
1 Introduction

Scenarios describe intended or actual behavior of software systems in terms of action and event sequences. Notations for defining and describing scenarios include different types of graphical models such as UML activity and UML interaction models. Scenarios are used to model systems from a user perspective and ease the communication between different stakeholders [3, 17, 18]. As it is almost impossible to completely test a complex software system, one needs an effective procedure to select relevant tests, to express and to maintain them, as well as to automate tests whenever possible. In this context, scenario-based testing is a means to reduce the risk of omitting or forgetting relevant test cases, as well as the risk of insufficiently describing important tests [21, 32].

Tests and a system’s source code (including the comments in the source code) directly serve as a documentation for the respective software system. For example, in Agile development approaches, tests are sometimes referred to as a living documentation [35]. However, learning about a system only via tests and source code is complex and time consuming. In this context, graphical models are a popular device to document a system and to communicate its architecture, design, and implementation to other stakeholders, especially those who did not author the code or the tests. Moreover, graphical models also help in understanding and maintaining a system, e.g., if the original developers are no longer available or if a new member of the development team is introduced to the system. Alas, authoring and maintaining graphical models require a substantial investment of time and effort. Because tests and source code are primary development artifacts of many software systems, the automated derivation of graphical models from a system’s tests and source code can contribute to limiting documentation effort. Moreover, automating model derivation provides for an up-to-date documentation of a software system, whenever requested.

A general challenge for deriving (a.k.a. reverse-engineering) graphical models is that their visualization as diagrams easily becomes too detailed and too extensive, rendering them ineffective communication vehicles. This has been referred to as the problem of model-size explosion [1, 33]. Common strategies to cope with unmanageable model sizes are filtering techniques, such as element sampling and hiding. Another challenge is that a graphical documentation (i.e. models, diagrams) must be captured and visualized in a manner which makes the resulting models tailorable by the respective stakeholders. This way, stakeholders can fit the derived models to a certain analysis purpose, e.g., a specific development or maintenance activity [9].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Deriving tailored UML interaction models from scenario tests.

In this paper, we report on an approach for deriving behavior documentation (esp. UML2 interaction models depicted via sequence diagrams) from scenario-based runtime tests in a semi-automated manner (see Fig. 1). Our approach is independent of a particular programming language. It employs metamodel mappings between the concepts found in scenario-based testing, on the one hand, and the UML2 metamodel fragment specific to UML2 interactions [27], on the other hand. Our approach defines a viewpoint [4] which allows for creating different views on the test-execution traces resulting in partial interaction models and sequence diagrams. Moreover, we present a prototypical realization of the approach via a tool called KaleidoScopeFootnote 1. This paper is a revised and extended version of our paper from ICSOFT 2015 [15]. This post-conference revision incorporates important changes in response to comments by reviewers and by conference attendees. For example, we included the OCL consistency constraints for the derived UML interaction models.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Conceptual overview of deriving tailored UML interaction models from scenario-based runtime tests.

Figure 2 provides a bird’s-eye view on the procedure of deriving tailored interaction models from scenario-based runtime tests. After implementing the source code of the SUT and specifying the scenario-test script, the respective tests are executed (see steps and in Fig. 2). A “trace provider” component instruments the test run (e.g. using dynamic analysis) and extracts the execution-trace dataFootnote 2 for creating a corresponding scenario-test trace model (see step ). After test completion, the test log is returned (including the test result). Based on a view configuration and on the extracted trace model (see steps and ), an interaction model (step ) is derived. This transformation is executed by a “model builder” component, which implements the conceptual mappings between the test-execution trace metamodel and the UML2 metamodel. The concrete source and target models are instances of the corresponding metamodels. Notice that based on one trace model (reflecting one test run), multiple tailored interaction models can be derived in steps through .Footnote 3 Finally, the models can be rendered by a diagram editor into a corresponding sequence diagram (step ) to assist in analysis tasks by the stakeholders (step ).

