
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Synchronizing Automata

Suppose \(\mathcal {A}\) is a complete deterministic finite automaton whose input alphabet is A and whose state set is Q. The automaton \(\mathcal {A}\) is called synchronizing if there exists a word \(w\in A^*\) whose action resets \(\mathcal {A}\), that is, w leaves the automaton in one particular state no matter at which state in Q it is applied: \(q.w=q'.w\) for all \(q,q'\in Q\). Any such word w is called a reset word of \(\mathcal {A}\). For a brief introduction to the theory of synchronizing automata we refer reader to the survey [13].

Synchronizing automata serve as transparent and natural models of error-resistant systems in many applications (coding theory, robotics, testing of reactive systems) and also reveal interesting connections with symbolic dynamics and other parts of mathematics. We take an example from [1]. Imagine that you are in a dungeon consisting of a number of interconnected caves, all of which appear identical. Each cave has a common number of one-way doors of different colors through which you may leave; these lead to passages to other caves. There is one more door in each cave; in one cave the extra door leads to freedom, in all the others to instant death. You have a map of the dungeon with the escape door identified, but you do not know in which cave you are. If you are lucky, there is a sequence of doors through which you may pass which takes you to the escape cave from any starting point.

The result of this paper is very positive; we prove that for an uniformly at random chosen dungeon (automaton) there is a life-saving sequence (reset word) with probability \(1-O(\frac{1}{n^{0.5 c}})\) where n is the number of caves (states) and c is the number of colors (letters). Moreover, we prove that the convergence rate is tight for the most interesting 2-color case, thus confirming Peter Cameron’s conjecture from [4]. Up to recently, the best results in this direction were much weaker: in [10] was proved that random 4-letter automata are synchronizing with probability p for a specific constant \(p>0\); in [9] was proved that if a random automaton with n states has at least \(72 \ln (n)\) letters then it is almost surely synchronizing. Recently, Nicaud [8] has shown (independently) by a different method that a random n-state automaton with 2 letters is synchronizing with probability \(1-O(n^{-\frac{1}{8}+o(1)})\). Our results give a much better convergence rate.

2 The Probability of Being Synchronizable

Let Q stand for \(\{1,2, \dots n\}\) and \(\varSigma _n\) for the probability space of all unambiguous maps from Q to Q with the uniform probability distribution. Throughout this section let \(\mathcal {A}=\langle Q,\{a,b\} \rangle \) be a random automaton, that is, maps a and b are chosen independently at random from \(\varSigma _n\).

The underlying digraph of \(\mathcal {A}=\langle Q,\varSigma \rangle \) is a digraph denoted by \(UG(\mathcal {A})\) whose vertex set is Q and whose edge multiset is \(\{(q,q.a) \mid q\in Q,\,a\in \varSigma \}\). In other words, the underlying digraph of an automaton is obtained by erasing all labels from the arrows of the automaton. Given a letter \(x \in \varSigma \), the underlying digraph of x is the underlying digraph of the automaton \(\mathcal {A}_x=\langle Q,\{x\} \rangle \) where the transition function is the restriction of the original transition function to the letter x. Clearly each directed graph with n vertices and constant out-degree 1 corresponds to the unique map from \(\varSigma _n\) whence we can mean \(\varSigma _n\) as the probability space with the uniform distribution on all directed graphs with constant out-degree 1.

Theorem 1

The probability of being synchronizable for 2-letter random automata with n states equals \(1-\varTheta (\frac{1}{n})\).


Since synchronizing automata are necessary weakly connected, the following lemma gives the lower bound of the theorem.

Lemma 1

The probability that \(\mathcal {A}\) is not weakly connected is at least \(\varOmega (\frac{1}{n})\).


Let us count the number of automata having exactly one disconnected loop, that is the state having only (two) incoming arrows from itself. Such automata can be counted as follows. We first choose the state p of a disconnected loop in n ways. The transitions for this state is defined in the unique way. The number of ways to define transitions for any other state q is

$$1(n-2) + (n-2)(n-1) = n(n-2)$$

because if a maps q to q then b can map q to any state except \(\{p,q\}\); if a doesn’t map q to \(\{p,q\}\) then b can map q to any state except \(\{p,q\}\). Thus the probability of being such automata is equal

$$\frac{n (n(n-2))^{n-1}}{n^{2n}} = \frac{1}{n}(1-\frac{2}{n})^{n-1} = \varTheta (\frac{1}{n}).$$

Now we turn to the proof of the upper bound. For this purpose, we need some knowledge about the structure of the underlying graphs of a random mapping. The underlying digraph UG(x) of any mapping \(x \in \varSigma _n\) consists of one or more (weakly) connected components called clusters. Each cluster has a unique cycle, and all other vertices of this cluster are located in trees rooted on this cycle.

