
1 Introduction

Periodic-frequent pattern mining is an important model in data mining. It involves finding all frequent patterns that are occurring at regular intervals in a transactional database. The periodic-frequent patterns provide useful information in many real-world applications. Examples include finding regularities in body sensor networks [14], intrusion detection in computer networks [8], and finding minor events in twitter data [7].

The basic model of periodic-frequent patterns [13] is as follows. Let I be the set of items, and \(X\subseteq I\) be a pattern (or an itemset). A pattern containing \(\beta \) number of items is called a \(\beta \) -pattern. A transaction, \(t_k = (tid, Y)\) is a tuple, where \(tid\in \mathbb {R}\) represents the transaction-id (or timestamp) at which the pattern Y has occurred. A transactional database TDB over I is a set of transactions, \(TDB=\{t_1, \cdots , t_m\}\), \(m=|TDB|\), where |TDB| can be defined as the number of transactions in TDB. For a transaction \(t_k=(tid, Y)\), \(k \ge \)1, such that \(X \subseteq Y\), it is said that X occurs in \(t_k\) and such transaction-id is denoted as \(tid^{X}\). Let \(TID^X=\{tid^X_j,\cdots ,tid^X_k\}\), \(j,k\in [1,m]\) and \(j\le k\), be an ordered set of transaction-ids where X has occurred in TDB. In this paper, we call this list of transaction-ids of X as tid-list of X. The number of transactions containing X in TDB is defined as the support of X and denoted as sup(X). That is, \(sup(X) = |TID^X|\). Let \(tid^X_q\) and \(tid^X_{r}\), \(j\le q < r \le k\), be the two consecutive transaction-ids in \(TID^X\). The time difference (or an inter-arrival time) between \(tid^X_r\) and \(tid^X_q\) is defined as a period of X, say \(p^X_a\). That is, \(p^X_a = tid^X_r - tid^X_q\). Let \(P^X=(p^X_1,p^X_2,\cdots ,p^X_r)\) be the set of all periods for a pattern X. The periodicity of X denoted as \(per(X) = max(p^X_1,p^X_2,\cdots ,p^X_r)\). The pattern X is a frequent pattern if \(sup(X)\ge minSup\), where minSup refers to the user-specified minimum support constraint. The frequent pattern X is said to be periodic-frequent if \(per(X) \le maxPer\), where maxPer refers to the user-specified maximum periodicity constraint. The problem definition of periodic-frequent pattern mining involves discovering all patterns in TDB that satisfy the user-specified minSup and maxPer constraints.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Statistics on different damage types in FAA data set.

Table 1. Running example: a transactional database

Example 1

Table 1 shows the transactional database with the set of items \(I=\{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,\) \(h\}\). The set of items ‘a’ and ‘b,’ i.e., ‘ab’ is a pattern. This pattern contains only two items. Therefore, this is a 2-pattern. In the first transaction, \(t_1 = \{1: ab\}\), 1 denotes the transaction-id at which the pattern ‘ab’ has appeared in the database. In the entire database, this pattern appears at the transaction-ids of 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10. Therefore, \(TID^{ab}=\{1,2,5,7,10\}\). The support of ‘ab,’ i.e., \(sup(ab) = |TID^{ab}| = |{1, 2, 5, 7, 10}| = 5\). If the user-specified \(minSup=5\), then ‘ab’ is a frequent pattern as \(sup(ab) \ge minSup\). The periods for this pattern are: \(p_1^{ab}=1 ~(=1-tid_{ini})\), \(p_2^{ab}=1~ (=2-1)\), \(p_3^{ab}=3~ (=5-2)\), \(p_4^{ab}=2~(=7-5)\), \(p_5^{ab}=3~(10-7)\) and \(p_6^{ab} =2~(=tid_{fin}-10)\), where \(tid_{ini} =0\) represents the transaction-id of initial transaction and \(tid_{fin}=12\) represents the transaction-id of final transaction in the database. Therefore, \(P^{ab}=(1,1,3,2,3,2)\). The periodicity of ‘ab,’ i.e., \(per(ab)=max(1,1,3,2,3,2)=3\). If the user-defined \(maxPer = 3\), then the frequent pattern ‘ab’ is a periodic-frequent pattern because \(per(ab)\le maxPer\).