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In Sect. 2, we explain how elements of scenario tests can be represented as elements of UML2 interactions. In particular, we introduce in Sect. 2.1 our metamodel of scenario-based testing and in Sect. 2.2 the elements of the UML2 metamodel that are relevant for our approach. In Sect. 2.3, we present the conceptual mappings (transformation rules) between different elements of the scenario-test metamodel and the UML2 metamodel. Subsequently, Sect. 3 proposes test-based tailoring techniques for the derived interaction models. In Sect. 3.1, we explain the option space for tailoring interaction models based on a scenario-test viewpoint and illustrate a simple application example in Sect. 3.2. Section 3.3 explains how tailoring interaction models is realized by additional view-specific metamodel mappings. In Sect. 4, we introduce our prototypical implementation of the approach. Finally, Sect. 5 gives an overview of related work and Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Representing Scenario Tests as UML2 Interactions

2.1 Scenario-Test Structure and Traces

We extended an existing conceptual metamodel of scenario-based testing [34]. This extension allows us to capture the structural elements internal to scenario tests, namely test blocks, expressions, assertions, and definitions of feature calls into the system under test (SUT; see Fig. 3). A trace describes the SUT’s responses to specific stimuli [4]. We look at stimuli which are defined by an executable scenario-test specification and which are enacted by executing the corresponding scenario test. In the following, we refer to the combined structural elements of the scenario-test specifications and the underlying test-execution infrastructure as the scenario-test framework (STF). This way, an execution of a scenario-based TestSuite (i.e. one test run) is represented by a Trace instance. In particular, the respective trace records instances of FeatureCall in chronological order, describing the SUT feature calls defined by the corresponding instances of FeatureCallDefinition that are owned by a block. Valid kinds of Block are Assertion (owned, in turn, by Pre- or Postcondition block) or other STF features such as Setup, TestBody or Cleanup in a certain scenario test. In turn, each SUT Feature represents a kind of Block. A block aggregates definitions of SUT feature calls. Instances of FeatureCall represent one interaction between two structural elements of the SUT. These source and target elements are represented by instantiations of Instance. Every feature call maintains a reference to the calling feature (caller) and the corresponding called feature (callee), defined and owned by a given class of the SUT. Features are divided into structural features (e.g. Property) and behavioral features (e.g. Operation). Moreover, Constructor and Destructor owned by a class are also kinds of Feature. A feature call additionally records Argument instances that are passed into the called feature, as well as the return value, if any. The sum of elements specific to a call is referred to as “call dependencies”.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Test-execution trace metamodel extends [34] to include test-block structure and scenario-test traces.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Selected interaction-specific elements of the UML2 metamodel.

2.2 Interaction-Specific Elements of UML2

UML interaction models and especially sequence diagrams offer a notation for documenting scenario-test traces. A UML Interaction represents a unit of behavior (here the aforementioned trace) with focus on message interchanges between connectable elements (here SUT instances). In this paper, we focus on a subset of interaction-specific elements of the UML2 metamodel that specify certain elements of UML2 sequence diagrams (see Fig. 4). The participants in a UML interaction model are instances of UML classes which are related to a given scenario test. The sequence diagram then shows the interactions between these instances in terms of executing and receiving calls on behavioral features (e.g. operations) and structural features (e.g. properties) defined for these instances via their corresponding UML classes. From this perspective, the instances interacting in the scenario tests constitute the SUT. Instances which represent structural elements of the scenario-testing framework (STF; e.g. test cases, postconditions), may also be depicted in a sequence diagram; for example as a test-driver lifeline [5]. The feature calls on SUT instances originating from STF instances rather than other SUT instances represent the aforementioned stimuli. This way, such feature calls designate the beginning and the end of a scenario-test trace.

