed integer parameter (since \(g = 1\) gives odd palindromes, we set \(g > 1\)).

As was mentioned in Sect. 1, there exists an offline algorithm which computes all g-gapped maximal palindromes in O(n) time and space for an input string w of length n over an integer alphabet. However, in our scenario the input string w is given online, and we wish to process each character from left to right. In the sequel, we will show our online algorithm which can deal with this setting.

For each \(k = 1, \ldots , n\), our algorithm maintains the longest g-gapped suffix palindrome of w[1..k] (if it exists). For each g-gapped palindrome to compute, we maintain two variables ij (\(i< j < k\)) that represent the ending position of the left arm and the beginning position of the right arm of g-gapped palindrome, respectively. Assume \((i, j, a_{i,j})\) is the longest g-gapped suffix palindrome of w[1..k], where the gap of length g is \(w[i+1..j-1]\), \(j = i+g+1\) and \(j+a_{i,j}-1 = k\). In case there are no g-gapped suffix palindromes of w[1..k], then let \(a_{i,j} = 0\), \(i = k-g\) and \(j = k+1\). Depending on the next character \(w[k+1]\), we have two cases:

  1. 1.

    If \(w[i-a_{i,j}] = w[k+1]\), then there exists a longer g-gapped palindrome centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\). We then naïvely extend the arm length by \(a_{i,j} \leftarrow a_{i,j} + 1\), and proceed to the forthcoming character by updating \(k \leftarrow k + 1\).

  2. 2.

    If \(w[i-a_{i,j}] \ne w[k+1]\), then it appears that \((i, j, a_{i,j})\) is the longest g-gapped maximal palindrome ending at position k, and hence we output it. We then shift the gap to the right by updating \(i \leftarrow i + 1\) and \(j \leftarrow j+1\). There are two-sub cases.

    1. (a)

      If \(j > k+1\), then it appears that there is no g-gapped suffix palindrome of \(w[1..k+1]\). We therefore update \(k \leftarrow k + 1\) and proceed to the forthcoming character, with the current values of i and j.

    2. (b)

      If \(j \le k+1\), then we compute \(a_{i, j}\) (we will later describe how to efficiently compute it for updated i and j). There are two sub-cases:

      1. i.

        If \(j+a_{i,j}-1 = k+1\), then \((i, j, a_{i,j})\) is the longest g-gapped suffix palindrome of \(w[1..k+1]\). We proceed to the forthcoming character by updating \(k \leftarrow k + 1\).

      2. ii.

        If \(j+a_{i,j}-1 < k+1\), then \((i, j, a_{i, j})\) is the maximal g-gapped palindrome with the gap beginning at position \(i+1\), and hence we output it. We then shift the gap to the right by updating \(i \leftarrow i + 1\) and \(j \leftarrow j+1\), and go to either Case 2a or Case 2b depending on the value of j.

In order to efficiently compute \(a_{i,j}\) of Case 2 above in our online scenario, we utilize the following results:

Theorem 1

([7]). There exists an \(O(n\log \sigma )\)-time O(n)-space algorithm to maintain the suffix tree with suffix links for a bidirectionally growing string to which new characters can be prepended and appended, where n is the length of the final string.

Theorem 2

([3]). There exists a linear-space algorithm for a rooted tree that supports the following operations and query in O(1) worst-case time: which supports the following operations and query in O(1) worst-case time: (1) Insert a new node; (2) Delete an existing node; (3) LCA query for any pair of nodes in the current tree.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

\( STree (w'_k)\) with \(w[1..k] = \mathtt {abacabcabc}\) and \(w'_k = \mathtt {cbacbacaba}\#\mathtt {abacabcabc}\). The label strings after \(\#\) are omitted for simplicity.

We are ready to show the main result of this section:

Theorem 3

For a growing string to which new characters are appended, we can compute all maximal g-gapped palindromes in an online manner, in \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time and O(n) space, where n is the length of the final string.


