
1 Introduction

Self-stabilization [1] ensures that a system’s desired behavior is eventually obtained and never voluntarily violated regardless of the system’s initial behavior. Self-stabilization was considered in distributed systems using the shared memory model, where a process is enabled to execute an action if a condition over the registers, visible to the process, is satisfied. Running an action changes the registers’ values, potentially enabling other processes to run actions.

The mutual exclusion problem was considered in self-stabilization, e.g. [2]. Mutual exclusion comprises: (1) a safety property that at most one process is granted a privilege in each state, and (2) a liveness property that each process is privileged infinitely often. The second property is usually referred as fairness.

Mutual exclusion does not necessarily require the process selection for granting the privilege to be deterministic. However, for some systems, it is useful if the process selection is based on local or global criteria, e.g. energy measurements or QoS indicators, towards increasing the performance of the systems. We denote such deterministic process selection as an educated selection.

The Propagation of Information with Feedback (PIF) [3] is a useful token-passing approach for educated selection, in which a process sends a wave of tokens, and receives a feedback. In this work, we apply a PIF approach for educated unique process selection by extending an earlier approach [4]. We present a self-stabilizing PIF algorithm for trees using the shared memory model. The algorithm performs reasonably fast educated unique process selection based on local or global criteria in (a)synchronous environments.

Outline. Section 2 gives the basic notation. Section 3 presents our self-stabilizing PIF algorithm. Section 4 draws a conclusion.

2 Notation

We consider a tree topology using the shared memory model. A tree \(T = (P,E)\) is a set of processes P and edges \(E \subseteq P \times P\). The parent of a process p is denoted by \({\theta _{p}}\), and the children of p are denoted by \({C_{p}}\). The root is denoted by \( root \), and the set of leaves (resp. inner processes) in P is denoted by \({{ Leaves}}\) (resp. \({ Inner }\)). The number of all processes is n. Each process has variables, constants, and a unique id in \(\{0,...,n{-1}\}\): A process p of id i is denoted by \(p_i\), and a variable v of \(p_i\) is referred by \(p_i.v\). A state \(\sigma \) is a valuation of the variables of some process p. A configuration is a vector \([\sigma _0,...,\sigma _{n-1}]\) of the states of all processes.

3 Algorithm

We present an algorithm, which is based on an extended scheme of the well-known mutual exclusion algorithm of Dijkstra [2]. Section 3.1 presents the algorithm for educated selection based on local states, and Sect. 3.2 extends the algorithm for educated selection based on global configurations

figure a
figure b

3.1 Educated Selection Based on Local States

Algorithm 1 shows the algorithm. Each process owns the following variables: (1) \({ up}\in \mathbb {B}\) and \(x \in \mathbb {B}\). We assert that \({ up}= \top \) for the root, and \({ up}= \bot \) for each leaf. (2) \(\ell \in \{0,...,n{-1}\}\): this variable stores a process’s id to direct particular tokens to selected processes. We say that a process p points to a process \(p_i\) when \(p.\ell = i\). (3) We abstract the local criteria of each process \(p_i\) by a variable \(m_i \in \mathbb {R}\), such that \(p_i\) is selected only if the value of \(p_i.m\) is the maximum among all other processes. We assume that the value of \(p_i.m\) is updated by \(p_i\) independent of the algorithm, and is returned by the function \( update_m ()\).

We define the function \( choose : 2^P \Rightarrow \{0,...,n{-1}\}\) as follows: given a subset \(P' \subseteq P\), the function returns the id of a process that has the maximum value of \(m\) among \(P'\). A process runs \( critSection() \), if it is privileged.

The stable behavior of Algorithm 1 is an infinite repetition of two PIF cycles, where in each cycle, the root propagates a token to all processes, and receives a feedback from all processes, yielding four types of tokens.

First PIF Cycle

\({ token}_1\downarrow \) : the root sends \({ token}_1\). When a process p receives \({ token}_1\), p updates \(m\), and forwards the token to its children (\(c_4\)), until \({ token}_1\) reaches the leaves. Each leaf \(l_i\) updates \(l_i.m\), and sends \({ token}_2\) to its parent (\(c_{10}\)).

\({ token}_2\uparrow \) : when a process p receives \({ token}_2\), p points to a process q, where \(q \in \{p\} \cup {C_{p}}\) and q has the maximum value of \(m\) among p and its children (\(c_5\)). Then, p copies \(q.m\), and switches the value of p.up(\(c_5\)). With this action, each process p eventually points to a path that leads to the process with the original maximum value of \(m\), after copying it. Eventually, \({ token}_2\) reaches the root, and the root starts the second PIF cycle (\(c_1\)).

Second PIF Cycle

\({{ token}_{3}}\downarrow \) : the root sends \({{ token}_{3}}\). If a process p receives \({{ token}_{3}}\), one of three possible cases exists:

  • Case (1) represented by commands \(c_6, c_{11}\): if \({\theta _{p}}\) points to p and p points to itself, then p has a privilege. p runs \( critSection() \) and forwards the token.

