
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1.1 Introduction

The FPGA or field-programmable gate array is a wonderful technology used by electronic system developers to design, debug, and implement unique hardware solutions without having to develop custom silicon devices. Xilinx is a semiconductor manufacturer of standard FPGA chips which are sold blank or unprogrammed to customers. The customers then program these devices to implement their unique systems. If a feature changes or a bug is discovered, the user can simply load a new program to the FPGA to create a new product or upgrade. This process can even continue after shipment in the form of firmware upgrades. The act of programming the FPGA is called configuration to distinguish it from loading any associated software programs. With modern FPGAs however, the line is blurring between hardware configuration and software programming.

All this programmability requires additional silicon area compared to hard ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) implementations of the same logic. This is because in ASIC implementations the gates and wiring are fixed. This area cost penalty can be in the 1.5–10X range for FPGAs. However, the ASIC also must include the development cost and schedule which can be in the range of $10–$500 million dollars and can take several years with teams of hundreds of developers. With each generation of lithography, the cost to develop an ASIC increases. For these reasons, most medium-sized and smaller systems rely on a mix of FPGAs for customization along with standard ASIC or ASSPs and memories.

This revolutionary technology has impacted the electronic product development cycle for nearly all electronic devices since its introduction in the late 1980s.

1.2 The Evolution of Programmable Logic

The initial user programmable devices called PLDs (programmable logic devices) that were developed in 1978 by MMI could replace ten or so TTL gates and were one time programmable. This led to the reprogrammable PLDs based on EEPROM or EPROM technologies.

By 1985 advancing lithography enabled a new class of device, the FPGA. FPGAs introduced two important new architecture features: programmable routing to interconnect the increasing number of gates on a device and a programmable gate called a LUT or lookup table with an associated register. The initial devices from Xilinx contained up to a hundred LUT and flip-flop pairs in a basic logic element called a CLB or configurable logic block. Rather than using a permanently programmed EPROM or EEPROM memory, Xilinx FPGAs relied on CMOS memories to hold programming information. Figure 1.1 illustrates the technological improvement of modern FPGAs relative to the original Xilinx XC2064 which had 64 programmable logic cells.

Fig. 1.1
figure 1

FPGA evolution since the 1980s

The FPGA took its place as a central component in digital systems, replacing PLDs and TTL for implementing glue logic. In the 1990s new uses began to emerge for FPGAs, which were becoming more capable than just gluing I/O to processors. The emerging Internet became a growth driver for FPGAs with FPGAs being used for prototyping, initial deployment, and full-scale production of Internet switches and routers. By 2000 communications systems were the primary market for FPGAs. Other new markets for FPGAs also emerged for ASIC prototyping (Chap. 18) and high-performance DSP (digital signal processing) systems (Chap. 8). FPGAs also began to be used for implementing soft control processors such as the Xilinx MicroBlaze (Chap. 6) and PicoBlaze architectures.

The original FPGA architecture was a simple implementation of a programmable logic block. With each new generation, new programmable functions have been added along with hardening of some specific functions in order to reduce the cost or improve the performance of FPGAs in digital systems. These blocks continue to evolve in each generation. Many important functions have been added since the initial FPGAs including the following:

  • Fast carry chains for high-speed adders and counters

  • Small memories called distributed RAM s (or LUTRAM s)

  • Block memories (BRAM or block RAMs)

  • A hard RISC processor block based on the PowerPC

  • Multi-Gigabit or MGT serial transceivers

  • The DSP48 for digital signal processing

  • Hard PCI blocks

  • A complete system on chip (SoC) as a hard block in the FPGA in the Zynq family of FPGAs

The inclusion of hard blocks in FPGAs is driven by the trade-off between usage and cost. For customers which use these functions, value and performance are increased; however, if these hard blocks are not used, they are wasted space which can increase cost. Additionally these hard functions require significant software support to be useful to customers. For these reasons, hardening functions have been limited to those functions of clear value in important market verticals.

1.3 Current Applications for FPGAs

FPGAs find their usage in many applications today. Some of the most commonly used applications of FPGAs (and the reasons for FPGA being the sweet spot) include:

  • ASIC prototyping: Chap. 18 covers more on this.

  • Wired communications: For system development, while the standards themselves are evolving.

  • Wireless communications: DSP in FPGAs is a major attraction for algorithmic computations.

  • Video systems and machine vision: Implement software algorithms at higher speed and lower power.

  • Industrial systems: Communication link between sensor nodes and robotic systems.

  • Medical systems: I/O interfaces including A-to-D and D-to-A conversion.

