
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

In order to support the growing amount of data routinely processed by applications, many programming languages are being developed (Cooper et al. 2007; Green et al. 2012) or extended (Cheney et al. 2013; Meijer et al. 2006) with query-like capabilities. Existing database techniques can then be leveraged for scalability through compilation to a database query language such as SQL (Grust et al. 2009) or a cloud library such as Spark (Armbrust et al. 2015). When extending object-oriented languages with such query capabilities, one of the key challenges is type system integration: database languages (e.g., SQL or the relational algebra) most often rely on structural types and feature rich operations on records (e.g., record concatenation), while object-oriented languages most often rely on nominal types and feature rich forms of subtyping. Inspired by Wadler’s work on XML types (Siméon and Wadler 2003) as well as recent work on brands (Jones et al. 2015) or tagged objects (Lee et al. 2015), we propose a new type system that provides an elegant and natural way to combine nominal and structural typing in the presence of complex record operations, and illustrate its use in the context of a compiler for business rules.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Business object model.

Business Rules. Our work takes place as part of META (Arnold et al. 2016), a project in which rules are used to program applications that combine event processing and analytics. The use of rules is common in business intelligence applications as they can encode complex data-centric policies in a flexible manner. Languages for business rules go back to production rules (Forgy 1981), and modern specimens include Drools (Bali 2009) and JRules (Boyer and Mili 2011), the latter being our focus. Rules are written against collection(s) of objects described in a Business Object Model (BOM), which is essentially an object-oriented class hierarchy. Figure 1 shows an example BOM for a marketing application. A general Entity class is used to describe objects with an id attribute which serves as a primary key. Other classes derive from Entity and include Clients with an attribute name of type string, and Marketers with attributes name of type string and client of type Client. Two additional classes corresponding to categories of marketers are also defined: DirectMarketer with an attribute targets and ProductRep with an attribute products, both of which of type list of strings. The extends clause indicates the derivation hierarchy for each class, and when omitted means the class derives from the built-in Object class. Finally, class C2Ps is used to materialize a mapping from clients to their product reps, computed through the rule shown in Fig. 2.

That rule consists of a condition (when, Lines 2–7) and an action (then, Line 8). In effect, expressions in such rules perform pattern matching over an implicit value, in the context of an environment (variable bindings). The initial implicit value is not set and the initial environment is a single variable containing the collection of objects against which the rule is being matched. The rule construct sets the implicit value to be that input collection and the rule condition is matched against any of those objects and “fires” when a match is found. In our example, the condition binds variable C to a Client, and then aggregates all ProductRep objects P for whom C’s id is the same as P’s client. The aggregation expression is essentially an embedded query, with a syntax similar to that of comprehensions (Trinder and Wadler 1988). The List<String> { } expression builds a new collection containing the names of all matching elements resulting from the aggregate, and that collection is bound to variable Ps. The action part of the rule in Line 8 creates a new object of class C2Ps which materializes the mapping from C to Ps. Environment manipulation (e.g., binding variable P) is reflected in the compiler as record operations (e.g., concatenating a record with field P to the record for the current environment).

A Branding Strategy. A calculus and compilation scheme for business rules targeting the nested relational algebra (NRA) for optimization and scalability was proposed in (Shinnar et al. 2015). Proper typing is essential in order to exploit optimization techniques for bulk data processing developed by the database community (Beeri and Kornatzky 1993; Cluet and Moerkotte 1993; Fegaras and Maier 2000; May et al. 2006). However, most existing type systems for database languages, including the one we used in (Shinnar et al. 2015), rely on a purely structural approach which does not account for the nominal aspects of object-oriented data models and types. In addition, those typically assume homogeneous collections of objects and do not account for the subtyping relation implicit in the class hierarchy. In the context of Object-Oriented Databases, OQL relies on a purely nominal type system (Alagic 1999), while underlying algebras or calculi for optimization rely on a purely structural type system (Fegaras and Maier 2000; Cluet and Moerkotte 1993). A notable exception is Wadler’s work on a type system for XML and XQuery presented in (Siméon and Wadler 2003), which integrates nominal and structural typing by annotating values and types with type names related through a derivation hierarchy. However, the focus on XML types and lack of support for records means it cannot be directly applied to classic object models or to operators from the nested relational algebra.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Rule computing a reverse mapping from clients to product reps.

