
1 Introduction

The study of pedigrees is of fundamental interest to several fields: to computer science due the combinatorics of inheritance [8, 17], to epidemiology due to the pedigree’s utility in disease-gene finding [15, 18] and recombination rate inference [3], and to statistics due to the connections between pedigrees and graphical models in machine learning [11]. The central calculation on pedigrees is to compute the likelihood, or probability with which the observed data observed are inherited in the given genealogy. This likelihood serves as a key ingredient for computing recombination rates, inferring haplotypes, and hypothesis testing of disease-loci positions. State-of-the-art methods for computing the likelihood, or sampling from it, have exponential running times [1, 2, 6, 7, 16].

The likelihood computation with uniform founder allele frequencies can be reduced to the combinatorial Minimum Recombination Haplotype Configuration (MRHC) first introduced by Li and Jiang [12]. A solution to MRHC is a set of haplotypes that appear with maximum probability. The MRHC problem is \(\mathsf {NP}\)-hard, and as such is unlikely to be solvable in polynomial time. The MRHC problem differs from more general haplotype phasing approaches [13] that attempt to phase unrelated or partially related individuals. The MRHC problem applies specifically to individuals in a family with known relationships, and this problem has a variation with mutations [14, 19]. Xiao, et al. considered a bounded number of recombinations in a probabilistic phasing model [20].

This paper gives an exponential algorithm for the MRHC problem with running time tailored to the required recombinations \(O(n^{(k+2)}m^{6k})\) having exponents that only depend on the minimum number of recombinations k which should be relatively small (i.e. one or two recombinations per chromosome per individual per generation). This is an improvement on previous formulation that rely on integer programming solvers rather than giving an algorithm which is specific to MRHC [12]. We also define the minimum-recombination (MR) graph, connect the MR graph to the inheritance path notation and discuss its properties.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the combinatorial model for the pedigree analysis. Section 3 provides a construction of the MR graph. Finally, Sect. 4 gives a solution to the MRHC problem based on a coloring of the minimum recombination graph. Due to space constraints, several algorithms and proofs have been deferred to the extended version of the paper.

2 Pedigree Analysis

This section gives the background for inferring haplotype configurations from genotype data of a pedigree. We use the Iverson bracket notation, so that [E] equals 1 if the logical expression E is true and 0 otherwise [9].

A pedigree is a directed acyclic graph P whose vertex set I(P) is a set of individuals, and whose directed arcs indicate genetic inheritance from parent to child. A pedigree is diploid if each of its individuals has either no or two incoming arcs; for example, human, cow, and dog pedigrees are diploid. For a diploid pedigree P, every individual without incoming arcs is a founder of P, and every other individual i is a non-founder for which the vertices adjacent to its two incoming arcs are its parents \(p_1(i),p_2(i)\), mother and father, respectively. Let F(P) denote the set of founders of P.

In this paper, every individual has genetic data of importance to the haplotype inference problem. We abstract this data as follows. A site is an element of an ordered set \(\{1,\ldots ,m\}\). For two sites st in the interval [1, m], their distance is \(\mathsf {dist}(s,t) = |s - t|\). For a pedigree P, let \(n = |I(P)|\) be the number of its individuals. A haplotype h is a string of length m over \(\{0,1\}\) whose elements represent binary alleles that appear together on the same chromosome. We use \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) to indicate maternal and paternal chromosomes, respectively, and let \(h^{p_1}(i),h^{p_2}(i)\) be binary strings that denote the maternal and paternal haplotypes of individual i. For a site s, the maternal (resp. paternal) haplotype of individual i at site s is the allele \(h^{p_1}(i,s)\) (resp. \(h^{p_2}(i,s)\)) of the string \(h^{p_1}(i)\) (resp. \(h^{p_2}(i)\)) at position s. A haplotype configuration is a matrix H with m columns and n rows, whose entry \(H_{rc}\) at row r and column c is the vector \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}h^{p_1}(r,c)\\ h^{p_2}(r,c)\end{array}}\right) \).

Haplotype data is expensive to collect; thus, we observe genotype data and recover the haplotypes by inferring the parental and grand-parental origin of each allele. The genotype of each individual i at each site s is the conflation g(is) of the alleles on the two chromosomes: formally,

$$\begin{aligned} g(i,s) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} h^{p_1}(i,s), &{} \text{ if }~h^{p_1}(i,s) = h^{p_2}(i,s),\\ 2, &{}\text{ otherwise }. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Genotype g(is) is homozygous if \(g(i,s) \in \{0,1\}\) and heterozygous otherwise. Let G be the matrix of genotypes with entry g(is) at row i and column s. We have defined the genotypes in the generative direction from the haplotypes. We are interested in the inverse problem of recovering the haplotypes given the genotypes. For a matrix G having \(\eta \) heterozygous sites across all individuals, there are \(2^{\eta -1}\) possible configurations satisfying genotype consistency given by (1).

