
1 Introduction

Biogeochemistry is an important scientific discipline, and its rapid development is observed in many countries of the world. Priority directions of biogeochemistry development are based on the notion of universality of biogeochemical cycles and their overarching role in the mass exchange of chemical elements between living organisms and the biosphere, including the soil as its most important component. The quantitative parameterization of multi-scale local, regional and global changes due to natural and anthropogenic impacts requires the quantitative understanding of biogeochemical cycles and it seems to be one of the fundamental branches of modern science. In turn, studying the fundamental mechanisms of quantitative parameterization of biogeochemical cycles makes it possible to demonstrate a number of new R&D directions at the intersection of fundamental and applied researches. A new R&D area is the biogeochemical engineering, through the development of innovative environmental technologies. Biogeochemical technologies are the technology and technological processes based on knowledge, understanding and management of biogeochemical cycles. Scope can be related to mining, biofuel production, biogeochemical standards, risk management, etc.

Considering the application area of biogeochemical innovative technologies, we can highlight the following.

2 Biogeochemical Technologies

2.1 Biogeochemical Technologies for Managing Geo-Environmental Risks

Developing biogeochemical technologies for management of geo-environmental risk in the oil and gas sector should include the study of fundamental biogeochemical mechanisms of these risk formation. In this case, the geo-environmental risk refers to the interdependent impact of the oil and gas industry on the environment, as well as the impact of the environment on the functioning of the industry and health of employees. Taking into consideration the extremely diverse environmental conditions in existing and prospective areas of development of the oil and gas industry of Russia (Yamal peninsula, Eastern Siberia, as well as the shelf of Arctic and North-East seas), it is necessary to consider geo-environmental factors of soil, biogeochemical, relief position, sedimentary, geodynamic and geophysical nature. Ultimately, the carrying out these biogeochemical studies will develop fundamental and applied tasks of risk management, including quantification and system analysis of such risks. The technology of analysis of geo-environmental risks when developing gas-condensate deposits in the Polar region can be exampled. This technology of risk analysis is focused on obtaining retrospective forecast data in relation to specific environmental effects and certain groups of recipients or production facilities. As criterion of an assessment of geo-ecological situation, risk indicators help identify, classify and rank natural-technical systems, geosystems, located in the zone of influence of emissions of polluting substances, according to the degree of their exposure to different forms of environmental danger or hazard violations. Such assessments can be presented in the form of threshold values for the most likely environmental or socioeconomic damage, or as the probability of their occurrence. The technology of assessing geo-environmental risk is based on the calculation of critical loads of acidifying and eutrophic nitrogen and sulfur compounds that are emitted resulting from the operations of oil and gas companies, as well as the assessment of their exceedances and the extent of uncertainty of input parameters. Technological methods of calculation of critical loads (CL) are based on quantitative parameterization of the main streams of migration of elements in ecosystems, which are specific for different bio-climatic and landscape conditions (Priputina et al., Biogeochemical cycling and SMB model to assess critical loads of nitrogen and acidity for terrestrial ecosystems in the Russian Arctic).

The calculated probability of CL exceeding (geo-ecological risks) defines the geo-ecological situation in the impacted areas. Then we can calculate the ranks of acceptable risk for various ecosystems in the impacted zones and identify methods of managing these risks (Bashkin and Priputina 2010; Bashkin et al. 2012; Bashkin 2014a, b, 2015, as well as Bashkin and Priputina, Possible indicators for assessing geo-environmental risk in polar ecosystems of Yamal peninsula in relation to pollutant emission during gas production and Priputina et al., Biogeochemical cycling and SMB model to assess critical loads of nitrogen and acidity for terrestrial ecosystems in the Russian Arctic).

2.2 Biogeochemical Technologies for Controlling Cycles of Nitrogen and Carbon in Impacted Ecosystems and Managing Geo-Ecological Situations

Monitoring and modeling of dynamics of nitrogen and carbon as the main emitted pollutants in the gas industry impacted zones in Polar region allows for the analysis of parameters of biogeochemical cycles of these biophilic elements in the relevant ecosystems and accordingly for developing technologies of risk management. In turn, it will allow in these areas to regulate the vegetation cover and to maintain its protective properties for limiting process of soil thawing in the areas of hydrocarbon productions (natural gas, gas condensate and oil production). These approaches base the biogeochemical technology for retrospective and predictive assessing geo-ecological situation in the areas of hydrocarbon deposit developing in the Far North. The necessity of analysis of the dynamics of geo-ecological situation is due to extensive and prolonged time exposure of the gas and oil complex to the natural environment and, simultaneously, counter the influence of anthropogenic changes of natural conditions on the safe operation and security of businesses and infrastructure facilities in the medium and long term. Such information allows us to identify polluted natural ecosystems exposed to increased environmental hazards. Furthermore this technology is valid for developing and justifying measures to minimize and prevent the regional negative environmental changes. Consideration of this aspect in the framework of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure will increase the effectiveness of the system of environmental management, both at the level of individual businesses and at the corporate level. In relation to objects of the oil and gas sector additional rationale for assessment of geo-ecological situation is the fact that geo-ecological conditions in the areas of development of deposits determine successful exploiting technological equipment and infrastructure. Finally this technology was normed as the standard of LLC “Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg”.

2.3 Reclamation of Polluted and Disturbed Soils and Grounds

Another direction for the use of biogeochemical technologies is associated with different rehabilitation of disturbed and contaminated soils in impacted zones of oil and gas industry, as well road construction, excessive grazing, etc.

3 Conclusive Remarks

Therefore, in the subsequent articles in this Volume will be given examples of development and use of various biogeochemical technologies.