The support and periodicity are two dimensions to determine the interestingness of a periodic-frequent pattern. The constraints, minSup and maxPer, determine the interestingness of a pattern with respect to these two dimensions. Since only a single minSup and maxPer is used for the whole database, the model works efficiently in the databases in which all the items have uniform support and similar periodicity. However, this is often not the case as items are non-uniformly distributed in many real-world databases. That is, some items appear very frequently in the data, while others rarely appear. Moreover, rare items typically have longer periods (or inter-arrival times) as compared with the periods of the frequent items.

Example 2

Consider a case of accident database in which reports related to the completely destroyed vehicles do not appear as frequently as the reports related to the minor damages to a vehicle. As a result, former type of accidents generally have less frequency and longer inter-arrival times as compared against the latter type of accidents. The same can be observed from Figs. 1(a) and (b), which respectively show the frequency and median of inter-arrival times of three different damage types reported in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) database [1]. For a domain expert, any information pertaining to destroyed aircrafts may be found useful as it includes materialistic and/or human loss.

Henceforth, finding periodic-frequent patterns with a single minSup and maxPer leads to the following problems:

  • If the minSup is set too high and/or the maxPer is set too short, we will miss the interesting periodic-frequent patterns involving rare items.

  • In order to find the interesting periodic-frequent patterns involving rare items, we have to set a low minSup and a long maxPer. However, this may result in combinatorial explosion producing too many patterns, because frequent items can combine with one another in all possible ways and many of them will be meaningless.

This dilemma is known as the rare-item problem [15] (refer Example 3). In this paper, we make an effort to address this problem in periodic-frequent pattern mining.

Example 3

Consider the rare items ‘e’ and ‘f’ in Table 1. If we set a high minSup and a short maxPer, say \(minSup=5\) and \(maxPer=3\), we will miss the periodic-frequent patterns containing these rare items. In order to discover the periodic-frequent patterns containing these rare items, we have to set a low minSup and a long maxPer, say \(minSup=2\) and \(maxPer=6\). All periodic-frequent patterns discovered at these threshold values are shown in the column titled I in Table 2. It can be observed from this table that setting a low minSup and a long maxPer has not only resulted in finding ‘ef’ as a periodic-frequent pattern, but also resulted in generating the uninteresting patterns ‘ce’ and ‘cd’ as periodic-frequent patterns. The pattern ‘ce’ is uninteresting (with respect to support dimension), because the rare item ‘e’ is randomly occurring with a frequent item ‘c’ in very few transactions. The pattern ‘cd’ is uninteresting (with respect to periodicity dimension), because it contains the frequent items ‘c’ and ‘d’ appearing together at very long inter-arrival times (or periodicity).

Table 2. Periodic-frequent patterns discovered from Table 1. The terms Pat, s, allConf, p and perAllConf refer to pattern, support, all-confidence, periodicity and periodic-all-confidence, respectively. The columns titled I, II and III represent the periodic-frequent patterns generated using basic model, extending all-confidence to the basic model and the proposed model, respectively.

In this paper, we propose a novel model to extract the interesting periodic-frequent patterns by addressing the rare-item problem. We consider a pattern as interesting if it satisfies the following two conditions: (i) if the support of a pattern is close to the support of its individual items, and (ii) if the periodicity of a pattern is close to the periodicity of its individual items. For this, we employ two measures. To filter out patterns based on support and resolve rare-item problem in support dimension, we employ all-confidence [9]. Similarly, to filter out patterns based on periodicity and resolve rare-item problem in periodicity dimension, we propose a new measure called periodic-all-confidence. These two measures facilitate us to achieve the objective of generating interesting periodic-frequent patterns involving rare items without causing the generation of too many uninteresting patterns. A pattern-growth algorithm, Extended Periodic-Frequent pattern-growth (EPF-growth), has also been proposed to extract all interesting periodic-frequent patterns. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can discover useful information and is efficient as compared to the existing approaches.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the related work of finding periodic-frequent patterns in a transactional database. Section 3 introduces the extended model of periodic-frequent patterns. Section 4 describes the EPF-growth algorithm. Section 5 reports on the experimental results. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes the paper with future research directions.