Throughout, we assume that Mendelian inheritance at each site in the pedigree proceeds with recombination and without mutation. This assumption imposes Mendelian consistency rules on the haplotypes (and genotypes) of the parents and children. For \(\ell \in \{1,2\}\), a haplotype \(h^{p_\ell }(i)\) is Mendelian consistent if, for every site s, the allele \(h^{p_\ell }(i,s)\) appears in \(p_\ell (i)\)’s genome as either the grand-maternal allele \(h^{p_1}(p_\ell (i),s)\) or grand-paternal allele \(h^{p_2}(p_\ell (i),s)\). Mendelian consistency is a constraint imposed on our haplotype configuration that is in addition to genotype consistency in (1). From now on, we will define a haplotype configuration as consistent if it is both genotype and Mendelian consistent.

For each non-founder \(i\in I(P)\setminus F(P)\) and \(\ell \in \{1,2\}\), we indicate the origin of each allele of \(p_\ell (i)\) by the binary variable \(\sigma ^{p_\ell }(i,s)\) defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^{p_\ell }(i,s) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p_1, &{}\text{ if }~h^{p_\ell }(i,s) = h^{p_1}(p_\ell (i), s),\\ p_2, &{}\text{ if }~h^{p_\ell }(i,s) = h^{p_2}(p_\ell (i), s). \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

In words, \(\sigma ^{p_\ell }(i,s)\) equals \(p_1\) if \(h^{p_1}(i,s)\) has grand-maternal origin and equals \(p_2\) otherwise. The set \(\sigma (s) = \{(\sigma ^{p_1}(i,s),\sigma ^{p_2}(i,s))~|~i\in I(P)\}\) is the inheritance path for site s. A recombination is a change of allele between consecutive sites, that is, if \(\sigma ^{p_\ell }(i,s) \not = \sigma ^{p_\ell }(i,s+1)\) for some \(\ell \in \{1,2\}\) and \(s\in \{1,\ldots ,m-1\}\). For a haplotype configuration H, \(2^{\zeta }\) inheritance paths satisfy (2), where \(\zeta \) is the number of homozygous sites among all parent individuals of the pedigree. This means that for a genotype matrix G, we have at most \(O(2^{\eta - 1}2^{\zeta })\) possible tuples \((H,\sigma )\), and this defines the search space for the MRHC problem where the goal is to choose a tuple \((H, \sigma )\) with a minimum number of recombinations represented in \(\sigma \).

For a pedigree P and observed genotype data G, the formal problem is:

figure a

3 Minimum Recombination Graph

We now fix a pedigree P and describe a vertex-colored graph R(P), the minimum recombination graph (MR graph) of P, which allows us to reduce the MRHC problem on P to a coloring problem on R(P). The concept of the MR graph was introduced by Doan and Evans [4] to model the phasing of genotype data in P. However, our graph definition differs from theirs, because, as we will argue later, their definition does not model all recombinations of all haplotypes consistent with the genotype data.

3.1 Definition of the Minimum Recombination Graph

Intuitively, the minimum recombination graph represents the Mendelian consistent haplotypes and the resulting minimum recombinations that are required for inheriting those haplotypes in the pedigree: vertices represent genome intervals, vertex colors represent haplotypes on those intervals, and edges represent the potential for inheritance with recombination.

Formally, the minimum recombination graph of P is a tuple \((R(P), \phi , \mathcal{S})\), where R is an undirected multigraph, \(\phi \) is a coloring function on the vertices of R(P), and \(\mathcal S\) is a collection of “parity constraint sets”. The vertex set V(R(P)) of R(P) consists of one vertex \(i_{st}\) for each individual \(i\in I(P)\) and each genomic interval \(1 \le s < t \le m\), plus one special vertex b. A vertex \(i_{st}\) is regular if sites s and t are contiguous heterozygous sites in individual i, and supplementary otherwise. A vertex \(i_{st}\) is heterozygous (homozygous) if i has heterozygous (homozygous) genotypes at both st.

