
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Regression problems are widely reported in the literature [1, 4, 17, 24, 30]. Generalized Linear Models [27], Neural Networks [18] and Genetic Programming [23] tend to provide solutions with high accuracy. However, high precision is not always associated to a reasonable interpretability, that is, it may be difficult to identify, in linguistic terms, the relation between the response variable (output) and the explanatory variables (inputs).

A GFS integrates a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and a Genetic Based Meta-Heuristic (GBMH), which is based on Darwinian concepts of natural selection and genetic recombination. Therefore, a GFS provides fair accuracy and linguistic interpretability (FIS component) through the automatic learning of its parameters and rules (GBMH component) by using information extracted from a dataset or a plant. The number of works related to GFSs applied to regression problems has increased over the years and are mostly based on improving the Genetic Based Meta-Heuristic counterpart of GFSs by using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms [1, 5, 31]. In general most of these works do not explore linguistic hedges and negation operators. Procedures for the selection of consequent terms have not been reported and few works weigh fuzzy rules. In addition GFSs based on Genetic Programming have never been applied to regression problems.

This work presents a novel GFS called Genetic Programming Fuzzy Inference System for Regression problems (GPFIS-Regress). The main characteristics of this model are: (i) it makes use of Multi-Gene Genetic Programming [21, 34], a Genetic Programming generalization that works on a single-objective framework, which can be more reliable computationally in some situations than multi-objective approaches; (ii) it employs aggregation, negation and linguistic hedge operators in a simplified manner; (iii) it applies some heuristics to define the consequent term best suited to a given antecedent term.

This work is organized as follows: Sect. 2.1 presents some related works on GFSs applied to regression problems and Sect. 2.2. covers the main concepts of the GBMH used in GPFIS-Regress: Multi-Gene Genetic Programming. Section 3 presents the GPFIS-Regress model; case studies are dealt with in Sect. 4. Section 5 concludes the work.

2 Background

2.1 Related Works

In general, GFSs designed for solving regression problems are similar to those devised for classification. This is due to the similarity between those problems, except for the output variable: in regression the consequent term is a fuzzy set, while in classification it is a classical set. Nevertheless, in both cases interpretability is a relevant requirement. Therefore, most works in this subject employ Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) as the GBMH for rule base synthesis. One of the few that does not follow this concept is that of Alcalá et al. [2], which presents one of the first applications of 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation [20]. In this work a GFS, based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA), learns both the granularity and the displacement of the membership functions for each variable. Wang and Mendel’s algorithm [35] is used for rule generation. This model is applied to two real cases.

The work of Antonelli et al. [5] proposes a multi-objective GFS to generate a Mamdani-type FIS, with reasonable accuracy and rule base compactness. This system learns the granularity and the fuzzy rule set (a typical knowledge-base discovery approach). It introduces the concept of virtual and concrete rule base: the virtual one is based on the highest number of membership functions for each variable, while the concrete one is based on the values observed in the individual of the MOEA population. This algorithm was applied to two benchmarks for regression.

Pulkkinen and Koivisto [31] present a GFS that learns most of the FIS parameters. A MOEA is employed for fine-tuning membership functions and for defining the granularity and the fuzzy rule base. A feature selection procedure is performed before initialization and an adaptable solution from Wang & Mendel’s algorithm is included in an individual as an initial seed. This model performs equally or better than other recent multi-objective and single-objective GFSs for six benchmark problems.

The recent work of Alcalá et al. [1] uses a MOEA for accuracy and comprehension maximization. It defines membership functions granularities for each variable and uses Wang & Mendel’s algorithm for rule generation. During the evolutionary process, membership functions are displaced following a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation, as stated earlier. In a post-processing stage fine-tuning of the membership functions is performed. The proposed approach compares favorably to four other GFSs for 17 benchmark datasets.

Benítez and Casillas [8] present a novel multi-objective GFS to deal with high-dimensional problems through a hierarchical structure. This model explores the concept of Fuzzy Inference Subsystems, which compose the hierarchical structure of a unique FIS. The MOEA has a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation that indicates the displacement degree of triangular membership functions and which variables will belong to a subsystem. The fuzzy rule base is learned through Wang & Mendel’s algorithm. This approach is compared to other GFSs for five benchmark problems.

