
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Industrial computed tomography (CT) scanning uses irradiation (usually with x-rays) to produce three-dimensional representations of the scanned object both externally and internally. The latter is derived from a large series of two-dimensional radiographic images taken around a single axis of rotation. To create each of the planar images, a heterogeneous beam of X-rays is produced and projected toward the object. A certain amount of X-ray is absorbed by the object, while the rest is captured behind by a detector (either photographic film or a digital detector). The local magnitudes of the detected X-ray amount determine the corresponding gray-scale pixel values of the radiographic image. In such processes, where images are obtained by counting particles, Poisson noise occurs. Being interested in improving the quality of the 3D CT reconstruction, we are motivated to investigate 2D Poisson denoising techniques, and to apply them to each radiographic image.

In mathematical terms, one wants to solve the ill-posed inverse problem of recovering the original 2D image \( \bar{u} \in [0,\nu ]^{M \times N} \) from observations

$$ f = {\mathcal{P}}(H\bar{u}), $$

where ν is the gray-scale intensity, \( {\mathcal{P}} \) denotes an independent Poisson noise corruption process, and \( H \in [0, + \infty )^{n \times n} \) is a blur operator, corresponding to a convolution with a Gaussian kernel. Here n = MN, because it is beneficiary to column-wise reshape the image into a long 1D vector. Note that blurring appears naturally in practice (e.g., when the industrial CT scan is not well calibrated) and needs to be incorporated in the problem.

Poisson denoising is a hot and active research field, so it is impossible to list all the related publications. We mention only few of them [110] in chronological order, as illustration. All the approaches are based on minimizing a regularization term \( \varPsi (u) \), where a data fidelity term \( F(u,f) \) is either incorporated in the cost function as penalization

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{u} \varPsi (u) + \lambda F(u,f), \quad\uplambda \ge 0, $$

or considered as constraint

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{u} \varPsi (u) \quad {\text{subject}}\,{\text{to}}\quad F(u,f) \le \tau ,\quad \tau \ge 0. $$

The problems (1) and (2) are closely related and, under some mild assumptions on Ψ and F, there is a one-to-one correspondence \( \uplambda \leftrightarrow \tau \), such that their solutions coincide (see [11]). In general, (1) is easier to solve, but the optimal parameter λ cannot be well approximated, while (2) is both mathematically and computationally more complex, but the optimal parameter \( \tau \) is statistically estimated.

There are two main-stream directions for the choice of the data fidelity F. In the first one, the mean/variance dependence of the Poisson distribution can be reduced by using variance-stabilizing transformations (VST), such as the Anscombe transform [12]

$$ T:[0, + \infty )^{n} \to (0, + \infty )^{n} :v = (v_{i} )_{1 \le i \le n} \mapsto 2\left( {\sqrt {v_{i} + \frac{3}{8}} } \right)_{1 \le i \le n} . $$

It transforms Poisson noise to approximately Gaussian noise with zero-mean and unit variance (if the variance of the Poisson noise is large enough), for which Least Squares estimates are maximum-likelihood ones. The second approach is closely related to a direct Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate, where the neg-log-likelihood of the Poisson noise, i.e., the I-divergence (generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence)

$$ u \mapsto D(f,Hu): = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\langle {\mathbf{1}}_{n} ,f\,{ \log }\frac{f}{Hu} - f + Hu\rangle } \hfill & {{\text{if}}\,Hu > 0,} \hfill \\ { + \infty } \hfill & {\text{otherwise,}} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

is used. Here \( \langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle \) denotes the standard Euclidean inner product and 1 n denotes the vector consisting of n entries equal to 1.

This paper is a continuation of our previous work [8], thus we deal with the Total Variation (TV) [13] constraint optimization problems

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{{u \in [0, + \infty )^{n} }} | |\nabla u | |_{2,1} \quad {\text{subject}}\,{\text{to}}\quad ||T(Hu) - T(f)||_{2}^{2} \le \tau_{A} , $$
$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{{u \in [0, + \infty )^{n} }} | |\nabla u | |_{2,1} \quad {\text{subject}}\,{\text{to}}\quad D(f,Hu) \le \tau_{I} , $$

where \( \nabla \in {\mathbb{R}}^{2n \times n} \) is the discrete gradient operator (forward differences and Neumann boundary conditions are used), and \( | |\cdot | |_{2,1} \) denotes the \( \ell_{2,1} \) norm.