Vertex-Coloring.The coloring function \(\phi \) assigns to each regular or supplementary vertex \(i_{st}\) a color \(\phi (i_{st}) \in \{\mathsf {gray}, \mathsf {blue}, \mathsf {red}, \mathsf {white}\}\). The color of vertex \(i_{st}\) indicates the different “haplotype fragments” that are Mendelian consistent at sites s and t in the genome of individual i. A haplotype fragment \(f(i_{st})\) of a vertex \(i_{st}\) at sites s and t is an (unordered) set of two haplotypes which we will write horizontally with sites s and t side-by-side and the two haplotypes stacked on top of each other. Let \(\varPhi (i_{st})\) be the set of haplotype fragments generated by the color assignment of vertex \(i_{st}\). The colors are defined in Table 1. The haplotype pair of individual i at sites s and t is the \(\{0,1\}\)-valued \(2 \times 2\)-matrix \(H(i,s,t) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} h^{p_1}(i,s) &{} h^{p_1}(i,t)\\ h^{p_2}(i,s) &{} h^{p_2}(i,t) \end{array}\right) \). We denote unordered (set) comparison of the haplotype fragments and haplotype pairs by \(H(i,s,t) \doteq f(i_{st})\). Similarly, for set comparison of sets, we write \(\{H(i,s,t)|~\forall H\} \doteq \varPhi (i_{st})\) where the first set considers all consistent haplotype configurations H. Then the color and genotype of \(i_{st}\) precisely represent its haplotype fragments, as defined in Table 1. Figure 1 gives an example of the genotypes, haplotypes, and vertex colorings.

Table 1. Rules for coloring vertex \(i_{st}\) of the minimum recombination graph. The \(\doteq \) symbol denotes a set comparison operation (i.e., an unordered comparison of elements).

For a heterozygous vertex \(i_{st}\), its color \(\phi (i_{st})\) indicates the relative paternal origin of the heterozygous alleles at sites s and t and corresponds to a haplotype configuration (red and blue have a one-to-one correspondence with the two possible haplotypes for the sites of \(i_{st}\)). But these haplotypes are fragmented, and, hence, may or may not be consistent with a single haplotype configuration. Note that colors may or may not indicate Mendelian consistent haplotype fragments.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The genotypes and the haplotypes are given for three individuals and four sites. Here \((s,t) = (1,4)\) since those are the heterozygous sites in the left parent. From Table 1, we see that the left parent is gray, line 1, that the right parent is blue, line 4, and that the child is blue, line 4. This figure is an instance of Table 2, case 1 (in the full manuscript’s Appendix [10], it is the first case). There are no parity constraints in this example. A better phasing with zero recombinations would be to resolve the gray parent as blue.

Parity Constraint Sets. We now describe the collection \(\mathcal S\) of parity constraint sets. The collection \(\mathcal S\) contains one set S for each \(\mathsf {gray}\) heterozygous supplementary vertex. A parity constraint set is a tuple \((S,\rho _S)\) with parity color \(\rho _S\in \{\mathsf {red},\mathsf {blue}\}\) for even parity, and a set S consisting of a heterozygous supplementary vertex \(i_{st}\) and all regular heterozygous vertices \(i_{pq}\) such that \(s \le p < q \le t\). Here, \(\rho _S = \mathsf {red}\) (resp. \(\rho _S = \mathsf {blue}\)) indicates even parity of the \(\mathsf {red}\) (resp. \(\mathsf {blue}\)) vertices. As sites st are heterozygous and \(i_{st}\) is supplementary, the set S contains at least two regular vertices \(i_{sp}\) and either \(i_{pt}\) or \(i_{qt}\).

Given \(\mathcal S\), every Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration induces a vertex coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) of R(P), defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \phi (i_{st}), &{} \text{ if }~\phi (i_{st}) \not = \mathsf {gray},\\ \mathsf {red}, &{} \text{ if }~\phi (i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}~\wedge ~\exists ~H(i,s,t) \doteq \left( {0 \atop 1}{1 \atop 0}\right) ,\\ \mathsf {blue}, &{} \text{ otherwise }. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

However, we need further constraints to guarantee that the coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) has a corresponding Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration. Intuitively, these constraints ensure that the collection of overlapping haplotype fragments selected by coloring the gray vertices are consistent with two longer haplotypes. Examples of red parity constraint sets are given in Fig. 2.

For coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\), the number of \(\rho _S\)-colored vertices in each parity constraint set \((S, \rho _S) \in \mathcal S\) must be even. When \(\rho _S = \mathsf {red}\) it properly models that the gray vertices \(i_{pq}\), \(s< p< q < t\) with \(\phi (i_{pq}) = \mathsf {gray}\) and \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \mathsf {red}\) indicate alternating alleles 0-1 along the chromosome. For now, we focus on the case where \(\rho _S = \mathsf {red}\) which is the default color for \(\rho _S\). Informally, we want the red-colored gray vertices in the parity constraint set to indicate alternating 0-1 pattern along the haplotype. Therefore, the color of the unique supplementary vertex in each set S must agree with the pattern indicated by the regular vertices in S. Later we will see that \(\rho _S = \mathsf {blue}\) only for particular cases where the \(\mathsf {blue}\) vertices are adjacent to \(\mathsf {red}\) vertices on edges without recombination, meaning that these \(\mathsf {red}\) vertices indicate alternative allele 0-1 along the chromosome.