2.3 Mapping Test Traces to Interactions

To formalize rules for transforming scenario-test traces into UML interactions, we define a metamodel mapping between the scenario-test trace metamodel, on the one hand, and the corresponding excerpt from the UML2 metamodel, on the other hand. For the purposes of this paper, we specified the corresponding mappings using transML diagrams [13], which represent model transformations in a tool- and technology- independent manner compatible with the UML. In total, 18 transML mapping actions are used to express the correspondences. These mapping actions (M1–M18) are visualized in Figs. 5, 6 and 12. The transML mapping diagrams are refined by OCL expressions [24] to capture important mapping and consistency constraints for the resulting UML interaction models. The mapping constraints are depicted below each related transML mapping. The mapping action represents the context for the OCL constraints and, this way, allows for navigating to elements of the source and target model. The OCL consistency constraints are fully reported in the Appendix of this paper.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Mapping elements of scenario-test traces (specific to a feature call fC) to UML2 elements.

In general, i.e. independent of a configured view, each Trace instance, which comprises one or several feature calls, is mapped to an instance of UML Interaction (see M10 in Fig. 5). This way, the resulting interaction model reflects the entire test-execution trace (for viewpoint mappings, see Sect. 3.3). However, each instance of FeatureCall (fC) contained by a given trace is mapped to one UML Message instance (see M4). Each of the mappings of the other trace elements (i.e. “call dependencies”) depends on mapping M4 and is specific to fC. Each instance that serves as source or target of a feature call is captured in terms of a pair of a ConnectableElement instance and a Lifeline instance. A Lifeline, therefore, represents a participant in the traced interaction, i.e., a ConnectableElement typed with the UML class of the participant. See the transML mapping actions M1 and M2 in Fig. 5. An instance of MessageOccurrence in the resulting interaction model represents the feature call at the calling feature’s end as a sendEvent (see M5). Likewise, at the called feature’s end, the feature call maps to a receiveEvent (see M6). Depending on the kind of the feature call, the resulting Message instance is annotated differently. For constructor and destructor calls, the related message has a create or delete signature, respectively. In addition, the corresponding message is marked using messageSort createMessage or deleteMessage, respectively (see M8 and M9). Note that in case of a constructor call, the target is represented by the class of the created instance and the created instance is the return value. This way, in this specific case, the return value is mapped to lifeline and connectable element typed by the target (see M8). Other calls map to synchronous messages (i.e. messageSort synchCall). In this case, the name of the callee feature and the names of the arguments passed into the call are mapped to the signature of the corresponding Message instance (see M7). In addition, an execution is created in the interaction model. An Execution represents the enactment of a unit of behavior within the lifeline (here the execution of a called feature). The resulting Execution instance belongs to the lifeline of the target instance and its start is marked by the message occurrence created by applying M6. For the corresponding OCL consistency constraints based on mapping M4, see Listing 1.3 in the Appendix.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Mapping return value (specific to a feature call fC) to UML2 elements.

If a given feature call fC reports a return value, a second Message instance will be created to represent this return value. This second message is marked as having messageSort reply (see M12 in Fig. 6). Moreover, two instances of MessageOccurrence are created acting as the sendEvent and the receiveEvent (covering the lifelines mapped from target and source instance related to fC, respectively). An instance of NamedElement acts as the signature of this message, reflecting the actual return value (see M12). In case of a missing return value, an ExecutionOccurrence instance is provided to consume the call execution (finish) at the called feature’s end (see M11). Listing 1.4 in the Appendix provides the corresponding OCL consistency constraints based on mapping M12.

The chronological order of the FeatureCall instances in the recorded trace must be preserved in the interaction model. Therefore we require that the message occurrences serving as send and receiveEvents of the derived messages (see M5, M6, M12) preserve this order on the respective lifelines (along with the execution occurrences). This means, that after receiving a message (receiveEvent), the send events derived from called nested features are added in form of events covering the lifeline. In case of synchronous calls with owned return values, for each message, the receive event related to the reply message enters the set of ordered events (see M12) before adding the send event of the next call.