To both problems, we apply the primal- dual hybrid gradient algorithm [14, 15] with an extrapolation (modification) of the dual variable (PDHGMp). At each iteration step, we compute n epigraphical projections [16] w.r.t. a 1D convex function related to T [8], respectively solve an I-divergence constrained least squares problem [6, 9]. The algorithms’ description can be found in [8, Sect. 4]. We keep the notation Algorithms 1–2 from it.

The paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we experiment with different choices of \( \tau_{A} ,\tau_{I} \) and measure their effect on the output image quality. In Sect. 3, we propose various domain decompositions in order to improve that quality. Those decompositions give rise to multi-constraint optimization problems, for which Algorithms 1–2 are still applicable. Numerical experiments are conducted and the results are discussed. Conclusions are drawn in Sect. 4.

2 Single-Constraint Optimization with Optimal τ

In this paper, we test the same initial images \( \bar{u} \) ‘cameraman’ (\( 256 \times 256 \)), its central part (\( 130 \times 130 \)), and ‘brain’ (\( 184 \times 140 \)) as in [8] (Fig. 1), and we work with the same polluted images f. This allows us to compare numerical results. Again, we denote them by B1ν, B1partν, and B2ν, where ν stands for the gray-scale intensity. We recall that the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and the mean absolute error (MAE) are computed via

Fig. 1
figure 1

Original images ‘cameraman’ (left) and phantom of a brain image (right)

$$ {\text{PSNR}} = 10\,{ \log }_{10} \frac{{|{ \hbox{max} }\,\bar{u} - { \hbox{min} }\,\bar{u}|^{2} }}{{\frac{1}{n} | |u - \bar{u} | |_{2}^{2} }}, \quad {\text{MAE}} = \frac{1}{n\nu } | |\bar{u} - u | |_{1} . $$

The statistically motivated choice for the constraint parameter \( \tau_{A} = n \) in (3), resp. \( \tau_{I} = n/2 \) in (4), places the true image \( \bar{u} \) with high probability very close to the boundary of the constraint sets (see [8, Table 1] for experimental verification).

$$ C_{A} = \{ u : | |T(Hu) - T(f)||_{2}^{2} \le \tau_{A} \} , \quad C_{I} = \{ u : D(f,Hu) \le \tau_{I} \} , $$

thus guaranteeing those sets are non-empty and minimizers \( u_{A} \), resp. \( u_{I} \), exist. Moreover, since the TV functional is a semi-norm and every semi-norm is positively-homogeneous, \( u_{A} \in \partial C_{A} \), resp. \( u_{I} \in \partial C_{I} \), are unique, unless the constraint sets (5) contain constant images (the global minimizers of the TV functional), i.e., whenever

$$ \mathop { \hbox{min} }\limits_{{c \in {\mathbb{R}}}} | |T(f) - c | |_{2}^{2} > \tau_{A} , \quad {\text{resp}}.\quad \mathop { \hbox{min} }\limits_{c \ge 0} D(f,c) > \tau_{I} . $$

We used that H reproduces constants (\( H{\mathbf{1}}_{n} = {\mathbf{1}}_{n} \)), which is true for convolution-based blur operators. Since \( E(f_{i} ) = (H\bar{u})_{i} \) and \( T^{\prime}(\bar{u}_{i} ) \ge T^{\prime}(\nu ) = 1/\sqrt {\nu + 3/8} \) \( \forall i = 1, \ldots ,n \),

$$ \mathop { \hbox{min} }\limits_{{c \in {\mathbb{R}}}} | |T(f) - c | |_{2}^{2} \ge \frac{1}{\nu + 3/8}\mathop { \hbox{min} }\limits_{{c \in {\mathbb{R}}}} | |H\bar{u} - c | |_{2}^{2} . $$

Therefore, problems (3) and (4) admit unique solution if

$$ \mathop { \hbox{min} }\limits_{{c \in {\mathbb{R}}}} | |H\bar{u} - c | |_{2}^{2} > \nu \tau_{A} , \quad \mathop { \hbox{min} }\limits_{c \ge 0} D(H\bar{u},c) > \tau_{I} ,\quad \nu \gg 0. $$

In particular, when \( \tau_{A} = n \), \( \tau_{I} = n/2 \), (6) holds true for all nontrivial (e.g., edge-containing, not close-to-constant) initial images \( \bar{u} \) and moderate blur operators H (such that \( H\bar{u} \) remains nontrivial). To conclude, for \( \tau_{A} = n \), \( \tau_{I} = n/2 \), and under some natural assumptions on \( \bar{u} \), H, and \( \nu \), problems (3) and (4) are well-posed, with \( \bar{u} \) placed around the boundary of their constraint sets (5), thus being an admissible candidate for the unique solution.