Inspired by this work, we propose a novel type system that can handle collections of objects in a class hierarchy that we believe is well suited for integration with database languages or language-integrated query systems (Cooper et al. 2007; Grust et al. 2009; Cheney et al. 2013). The approach relies on a notion of branded types and objects, where brands can be used to annotate values and types. Relationship between brands is captured by a derivation relation which encodes the nominal part of the semantics. From a structural typing stand point, we support open and closed records along with the corresponding subtyping relation, in the presence of a rich set of record operations that include projection and concatenation. From a nominal typing stand point, we support inheritance and (up/down) casting. Most of the treatment is language-agnostic, in that we define a set of core operators over brands independently from the host language. We then illustrate how those core operations can be integrated within two languages used in our business rules compiler: a calculus which captures rules’ pattern matching semantics, and the nested relational algebra.

Paper Outline. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we provide an overview for the proposed branding approach through examples. In Sect. 3, we describe the data model and type system. In Sect. 4, we introduce the subtyping relation and a notion of well-formed models which captures object-oriented schemas. In Sect. 5, we define key operators on records, bags and branded values along with their typing rules. Finally, in Sect. 6, we apply the proposed type system to a compiler from rules to NRA. Section 7 reviews related work and Sect. 8 concludes the paper with a brief report on our implementation and a discussion of future work.

2 Overview

Even though our work is motivated by business rules, most of the approach can be explained in terms of core operations over an object model. We first explain how classes and objects are encoded with brands, present key operations on those, then illustrate their use as part of our rules compiler.

Branded Model. In essence, branded types are types annotated with a name (a brand). Figure 3 shows the branded model corresponding to the Business Object Model from Fig. 1. Each class is described by a brand (the class name) and a type (the type of values of that class). For instance, the Client class corresponds to Brand Client which contains values of type record with attributes id of type INT and name of type STRING. We use [ ] to denote records, and \(\{~\}\) to denote collection typesFootnote 1. The ‘[ ..]’ (resp. ‘[ |]’) notation indicates open (resp. closed) records. An open record can be extended with new attributes while a closed one cannot. In our example, all branded types use open record, except for C2Ps and DirectMarketer which are declared as final in the source object model.

The brand derivation hierarchy is listed at the bottom of Fig. 3 and captures the nominal component of the type hierarchy. For instance, brand ProductRep derives from brand Marketer which itself derives from brand Entity. We assume the presence of an Object brand whose type is that of all possible records and which encodes the built-in Object class. We use Any to denote the top of the brand hierarchy. Compared to Fig. 1, we eliminate the extends relation, i.e., we fully expand the type for each class, and expose the inheritance relation in the derivation hierarchyFootnote 2. This separation follows directly from (Siméon and Wadler 2003) and is central to our approach in that it allows to clearly separate the nominal and structural aspects of the type system. The branded model along with its derivation hierarchy is well-formed on the condition that the types of two brands related through (nominal) derivation be properly related through (structural) subtyping. For instance, adding the relation would be invalid since the type for brand C2Ps does not have and id attribute.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Branded object model.

Note that the model allows any type to be branded. For instance, \(\texttt {INT}\) is the type of integer values but we could give integers an object-like treatment by defining a brand for them. We could then define a special kind of integer for ids through derivation, as illustrated by the following declarations.

Through subtyping, every operation taking a branded value of type Brand Int also takes a value of type Brand Id, but not the converse.

Branded Values. In essence, branded values are values annotated with a name (a brand). Figure 4 shows examples of values in our data model. In each case we provide a name for the value (variable), a type and the value itself. All the examples are well-typed, i.e., the given value has the given type. The first three are simple values without brands: M1Id is an integer value, C1 and C2 are records. Note that C1 (resp. C2) is declared as having a closed (resp. open) record type. M1 is a value with brand DirectMarketer whose content is a record with id 101 and name “John”, working for client with id 1 and targeting “iOS” and “Gawker”. Value M2 is the same value but declared with type Brand Marketer, which is also valid since DirectMarketer derives from Marketer. The remaining of Fig. 4 shows examples of collections. Clients is an homogeneous collection of values with brand Client, and Marketers a collection of object in the sub-brand hierarchy for brand Marketer. Finally the last collection WM is the union of Clients and Marketers and can be typed as a collection of values with brand Entity.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Branded values.

Brand Operations. We provide three core operations on brands: branding, unbranding, and casting. The first two are constructors/destructors for branded values. For instance, the following operations create a value with brands Id, Client and Entity. (We use the notation: \(\texttt {Var} : Type = Expr \Downarrow Value\) to indicate that variable Var has type Type and value Value which is the result of Expr).