3 Views on Test-Execution Traces

In this section, we discuss how the mappings from Sect. 2 can be extended to render the derived interaction models tailorable. By tailoring, we refer to specific means for zooming in and out on selected details of a test-execution trace; and for pruning selected details. For this purpose, our approach defines a scenario-test viewpoint. A viewpoint [4] stipulates the element types (e.g. scenario-test parts, feature-call scopes) and the types of relationships between these element types (e.g. selected, unselected) available for defining different views on test-execution traces. On the one hand, applying the viewpoint allows for controlling model-size explosion. On the other hand, the views offered on the derived models can help tailor the corresponding behavior documentation for given tasks (e.g. test or code reviews) and/or stakeholder roles (e.g. test developer, software architect).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Example of an option space for configuring views on test-execution traces by combining scenario-test parts and feature-call scopes.

3.1 Scenario-Test Viewpoint

To tailor the derived interaction models, two characteristics of scenario tests and the corresponding scenario-test traces can be leveraged: the whole-part structure of scenario tests and trackable feature-call scopes.

Scenario-Test Parts. Scenario tests, in terms of concepts and their specification structure, are composed of different parts (see Sect. 2.1 and Fig. 3):

  • A test suite encompasses one or more test cases.

  • A test case comprises one or more test scenarios.

  • A test case, and a test scenario can contain assertion blocks to specify pre- and post-conditions.

  • A test suite, a test case, and a test scenario can contain exercise blocks, as setup, or cleanup procedures.

  • A test scenario contains a test body.

Feature-Call Scopes. Each feature call in a scenario-test trace is scoped according to the scenario-test framework (STF) and the system under test (SUT), respectively, as the source and the target of the feature call. This way, we can differentiate between three feature-call scopes:

  • feature calls running from the STF to the SUT (i.e. test stimuli),

  • feature calls internal to the SUT (triggered by test stimuli directly and indirectly),

  • feature calls internal to the STF.

The scenario-test parts and feature-call scopes form a large option space for tailoring an interaction model. In Fig. 7, these tailoring options are visualized as a configuration matrix. For instance, a test suite containing one test case with just one included test scenario offers 14,329 different interaction-model views available for configuration based on one test run (provided that the corresponding test blocks are specified).Footnote 4

3.2 Example

In this section, we demonstrate by example the relevance of specifying different views on the test-execution traces for different tasks and/or stakeholder roles. A stack-based dispenser component (one element of an exemplary SUT) is illustrated in Fig. 8. A Stack provides the operations push, pop, size, and full as well as the attributes limit and element, which are accessible via corresponding getter/setter operations (i.e. getElements, getLimit and setLimit).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Excerpt from a UML class diagram of an exemplary SUT.

figure a

Consider the example of a test developer whose primary task is to conduct a test-code review. For this review, she is responsible for verifying a test-scenario script against a scenario-based requirements description. The scenario is named pushOnFullStack and specified in Listing 1.1. The excerpt from the test script to be reviewed is shown in Listing 1.2. To support her in this task, our approach can provide her with a partial UML sequence diagram which reflect only selected details of the test-execution trace. These details of interest could be interactions triggered by specific blocks of the test under review, for example. Such a view provides immediate benefits to the test developer. The exemplary view in Fig. 9 gives details on the interactions between the STF and the SUT, i.e. the test stimuli observed under this specific scenario. To obtain this view, the configuration pulls feature calls from a combination of setup, precondition, test body and postcondition specific to this test scenario. The view from Fig. 9 corresponds to configuration in Fig. 7.

As another example, consider a software architect of the same SUT. The architect might be interested in how the system behaves when executing the test body of the given scenario pushOnFullStack. The architect prefers a behavior documentation which additionally provides details on the interaction between SUT instances. A sequence diagram for such a view is presented in Fig. 10. This second view effectively zooms into a detail of the first view in Fig. 9, namely the inner workings triggered by the message push(1,4). The second view reflects configuration in Fig. 7.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Sequence diagram derived from pushOnFullStack highlighting calls running from STF to SUT.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Sequence diagram derived from pushOnFullStack zooming in on test body and representing both, calls running from STF to SUT and calls internal to the SUT.

