
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Methods for harvesting provenance information from scripts and runs of scripts have been of great recent interest to the provenance research community, and the resulting tools have received increasing attention from users of scripting languages in the natural sciences. Some of these approaches are language-specific, e.g., noWorkflowFootnote 1 [4, 5] (Python) and RDataTracker [2] (R scripts), while others are language-independent, e.g., YesWorkflowFootnote 2 [3] and LLVM/SPADE [7]. Using such tools often entails annotating the scripts [2, 3], monitoring executing scripts as they run [4, 7], or both.

Approaches that do not require annotation, such as noWorkflow (NW), rely on the structure of the code itself to build prospective and retrospective provenance graphs. NW includes the actual function and variable names in the prospective provenance records, and it depends on records of run-time function calls to capture the retrospective provenance of script outputs. Consequently, the less meaningful variable and function names are in a script, the less clear the provenance query results and visualizations will be to scientists using the script. noWorkflow thus excels where Python programs are engineered for maintainablity, testability, code reuse, and long-term user support.

YesWorkflow (YW) is an example of a tool that largely ignores the code portions of a script, and instead depends on script authors (or users) adding annotations via comments in scripts. YW annotations declare the scientifically significant steps implemented by code blocks in a script, and the routes of dataflow between these steps. Annotations optionally assign meaningful names to actual (often obscurely named) code-level entities. Consequently, YesWorkflow users need not rename variables, move code into functions, or otherwise refactor scripts that already have been used to produce results (research transparency requires disclosure of the scripts actually used). YW users can capture provenance from a working script without incurring the regression testing costs that refactoring entails. YW thus provides benefits even when scripts are written rapidly in the course of competitive, time-critical research, and when researchers employ scripts that they do not intend to maintain further or to distribute and support.

Given the contrasting aims of noWorkflow and YesWorkflow and the differences in the approaches they take, it is not surprising that each supports queries and visualizations that the other cannot support on its own [1]. Here we show that there are provenance artifacts of great interest to researchers that only a combination of YW and NW provenance can produce. Achieving this combination requires mapping between common entities in both provenance models, and jointly querying the provenance information represented by each system. We refer to the joint provenance model, the system-spanning queries, and the resulting visualizations collectively as YW*NW.

2 Example Queries: noWorkflow, YesWorkflow, and YW*NW

We use the Python script described by McPhillips et al. [3] to demonstrate the kinds of provenance queries NW, YW, and the combination of both support. This script simulates acquisition of diffraction images during macromolecular X-ray crystallography experiments involving multiple samples. The script reads previously measured data quality statistics for each sample from an input spreadsheet; rejects samples that do not meet a minimum quality criterion; and for each accepted sample produces raw and corrected diffraction images according to a data collection strategy that depends on properties of the samples. Although the script only simulates data collection, the order of task execution, the sequence of data production events, and the resulting pattern of dependencies between input, intermediate, and final data items closely mimic those of a real experiment [8]. Queries that probe these dependencies are therefore illustrative of meaningful uses for provenance information. The complete script, marked up with YW annotations, is available on GitHub [6]; a more complete explanation is provided in [3].

noWorkflow. Examples of prospective provenance queries of this script that NW supports include: What functions does the top-level function call? Are any functions defined in the script not called by the top-level function?

NW can answer retrospective provenance queries about runs of this script, such as: What values did the variable rejected_sample take during writes to files referred to by the rejection_log variable? What files were written during calls to the transform_image function? How many files were written while the accepted_sample variable had the value DRT240 ? What variables carry values returned by the calculate_strategy function to calls to the collect_next_image function? What parameters to the top-level function can effect the results returned by calls to calculate_strategy ?

NW also can answer queries about the execution context: Which user executed the script? What version of Python was used?

YesWorkflow. YW provenance queries refer to annotated code blocks (workflow steps) rather than to Python functions, and to data names declared via YW annotations instead of to Python variables. Queries of prospective provenance supported by YW include: What are the names of steps that comprise the top-level workflow implemented by the script? What data is output by the collect_data_set step? What code blocks provide input directly to that step? What data is corrected_image (in)directly derived from?

YW can also answer some retrospective provenance queries [3], including: What samples did the run of the script collect images from? What energies were used during collection of images from sample DRT240 ? Where is the raw image from which corrected image run/data/DRT322/DRT322_10000eV_001.img is derived? Are there any raw images for which there are no corresponding corrected images?

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Hybrid of YW prospective provenance and NW retrospective provenance: nodes and edges comprise the subgraph of the YW model of the script upstream of a single \(\mathsf {corrected\_image}\); values in nodes are extracted from the NW runtime records of corresponding variable values leading to a particular image.

Querying the Combined YW*NW Provenance. Queries that must be answered by combining NW and YW provenance generally involve references both to Python functions or variables and to code blocks or data declared via YesWorkflow annotations. Examples include: Can the sample_id output of the collect_data_set step ever produce values other than those provided via the accepted_sample input to this step? What Python functions may be called as part of the calculate_strategy step? What was the set of energies produced by the compute_strategy step for sample DRT322?

As these queries demonstrate, the combination of NW and YW provenance enables code-level entities such as Python functions and variables to be queried in terms of data and workflow steps meaningful to the user (and vice versa). Such queries are useful for understanding runs of the script in ways that neither NW nor YW enable on their own. Generalizing these queries yield meaningful visualizations of the full lineage of any product of the script. Consider the hybrid YW*NW provenance graph in Fig. 1, showing the lineage of a specific output image. This lineage graph can be constructed as a subgraph of the original YW model [3] (restricted to predecessors nodes upstream of the corrected_image result node), which is then augmented with NW retrospective provenance; see [6] for details and the YW*NW integration queries.

Because the questions scientists have about runs of scripts often can be answered in terms of lineages of data products, YW*NW queries and visualizations promise to be of great value to researchers. Moreover, using noWorkflow and YesWorkflow jointly does not entail the major adaptations to code often needed to run existing software in scientific workflow management systems. Indeed, YW*NW provides many benefits of provenance management without requiring working code to be refactored at all.

3 Demonstration

In our demonstration we will highlight the benefits of harvesting, querying, and visualizing provenance with noWorkflow in conjunction with YesWorkflow. Starting with a directory containing just the example script and input files, we will (1) highlight how YW annotations can be visualized as prospective provenance using YesWorkflow; (2) run the script using noWorkflow and relate the resulting data file names and locations to the YW prospective provenance; (3) query the script and its outputs using noWorkflow and YesWorkflow separately to illustrate what each tool can do on its own; and (4) execute joint YW*NW queries that determine the lineage of a single data product and produce visualizations analogous to the one in Fig. 1.

A companion GitHub repository for this demonstration is available, along with an expanded version of this short demo description [6]. The repository includes the data collection script discussed above; the files produced by a run of this script; the provenance information produced by noWorkflow and YesWorkflow; and helper scripts for running the queries mentioned above and for producing Fig. 1. noWorkflow and YesWorkflow themselves are both available on GitHub and can easily be installed.