We call a parity constraint set S satisfied by \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) if S contains an even number of vertices \(i_{pq}\), \(s< p< q < t\) with \(\phi (i_{pq}) = \mathsf {gray}\) and color \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \rho _S \); and we call \(\mathcal S\) satisfiable if there exists a coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) induced by \({\mathcal S}, \phi , H\) such that each set \(S \in \mathcal S\) is satisfied. By definition, a coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) induced by a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration satisfies all sets \((S, \phi _{\mathcal S}) \in \mathcal S\). The converse is also true:

Observation 1

Any assignment \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) of colors \(\mathsf {red}\) and \(\mathsf {blue}\) to vertices \(i_{pq}\), \(s< p< q < t\) with \(\phi (i_{pq}) = \mathsf {gray}\) that satisfies all sets of the form \((S, \phi _{\mathcal S}) \in \mathcal S\) represents a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration H.

In other words, there is a bijection between haplotype configurations and colorings that satisfy the parity constraint sets. For \(\phi _{\mathcal S}=\mathsf {red}\), the justification follows from the 0-1 alternating alleles of gray vertices in any genotype consistent haplotype. We will see later that in the instances where we have \(\rho _S = \mathsf {blue}\), the bijection will also hold.

Edge Creation. It remains to describe the edge set E(R(P)) of R(P), which requires some preparation. Consider a haplotype configuration H and a minimum recombination inheritance path for those haplotypes. Let r be a recombination that occurs during the inheritance from an individual i to its child j between contiguous sites q and \(q+1\). Let \(\ell \in \{1,2\}\) indicate whether \(i = p_{\ell }(j)\) is the maternal or paternal parent of j. Then the recombination r of i’s haplotypes is indicated in the inheritance path by \(\sigma ^{p_\ell }(j,q) \ne \sigma ^{p_\ell }(j,q+1)\). Fixing all recombinations \(r'\not =r\) in the inheritance path, r can be shifted to the right or to the left in j’s inheritance path to produce a new inheritance path which is also consistent with the haplotype configuration H. The maximal genomic interval of r is the unique maximal set \([s,t] = \{s,s+1,\ldots ,t-1,t\}\) of sites such that r can placed between any contiguous sites \(q,q+1\) in the interval with the resulting inheritance path being consistent with H. Since all genotype data is observed, the maximal genomic interval [st] of r always means that both st are heterozygous sites in the parent i, and therefore [st] is determined only by the recombination position q and the pair \(\{s,t\}\), independent of H. This interval [st] is pertinent to which haplotype fragments are represented in R(P), and it is elucidated by the “min-recomb property” defined below.

The set E(R(P)) will be the disjoint union of the set \(E^+\) of positive edges and the set \(E^-\) of negative edges. An edge \(\{u,v\}\in E(R(P))\) will be called disagreeing if either \(\{u,v\} \in E^+\) and vertices uv are colored differently, or if \(\{u,v\} \in E^-\) and vertices uv have the same color. Our goal is to create edges such that R(P) satisfies the “min-recomb property”.

Definition 1

Let P be a pedigree with I(P) its set of individuals. A graph with vertex set I(P) has the min-recomb property if for every individual \(j \in I(P)\) with parents \(p_1(j),p_2(j)\), and every haplotype configuration H for the genotype data, for \(\ell \in \{1,2\}\), a recombination between \(i=p_\ell (j)\) and j in the maximal genomic interval [st] is in some minimum recombination inheritance path for H if and only if the recombination is represented in the graph by a disagreeing edge incident to vertex \(i_{st} = p_{\ell }(i)_{st}\).

Let \(i_{st}\) be a regular vertex of R(P) with \(g(i,s) = g(i,t) = 2\) and let \(j\in I(P)\setminus F(P)\) be such that \(i = p_\ell (j)\). Then \(\phi (i_{st})\in \{\mathsf {gray},\mathsf {blue},\mathsf {red}\}\), and we create edges incident to \(i_{st}\) and j depending on their colors and genotypes, according to Table 2. Figure 1 gives an example of the first case in this table. Note that R(P) is a multigraph, but there is at most one negative edge \(\{i_{st}, p_{3-\ell }(j)\}\) for any tuple \((j,i_{st} = p_\ell (j),p_{3-\ell }(j))\).

Table 2. Rules for creating edges of the minimum recombination graph.