Being an admissible candidate is not enough for \( \bar{u} \) to be “close” to the actual solution! If the constraint set is too large, then the two images might still differ a lot. As Fig. 2 illustrates, this is indeed the case for our problem (3). The minimizer is significantly “oversmoothened”. Hence, in order to let \( u_{A} \) better approximate \( \bar{u} \), we need to restrict C A .

Fig. 2
figure 2

The ratio \( TV(\bar{u})/TV(u_{A} ) \) as a function of \( \nu \) for the both test images

The easiest way to do so is to simply decrease \( \tau_{A} \). We tried it on B1part3000 and the results can be viewed on Fig. 3. Since the minimizer of (3) tends to “stretch out” when \( \tau_{A} \) decreases, we worked with box constraints \( u \in [0,3000]^{n} \) in C A . Due to the \( \lambda \leftrightarrow \tau \) relations between (1) and (2), \( \tau_{A} (\uplambda_{A} ) \) is monotonically decreasing, thus invertible. We numerically solved the penalized version of (3) for various \( \uplambda_{A} \), which, as discussed in the introduction, is computationally much more efficient, and cheaply derived the solution u A of (3) for the corresponding \( \tau_{A} \). We observe that the optimal values for \( \tau_{A} \) w.r.t. both PSNR and MAE are smaller than n, which confirms the above conclusion that C A is too large. Maximal PSNR is obtained for \( \tau_{A} = 0.791n \), while minimal MAE is obtained for \( \tau_{A} = 0.894n \). On the other hand, \( \uplambda_{A} = 10^{4} \) gives rise to \( \tau_{A} = 0.5742n \), while \( \uplambda_{A} = 10^{5} \) gives rise to \( \tau_{A} = 0.5452n \), thus we expect C A to be empty for \( \tau_{A} = 0.5 \).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Left \( \lambda \) as a function of \( \tau_{A} \) and \( u_{A} \) for \( \tau_{A} = n \). Center PSNR \( (u_{A} ) \) as a function of \( \tau_{A} \) and its minimizer \( u_{A} \) (\( \tau_{A} = \tau_{1} n \)). Right \( \nu \)MAE \( (u_{A} ) \) as a function of \( \tau_{A} \) and its minimizer \( u_{A} \) (\( \tau_{A} = \tau_{2} n \))

From the plots of PSNR \( (u_{A} ) \) and 3000MAE \( (u_{A} ) \) (\( \nu = 3000 \)) we see that the former is much more stable to the change of \( \tau_{A} \) than the latter, e.g., when \( \tau_{A} \in [0.72,1] \), PSNR \( (u_{A} ) \in [25.5932,26.5614] \), while \( \nu \)MAE \( (u_{A} ) \in [61.3239,90.2654] \). Moreover, the optimal minimizer w.r.t. PSNR possesses quite large MAE (namely ≈67) and artifacts in the smooth regions of \( \bar{u} \), while the optimal minimizer w.r.t. MAE has quite satisfactory PSNR (namely 26.16) and good visual properties (see Table 1). This is due to the different norms involved in the two functions, namely the 2-norm and the 1-norm. The initial image \( \bar{u} \) was firstly blurred by a Gaussian kernel with \( \sigma = 1.3 \), thus smoothed around its edges (the TV semi-norm of the blurred image is 1.3146e+06 which is more than 2 times smaller than the TV semi-norm 2.9390e+06 of B1part3000). In particular, the most problematic image part is the camera where we have very “thin” details. Since, we are also looking for the smoothest solution in C A , the minimizers of (3) fail to recover the jump discontinuities of \( \bar{u} \) in these regions and \( | |u_{A} - \bar{u} | |_{\infty } \) is quite large there. The smaller the \( \tau_{A} \) the larger the TV semi-norm of the minimizer and the better the capturing of the singularities. In the same time, the Poisson noise in the smooth regions becomes more and more problematic, since we further deviate from the statistically optimal value \( \tau_{A} = n \) for its complete removal. PSNR is based on \( \frac{1}{n} | |\bar{u} - u_{A} | |_{2}^{2} \) and the impact of \( | |u_{A} - \bar{u} | |_{\infty } \) along the camera edges is very strong. Hence the denoising failure in the smooth regions is undermined as long as the size of the artifacts there is not comparable to the one of the jump discontinuities at the edges. On the other hand, \( 3000MAE(u_{A} ) = \frac{1}{n} | |\bar{u} - u_{A} | |_{1} \), which is a “sparser” norm and it is small when many entries of \( u_{A} - \bar{u} \) are close to zero. Hence, it captures better the presence of denoising artifacts.

