
1 Introduction

Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) aims at systematic development of a family of software products by exploiting the variability among members thereof [1]. Core assets of different products are provided as the platform. Commonalities and differences among products are captured in feature models [2]. In the literature [3], a two-stage SPLE process is proposed (cf. Fig. 1): (1) During domain engineering (DE), platform and variability model are defined. A mapping, e.g., presence conditions [4], specifies which part of the platform realizes which feature(s). (2) In application engineering (AE), variability is resolved by specification of a feature configuration, and a product with the desired features is derived in a preferably automated way. For the definition of the platform, two distinct approaches exist: Using positive variability, a common core is defined to which specific features may be added. Negative variability proposes to specify the platform as superimposition of product variants, from which elements must be removed to obtain a specific product.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The two-stage SPLE process as defined in the literature [3].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The iterative three-stage editing model proposed by version control systems [5, 6].

Version Control (VC) has become indispensable for software engineers to control software evolution and to coordinate changes among a team. Version control systems (VCS) such as Git [5] or Subversion [6] provide an iterative three-stage editing model, which is shown in Fig. 2: (1) A developer checks out a specific revision of a software project from a repository. A copy of the project is created in the local workspace. (2) In the workspace, the developer modifies the project by implementing new functionality or by fixing bugs. (3) To make these modifications persistent and available to others, the developer commits his/her changes to the repository as a new revision.

Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) [7] considers models as first-class artifacts, using well-defined languages such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [8]. Many model-driven applications are built upon the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) [9]. The combination of MDSE with VC or SPLE is subject to many research activities, resulting in the integrating disciplines Model Version Control [10] and Model-Driven Product Line Engineering (MDPLE) [11], which improve tool support by raising the abstraction level of the artifacts subject to version control or variability.

Previous Work. In [12], we have elaborated a conceptual framework for the integration of SPLE and VC based on MDSE. The framework addresses the incremental development of a SPL in a single-version workspace using a filtered editing model that fully automates variability management. In addition to a revision graph, which describes evolution, a feature model and feature configurations are used to express logical variability. In [13], we have presented SuperMod, a model-driven tool that realizes the conceptual framework, allowing to develop a software product line in a single-version workspace step by step using the familiar version control metaphors update, modify, and commit.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Detailed phases of the traditional SPLE process as defined in the literature [3].

Contribution. The current paper explores the development processes underlying existing SPLE tools relying on unfiltered editing on the one hand, and the impact of SuperMod’s filtered editing model on development processes on the other hand. We apply SuperMod to a well-known SPLE example, the Home Automation System (HAS) product line [3], illustrating the following key observations:

  • Using a filtered editing model, product lines may be developed in an iterative and incremental way, relaxing the strictly sequential order of DE and AE.

  • By applying all changes representatively within one product variant, complexity is reduced when compared to multi-variant editing.

  • Tool support for DE and AE is integrated, allowing to postpone the decision whether a change is product-specific or in the scope of multiple products until commit.

  • The adaptation of the VCS-oriented editing model allows to propagate product-specific changes back to the product line.

  • SuperMod is flexible with respect to the used SPLE process, ranging between phase-structured and feature-driven domain engineering.

Roadmap. Section 2 is dedicated to SPLE processes. Section 3 sketches the tool SuperMod used to carry out the HAS case study in Sect. 4. Related work is outlined in Sect. 5. Finally, in Sect. 6, open questions are discussed, before the paper is concluded.

2 Software Product Line Development Processes

2.1 The Traditional SPLE Process

The de-facto standard SPLE process has been sketched in the introduction. Figure 3 shows both sub-processes, domain and application engineering, being equally structured by the typical software development activities analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Prior to DE stands an additional activity, product management, where the scope of the product line is planned, including economical considerations. AE is applied repeatedly for each product; in the traditional SPLE process, it strictly follows DE and re-uses artifacts developed there, i.e., the outcomes of domain analysis, design, implementation, and testing. The sub-process terminates with the deployment of particular products.

The benefits of SPLE are obvious: Rather than developing products from scratch, they may be configured and refined based upon an existing platform. The more products are contained in the product line, the higher the return of investment will be. However, we argue that the traditional SPLE process suffers from a couple of disadvantages:

  1. 1.

