
1 Introduction

An intersection graph of objects is a graph, where the vertex set is the set of objects and there is an edge between two objects if their intersection is non empty. A unit disk graph (UDG) is an intersection graph of disks of equal radii in the plane. Given a set \(C = \{C_1, C_2,\ldots , C_n\}\) of n circular disks in the plane, each having diameter 1, the corresponding UDG \(G = (V,E)\) is defined as follows: each vertex \(v_i \in V\) corresponds to a disk \(C_i \in C\), and there is an edge between two vertices if and only if the Euclidean distance between the corresponding disk centers is at most 1.

An independent set of a graph \(G = (V,E)\) is a set of vertices \(V' \subseteq V\) such that no two vertices in \(V'\) are adjacent in G. The objective of the independent set problem for a given graph G is to find an independent set of maximum cardinality, which is called as maximum independent set (MIS) or Largest independent set of G.

The weighted version of the independent set problem is known as maximum weighted independent set (MWIS) problem, where each vertex \(v \in V\) is assigned a positive weight \(w_v\). The objective is to find an independent set of maximum total weight.

In this paper we consider the problem of finding a MIS on a given UDG, where the coordinates of the disk centers have been given. We call this problem as MIS problem on UDG. Some of the applications of MIS are in map labeling, clustering in wireless ad-hoc networks, coding theory, etc.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Next section we discuss existing work available in the literature. Section 3 discusses preliminaries and introduces some notations that are necessary to understand the 2-factor approximation algorithm for MIS on UDG proposed in Sect. 4. We propose a PTAS in Sect. 5. Finally we conclude the paper in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

The MIS problem on UDG is known to be NP-hard [7]. A simple 5-factor approximation algorithm is proposed in [11] and by taking the advantage of the structure of the given UDG, the authors proposed a heuristic algorithm which provides a performance guarantee 3. Both the algorithms do not require geometric representation (i.e., coordinates of the disk centers) of the UDG. If the geometric representation is given, the later algorithm runs in \(O(n^2)\) time. For a given \((k+1)\)-claw free graph (\(k \ge 4\)) and for every \(\epsilon > 0\), Halldórsson [8] proposed a \((\frac{k}{2} + \epsilon )\)- factor approximation algorithm (that does not require the geometric representation of disks) in time \(O(n^{\log _k{\frac{1}{\epsilon }}})\) using local improvement search technique for the MIS problem. Therefore there exists a \((\frac{5}{2} + \epsilon )\)-factor for UDGs as they are 6-claw free. Most of the work in the literature assume that the geometric representation of the UDG is given, this assumption allows us to partition the plane into grids and solve each grid. Matsui [12] considered the MIS problem on UDG defined on a slab (i.e., all the disk centers lie between two parallel lines) of fixed width k, and proposed an algorithm that finds an independent set of maximum cardinality in \(O(n^{4\lceil \frac{2k}{\sqrt{3}}\rceil })\) time, where n denotes the number of vertices in the UDG. The author also proposed a \((1 - \frac{1}{r})\)-factor approximation algorithm for the MIS problem on a UDG, which runs in \(O(rn^{4\lceil \frac{2(r-1)}{\sqrt{3}}\rceil })\) time and uses \(O(n^{2r})\) space, for any integer \(r \ge 2\). The algorithm can also be extended to the weighted version of the MIS problem. For a given set R of rectangles of fixed size, Agarwal et al. [1] proposed a 2-factor approximation algorithm for the MIS problem that runs in \(O(n\log n)\) time. The authors also proposed a PTAS that computes an independent set of rectangles of size at least \(\frac{\gamma }{(1+\frac{1}{k})}\), for any \(k \ge 1\), where \(\gamma \) is the size of a maximum independent set of R. For a given set of arbitrary rectangles of bounded aspect ratio in \( \mathbb {R}^d\), Chan [2] proposed a PTAS that runs in \(O(n^{\frac{1}{\epsilon ^{d-1}}})\) time and space, where \(0 < \epsilon \le 1\). Chan et al. [3] considered the same problem for pseudo disks in the plane. Their algorithm produces a solution of size \((1 - \epsilon )|OPT|\), where |OPT| is the cardinality of the MIS. Recently Das et al. [4] proposed a 2-factor approximation algorithm for the MIS problem with time and space complexities \(O(n^3)\) and \(O(n^2)\) respectively. Their approach is, (i) split the region into a set of disjoint strips of unit width and compute a MIS for each non empty strip independently with the aid of dynamic programming, (ii) find the union of the solutions for odd and even strips separately and consider the one with maximum cardinality. The authors also proposed a PTAS with the aid of two level shifting strategy of Hochbaum and Maass [9]. For any given positive integer \(k>1\) the PTAS produces a solution of size \(\frac{1}{(1+\frac{1}{k})^2}|OPT|\) in \(O(k^4n^{\sigma _k\log k} + n\log n)\) time and \(O(n + k\log k)\) space, where OPT is an optimum solution and \(\sigma _k\le \frac{7k}{3}+2\). For the MIS problem on UDG, van Leeuwen [10] proposed a fixed parameter tractable algorithm which runs in \(O(t^22^{2t}n)\) time, where the parameter t is called the thickness of the UDG. A UDG is said to have thickness t, if each strip in the slab decomposition (of width 1) of the UDG contains at most t disk centers.