3.3 Viewpoint Mappings

UML interaction models and corresponding sequence diagrams allow for realizing immediate benefits from a scenario-test viewpoint. For example, sequence diagrams provide notational elements which can help in communicating the scenario-test structure (suite, case, scenario) to different stakeholders (architects, developers, and testers). These notational features include combined fragments and references. This way, a selected part can be visually marked in a diagram showing a combination of test parts (see, e.g., Fig. 9). Alternatively, a selected part of a scenario test can be highlighted as a separate diagram (see Fig. 10). On the other hand, interaction models can be tailored to contain only interactions between certain types of instances. Thereby, the corresponding sequence diagram can accommodate views required by different stakeholders of the SUT. In Fig. 9, the sequence diagram highlights the test stimuli triggering the test scenario pushOnFullStack, whereas the diagram in Fig. 10 additionally depicts SUT internal calls.

Conceptually, we represent different views as models conforming to the view metamodel in Fig. 11. In essence, each view selects one or more test parts and feature-call scopes, respectively, to be turned into an interaction model. Generating the actual partial interaction model is then described by six additional transML mapping actions based on a view and a trace model (see M13–18 in Fig. 12). In each mapping action, a given view model (view) is used to verify whether a given element is to be selected for the chosen scope of test parts and call scopes. Upon its selection, a feature call with its call dependencies is processed according to the previously introduced mapping actions (i.e. M1-M9, M11, and M12).

Mappings Specific to Call Scope. As explained in Sect. 3.1, a view can define any, non-empty combination of three call scopes: STF internal, SUT internal, and STF to SUT. In mapping action M18, each feature call is evaluated according to the structural affiliations of the calling and the called feature, respectively. For details, see the OCL helper operation conformsToCallScope(v:View) in Listing 1.5 shown in the Appendix. Note that in case of explicitly documenting SUT behavior (i.e. SUT internal and STF to SUT), lifelines can alternatively just represent SUT instances. In this case, the sendEvent of each call running from STF to SUT (and, in turn, each receiveEvent of the corresponding reply message) is represented by a Gate instance (instead of MessageOccurrence) which signifies in the UML a connection point for relating messages outside with inside an interaction fragment.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

View metamodel.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Mappings specific to a given configured view with callScope and testPartition. For clarity, the case for configuring a view with one call scope and one test partition is depicted.

Mappings Specific to Test Partition. The viewpoint provides for mapping structural elements of the STF to structural elements of UML interactions to highlight feature calls in their scenario-test context. Relevant contexts are the STF and scenario-test blocks (see M13–M17 in Fig. 12). Feature calls relate directly to a test block, with the call definition being contained by a block, or indirectly along a feature-call chain. This way, the STF and the respective test parts responsible for a trace can selectively enter a derived interaction as participants (e.g. as a test-driver lifeline). Besides, the scenario-test blocks and parts nested in the responsible test part (e.g. case, scenario, setup, precondition) can become structuring elements within an enclosing interaction, such as combined fragments. Consider, for example, a test suite being selected entirely. The trace obtained from executing the TestSuite instance is mapped to an instance of Interaction (M13 in Fig. 12). Scenario-test parts such as test cases and test scenarios, as well as test blocks, also become instances of Interaction when they are selected as active partition in a given view (M14, M16). Alternatively, they become instances of CombinedFragment along with corresponding interaction operands (M15, M17), when they are embedded with the actually selected scenario-test part (see isNestedIn(p:Partition) in Listing 1.5 in the Appendix). Hierarchical ownership of one (child) test part by another (parent) part is recorded accordingly as enclosingOperand relationship between child and parent parts. The use of combined fragments provides for a general structuring of the derived interaction model according to the scenario-test structure. All feature calls associated with given test parts (see M18 in Fig. 12 and the mapping constraint conformsToTestPartition(v:View) in Listing 1.5 in the Appendix) are effectively grouped because their corresponding message occurrences and execution occurrences (both being a kind of InteractionFragment) become linked to a combined fragment via an enclosing interaction operand. Combined fragments also establish a link to the Lifeline instances representing the SUT instances interacting in a given view. To maintain the strict chronological order of feature calls in a given trace, the resulting combined fragments must apply the InteractionOperator strict (see Sect. 2.1).Footnote 5