Lemma 2

With probability \(1-o(\frac{1}{n^4})\), a random digraph from \(\varSigma _n\) has at most \(5\ln {n}\) clusters.


Let \(\nu _n\) denote the number of clusters for a random digraph. It is proved in [11, Theorem 1] that if \(n,N \rightarrow +\infty \) such that \(0 < \gamma _0 \le \gamma = \frac{N}{\ln {n}} \le \gamma _1\) where \(\gamma _0,\gamma _1\) are constants; then uniformly for \(\gamma \in [\gamma _0,\gamma _1]\)

$$P(\nu _n = N) = \frac{e^{\phi (\gamma )}}{\sqrt{\pi \ln {n}}}n^{\phi (\gamma )}(1+o(1)),$$

where \(\phi (\gamma ) = \gamma (1-\ln {2\gamma })-0.5\) for \(\gamma \ne 0.5\). It is also known that the function \(p(N) = P(\nu _n = N)\) has a unique maximum, which is achieved for \(N=0.5\ln {n}(1+o(1))\). Since also \(\nu _n \le n\), we get

$$P(\nu _n > 5\ln {n}) < n P(\nu _n = [5\ln {n}]) = o(\frac{1}{n^4}).$$

For convenience, by the term whp (with high probability) we mean “with probability \(1-O(\frac{1}{n})\)”. Call a set of states \(K \subseteq Q\) synchronizable if it can be mapped to one state by some word. In contrast, a pair of states \(\{p,q\}\) is called a deadlock if \(p.s \ne q.s\) for each word s.

First we aim to show that for proving that \(\mathcal {A}\) is synchronizing whp, it is enough to find whp for each letter a large synchronizable set of states which is completely defined by this letter. Given \(x \in \{a,b\}\), we define \(S_x\) to be the set of big clusters of UG(x), i.e., the clusters containing more than \(n^{0.45}\) states and define \(T_x\) to be the complement of \(S_x\), or equivalently, \(T_x\) is the set of small clusters of UG(x), i.e., the clusters containing at most \(n^{0.45}\) states. Since \(S_x\) and \(T_x\) are completely defined by x, both are independent of the other letter.Footnote 1 Due to Lemma 2, whp there are at most \(5\ln {n}\) clusters in UG(x), whence whp \(T_x\) contains at most \(5\ln {(n)}n^{0.45}\) states. Given a set of clusters X, denote by \(\widehat{X}\) the set of states in the clusters of X.

Theorem 2

If \(\widehat{S_a}\) and \(\widehat{S_b}\) are synchronizable, then \(\mathcal {A}\) is synchronizing whp.


First, we need the following useful remark.

Remark 1

If a pair \(\{p,q\}\) is independent of one of the letters, it is a deadlock with probability \(O(\frac{1}{n^{1.02}})\).


Suppose \(\{p,q\}\) is chosen independently of a. Then the set \(R = \{p.a,q.a,p.a^2,q.a^2\}\) is independent of b whence also of \(\widehat{T_b}\). If \(p.a = q.a\) or \(p.a^2 = q.a^2\) the pair \(\{p,q\}\) is not a deadlock. Therefore, we can assume that there are (probably equal) states \(r_1 \in \{p.a,q.a\}\) and \(r_2 \in \{p.a^2,q.a^2\}\) which belong to \(\widehat{T_b}\) (because \(\widehat{S_b}\) is synchronizable). If \(|R| = 4\) then \(r_1 \ne r_2\). Since \(r_1,r_2\) are independent of \(\widehat{T_b}\), this happens with probability \(\frac{1}{|\widehat{T_b}|(|\widehat{T_b}|-1)} \in O(\frac{1}{n^{1.02}})\).