  • Automotive systems: Video processing (for driver assistance), field upgradability.

  • Military and aerospace: Radio waveform processing and processing of huge amount of sensor data.

  • Data center: Interfaces to SSD (solid-state disks), machine learning related algorithms.

1.4 Application Level System Architectures

The above applications in turn identify the need for the following system level usage, which might be applicable in multiple markets.

1.4.1 Glue Logic and Custom Interface IP

This was the original use case for early FPGAs. Typically the FPGA is used to interface a processor IC to a variety of I/O devices and memory-mapped devices. This use case requires low-cost FPGAs with plentiful I/O. Key features are combinatorial programmable logic nets, IOBs, and internal registers.

Often an application will require a custom interface such as an industrial interface or perhaps multiple interfaces such as USB. If these interfaces are not available in the user’s SoC, they can be implemented in a companion FPGA.

1.4.2 Communications Switch

Multiple interfaces of various standards and performance levels such as 10G Ethernet are connected together via an FPGA implemented switch. These switches are common in Internet, industrial, and video networks.

1.4.3 I/O Stream Processing

FPGAs are ideal devices to connect to high-bandwidth real-time I/O streams such as video, radio, radar, and ultrasound systems. Often the system is used to reduce the high-native bandwidth of the I/O stream to levels manageable for a processor. For instance, a radio front end may sample A/D data at 1 GHz but after down conversion produces a more moderate rate of 10 MB/s. Conversely lower-bandwidth data may be up converted to a high-bandwidth I/O stream. Another example is a video system with a frame buffer which may be updated infrequently, but the video output stream is a real-time high-bandwidth stream.

1.4.4 Software Acceleration

An emerging FPGA system architecture allows software to be accelerated either with a companion FPGA attached to a high-end CPU or with an SoC-based FPGA such as the Zynq UltraScale + MPSoC (MPSoC). This acceleration will usually be accompanied by a significant power reduction per operation. In this use case, the FPGA is programmed on the fly to implement one or more cascaded software function calls on data in memory. The FPGA gates are compiled or derived from a common C language source which can be implemented either on the FPGA or on the CPU. This allows the FPGA to act as a high-performance library call for common software functions such as matrix inversion and deep neural networks.

1.5 FPGA Architecture

1.5.1 FPGA Architecture Overview

The primary function of the FPGA is to implement programmable logic which can be used by end customers to create new hardware devices. FPGAs are built around an array of programmable logic blocks embedded in a sea of programmable interconnect. This array is often referred to as the programmable logic fabric or just the fabric. At the edges are programmable I/O blocks designed to interface the fabric signals to the external world. It was this set of innovations that sparked the FPGA industry. Figure 1.2 shows a basic architecture of an FPGA.

Fig. 1.2
figure 2

Basic FPGA architecture

Interestingly, nearly all the other special FPGA features such as carry chains, block RAM, or DSP blocks can also be implemented in programmable logic. This is in fact the approach the initial FPGAs took and users did implement these functions in LUTs. However, as the FPGA markets developed, it became clear that these special functions would be more cost effective as dedicated functions built from hard gates and later FPGA families such as the Xilinx 4 K series and Virtex began to harden these special functions. This hardening improved not only cost but also improved frequency substantially.

Within any one FPGA family, all devices will share a common fabric architecture, but each device will contain a different amount of programmable logic. This enables the user to match their logic requirements to the right-sized FPGA device. FPGAs are also available in two or more package sizes which allow the user to match the application I/O requirements to the device package. FPGA devices are also available in multiple speed grades and multiple temperature grades as well as multiple voltage levels. The highest speed devices are typically 25 % faster than the lower speed devices. By designing to the lowest speed devices, users can save on cost, but the higher performance of the faster devices may minimize system level cost.

Modern FPGAs commonly operate at 100–500 MHz. In general, most logic designs which are not targeted at FPGA architectures will run at the lower frequency range, and designs targeted at FPGAs will run in the mid-frequency range. The highest frequency designs are typically DSP designs constructed specifically to take advantage of FPGA DSP and BRAM blocks.

Sections below describe a high level overview of FPGA architectures. Please refer to Xilinx’s data sheets and user guides for more detailed and current information.

1.5.2 Programmable Interconnect

Woven through the FPGA logic fabric is a set of wires which can be wired together to connect any two blocks in an FPGA. This enables arbitrary logic networks to be constructed by the user. The architecture of the interconnect wires varies from generation to generation and is hidden from the user by the tools.

