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Syndromic Craniosynostosis

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Textbook of Pediatric Neurosurgery
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Cranial sutures are essential components in the development of the skull. Nonfunctional sutures during the evolution of the cranial vault and the skull base lead to evolving deformities that may end in neurological sequel. Although craniosynostosis was a term first used by Bertolotti in 1914, referring to the premature closure of a cranial suture, it was Sommerring who described in 1791 the anatomy of the sutures and postulated not only its role in normal skull growth but also the effects of early closure (Sömmering 1800). In nineteenth century Otto (1830), and later, Virchow asserted that premature closure of sutures (craniostenosis) prevented growth perpendicular to the suture and was accompanied by secondary compensating deformities (Virchow 1851). Premature closure may affect one single suture, but several sutures may also be involved and then, severe deformities will develop in the process including the orbits and anterior fossa. This is even more evident in craniofacial syndromes where the main difference with other single suture and nonsyndromic craniosynostosis is the alteration not only in neuro- but also in viscerocranium that result in anomalies in the midface skeleton.

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Hinojosa, J. (2018). Syndromic Craniosynostosis. In: Di Rocco, C., Pang, D., Rutka, J. (eds) Textbook of Pediatric Neurosurgery. Springer, Cham.

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