If \(|R| = 3\) then a maps two states from \(\{p,q,p.a,q.a\}\) to one state. Since \(\{p,q\}\) is independent of a and the images of different states by a are chosen independently and uniformly at random from Q, this happens with probability \(O(\frac{1}{n})\). Furthermore, \(r_1\) has to belong to \(\widehat{T_b}\) whence the probability of this case is \(O(\frac{1}{n})O(\frac{1}{|\widehat{T_b}|}) \in O(\frac{1}{n^{1.02}})\). Finally, in the case \(|R|=2\), we have that \(p.a \in \{p,q\}, q.a \in \{p,q\}\). This happens with probability \(O((\frac{2}{n-2})^2) = O(\frac{1}{n^{1.02}})\). The remark follows.

Now let us bound the probability that \(\mathcal {A}\) is not synchronizing. If this is the case, \(\mathcal {A}\) possesses some deadlock pair \(\{p,q\}\). Given a state r, denote by \(c_r\) the cycle of the cluster containing r in UG(a) and by \(s_r\) the length of this cycle. Denote also by \(c_{r,i}\) the i-th state on the cycle \(c_{r}\) for some order induced by the cycle \(c_r\), i.e., \(c_{r,i}.a = c_{r,i+1\ \;\text {mod} \; s_r}\). Let d be the g.c.d. of \(s_p\) and \(s_q\). Then for some \(0 \le x < d\) and all \(0< k_1,k_2, 0 \le i \le d-1\), the pairs

$$\begin{aligned} \{c_{p,(i + k_1 d) \;\text {mod} \;s_p}, c_{q,(x + i + k_2 d)\;\text {mod}\;s_q}\}\;\text {are deadlocks.} \end{aligned}$$

It follows that in each of these pairs at least one of the states belongs to \(\widehat{T_b}\).

Case 1. \(c_p = c_q\), that is, p and q belong to the same cluster. Since \(\{p,q\}\) is a deadlock, in this case \(s_p = s_q = d > 1\) and by (1) at least half of the states of \(c_p\) belongs to \(\widehat{T_b}\). The probability that a satisfies such configuration is at most

$$O(\frac{1}{n}) + 5 \ln {n} 2^d (\frac{|\widehat{T_b}|}{n})^{\lceil 0.5 d \rceil } \le O(\frac{1}{n}) + 20 \ln {n} \frac{1}{n^{\lceil 0.5 d \rceil 0.54}}.$$

Indeed, first due to Lemma 2, whp there is at most \(5 \ln {n}\) ways to choose the cluster \(c_p\), then we choose \(\lceil 0.5 d \rceil \) states of \(c_p\) (in at most \(2^d\) ways) which belong to \(\widehat{T_b}\) with probability at most \(({|\widehat{T_b}|}/{n})^{\lceil 0.5 d \rceil }\).

If \(d>2\) then \(\lceil 0.5 d \rceil \ge 2\) and we are done. If \(d=2\), due to Lemma 2 whp there are at most \(5\ln {n}\) cycles of size 2 in UG(a), each containing one pair. Since this set of pairs is defined by a, these pairs are independent of b. Due to Remark 1 one of these pairs is a deadlock with probability at most \({5\ln {n}}/{n^{1.02}} = O(\frac{1}{n})\). Since \(\{p,q\}\) is one of these pairs, it is not a deadlock whp.

Case 2. \(c_p\) and \(c_q\) are different. Since \(k_1,k_2\) are arbitrary in (1), for each \(i \in \{0,1, \dots d-1\}\) either \(c_{p,(i + k_1 d) \;\text {mod}\; s_p} \in \widehat{T_b}\) for all \(k_1\) or \(c_{q,(x + i + k_2 d)\;\text {mod}\; s_q} \in \widehat{T_b}\) for all \(k_2\). Thus the probability of such configuration is at most

$$\begin{aligned} O(\frac{1}{n}) + (25\ln ^2{n}) d \sum _{k=0}^{d-1}{d \atopwithdelims ()k}(\frac{|\widehat{T_b}|}{n})^{\frac{k s_1 + (d-k)s_2}{d}}. \end{aligned}$$