Note that branding checks that the value being branded has the type declared for the corresponding brand. In the previous examples, C1 is declared as a closed record with attributes id and name and is indeed a subtype of the corresponding open record for both brands Client and Entity. However, the following two operations are not well typed, since the type for C1 (resp. M1Id) isn’t a subtype of the type for brand Marketer (resp. Entity).

Unbranding, denoted !, always succeeds on a branded value and returns its content. Unbranding uses the static type of the brand (which can be changed with a cast) to determine the type of the returned contents. Here are a few examples, also illustrating record operations such as field access (denoted .A where A is an attribute) and record projection (denoted \(\pi _{\overline{A_i }}\) where \(\overline{A_i}\) is a set of attributes). Note that the typing rule for projection yields a closed record type.

Unbranding is typed using the statically known brand type, which means that !C1”.name is not well typed. In other words, the fields that are present in C1” but not declared for the brand Entity are hidden, unless casting is first applied to the value. This once again corresponds to the standard behavior in an OO context. At run-time, casting checks if a given brand is a supertype (or the same) as a brand’s dynamic type and returns the original branded value or failsFootnote 3. The typing rule for casting asserts that the returned brand has the provided brand type. This allows safe downcasting on brands, allowing code to enrich the static type of a brand at the cost of a runtime check. Here are some examples of successful casts applied in the context of the nested relational algebra, in which success (resp. failure) is represented as a singleton (resp. empty) bag.

The first two examples are upcasts: from Brand Id to Brand Int, and from Brand Client to Brand Entity. The third example is a downcast from Brand Entity to Brand Client. We now give some examples of cast failures, all of which return the empty bag in the context of the nested relational algebra.

Note that the specific failure semantics for NRA is unusual from a classic OO perspective, but it enables easy integration with other relational operators. For instance, the following combination of flatten, map (\(\chi \)) and casting can be used to select all objects in variable WM that are product reps. In that example, \(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} \) stands for the current element in the input collection processed by the map. The output of the map is a bag of either singleton or empty bags which can then be flattened. The final type is a bag of Brand ProductRep as expected.

Rules Compiler. With that notion of branded values and types in hand, we extend the rules calculus and compiler proposed in (Shinnar et al. 2015) to provide proper support for the class hierarchy. Going back to the example rule from Fig. 2, the binding within the aggregate expression on Line 5 can be translated to the nested-relational algebra as follows:


From an input bag of records (rightmost \(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} \)) each containing a working memory elements (in attribute it) and a binding for variable C (in attribute C), select those whose brand is ProductRep. Then, select those whose client attribute is the same as the client id (\(!(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} .C).\textit{id}\)). Then, add the attribute P containing the current value in attribute it to each remaining record. Note that the notion of current value (\(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} \)) depends on context and its scope changes within every sub-operator between angle brackets \(\langle ..\rangle \). In the first operand of the select (\(\sigma \)) operator, it is bound to each record from the bag returned by its second operand. The operator (traditionally called dependent join in the database literature (Cluet and Moerkotte 1993)) performs record concatenation, adding attribute P to every record in its input. The expression makes use of casting and unbranding. The first expression within the right-most uses a cast to filter the input objects with the right brand (\((ProductRep)~(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} .it)\)) and adds a temporary field br in the input record that contains values of type {Brand ProductRep}. The next NRA operator (\(\rho \)) is used to unnest the content of attribute br, then re-bind it to attribute it, which now has type Brand ProductRep. The subsequent selection operator can now access the client attribute safely by unbranding the input value (\(!(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} .it).\textit{client}\)).

Remarks. Before we move to a formal treatment of the proposed model, a few aspects are worth pointing out. Firstly, support for both open and closed records is a key requirement: open records allow to model classes and inheritance, while closed records are essential when using relational operations such as Cartesian product or (dependent) join both of which perform record concatenation. We handle both by combining: (i) subtyping between open and closed records, (ii) record operations, notably projection, that allow to coerce an open record into a closed record. Secondly, the combination of operations on brands and records enables a rich feature set that includes classic features from OO language, many of which can be expressed as combinations of our core operators. The presentation here focuses on data-centric languages and notably, we do not attempt to model features such as methods or object identity.

3 Data and Types

In this section, we first define the data model and core type system with the notion of brands. Note that both rely only on a hierarchy of brand names.