1.5.3 Programmable Logic Block

An array of programmable logic blocks are embedded into the programmable interconnect. These are called CLBs (configurable logic blocks) in Xilinx devices. Today, each logic block consists of one or more programmable logic functions implemented as a 4–6-bit configurable lookup table (LUT ), a configurable carry chain, and configurable registers. We use the word configurable to indicate a hard block which can be configured through the FPGA’s configuration memory to be used as part of the user’s logic. For instance, if the user design called for a register with a clock enable (CE), the register is configured to have the clock enable enabled and connected to the user’s CE signal. Figure 1.3a through c illustrates the UltraScale CLB architecture, showing the CLB , LUT-flip-flop pair, and the carry chain structures.

Fig. 1.3
figure 3figure 3figure 3

(a) UltraScale CLB, (b) one of the eight LUT-flip-flop pairs from an UltraScale CLB, (c) carry chain paths

The combination of a LUT, carry chain, and register is called a logic cell or LC. The capacity of FPGAs is commonly measured in logic cells. For instance, the largest Xilinx Virtex UltraScale FPGA supports up to 4 million LCs, while the smallest Spartan device contains as few as 2000 logic cells. Depending on usage, each logic cell can map between 5 and 25 ASIC gates. The lower number is commonly used for ASIC netlist emulation, while the higher number is achievable under expert mapping.

For Xilinx UltraScale devices, the CLB supports up to 8 × 6-input LUTs, 16 registers, and 8 carry chain blocks. Each 8-LUT can be configured as 2 × 5-LUTs if the 5-LUTs share common signals. For comparison purposes, Xilinx rates each 6-LUT as the equivalent of 1.6 LCs or Logic cells.

Embedded in the CLB is a high-performance look-ahead carry chain which enables the FPGA to implement very high-performance adders. Current FPGAs have carry chains which can implement a 64-bit adder at 500 MHz.

Associated with each LUT is an embedded register . The rich register resources of the FPGA programmable logic enable highly pipelined designs, which are a key to maintaining higher speeds. Each register can be configured to support a clock enable and reset with configurable polarity.

An important additional feature of the Xilinx CLB’s 6-LUT is that it can configure to implement a small 64-bit deep by 1-bit wide memory called a distributed RAM . An alternate configuration allows the 6-LUT to implement a configurable depth shift register with a delay of 1–32 clocks.

1.5.4 Memory

Access to memory is extremely important in modern logic designs. Programmable logic designs commonly use a combination of memories embedded in the FPGA logic fabric and external DDR memories. Within the logic fabric, memory can be implemented as discrete registers, shift registers , distributed RAM, or block RAM . Xilinx UltraScale devices support two sizes of block RAM, 36-kbit RAMs and 288-kbit RAMs. In most cases the Xilinx tools will select the best memory type to map each memory in the user design. In some cases, netlists optimized for FPGAs will hand instantiate memory types to achieve higher density and performance.

Special forms of memory called dual-port memories and FIFOs are supported as special modes of the block RAMs or can be implemented using distributed RAM .

System memory access to external DDR memory (Chap. 5) is via a bus interface which is commonly an AXI protocol internal to the FPGA. UltraScale FPGAs support 72-bit wide DDR4 at up to 3200 MB/s.

In general, registers or flip-flops are used for status and control registers, pipelining, and shallow (1–2 deep) FIFOs. Shift registers are commonly used for signal delay elements and for pipeline balancing in DSP designs. Distributed RAMs are used for shallow memories up to 64 bits deep and can be as wide as necessary. Block RAMs are used for buffers and deeper memories. They can also be aggregated together to support arbitrary widths and depths. For instance, a 64-bit wide by 32 K-bit deep memory would require 64 block RAMs. Generally FPGAs contain around 1 36 K block RAMs for every 500–1000 logic cells.

1.5.5 DSP Blocks

Modern FPGAs contain discrete multipliers to enable efficient DSP processing. Commonly DSP applications build pipelines or flow graphs of DSP operations and data streams through this flow graph. A typical DSP filter called an FIR (finite impulse response) filter is shown in Fig. 1.4. It consists of sample delay blocks, multipliers, adders, and memories for coefficients. Interestingly this graph can be almost directly implemented as an FPGA circuit.

Fig. 1.4
figure 4

DSP flowgraph

For filtering and many other DSP applications, multipliers and adders are used to implement the flow graph. Xilinx FPGAs contain a DSP block known as a DSP48 which supports an 18-bit × 25-bit multiplier, a 48-bit accumulator, and a 25-bit pre-adder. In addition up to four levels of pipelining can be supported for operation up to 500 MHz. The DSP48 supports integer math directly; however, 32-bit and 64-bit floating point operations are supported as library elements. A 32-bit floating point multiplier will require two DSP48s and several hundred LCs.