Nieberg et al. [13] proposed a PTAS for the MWIS problem on UDG for the case geometric representation is not given. Erlebach et al. [6] also proposed a PTAS for finding a MWIS in an intersection graph of arbitrary radii disks, based on dynamic programming and the shifting strategy proposed by Hochbaum and Maass. Their approach can be extended for other geometric objects such as squares, regular polygons, and rectangles which are approximately squares.

2.1 Our Contribution

In this paper we present a 2-factor approximation algorithm for the MIS problem on a given UDG under the assumption that the geometric representation of the UDG is given. Our algorithm runs in \(O(n^2\log n)\) time using \(O(n^2)\) space. We also propose a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the same problem. Given a positive integer k, it can produce a solution of size \(\frac{1}{(1+\frac{1}{k})^2}|OPT|\) in \(n^{O(k)}\) time, where |OPT| is the optimum size of the solution. The best known algorithm available in the literature runs in (i) \(O(n^3)\) time and \(O(n^2)\) space for 2-factor approximation, and (ii) \(n^{O(k \log k)}\) time for PTAS [4]. Hence, our 2-factor approximation algorithm as well as PTAS are much faster than the best known 2-factor approximation algorithm and PTAS for the MIS problem on unit disk graphs.

3 Preliminaries

Let \(\mathcal{P}\) be the set of points (disk centers) corresponding to the given UDG and the cardinality of \(\mathcal{P}\), denoted by \(|\mathcal{P}|\) is n. From now on we deal with the point set \(\mathcal{P}\) instead of the given UDG. We use \(x(p_i),y(p_i)\) to represent the x and y coordinates respectively for the point \(p_i \in \mathcal{P}\) and \(d(p_i,p_j)\) to denote the Euclidean distance between two points \(p_i\) and \(p_j\). We say that two points \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) in \(\mathcal{P}\) are independent (some times we say that \(p_i\) is an independent point of \(p_j\) and vice versa in the rest of the paper) if \(d(p_i,p_j) > 1\). Our objective is to find a maximum size subset \(\mathcal{P'}\) of \(\mathcal{P}\) such that all the points in \(\mathcal{P'}\) are mutually independent. Without loss of generality, we assume that no two points in \(\mathcal{P}\) have the same x-coordinate. A horizontal strip H is the region in the plane bounded by two horizontal parallel lines. Let \(\mathcal{Q} = \{p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_m\}\) be the set of points lying in a horizontal strip H in increasing order of their x-coordinates.

Lemma 1

[4] Let \(p_1, p_2, p_3\), and \(p_4\) be four points of \(\mathcal{P}\) lying inside a horizontal strip H of width 1 such that \(x(p_1) < x(p_2) < x(p_3) < x(p_4)\). If \(p_1, p_2, p_3\) are pairwise independent and \(p_2, p_3, p_4\) are also pairwise independent, then \(p_1\) and \(p_4\) must be independent.

