
1 Introduction

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of autonomous nodes that form a dynamic, purpose-specific, multi-hop radio network in a decentralized fashion. The wireless mobile natures of MANETs in conjunction with the absence of access points, providing access to a centralized authority, make them susceptible to a variety of attacks [1]. An effective way to identify when an attack occurs in a MANET is the deployment of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS).

The existing IDS architectures for MANETs fall under three basic categories [2, 3] (a) stand-alone, (b) cooperative and (c) hierarchical. The employed intrusion detection engines are also classified into three main categories [4]: (i) signature-based; (ii) anomaly-based engines and (iii) specification based engines.

In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid model of intrusion detection system which combines between models hierarchical based on of clusters and cooperation model based on a multi-agent system (SMA. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 we present in detail the design of proposed architecture. Section 3, we present in detail the operating of proposed architecture. Finally, Sect. 4 contains the conclusions.

2 Proposed IDS Architecture for MANETs

In this section we present our IDS architecture for MANETs. First, we include the objectives of our classification, and then we present the design of our architecture.

2.1 Design of Our IDS Architecture for MANETs Based on Multi-agent

Our architecture is a combination of hierarchical model based of clusters and cooperative model based on a multi-agent system. The Clustering in MANETs is an effective way to structure the network. Its purpose is to identify a subset of nodes (Fig. 1a) in the network and assigned him a the designated node (DN).

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Architecture of Cluster in MANET; b architecture of multi-agent system

The node is elected by applying the clustering algorithm HEED (Hybrid, Energy-Efficient, Distributed) [5], because this algorithm has four primary objectives: (i) prolonging network lifetime by distributing energy consumption, (ii) terminating the clustering process within a constant number of iterations, (iii) minimizing control overhead (to be linear in the number of nodes), and (iv) producing well-distributed cluster heads.

In our proposed architecture, the agents realizing detection tasks by communication and collaboration between them. The architecture consists of a multi-agent detection system that uses five classes of agents (Fig. 1b): Sensor Agent (SA), Manager Agent (MA), Ontology Agent (OA), Agent actuator (ACA) Agent Analyzer (ANA).

2.2 Design of a MANET Node in Our Architecture

In our architecture, the agents (SA), (ANA) (ACA) and (MA) are installed in the various Member nodes of MANET cluster. The designing a node based agents as shown in (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

a IDS Architecture node in SMA; b IDS architecture of cluster head in SMA

3 Operation of Our Architecture

Our model of security and intrusion detection based on a distributed approach using multi-agent system for receiving intelligence of these agents. It is formed by agents with the capacity to react quickly reactive against different types of attacks (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic of the intrusion detection platform proposed

To facility the operation of our proposed model of multi-agent system we are used design based on the AUML language for describing the operation of agents as follows.

3.1 Sensor Agent(SA)

The sensor agent (SA) Sensor(), is the initiator of the detection process. It is down the chain of operation, it captures network raw traffic by using functions get_info() and get_origin(), and formate in a predefined format by using set_format() function that will be sent to the agent analyzer (ANA) with Send_analyser function. The following figure (Fig. 4a) shows a portion of the class agent diagram for the agents sensor.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Implementation level of the: a Sensor Agent; b Actuator Agent; c Analyzer Agent; d Manager Agent

3.2 Analyzer Agent(ANA) and Actuator Agent (ACA)

The analyzer agent analyser() analyse the formatted data with app_analysis() function and compare the analysis result by applies rules of detection recorded in his database with comparison() and set_decision() functions (Fig. 4c). According to the analysis result, this agent will initiate an external treatment. Two cases are possible:

  • If a malicious activity is confirmed an attack signature, then the analyzer agent use call_action() function and call_actuator() functions to communicates the result to the actuator agent to perform the necessary actions by using action() and cut_connection() functions (Fig. 4b).

  • In second case if the activity is judged suspicious by comparison of detection thresholds, the agent analyzer (ANA) request additional information to confirm the nature of the activity we say that it is initiating agent collaboration. The analyser agent send request to ontology agent by using call_ontology() function to offers semantic verification service of the knowledge to facility the operation for other agent the following figures (Fig. 4b) show a portion of the class agent diagram for the Analyser agent and actuator agent.

3.3 Manager Agent(MA)

The manager agent can ask other agents for local information related to suspicious activity with help() and get_request() functions, in this case one or more agents analyzer located in different nodes in cluster can provide local information to the initiator. In this case one or more agents analyzer located in different nodes in cluster can provide local information to the initiator. This last will repeat the same operation as we see in first case. For its part the manager agent can invoke a data sharing with set_sharing() and send_all() functions to enrich local data at the initiator. The following figures (Fig. 4d) show a portion of the class agent diagram for Manger agent.

4 Conclusion

In this paper we did a study the IDS architectures for MANETs and we have proposed a hybrid model of intrusion detection system which combine between model hierarchical based on of clusters and cooperation model based on a multi-agent system (SMA). Our new architecture is distributed architecture based on the intelligence of the multi-agent system allowing both to reacting rapidly against complex attacks and evaluating the state of flows relative to predefined rules and procedures and other hand enhances the level of security provided to the target monitored.

In the future, after the design phase of the proposed model, we think to use an open source platforms (JADE and MADKIT) to develop the new system intrusion detection and we conducted a simulation platform that reflects the goals already set.