4 Prototype Implementation

The KaleidoScopeFootnote 6 tool can derive tailored UML2 interaction models from scenario-based runtime tests. Figure 13 depicts a high-level overview of the derivation procedure supported by KaleidoScope. The architectural components of KaleidoScope (STORM, trace provider, and model builder) as well as the diagram editor are represented via different swimlanes. Artifacts required and resulting from each derivation step are depicted as input and output pins of the respective action.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Process of deriving tailored interaction models with KaleidoScope.

4.1 Used Technologies

The “Scenario-based Testing of Object-oriented Runtime Models” (STORM) test framework provides an infrastructure for specifying and for executing scenario-based component tests [34]. STORM provides all elements of our scenario-based testing metamodel (see Fig. 3). KaleidoScope builds on and instruments STORM to obtain execution-trace data from running tests defined as STORM test suites. This way, KaleidoScope keeps adoption barriers low because existing STORM test specifications can be reused without modification. STORM is implemented using the dynamic object-oriented language “Next Scripting Language” (NX), an extension of the “Tool Command Language” (Tcl). As KaleidoScope integrates with STORM, we also implemented KaleidoScope via NX/Tcl. In particular, we chose this development environment because NX/Tcl provides numerous advanced dynamic runtime introspection techniques for collecting execution traces from scenario tests. For example, NX/Tcl provides built-in method-call introspection in terms of message interceptors [36] and callstack introspection. KaleidoScope records and processes execution traces, as well as view configuration specifications, in terms of EMF models (Eclipse Modeling Framework; i.e. Ecore and MDT/UML2 models). More precisely, the models are stored and handled in their Ecore/XMI representation (XML Metadata Interchange specification [26]). For transforming our trace models into UML models, the required model transformations [6] are implemented via “Query/View/Transformation Operational” (QVTo) mappings [25]. QVTo allows for implementing concrete model transformations based on conceptual mappings in a straightforward manner.

4.2 Derivation Actions

Run Scenario Tests. For deriving interaction models via KaleidoScope, a newly created or an existing scenario-test suite is executed by the STORM engine. At this point, and from the perspective of the software engineer, this derivation-enabled test execution does not deviate from an ordinary one. The primary objective of this test run is to obtain the runtime data required to build a trace model. Relevant runtime data consist of scenario-test traces (SUT feature calls and their call dependencies) and structural elements of the scenario test (a subset of STF feature calls and their call dependencies).

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Trace metamodel, EMF Ecore.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

View metamodel, EMF Ecore.