We define the set \(S_{i,j}\) is as follows: (i) all the points in \(S_{i,j}\) are mutually independent, (ii) \(S_{i,j}\) is a maximum cardinality subset of \(\mathcal{Q}\), and (iii) \(p_j\) and \(p_i\) are two right most points in \(S_{i,j}\) with \(j < i\). Let \(n(S_{i,j})\) denote the number of points in \(S_{i,j}\). We use \(S_i = \{S_{i,j} \mid 1 \le j < i\}\) to denote the collections of sets \(S_{i,j}\) for fixed i. We say that two points \(p_u\) and \(p_v\) in \(S_{i,j}\) are consecutive if \(x(p_u) < x(p_v)\) and there is no other point \(p_w\) of \(S_{i,j}\) such that \(x(p_u) < x(p_w) < x(p_v)\). For simplicity, the set \(S_{i,j}\) can be viewed as a chain \(C_{i,j}\). In general, a chain is a series of connected line segments. In our context, the chain \(C_{i,j}\) corresponding to the set \(S_{i,j}\) is defined by joining consecutive points using line segments from left to right. Therefore, \(S_i\) can be viewed as a collection of chains ending at \(p_i\) (see Fig. 1). Note that these chains may or may not have a common point(s) except \(p_i\). For a given horizontal strip H we first compute a MIS of the set \(\mathcal{Q} = \{p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_m\}\) of points lying inside the strip. The basic idea of our algorithm is to extend the length of chains as long as possible while processing the points from left to right iteratively. We find a largest possible independent subset of \(\{p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_i\}\) in the \(i^{th}\) iteration for \(1 \le i \le m\). Finally, we obtain a MIS which is a longest chain (a chain of maximum length) after processing all the points in the strip H.

Fig. 1.
figure 1figure 1

Pictorial representation of the collection \(S_i\) in the form of chains (not all are drawn).

Let a variable \(n_i\) be associated with each point \(p_i\) in the strip which is used to store the size of largest independent subset of \(\{p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_i\}\), i.e., \(n_i = \max \{n(s_{i,j}) \mid j < i\}\). In other words, the length of the longest chain ending at \(p_i\) is \(n_i\). Initially we set \(n_i = 0\) for every point \(p_i\) in the strip, indicating that the maximum length of a chain ending at \(p_i\) is zero. The value of \(n_i\) gets updated while the point \(p_i\) is being processed. Therefore, we have a largest independent subset of \(\{p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_i\}\) by the time \(p_i\) is processed. We define the following sets: \(S_i^\alpha = \{p_j \in \mathcal{Q} \mid p_j \in S_{i,j} \text { with } j < i \text { and } |S_{i,j}| = n_i - \alpha \}\) for \(\alpha = 0,1,2,\cdots \). These sets play crucial role in the proposed algorithm. We use FPVD(S) to denote the farthest point Voronoi diagram (FPVD) [5] of a point set S.

4 2-Factor Approximation Algorithm

In this section we propose a dynamic programming based algorithm with the help of FPVD to compute a MIS of the points lying in a horizontal strip H of width 1. We partition the region containing the points in \(\mathcal{P}\) into disjoint strips \(H_1, H_2,\ldots ,H_\nu \) of width 1 using the horizontal lines at y-coordinates \(h_1, h_2,\ldots , h_\nu + 1\) such that no point in \(\mathcal{P}\) lies on any horizontal line. The \(i^{th}\) strip \(H_i\) contains the points \(P_i = \{p \in \mathcal{P} \mid h_i < y(p) < h_{i+1}\}\). We compute a MIS for each non empty strip separately.

Description of our algorithm to find a MIS for a given set \(\{p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_m\}\) of points lying in a strip H of width 1 is as follows: let \(\mu > 1\) be a predefined sufficiently large constant. For the points \(p_1, p_2,\ldots ,p_\mu \), we find a maximum independent subset in a naive way. We process the points one by one from left to right. For every point \(p_i\) in the strip we maintain a collection of sets \(S_i = \{S_{i,j}\}\), where \(j < i\). We compute these sets for \(1< i \le \mu \) in brute force manner (because, before processing the point \(p_{\mu +1}\) we should have the sets \(S_{i,j}\)s in hand for every \(1 < i \le \mu \) and \(j < i\)) and for \(i > \mu \) on the fly while \(p_i\) is being processed. We define \(S_{i,j} = \emptyset \) if \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) are not independent. Without loss of generality we assume that the points in the sets are stored in increasing order of their x-coordinate.

We also maintain the three sets \(S_i^0\), \(S_i^1\), \(S_i^2\) (defined in the previous section) and their corresponding FPVDs separately for each point \(p_i\) in the strip. By definition, each set \(S_i^\alpha (0 \le \alpha \le 2)\) contains the last but one points in the chains having length \(n_i - \alpha \) ending at \(p_i\). These sets and their FPVDs of every point up to \(p_i\) should be in hand before proceeding to process the point \(p_{i+1}\) in the strip.