Indeed, first due to Lemma 2, whp we choose clusters \(c_p,c_q\) in at most \(25\ln ^2{n}\) ways, then we choose x in d ways, and for some \(k \in \{0,1, \dots d-1\}\) we choose k-subset \(I_p \subseteq \{0,1, \dots d-1\}\) in \({d \atopwithdelims ()k}\) ways such that \(c_{p,(i + k_1 d)\;\text {mod}\; s_q} \in \widehat{T_b}\) for all \(k_1\) and \(i \in I_p\), meanwhile choosing the corresponding set \(I_q = \{0,1, \dots d-1\}{\setminus }I_p\). Since \(S_b\) is independent of a, the probability that the corresponding states from the cycles belong to \(\widehat{T_b}\) equals \((\frac{|\widehat{T_b}|}{n})^{\frac{k s_1 + (d-k)s_2}{d}}\). The maximum of (2) is achieved for \(s_1 = s_2 = d\) and equals

$$(25\ln ^2{n}) d \sum _{k=0}^{d-1}{d \atopwithdelims ()k}(\frac{|\widehat{T_b}|}{n})^{d} \le (25\ln ^2{n}) d 2^{d}n^{-0.54d}$$

up to a \(O(\frac{1}{n})\) term. In the case \(d>1\), we get

$$25\ln ^2{n} \sum _{d=2}{n^{0.45}}{d 2^{d}n^{-0.54d}} = o(\frac{1}{n}).$$

In the case \(d=1\), by Lemma 2 whp there are at most \(5\ln {n}\) cycles of size 1 in UG(a). Hence there are at most \(25\ln ^2{n}\) pairs from these cycles independent of b. In this case the proof is the same as for \(d=2\) in Case 1.

In view of Theorem 2, it remains to prove that \(\widehat{S_a}\) and \(\widehat{S_b}\) are synchronizable whp. For this purpose, we use the notion of the stability relation introduced by Kari [7]. A pair of states \(\{p,q\}\) is called stable, if for every word u there is a word v such that \(p.uv=q.uv\). The stability relation, given by the set of stable pairs, is stable under the actions of the letters and complete whenever \(\mathcal {A}\) is synchronizing. It is also transitive whence its reflexive closure is a congruence on Q.

Given a pair \(\{p,q\}\), either \(\{p,q\}\) in one a-cluster or the states p and q belong to different a-clusters. In the latter case, we say that \(\{p,q\}\) connects these a-clusters. Suppose there exists a large set \(Z_a\) of distinct pairs that are stable independently of a; that is, \(|Z_a| \ge n^{0.4}\) and the map b alone suffices to witness the stability. Consider the graph \(\varGamma (S_a,Z_a)\) with the set of vertices \(S_a\), and there is an edge between two clusters if and only if some pair from \(Z_a\) connects them.

The underlying idea of the two following combinatorial lemmas is that if we have many pairs chosen independently of a given random mapping from \(\varSigma _n\), whp they cannot satisfy any non-trivial partition or coloring stable under the action of this mapping.

Lemma 3

(see [2] for the proof). If such \(Z_a\) exists then whp \(\varGamma (S_a,Z_a)\) is connected. If additionally all cycle pairs of one of the clusters from \(S_a\) are stable then \(\widehat{S_a}\) is synchronizable.

Lemma 4

(see [2] for the proof). If such \(Z_a\) exists then whp there is a cluster from \(S_a\) whose cycle is stable.

Due to above lemmas, by Theorem 2 it remains to prove that whp there exists \(Z_a\) and \(Z_b\). The crucial step for this is to find a stable pair completely defined by one of the letters whence independent of the other one. For this purpose, we reuse ideas from Trahtman’s solution [12] of the famous Road Coloring Problem. A subset \(A \subseteq Q\) is called an F-clique of \(\mathcal {A}\), if it is a set of maximum size such that each pair of states from A is a deadlock. It follows from the definition that all F-cliques have the same size. First, we need to reformulate [12, Lemma 2] for our purposes.

Lemma 5

If A and B are two distinct F-cliques such that \(A{\setminus }B = \{p\}, B{\setminus }A = \{q\}\) for some states pq; Then \(\{p,q\}\) is a stable pair.


Arguing by contradiction, suppose there is a word u such that \(\{p.u,q.u\}\) is a deadlock. Then \((A \cup B).u\) is an F-clique because all pairs are deadlocks. Since \(p.u \ne q.u\), we have \(|A \cup B| = |A| + 1 > |A|\) contradicting maximality of A.

Given a digraph \(g \in \varSigma _n\) and an integer \(c>0\), call a c-branch of g any subtree of a tree of g with the root of height c. For instance, the trees are exactly 0-branches. Let T be a highest c-branch of g and h be the height of the second by height c-branch. Let us call the c-crown of g the (probably empty) forest consisting of all the states of height at least \(h+1\) in T. For example, the digraph g presented on Fig. 1 has two highest 1-branches rooted in states 6, 12. Without the state 14, the digraph g would have the unique highest 1-branch rooted at state 6, having the state 8 as its 1-crown.