It remains to describe the edges to create in Case 4, when \(\phi (p_{3 - \ell }(j)) = \phi (j) = \mathsf {white}\). This will be done according to the following subcases:

  • 4(a) If \(p_{3-\ell }(j)\) and j have a common heterozygous site, that is, if \(g(p_{3- \ell }(j),s) = g(j,s) = 2\) or \(g(p_{3-\ell }(j),t) = g(j,t) = 2\), then there is a unique site \(z\in \{s,t\}\) that is heterozygous in both individuals j and \(p_{3-\ell }(j)\). Let \(q(j)\in \{s,s+1,...,t-1,t\} \setminus \{z\}\) be the heterozygous site in j that is closest to z, or \(q(j) = +\infty \) if no such site exists. Similarly, let \(q(p_{3-\ell }(j))\in \{s,s+1\ldots ,t\} \setminus \{z\}\) be the heterozygous site in \(p_{3-\ell }(j)\) that is closest to z, or \(q(p_{3-\ell }(j))=+\infty \) if no such site exists. If \(\min \{q(j),q(p_{3-\ell }(j))\} = +\infty \) then vertex \(i_{st}\) remains isolated; otherwise, let \(z_{\min } = \min \{z,q\}, z_{\max } = \max \{z,q\}, \bar{z} = \{s,t\} \setminus \{z\}\), and create edges incident to \(i_{st}\) according to Table 3.

  • 4(b) If j and \(p_{3-\ell }(j)\) do not have a heterozygous site at the same position, then either \(g(p_{3-\ell }(j),s) = g(j,t) = 2\) or \(g(j,s) = g(p_{3-\ell }(j),t) = 2\). Let \(z \in \{s,t\}\) be such that \(g(p_{3-\ell }(j),z)\not =2\) and let \(\bar{z} \in \{s,t\}\) be such that \(g(j,\bar{z})\not = 2\). If \(g(p_{3-\ell }(j),z) = g(j,\bar{z})\), create the edge \(\{i_{st},b\}\in E^-\), else create the edge \(\{i_{st},b\}\in E^+\).

Table 3. Case 4(a): rules for creating edges incident to a vertex \(i_{st}\) with \(\min \{q(j),q(p_{3-\ell }(j))\} < +\infty \).

Graph Cleanup. To complete the construction of R(P), we pass through its list of supplementary vertices to remove some of their edges: this is necessary as some edges adjacent to a supplementary vertex might over-count the number of recombinations; see the example in Fig. 2.

Let \(\{i_{st}, j_{st}\}\) be an edge adjacent to a supplementary gray vertex \(i_{st}\) where i is the parent of j. Let \((S(i_{st}), \rho _{S(i_{st})}) \in \mathcal {S}\) be the set containing \(i_{st}\). If all regular vertices \(i_{pq}\) in \(S(i_{st})\), for \(s \le p < q \le t\), are incident to an edge \(\{i_{pq},j_{pq}\}\) then the supplementary edge \(\{i_{st}, j_{st}\}\) over-counts. We remove \(\{i_{st}, j_{st}\}\) and replace the set \(S(i_{st})\) by a set \(S(j_{st})\), which has vertices with the same indices as those in \(S(i_{st})\) and where the parity constraint is to have an even number of \(\bar{\rho }_{S(i_{st})}\) vertices where \(\bar{\rho }_{S(i_{st})} = \mathsf {blue}\) if \(\rho _{S(i_{st})} = \mathsf {red}\) and \(\bar{\rho }_{S(i_{st})} = \mathsf {red}\) if \(\rho _{S(i_{st})} = \mathsf {blue}\). Notice that \(j_{st}\) must also be a supplementary vertex, for the condition to be satisfied.

Note that this edge-removal rule does not apply to edges in Case 4, and does not apply to negative edges, as a negative edge \(\{i_{st}, j_{st}\}\) adjacent to a supplementary vertex \(i_{st}\) has at least one regular vertex \(i_{pq}\), \(s \le p < q \le t\) in the parity constraint set \(S(i_{st})\) for which there is no edge \(\{i_{pq},j_{pq}\}\).

Observation 2

Any assignment \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) of colors \(\mathsf {red}\) and \(\mathsf {blue}\) to vertices \(i_{st}\) with \(\phi (i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}\) that satisfies all parity constraint sets \((S, \rho _S) \in \mathcal S\) represents a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration H.

Comparing the MR graph R(P) as defined in this section, with the graph D(P) defined by Doan and Evans [4], we find that D(P) fails to properly model the phasing of genotype data; see Sect. 3.4 for details.

3.2 Algorithms

Our motivation for introducing the \(\phi \)-colored MR graph and parity constraint sets \(\mathcal S\) is to model the existence of Mendelian consistent haplotypes for the genotypes in P; we formalize this in Lemma 1. Complete algorithms will be given in the extended version of this paper.

Lemma 1

Given \((R(P),\phi , \mathcal {S})\), there exists a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration H for the genotypes if and only if there exists a coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) that satisfies all parity constraint sets in \(\mathcal S\).