2 Related Work

The problem of finding periodic patterns has been widely studied in time series data [3, 17]. These studies consider time series data as a symbolic sequence, and therefore, do not take into account the actual temporal information of the items within the data. Ozden et al. [10] have enhanced the transactional database by a time attribute that describes the time when a transaction has appeared and investigated the periodic behavior of the patterns to discover cyclic association rules. In this study, a database needs to be fragmented into non-overlapping subsets with respect to time. Henceforth, the drawback of this study is that patterns (or association rules) that span multiple windows cannot be discovered.

Tanbeer et al. [13] have proposed a simplified periodic-frequent model, which does not require data fragmentation. This model implicitly assumes all items occur uniformly in the data, and henceforth, suffer from rare-item problem.

Kiran et al. [6] have tried to address the rare-item problem by finding periodic-frequent patterns using multiple minSup and maxPer values. In that model, every item in the database is specified with the minimum item support (minIS) and the maximum item periodicity (maxIP). Next, the minSup and maxPer of a pattern X are specified as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} minSup(X)= & {} min(minIS(i_j) | \forall i_j \in X) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} maxPer(X)= & {} max(maxIP(i_j) | \forall i_j \in X) \end{aligned}$$

where, \(minIS(i_j)\) and \(maxIP(i_j)\) represent the minimum item support and maximum item periodicity of an item \(i_j\in X\). A pattern-growth algorithm, MCPF-growth has been discussed to find the patterns. The periodic-frequent patterns discovered by that model do not satisfy the anti-monotonic property. That is, all non-empty subsets of a periodic-frequent pattern may not be periodic-frequent patterns. Henceforth, MCPF-growth is computationally expensive or impracticable in very large real-world databases.

Surana et al. [11] have proposed an alternative model to address the rare-item problem. In that model, the minSup and maxPer of a pattern are specified as:

$$\begin{aligned} minSup(X)= & {} max(minIS(i_j) | \forall i_j \in X) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} maxPer(X)= & {} min(maxIP(i_j) | \forall i_j \in X) \end{aligned}$$

A pattern-growth algorithm, MaxCPF-growth has been discussed to find the patterns. The periodic-frequent patterns discovered by that model satisfy the anti-monotonic property. Therefore, MaxCPF-growth is computationally inexpensive than MCPF-growth [6], and practicable in very large real-world databases.

The limitations of these two approaches and the proposed model are discussed in next section.

3 Extended Model of Periodic-Frequent Patterns

3.1 Limitations of Existing Approaches

An open problem that is common to above two studies [6, 11] is the methodology to specify items’ minIS and maxIP values. Kiran et al. [6] have described the following methodology to address this problem:

$$\begin{aligned} minIS(i_j)= & {} max(\gamma \times S(i_j), ~ LS) \nonumber \\&and&\\ maxIP(i_j)= & {} max(\beta \times S(i_j) + Per_{max}, ~Per_{min})\nonumber \end{aligned}$$

where \(i \in I\) and S(i) is the support of the item i. In Eq. 5, LS is the user-specified lowest minimum item support allowed and \(\gamma \in [0, 1]\) is a parameter that controls how the minIS values for items should be related to their supports. In Eq. 5, \(Per_{max}\) and \(Per_{min}\) are the user-specified maximum and minimum periodicities such that \(Per_{max} \ge Per_{min}\) and \(\beta \in [-1, 0]\) is a user-specified constant.

Although Eq. 5 facilitates every item to have different minIS and maxIP values, it suffers from the following limitations: (i) This methodology requires several input parameters from the user. (ii) Equation 5 determines the maxIP of an item by taking into account only its support. As a result, this equation implicitly assumes that all items having the same support will also have similar periodicities in a transactional database. However, this is seldom the case as items with similar support can have different periodicities. We have observed that employing this methodology to specify items’ maxIP values in the transactional databases, where items can have similar support but different periodicities can still lead to the rare-item problem.