Fig. 1.
figure 1figure 1

A digraph with a one cycle and a unique highest tree.

The following theorem is an analogue of Theorem 2 from [12] for 1-branches instead trees and a relaxed condition on the connectivity of \(\mathcal {A}\).

Theorem 3

Suppose the underlying digraph of the letter a has a unique highest 1-branch T and its 1-crown is reachable from an F-clique \(F_0\). Denote by r the root of T and by q the predecessor of the root of the tree containing T on the a-cycle. Then \(\{r,q\}\) is stable and independent of b.


Let p be some state of height h in T which is reachable from an F-clique \(F_0\). Since p is reachable from \(F_0\), there is another F-clique \(F_1\) containing p. Since \(F_1\) is an F-clique, there is a unique state \(g \in F_1\cap T\) of maximal height \(h_1 \ge h+1\). Let us consider the F-cliques \(F_2 = F_1.a^{h_1-1}\) and \(F_3 = F_2.a^{L}\) where L is the least common multiplier of all cycle lengths in UG(a). By the choice of L and \(F_2\), we have that

$$F_2{\setminus }F_3 = \{g.a^{h_1-1}\} = \{r\} \text { and } F_3{\setminus } F_2 = \{q\}.$$

Hence, by Lemma 5 the pair \(\{r,q\}\) is stable. Since this pair is completely definedFootnote 2 by the unique 1-branch of a and the letters are chosen independently, this pair is independent of b.

Once we have got a one stable pair which is independent of one of the letters, it is possible to get a lot of such pairs for each of the letters.

Theorem 4

(see Sect. 3 for the proof). Whp for each letter \(x \in \{a,b\}\) of \(\mathcal {A}\), there is a set of at least \(n^{0.4}\) distinct stable pairs independent of x.

The proof of the above theorem result is mainly based on repeatedly referring to the following fact. Given a set \(D \subset Q\) and a stable pair \(\{p,q\}\) independent of some letter \(c \in \varSigma \), \(\{p,q\}.c\) is also the stable pair independent of the other letter and \(p,q \not \in D\) with probability \(1-O(\frac{|D|}{n})\). However, some accuracy is required when using this argument many times.

Due to Theorems 2, 4 and Lemmas 3, 4, it remains to show that we can use Theorem 3, that is, whp the underlying graph of one of the letters has a unique 1-branch and some high height vertices of this 1-branch are accessible from F-cliques (if F-cliques exist). The crucial idea in the solution of the Road Coloring Problem [12] was to show that each admissible digraph can be colored into an automaton satisfying the above property (for trees) and then use Theorem 3 to reduce the problem. In order to apply Theorem 3, we need the following analogue of the combinatorial result from [12] for the random setting.

Theorem 5

(Theorem 12 [3]). Let \(g \in \varSigma _n\) be a random digraph, \(c>0\), and H be the c-crown of g having r roots. Then \(|H| > 2r>0\) with probability \(1-\varTheta (1/\sqrt{n})\), in particular, a highest c-branch is unique and higher than all other c-branches of g by 2 with probability \(1-\varTheta (1/\sqrt{n})\).

The proof of the above theorem has been moved to the separate paper [3] because it is rather mathematical than computer science result and hopefully could have independent importance.

Since the letters of \(\mathcal {A}\) are chosen independently, the following corollary of Theorem 5 is straightforward.

Corollary 1

Whp the underlying digraph of one of the letters (say a) satisfies Theorem 5.

In order to use Theorem 3 and thus complete the proof of Theorem 1, it remains to show that the 1-crown of the underlying graph of a is accessible from F-cliques of \(\mathcal {A}\). Let us call a subautomaton a strongly connected component of \(\mathcal {A}\) closed under the actions of the letters. Since each F-clique can be mapped to some minimal (by inclusion) subautomaton, the following statement completes the proof of Theorem 1.

Theorem 6

The 1-crown of the underlying digraph of a intersects with each minimal subautomaton whp.


The following lemma can be obtained as a consequence of [5, Theorem 3] but we present the proof here for the self completeness.

Lemma 6

For each constant \(q > 1\) the number of states in each subautomaton of \(\mathcal {A}\) is at least \(n/q e^2\) whp.