The correctness immediately follows from the above arguments.

The time complexity is shown as follows. In the sequel, we consider the amortised time cost for each \(k = 1, \ldots , n\). For each k that falls into Case 1, it clearly takes O(1) time. For each k that falls into Case 2b, we output several maximal g-gapped palindromes. It takes O(1) time to output the longest maximal g-gapped palindrome. The key is how to compute the arm lengths \(a_{i,j}\) of shorter maximal g-gapped palindromes. For this sake we maintain \( STree (w'_k)\) where \(w'_k = (w[1..k])^R\#w[1..k]\), where \(\#\) is a special delimiter which does not appear elsewhere in \(w'_k\) (see also Fig. 1 for an example).

Note that computing \(a_{i,j}\) is equivalent to computing \( rlce _{w[1..k]}(i,j)\), and thus

is equivalent to computing \(| str (v_{i,j})|\), where \(v_{i,j}\) is the LCA of the nodes of \( STree (w'_k)\) which represent the suffixes \(w'_k[k-i+1..2k+1]\) and \(w_k'[k+j+1..2k+1]\) of \(w'_k\). Since \(\#\) is unique in \(w'_k\), the suffix \(w'_k[k-i+1..2k+1]\) is always represented by a leaf of \( STree (w'_k)\) and hence can easily be accessed in O(1) time. However, notice that the other suffix \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1]\) is not represented by a node when the path that spells out \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1]\) from the root ends on an edge (this can happen when \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1] = w[j..k]\) is a prefix of another suffix of w[1..k]). Consider such a case, and let \(\langle u_j, s_j, t_j \rangle \) be the locus for the suffix \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1]\). Since \(u_j\) is the nearest ancestor to the locus, we can use \(u_j\) for the LCA query instead of the locus for \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1]\).

What remains is how to quickly find the loci for increasing j. For this we can use a similar technique to Ukkonen’s online suffix tree construction algorithm [11]: Assume that the locus \(\langle u_j, s_j, t_j \rangle \) for the suffix \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1] = w[j..k]\) in \( STree (w'_k)\) is given. To find the locus for \(\langle u_{j+1}, s_{j+1}, t_{j+1} \rangle \) for the next suffix \(w'_k[k+j+2..2k+1] = w[j+1..k]\), we first follow the suffix link of \(u_{j}\) and arrive at \(z = slink (u_j)\). We then traverse the path from z which spells out \(w'_k[s_{j+1}..t_{j+1}]\). The last piece of this path gives the locus \(\langle u_{j+1}, s_{j+1}, t_{j+1} \rangle \) (see also Fig. 2).

Using a similar analysis to [11], the cost to find this locus is amortised to \(O(\log \sigma )\). Since the total number of outputs (maximal g-gapped palindromes) is linear in n, the amortised cost per output is \(O(\log \sigma )\). The cost to update \( STree (w'_k)\) to \( STree (w'_{k+1})\) is amortised to \(O(\log \sigma )\) by Theorem 1. Each LCA query can be answered in O(1) time by Theorem 2. Hence, the total time complexity is \(O(n \log \sigma )\). The total space requirement is clearly O(n). This completes the proof.    \(\square \)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of how to find the locus \(\langle u_{j+1}, s_{j+1}, t_{j+1} \rangle \) of the next suffix \(w'_k[k+j+2..2k+1] = w[j+1..k]\) using the suffix link of \(u_j\), where \(\langle u_{j}, s_j, t_j \rangle \) is the locus of the previous suffix \(w'_k[k+j+1..2k+1] = w[j..k]\). The cost for walking down from node z to the locus for \(\langle u_{j+1}, s_{j+1}, t_{j+1} \rangle \) is \(O(\log \sigma )\) amortised.

