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Isolation of Bacteriophages

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Before any phage can be studied, or used for its biological properties, it must first be isolated. As such, isolation is a critical step – indeed, the critical step – in many explorations of phage biology and biotechnology. There are several techniques, both classical and modern, by which phages can be isolated, and selection of the proper method often depends on the intended use of the phage. In this chapter, we discuss the general principles of phage isolation and techniques to obtain pure phage isolates from a variety of sources, with a particular focus on the isolation of therapeutic phages.

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van Charante, F., Holtappels, D., Blasdel, B., Burrowes, B. (2019). Isolation of Bacteriophages. In: Harper, D., Abedon, S., Burrowes, B., McConville, M. (eds) Bacteriophages. Springer, Cham.

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