  • Case (2) represented by \(c_7\): if \({\theta _{p}}\) points to p and p points to one of its children q, this implies that the selected process exists in the subtree rooted by q. p passes \({{ token}_{3}}\), while keeping \(p.\ell = q.{ id }\).

  • Case (3) represented by \(c_8, c_{12}\): if \({\theta _{p}}\) is not pointing to p, or p is neither pointing to itself nor to one of its children, then there is no selected process in the maximal subtree rooted by p. p sets \(\ell \) to \(p.{ id }\), to prohibit any child from running \( critSection() \) after forwarding \({{ token}_{3}}\).

Note that, if \({{ token}_{3}}\) is directed to a subtree \(T'\), in which there is no selected process, then \(c_8\) is enabled in each process in \(T'\) in the current PIF cycle.

\({ token}_4\uparrow \) : Next, \({ token}_4\) is forwarded to the root (\(c_{9}\)). The root receives \({ token}_4\) which involves all its children. If the selected process is the root, then \(c_2\) is enabled, the root runs \( critSection() \), and sends \({ token}_1\) to its children. Otherwise (\(c_3\)), the root simply starts a new PIF cycle.

Regarding the time complexity: (1) The algorithm guarantees unique process selection in d rounds, where d is the tree depth. (2) The algorithm guarantees that after at most 3d rounds, each PIF cycle lasts 2d rounds, and within any two subsequent PIF cycles, exactly one process is privileged.

3.2 Educated Selection Based on Global Configurations

We extend Algorithm 1 for educated selection based on configurations. We show the extension in Algorithm 2. In Algorithm 1, the update value of \(m\), returned by \( update_m ()\), is based on the local state. In Algorithm 2, the value of \(m\) is updated according to the global configuration. This indicates that each process should know the configuration. We abstract the configuration by the vector \({{ snapShot}}\), owned by each process, and defined as follows: \( {{ snapShot}}= [k_0, ..., k_{n{-1}}], \) where \(k_i \in \mathbb {R}\), for \(0 \le i \le {n-1}\), is the relevant evaluation of the local state of \(p_i\). Now, each process p updates \(p.m\) according to the value of \(p.{{ snapShot}}\).

The extended commands from Algorithm 1 are \(c_2\)-\(c_4\), \(c_6\), \(c_{9}\)-\(c_{11}\). With the extension, the stable behavior is as follows: in the first PIF cycle, when a process receives \({ token}_1\), it copies the parent’s snapshot, and updates \(m\) according to the snapshot (\(c_{4'}, c_{10'}\)). With this action, a copy of the snapshot reaches each process. The remainder of the first PIF cycle continues normally. In the second PIF cycle, the selected process runs \( critSection() \), and modifies its snapshot based on the new value of k (\(c_{6'}, c_{11'}\)). Next, the parent of p copies the new snapshot, and forwards it to the root (\(c_{9'}\)). \(c_{2'}\) and \(c_{3'}\) concern extended root commands.

In the above behavior, it is assumed that the snapshot sent by the root matches the values of k of all processes. If there is an incorrect value of some k, the snapshot is said to be inconsistent. For inconsistent snapshots: we say that a snapshot \( snap \) is highlighted iff it contains at least one \( null \) value of some k. We also say that \( snap \) is empty if it contains only \( null \) values.

The snapshot inconsistency is corrected in the first PIF cycle: (1) When the root propagates \({ token}_1\) with an inconsistent \({{ snapShot}}\), there exists a process \(p_j\) such that \(p_j.k\) is not equal to \({{ snapShot}}.k_j\). Eventually, \(p_j\) receives \({ token}_1\). (2) When \(p_j\) copies the snapshot, \(p_j\) checks if there is an inconsistency, or if \({\theta _{p}}.{{ snapShot}}\) is empty. In both cases, \(p_j\) sets its snapshot empty. (3) Next, all processes in the maximal subtree rooted by \(p_j\) set their snapshots empty, analogous to step 2, since \({ token}_1\) reaches every process. (4) Now, starting from the leaves, for each process p that receives \({ token}_2\), if p recognizes a highlighted snapshot in one of its children or itself, then p creates a new snapshot by merging the snapshots of its children, and adding its value of k. Now, the snapshot of p contains correct values of all processes in the subtree rooted by p, and \( null \) values for the processes that are not in the subtree. (5) After the root receives a feedback token (\({ token}_2\)), it merges the new snapshots, yielding a correct one.

4 Conclusion

We presented a self-stabilizing PIF algorithm for educated unique process selection for trees using the shared memory model. The algorithm ensures that a process is selected to execute an action only if it is distinguished from other processes according to some criterion, and the criterion is based on the local state of the selected process. We denote the criterion as whether or not a particular number value of a process is maximal among all processes. We extended the algorithm for selecting processes based on a global configuration by propagating a snapshot of the local states of all processes.