Lemma 2

Let \(p_\ell \) be the farthest independent point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^\alpha \) (for some \(0 \le \alpha \le 2\)). If \(p_\ell \), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) are mutually independent then \(p_{i+1}\) is independent with all the points in the chain \(C_{i,\ell }\).


Let \(p_u\) be a point lying left to \(p_\ell \) (i.e., \(x(p_u) < x(p_\ell )\)) in the chain \(C_{i,\ell }\). By the definition of \(C_{i,\ell }\), the points \(p_u\) and \(p_i\) are independent. Therefore, \(p_u\), \(p_\ell \), \(p_i\) are pairwise independent. Hence by Lemma 1, \(p_u\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent as \(p_\ell \), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) are mutually independent. \(\quad \square \)

Lemma 3

Let \(p_i\) and \(p_{i+1}\) be independent. Also, let \(p_u\) be the farthest independent point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^\alpha \) (for some \(0 \le \alpha \le 2\)). If \(p_u\), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) are mutually independent then the cardinality of a MIS \(M'\) of \(\{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_{i+1}\}\) having \(p_u\), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) as right most three points is greater than or equal to the cardinality of a MIS \(M''\) of \(\{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_{i+1}\}\) having \(p_v\), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) as right most three points, where \(p_v\) is the farthest point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^\beta \), for \(\beta \ge \alpha \).


\(|M'| \ge |M''|\), follows from the definition of \(S_i^\alpha \) and \(S_i^\beta \) and \(\beta \ge \alpha \). Now we have to prove that \(p_v\), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) are mutually independent. The case \(\beta = \alpha \) is trivial. Let us consider the case \(\beta > \alpha \), i.e., \(\beta - \alpha = \) 1 or 2. By the statement of the lemma \(p_i\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent, and \(p_v\) and \(p_i\) are independent due to definition of \(S_i^\beta \). Now consider the chain \(C_{i,u}\), since \(p_u\) is the farthest point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^\alpha \), the length of \(C_{i,u}\) is \(n_i - \alpha \). Let \(\{s_1,s_2,\ldots ,s_{n_i-\alpha -2},s_{n_i-\alpha -1} (= p_u),s_{n_i-\alpha } (= p_i)\}\) be the set of points in the chain \(C_{i,u}\) from left to right. Consider the following two cases:

  • Case A: \(\beta - \alpha =1\)

  • Case B: \(\beta - \alpha =2\)

In Case A, \(s_{n_i-\alpha -2} \in S_i^\beta \) and in Case B, \(s_{n_i-\alpha -3} \in S_i^\beta \).

Since \(s_{n_i-\alpha -1}\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent and by Lemma 1, (i) \(s_{n_i-\alpha -2}\) and \(p_{i+1}\), and (ii) \(s_{n_i-\alpha -3}\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent. Since in Case A \(s_{n_i-\alpha -2} \in S_i^\beta \) and in Case B \(s_{n_i-\alpha -3} \in S_i^\beta \), then \(p_v\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent as \(p_v\) is the farthest point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^\beta \). Thus the lemma. \(\quad \square \)

Lemma 4

Let \(p_i\) and \(p_{i+1}\) be independent. If \(p_u\) is the farthest point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^2\), then \(p_u\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent.


Note that \(S_i^\alpha = \{p_j \in \mathcal{Q} \mid p_j \in S_{i,j} \text { with } j < i \text { and } |S_{i,j}| = n_i-\alpha \}\) for \(\alpha = 0, 1, 2\). Consider a chain \(C_{i,j}\) corresponding to \(S_{i,j}\) such that \(n(S_{i,j}) = n_i\). Let the members of the chain \(C_{i,j}\) be \(s_1,s_2,\ldots ,s_{n_i-4},s_{n_i-3},s_{n_i-2},s_{n_i-1}(=p_j),s_{n_i} (=p_i)\) from left to right. Now consider a chain containing the points \(s_1,s_2,\ldots ,s_{n_i-4},s_{n_i-3},s_{n_i} (=p_i)\) of length \(n_i-2\). Therefore, \(s_{n_i-3} \in S_i^2\). Observe that \(s_{n_i-3}\) is independent with \(p_{i+1}\), since \(s_{n_i-3},s_{n_i-2},s_{n_i-1},s_{n_i} (=p_i)\) are pairwise independent and \(x(s_{n_i-3}) < x(s_{n_i-2}) < x(s_{n_i-1}) < x(s_{n_i})\). Therefore, \(x(s_{n_i}) - x(s_{n_i-3}) > 1\) (by Lemma 1). Again \(x(p_{i+1}) > x(p_i)\) implies \(s_{n_i-3}\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent. Now, since \(s_{n_i-3}\) is independent with \(p_{i+1}\) then \(p_u\) is also independent with \(p_{i+1}\) as (i) \(p_u \in S_i^2\), (ii) \(s_{n_i-3} \in S_i^2\), and (iii) \(p_u\) is the farthest point of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^2\). Thus the lemma. \(\quad \square \)