3.2 Computing all Distinct Maximal g-gapped Palindromes Online

Consider a g-gapped palindrome \(p = xyx^R\) which has at least two maximal occurrences in a string w. When considering “distinctness” of two maximal occurrences (ija) and \((i', j', a)\) of p, we take into account the left and right neighbouring characters for a technical reason. Namely, two maximal occurrences (ija) and \((i', j', a)\) of a g-gapped palindromes are said to be distinct iff (1) \(w[b-1] \ne w[b'-1]\) or (2) \(w[e+1] \ne w[e'+1]\), where \(b = i-a+1\), \(e = j+a-1\), \(b' = i'-a+1\), and \(e' = j'+a-1\).

Our online algorithm of Sect. 3.1 can be modified to output all distinct maximal g-gapped palindromes in an online manner.

For any string w, let \( lusuf (w)\) denote the longest suffix of w which appears at least twice in w (we assume that the empty string \(\varepsilon \) appears \(|w|+1\) times in w so \( lusuf (w)\) always exists). We make use of the following simple observation:

Observation 1

Let (ija) be an occurrence of a maximal g-gapped palindrome \(xyx^R\) in a string w, and let \(c_\ell = w[i-a]\) and \(c_r = w[j+a]\). Then, it is the first (i.e. left-most) maximal occurrence of \(xyx^R\) in w iff \(|c_{\ell }xyx^Rc_{r}| = j-i+2a+1 > | lusuf (w[1..j+a-1])|\).

Theorem 4

For a growing string to which new characters are appended, we can compute all distinct maximal g-gapped palindromes in an online manner, in \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time and O(n) space, where n is the length of the final string.


On top of \( STree (w'_k)\) used in Theorem 3, we build another suffix tree \( STree (w[1..k])\) for increasing \(k = 1, \ldots , n\) using Ukkonen’s online algorithm [11]. For each k, Ukkonen’s algorithm maintains an invariant called the active point which indicates the locus of \( lusuf (w[1..k])\). When we process the kth character w[k], we store \(| lusuf (w[1..h])|\) for all \(1 \le h \le k\). Let \((i, j, a_{i, j})\) be an occurrence of a maximal g-maximal found at the k-th stage of the algorithm where we have processed w[1..k]. Then, we can determine in O(1) time whether or not it is the first maximal occurrence of the g-gapped palindrome using Observation 1 (recall that the right mismatched position \(j+a_{i,j}\) never exceeds k and hence we know \(| lusuf (w[1..j+a_{i,j}])|\)). Since Ukkonen’s online algorithm works in \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time and O(n) space, the theorem holds.    \(\square \)

We note that a similar technique was used by Kosolobov et al. [9] in their online algorithm to find all distinct palindromes (without gaps) in a given string.

4 Online Algorithms to Compute all Maximal LCGPs

An occurrence (ija) of an LCGP in a string w of length n is said to be outward-maximal iff \(w[i-a] \ne w[j+a]\), \(i - a + 1 = 1\), or \(j+a-1 = n\), and it is said to be inward-maximal iff \(w[i+1] \ne w[j-1]\). It is said to be maximal iff it is both outward-maximal and inward-maximalFootnote 4.

Example 2

Consider string \(\mathtt {aabaacabbcaabb}\) and let \( g _{\min }= 1\), \( g _{\max }= 4\), and \( A = 2\). All the maximal LCGPs in this string are \((2, 4, 2) = \mathtt {aa \cdot b \cdot aa}\), \((4, 7, 2) = \mathtt {ba \cdot ac \cdot ab}\), \((6, 10, 4) = \mathtt {baac \cdot abb \cdot caab}\), and \((9, 13, 2) = \mathtt {bb \cdot caa \cdot bb}\).

4.1 Computing all Maximal LCGPs Online

In this section, we present an online algorithm to compute all maximal LCGPs of a given string w. This algorithm works in \(O(n(m + \log \sigma ))\) time and O(n) space, where \(n = |w|\) and \(m = \max \{ \frac{ g _{\max }- g _{\min }}{ A }, 1 \}\).