3.1 Data Model

Values in our data model, the set \(\mathcal {D}\), are atoms, records, bags or branded values. We assume a sufficiently large set of atoms ab, ... including integers in \(\mathcal {Z}\), strings in \(\mathcal {S}\), the Boolean values \(\textsf {\small \text{ true }} \) and \(\textsf {\small \text{ false }} \), and a null value written \(\textsf {nil}\). A bag is a multiset of values in \(\mathcal {D}\); we write \(\emptyset \) for the empty bag and \(\{d_1,...,d_n\}\) for the bag containing the values \(d_1,...,d_n\).

A record is a mapping from a finite set of attributes to values in \(\mathcal {D}\), where attribute names are drawn from a sufficiently large set AB, .... We write \([\,]\) for the empty record and \([\overline{A_i\!:d_i}]\) for the record mapping \(A_i\) to \(d_i\). We define the concatenation \(x*y\) of two records as a mapping from \(\text {dom}(x) \cup \text {dom}(y)\) to values, such that \([x*y](A) = x(A)\) if \(A \in \text {dom}(x)\) and \([x*y](A) = y(A)\) if \(A \in \text {dom}(y) \setminus \text {dom}(x)\). Records x and y are compatible if \(\forall A\in \text {dom}(x)\cap \text {dom}(y), x(A) = y(A)\). We define the sum \([x+y]\) of compatible records as the union \(x\cup y\), and leave it undefined for non-compatible records.

A branded value is a pair of a brand name and a value, where brand names are drawn from a sufficiently large set \(\mathsf{A},\mathsf{B},...\). We write \({\mathsf{brand}~\mathsf{A}~({d})}\) for the value d branded with \(\mathsf{A}\). We assume a derivation hierarchy, which is a partial order relation \(\delta \) between brands, with a most general brand denoted Any. We write \(\delta (\mathsf{A},\mathsf{A'})\) to denote that (through reflexive and transitive closure). For every brand A, we assume that \(\delta (\mathsf{A},\mathsf{Any})\). The fact that \(\delta \) is a partial order is essential for the soundness of the type system. We allow a brand name to derive from several brand names which accounts for multiple inheritance.

Finally, we assume structural equality between values, denoted \(d_1 \doteq d_2\), and defined inductively as follows. Two atomic values are equal if their underlying built-in equality (between two booleans, two strings, two integers) holds. Two bags are equal if they have the same values (compared through equality) modulo permutation. Two record are equal if they have the same set of attributes and the values associated to corresponding attribute are equal. Branded values are equal if they have the same brand and their contents are equal.

3.2 Types

Our types include primitive types \(\texttt {NIL}\), \(\texttt {INT}\), \(\texttt {BOOL}\), and \(\texttt {STRING}\). The type of a (homogeneous) bag with elements of type \(\tau \) is written \(\{\tau \}\). We also assume the existence of a top (resp. bottom) type denoted \(\top \) (resp. \(\bot \)).

We define two kinds of record types: closed and open. \([\overline{A_i:\tau _i}~|]\) is the type of a closed record with attributes \(A_i\) of type \(\tau _i\). \([\overline{A_i:\tau _i}~..]\) is the type of an open record with attributes \(A_i\) of type \(\tau _i\). When there is no ambiguity, we sometimes write \([\overline{A_i:\tau _i}]\) for a record type that can be either open or closed.

As with data records, we define a notion of compatibility for record types. Two open (resp. closed) record types are considered compatible if all their overlapping attributes (resp. known overlapping attributes) have the same type. Note that two records can have compatible types but incompatible data. Record concatenation, \([\overline{A_i:\tau _{A_i}} * \overline{B_j:\tau _{B_j}}|]\) concatenates two record types, favoring the types of A’s attributes in case of conflict and is only defined for closed records. Record merge, \([\overline{A_i:\tau _{A_i}} + \overline{B_j:\tau _{B_j}}]\), also concatenates the record types and is defined for both open and closed records, but only if they are compatible.

Finally, Brand A is the type of values with brand A.

4 Subtyping and Models

In this section, we define structural subtyping and the notion of well-formed model used to capture class hierarchies. We then describe what it means for a value to be well-typed and show this notion is consistent with subtyping.