Table 1 Comparison among the optimal \( \tau_{A} \)’s from Fig. 2

In conclusion, for the constraint optimization problem (3) it seems that, in order to obtain good visual results, it is better to minimize the MAE of \( u_{A} \) than to maximize its PSNR.

3 Multi-constraint Optimization

Even though decreasing \( \tau_{A} \) may improve the image qualities of the solution of (3), it doesn’t seem like a good strategy. We deviate from its statistical estimation, thus we need to guess the right value of \( \tau_{A} \), which is computationally expensive. Moreover, we lose the nice properties of \( \bar{u} \) being close to the boundary of \( C_{A} \), thus the guaranteed well-posedness of (3) as well as the admissibility of \( \bar{u} \) to be the minimizer. In this section we follow a different approach for restricting C A that is based on image domain decomposition and the use of independent constraints for the regions. In such a setup, Eq. (3) is reformulated into

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{{u \in [0, + \infty )^{n} }} ||u | |_{2,1} \quad {\text{subject}}\,{\text{to}}\quad ||T(Hu) - T(f)||_{{A_{i} }} \le \tau_{i} , \quad i = 1, \ldots ,K. $$

where \( \{ A_{i} \}_{i = 1}^{K} \) is a tessellation of the image domain (\( int(A_{i} )\mathop \cap \nolimits int(A_{j} ) = \emptyset \)), and \( | |\cdot | |_{{A_{i} }} \) is a short notation for the squared 2-norm, restricted to the region \( A_{i} \). Analogously, the multi-constraint version of (4) is

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{{u \in [0, + \infty )^{n} }} | |\nabla u | |_{2,1} \quad {\text{subject}}\,{\text{to}}\quad D_{{A_{i} }} (f,Hu) \le \frac{1}{2}\tau_{i} ,\quad i = 1, \ldots ,K. $$

Both Algorithms 1–2 can be straightforwardly modified to such multi-constraint setting, since no correlation among pixel data appear in \( | |\cdot | |_{2}^{2} \) and \( D( \cdot , \cdot ) \), allowing for direct and complete component-wise splitting. Moreover, following the notation in [9], \( \uplambda_{i}^{(k + 1)} \) is the solution of \( D_{{A_{i} }} (f,g(p_{1}^{(k)} + Hu^{(k + 1)} ,\uplambda/\sigma )) = \tau_{i} /2 \) and for \( \uplambda_{i} : = { \lim }_{k \to \infty }\uplambda_{i}^{(k)} \) we have that the the minimizer of (8) also minimizes

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{{u \in [0, + \infty )_{n} }} | |\nabla u| |_{2,1} + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{K} {\uplambda_{i} D_{{A_{i} }} (f,Hu).} $$

3.1 Block Subdivision

The first thing we try is a simple block subdivision of the spatial domain as illustrated on Fig. 4. More precisely, given a level l, we split the image into 4l blocks \( A_{i,j}^{(l)} \), \( i,j = 0, \ldots ,2^{l} - 1 \) of “equal” size (if the number of pixels in height or width is not divisible by 2l, we of course need to round off and the blocks cannot be absolutely identical) and take \( \tau_{i,j}^{(l)} = {\text{card}}(A_{i,j}^{(l)} ) \approx n/4^{l} \). Due to triangle inequality, it is straightforward that the corresponding constraint set \( C_{A}^{(l)} \) in (7) is a proper subset of C A . Moreover, if we denote \( C_{A}^{(0)} : = C_{A} \), we have \( C_{A}^{(l)} \subset C_{A}^{(l - 1)} , \forall l \in {\mathbb{N}} \).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Domain partition for block subdivision of levels 1 (solid lines) and 2 (dotted lines)

The results are summarized in Table 2. We observe that, as expected, increasing the level l we restrict the global constraint sets and increase the TV semi-norm of the solutions of (7) and (8). Up to a certain moment (in the particular case for B1part3000 this is l = 3) both PSNR and MAE values of the outputs improve. Then the MAE value has a significant jump and the visual quality of the output image drops down (see Fig. 5). The reason is that, we are still using the statistically estimated bounds \( \tau_{i,j}^{(l)} \) for each of the blocks. However, when l is large the size of the blocks \( A_{i,j}^{(l)} \) is small, the law of large numbers that backs up the theoretical arguments in [12, 17] fails, and we cannot guarantee that the value of \( \tau_{i,j}^{(l)} \) is adequate or even that the constraint problem (7) is block-wise well-posed.