The probability that there is a subautomaton of size less than \(n/q e^2\) is bounded by

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i=1}^{n/q e^2}{n \atopwithdelims ()i}(\frac{i}{n})^{2i} \le \sum _{i=1}^{n/q e^2}\frac{(1-\frac{i}{n})^i }{(1-\frac{i}{n})^n }(\frac{i}{n})^{i} \le \sum _{i=1}^{n/q e^2}(\frac{ei}{n})^{i}. \end{aligned}$$

Indeed, there are \({n \atopwithdelims ()i}\) ways to choose some subset T of i states; the probability that arrows for both letters leads a state to the chosen set T is \((\frac{i}{n})^{2}\).

For \(i \le n/q e^2\), we get that

$$\frac{(\frac{e(i+1)}{n})^{i+1}}{(\frac{ei}{n})^{i}} \le \frac{e(i+1)}{n}(1+\frac{1}{i})^{i} \le \frac{e^2 (i+1)}{n} \le \frac{1}{q}.$$

Hence the sum (3) is bounded by the sum of the geometric progression with the factor 1/q and the first term equals \(\frac{e}{n}\). The lemma follows.

Let \(g \in \varSigma _n\) and H be the 1-crown of g. Let \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) be the number of root and non-root vertices in H respectively. Due to Corollary 1, one of the letters (say a) satisfies Theorem 5 whp, that is, \(n_2 > n_1\) for \(g=UG(a)\) whp. By Lemma 6, we can choose some \(r < \frac{1}{e^2}\) such that whp there are no subautomaton of size less than rn. Therefore there are at least \(\varTheta (n^{2n})\) of automata satisfying both constraints. Arguing by contradiction, suppose that among such automata there are more than \(n^{2n-1}\) automata \(\mathcal {A}\) such that their 1-crown does not intersect with some minimal subautomaton of \(\mathcal {A}\). Denote this set of automata by \(L_n\). For \(1 \le j < d\) denote by \(L_{n,d,j}\) the subset of automata from \(L_n\) with the 1-crown having exactly d vertices and j roots. By the definitions,

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n}\sum _{j = 1}^{0.5 d}{|L_{n,d,j}|} = |L_n|. \end{aligned}$$

Given an integer \(rn \le m < (1-r)n\), let us consider the set of all m-states automata whose letter a has a unique highest 1-branch which is higher by 1 than the second one. Due to Theorem 5 there are at most \(O(m^{2m - 0.5})\) of such automata. Denote this set of automata by \(K_m\). By \(K_{m,j}\) denote the subset of automata from \(K_m\) with exactly j vertices in the 1-crown. Again, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j = 1}^{m-1}{|K_{m,j}|} = |K_m|. \end{aligned}$$

Each automaton from \(L_{n,d,j}\) can be obtained from \(K_{m,j}\) for \(m = n-(d-j)\) as follows. Let us take an automaton \(\mathcal {B} = (Q_b, \varSigma )\) from \(K_{m,j}\) with no subautomaton of size less than rn. First we append a set \(H_b\) of \(d - j\) states to the set \(H_b\) to every possible positions, in at most \({n \atopwithdelims ()d-j}\) ways. The indices of the states from \(H_b\) are shifted in compliance with the positions of the inserted states, that is, the index q is shifted to the amount of chosen indices \(z \le q\) for \(H_b\). Next, we choose an arbitrary forest on d vertices and j roots which belong to the 1-crown of \(\mathcal {B}\) in at most \(j d ^{d - j - 1}\) ways. Thus we have completely chosen the action of the letter a.

Next we choose some minimal subautomaton M of \(\mathcal {B}\) and redefine arbitrarily the image by the letter b for all states from \(Q_b{\setminus }M\) to the set \(Q_b \cup H_b\) in \(n^{m - |M|}\) ways. Within this definition, all automata from \(K_{m,j}\) which differs only in the images of the states from \(Q_b{\setminus }M\) by the letter b can lead to the same automaton from \(L_{n,d,j}\). Given a subautomaton M, denote such class of automata by \(K_{m,j,M}\). There are exactly \(m^{m - |M|}\) automata from \(K_{m,j}\) in each such class. Since \(|M| \ge r n\) and M is minimal, \(\mathcal {B}\) can appear in at most 1/r of such classes.