Let \(d = \frac{ g _{\max }- g _{\min }}{2}\). For ease of explanation, we assume that \(d \bmod A = 0\) and we will describe our algorithm for this case. However, the algorithm can easily be extended to a general case with \(d \bmod A \ne 0\), retaining the same efficiency.

For each \(k = 1, \ldots , n\) in increasing order, we maintain a pair (ij) of positions such that \(j - i = g _{\min }+ 1\) and the longest inward-maximal suffix LCGP of w[1..k] is centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) (if it exists). If it does not exist, then let \(i = k - g _{\max }\) and \(j = k - g _{\max }+ g _{\min }+ 1\). For \(1 \le l \le \frac{d}{ A }\), we consider the positions \(i-l \cdot A \) and \(j+l \cdot A \) in w[1..k], called sampled positions. The following simple lemma suggests how we can use these sampled positions for efficient computation of LCGPs.

Lemma 1

Let \((i', j', a')\) be any maximal LCGP whose center is \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) (i.e., \(\frac{i'+j'}{2} = \frac{i+j}{2}\)). Then, there exists l (\(1 \le l \le \frac{d}{ A }\)) such that \(j+l \cdot A \in [j',j'+a'-1]\) and \(i-l \cdot A \in [i'-a'+1, i']\). Moreover, for each such l, \((i', j', a')\) is the unique maximal LCGP satisfying the above conditions.


The existence of l is clear from the fact that the arms of LCGPs must be at least \( A \) long (see also Fig. 3). By definition, the arms of two different maximal LCGPs with the same center cannot overlap. Thus, for each l, there exists at most one LCGP whose left and right arms contain sampled positions \(i- l \cdot A \) and \(j + l \cdot A \), respectively. This completes the proof.    \(\square \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Illustration for Lemma 1. Since any LCGP centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) with gap length in range \([ g _{\min }, g _{\max }]\) contains a pair \((i-l \cdot A , j+l \cdot A )\) of sampled positions for some l, we can compute it by two LCEs from the sampled positions.

Let l (\(1 \le l \le \frac{d}{ A }\)) be the smallest integer such that \(i-l \cdot A \) (resp. \(j+l \cdot A \)) is contained in the left arm (resp. the right arm) of the longest suffix inward-maximal LCGP of w[1..k] that is centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\), and let \(a_l\) be the length of the arm of this LCGP. Also, let \(i_l, j_l\) be the ending position of the left arm and the beginning position of the right arm of this LCGP, respectively. Note \(\frac{i_l+j_l}{2} = \frac{i+j}{2}\) and \(j_l+a_l-1 = k\). Depending on the next character \(w[k+1]\), we have two cases:

  1. 1.

    If \(w[i_l-a_l] = w[k+1]\), then \((i_l, j_l, a_l+1)\) is the longest suffix inward-maximal LCGP of \(w[1..k+1]\) centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\). Thus, we naïvely extend the arm length outward by \(a_l \leftarrow a_l + 1\), and proceed to the forthcoming character by updating \(k \leftarrow k + 1\).

  2. 2.

    If \(w[i_l-a_l] \ne w[k+1]\), then it appears that \((i_l, j_l, a_l)\) is a maximal LCGP centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) and ending at position k, and hence we output it. To compute other maximal LCGPs centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\), we do the following: We update \(l \leftarrow l + 1\), and consider a pair \((i-l \cdot A , j+l \cdot A )\) of the sampled positions and compute the outward LCE \(a_{l}^{\mathrm out} = rlce _{w[1..k+1]}(i-l \cdot A , j+l \cdot A )\) and the inward LCE \(a_{l}^{\mathrm in} = rlce _{w[1..k+1]}(j+l \cdot A -1, i-l \cdot A +1)\) from these sampled positions (see also Fig. 3). There are three sub-cases depending on the LCE values:

    1. (a)

      If \(a_{l}^{\mathrm out} + a_{l}^{\mathrm in} < A \) or \(a_{l}^{\mathrm in} > l \cdot A \), then there is no maximal LCGP with gap length in range \([ g _{\min }, g _{\max }]\) that is centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) and contains the sampled positions \(i-l \cdot A \) and \(j+l \cdot A \). We update \(l \leftarrow l+1\), and go to one of the following sub-cases.

