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Solid-State NMR on Complex Biomolecules: Methods and Applications

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Modern Magnetic Resonance


Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) can provide structural information at the most detailed level and, at the same time, is applicable in highly heterogeneous and complex molecular environments, largely irrespective of solubility or crystallinity. In the following chapter, we discuss concepts to deal with the spectroscopic challenges of applying ssNMR to complex biomolecular systems and how to place structural information obtained from ssNMR in a (supra)molecular context. Applications range from protein biopolymers and hydrogels to drug delivery systems, biosilica, and other biomaterials.

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We gratefully acknowledge our collaborators and colleagues for their invaluable contributions to cited publications from our own research group.

These studies were supported through grants from the NWO, the EU, and the NIH, as well as the DFG, the Max Planck Society, and the Volkswagen Foundation.

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Mance, D., Weingarth, M., Baldus, M. (2016). Solid-State NMR on Complex Biomolecules: Methods and Applications. In: Webb, G. (eds) Modern Magnetic Resonance. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

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