4.1 Subtyping

We can now define the subtyping relation, which is still purely structural, depending only on the given derivation hierarchy \(\delta \) over brand names. Figure 5 defines \({\tau } \preccurlyeq _{\delta } {\tau '}\), the subtyping relation between two types given \(\delta \). The first two rules simply place \(\top \) (resp. \(\bot \)) at the top (resp. bottom) of the type hierarchy. A type is a subtype of itself (SRefl). A bag of type \(\tau \) is a subtype of a bag of type \(\tau '\) iff, \(\tau \) is a subtype of \(\tau '\) (SBag). A type with brand \(\mathsf{A}\) is a subtype of a type with brand \(\mathsf{A'}\) iff in \(\delta \) (SBrand).

Fig. 5.
figure 5


A record is a subtype of a closed record iff, it is also closed, has the same domain (same attributes), and each of its attributes’ type is a subtype of the corresponding attribute in the super type (SClosed). The subtype of an open record can be open or closed, and it must have at least the same attributes, with the proper subtyping relationship between the attribute in common (SOpen). In other words, open records support both width and depth subtyping, while closed records support only depth subtyping.

Figure 5 does not include rules for transitivity and antisymmetry which are both consequences of the definition. Subtyping is indeed a partial order over types, as stated by the following theoremFootnote 4.

Theorem 1

(Subtype is a Partial Order). Given a derivation hierarchy \(\delta \), for all types \(\tau _1, \tau _2, \tau _3\):

4.2 Models

A model \(\mu _{\delta }\) is a relation from brands to types wrt a given derivation hierarchy \(\delta \). We write \(\langle \rangle _{\delta }\) for the empty model and \(\langle \overline{\mathsf{A}_i\!\mapsto \!\tau _i}\rangle _{\delta }\) for the model mapping \(\mathsf{A}_i\) to type \(\mu _{\delta }(\mathsf{A}_i) = \tau _i\).

Definition 1

(Well-Formed Model). A model \(\mu _{\delta }\) is well-formed with respect to a brand derivation hierarchy \(\delta \), denoted \(\models \mu _{\delta }\), iff:

$$ \forall \mathsf{A}, \mathsf{A'}, \text { if } \delta (\mathsf{A},\mathsf{A'}) \text { then } {\mu _{\delta }(\mathsf{A})} \preccurlyeq _{\delta } {\mu _{\delta }(\mathsf{A'})} $$

4.3 Typed Data

We use the notation \({\mu _{\delta }} \vdash {d} :{\tau }\) to mean that data d has type \(\tau \) in the context of model \(\mu _{\delta }\). Figure 6 defines the typing rules for data. The first few rules are trivial: every data has type \(\top \) (TTop), and atoms have the type corresponding to the kind of data they belong to (TNil, TInt, TString, TTrue, TFalse). As expected, no data can have the type \(\bot \).Footnote 5 Bags are values of uniform types (TEmpty, TBag).

For a closed record type, a record value belongs to that type if it has the same attributes as its type and if each attribute value has the corresponding attribute type (TClosed). For an open record type, a record value belongs to that type if it has at least the attributes defined in its type and for those, each attribute value has the corresponding attribute type (TOpen). Those attributes not declared in the open record type are only assumed to be well typed. The rule for brands simply state that the content of a branded value must be of the type declared for that brand in the model \(\mu _{\delta }\) (TBrand).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Typed data.      

The key property of the typing rules for data is that they are sound with respect to subtyping, as expressed by the following theorem.

Theorem 2

(Soundness of Typing Rules for Data). Given a well-formed model, i.e., \(\mu _{\delta }\) such that \(\models \mu _{\delta }\):

$$\text {if } \left( {\mu _{\delta }} \vdash {d} :{\tau }\right) \wedge \left( {\tau } \preccurlyeq _{\delta } {\tau '}\right) \text { then } \left( {\mu _{\delta }} \vdash {d} :{\tau '}\right) $$

I.e., if data d has type \(\tau \) in the context of \(\mu _{\delta }\), and \(\tau \) is a subtype of \(\tau '\), then data d has type \(\tau '\) in the context of \(\mu _{\delta }\).

5 Operators

We now define operations over the proposed data model. Besides operations on records and bags typically found in data languages (notably record concatenation and projection), we include operations for branding and unbranding. We leave casting for the next section, as the semantics of cast depends on the specific ways failure is handled in the host language.

5.1 Syntax and Semantics

Unary or binary operators are basic operations over the data model defined as functions. Most of those are only defined for data with a specific type. We provide an informal dynamic semantics, followed by typing rules which gives the precise conditions under which those operators are well-typed. A small denotational semantics is given for reference in Appendix A.