      1. i.

        If \(l \le \frac{d}{ A }\), then we compute the outward and inward LCEs from the pair of sampled positions with l.

      2. ii.

        If \(l > \frac{d}{ A }\), then there is no suffix gapped palindrome of w[1..k] that is centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) and has a gap length in range \([ g _{\min }, g _{\max }]\). We therefore update \(i \leftarrow i+1\), \(j \leftarrow j + 1\), \(l \leftarrow 1\), \(k \leftarrow k + 1\) and proceed to the forthcoming character.

    2. (b)

      If \(a_{l}^{\mathrm out} + a_{l}^{\mathrm in} \ge A \), \(a_{l}^{\mathrm in} \le l \cdot A \), and \(j+l \cdot A + a_{l}^{\mathrm out} \le k\), then \((i_{l}, j_{'l}, a_{l})\) is a maximal LCGP centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) where \(i_{l} = i - l \cdot A + a_{l}^{\mathrm in}\), \(j + l \cdot A + a_{l}^{\mathrm out}\), and \(a_{l} = a_{l}^{\mathrm out} + a_{l}^{\mathrm in}\). We output it and update \(l \leftarrow l + 1 + \lfloor \frac{a_l^{\mathrm out}}{ A } \rfloor \) (this is to skip the subsequent sampled positions which are also contained in the same LCGP due to Lemma 1).

      1. i.

        If \(l \le \frac{d}{ A }\), then we compute the outward and inward LCEs from the pair of sampled positions with l.

      2. ii.

        If \(l > \frac{d}{ A }\), then there is no inward-maximal suffix gapped palindrome of w[1..k] that is centered at \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) and has a gap length in range \([ g _{\min }, g _{\max }]\). We therefore update \(i \leftarrow i+1\), \(j \leftarrow j + 1\), \(l \leftarrow 1\), \(k \leftarrow k + 1\) and proceed to the forthcoming character.

    3. (c)

      If \(a_{l}^{\mathrm out} + a_{l}^{\mathrm in} \ge A \), \(a_{l}^{\mathrm in} \le l \cdot A \), and \(j+l \cdot A + a_{l}^{\mathrm out} = k+1\), then \((i_{l}, j_{l}, a_{l})\) is an inward-maximal gapped suffix palindrome of \(w[1..k+1]\) with gap length in range \([ g _{\min }, g _{\max }]\). Moreover, since we have processed l in increasing order, it is guaranteed that \((i_{l}, j_{l}, a_{l})\) is the longest such one. Hence, we proceed to the next character by updating \(k \leftarrow k + 1\).

Theorem 5

For a growing string to which new characters are appended, we can compute all LCGPs in an online manner, in \(O(n(m + \log \sigma ))\) time and O(n) space, where n is the length of the final string and \(m = \max \{\frac{ g _{\max }- g _{\min }}{ A }, 1\}\).


The correctness should be clear from the above arguments.

For each \(k = 1, \ldots , n\), we consider a fixed center \(\frac{i+j}{2}\) and compute all LCGPs with this center. We perform at most \(\frac{2d}{ A }\) LCE queries for each k, as there are \(\frac{d}{ A }\) sampled positions for each k. Since each LCE query can be answered in O(1) time as in the proof of Theorem 3, the total time cost of the LCE queries for all \(k = 1, \ldots , n\) is \(O(\frac{d}{ A }n) = O(mn)\). We use additional \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time to maintain the suffix tree augmented with the dynamic LCA data structure for bidirectionally growing string \(w'_k = (w[1..k])^R \# w[1..k]\). Thus the total time complexity is \(O(n(m+\log \sigma ))\).