Given a haplotype configuration H, let \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) be a coloring of regular and supplementary vertices in I(P) defined as follows. For any vertex \(i_{st}\in I(P)\) with \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) \not = \mathsf {gray}\), set \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \phi (i_{st})\). For any vertex \(i_{st}\in I(P)\) with \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}\) and \(H(i,s,t) \doteq \left( {0 \atop 1}{1 \atop 0}\right) \), set \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \mathsf {red}\). For any vertex \(i_{st}\in I(P)\) with \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}\) and \(H(i,s,t) \doteq \left( {0 \atop 1}{0 \atop 1}\right) \), set \(\phi _{\mathcal S}(i_{st}) = \mathsf {blue}\). Then \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) satisfies the parity constraint sets in \(\mathcal S\), since each haplotype in H is a contiguous sequence of alleles.

Conversely, let \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) satisfy the parity constraint sets in \(\mathcal S\). We generate the haplotype sequences for all individuals by the MR Haplotype algorithm, which results in the haplotypes from the colored minimum recombination graph. For individual i and site s, given its genotype g(is) the algorithm arbitrarily selects an \(\ell \in \{1,2\}\) and obtain haplotype \(h^{p_\ell }(i)\) from the graph. Recall that the haplotype fragments are unordered, so the symmetry between the first haplotype fragments is broken by arbitrarily selecting the zero allele of the first locus. Since the haplotype fragments of all following vertices overlap with the fragments of the previous vertex, all other symmetries are broken by the original choice. Then the algorithm sets \(h^{p_{3-\ell }}(i) = g(i,s) - h^{p_\ell }(i)\). Let \(h_{is}\) be the haplotype allele for i at site s. For the smallest heterozygous site \(s_0\) of i, setting \(h(i,t) = 0\) allows to arbitrarily select one of the haplotypes of i. To obtain the rest of the haplotype alleles, the loop iterates along the genome setting the alleles as indicated by the colors. All gray vertices are used, and since the parity constraints are satisfied by the supplementary vertices, the alleles set by the regular gray vertices and the supplementary gray vertices are identical.

We defined the minimum recombination graph \((R(P), \phi , \mathcal S)\) in terms of the minimum recombination property, proved that such a graph exists and satisfies the coloring property.

In the rest of this section we discuss how to construct a minimum recombination graph in polynomial time from the genotype data for all individuals in the pedigree P. We make three claims: (1) that the white vertices are irrelevant, (2) that the algorithms we give construct the minimum recombination graph of P, and (3) that the algorithms run in polynomial time.

First, consider the white vertices of \((R(P),\phi , \mathcal S)\). These are not connected to any other vertex of R(P) and are therefore not involved in any recombinations. They never change their color and are therefore not involved in specifying the haplotype configuration. Thus, removing the white vertices from R(P) yields a graph that still satisfies the minimum recombination property and the coloring property. Our algorithms therefore do not create any white vertices.

Second, we claim that the MR Graph algorithm constructs the minimum recombination graph from the given genotype data for all individuals in the pedigree P. Considering the color \(\phi (i)\) of any heterozygous vertex created. If Mendelian consistency requires vertex i to have a particular color \(c\in \{\mathsf {red},\mathsf {blue}\}\), then \(\phi (i)\) is set to c. By definition of \((R(P),\phi ,\mathcal S)\), any heterozygous vertex is colored a particular color if every Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration has the appropriate corresponding haplotypes. The analysis of all genotype and haplotype possibilities in the proof of Lemma 2 shows that Mendelian consistency criterion is necessary and sufficient to obtain these colors. The cases show that when considering this vertex as the parent, there are haplotype configurations for both colors of the vertex, regardless of the genotypes of the children. However, when this vertex is the child, there are instances where the vertex has a determined color. These cases in the tables are marked with bold; the disallowed genotype combinations are indicated with MI and by a slash through the offending color with the only feasible color in bold. Since the table shows all Mendelian consistent genotype possibilities, it follows that any vertex constrained to be a particular color must be constrained by one of the Mendelian compatibility instances in the table. Therefore these Mendelian consistency cases are necessary and sufficient for initially coloring the heterozygous vertices.

Note that the parity constraint sets add no further coloring constraints to the heterozygous vertices beyond those given by the Mendelian consistency constraints. To see this, suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that there is a parity constraint set \(S\in \mathcal S\) with exactly one vertex \(i_{st}\) of color \(\phi (i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}\). Then in every haplotype configuration H, the color \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) is uniquely determined. Therefore, of all possible haplotype cases in the proof of Lemma 2, since the only ones having a determined color for a heterozygous vertex are Mendelian consistency cases, then this single gray vertex color must be determined by Mendelian consistency.

It remains to verify that the edges of R(P) are created according to the rules given above. It is possible to write an MR Trio algorithm that satisfies this, this algorithm is given in the extended version of this paper.