Finally, Márquez et al. [26] employ a MOEA to adapt the conjunction operator (a parametric t-norm) that combines the premise terms of each fuzzy rule in order to maximize total accuracy and reduce the number of fuzzy rules. An initial rule base is generated through Wang & Mendel’s approach [35], followed by a screening mechanism for rule set reduction. The codification also includes a binary segment that indicates which rules are considered in the system, as well as an integer value that represents the parametric t-norm to be used in a specific rule. An experimental study carried out with 17 datasets of different complexities attests the effectiveness of the mechanism, despite the large number of fuzzy rules.

2.2 Multi-Gene Genetic Programming

Genetic Programming (GP) [23, 30] belongs to the Evolutionary Computation field. Typically, it employs a population of individuals, each of them denoted by a tree structure that codifies a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the output Y and a set of input variables \(X_j\) (\(j=1,\ldots ,J\)). Based on these ideas, Multi-Gene Genetic Programming (MGGP) [15, 17, 21, 34] generalizes GP as it denotes an individual as a structure of trees, also called genes, that similarly receives \(X_j\) and tries to predict Y (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example of multi-gene individual

Fig. 2
figure 2

Application example of MGGP operators: a mutation; b low level crossover; and c high level crossover

Each individual is composed of D trees or functions (\(d=1,\ldots ,D\)) that relate \(X_j\) to Y through user-defined mathematical operations. It is easy to verify that MGGP generates solutions similar to those of GP when \(D = 1\). In GP terminology, the \(X_j\) input variables are included in the Terminal Set, while the mathematical operations (plus, minus, etc.) are part of the Function Set (or Mathematical Operations Set).

With respect to genetic operators, mutation in MGGP is similar to that in GP. As for crossover, the level at which the operation is performed must be specified: it is possible to apply crossover at high and low levels. Figure 2a presents a multi-gene individual with five equations (\(D=5\)) accomplishing a mutation, while Fig. 2b shows the low level crossover operation.

The low level is the space where it is possible to manipulate structures (Terminals and Mathematical Operations) of equations present in an individual. In this case, both operations are similar to those performed in GP. The high level, on the other hand, is the space where expressions can be manipulated in a macro way. An example of high level crossover is shown in Fig. 2c. By observing the dashed lines it can be seen that the equations were switched from an individual to the other. The cutting point can be symmetric—the same number of equations is exchanged between individuals—or asymmetric. Intuitively, high level crossover has a deeper effect on the output than low level crossover and mutation have.

In general, the evolutionary process in MGGP differs from that in GP due to the addition of two parameters: maximum number of trees per individual and high level crossover rate. A high value is normally used for the first parameter to assure a smooth evolutionary process. The high level crossover rate, similarly to other genetic operators rates, needs to be adjusted.

3 GPFIS-Regress Model

GPFIS-Regress is a typical Pittsburgh-type GFS [19]. Its development begins with the mapping of crisp values into membership degrees to fuzzy sets (Fuzzification). Then, the fuzzy inference process is divided into three subsections: (i) generation of fuzzy rule premises (Formulation); (ii) assignment of a consequent term to each premise (Premises Splitting) and (iii) aggregation of each activated fuzzy rule (Aggregation). Finally, Defuzzification and Evaluation are performed.

3.1 Fuzzification

In regression problems, the main information for predicting the behavior of an an output \(y_i \in Y\) (\(i=1,\ldots ,n\)) consists of its J attributes or features \(x_{\textit{ij}} \in X_j\) (\(j=1,\ldots ,J\)). A total of L fuzzy sets are associated to each jth feature and are given by \(A_{lj} = \{(x_{\textit{ij}},\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}} (x_{\textit{ij}})) | x_{\textit{ij}} \in X_j \}\), where \(\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}}: X_j \rightarrow [0,1]\) is a membership function that assigns to each observation \(x_{ij}\) a membership degree \(\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}} (x_{\textit{ij}})\) to a fuzzy set \(A_{lj}\). Similarly, for Y (output variable), K fuzzy sets \(B_{k}\) (\(k=1,\ldots ,K\)) are associated.