Definition 2


figure a

In order of presentation, the unary operators do the following:

figure b

In order of presentation, the binary operators do the following:

Operators can be easily extended (e.g., for arithmetics or aggregation). \(\textit{flatten}\) corresponds to a single-level flattening of a nested bag. Record operations are sufficient to support all standard relational and nested relational operators. The last two unary operators correspond to branding and unbranding. Branding, \({\mathsf{brand}~\mathsf{A}~({d})}\), creates a new value with brand \(\mathsf{A}\) and content d. Unbranding, !d, returns the content of a branded value d. The definition for those does not make any assumption about the model of the corresponding brands, but consistency with a given model results from their typing rules which are given next.

5.2 Typing

Given a well-formed model \(\mu _{\delta }\), the type signatures of unary operators, written \(\mu _{\delta } \vdash \oplus d :\tau \rightarrow \tau '\) (i.e., operator \(\oplus \) applied to a value d of type \(\tau \) has return type \(\tau '\)), are as follows:

figure c

Note that record construction (\([A\!:\!d]\)) and projection (\(\pi _{\overline{A_i}}\)) always return a closed record, and that field access (d.A) and field removal (\(d\!-\!A\)) work on both closed and open records. The typing rules for branding (resp. unbranding) takes as input (resp. returns) values of the type associated with its brand in \(\mu _{\delta }\).

Given a well-formed model \(\mu _{\delta }\), the type signatures of binary operators, written \(\mu _{\delta } \vdash d_1 \otimes d_2:\tau _1\rightarrow \tau _2\rightarrow \tau _3\) (i.e., operator \(\otimes \) applied to values \(d_1\) of type \(\tau _1\) and \(d_2\) of type \(\tau _2\) has return type \(\tau _3\)), are as follows:

Note that record concatenation is well typed only for closed records, while record merge is well typed for both closed and open records. If both records in a merge are closed the type of its record output is closed, otherwise it is open.

We end this section with a theorem showing operators are total under typing conditions i.e., given value(s) of the correct input type(s), an operator always returns a value of the expected output type. The formulation relies on the evaluation judgments (\(\oplus d \Downarrow d\) for unary operators and \(d \otimes d \Downarrow d\) for binary operators) defined in Appendix A.

Theorem 3

(Typed Operators Consistency). Given a well-formed model, i.e., \(\mu _{\delta }\) such that \(\models \mu _{\delta }\), typing for unary and binary operators is consistent:

6 Business Rules Compiler

We now show how the proposed brand model and type system can be applied in the context of a business rules compiler. Due to space limitations, we focus on the changes from the version without brands from (Shinnar et al. 2015).

6.1 CAMP

The Calculus for Aggregating Matching Patterns was proposed in (Shinnar et al. 2015) to model the query fragment of production rules (Forgy 1981) with aggregation (Boyer and Mili 2011). That query fragment is a (nested) pattern matched against working memory. CAMP patterns scrutinize an implicit datum (it), in the context of an environment (env) mapping variables to data. Patterns may fail if they do not match the given data. Match failure, denoted err, is not fatal and can trigger alternative pattern matching attempts.

Definition 3

(CAMP Syntax).

Definition 3 shows the syntax for CAMP with one expression added for casting. d returns a constant data. Unary (\(\oplus \)) and binary (\(\otimes \)) operators can be applied to the result of a pattern or patterns. \(\mathbf {map} ~{p}\) maps a pattern p over the implicit data it. Assuming that it is a bag, the result is the bag of results obtained from matching p against each datum in it. Failing matches are skipped. The \(\mathbf {assert} ~{p}\) construct allows a pattern p to conditionally cause match failure. If p evaluates to false, matching fails, otherwise, it returns the empty record \([\,]\). The \(p_1|\!|p_2\) construct allows for recovery from match failure: if \(p_1\) matches successfully, \(p_2\) is ignored; if \(p_1\) fails to match, \(p_2\) is evaluated. \(\mathbf {it} \) returns the datum being matched. \(\mathbf {let it} = {p_1}~\mathbf {in} ~{p_2}\) binds the implicit datum to the result of a pattern. \(\mathbf {env} \) reifies the current environment as a record, which can then be manipulated via standard record operators. \(\mathbf {let env} \;+\!\!= {p_1}~\mathbf {in} ~{p_2}\), adds new bindings to the environment. The result of matching \(p_1\) must be a record, which is interpreted as a reified environment. If the current environment is compatible with the new one (all common attributes have equal values) they are merged and the pattern \(p_2\) is evaluated with the merged environment. If they are incompatible, the pattern fails. Merge captures the standard semantics in rules languages where multiple bindings of the same variable must bind to the same value.