Table 2 Results of Algorithms 1–2 on B1part3000 for different l. When l > 0 we initialize with the output for l − 1, and set \( (\sigma ,\rho ) = (0.4,0.3) \) in Algorithm 1
Fig. 5
figure 5

Block subdivision. From left to right: Algorithm 1 outputs for \( l = 3 \) and \( l = 4 \)

Indeed, already at the third subdivision level we have trivial regions (constant images are admissible for some of the blocks). The uniqueness of the global minimizer is not affected, because those trivial blocks interfere with the others and, since we minimize the overall TV semi-norm, the constant intensity value on them is uniquely determined by its nontrivial neighbors. On the other hand, existence of the global minimizer becomes problematic at the fourth subdivision level. We have smaller blocks (their size is \( \approx 8 \times 8 \)) and on some of them the original image B1part3000 is close-to-constant. When such a region \( A_{i,j}^{(4)} \) is of small intensity (i.e., close to black) the Poisson noise is insignificant there and the oscillations of the neighboring pixel values in \( f|_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} \) are negligible. On top of that, the Anscombe transform is not reliable in the sense that \( T(f|_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} ) \) is not guaranteed to be normally distributed, so the choice \( \tau_{i,j}^{(4)} = {\text{card}}(A_{i,j}^{(4)} ) \) has no theoretical justification. To summarize,

$$ | |T(H\bar{u}) - T(f) | |_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} \sim 0 = {\text{card}}(A_{i,j}^{(4)} ) = \tau_{i,j}^{(4)} , $$

and \( \bar{u}|_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} \) is well inside the interior of \( C_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} \). In the single-constraint case we have already verified that \( \bar{u} \) is with high probability close to \( \partial C_{A} \), thus the above relation implies for another region \( A_{i,j}^{(4)} \), \( | |T(H\bar{u}) - T(f) | |_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} \gg \tau_{i,j}^{(4)} \), so \( C_{{A_{i,j}^{(4)} }} \) could be empty. Hence, Algorithm 1 may not converge on \( A_{i,j}^{(l)} \). The following example of one such empty-constraint block at level 5 illustrates the problem

$$ \begin{aligned} \bar{u}|_{{A_{4,19}^{(5)} }} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {2250.0} \hfill & {2262.3} \hfill & {2262.3} \hfill & {2176.2} \hfill \\ {2274.6} \hfill & {2262.3} \hfill & {2299.2} \hfill & {2286.9} \hfill \\ {2262.3} \hfill & {2311.5} \hfill & {2311.5} \hfill & {2299.2} \hfill \\ {2299.2} \hfill & {2323.8} \hfill & {2299.2} \hfill & {2348.4} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right) \hfill \\ f|_{{A_{4,19}^{(5)} }} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {2348} \hfill & {2243} \hfill & {2360} \hfill & {2183} \hfill \\ {2244} \hfill & {2295} \hfill & {2205} \hfill & {2234} \hfill \\ {2190} \hfill & {2364} \hfill & {2213} \hfill & {2393} \hfill \\ {2313} \hfill & {2269} \hfill & {2326} \hfill & {2264} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right). \hfill \\ \end{aligned} $$

\( \bar{u}|_{{A_{4,19}^{(5)} }} \) is almost constant and of high intensity, while the Poisson noise contributes significantly and visibly alters the entries of f.

As a result, the output image of Algorithm 1 for l = 4 possesses certain artifacts in some high, close-to-constant intense regions. As discussed in Sect. 2, those artifacts are captured by the MAE value of the output, which immediately jumps up, but not by its PSNR value, which still improves (see Table 2).

The block subdivision might be different. For example, it may be data-dependent and based on the output image at zeroth level \( u^{(0)} \). We tested a 2-block subdivision, where A 0 is a \( 130 \times 75 \) block that deviates most from the statistical expectation (i.e., it maximizes the quantity \( \left| { \, | |T(Hu^{(0)} - T(f) | |_{A} - 130 \cdot 75} \right| \)), and A 1 is its complement, as well as a 4-block subdivision, where A 0 is a \( 75 \times 75 \) block that maximizes the analogous expression, A 1 and A 2 are the “horizontal” and “vertical” complements of A 0, and A 3 is the complement of their union \( A_{0} \mathop \cup \nolimits A_{1} \mathop \cup \nolimits A_{2} \). For different original images and intensity levels the benefit of such data-dependency is different, but the quality of the output is comparable to that of the “standard” block subdivision presented above, possibly on a higher level. The close similarity between the solutions of (3) and (4), numerically observed in [8], holds true also for their multi-constraint versions (7) and (8). Only for \( l = 4 \) the outputs of Algorithms 1–2 differ visibly, but this is due to the ill-posedness of the optimization problems and the slow (or even lack of) convergence of the algorithms. This phenomenon appears for all test images and all constraint choices, we considered, therefore from now on we deal only with (7) and Algorithm 1.