Build Trace Models. Internally, the trace-provider component of KaleidoScope instruments the STORM engine before the actual test execution to record the corresponding runtime data. This involves intercepting each call of relevant features and deriving the corresponding call dependencies. At the same time, the trace provider ascertains that its instrumentation remains transparent to the STORM engine. To achieve this, the trace provider instruments the STORM engine and the tests under execution using NX/Tcl introspection techniques. In NX/Tcl, method-call introspection is supported via two variants of message interceptors [36]: mixins and filters. Mixins [37] can be used to decorate entire components and objects. Thereby, they intercept calls to methods which are known a priori. In KaleidoScope, the trace provider registers a mixin to intercept relevant feature calls on the STF, i.e. the STORM engine. Filters [23] are used by the trace provider to intercept calls to objects of the SUT which are not known beforehand. To record relevant feature-call dependencies, the trace provider uses the callstack introspection offered by NX/Tcl. NX/Tcl offers access to its operation callstack via special-purpose introspection commands, e.g. nx::current, see [22]. To collect structural data on the intercepted STF and SUT instances, the trace provider piggybacks onto the structural introspection facility of NX/Tcl, e.g., info methods, see [22]. This way, structural data such as class names, feature names, and relationships between classes can be requested. The collected runtime data is then processed by the trace provider. In particular, feature calls at the application level are filtered to include only calls for the scope of the SUT. This way, calls into other system contexts (e.g., external components or lower-level host language calls) are discarded. In addition, the execution traces are reordered to report “invocations interactions” first and “return interactions” second. Moreover, the recorded SUT calls are linked to the respective owning test blocks. The processed runtime data is then stored as a trace model which conforms to the Trace metamodel defined via Ecore (see Fig. 14). This resulting trace model comprises the relevant structural elements (test suite, test case and test scenario), the SUT feature calls and their call dependencies, each being linked to a corresponding test block.

Configure Views. Based on the specifics of the test run (e.g. whether an entire test suite or selected test cases were executed) and the kind of runtime data collected, different views are available to the software engineer for selection. In KaleidoScope, the software engineer can select a particular view by defining a view model. This view model must conform to the View metamodel specified using Ecore (see Fig. 15). KaleidoScope allows for configuring views on the behavior of the SUT by combining a selected call scope (SUT internal, STF to SUT, or both) and a selected test partition (entire test suite or a specific test case, scenario, or block), as described in Sect. 3.

Build Interaction Models. The model-builder component of KaleidoScope takes the previously created pair of a trace model and a view model as input models for a collection of QVTo model transformations. The output model of these QVTo transformations is the UML interaction model. The conceptual mappings presented in Subsects. 2.3 and 3.3 are implemented in QVT Operational mappings [25], including the linking of relationships between the derived elements. In total, the transformation file contains 24 mapping actions.

Display Sequence Diagrams. Displaying the derived interaction models as sequence diagrams and presenting them to the software engineer is not handled by KaleidoScope itself. As the derived interaction models are available in the XMI representation, they can be imported by XMI-compliant diagram editors. In our daily practice, we use Eclipse Papyrus [8] for this task.

5 Related Work

Closely related research can be roughly divided into three groups: reverse-engineering sequence diagrams from system execution, techniques addressing the problem of model-size explosion in reverse-engineered behavioral models and extracting traceability links between test and system artifacts.

Reverse-Engineering UML Sequence Diagrams. Approaches applying dynamic analysis set the broader context of our work [2, 7, 12, 28]. Of particular interest are model-driven approaches which provide conceptual mappings between runtime-data models and UML interaction models. Briand et al. [2] as well as Cornelissen et al. [5] are exemplary for such model-driven approaches. In their approaches, UML sequence diagrams are derived from executing runtime tests. Both describe metamodels to define sequence diagrams and for capturing system execution in form of a trace model. Briand et al. define mappings between these two metamodels in terms of OCL consistency constraints. Each test execution relates to a single use-case scenario defined by a system-level test case. Their approaches differ from ours in some respects. The authors build on generic trace metamodels while we extend an existing scenario-test metamodel to cover test-execution traces. Briand et al. do not provide for scoping the derived sequence diagrams based on the executed tests unlike Cornelissen et al. (see below). They, finally, do not capture the mappings between trace and sequence model in a formalized way.