    Necessity of Additional Tools. To manifest the captured variability in the platform, the toolchain must be extended by mapping tools in the case of negative variability, or composers or transformation languages in the case of positive variability. Obviously, additional tools require additional training effort and imply new sources of error. In the case of MDSE, tools need to be generic with respect to the used modeling language, which immediately leads to undesirable compromises concerning, e.g., the representation of model elements in concrete syntax.

  2. 2.

    Complexity of the Multi-variant Platform. Domain engineering requires the developers to keep track of all artifacts of the SPL. This raises complexity particularly concerning the implementation of variation points. Assuming that designing a good architecture is already a challenge for single system development, domain design and implementation become even more complex and error-prone. In many MDSE approaches, multi-variant models are constrained with single-version rules.

  3. 3.

    Duplicate Maintenance. Many tools, particularly in the context of MDPLE, aim at fully automated AE by reducing it to a simple configuration step. Frequently, product maintenance causes duplicate maintenance effort. For instance, a bug report may be at first glance specific to a single product, but then become relevant to different members of the product line. Technically, the problem is caused by the automated configuration of products being a one-way road. Round-trip support between DE and AE is urgently required.

2.2 Iterative and Incremental Software Product Line Engineering

Iterative SPLE. In analogy to the waterfall model for single-system development, the traditionally applied sequential SPLE process has soon been extended by feedback loops and iterations, making SPLE more flexible. Gomaa’s double spiral development model [11] allows for alternations between the activities of DE and AE, which are executed in intertwined spirals. Similarly, Clements and Northrop [1] define an iterative SPLE process consisting of three main activities, namely Core Asset Development, Product Development, and Management, which coarsely correspond to DE, AE, and product management, respectively. It is assumed that all three activities are performed in parallel, evolving both the platform and individual products continuously.

Iterative SPLE still assumes that DE is performed in a strictly sequential way as shown in Fig. 4. In the beginning of each iteration, during domain analysis, several features are introduced. These features are further designed, implemented, and tested during the subsequent activities. This implies a phase-structured domain engineering process, which typically consists of long-running iterations that have to be planned extensively in advance.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Phase-structured domain engineering. The identifiers \(f_i\) refer to different features and their connected realization artifacts in the platform.

Phase-structured SPLE processes allow to maintain an overview of the overall product line, easing architectural decisions necessary to anticipate variation points. For this purpose, multi-version editing tools are employed, e.g., preprocessor languages [14] in source-code centric approaches and mapping tools [15, 16] in MDPLE.

Incremental SPLE. Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD) summarizes a plethora of different techniques and paradigms for the development of variational software in general, and SPL in particular [17]. In the sub-discipline Stepwise and Incremental Software Development (SISD) [18], features are described as refinements or layers of an existing software system and consecutively added to the platform as separate increments. The implied feature-driven and incremental realization of domain engineering is sketched in Fig. 5 as a counterpart to the phase-structured way. By introducing one feature at a time, this results in comparatively short-running iterations.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Feature-driven domain engineering.

In the FOSD context, feature-driven development is preferred over phase-structured approaches. Rather than focusing on multi-variant architectural decisions and explicitly modeling variation points, product changes associated with a specific features are described in a preferably fine-granular way, e.g., by using composition [19, 20] or aspect-oriented techniques [21].

2.3 SPLE Processes with SuperMod

During the transition from phase-structured to feature-driven SPLE, the performed iterations become smaller. Accordingly, the distinction between domain engineering and application engineering is blurred. The tool SuperMod presented in Sect. 3 provides a filtered editing model, which makes multi-variant artifacts transparent to the SPL engineer by uniformly supporting DE and AE. An increment is performed representatively in a particular product variant and then propagated to the platform. Increments correspond to change sets, each referring to a partial feature configuration, which may be developed over multiple iterations. SuperMod is compatible with SPLE processes ranging between phase-structured and feature-driven. The disadvantages of the traditional process listed in Sect. 2.1 are addressed as follows:

  1. 1.

    Familiar VCS and SPL Metaphors. SuperMod is added to the toolchain as a new tool, implying the aforementioned difficulties. However, SuperMod’s user interface relies on familiar concepts such as version control metaphors (check-out and commit) and established SPL abstractions (feature models and configurations).

  2. 2.

    Filtered Editing. Changes are generally performed on single-variant products, which eases architectural decisions. Variation points are created automatically and transparently. In the case of MDPLE, the variability of the invisible multi-variant model is unconstrained.

  3. 3.