Thus we have completely chosen both letters and obtained each automaton in \(L_{n,d,j}\). Thus for the automaton \(\mathcal {B}\) and one of its minimal subautomaton M of size \(z \ge rn\), we get at most

$${n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d ^{d - j - 1} n^{m - z}$$

automata from \(L'_{n,d,j}\) each at least \(m^{m - z}\) times, where \(L'_{n,d,j}\) is the set of automata containing \(L_{n,d,j}\) without the constraint on the size of minimal subautomaton. Notice that we get each automaton from \(L_{n,d,j}\) while \(\mathcal {B}\) runs over all automata from \(K_{n-(d-j),j}\) with no subautomaton of size less than rn. Thus we get that

$$\begin{aligned} |L_{n,d,j}| \le \sum _{z = rn}^{n} \sum _{a, M, |M| = z}{ \sum _{\mathcal {B} \in K_{m,j,M}} { \frac{ {n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d ^{d - j - 1} n^{m - z} }{ m^{m - z}} } }. \end{aligned}$$

Since each automaton \(\mathcal {B} \in K_{m,j}\) with no minimal subautomaton of size less than rn appears in at most 1/r of \(K_{m,j,M}\), we get

$$\begin{aligned} |L_{n,d,j}| \le \frac{1}{r} |K_{m,j}| \max _{rn \le z \le m} { \frac{ {n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d ^{d - j - 1} n^{m - z} }{ m^{m - z}} } = \frac{1}{r} |K_{m,j}| { \frac{ {n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d ^{d - j - 1} n^{m - rn} }{ m^{m - rn}} } . \end{aligned}$$

Using (4) and (5), we get

$$\begin{aligned} |L_n|&= \frac{1}{r} \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n}\sum _{j = 1}^{0.5d}{ |K_{m,j}| { \frac{ {n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d ^{d - j - 1} n^{m - rn} }{ m^{m - rn}} }} \nonumber \\&\le \frac{1}{r} \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n} \max _{j \le 0.5d}{ |K_{m}| { \frac{ {n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d^{d - j} n^{m - rn} }{ m^{m - rn}} }}. \end{aligned}$$

Using Stirling’s approximation

$$x! = (\frac{x}{e})^{x}\sqrt{2\pi x}O(1) \text { and } (1 - \frac{x}{k})^{k} = e^{x} O(1),$$

we get

$$\begin{aligned} {n \atopwithdelims ()d-j} j d ^{d - j}&= O(1)\frac{n^n j d ^{d - j} }{ (d-j)^{d-j} (n-(d-j))^{n-(d-j)} } \nonumber \\&= O(1) \frac{ j n^{d-j} }{ (1 - \frac{j}{d})^{d-j} (1 - \frac{d-j}{n})^{n-(d-j)} } \le O(1) j n^{d-j} e^{d} \end{aligned}$$

Using that \(|K_m| = O(m^{2m - 0.5})\) from (8), we get

$$\begin{aligned} |L_n|&\le O(1) \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n} \max _{j \le 0.5d}{ m^{2m - 0.5} j n^{d-j} e^{d} { (\frac{n}{m}) } ^{m - rn} } \nonumber \\&\le O(1) \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n} \max _{j \le 0.5d}{ (n-d+j)^{n-d+j + rn - 0.5} j e^{d} {n}^{(1 - r)n} } \nonumber \\&\le O(1) \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n} { (n - 0.5d)^{(1+r)n - 0.5(d+1)} d e^{d} {n}^{(1 - r)n} }\nonumber \\&\le O(1) \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n} { d n^{2n - 0.5(d+1)} e^{d(0.5 - r)} (1-\frac{0.5d}{n})^{-0.5(d+1)} } \le O(1) \sum _{d = 2}^{(1-r)n} { e^{f(d)}}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} f(d)&= \ln { d n^{2n - 0.5(d+1)} e^{d(0.5 - r)} (1-\frac{0.5d}{n})^{-0.5(d+1)}} \nonumber \\&= 0.5(2\ln {d} + (4n-(d+1))\ln {n} + d(1 - 2r) + 2\ln (1-{0.5d})(d+1)). \end{aligned}$$

For the derivative of f(d), we get

$$f'(d) = 0.5(\frac{2}{d} - \ln {n} + (1-2r) + 2\ln (1-\frac{0.5d}{n}) + \frac{d+1}{n-\frac{0.5d}{n}}.$$

Thus for n big enough, we have that \(f'(d) < -1\) for all \(d \ge 2\). Hence the sum (10) is bounded by the doubled first term of the sum, which is equal to \(O(1)n^{2n - 1.5}\). This contradicts \(|L_n| \ge \varTheta (n^{2n-1})\) and the theorem follows.