Lemma 5

Let \(p_i\) and \(p_{i+1}\) be independent. If \(p_u,p_v\), and \(p_w\) are the farthest points of \(p_{i+1}\) in \(S_i^0,S_i^1\), and \(S_i^2\) respectively, then either (i) \(p_u,p_{i+1}\), or (ii) \(p_v,p_{i+1}\), or (iii) \(p_w,p_{i+1}\) are independent.


Follows form Lemma 4 as \(p_w\) and \(p_{i+1}\) are independent. \(\quad \square \)

4.1 Algorithm

Here, we assume that the set of points \(\{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_i\}\) are already processed one by one from left to right. Now we describe the method of processing the point \(p_{i+1}\). Let \(S_{i+1}^0 = S_{i+1}^1 = S_{i+1}^2 = \emptyset \). Note that at the time of processing \(p_{i+1}\), we have (i) the collection \(\{S_{u,v}\}\) and \(n(S_{u,v})\) such that \(1 \le v < u \le i\), and (ii) the sets \(S_u^0, S_u^1, S_u^2\) and their FPVDs for every \(u \le i\). The steps involved in processing the point \(p_{i+1}\) are as follows. If \(d(p_i,p_{i+1}) > 1\), then we find a point \(p_\ell \in S_i^0\), which is farthest from \(p_{i+1}\). If \(d(p_{i+1},p_\ell ) > 1\), then \(S_{i+1,i} = \{p_{i+1}\} \cup S_{i,\ell }\) (i.e., we extend the chain ending at \(p_i\) corresponding to \(S_{i,\ell }\) up to \(p_{i+1}\)) and \(n(S_{i+1,i}) = n(S_{i,\ell }) + 1\). Note that we are not storing \(S_{i+1,i}\) explicitly. We can use a matrix M of size \(m \times m\) and store \(p_\ell \) in the \((i+1,i)^{th}\) entry of M. If \(d(p_{i+1},p_\ell ) \le 1\), then we repeat the same process with \(S_i^1\) and \(S_i^2\) in order. We repeat the entire process for \(p_{i-1}, p_{i-2},\ldots ,p_1\). Calculate \(n_{i+1} = \max \{n(S_{i+1,j}) \mid j<i+1\}\). To find the sets \(S_{i+1}^0, S_{i+1}^1\), and \(S_{i+1}^2\) we repeat the above process again. If \(n(S_{i+1,i}) = n_{i+1} - \alpha \) then \(S_{i+1}^\alpha = S_{i+1}^\alpha \cup \{p_i\}\) for \(0 \le \alpha \le 2\). Next, we store FPVDs of \(S_{i+1}^0, S_{i+1}^1\), and \(S_{i+1}^2\) to process the remaining points in the horizontal strip H. The pseudo code of the algorithm for processing the point \(p_{i+1}\) is given in Algorithm 1. In the algorithm flag variables flag1 and flag2 are used to handle the cases \(S_i^\alpha = \emptyset \) for any \(\alpha = 0,1,2\) and there is no independent point left to \(p_{i+1}\) respectively.

4.2 Correctness of the Algorithm

Let the current point being processed is \(p_{i+1}\). If \(d(p_{i+1},p_i) > 1\) we check for the independence of \(p_{i+1}\) with the farthest point in \(S_i^0, S_i^1\), and \(S_i^2\) in order. The farthest independent point, say \(p_{\ell }\), encountered first is considered to be in the solution. The existence of \(p_{\ell }\) is guaranteed by Lemma 5. By Lemma 2, \(p_{i+1}\) is independent with all the points in the chain \(C_{i,\ell }\). Therefore, the points in the chain together with \(p_{i+1}\) forms an independent set of \(\{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_{i+1}\}\) and that is the possible maximum independent set having \(p_\ell \), \(p_i\), and \(p_{i+1}\) as right most three points (see Lemma 3). Hence, we can safely extend the chain \(C_{i,\ell }\) up to \(p_{i+1}\). We considered all the points \(p_i, p_{i-1}, \ldots , p_1\) (see line number 3 in Algorithm 1) and hence we are considering all possible chains ending at \(p_{i+1}\).

figure afigure a

Lemma 6

Algorithm 1 processes the point \(p_{i+1}\) correctly in \(O(i\log i)\) time and uses \(O(m^2)\) space.