    Automatic Propagation of Changes. After having finished an iteration, the performed changes are propagated to the platform automatically, removing the necessity of duplicate maintenance. In SuperMod, there is technically no distinction between DE and AE. Only at commit time, the user must decide whether a change is product-specific or global.

3 The Tool SuperMod

This section briefly describes SuperMod [13], a model-driven tool that allows to develop software product lines in an iterative and incremental way as proposed in the previous section. First, we explain theoretical foundations of the tool. Thereafter, SuperMod’s architecture and editing model are sketched and the operations check-out, modify, and commit are redefined. The tool is available for evaluation as Eclipse plug-in (see installation instructions at the end of this paper). Currently, SuperMod is restricted to single-user operation; support for team collaboration is scheduled for future releases.

3.1 Underlying Principles

SuperMod realizes the conceptual framework presented in [12], which integrates MDSE, SPLE, and VC. The framework in turn specializes the uniform version model [22], adding higher-level representations for both the version space (i.e., feature models and revision graphs) and the product space (i.e., EMF models). Below, the core concepts of UVM and its extensions are described informally.

  • Options: An option is a temporal or logical property of a software system, which may or may not be included in a specific product version. In SuperMod, two kinds of options exist: revision options and feature options.

  • Choices: A choice denotes a single valid version by assigning a selection (selected or deselected) to each of the existing options. Choices are used as read filters, i.e., they describe product versions available in the workspace.

  • Ambitions: An ambition denotes a set of versions as a subset of all valid versions. Ambitions are used as write filters in order to delineate the scope of a product change performed in the workspace. In contrast to a choice, an ambition may contain unbound options, to which the change is immaterial.

  • Version Rules: The set of available choices and ambitions is constrained by a set of version rules, logical expressions over the option set. Version rules are used, e.g., in order to implement constraints such as mutual exclusion imposed by feature models, or to designate subsequent revisions.

  • Visibilities: A visibility is a logical expression over the option set, which is attached to an element of the feature or domain model. In order to test an element’s presence in a specific version, the bindings specified by the respective choice are applied. Visibilities are modified automatically during the operation commit.

3.2 Tool Architecture and Editing Model

Both the architecture and the editing model of SuperMod are inspired by distributed VCS [5]. The traditional VCS architecture is extended as follows: Firstly, the feature model is an additional artifact varying along the temporal dimension. Secondly, the domain model varies along two dimensions, the revision graph and the feature model. Figure 6 illustrates the remarks below.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

SuperMod tool architecture and editing model.

Repository. A repository is a persistent storage transparently linked to a software project under VC. Developers communicate with it by means of the metaphors check-out and commit. A SuperMod repository consists of three layers.

  • The revision graph is a directed acyclic graph that describes the temporal history of a SuperMod project. The graph is extended automatically each time a new revision has been committed. For each revision, a revision option is introduced transparently together with a version rule that realizes the relationship to the predecessor revision.

  • The multi-version feature model plays a dual role: Firstly, its evolution is controlled by the revision graph. Secondly, each feature is mapped to a feature option, such that the feature model provides an additional version model. Feature model constraints are mapped to version rules transparently [12].

  • The multi-version domain model describes the superimposition of the versioned project. Although the term “domain model” is used here, the project may comprise a file hierarchy containing model or non-model resources. Within the visibilities of domain model elements, both revision and feature options may occur.

Workspace. A SuperMod workspace contains the currently selected version of the domain model in its single-version representation. EMF models are represented as instances of their custom Ecore-based metamodel(s). Plain text and XML files are made available in their ordinary format, allowing SuperMod users to utilize their preferred single-version editing tools. During the sub-process modify, they may also edit the feature model, e.g., by introducing new features or relationships.

Version Specification. A version in the temporal dimension corresponds to a single revision. As mentioned above, feature configurations specify choices and ambitions in the logical dimension. When referring to an iterative and incremental development process (cf. Sect. 2.2), version specification happens in the beginning and at the end of each iteration. A feature configuration is specified on the current revision of the feature model. When provided as an ambition, the feature configuration may be partial Footnote 1 and typically binds only few features, in many cases only one feature. The effective choice/ambition is formed during check-out/commit as conjunction of the temporal and logical component.

3.3 Check-Out, Modify, and Commit

In the following, the operations update, modify, and commit known from VCS are redefined on top of SuperMod’s architecture and editing model (cf. Fig. 6).