Countering Model-Size Explosion. A second group of related approaches aims at addressing the problem of size explosion in reverse-engineered behavioral models. Fernández-Sáez et al. [10] conducted a controlled experiment on the perceived effects of derived UML sequence diagrams on maintaining a software system. A key result is that derived sequence diagrams do not necessarily facilitate maintenance tasks due to an excessive level of detail. Hamou-Lhadj and Lethbridge [16] and Bennett et al. [1] surveyed available techniques which can act as counter measures against model-size explosion. The available techniques fall into three categories: slicing and pruning of components and calls as well as architecture-level filtering. Slicing (or sampling) is a way of reducing the resulting model size by choosing a sample of execution traces. Sharp and Rountev [33] propose interactive slicing for zooming in on selected messages and message chains. Grati et al. [11] contribute techniques for interactively highlighting selected execution traces and for navigating through single execution steps. Pruning (or hiding) provides abstraction by removing irrelevant details. For instance, Lo and Maoz [20] elaborate on filtering calls based on different execution levels. In doing so, they provide hiding of calls based on the distinction between triggers and effects of scenario executions. As an early approach of architectural-level filtering, Richner and Ducasse [31] provide for tailorable views on object-oriented systems, e.g., by filtering calls between selected classes. In our approach, we adopt these techniques for realizing different views conforming to a scenario-test viewpoint. In particular, slicing corresponds to including interactions of certain test parts (e.g., test cases, test scenarios) only, selectively hiding model elements to pulling from different feature-call scopes (e.g., stimuli and internal calls). Architectural-level filtering is applied by distinguishing elements by their structural affiliation (e.g., SUT or STF).

Test-to-System Traceability. Another important group of related work provides for creating traceability links between test artifacts and system artifacts by processing test-execution traces. Parizi et al. [29] give a systematic overview of such traceability techniques. For instance, test cases are associated with SUT elements based on the underlying call-trace data for calculating metrics which reflect how each method is tested [19]. Qusef et al. [30] provide traceability links between unit tests and classes under test. These links are extracted from trace slices generated by assertion statements contained by the unit tests. In general, these approaches do not necessarily derive behavioral diagrams, however Parizi et al. conclude by stating the need for visualizing traceability links. These approaches relate to ours by investigating which SUT elements are covered by a specific part of the test specification. While they use this information, e.g., for calculating coverage metrics, we aim at visualizing the interactions for documenting system behavior. However, Cornelissen et al. [5] pursue a similar goal by visualizing the execution of unit tests. By leveraging the structure of tests, they aim at improving the understandability of reverse-engineered sequence diagrams (see above), e.g., by representing the behavior of a particular test part in a separate sequence diagram. While they share our motivation for test-based partitioning, Cornelissen et al. do not present a conceptual or a concrete solution to this partitioning. Moreover, we leverage the test structure for organizing the sequence diagram (e.g., by using combined fragments) and consider different scopes of feature calls.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented an approach for deriving tailored UML interaction models for documenting system behavior from scenario-based runtime tests. Our approach allows for leveraging the structure of scenario tests (i.e. test parts and call scopes) to tailor the derived interaction models, e.g., by pruning details and by zooming in and out on selected details. This way, we also provide means to control the sizes of the resulting UML sequence diagrams. Our approach is model-driven in the sense that test-execution traces are represented through a dedicated metamodel. Conceptual mappings (transformation rules) between this metamodel and the UML metamodel are captured by transML diagrams refined by inter-model constraint expressions (OCL). To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we developed a prototype implementation called KaleidoScope. The approach is applicable for any software system having an object-oriented design and implementation, provided that suitable test suites and a suitable test framework are available. A test suite (and the guiding test strategy) is qualified if tests offer structuring abstractions (i.e. test parts as in scenario tests) and if tests trigger inter-object interactions. The corresponding test framework must offer instrumentation to obtain test-execution traces.

In a next step, we will investigate via controlled experiments how the derived interaction models can support system stakeholders in comprehension tasks on the tested software system and on the test scripts. From a conceptual point of view, we plan to extend the approach to incorporate behavioral details such as measured execution times into the interaction models. From a practical angle, we seek to apply the approach on large-scale software projects. For this, our KaleidoScope must be extended to support runtime and program introspection for other object-oriented programming languages and for the corresponding test frameworks.