Three aspects are taken into account when defining membership functions: (i) form (triangular, trapezoidal, etc.); (ii) support set of \(\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}} (x_{\textit{ij}})\); (iii) an appropriate linguistic term, qualifying the subspace constituted by \(\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}} (x_{\textit{ij}})\) with a context-driven adjective. Ideally, these tasks should be carried out by an expert, whose knowledge would improve comprehensibility. In practice, it is not always easy to find a suitable expert. Therefore it is very common [9, 19, 22] to define membership functions as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Membership functions for \(x_{\textit{ij}} \in X_j\) variables. For Y read \(A_{\textit{lj}}\) as \(B_k\)

3.2 Fuzzy Inference

3.2.1 Formulation

A fuzzy rule premise is commonly defined by:

$$ \text {``}{\textit{If }}~X_1\textit{ is }A_{l1}~\textit{and} \ldots and~X_j\textit{ is }A_{\textit{lj}}~\textit{and} \ldots \textit{and}~X_J\textit{ is }X_{lJ}{\text {''}} $$

or, in mathematical terms:

$$\begin{aligned} \mu _{A_d} (x_{i1},\ldots ,x_{\textit{iJ}}) = \mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i}) = \mu _{A_{l1}} (x_{i1}) *\ldots *\mu _{A_{lJ}} (x_{\textit{iJ}}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mu _{A_d} (x_{i1},\ldots ,x_{iJ}) = \mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\) is the joint membership degree of the ith pattern \(\mathbf {x}_{i} = [x_{i1},\ldots ,x_{\textit{iJ}}]\) with respect to the dth premise (\(d=1,\ldots ,D\)), computed by using a t-norm \(*\). A premise can be elaborated by using t-norms, t-conorms, linguistic hedges and negation operators to combine the \(\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}} (x_{\textit{ij}})\). As a consequence, the number of possible combinations grows as the number of variables, operators and fuzzy sets increase. Therefore, GPFIS-Regress employs MGGP to search for the most promising combinations, i.e., fuzzy rule premises. Figure 4 exemplifies a typical solution provided by MGGP.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example of fuzzy rule premises codified in an MGGP individual

For example, premise 1 represents: \(\mu _{A_1} (\mathbf {x}_{i}) = \mu _{A_{21}} (x_{i1}) *\mu _{A_{32}} (x_{i2})\) and, in linguistic terms, “If \(X_1\) is \(A_{21}\) and \(X_2\) is \(A_{32}\)”. Let \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\) be the dth premise codified in the dth tree of an MGGP individual. Table 1 presents the components used for reaching the solutions shown in Fig. 4.

Table 1 Input fuzzy sets and operators to generate solutions in Fig. 4

In GPFIS-Regress, the set of \(\mu _{A_{\textit{lj}}} (x_{\textit{ij}})\) represents the Input Fuzzy Sets or, in GP terminology, the Terminal Set, while the Functions Set is replaced by the Fuzzy Operators Set. Thus MGGP is used for obtaining a set of fuzzy rules premises \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\). In order to fully develop a fuzzy rule base, it is necessary to define the consequent term best suited to each \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\).

3.2.2 Premises Splitting

There are two ways to define which consequent term is best suited to a fuzzy rule premise: (i) allow a GBMH to perform this search (a common procedure in several works); or (ii) employ methods that directly draw information from the dataset so as to connect a premise to a consequent term. In GPFIS-Regress the second option has been adopted in order to prevent a premise with a large coverage in the dataset, or able to predict a certain region of the output, to be associated to an unsuitable consequent term. Instead of searching for all elements of a fuzzy rule, as a GBMH does, GPFIS-Regress measures the compatibility between \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\) and the consequent terms. This also promotes reduction of the search space.

In this sense, the Similarity Degree (\(SD_k\)) between the \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\) and the consequent terms is employed:

$$\begin{aligned} SD_k = \min (1 - \frac{\sum _{i=1}^n |\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i}) - \mu _{B_k} (y_i)|}{n}, I_{\{0,1\}}) \in [0,1] \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sum _{i=1}^n |\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i}) - \mu _{B_k} (y_i)|\) is the Manhattan distance between the dth premise and the kth consequent term, while \(I_{\{0,1\}}\) is an indicator variable, which takes value 0 when \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i}) = 0, \ \forall i\), and 1 otherwise. When \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i}) = \mu _{B_k} (y_i)\) for all t, then \(FCD_k=1\), i.e., premise and consequent term are totally similar. A consequent term for \(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\) is selected as the kth consequent which maximize \(SD_k\). A premise with \(SD_k = 0\), for all k, is not associated to any consequent term (and not considered as a fuzzy rule).