Check-Out. Like in ordinary VCS, the operation check-out is provided to select a specific version (the choice) from the repository, which is then copied to the workspace:

  • The user selects a revision as the temporal component of the choice. The feature model is filtered by the revision, and made available for modification in the workspace.

  • The user specifies a completely bound feature configuration, which forms the logical component of the choice. The effective choice is recorded persistently.

  • The domain model is filtered by the effective choice and exported into the local workspace. The export transformation translates multi-version resources into their specific single-version representation, e.g., plain text or XMI files.

  • The filtered and exported contents are made available in the workspace.

Modify. The user may modify both the filtered feature model and the filtered domain model within the workspace. For domain model resources, arbitrary editors may be used. For the feature model, the command Edit Version Space is offered, which delegates to a specific model editor for the current feature model revision.

Commit. The operation commit, the counterpart to check-out, propagates changes performed in the workspace to the repository under a user-specified scope (the ambition):

  • A new revision is created as the successor of the revision specified for the choice and selected in the temporal component of the ambition. Within the given revision of the feature model, the logical component of the ambition is user-specified as a partial feature configuration. For consistency, it is required that the set of versions described by the effective ambition include the recorded choice.

  • The original state of the workspace version is temporarily restored by applying the recorded choice to the repository. The new state is generated by importing (the inverse of export) the current workspace into its multi-version representation.

  • Differences are computed between the original and the new workspace state.

  • Inserted elements are copied into the repository.

  • The visibilities of inserted/deleted feature model elements are updated automatically by adding/subtracting the temporal component of the ambition to/from the existing visibility.

  • In analogy, the visibilities of inserted/deleted domain model elements are updated by adding/subtracting the effective ambition.

4 The Home Automation Case Study

We apply the tool SuperMod presented in Sect. 3 to the standard example of a product line for Home Automation Systems from [3]. The example is divided up into a phase-structured and a feature-driven part. First, the activities analysis (Sect. 4.1), design (Sect. 4.2), and implementation (Sect. 4.3) are executed, realizing an initial DE iteration. During implementation, a command-line application is developed based on the generated source code. Due to space restrictions, the activity testing has been omitted. In the second part, we transition into feature-driven DE, extending the product line by a new feature ensuing from a customer request (Sect. 4.4). Last, we present our observations and refer back to the SPLE processes from Sect. 2.

For analysis and design, we rely on UML use case, activity, package, and class diagrams [8], using the GMFFootnote 2-based UML modeling tool Valkyrie [23] and its Java code generator. The remarks below are illustrated by screencasts available on our web pages; please follow the link provided at the end of this paper.

Table 1. Commit history of the use case diagram.
Fig. 7.
figure 7

The use case diagram of the HAS example after revision 7, shown in a variant that includes all mandatory and optional features available.

Table 2. Commit history of the activity diagram for Identify.

4.1 Requirements Analysis

Requirements analysis is split into two phases. To begin with, residents’ interactions with the HAS are documented in a use case diagram. Subsequently, one use case is representatively refined by means of an activity diagram.

After having initialized a Valkyrie project and having connected it to SuperMod version control, the first phase is started with an empty use case diagram. In consecutive iterations, we add actors, components, use cases, and relationships as summarized in Table 1. The table also shows that the feature model is developed simultaneously, introducing new features on demand in order to delineate the scope of the respective changes. Figure 7 shows a variant of the final use case diagram.

During the second analysis phase, the feature IdentificationMechanism is further refined by adding three concrete mechanisms, namely Keypad, MagneticCard, and FingerprintScanner. These are collected in an OR-group, meaning that at least one mechanism must be chosen in a valid configuration. In case several mechanisms are available, one of them must be chosen during identification. The available selection should be restricted by the active features; this is realized in revisions 10 until 12 shown in Table 2. The resulting activity diagram is shown in Fig. 8; Fig. 9 shows the refined feature model.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The activity diagram of the use case Identify after revision 12, shown in a variant that includes all sub-features of IdentificationMechanism.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

The feature model after revision 12, shown in SuperMod’s feature model editor. Filled circled denote mandatory features, empty circles optional child features. OR groups require the selection of at least one, XOR groups of exactly one child feature.

Table 3. Commit history of the package diagram.

4.2 Design

The static structure of the HAS product line is also developed in two phases. After modeling an initial package diagram, specific packages are refined by class diagrams.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

The package diagram after revision 28. The shown product variant does not include features Active and Automatic, thus not classes doorLock::ActiveLock and heating::Automatic, either.