3 Searching for Stable Pairs

Lemma 7

If \(\mathcal {A}\) has a stable pair \(\{p,q\}\) independent of b; then for any constant \(k>0\) whp there are k distinct stable pairs independent of a and only 2k transitions by b have been observed.


Consider the chain of states \(p.b,q.b, \dots p.b^{k+1},q.b^{k+1}.\) Since \(\{p,q\}\) is independent of b, the probability that all states in this chain are different is

$$(1-\frac{2}{n})(1-\frac{3}{n}) \dots (1-\frac{2(k+1)}{n})(1-\frac{2k+3}{n}) \ge (1-\frac{2(k+2)}{n})^{2(k+1)} = 1-O(\frac{1}{n}).$$

Since \(\{p,q\}\) is independent of b, all states in this chain are independent of a.

Lemma 8

If for some \(0 < \epsilon < 0.125\) the automaton \(\mathcal {A}\) has \(k = [\frac{1}{2\epsilon }]+1\) stable pairs independent of b; then whp there are \(n^{0.5-\epsilon }\) stable pairs independent of a and at most \(k n^{0.5-\epsilon }\) transitions by a have been observed.


Let \(\{p,q\}\) be one of these c stable pairs. Consider the chain of states

$$p,q,p.b,q.b, \dots p.b^{n^{0.5-\epsilon }},q.b^{n^{0.5-\epsilon }}.$$

Since \(\{p,q\}\) is independent of b, the probability that all states in this chain are different is

$$(1-\frac{2}{n})(1-\frac{3}{n}) \dots (1-\frac{2n^{0.5-\epsilon }}{n})(1-\frac{2n^{0.5-\epsilon }+1}{n}) \ge (1-\frac{2n^{0.5-\epsilon }}{n})^{2n^{0.5-\epsilon }} = 1-O(\frac{1}{n^{2\epsilon }}).$$

Since these c stable pairs are independent of b, for \(k = [\frac{1}{2\epsilon }]+1\) the probability that there is such a pair \(\{p,q\}\) is at least \(1-O(\frac{1}{n^{2k\epsilon }}) = 1-O(\frac{1}{n})\). Again, all states in the chain are independent of a.

Theorem 4. Whp for each letter \(x \in \{a,b\}\) of \(\mathcal {A}\), there is a set of at least \(n^{0.4}\) distinct stable pairs independent of x, and only \(O(n^{0.4})\) transitions have to be observed.


By Corollary 1 and Theorem 6, there is a letter (say a) in the automaton \(\mathcal {A}\) satisfying Theorem 3. Hence, there is a stable pair independent of b. Thus if we subsequently apply Lemma 7 for b and Lemma 8 for a, we get that there are \(n^{0.5-\epsilon }\) stable pairs independent of b and only \(O(n^{0.5-\epsilon })\) transitions by b have been observed. It remains to notice that we can do the same for the letter b if we additionally use Lemma 7 for a.

4 Conclusions

Theorem 1 gives an exact order of the convergence rate for the probability of being synchronizable for 2-letter automata up to the constant factor. One can easily verify that the convergence rate for t-size alphabet case (\(t>1\)) is \(1-O(\frac{1}{n^{0.5t}})\) because the main restriction appears for the probability of having a unique 1-branch for some letter. Thus the first open question is about the tightness of the convergence rate \(1-O(\frac{1}{n^{0.5t}})\) for the t-letter alphabet case.

Since only weakly connected automata can be synchronizing, the second natural open question is about the convergence rate for random weakly connected automata of being synchronizable. Especially, binary alphabet is of certain interest because the lower bound for this case appears from a non-weakly connected case. We suppose exponentially small probability of not being synchronizable for this case and \(\varTheta (\frac{1}{n^{k-1}})\) for random k letter automata.

In conclusion, let us briefly remark that following the proof of Theorem 1 we can decide, whether or not a given n-state automaton \(\mathcal {A}\) is synchronizing in linear expected time in n. Notice that the best known deterministic algorithm (basically due to Černý [6]) for this problem is quadratic on the average and in the worst case.

The author is thankful to Mikhail Volkov for permanent support in the research and also to Cyril Nicaud, Dominique Perrin, Marie-Pierre Béal and Julia Mikheeva for their interest and useful suggestions about the presentation of the current paper.