3.2.3 Aggregation

A premise associated to the kth consequent term (i.e. a fuzzy rule) is denoted by \(\mu _{A_{d^{(k)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\), which, in linguistic terms, means: “If \(X_1\) is \(A_{l1}\), and ..., and \(X_J\) is \(A_{lJ}\), then Y is \(B_k\)”. Therefore, the whole fuzzy rule base is given by \(\mu _{A_{1^{(k)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\),..., \(\mu _{A_{D^{(k)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\), \( \forall k=1,\ldots ,K\). A new pattern \(\mathbf x _i^*\) may have a non-zero membership degree to several premises, associated either to the same or to different consequent terms. In order to generate a consensual value, the aggregation step tries to combine the activation degrees of all fuzzy rules associated to the same consequent term.

Consider \(D^{(k)}\) as the number of fuzzy rules associated to kth consequent term (\(d^{(k)}=1^{(k)},2^{(k)}\ldots ,D^{(k)}\)). Given an aggregation operator \(g: [0,1]^{D^{(k)}} \rightarrow [0,1]\) (see [7, 10]), the predicted membership degree of \(\mathbf {x}_{i}^*\) to each kth consequent term—\(\hat{\mu }_{B_{k}}(y_i^*)\)—is computed by:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\mu }_{B_{1}}(y_i^*) = g[\mu _{A_{1^{(1)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}^*),\ldots ,\mu _{A_{D^{(1)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}^*)] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\mu }_{B_{2}}(y_i^*) = g[\mu _{A_{1^{(2)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}^*),\ldots ,\mu _{A_{D^{(2)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}^*)] \\ ... \nonumber \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\mu }_{B_{K}}(y_i^*) = g[\mu _{A_{1^{(K)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}^*),\ldots ,\mu _{A_{D^{(K)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}^*)] \end{aligned}$$

There are many aggregation operators available (e.g., see [6, 10, 36]), the Maximum being the most widely used [29]. Nevertheless other operators such as arithmetic and weighted averages may also be used. As for weighted arithmetic mean, it is necessary to solve a Restricted Least Squares problem (RLS) in order to establish the weights:

$$\begin{aligned} min: \sum _{i=1}^n (\hat{\mu }_{B_{k}}(y_i) - \sum _{d^{(k)}=1}^{D^{(k)}} w_{d^{(k)}} \mu _{A_{d^{(k)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i}))^2 \\ s.t.: \sum _{d^{(k)}=1}^{D^{(k)}} w_{d^{(k)}} = 1 \ and \ w_{d^{(k)}} \ge 0 \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_{d^{(k)}}\) is the weight or the influence degree of \(\mu _{A_{d^{(k)}}} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\) in the prediction of elements related to the kth consequent term. This is a typical Quadratic Programming problem, the solution of which is easily computed by using algorithms discussed in [11, 33]. This aggregation procedure is called Weighted Average by Restricted Least Squares (WARLS).

3.3 Defuzzification

Proposition 1

Consider \(y_i \in Y\), with \(a \le y_i \le b\) where \(a,b \in \mathbb {R}\), and, associated to Y, K triangular membership functions, normal, 2-overlappedFootnote 1 and strongly partitioned (identical to Fig. 3). Then \(y_{i}\) can be rewritten as:

$$\begin{aligned} y_i = c_1 \mu _{B_{1}}(y_i) + c_2 \mu _{B_{2}}(y_i) + \cdots + c_J \mu _{B_{K}}(y_i) \end{aligned}$$

where \(c_1\), ..., \(c_K\) is the “center”—\(\mu _{B_{k}}(c_k)=1\)—of each kth membership function.

The proof can be found in in [28]. This linear combination, which is a defuzzification procedure, is usually known as the Height Method. From this proposition, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. 1.

    If \(\mu _{B_{k}}(y_i)\) is known, then \(y_i\) is also known.

  2. 2.