We add a new expression, \(\mathbf {cast~{\mathsf{A}}} \), which casts \(\mathbf {it} \) to a given brand \(\mathsf{A}\) and accounts for the specific failure semantics in CAMP. It returns the same value if it succeeds, and err if it fails. The semantics (resp. typing) for that extension of CAMP proceeds identically to the one described in (Shinnar et al. 2015), except that it takes a derivation hierarchy (resp. a model) as additional context. Instead of the evaluation judgment \(\sigma \vdash p \,@\,d \Downarrow d?\), we use \(\delta ; \sigma \vdash p \,@\,d \Downarrow d?\), where \(\delta \) is a derivation hierarchy, \(\sigma \) an environment binding variables to values, p a pattern, d an (implicit) input value, and d? the successful match or a match failure. All the evaluation rules pass that additional context along, and the rules for casting are as follows.

figure d

Instead of the typing judgment \(\varGamma \vdash p :\tau _0\rightarrow \tau _1\), we use \(\mu _{\delta } ; \varGamma \vdash p :\tau _0\rightarrow \tau _1\), where \(\mu _{\delta }\) is a well-formed model, \(\varGamma \) a type environment, p a pattern, \(\tau _0\) the type of the (implicit) input, and \(\tau _1\) the type of successful matches. All the typing rules pass that additional context along, and the rule for casting is as follows.

figure e

Note that the dynamic semantics only requires \(\delta \) which means evaluation can proceed entirely based on the brand name derivation with no need for structural checks. This suggests techniques for efficient representation and manipulation of objects should also apply in our context. The model \(\mu _{\delta }\) still needs to be passed at compile time as it is used in the typing rules for branding and unbranding operators (See Sect. 5). Type soundness holds for CAMP with brands.

Theorem 4

(Soundness of Type System for CAMP). Given a well-formed model, i.e., \(\mu _{\delta }\) such that \(\models \mu _{\delta }\):

6.2 NRA

We use the NRA from (Shinnar et al. 2015) with one additional expression for casting. Other operators, e.g., \(\rho \) for unnesting, can be defined in terms of this core algebra (Cluet and Moerkotte 1993).

Definition 4

(NRA Syntax).

figure f

Here, d returns constant data, \(\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} \) returns the context value (usually a bag or a record), and \(\oplus \) and \(\otimes \) are the unary and binary operators from Sect. 5. \(\chi \) is the map operation on bags, \(\sigma \) is selection, \(\times \) is Cartesian product. The dependent join, , evaluates \(q_2\) with its context set to each value in the bag resulting from evaluating \(q_1\), then concatenates records from \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) as in a Cartesian product. The \(|\!|\) expression, which we call default, evaluates its first operand and returns its value, unless that value is \(\emptyset \), in which case it returns the value of its second operand (as default).

\((\!\text{ A }\!)~{q}\), casts the result of q to a brand \(\mathsf{A}\). It returns a singleton bag containing that same value if the cast succeeds, and \(\emptyset \) otherwise. The semantics (resp. typing) for the NRA proceeds identically to the one described in (Shinnar et al. 2015), except that it takes a derivation hierarchy (resp. a model) as additional context. Instead of the evaluation judgment \(q \,@\,\ d \Downarrow d'\), we use \(\delta \vdash q \,@\,\ d \Downarrow d'\), where \(\delta \) is a derivation hierarchy, q an expression, d the (implicit) input value, and \(d'\) the output value. All the evaluation rules pass that additional context along, and the rules for casting are as follows.

figure g

Instead of the typing judgment \(q:\tau _0\rightarrow \tau _1\), we use \(\mu _{\delta } \vdash q:\tau _0\rightarrow \tau _1\), where \(\mu _{\delta }\) is a well-formed model, q an expression, \(\tau _0\) the type of the (implicit) input, and \(\tau _1\) the type of the output. All the typing rules pass that additional context along, and the rule for casting is as follows.

figure h

Type soundness holds for NRA with brands.