3.2 Intensity Tessellation

The statistical choice \( \tau_{A} = n \) in (3) is based not only on the law of large numbers, but also on the Central Limit Theorem. Therefore, it theoretically holds for independent and identically distributed Poisson random variables, which in our setting is equivalent to a trivial blurry image \( H\bar{u} = const \). This is by far not true for the examples we consider, and even though in [8] \( | |T(H\bar{u}) - T(f) | |_{2}^{2} /n \approx 1 \) is numerically verified, the solution \( u_{A} \) of (3) is oversmoothened due to a “redistribution” of the noise among the pixels. Indeed, as illustrated on Fig. 6, around the edges (jump discontinuities) of the original image, where most of the TV semi-norm of \( \bar{u} \) is concentrated, the big positive displacements \( H\bar{u}_{i,j} - f_{i,j} \gg 0 \) of the high-intensity pixels \( (i,j) \) related to the Poisson distribution are wrongly accumulated in the minimizer by the neighboring low-intensity pixels \( (i^{\prime},j^{\prime}) \), making \( Hu_{i,j} \approx f_{i,j} \) and \( Hu_{{i^{\prime},j^{\prime}}} \approx f_{{i^{\prime},j^{\prime}}} + (H\bar{u}_{i,j} - f_{i,j} ) \), while still \( u \in C_{A}^{(l)} \). In other words, if a high-intensity edge pixel value of \( \bar{u} \) is decreased by the noise, it is not properly denoised in \( u_{A}^{(l)} \) but rather its neighboring low-intensity edge pixel increases its intensity with a reciprocal amount. Thus f is no longer a realization of independent Poisson random variables over \( Hu_{A}^{(l)} \), meaning that \( u_{A}^{(l)} \) does not approximate well \( \bar{u} \) along the edges. On the other hand, away from the edges \( u_{A}^{(l)} \) is a quite good approximation of \( \bar{u} \). We back this up with a simple experiment. We replace all pixel intensities of \( u_{A}^{(3)} \) from Table 2, that are more than d away from the corresponding values of the original image \( \bar{u} \) with the true intensities and recompute the PSNR and the MAE values of such a “hybrid” image. The difference image \( u_{A}^{(3)} - \bar{u} \) is the right one from Fig. 6. For \( d = \nu /6 = 500 \), only 397 pixels (≈2.35 % of all the pixels) are modified, while PSNR and νMAE improve to 30.1569 and 45.1862, respectively. For \( d = \nu /15 = 200 \), we modify 1334 (≈7.9 %) pixels and derive PSNR = 36.5034 and νMAE = 27.1241. Finally, \( d = \nu /30 = 100 \) gives rise to 2211 (≈13 %) modified pixels with PSNR \( = 40.1747 \) and νMAE = 19.7688. Finally if we take the opposite hybrid image for d = 500 (i.e., we use the \( \bar{u} \) data for all the pixels but those 397 mentioned above), we use ≈97.65 % of the original pixels intensities, but PSNR = 28.0989 (worse than the counterpart test!) while νMAE = 16.9543 keeps improving.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Noise redistribution in block subdivision. The difference images between the output of Algorithm 1 at level 0 \( u_{A}^{(0)} \) (left), respectively at level 3 \( u_{A}^{(3)} \) (right) and the original image B1part3000

Therefore, separating the image domain in regions A i of similar intensity values sounds reasonable. This is what we do in this subsection. We again use subdivision, namely at level l we generate 2l regions \( \{ A_{i}^{(l)} \} \) that decompose the intensity interval of \( \bar{u} \) into intervals of equal length. In particular, for the B1part3000 image

$$ A_{i}^{(l)} : = \{ j|\bar{u}_{j} \in (i2^{ - l} 3000,(i + 1)2^{ - l} 3000)\} ,\quad \forall i = 0, \ldots ,2^{l} - 1. $$