The total space requirement is dominated by the suffix tree and the dynamic LCA data structure, and hence is O(n).    \(\square \)

4.2 Optimality of our Algorithm

The following corollary is immediate from Theorem 5.

Corollary 1

For constant parameters \( g _{\min }\), \( g _{\max }\), \( A \) and a constant-size alphabet, we can compute all maximal LCGPs in a string of length n in an online manner, in optimal O(n) time and space.

We can show that even for non-constant gap constraints \( g _{\min }\) and \( g _{\max }\), the running-time of our algorithm is optimal in the worst case. For any string w, let \(L_w\) denote the number of all maximal LCGPs in w w.r.t. given parameters \( g _{\min }\), \( g _{\max }\), and \( A \). It immediately follows from Lemma 1 that \(L_w\) is upper-bounded by the total number of sampled positions in w. Hence \(L_w = O(mn)\), where \(n = |w|\) and \(m = \max \{\frac{ g _{\max }- g _{\min }}{ A }, 1\}\). It is also true that there is an instance w for which \(L_w = \varOmega (mn)\) if \( A \) is a constant: For example, consider string \(z = (\mathtt {a b c})^{\frac{n}{3}}\). This string z contains maximal gapped palindromes of form \(\mathtt {a} (\mathtt {bc}(\mathtt {abc})^p) \mathtt {a}\) with arm \(\mathtt {a}\), \(\mathtt {b} (\mathtt {c}(\mathtt {abc})^p \mathtt {a}) \mathtt {b}\) with arm \(\mathtt {b}\), and \(\mathtt {c} ((\mathtt {abc})^p \mathtt {ab}) \mathtt {c}\) with arm \(\mathtt {c}\) for all \(0 \le p \le \frac{n}{3}-2\). Thus, for \( A = 1\) and for any \(2 \le g _{\min }\le g _{\max }\), the string z contains \(L_z = \varTheta (( g _{\max }- g _{\min })n) = \varTheta (\frac{ g _{\max }- g _{\min }}{ A }n) = \varTheta (mn)\) maximal LCGPs. Hence the running time \(O(m(n+\log \sigma ))\) of our algorithm is optimal in the worst case, for a constant-size alphabet.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we presented an online algorithm which finds all maximal g-gapped palindromes occurring in a string w of length n in \(O(n \log \sigma )\) time, where \(\sigma \) is the alphabet size. We also showed that the above online algorithm can be extended to find more general length-constrained gapped palindromes (LCGPs) occurring in w in \(O(n(\frac{ g _{\min }- g _{\max }}{ A } + \log \sigma ))\) time, for given parameters \(2 \le g _{\min }\le g _{\max }\) and \( A \ge 1\). We also showed that if \( A \) is a constant, then there exists a string which contains \(\varOmega (( g _{\min }- g _{\max })n)\) maximal LCGPs. This implies that for a constant-size alphabet the running time of our algorithm is optimal in the worst case.

To our knowledge, the proposed methods are the first online algorithms to find any kind of gapped palindromes in strings. Therefore, there remain many open problems. In particular, we are interested in the following:

  • Is there a string of length n which contains \(\varOmega (\frac{ g _{\min }- g _{\max }}{ A }n)\) maximal LCGPs for non-constant \( A \)?

  • Can we reduce the \(n\frac{ g _{\min }- g _{\max }}{ A }\) factor to \(L_w\) in the \(O(n(\frac{ g _{\min }- g _{\max }}{ A } + \log \sigma ))\)-time algorithm for finding all maximal LCGPs, thereby obtaining an optimal algorithm?

  • Can the maximal \(\alpha \)-gapped palindromes [5] of a given string be computed online efficiently?