    If only a prediction \(\hat{\mu }_{B_{k}}(y_i)\) of \(\mu _{B_{k}}(y_i)\) is known, such that \(\sup _{y_t} | \mu _{B_{k}}(y_i) - \hat{\mu }_{B_{k}}(y_i)| \le \varepsilon \), when \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\) the defuzzification output \(\hat{y}_i\) that approximates \(y_i\) is given by:

    $$\begin{aligned} \hat{y}_i = c_1 \hat{\mu }_{B_{1}}(y_i) + c_2 \hat{\mu }_{B_{2}}(y_i) + \cdots + c_K \hat{\mu }_{B_{K}}(y_t) \end{aligned}$$

When \(\hat{\mu }_{B_{k}}(y_i) \approx \mu _{B_{k}}(y_i)\) is not verified, the Mean of Maximum or the Center of Gravity [32] defuzzification methods may lead to a better performance. However, due to the widespread use of strongly partitioned fuzzy sets in the experiments with GPFIS-Regress, a normalized version of the Height Method (8) has been employed:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{y}_i = \frac{c_1 \hat{\mu }_{B_{1}}(y_i) + \cdots + c_K \hat{\mu }_{B_{K}}(y_i)}{\hat{\mu }_{B_{1}}(y_i) + \cdots + \hat{\mu }_{B_{K}}(y_i)} \end{aligned}$$

It is now possible to evaluate an individual of GPFIS-Regress by using \(\hat{y_i}\).

3.4 Evaluation

The Evaluation procedure in GPFIS-Regress is defined by a primary objective—error minimization—and a secondary objective—complexity reduction. The primary objective is responsible for ranking individuals in the population, while the secondary one is used as a tiebreaker criteria.

A simple fitness function for regression problems is the Mean Squared Error (MSE):

$$\begin{aligned} MSE = \frac{\sum _{i=1}^n (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}{2*n} \end{aligned}$$

The best individual in the population is the solution which minimizes (10). GPFIS-Regress tries to reduce the complexity of the rule base by employing a simple heuristic: Lexicographic Parsimony Pressure [25]. This technique is only used in the selection phase: given two individuals with the same fitness, the best one is that with fewer nodes. Fewer nodes indicate rules with fewer antecedent elements, linguistic hedges and negation operators, as well as few premises (\(\mu _{A_d} (\mathbf {x}_{i})\)), and, therefore, a small fuzzy rule set. After evaluation, a set of individuals is selected (through a tournament procedure) and recombined. This process is repeated until a stopping criteria is met. When this occurs, the final population is returned.

4 Case Studies

4.1 Experiments Description

Among the SFGs designed for solving regression problems, the Fast and Scalable Multi-Objective Genetic Fuzzy System (FS-MOGFS) [1] has been used in the experiments. In contrast to other works [2, 5, 8, 26, 31], FS-MOGFS has been chosen because:

  1. 1.

    it makes use of 17 regression datasets, where five of them are highly scalable and high-dimensional;

  2. 2.

    it presents a comparison between three different GFSs;

  3. 3.

    it describes in detail the parameters used for each model and the number of evaluations performed. Furthermore, the results show accuracy (training and test sets) and rule base compactness (average number of rules and of antecedents elements per rule).

In its basic version, FS-MOGFS consists of:

  • Each chromosome (C) has two parts (\(C = C_1 \cup C_2\)): \(C_1\) represents the number of triangular and uniformly distributed membership functions and \(C_2 = [\alpha _1,\alpha _2,\ldots ,\alpha _J]\), where each \(\alpha _j\) is a degree of displacement of the jth variable [2]. To obtain the best possible values for C, the model incorporates a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) based on SPEA2 [1]. The two objectives are: minimize the Mean Squared Error and the number of rules.

  • In order to build the complete knowledge base (rules and membership functions), rule extraction via Wang & Mendel’s algorithm is performed for each chromosome [35]. The Mamdani-type SIF employs the minimum for t-norm and implication, and center of gravity for defuzzification.

Extensions of FS-MOGFS have resulted in two other models: (i) \(\mathbf{FS-MOGFS }^e\)– identical to FS-MOGFS, but with fast error computation by leaving aside a portion of the database; (ii) FS-MOGFS+TUN: similar to the previous one, but with fine tuning of membership functions parameters [16]. This model provided the best results and was therefore used for comparison with GPFIS-Regress. Databases shown in Table 2 [1] have been considered in case studies.