Third, we claim that the MR Graph algorithm runs in time polynomial in |P|. Its running times is determined by the number of vertices that are processed. Let \(n = |I(P)|\) be the number of individuals in P, let m be the number of sites, and c be the maximum number of individuals j for any i with \(p_\ell (j) = i\). Then the MR Graph algorithm runs in time O(cnm), since for each individual \(i\in I(P)\) there are at most m vertices for contiguous heterozygous sites. For each of those vertices, MR Trio algorithm is called at most c times, and performs a constant-time edge-creation operation. All these algorithms are given in the extended version of this paper.

3.3 Properties of the Minimum Recombination Graph

We prove basic properties of the minimum recombination graph \((R(P), \phi , \mathcal S)\).

First, there can be multiple colorings of \(\mathsf {gray}\) vertices by \(\mathsf {red}\) or \(\mathsf {blue}\) that satisfy those parity constraints corresponding to a particular choice of haplotypes for all individuals in P; this is formalized in Lemma 2.

Lemma 2

Given \((R(P),\phi ,\mathcal S)\), a coloring \(\phi '\) of regular and supplementary vertices of R(P) satisfies all parity constraint set in \(\mathcal S\) if

$$\begin{aligned} \phi '(i_{st}) \in {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \{\phi (i_{st})\}, &{}\text{ if }~\phi (i_{st}) \not = \mathsf {gray}, \text{ and } \text{ regular } \\ \{\mathsf {red},\mathsf {blue}\}, &{} \text{ if }~\phi (i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}, \text{ and } \text{ regular } \\ parity(\rho _s) &{} \text{ if } \text{ supplementary } \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


By definition of \(\phi \), for any regular vertex \(i_{st}\) with \(\phi (i_{st}) = \mathsf {gray}\) there exist two haplotype configurations, one in which \(i_{st}\) has the red haplotype fragments, \(\left( {0 \atop 1}{1 \atop 0}\right) \), and one in which \(i_{st}\) has the blue haplotype fragments, \(\left( {0 \atop 1}{1 \atop 0}\right) \). In both cases, there exists a haplotype configuration, one represented by \(\mathsf {blue}\) and the other by \(\mathsf {red}\). After coloring all the regular vertices, we can select the color of the supplementary vertices to satisfy parity. Thus, any coloring \(\phi '\) obtained from the haplotype fragments that appear in the haplotype configuration and subject to (3) satisfies the parity constraint sets.

Second, we show that each edge in the graph is necessary, in that there exists a haplotype configuration with the indicated recombination.

Theorem 3

For any edge \(e = \{i_{st},j_{pq}\}\in E(R(P))\) there exists a haplotype configuration H having a minimum recombination inheritance path with the recombination indicated by e. (Proof in the extended version of the paper.)

Third, we prove that \((R,\phi ,\mathcal S)\) satisfies the min-recomb property.

Theorem 4

Let H be a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration, let \(i,j\in I(P)\) be such that \(i = p_\ell (j)\), and let st be sites such that \(s < t\). Then a recombination between i and j in the maximal genomic interval [st] is in some minimum recombination inheritance path of H if and only if it is represented in R(P) by a disagreeing edge incident to \(i_{st}\).

Theorem 4 proves that the edge construction cases result in an MR graph, since those particular edges satisfy the min-recomb property.

Corollary 1

For a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration H, let \(\phi '\) be the coloring induced on R(P) by H, and let \(E' = \{\{i_{st}, j_{pq}\} \in E^-~|~\phi '(i_{st}) = \phi '(j_{pq})\} \cup \{\{i_{st}, j_{pq}\} \in E^+~|~\phi '(i_{st}) \ne \phi '(j_{pq})\}\). Then the minimum number of recombinations required for any inheritance of those haplotypes equals \(|E'|\). (Proof in the extended version of the paper.)

Note that similar to the proof of Theorem 4, from R(P) and \(\phi \), we can exploit the edge cases for the disagreeing edges to obtain a minimum recombination inheritance path from R(P) in time O(|E(R(P))|) time. The running time is due to a constant number of cases being considered for each disagreeing edge. From each of the cases, a feasible inheritance path is an immediate consequence.

Corollary 2

A solution to the MRHC problem corresponds to a coloring \(\phi _{\mathcal S}\) that satisfies \(\mathcal S\) and has a minimum number of disagreeing edges.

3.4 Comparison of the MR Graph with the Doan-Evans Graph

We now compare the MR graph R(P), as defined in Sect. 3, with the graph D(P) defined by Doan and Evans [4]. We claim that the graph D(P) fails to properly model the phasing of genotype data.

First, in D(P) any vertex that represents two heterozygous sites is colored gray. However, as some of the gray vertices are constrained by Mendelian consistency to be either red or blue, D represents Mendelian inconsistent haplotype configurations. For example, in some instances where both parents are white, i.e. \(\left( {0 \atop 0}{0 \atop 1}\right) \) and \(\left( {0 \atop 1}{0 \atop 0}\right) \), the heterozygous child must be colored red.