Example 4

Consider a hypothetical transactional database containing 100 transactions. Let ‘x’ and ‘y’ be two items in the database having the same support (say, \(sup(x)=sup(y)= 40\)), but different periodicities (say, \(per(x)=11\) and \(per(y)=30\)). Since Eq. 5 determines the maxIP values by taking into account only the support of the items, both ‘x’ and ‘y’ will be assigned a common maxIP value although their actual periodicity is different from one another. This can result either in missing interesting patterns or generating too many patterns. For instance, if we set \(\beta =-0.5\), \(Per_{min}=10\) and \(Per_{max}=50\), then \(maxIP(x)=maxIP(y)=20\). In this case, we miss the periodic-frequent patterns containing ‘y’ because \(per(y)\not \le maxIP(y)\). In order to find the periodic-frequent patterns containing both ‘x’ and ‘y’ items, we have to set a high \(\beta \) value. When \(\beta \) is set at \(-0.375\), we derive \(maxIP(x)=maxIP(y)=35\). In this case, we find periodic-frequent patterns containing ‘y’ because \(per(y)\le maxIP(y)\). However, we may also witness too many patterns containing the item ‘x’ because its maxIP value is three times higher than its periodicity.

We now describe the proposed model that do not suffer from this problem.

3.2 Proposed Model

To address the rare-item problem, we need an approach that extracts interesting periodic-frequent patterns involving both frequent and rare items yet filtering out uninteresting patterns. After conducting the initial investigation on the nature of interesting patterns found in various databases, we have made a key observation that most of the interesting periodic-frequent patterns discovered in a database have their support and periodicity close to that of its individual items. The following example illustrates our observation.

Example 5

In a supermarket, cheap and perishable goods (e.g., bread and butter) are purchased more frequently and periodically than the costly and durable goods (e.g., bed and pillow). Among all the possible combinations of the above four items, we normally consider {bread, butter} and {bed, pillow} as interesting patterns, because only these two patterns generally have support and periodicity close to the support and periodicity of its individual items. All other uninteresting patterns, {bread, bed}, {bread, pillow}, {butter, bed} and {butter, pillow}, generally have support and periodicity relatively far away from the support and periodicity of its individual items as compared against the above two patterns.

Henceforth, in this paper we consider a pattern as interesting if its support and periodicity are close to the support and periodicity of its individual items. In this context, we need two measures to determine the interestingness of a pattern with respect to both support and periodicity dimensions.

In the literature, researchers have discussed several measures to address the rare-item problem in support dimension [12, 16]. Each measure has a selection bias that justifies the significance of a knowledge pattern. As a result, there exists no universally acceptable best measure to judge the interestingness of a pattern for any given database. In this paper, we use all-confidence to address the rare-item problem in frequency dimension. The reasons for choosing this measure over other measures are as follows: (i) The all-confidence assesses the interestingness of a pattern by determining how close is its support with respect to the support of all of its items in a database. (ii) The all-confidence satisfies the anti-monotonic property [9]. This property plays a key role in the practicable ability of our model. (iii) The all-confidence satisfies the null-invariance property [5]. This property facilitate us to discover genuine interesting patterns without being influenced by the item co-absence in the database.

Continuing with the basic model of periodic-frequent patterns (discussed in Sect. 1), the proposed model is as follows.

Definition 1

(All-confidence of X) The all-confidence of X, denoted as allConf(X), is the ratio of support of X to the maximal support of an item \(i_j\in X\). That is, \(allConf(X)=\frac{sup(X)}{max(sup(i_j)|\forall i_j \in X)}.\)

For a pattern X, \(allConf(X)\in (0,1]\). As per the all-confidence measure, a pattern is interesting in support dimension if its support is close to the support of all of its items. The parameter minAllConf indicates the user-specified minimum all-confidence threshold value. Based on minSup and minAllConf thresholds, all the interesting patterns involving rare items in support dimension are extracted.

The usage of all-confidence alone is insufficient to completely address the rare-item problem in periodic-frequent pattern mining. The reason is this measure does not take into account the periodicity dimension of a pattern.

Example 6

The column titled II in Table 2 shows the periodic-frequent patterns discovered when all-confidence is used along with support and periodicity measures. The minSup, minAllConf and maxPer values used to find these patterns are 2, 0.6 and 6, respectively. It can be observed from the discovered periodic-frequent patterns that though all-confidence is able to prune the uninteresting pattern ‘ce,’ it has failed to prune another uninteresting pattern ‘cd’ from the list of periodic-frequent patterns generated by the basic model. Henceforth, the rare-item problem has to be addressed with respect to both support and periodicity dimensions.

As there exists no measure in the literature that determines the interestingness of a pattern with respect to the periodicities of all of its items, we propose a new measure, periodic-all-confidence, to extract interesting patterns in periodicity dimension involving rare items, which is defined as follows.