Table 3 indicates that the package diagram (see Fig. 10) is developed in an iterative and incremental way by realizing one feature after another. Variation points are anticipated by sketching the use of appropriate design patterns such as strategy and command [24], which are subsequently refined by class diagrams. Here, we refrain from introducing new features during the design phase, although permitted in general.

As shown in Table 4, the package identification is refined by a class diagram, exemplifying the realization of variation points during design. In revision 29, general details are added to the class IdentificationMechanism as well as to the interface IMechanism that realizes the command pattern. Its specific realizations are added subsequently and scoped with the respective feature. In this example, the only necessary changes are to make the respective command classes realize IMechanism (see Fig. 11). In fact, more details could have been added to the classes here. Furthermore, similar refinements might have been applied to the packages doorLock, alarm, and heating.

Table 4. Commit history of the class diagram refining package identification.
Fig. 11.
figure 11

The class diagram that refines package identification in its state after revision 32, with features Keypad, MagneticCard, and FingerprintScanner selected.

4.3 Implementation

In our model-driven product line, the static part of the source code can be derived from the artifacts developed in the design phase using Valkyrie’s code generator. The main class HomeAutomationSystem shall contain the main executable as command-line application. Below, we confine the presentation to the implementation of the method identify() of class IdentificationMechanism, which implements the activity diagram from Fig. 8.

Table 5. Overall commit history of the implementation phase.

Variability is achieved by making the declarations and usages of specific mechanism classes dependent on their respective features. As shown in Table 5 and Listing 1.1, after the initial code generation run in revision 33, negative variability is simulated: In revision 34, a multi-variant implementation is provided. We then connect the variable constructor calls and the concrete implementation classes to their respective features by applying the negative implementation, i.e., by removing the corresponding source code file and the statement containing the constructor call, and by committing against the negation of the respective ambitionFootnote 3. In order to perform these deletions, it is necessary to switch to a suitable choice where the respective features are deselected, e.g., the choices presented in the screencast.

figure a

4.4 Handling a New Customer Request

So far, our SPL has been developed in a phase-structured way, following the classical development activities analysis, design, and implementation. Now, we demonstrate how SuperMod allows to quickly react to a new customer request that cross-cuts all three development activities; we realize the increment in one single iteration.

The customer requests to extend the list of identification mechanisms available in the HAS product line by a new, biometric mechanism that uses existing iris scanner hardware and drivers. We check-out the latest revision of the HAS project, choosing the customer’s product variant, which currently includes all sub-features of IdentificationMechanism. Then, we handle the request as follows (due to space restrictions, we cannot present the modified artifacts here; please refer to the screencasts):

  • Analysis: It is obvious that a new feature Biometric must be introduced into the OR-group below IdentificationMechanism (cf. Fig. 9). The request does not affect the use cases, but the activity diagram that details the use case Identify (cf. Fig. 8): We add a new action BiometricIdentification and connect it to the decision/merge node in analogy to the existing identification actions.

  • Design: We add a new class Biometric as well as a realization of the interface IMechanism to the class diagram shown in Fig. 11. This transparently extends the package diagram (cf. Fig. 10).

  • Implementation: The (incremental) code generation is re-invoked, creating a new source file To the implementation of method IdentificationMechanism.identify() (cf. Listing 1.1), we add the following statement after line 99:

  • Deployment: The current iteration is finalized by committing all pending changes to the repository under revision 38. As logical ambition, we specify a partial configuration that selects only the new feature Biometric. Hence, the performed modifications hold for future variants that include this feature. At last, the current product variant is deployed to the customer, without the need for an additional AE run.

4.5 Results and Observations

Key Figures. Our example SPL has evolved over a total of 38 iterations, distributing as follows: 12 iterations for analysis, 20 for design, 5 for the implementation of a cut-out of the functionality, and one additional iteration for the new customer request. In total, the product line contains approximately 100 model elements, from which 17 source code files have been derived, the largest of which contains 137 lines of code. The final feature model contains 17 features, 10 of which are optional. The entire version management has been performed by specifying 6 choices (cf. screencasts) and 38 ambitions, respectively, during check-out and commit.

According to the mechanisms described in [12, 13], 410 visibilities have been added to elements, attributes, and links contained in the transparent multi-variant UML model (not including its graphical representation). Necessarily, the same number of feature expressions or presence conditions would have to be manually be specified when using an explicit mapping model in a tool relying on positive variability, e.g., [15] or [16].