Theorem 5

(Soundness of Type System for NRA). Given a well-formed model, i.e., \(\mu _{\delta }\) such that \(\models \mu _{\delta }\):

$$\text {if } \left( \mu _{\delta } \vdash q:\tau _0\rightarrow \tau _1\right) \wedge \left( \mu _{\delta } \vdash d_0:\tau _0\right) \text { then } \exists d_1, \left( \delta \vdash q\,@\,d_0\Downarrow d_1\right) \wedge \left( \mu _{\delta } \vdash d_1:\tau _1\right) $$

6.3 From CAMP to NRA

Translation from CAMP to NRA proceeds identically as the one in (Shinnar et al. 2015), with one additional rule for the cast pattern:

$$\begin{aligned} \llbracket \mathbf{{cast~{\mathsf{A}}} }\rrbracket = (\!\text{ A }\!)~{(}\mathbf {{\textsc {In}}} .D) \end{aligned}$$

We now restate the key correctness theorems of semantics and type preservation for that translation. A CAMP pattern that evaluates to d becomes an NRA query that evaluates to \(\{d\}\) and a CAMP pattern that evaluates to \(\mathbf {err} \) becomes an NRA query that evaluates to \(\emptyset \).

Theorem 6

(Correctness of Translation from CAMP to NRA).

$$\begin{aligned} \delta ; \sigma \vdash p\,@\,d_1\Downarrow d_2&\iff \delta \vdash \llbracket {p}\rrbracket \,@\,\left( [E:\sigma ]*[D:d_1]\right) \Downarrow \{d_2\}\\ \delta ; \sigma \vdash p\,@\,d_1\Downarrow \mathbf {err}&\iff \delta \vdash \llbracket {p}\rrbracket \,@\,\left( [E:\sigma ]*[D:d_1]\right) \Downarrow \emptyset \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 7

(Type Preservation). Given a well-formed model, i.e., \(\mu _{\delta }\) such that \(\models \mu _{\delta }\):

$$ \texttt {CAMP}\leftrightarrow \texttt {NRA}:\quad \mu _{\delta } ; \varGamma \vdash p:\tau _0\rightarrow \tau _1 \Leftrightarrow \mu _{\delta } \vdash \llbracket {p}\rrbracket :[E:\varGamma ,D:\tau _0]\rightarrow \{\tau _1\} .$$

7 Related Work

Our work is related to several areas of databases and programming languages research which have all been influenced by Philip Wadler’s work. Compiling rules to a database backend shares similarities with database-supported execution of programming languages with embedded queries, such as Links (Cooper et al. 2007) and others (Cheney et al. 2013). The Nested Relational Algebra is closely related to languages based on comprehensions such as (Trinder and Wadler 1988), and others (Tannen et al. 1992; Beeri and Kornatzky 1993; Cluet and Moerkotte 1993; Fegaras and Maier 2000). The idea to use of type annotations with a structural subtyping relation to marry nominal and structural typing is inspired by (Siméon and Wadler 2003) and others (Lee et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2015). Compared to (Siméon and Wadler 2003) we must account for the different data model which includes bags and records. This allows us to shed some of the complexity inherent to XML and XML Schema, such as derivation by restriction or substitution groups. However, the subtyping relation requires specific care to handle complex record operations. Compared to (Jones et al. 2015) and (Lee et al. 2015), we do not address typing for a full OO programming language but we integrate brands into a language suitable for bulk data processing.

Typing issues similar to ours are found in object-oriented databases, which support queries over nested objects (Berler et al. 2000). Implementations of OQL (Cluet and Moerkotte 1993) also compile queries into a nested algebra or calculus (Fegaras and Maier 2000; Trigoni and Bierman 2001; Cluet and Moerkotte 1993; Beeri and Kornatzky 1993; Claußen et al. 1997). At the surface language level, proposed type systems (Alagic 1999; Trigoni and Bierman 2001) rely on a purely nominal approach. In contrast, the type system for underlying algebras used for optimization (Cluet and Moerkotte 1993) involves structural typing and record operations but does not address inheritance. The approach presented here unifies both those type systems in a simple and natural way, allowing us to prove type-preservation for the resulting compiler.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we have described a novel type system for languages that involve complex record operations in the context of a class hierarchy. Our compiler includes a translator from JRules to CAMP, a backend that generates Javascript code from NRA, and a query optimizer. Brands are integrated in the full pipeline and, with the exception of the initial front-end translation and Javascript generation, it has been fully mechanized and verified using the Coq proof assistant. We are currently pursuing further development on both theoretical and practical aspects of our compiler. From a theoretical standpoint, we are exploring type inference and extensions with intersection types. From a practical standpoint, we are looking into the use types for optimization, and code-generation for various database runtimes. Beyond his work on XML types, we are indebted to Phil Wadler’s long held interest in cross pollination between programming languages and databases without which this work would simply not exist.