Definition 2

(Periodic-all-confidence of X) The periodic-all-confidence of X, denoted as perAllConf(X), is the ratio of periodicity of X to the minimal periodicity of an item \(i_j\in X\). That is, \(perAllConf(X)=\frac{per(X)}{min(per(i_j)|\forall i_j\in X)}\).

For a pattern X, \(perConf(X)\in [1,\infty )\). As per the periodic-all-confidence measure, a pattern is interesting in periodicity dimension, if the periodicity of a pattern is close to the periodicity of all of its items. The parameter maxPerAllConf indicates the maximum periodic-all-confidence threshold set by the user. Based on maxPer and maxPerAllConf thresholds, the interesting patterns involving rare items in periodicity dimension are extracted.

Henceforth, the periodic-frequent pattern is defined as follows.

Definition 3

(Periodic-frequent pattern X) The pattern X is said to be periodic-frequent if \(sup(X) \ge minSup\), \(allConf(X) \ge minAllConf\), \(per(X) \le maxPer\) and \(perAllConf(X) \le maxPerAllConf\). The terms minSup, minAllConf, maxPer and maxPerAllConf, respectively represent the user-specified minimum support, minimum all-confidence, maximum periodicity and maximum periodic-all-confidence.

Example 7

If the user-specified \(minSup=2\), \(minAllConf=0.6\), \(maxPer=6\) and \(maxPerAllConf=1.5\), then the pattern ‘ab’ is said to be a periodic-frequent pattern, because \(sup(ab) \ge minSup\), \(allConf(ab) \ge minAllConf\), \(per(ab) \le maxPer\) and \(perAllConf(ab) \le maxPerAllConf\).

Example 8

The column titled III in Table 2 shows the complete set of periodic-frequent patterns discovered from Table 1. It can be observed that the proposed model has not only discovered the periodic-frequent patterns containing rare items but also pruned the uninteresting patterns ‘cd’ and ‘ce.’ This clearly demonstrates that the proposed model discovers periodic-frequent patterns containing rare items without generating too many uninteresting patterns.

Property 1

If \(X\subset Y\), then \(TID^X\supseteq TID^Y.\) Therefore, \(sup(X) \ge sup(Y)\) and \(allConf(X) \ge allConf(Y)\).

Property 2

If \(X\subset Y\), then \(per(X) \le per(Y)\). Therefore, \(perAllConf(X) \le perAllConf(Y)\) as \(\frac{per(X)}{min(per(i_j)\forall i_j\in X)} \le \frac{per(Y)}{min(per(i_j)\forall i_j\in Y)}\).

The discovered periodic-frequent patterns satisfy the anti-monotonic property. The correctness is straightforward to prove from Properties 1 and 2.

Definition 4

Problem Definition: Given the database (TDB) and the user-specified minimum support (minSup), minimum all-confidence (minAllConf), maximum periodicity (maxPer) and maximum periodic-all-confidence (maxPerAllConf), the problem of finding periodic-frequent patterns involve discovering all patterns that satisfy the minSup, minAllConf, maxPer and maxPerAllConf thresholds. Please note, the support and periodicity of a pattern can also be expressed in percentage of |TDB|.

4 Proposed Algorithm

Tanbeer et al. [13] have proposed Periodic-Frequent pattern-growth (PF-growth) to discover periodic-frequent patterns using support and periodicity measures. Unfortunately, this algorithm cannot be directly used for finding the periodic-frequent patterns with our model. The reason is PF-growth does not determine the interestingness of a pattern using all-confidence and periodic-all-confidence measures. In this paper, we extend PF-growth to determine the interestingness of a pattern using these two measures. We call the proposed algorithm as Extended Periodic-Frequent pattern-growth (EPF-growth). The proposed algorithm involves two steps: (i) construction of Extended Periodic-Frequent pattern-tree (EPF-tree), (ii) recursively mining EPF-tree to discover periodic-frequent patterns. Before we describe these two steps, we explain the structure of EPF-tree.