In practice, the original image is not known a priori, so we use the output \( u_{A}^{(0)} \) of the single-constraint Algorithm 1 in (9). The results are summarized in Table 3. Some comments are in order. Due to the subdivision technique, we again have the constraint set inclusion \( C_{A}^{(l)} \subset C_{A}^{(l - 1)} , \forall l \in {\mathbb{N}} \). Thus, \( | |\nabla u_{A}^{(l)} | |_{2,1} \) is monotonically increasing with respect to l. We observe that PSNR \( (u_{A}^{(l)} ) \) is also monotonically increasing with \( l \ge 1 \), while MAE \( (u_{A}^{(l)} ) \) is not monotone at l = 5. In Sect. 3.1 we tessellated the image domain into 4l regions, while here we used only 2l. Therefore, it is reasonable to compare the quality of the l-level output images from Table 2 with the quality of the 2l-level output images from Table 3. We see that, apart from the PSNR value for the image at level 3 in Table 2, respectively 6 in Table 3, both the PSNR and MAE values improve with intensity tessellation. Especially the MAE value which goes below its optimal value 61.3239 for the single-constraint optimization problem (3) (see Fig. 3). As before, there are indications that high l (l = 7 and l = 8) may lead to empty constraint sets \( C_{A}^{(l)} \), thus the problem may be ill-posed and the algorithm may not converge. However, no visual artifacts appear (see Fig. 7) and MAE \( (u_{A}^{(l)} ) \) continues to decrease.

Table 3 Results of Algorithm 1 on B1part3000 for different levels of intensity tessellation. For all levels we set \( (\sigma ,\rho ) = (0.4,0.3) \), and \( \tau_{i}^{(l)} = {\text{card}}(A_{i}^{(l)} ) \)
Fig. 7
figure 7

The output images \( u_{A}^{(4)} \) (left), \( u_{A}^{(7)} \) (center), \( u_{A}^{(8)} \) (right) from Table 2

The algorithm depends on the initial choice of image u in (9), and different u give rise to different outputs. We have always used \( u_{A}^{(0)} \) in the experiments above, but we have also tested some of the block-subdivision outputs for higher levels, as well as some of the intensity-tessellation outputs for lower levels. The results are more or less comparable, with \( u_{A}^{(0)} \) seeming to be the best option in general. Last but not least, tuning the regularization parameters \( \sigma \) and \( \rho \) was the key for the efficient performance of the single-constraint algorithm, while in both Sects. 3.1 and 3.2 the algorithms’ convergence rate seems to be slow and independent of that choice, thus we always use \( \sigma = 0.4 \), \( \rho = 0.3 \). The same parameters also work for the other images B1 and B2 on all the considered intensity levels \( \nu = 100,600,1200,2000,3000 \).

The main drawback of the intensity tessellation algorithm is that we have no control on the size of the tessellated regions. It may happen that even at low levels, some of the regions consist of only few points (some of them might be even empty, but this is not a problem). Thus, the law of large numbers may be violated and \( \tau_{i}^{(l)} = {\text{card}}(A_{i}^{(l)} ) \) may be a bad choice that leads to an ill-posed optimization problem or to a minimizer that is quite different from the initial image. A possible remedy is to adaptively split the intensity interval in order to guarantee \( {\text{card}}(A_{i}^{(l)} ) \approx n/2^{l} \), \( \forall i = 0, \ldots ,2^{l} - 1 \). This is left for future work.

3.3 2-Step Combined Tessellation

So far we saw that both block subdivision and intensity tessellation improve the image quality of the output of Algorithm 1. On the other hand, the former technique violates the Central Limit Theorem but allows for the application of the law of large numbers, while the latter one violates the law of large numbers but allows for the application of the Central Limit Theorem. Thus for both of them, the choice \( \tau_{i}^{(l)} = {\text{card}}(A_{i}^{(l)} ) \) for constraint parameters is not theoretically justified and may lead to diverging algorithms or meaningless results. In this subsection, we try to combine the two approaches in a beneficial way. We use 1-level block subdivision together with 3-region-intensity tessellation of the image domain. The idea is the following: the block subdivision performs very well away from the edges, while along them it leads to noise redistribution (Fig. 6). If we assume that the redistribution always involves 2 neighboring pixels, one of law intensity and one of high intensity, and it simply exchanges their noisy values as discussed in Sect. 3.2, then we need to find all such pixel pairs, separate them into 2 regions—one \( \bar{A}_{0} \) of low and one \( \bar{A}_{1} \) of high intensity, and introduce a second constrained \( ||T(Hu) - T(f)||_{{\bar{A}_{i} }} \le {\text{card}}(\bar{A}_{i} ),\,\,\,i = 0,1,2 \). (For the sake of symmetry, we take \( \bar{A}_{2} \) to be the complement of \( \bar{A}_{0} \mathop \cup \nolimits \bar{A}_{1} \).)