Correctness of Algorithm 1 follows from the discussion in SubSect. 4.2. The worst case time complexity of lines 4–21 is \(O(\log i)\) due to planar point location in line number 9. Therefore, time complexity of lines 3–22 is \(O(i\log i)\). Again, time complexity of lines 27–33 is \(O(i\log i)\). Computing FPVDs in line number 34 can be done in \(O(i\log i)\). Thus the total time complexity of Algorithm 1 is \(O(i\log i)\).

The space complexity follows from (i) size of the matrix M, (ii) collection \(\{S_{i,j}\}\), (iii) counters \(n(S_{i,j})\), (iv) sets \(S_i^0, S_i^1,S_i^2\), and (v) storing FPVDs of the sets \(S_i^0, S_i^1,S_i^2\) for \(1 \le i \le m\).\(\quad \square \)

We now describe the algorithm for computing a MIS for the set of points \(\{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_m\}\) within a strip H of width 1. For a given predefined constant \(\mu \) we execute Algorithm 1 for each point \(p_{\mu +1}, p_{\mu +2},\ldots ,p_m\) in the strip and report the largest set \(S_{i,j}\) for \(1 \le j < i \le m\). Hence the size of a MIS for a given strip of width 1 is equal to \(\max \{n_1,n_2,\ldots ,n_m\}\). The pseudo code of the algorithm is available in Algorithm 2.

figure bfigure b

Theorem 1

Algorithm 2 correctly computes a MIS for the set \(\mathcal{Q} = \{p_1,p_2,\ldots ,p_m\}\) inside a strip H of width 1 in \(O(m^2\log m)\) time using \(O(m^2)\) space.


Correctness of the algorithm follows from Lemma 6. Time complexity of Algorithm 2 is \(\sum \limits _{i=1}^m O(i\log i)\) (see for loop in line number 2 in Algorithm 2, where it calls Algorithm 1 O(m) times). Therefore, total time complexity of Algorithm 2 is \(O(m^2\log m)\) in worst case.

Space complexity of Algorithm 2 follows from Lemma 6 as we can reuse the matrix M for every call to Algorithm 1. \(\quad \square \)

Now, we describe an algorithm to find a MIS for the point set \(\mathcal{P}\). Let \(MIS_1, MIS_2, \ldots , MIS_\nu \) be the largest possible independent sets corresponding to the points in \(\mathcal{P} \cap H_1, \mathcal{P} \cap H_2,\ldots , \mathcal{P} \cap H_\nu \) respectively. We execute Algorithm 2 for every strip \(H_i\) for \(1 \le i \le \nu \). Let \(MIS_{odd}\) and \(MIS_{even}\) be the union of maximum independent sets in odd and even strips respectively. We report \(MIS_{odd}\) if \(|MIS_{odd}| \ge |MIS_{even}|\), otherwise we report \(MIS_{even}\). The pseudo code of the algorithm is given in Algorithm 3

Theorem 2

Given a set \(\mathcal{P}\) of n points (disk centers) corresponding to a given UDG, a subset of at least \(\frac{1}{2}|OPT|\) mutually independent points (disks) can be computed in \(O(n^2\log n)\) time and using \(O(n^2)\) space using Algorithm 3, where |OPT| is the cardinality of a largest independent set for the point set \(\mathcal{P}\).


Let \(\chi \) be the solution obtained by Algorithm 3. Observe that both \(MIS_{odd}\) and \(MIS_{even}\) are independent as all strips are of width 1 unit and two points in \(\mathcal{P}\) are independent if the Euclidean distance between them is greater than 1. Also, observe that the points in any two even strips (resp. odd) are independent. We have to prove that \(|\chi | > \frac{1}{2}|OPT|\), where OPT is a MIS of \(\mathcal{P}\). Since \(MIS_{odd}\) and \(MIS_{even}\) are union of solutions in odd and even strips respectively, hence,

$$\begin{aligned} |MIS_{odd}| + |MIS_{even}| \ge |OPT| \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} |\chi | + |\chi | \ge |MIS_{odd}| + |MIS_{even}| \end{aligned}$$

From inequalities 1 and 2, \(|\chi | \ge \frac{1}{2}|OPT|\).