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Summary of the HAS example: Iterations and increments performed during specific development activities, aligned with the temporal (x-axis) and logical dimension (y-axis).

Remarks on SPLE Process and Tools. Figure 12 summarizes the relevant cut-out of the example. When considering DE as a whole, one could sum up revisions 1 until 37 as one process iteration, including the DE activities analysis, design, and implementation. Technically, a multitude of iterations have been performed using fine-grained check-out/commit cycles in order benefit from SuperMod’s automated variability management and filtered editing model. Noteworthily, the iterations belonging to each phase are arranged roughly diagonally when referring to the temporal and logical dimension.

Revision 37 may be considered as an initial major revision of the product line, after which we transition from phase-structured to feature-driven development in order to integrate customer feedback more flexibly. The change performed in revision 38 is realized in the customer’s product variant and then added to the product line transparently by committing the change against the new feature Biometric. This way, duplicate maintenance is avoided by the tool-level integration of DE and AE.

In sum, the example has shown that SuperMod is compatible with both a phase-structured and a feature-driven style of iterative and incremental SPLE development. In addition to a reduced version management overhead, the example has demonstrated a minimal planning effort when referring to particular iterations; features are introduced on demand. The advantages of tool independence and unconstrained variability discussed in [12] can also be reproduced in the HAS example.

5 Related Work

This paper continues a series of previous publications on the SuperMod project and its foundations. In [12], the underlying conceptual framework for the integration of VC, SPLE and MDSE has been defined. The paper also contains a general overview of literature concerning the integrating disciplines Model-Driven Product Line Engineering [11], Model Version Control [10], and Software Product Line Evolution [25]. In [13], the tool SuperMod has been presented using the standard example of a product line for graphs [26]. Additionally, the paper contains a comparative domain analysis of VC and SPLE and aligns SuperMod with different tools that share VC and SPLE concepts. In this section, we compare our work to different iterative and/or incremental approaches to SPLE and to other occurrences of the HAS case study.

The Home Automation System example has been introduced by Pohl et al. [3] to illustrate different activities of the traditional SPLE process (cf. Fig. 3). The authors stress the importance of the activity domain analysis, where an initial feature model is produced. During domain design and domain implementation, a reference architecture and core implementation assets are constructed. In domain testing, component tests are written. These artifacts are then filtered and composed during corresponding application engineering activities, concluding with testing the product using respective component tests. As opposed to our version of the HAS example, the original version has been developed in a strictly phase-structured way.

Among others, the authors of [27] have observed that agile principles potentially increase the applicability of SPLE while reducing time to market. They present a bottom-up, test-driven approach inspired by Extreme Programming [28]. After defining a test case specific to a new feature, its realization is incorporated to the product line using systematic refactoring techniques. However, the presented solution is not as highly automated as the SuperMod approach. Furthermore, when compared to our example, the iterations are still relatively long-running. Presumably, SuperMod can also meet the requirements of agile SPLE.

In [29], an approach to filtered (projectional) editing of multi-variant programs is described. Like in our work, the motivation is a reduction of complexity gained by hiding variants not important for a specific change to a multi-variant model. Visibilities are managed automatically, but in contrast to our approach, the choice always equals the ambition. Furthermore, the restriction of a completely bound choice does not exist since the user operates on a partially filtered product which still contains variability. The wider the ambition, the more variability information is kept in the workspace, increasing maintenance overhead especially for wide ambitions.

Völter et al. [21] apply aspect-oriented techniques such as modularization and composition in order to realize the HAS example using positive variability. The platform is described at a high level of abstraction using a custom domain-specific language. During product derivation, artifacts belonging to the selected features are composed. This leads to a reduction of complexity with respect to architectural decisions of the modular artifacts, but raises new problems when it comes to conflicting composition rules.

In [15, 30], the HAS example has been used to demonstrate consistency mechanisms of the MDPLE tool FAMILE, which relies on negative variability and unfiltered editing. The tool allows to connect a manually developed multi-variant domain model to a feature model in a dedicated mapping model using feature expressions, and to automatically configure products. Contradictions among feature expressions may lead to inconsistencies within the mapping model. The presented solutions, which include a domain specific language for repair actions, are interactively controlled by the SPL engineer. In contrast, SuperMod makes both the multi-variant model and feature expressions transparent, and product conflicts are resolved by the user in batch mode.