The operator H “smoothens” the edges of \( \bar{u} \), but as long as the blur is not very strong (i.e., corresponds to a Gaussian kernel with close-to-one standard deviation) the edges “survive” it. The Poisson noise more or less preserves what is left from them. The block subdivision also smoothens the edges, but not as much as the blur operator. Thus, both the difference images \( \bar{u} - f \) and \( u_{A}^{(l)} - f \) contain enough edge information (see Fig. 8). However, the smoothing effect of the blur operator dominates and we cannot say from the second image where noise redistribution appear. Hence, we prefer to work with the difference image \( \partial u: = u_{A}^{(1)} - u_{A}^{(0)} \). Indeed, the subdivision of the image domain into 4 regions alleviates the noise redistribution effect from \( u_{A}^{(0)} \) and part of the edge information is again visualized (the right image in Fig. 8). More importantly, all the pixels with significantly different \( u_{A}^{(1)} \) and \( u_{A}^{(0)} \) values indeed belong to the edges of \( \bar{u} \), making edge-detection a plausible application of such multi-constraint optimization.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Edge detection via difference images. Left \( u_{A}^{(1)} - f \). Center \( \bar{u} - f \). Right \( u_{A}^{(1)} - u_{A}^{(0)} \). The images \( u_{A}^{(i)} \), \( i = 0,1 \) are taken from Table 2

We compute \( M: = { \hbox{max} }_{i} \partial u_{i} > 0 \), \( m: = { \hbox{min} }_{i} \partial u_{i} < 0 \), fix a number \( c > 0 \), and set \( \bar{A}_{0} : = \{ i | \partial u_{i} > M/c\} \), \( \bar{A}_{1} : = \{ i | \partial u_{i} < m/c\} \). Then we solve

$$ \mathop {\text{argmin}}\limits_{{u \in [0, + \infty )^{n} }} | |\nabla u | |_{2,1} \quad s.t. \quad \begin{array}{*{20}l} {||T(Hu) - T(f)||_{{A_{i,j}^{(1)} }} \le {\text{card}}\left( {A_{i,j}^{(1)} } \right),} \hfill & {i,j = 0,1;} \hfill \\ {||T(Hu) - T(f)||_{{\bar{A}_{k} }} \le {\text{card}}\left( {\bar{A}_{k} } \right),} \hfill & {k = 0,1,2.} \hfill \\ \end{array} $$

We apply a straightforward modification of Algorithm 1, which decouples the two tessellations \( \{ A_{i,j}^{(1)} \} \) and \( \{ \bar{A}_{k} \} \). Results are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4 Results of the 2-steps combined tessellation for different images and intensity levels. For all examples we set \( (\sigma ,\rho ) = (0.4,0.3) \), and c = 9

We observe that the higher the intensity (thus the sharper the edges) the bigger the improvement in the quality of the result with respect to the corresponding images \( u_{A}^{(1)} \) and \( u_{A}^{(0)} \). For very low intensity ν the combined technique may even worsen the MAE of the output (see B2100). The PSNR always improves.

4 Conclusions

The constraint sets (5) for the optimization problems (3) and (4) are too large, thus their minimizers tend to oversmooth the image. We experimented with various restriction techniques on \( C_{A} ,C_{I} \).

Simply decreasing \( \tau_{A} ,\tau_{I} \) does improve the image quality of the output at the beginning, but we deviate from their statistical estimations and need to guess their optimal values, which is computationally very expensive. Moreover, those optimal values depend on the quality measures we consider, differ significantly from minimizing MAE to maximizing PSNR, and does not necessary lead to an output with good visual properties.

Another option, suggested in [8] as a future work direction, is to consider multi-constraint optimization. We investigated such approach, within the framework (7) and (8). We considered spatial, intensity, and mixed domain decompositions of the image, and summarized the numerical results in Tables 2, 3 and 4.

In all the setups, we observed that the image quality of the output improved up to a certain level. After that, the optimization problems became ill-posed, the algorithms’ convergence was unclear, and artifacts appeared. This effect was caught by the MAE output values, but not by the PSNR ones, which still increased. Multiple constraints slowed down Algorithm 1, and its convergence rate was poor, independent on the choice of the accelerators \( \sigma ,\rho \). Therefore, parallel implementation of Algorithm 1 is practically important and is an object of ongoing work. While the problems (7) and (8) were well-posed, the close similarity between their solutions \( u_{A} ,u_{I} \), numerically observed in [8], hold true. Hence, their difference image \( u_{A} - u_{I} \) can be used as a criterion for well-posedness.