Xilinx tools will generally map multipliers and associated adders in RTL or HDL languages to DSP48 blocks. For highest performance however, designs optimized for DSP in FPGAs may use DSP48 aware libraries for optimal performance, power, and density.

1.5.6 Clock Management

Logic netlists almost universally require one or more system clocks to implement synchronous netlists for I/O and for internal operation. Synchronous operation uses a clock edge to register the results of upstream logic and hold it steady for use by downstream logic until the next clock edge. The use of synchronous operation allows for pipelined flow graphs which process multiple samples in parallel. External digital communications interfaces use I/O clocks to transfer data to and from the FPGA. Commonly, interface logic will run at the I/O clock rate (or a multiple of the I/O clock rate). Chapter 12 covers more on clocking resources available on Xilinx FPGAs.

1.5.7 I/O Blocks

One of the key capabilities of FPGAs is that they interface directly to external input and output (I/O) signals of all types and formats. To support these diverse requirements, modern FPGAs contain a special block called the I/O block or IOB . This block contains powerful buffers to drive external signals out of the FPGA and input receivers, along with registers for I/O signals and output enables (OE). IOBs typically support 1.2–3.3 V CMOS as well as LVDS and multiple industry I/O memory standards such as SSTL3. For a complete list, refer to the device datasheet. I/Os are abstracted from the user RTL and HDL design and are typically configured using a text file to specify each I/O’s signaling standard.

UltraScale devices also include multiplexing and demultiplexing features in the I/O block. This feature supports dual data rate (DDR) operation and operation for 4:1 or 8:1 multiplexing and demultiplexing. This allows the device to operate at a lower clock rate than the I/O clock. For example, Gigabit Ethernet (SGMII) operates at 1.25 GHz over a single LVDS link, which is too fast for the FPGA fabric to support directly. The serial signal is expanded to 8/10 bits in the IOB interface to the fabric allowing the fabric to operate at 125 MHz.

I/Os are commonly a limited resource, and FPGAs are available in multiple package sizes to allow the user to use smaller lower-cost FPGAs with lower signal count applications and larger package sizes for higher signal count applications. This helps to minimize system cost and board space.

A primary application of FPGA I/Os is for interfacing to memory systems. UltraScale devices support high-bandwidth memory systems such as DDR4.

1.5.8 High-Speed Serial I/Os (HSSIO )

CMOS and LVDS signaling are limited in performance and can be costly in terms of power and signal count. For this reason, high-speed serial I/Os have been developed to enable low-cost, high-bandwidth interfaces. This evolution can be seen in the evolving PCI standard which has moved from low-speed 32-bit CMOS interfaces at 33 MHz to PCIe Gen3 with 1–8 lanes at 8 Gb/s lane. An eight-lane PCIe Gen3 interface can transfer 64 Gb/s of data in each direction. Xilinx UltraScale devices support up to 128 MGT (Multi-Gigabit Transceivers) at up to 32.75 Gb/s.

Within the FPGA, the HSSIO are interfaced directly to a custom logic block which multiplexes and demultiplexes the signals to wide interfaces at lower clock rates. This block also performs link calibration and formatting.

1.6 System on Chip

Current generation FPGAs now include an optional system on chip (SoC ). These are available in the Zynq-7000 devices as well as the UltraScale + MPSoC devices. These SoCs include a state-of-the-art quad core ARM A53 application processor, an external DDR DRAM interface, internal memory and caching system, common I/O peripherals, and a set of high-bandwidth interfaces to the FPGA programmable logic.

The SoC is built using ASIC technology and is competitive with discrete embedded processors in cost and performance. It boots when powered up from an external flash memory. The processor is then available to load the FPGA design. While booting, the CPU boot code is optionally decrypted and authenticated enabling secure and safe embedded systems. Chapter 6 talks more about using these devices.

1.6.1 Operating System Support

The SoC system is capable of running bare-bones without an operating system or running a real-time operating system (RTOS ) or embedded OSs such as Linux . It also supports asymmetric OSs where, for example, one core runs Linux and the other core runs an RTOS. This capability is ideal for embedded systems.

1.6.2 Real-Time OS Support

The MPSoC also includes a separate dual core ARM R5 processor. This processor is optimized for real-time applications and can optionally run in lockstep for high-reliability applications. The combination of the dual core R5 and the quad core A53 enables secure, high-reliability, real-time processing, while the A53 application processor executes application code. This combination is ideal for embedded, industrial, and military applications.