Second, D(P) violates the minimum recombination property: in Fig. 1(c) of their paper [4], there exists haplotypes for the two parents and child such that H indicates a different number of recombinations than required by the haplotypes. Specifically, let the left parent have haplotypes 0101 and 1110, the right parent have haplotypes 0010 and 1111, and the child have haplotypes 0111 and 1111. Then D(P) indicates one recombination, whereas the minimum number of recombinations required by the haplotypes is two.

Third, the parity constraint sets defined by Doan and Evans [4] can over-count the number of recombinations. For example, consider the pedigree P with \(n = 5\) individuals consisting of an individual i, its parents, and its paternal grand-parents, see Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The specified haplotypes induce two disagreeing edges in D(P), but only one recombination is required to inherit the haplotypes. The supplementary gray vertices are indicated with double circles. Their parity constraint sets are given at the top of the figure.

4 Coloring the MR Graph by Edge Bipartization

In this section, we solve a variant of an edge bipartization problem on a perturbation of the minimum recombination graph. The solution to this problem is in one-to-one correspondence with a Mendelian consistent haplotype configuration for the genotype data, because of Observation 2.

First, we perturb the graph \((R(P), \phi , \mathcal S)\) by substituting each of the positive edges in R(P) by two negative edges. That is, bisect every positive edge \(\{i_{st},j_{st}\}\in E^+\) with a new gray vertex x and add the resulting two edges \(\{i_{st},x\},\{x,j_{st}\}\). Once this step has been completed for all positive edges of R(P), call the resulting graph \(R(P)^-\). Observe that \(R(P)^-\) is not a minimum recombination graph, since the new \(\mathsf {gray}\) vertices do not represent a maximal genomic interval. Further, colorings of R(P) and \(R(P)^-\) are in one-to-one correspondence, as the color of \(i_{st}\) in R(P) equals the color of \(i_{st}\) in \(R(P)^-\). Similarly, \(R(P)^-\) has the same number of disagreeing edges of a given coloring of R(P), and thus preserves the number of recombinations of any coloring. Thus, by Observation 2, R(P) has a bipartization set of size k if and only if \(R(P)^-\) has.

Second, we perturb the graph \((R(P)^-,\phi ,\mathcal S)\) by turning \(R(P)^-\) into an uncolored graph \(\overline{R(P)}\). The graph \(\overline{R(P)}\) has the same vertex set as \(R(P)^-\) (with colors on the vertices removed), plus two additional vertices \(v_r\) and \(v_b\). The graph contains all edges of \(R(P)^-\), plus a parity edge for every vertex colored \(\mathsf {red}\) connecting it to \(v_b\) and a parity edge for every vertex colored \(\mathsf {blue}\) connecting it to \(v_r\). This way, color constraints are preserved. For a graph, a subset B of its edges is called a bipartization set if removing the edges in B from the graph yields a bipartite graph.

A bipartization set is minimal if it does not include a bipartization set as proper subset. A bipartization set is respectful if it also satisfies the parity constraint sets. We claim that respectful bipartization sets of \(R(P)^-\) are respectful bipartization set of \(\overline{R(P)}\). Those bipartization sets of \(\overline{R(P)}\) that are not bipartization sets of \(R(P)^-\) contain at least one parity edge. Here we need to compute a bipartization set B (with size at most k) of non-parity edges such that the graph \(R(P) - B\) satisfies all parity constraint sets in \(\mathcal S\); we call such a set B respectful (with respect to \(\mathcal S\)).

4.1 The Exponential Algorithm

A MRHC problem instance has parameters n for the number of individuals, m for the number of sites, and k for the number of recombinations.

The algorithm considers in brute-force fashion the number of recombinations \(\{0,1,2,...,k\}\) and stops on the first k such that there exists some set S of k edges whose removal from the graph produces (1) a bipartite graph and (2) satisfies the parity constraints. For each selection of k edges, the two checks require (1) traversing the graph in a depth-first search in time \(O(n^2m^4)\) and (2) computing the parity of all the parity constraint sets in time \(O(nm^3)\).

The number of sets S with k recombination edges is \(|E|^k\) where \(E = E(\overline{R(P)})\) is the edge set of \(\overline{R(P)}\) and where \(|E| = O(nm^2)\). So, the running time of the whole algorithm is \(O(n^{(k+2)}m^{6k})\).

5 Discussion

This paper gives an exponential to compute minimum recombination haplotype configurations for pedigrees with all genotyped individuals, with only polynomial dependence on the number m of sites (which can be very large in practice) and small exponential dependence on the minimum number of recombinations k. This algorithm significantly improves, and corrects, earlier results by Doan and Evans [4, 5]. An open question is how this algorithm performs when implemented and applied to data. Another open question is how to handle missing alleles in the data.