The time and space complexities follow as we can execute Algorithm 3 for every strip independently. Thus the theorem. \(\quad \square \)

figure cfigure c

5 Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme

We design a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the maximum independent set problem on a given UDG, where the geometric representation of the graph has been given i.e., the center of the unit disks are given. We assume that \(\mathcal{P}\) be the set of centers of the unit disks associated with the UDG. Also assume that \(\mathcal{R}\) be an enclosing rectangle of the point set \(\mathcal{P}\). To design a PTAS we use two level shifting strategy, proposed by Hauchbaum and Maass [9]. In the first level of shifting strategy we execute \(k+1\) iterations as follows: in the i-th iteration (\(0 \le i \le k\)), we partition the region \(\mathcal{R}\) into disjoint vertical slabs such that (i) the first slab is of width i starting from left, (ii) width of each even slab is 1, and (iii) width of other slab is k (note that width of last slab may be less than k). Therefore, solution of different slabs of width k are non-intersecting [1].

In an iteration of the first level, we consider only those vertical slabs containing at least one point in \(\mathcal{P}\), and compute maximum independent set by applying second level shifting strategy by considering horizontal partition of each vertical slab, add up the solutions of all slabs to get the solution of that iteration. The iteration producing maximum size solution is reported.

Lemma 7

[4] If \(n_k\) is the maximum number of mutually non-overlapping unit disks whose centers lie in a strip of width \(k>1\) and intersected by a vertical line \(\ell \), then \(n_k \le \frac{7k}{3}+2\).

5.1 Computing MIS for Unit Disks Centered in a \(k \times K\) Square

Let \(Q \subseteq \mathcal{P}\) be the set of points inside a cell \(\chi \) of size \(k\times k\). Consider a vertical line \(\ell _v\) and a horizontal line \(\ell _h\) that partition \(\chi \) into four sub-cells each of size \(\frac{k}{2} \times \frac{k}{2}\). Let \(Q(\ell _v, \ell _h) \subseteq Q\) be the set of points whose distance from \(\ell _v\) or \(\ell _h\) is at most \(\frac{1}{2}\), and \(Q_1, Q_2, Q_3, Q_4 \subseteq Q\) be the set of points in the four quadrants whose distance from \(\ell _v\) and \(\ell _h\) is greater than \(\frac{1}{2}\). To compute a MIS for the set of points in Q, we use the following divide and conquer technique.

Consider all possible subsets \(Q' \subseteq Q(\ell _v,\ell _h)\) of size at most \(2 \times n_k\), where \(n_k = \frac{7k}{3}+2\) (since \(2 \times n_k\) is the maximum possible size of the point set in \(Q(\ell _v,\ell _h)\) that can appear in an optimal solution due to Lemma 7). For each of \(Q'\), we do the following in each quadrant: delete all the points in \(Q_i\) (\(i = 1, 2, 3, 4\)) which are not independent with \(Q'\). Let \(Q_i'\subseteq Q_i\) be the remaining set of points. Now compute the optimum solution for \(Q_i'\) recursively using the same procedure. If T(mk) is the time complexity for finding MIS in \(\chi \), then \(T(m,k) = 4 * T(m,\frac{k}{2}) \times m^{2n_k} = m^{O(k)}\). Thus, we have the following result:

Theorem 3

Given a set P of n points in the plane and an integer \(k > 1\), the proposed algorithm computes an independent set of size at least \(\frac{1}{(1+\frac{1}{k})^2}|OPT|\) in \(n^{O(k)}\) time, where |OPT| is the optimum size of the solution.

6 Conclusion

In this paper we proposed a 2-factor approximation algorithm for the MIS problem on UDG, where the geometric representation of the UDG is given. Our algorithm runs in \(O(n^2\log n)\) time and \(O(n^2)\) space, outperforming the existing algorithms in the literature with respect to time complexity by a factor of \(\frac{n}{\log n}\) [4]. We also proposed a PTAS for the same problem. The running time of our proposed PTAS is \(n^{O(k)}\). The previous best known PTAS runs in \(n^{O(k \log k)}\) time [4].