4.1 Structure of EPF-Tree

The structure of EPF-tree consists of a prefix-tree and a EPF-list. The EPF-list consists of three fields: item name (i), support (s) and periodicity (p). The structure of prefix-tree in EPF-tree is similar to that of the prefix-tree in FP-tree [4]. However, to obtain both support and periodicity of the patterns, the nodes in EPF-tree explicitly maintain the occurrence information for each transaction by maintaining an occurrence transaction-id list, called tid-list, only at the last node of every transaction. Complete details on prefix-tree are available in [13].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Construction of EPF-list for Table 1. (a) After scanning the first transaction (b) After scanning the second transaction (c) After scanning the last transaction (d) Updated EPF-list (e) Final EPF-list with sorted list of periodic-frequent items

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Construction of EPF-tree for Table 1. (a) After scanning first transaction (b) After scanning second transaction (c)After scanning every transaction

figure a

4.2 Construction of EPF-Tree

Since the periodic-frequent patterns generated by the proposed model satisfy the anti-monotonic property, periodic-frequent items (or 1-patterns) play a key role in efficient discovery of higher order periodic-frequent patterns. Periodic-frequent items are discovered by populating the EPF-list (lines 1 to 13 in Algorithm 1). Figures 2(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) show the steps involved in finding periodic-frequent items from EPF-list. The user-specified minSup, minAllConf, maxPer and maxPerAllConf values are 2, 0.6, 6 and 1.5, respectively.

After finding periodic-frequent items, prefix-tree is constructed by performing another scan on the database (lines 14 to 16 in Algorithm 1). The construction of prefix-tree in EPF-tree is similar to the construction of prefix-tree in FP-tree [4]. However, it has to be noted that leaf nodes in EPF-tree maintain the transaction-ids of the transactions. Figures 3(a), (b) and (c) show the construction of EPF-tree after scanning first, second and every transaction in the transactional database, respectively. In EPF-tree, an item header table is built so that each item points to its occurrences in the tree via a chain of node-links, to facilitate tree traversal. For simplicity, we do not show these node-links in trees, however, they are maintained as in FP-tree.

4.3 Mining EPF-Tree

Algorithm 2 describes the procedure for mining periodic-frequent patterns from EPF-tree. The EPF-tree is mined by calling EPF-growth as (EPF-tree, null). This algorithm resembles FP-growth. However, the key difference is that once the pattern-growth is achieved for a suffix 1-pattern (or item), it is completely pruned from the EPF-tree by pushing its tid-list to respective parent nodes.

Table 3 summarizes the working of this algorithm. First, we consider item ‘f,’ which is the bottom-most item in the EPF-list, as a suffix pattern. This item appears in three branches of the EPF-tree (refer Fig. 3(c)). The paths formed by these branches are {cef : 4}, {abef : 10} and {aef : 12} (format of these branches is {nodes : time-stamps}). Therefore, considering ‘f’ as a suffix item, its corresponding three prefix paths are {ce : 4}, {abe : 10} and {ae : 12}, which form its conditional pattern base (refer Fig. 4(a)). Its conditional EPF-tree contains only a single path, \(\langle e:4,10,12 \rangle \); ‘a,’ ‘b’ and ‘c’ are not included because their all-confidence and periodic-all-confidence do not satisfy the minAllConf and maxPerAllConf respectively. Figure 4(b) shows the conditional EPF-tree of ‘f.’ The single path generates the pattern \(\{ef:3,0.75,6,1.5\}\) (format is {pattern: support, all-confidence, periodicity, periodic-all-confidence}). The same process of creating prefix-tree and its corresponding conditional tree is repeated for further extensions of ‘ef.’ Next, ‘f’ is pruned from the original EPF-tree and its tid-lists are pushed to its parent nodes, as shown in Fig. 4(c). All the above processes are once again repeated until EPF-list \(= \emptyset .\)

figure b

5 Experimental Results

In this section, we show that the proposed model discovers interesting patterns pertaining to both frequent and rare items by pruning uninteresting patterns. We also evaluate the proposed model against the existing models of periodic-frequent patterns [6, 11, 13].

Table 3. Mining EPF-tree by creating conditional (sub -) pattern bases

The algorithms, PF-growth, MCPF-growth, MaxCPF-growth and EPF-growth are written in C++ and run with Fedora 22 on a 2.66 GHz machine with 8 GB of memory. We have conducted experiments using both synthetic (T10I4D100K) and real-world (Retail and FAA-accidents) databases. The T10I4D100K data-base is generated using the IBM data generator [2]. This database contains 878 items with 100,000 transactions. The Retail database contains the market basket data from a Belgian retail store. This database contains 16,471 items with 88,162 transactions. The FAA-accidents database is constructed from the accidents data recorded by FAA from 1-January-1978 to 31-December-2014. This database contains 9,290 items with 98,864 transactions.