1.7 System Level Functions

In addition to the SoC and programmable logic array, FPGAs include system level functions for configuring and monitoring FPGAs.

1.7.1 System Monitor

For industrial and embedded applications, it is desirable to be able to monitor the voltage of system power supplies and various analog signals as well as the internal temperature of the FPGA. This allows the FPGA to detect if the power rails are within specified tolerance and allows the FPGA to know it is operating legally. For this reason and also for security reasons, FPGAs incorporate a small multichannel ADC (analog-to-digital converter). Chapter 16 covers more on system monitor.

1.7.2 Fabric Power Management

Before SoCs were introduced, FPGAs operated on a single power domain. Typically several voltages are required for the FPGA, the logic power supply, the auxiliary power supply, and the I/O power supplies. The FPGA fabric supports several features which allow the user to manage and minimize system power. FPGA fabric power consists of two types of power—static power which exists even if the device is not operating and dynamic power which is a function of clock rates and data activity. Static power is quite low at low temperatures but can rise to significant levels at maximum die temperatures. Additionally some speed and temperature grades have lower static power than others. The -2L speed grade is designed to operate at lower voltage levels enabling lower system power. The user has some flexibility to manage power by throttling fabric clocks if idle and by lowering die temperature using fan control.

1.7.3 SoC Device Power Management

The SoC devices introduce some additional flexibility in power management if the application allows for sometimes running in reduced functionality or idle modes. The Zynq-7000 devices support independent PS (processing system ) and PL (programmable logic) power domains. Thus, if the PL is idle, its power supply can be removed. The MPSoCs support even finer-grained power domains and can be placed into low-power modes with only the R5s operating. This allows system power as low as 50 mW to be achieved for low-performance modes. Normal operation of the SoC would be in the 1–3 W range and the PL could be in the 2–20 W range.

1.7.4 Configuration

Both the PS SoC and the PL require configuration data to function. For the PS this is boot code, and for the PL, it is called the bitstream data. FPGAs will commonly include a dedicated block to configure the FPGA from various sources of bitstream data. Xilinx supports boot over JTAG, over a dedicated serial or parallel interface and from dedicated flash memory devices. In the SoC devices, configuration is supported by a configuration controller in the SoC. Optionally UltraScale devices can be booted over a PCIe interface, eliminating the cost of local flash storage and simplifying system level configuration data management.

1.7.5 Security

FPGA security is a relatively new concern, but modern devices contain multiple security features which are used to decrypt, authenticate, and monitor configuration data.

Encryption is used to obscure the configuration data which is stored in external memory devices. This is valuable to protect user IP (intellectual property) as well as to provide protection for passwords and keys embedded in the configuration data. FPGAs now store one-time programmable encryption key (of up to 256 bits) which is used to decrypt configuration data on the fly.

Today it is critical for system integrity to check configuration data for correctness before loading into the PL and SoC. The configuration controller optionally does this by first checking to see if the boot code or bitstream can be authenticated. The MPSoC devices support authentication of up to 4 K bits in hardware. If an authentication fails, the device cannot be booted. The bitstream is authenticated against a decryption key stored in external memory.

Additional features of MPSoC devices include tamper detection circuitry with clock, power, and temperature monitoring. This can be used to deter attacks based on operating the device outside of its legal operating conditions.

Within the Zynq UltraScale + PS , hardware is used to isolate various parts of the system. This can prevent the application code from overwriting the secure real-time code.

1.7.6 Safety

FPGAs are physical devices which are specified to operate under specific voltage and temperature conditions. They have a designed lifetime of 10 years of operation after which they may fail in various ways. During normal operation cosmic rays and alpha radiation from radioactive trace elements can upset device registers. For these reasons circuitry has been built into the FPGA to monitor configuration data changes due to upset or other effects. The FPGA configuration data is monitored for a digital signature. If this changes unexpectedly, a signal is raised which can reset the FPGA. Memories are particularly sensitive to upset, and all PL block RAMs and the large PS memories have added parity bits to detect a single event upset.

1.7.7 Debug

Getting a large FPGA to production is a challenging effort. In order to facilitate debugging a dedicated JTAG interface is provided on the FPGA and PS. This interface has access to the FPGA configuration system and the PS memory map. It can be used to download code and to test system level I/O interfaces. Cross-trigger circuitry is available to debug SoC software and PL hardware simultaneously. The PS also includes support for standard ICE debugging pods.

1.7.8 Performance Monitoring

The MPSoC includes a number of performance monitors which can check and measure traffic on the AXI interconnect. For the PL these performance monitoring blocks can be implemented in soft logic to monitor PL AXI events.