The HAS example is frequently referred to in the context of dynamically reconfiguring systems, which can be considered as product lines that use run-time variability. An example is provided in [31], where the platform itself is described using MDSE techniques. When compared to our compile-time based solution, time to market is even shorter. However, consistent component interaction must be manually ensured.

6 Discussion

Having conducted two standard examples with the tool SuperMod and having defined an appropriate development process, we are now able to discuss the potential research impact as well as the limitations of our proposed approach. The following open questions will also stimulate future research directions.

How Steep is SuperMod’s Learning Curve? In the beginning, SuperMod’s editing model seems quite unfamiliar, in particular to SPL engineers who are used to unfiltered editing approaches, where they fully control the multi-variant architecture. According to our own experience, planning the iterations and learning to specify a correct ambition are the most challenging parts. We have observed that small iterations and frequent commits require a fair amount of discipline. The effective training effort of SuperMod remains to be experimentally quantified and compared to unfiltered SPLE approaches.

Do We Still Require Unfiltered Editing? Intentionally, SuperMod users never get in touch with multi-version artifacts, since they always operate in a single-version view. This reduces complexity, but also awareness of the variability present in the overall product line. In some situations, one wants to inspect or modify the multi-version artifacts in an unfiltered way, e.g., in order to revise erroneously specified ambitions. A compromise between filtered and unfiltered editing is partially filtered editing [29]. However, preprocessor-like variability annotations are technically hard to realize for graphically represented models.

Where are Organized Reuse and Variation Points? SPL are based on the principle of organized reuse. When developing the multi-variant architecture, variation points are planned in advance and explicitly realized using the features of the respective programming or modeling language, e.g., inheritance. SuperMod does not require to explicitly model and document variation points; on the contrary, they are completely transparent to the user. This fact is in turn linked to the advantage of reduced complexity and the disadvantage of limited awareness of variability [12]. Furthermore, in SPLE, features are typically introduced in the beginning during product management. In contrast, our approach dedicates the decision, when to introduce new features, to the user.

How to Control the Multi-variant Architecture? This question is linked to the preceding two answers. Due to the single-version view and the fact that variation points are transparent, the challenge of designing a multi-variant architecture never arises. However, this also removes the chance to control the architecture, e.g., by refactoring. Does this result in a “worse” multi-variant architecture? Provided that it is transparent to the user anyway, is a “good” multi-variant architecture important at all? The properties of automatically constructed multi-variant architectures need to be further investigated.

7 Summary and Outlook

In this paper, we have revisited a well-established SPLE case study, the Home Automation System SPL. We have employed the tool SuperMod, which is focused on but not restricted to model-driven SPL. Its user interface is oriented towards version control by offering the metaphors update, modify, and commit. Developers may evolve the SPL in a single-version workspace, while changes are propagated to the multi-version platform transparently, obviating the need for up-front, multi-variant design. The evolution of multi-variant product artifacts is mostly automated. SuperMod’s integrated tool support enables a round-trip between DE and AE, whose distinction is blurred by fine-granular update/commit cycles and by keeping products in the product line until deployment.

With respect to the underlying SPLE process, our example has demonstrated that SuperMod is compatible with different styles of iterative and incremental development, ranging from phase-driven domain engineering, which has been applied to create an initial major revision of the product line, to feature-driven development, which has been enforced to integrate customer feedback and to integrate the respective change to the product line transparently, without the need of duplicate maintenance.

When compared to state-of-the-art approaches, our presented solution minimizes both planning and maintenance effort. Furthermore, the amount of manually specified variability information is significantly lower. Using the presented procedure and tool, the SPLE developer may focus on product-specific design decisions, reducing the cognitive complexity in the domain engineering phase. SuperMod integrates well with existing tools, particularly in the EMF world.

Future work addresses extensions to SuperMod, including multi-user support, product conflict resolution, and difference representation. Furthermore, we aim to continue the experimental evaluation of our approach using a case study of industrial scale.

8 Accompanying Resources

The research prototype SuperMod is available as a set of Eclipse plug-ins under the Eclipse Public License. The plug-ins may be installed into a clean Eclipse Luna Modeling distribution using the following update site:Footnote 4. The items SuperMod Core and SuperMod Revision+Feature Layered Version Model should be selected for installation. Furthermore, we provide several screencasts where SuperMod’s usage with both the graph example from [13] and the HAS example from this paper is demonstrated:Footnote 5.