5.1 Patterns Generated by the Proposed Model

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Mining of EPF-tree for Table 1. (a) Prefix-tree of suffix item ‘f,’ i.e., \(PT_f\) (b) Conditional tree of suffix item ‘f,’ i.e., \(CT_{f}\) (c) EPF-tree after pruning item ‘f.’

Figure 5 shows the number of patterns generated at different minAllConf and maxPerAllConf values. The minSup and maxPer are set at \(0.01\,\%\) and \(40\,\%\). The following observations can be drawn: (i) The increase in minAllConf results in decrease of periodic-frequent patterns. The reason is that as minAllConf increases, the support threshold value of a pattern increases. (ii) The increase in maxPerAllConf results in increase of patterns. The reason is that as maxPerAllConf increases, the periodicity threshold value of a pattern increases.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Periodic-frequent patterns discovered in various databases

Table 4 shows some of the interesting patterns discovered in FAA database. The minSup, minAllConf, maxPer and maxPerConf values used are \(0.01\,\%\), 0.01, \(40\,\%\) and 9, respectively. It can be observed from their support values that our model has discovered interesting patterns involving both frequent and rare items effectively. Please note that the periodicity (per) is expressed in days.

Table 4. Some of the interesting patterns discovered in FAA-accidents database

5.2 Comparison of Proposed Model Against the Existing Models

For MCPF-growth and MaxCPF-growth, we use Eq. 5 to specify items’ minIS and maxIP values. Setting the \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) values in this equation has been a non-trivial task as the patterns discovered by these algorithms can be different from the patterns discovered by EPF-growth. After conducting several experiments, we have empirically set the following values for MCPF-growth and MaxCPF-growth algorithms, such that both algorithms discover almost all periodic-frequent patterns discovered by EPF-growth.

Figure 6 shows the number of periodic-frequent patterns generated at different minSup values (Y-axis is plotted on logscale). For EPF-growth, we have fixed \(minAllConf=0.01\), \(maxPer=40\,\%\) and \(maxPerAllConf=9\) and vary minSup values. For MCPF-growth and MaxCPF-growth, we have set \(\gamma =0.01\), \(LS=minSup\), \(\beta =-0.4\), \(Per_{max}=40\,\%\) and \(Per_{min}=10\,\%\). For PF-growth, we have set \(maxPer=40\,\%\) and vary minSup values.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Periodic-frequent patterns generated at different minSup values

Figure 7 shows the number of periodic-frequent patterns generated at different maxPer values (Y-axis is plotted on logscale). For EPF-growth, we have fixed \(minSup=0.01\,\%\), \(minAllConf=0.01\) and \(maxPerAllConf=9\) and vary maxPer values. For MCPF-growth and MaxCPF-growth, we have set \(\gamma =0.01\), \(LS=0.01\,\%\), \(\beta =-0.4\), \(Per_{max}=maxPer\) and \(Per_{min}=10\,\%\). For PF-growth, we have set \(minSup=0.01\,\%\) and vary maxPer values.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Periodic-frequent patterns generated at different maxPer values

From Figs. 6 and 7, it can be observed that the proposed model has generated lesser number of periodic-frequent patterns than the other models, because the existing models have suffered from the rare-item problem.

Figure 8 shows the runtime taken by various models at different maxPer values (Y-axis is plotted on logscale). It can be observed that, in all the databases the proposed model takes lesser runtime to find periodic-frequent patterns than PF-growth and MCPF-growth. But the proposed model takes slightly more runtime than MaxCPF-growth. So the proposed model is not adding any significant overhead in mining periodic frequent patterns. Similar observations can be drawn when minSup is varied. Due to space restrictions, we are not reporting it.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Runtime requirements of various models at different maxPer values

6 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper introduces a model to address the rare item problem in both support and periodicity dimensions. A new interestingness measure, periodic-all-confidence, is proposed to address the problem in periodicity dimension. An efficient pattern-growth algorithm has been proposed to discover all periodic-frequent patterns in a database. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is efficient. As a part of future work, we would like to study the change in periodic behavior of rare items due to noise.