Table 2 Databases considered in experiments

Five of the 17 databases are of high dimensionality: ELV, AIL, MV, CA e TIC; they have been obtained from the KEEL repository [1]. Similarly to the procedure adopted in Alcalá et al. [1], 100,000 evaluations (population size = 100 and number of generations = 1000) have been carried out in each execution. The remaining parameters are shown in Table 3. With six repeats of 5-fold cross-validation, GPFIS-Regress was executed 30 times. The metrics shown for each database are the average for the 30 trained models. The Mean Squared Error has been used as the fitness function [1].

Table 3 GPFIS-Regress main configuration

It should be noted that preliminary tests considered three, five and seven fuzzy sets. As the results did not show any relevant difference as far as accuracy was concerned, five strongly partitioned fuzzy sets (Fig. 3) have been used throughout the experiments, as stated in Table 3.

In addition to FS-MOGFS+TUN, three other SFGs were used for comparison:

  • GR-MF [13]: employs an evolutionary algorithm to define granularity and membership functions parameters of a Mamdani-type SIF. The Wang & Mendel method [35] is used for rule generation.

  • GA-WM [12]: a GA is used for synthesizing granularity and the support of triangular membership functions, as well as for defining the universe of discourse. The rule base is also obtained through Wang & Mendel’s algorithm.

  • GLD-WM [2]: similar to FS-MOGFS+TUN with respect to granularity and membership functions displacement. Wang & Mendel’s algorithm is used for rule generation. Final tuning of membership functions is not performed.

Statistical analysis have followed recommendations from [1, 14] and have been performed in the KEEL software [3], with a significance level of 0,1 (\(\alpha =0.10\)).

Table 4 Results for GPFIS-Regress and other GFSs in termos of EQM

4.2 Results and Discussion

Table 4 shows the results obtained with GPFIS-Regress and their counterpart GFSs for each database in terms of MSE, average number of rules and of antecedent elements per rule. Results for models other than GPFIS-Regress have been taken from [1]. In general GPFIS-Regress has provided better results in 58 % of cases, followed by FS-MOGFS+TUN with 23 %. GLD-WM has performed better for one single database; the remaining SFGs performed below those three. In high-dimensional problems, GPFIS-Regress as attained better results for three of the five databases.

Table 5 presents results for the Friedman test and Holm method for low-dimensional databases, given a significance level of 10 % [1]. As GPFIS-Regress presented the lowest rank (1.5417), it was chosen as the reference model. It can be observed that GPFIS-Regress achieved higher accuracy than GR-MF, GA-WM and GLD-WM have (p-value \(<\) 0.05). This has not been verified for GPFIS-Regress and FS-MOGFS+TUN (p-value \(>\) 0.10).

If GPFIS-Regress and FS-MOGFS+TUN are singled out for comparison, it can be observed that the former has achieved better results for 10 of the 17 databases, with two ties. The signal test has shown that the differences in results were not significant (\(S=10\), p-value \(=0.3018\)). This may be due to the ties and to the small number of databases considered. As for rule base complexity, it can be noted that GPFIS-Regress obtained the most compact one in 53 % of cases.

As far as interpretability and implementation are concerned, GPFIS-Regress has an advantage over FS-MOGFS+TUN in aspects such as: (i) makes no change to membership functions parameters; (ii) employs a MHG with a single objective, while FS-MOGFS+TUN does a multi-objective search.

Table 5 Results for Friedman test and Holm method

5 Conclusion

This work has presented a novel Genetic Fuzzy System for solving regression problems, called GPFIS-Regress, which makes use of Multi-Gene Genetic Programming and a novel way to formulate the Fuzzy Reasoning Method (Formulation-Splitting-Aggregation). GPFIS-Regress has been compared to four other Genetic Fuzzy Systems for 17 datasets of low and high dimensionality. Results have shown the potentialities of the proposed approach with respect to the state-of-art in the Genetic Fuzzy Systems area.

Further developments and experiments shall include: (i) evaluation of other t-norm, negation and linguistic hedges operators, as well as the use of t-conorms in rules premises; (ii) new premises splitting methods (through other similarity measures) and application of the Restricted Least Squares procedure with some adaptation to associate a more suitable consequent term to a given premise; (iii) evaluation of other aggregation operators, such as nonlinear ones (weighted geometric mean, etc.); this may provide better results mostly in terms of accuracy. A fine-tuning of membership functions and Genetic Programming set-up parameters shall also be considered.